Digital resources for University of Oxford Users

LITERARY resources available online in Oxford

Below is a list of some of the literary resources for which groups within Oxford have licences, and to which students and staff have access.

  • Text Creation Partnership: the EEBO, ECCO and Evans collections contain 60000+ texts (not all literary) produced by the Text Creation Partnership, from the OTA Text Archive collection. All of these resources are now available without authentication.

LINGUISTIC resources available online in Oxford

Below is a list of some of the linguistic resources for which groups within Oxford have licences, and to which students and staff have access.

  • British National Corpus:
  • IVIE Corpus of English dialects
  • Oxford English Corpus, access available on demand to Oxford researchers - please apply via the website
  • Sketch Engine - institutional access funded by ELEXIS started 1 April 2018. Log in here with your University of Oxford single sign-on credentials.
  • Literary and linguistic electronic resources on SOLO. For further information contact Johanneke Sytsema

The University of Oxford has licences for 1997, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2013 and 2015 for the Linguistic Data Consortium. Take a look at their catalogue, and if there is something there that you are interested in, and you don't see it in the list below, please get in touch with Martin Wynne. Thanks to OUP who paid for the 2009 licence in full for the University, Department of Computer Science who paid for the 2010 and 2015 licences, and the Phonetics Laboratory for 1997 and 2013. The following resources have been downloaded from the LDC and are now available online from IT Services for Oxford users. Consult the LDC catalogue for the full list of what is available, and get in touch via Please note that you are bound by the terms and conditions of the user agreements associated with each of these resources, which can be found on the LDC website.

Please visit the LDC website for more information about these resources, and to consult the relevant licence agreements. Note that these resources are for use by members of the University of Oxford, and you are not permitted to redistribute them.

If the files are too big for you to download over the web, get in touch.

The following have also been downloaded by the Phonetics Laboratory and might be available by arrangement.

  • LDC94S13B CSR-II (WSJ1) Sennheiser
  • LDC96L17 CALLHOME Japanese Lexicon
  • LDC96T18 CALLHOME Japanese Transcripts
  • LDC94S13A CSR-II (WSJ1) Complete

Resources available via CLARIN

The UK is a member of the CLARIN European Research Infrastructure Consortium, which offers easy access to language data and tools for research in the humanities and social sciences. The latest up to date information on activities and resources can be found at CLARIN website. The University of Oxford is home to the co-ordination of the CLARIN-UK Consortium.

Certain resources have restricted access but are now accessible to authenticated users from Oxford - see the following page:

  • CLARIN protected resources including resources in Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, German, Norwegian, and online interfaces to a number of other languages via the Corpuscle archive at the University of Bergen, including Abkhazian, Bulgarian, Older Scots, Persian, Slovenian, among others. In most cases, you need to log in to these sites by following the link to 'Log in via your institution' or 'EduGAIN', or simply 'Log in', and you will be redirected to WebAuth.
  • Virtual Language Observatory is the gateway to a larger number of resources. The VLO is a resource discovery service aggregating records for resources held in most of the major archives world-wide.
  • CLARIN Resource Showcases is an on-line collection of training materials, case studies and expert contacts from the entire CLARIN network, aimed at researchers and students at all stages who are working in the fields of Digital Humanities and Social Sciences and are interested in analyzing language data and using text processing tools that are available in the CLARIN infrastructure
  • CLARIN-UK also makes available to users in Oxford a number of important resources, provided by the members of the CLARIN-UK Consortium.
  • Oral History & Technology: a new website which will feature tools for processing audio data, including speech synthesis and alignment.

Other corpus resources at the University of Oxford

There are further corpora, copies of which may be available in Oxford, but under a variety of different licensing and access arrangements (often on optical disk). Please get in touch to add to the list. For these resources, contact Martin Wynne unless otherwise stated.

  • BNC XML version, BNC Baby (sampler on one CD)
  • Corpus of Spoken Dutch
  • Corpus of Spoken Japanese
  • IPI-PAN corpus of Polish
  • COLT Corpus of London Teenagers' Speech
  • Gesprochenes Jiddisch Textzeugen einer Europäisch-jüdischen Kultur
  • ICAME corpus collection
  • East meets West: a compendium of multilingual resources (the TELRI CD, parallel aligned corpora in many European languages)

Further sources for help and advice:

  • An informal interest group in corpus linguistics communicates via a mailing list here
  • SketchEngine, available through your Oxford single sign-on.
  • CQPweb at Lancaster University, with many corpora, mostly, but not all, English language (register with your Oxford email address to get maximum access rights)
  • Mark Davies' online corpora at Brigham Young University; also accessible via Databases A-Z thanks to a subscription from the Bodleian Libraries Electronic Resources Team on behalf of the University: BYU Corpora via Databases A-Z (link last checked 17th December 2019)
  • Antconc: free desktop software applications for text and corpus analysis (Mac, Linux and Windows versions)
  • Wordsmith Tools: desktop software application for text and corpus analysis (version 4 now free, Windows only)