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Barclay, William, 1546 or 7-1608. (1)
Barclay, William, 1546 or 7-1608. De potestate Papæ. English. (1)
Barclay, William, 1570?-1630? (4)
Bard, Samuel, 1742-1821. (2)
Bard, W. (1)
Bardwood, James. (1)
Barecroft, Charles. (1)
Baret, Michael. (1)
Barford, John. (2)
Bargrave, Isaac, 1586-1643. (4)
Bargrave, John, Esquire. (1)
Barker & Henry. (1)
Barker, Andrew, fl. 1609. (1)
Barker, Andrew, fl. 1609. True and certaine report of the beginning, proceedings, overthrowes, and now present estate of Captaine Ward and Danseker, the two late famous pirates. (1)
Barker, Christopher, 1529-1599. (1)
Barker, Christopher, fl. 1640-1680. (1)
Barker, Edmund, b. 1620 or 21. (2)
Barker, Elizabeth, b. 1640. (1)
Barker, George, B.D. (1)
Barker, James, fl. 1639. (1)
Barker, James, Minister of Redbourn. (1)
Barker, Jane. (1)
Barker, John, 17th cent. (2)
Barker, John, b. 1730. (1)
Barker, John, ballad writer. (4)
Barker, John, writer on fortification. (1)
Barker, Joseph, 1751-1815. (1)
Barker, Lawrence, d. 1603. (1)
Barker, Matthew, 1619-1698. (7)
Barker, Peter, preacher of Gods word. (2)
Barker, Ralph, 1648-1708, (1)
Barker, Ralph, 1648-1708, publisher. (1)
Barker, Ralph, 1648-1708. (8)
Barker, Richard, Sir. (3)
Barker, Robert, d. 1645, printer. (1)
Barker, Thomas, b. 1664 or 5. (2)
Barker, Thomas, fl. 1620, attributed name. (1)
Barker, Thomas, fl. 1651. (2)
Barker, William, fl. 1572. (2)
Barkham, John, 1572?-1642. (1)
Barksdale, Clement, 1609-1687, translator. (1)
Barksdale, Clement, 1609-1687. (32)
Barksdale, Clement, 1609-1687. A short view of Suffolk and Glocester-shire. (1)
Barkstead, John, d. 1662. (6)
Barksted, William, fl. 1611, attributed name. (1)
Barksted, William, fl. 1611. (2)
Barksted, William, fl. 1611. aut (1)
Barlee, William. (2)
Barleti, Marin, ca. 1460-1512 or 13. (1)
Barleti, Marin, ca. 1460-1512 or 13. Historia de vita et gestis Scanderbegi Epirotarvm principis. (1)
Barley, William, d. 1614. (2)
Barlow, Francis, 1626?-1702, artist. (1)
Barlow, Francis, 1626?-1702. (4)
Barlow, James, 17th cent, attributed name. (1)
Barlow, James, 17th cent. (1)
Barlow, Jerome, fl. 1527. (2)
Barlow, Joel, 1754-1812, dedicatee. (1)
Barlow, Joel, 1754-1812, ed. (1)
Barlow, Joel, 1754-1812, tr. (2)
Barlow, Joel, 1754-1812. (20)
Barlow, Joel, 1754-1812. Conspiracy of kings. (1)
Barlow, John, b. 1580 or 81. (7)
Barlow, Thomas, 1607-1691. (19)
Barlow, Thomas, 1607-1691. Appeal to the Baptists against Henry D'Anvers, Esq. (1)
Barlow, Thomas, 1607-1691. Tract annexed to prove. (1)
Barlow, William, d. 1568. (2)
Barlow, William, d. 1613. (11)
Barlow, William, d. 1625. (3)
Barlow, William, d. 1625. Breife discovery of the idle animadversions of Marke Ridley. aut (1)
Barlow, William, fl. 1527. (2)
Barlow, William, of Amsterdam. (1)
Barlowe, Jerome, fl. 1527 attributed name. (1)
Barnabas, Apostle, Saint. (1)
Barnadiston, G. (Giles), d. 1680. (1)
Barnard, Edward, 1720-1774. (1)
Barnard, John Augustine, b. 1660 or 61. (1)
Barnard, John, 1681-1770. (18)
Barnard, John, 1690-1757. (2)
Barnard, John, d. 1683. (2)
Barnard, Peter, 1681-1770. (1)