Taylor Editions
The Taylor Editions collection showcases the work of members of the Medieval and Modern Languages Faculty and the wider digital scholarship community at the University of Oxford. The texts are the result of a practical training course in creating Digital Editions, which is led by library staff at the Taylor Institution Library, and is open to all members of the University. The images and texts in this resource have been created by the course participants themselves. Some images have been reused from other internal (such as Digital Bodleian) or external sources e.g. though the International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF). The images have been created in a variety of different ways, including mobile phone cameras, digital cameras and high quality scanners. All of the methods used are available to all readers of the library: this is a showcase of "DIY digitisation". The images are available to download for personal use under the Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International license, but should not be published or used for commercial purposes. The texts are encoded with the Text Encoding Initiative P5 standard. The full TEI schema is available to course participants, to allow complete flexibility for them to pursue their own research interests in what is usually their first experience of encoding texts. However, encoding guidelines are made available to guide participants, and most texts do not deviate far from these guidelines. The texts are available for reuse, according to the terms of Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. Participants are encouraged to create their own transcription guidelines, and an editorial statement detailing the decisions made is available for each text.
Recent Submissions
TextTaylor EditionsDate of publication:
1649Description:Created by encoding transcription from printed text: Cadet, Louys Requeste au Parlement sur l'Attentat commis en la personne du Roy. La Nuit des Roys. Paris: Alexandre Lesselin, 1649. This is a diplomatic transcription ...This item contains 10 files (69.75 MB).Publicly Available -
textTaylor EditionsDate of publication:
1586Description:This is a facsimile and transcription of Ercilla y Zúñiga, Alonso de, et al. Primera, y Segunda Parte De La Araucana. En Casa De Pedro Bellero, 1586. It is held by the Taylor Institution Library (shelf mark: 269.A.22 ...This item contains 24 files (33.71 MB).Publicly Available -
textTaylor EditionsDate of publication:
1520Description:This is a facsimile and transcription of Charles V, and Köbel, Jacob. Zu Kayserlicher Maiestat, Dem Allergrossmechtigsten FüRsten Vnnd Herren Der Gantzen Welt Carolo, Dem FüNfften Etc. Einem Haubt Und Beschirmer Der ...This item contains 21 files (324 MB).Publicly Available -
TextTaylor EditionsDate of publication:
1524Description:This is a facsimile and transcription of Das Elltern die Kinder zur Ehe nicht zwingen noch hyndern: Vnd die kinder on der elltern willen sich nicht verloben sollen. Luther, Martin, 1483-1546. [Wittenberg] : [Cranach u. ...This item contains 14 files (8.58 MB).Publicly Available -
TextTaylor EditionsDate of publication:
1519Description:This is a facsimile and transcription of Eyn Sermon von dem Elichen standt vorendert und corrigirt durch D. Martinus Luther Augustiner zu Wittenburgk. Luther, Martin, 1483-1546. [Wittenberg] : [Johann Rhau-Grunenberg], ...This item contains 10 files (21.57 MB).Publicly Available -