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Alphabets (7)
Alphabets (Primers) (3)
Alphabets (Primers) -- 1764 (1)
Alphabets (Primers) -- 1778 (1)
Alphabets (Primers) -- 1787 (1)
Alphabets -- Japan (1)
Alphabets -- Japan -- 20th century (1)
Alresford, Battle of, 1644 (1)
Alsop, James (1)
Alsop, James -- Trials, litigation, etc. (1)
Alsop, Stephen, d. 1699 (1)
Alsop, Vincent, 1629 or 30-1703 (2)
Alsop, Vincent, 1629 or 30-1703. (3)
Alsop, Vincent, 1629 or 30-1703. -- Melius inquirendum (1)
Alsop, Vincent, 1629 or 30-1703. -- Mischief of impositions (1)
Alsop, William, of West Ham (1)
Alsop, William, of West Ham -- Trials, litigation, etc. (1)
Alston, Elizabeth, Lady, d. 1677 (1)
Alston, Mary, d. 1671 (1)
Altars (12)
Altars -- England (1)
Alternative medicine (1)
Alternative publications (2)
Altham, Edward, d. 1688 (1)
Alum (1)
Alum industry (6)
Alum industry -- England (2)
Alum industry -- Great Britain (3)
Alum industry -- Great Britain -- Law and legislation (1)
Alum industry -- Law and legislation (1)
Alum industry -- Law and legislation -- England (1)
Amadís de Gaula (Spanish romance) (1)
Amazon River (1)
Amazon River -- Description and travel (1)
Amazon Valley (1)
Ambassadors (8)
Ambassadors -- Great Britain (1)
Ambassadors -- Portugal (1)
Ambassadors -- Turkey (1)
Ambon (Indonesia) (4)
Ambon (Indonesia) -- History (4)
Ambon (Indonesia) -- History -- Massacre, 1624 (4)
Ambon Island (Indonesia) (5)
Ambon Island (Indonesia) -- History (5)
America (49)
America -- Commerce (1)
America -- Commerce -- Great Britain (1)
America -- Description and travel (8)
America -- Discovery and exploration (31)
America -- Discovery and exploration -- British (1)
America -- Discovery and exploration -- English (4)
America -- Discovery and exploration -- French (1)
America -- Discovery and exploration -- Maps (1)
America -- Discovery and exploration -- Portuguese (1)
America -- Discovery and exploration -- Pre-Columbian (4)
America -- Discovery and exploration -- Songs and music (1)
America -- Discovery and exploration -- Spanish (3)
America -- Discovery and exploration, Spanish (1)
America -- Early accounts to 1600 (6)
America -- History (5)