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A Corpus of English Dialogues 1560-1760 (CED)

dc.contributor Kytö, Merja Department of English, Uppsala University Uppsala Kytö, Merja Culpeper, Jonathan 2018-07-27 2022-08-19T15:55:27Z 2022-08-19T15:55:27Z 1560-1760 2006-05
dc.identifier ota:2507
dc.description.abstract The Corpus of English Dialogues comprises dialogues from 1560 to 1760. Dialogues are of prime interest to the study of the development of English because interactive face-to-face communication has been found to play an important role in language change. To give a picture of spoken interaction of the past, as mediated through written records, the CED contains 1.2 million million words drawn from both texts which include constructed dialogue and those which purportedly record language from authentic speech situations; of the 1.2 million words, some 870,000 words comprise direct speech. There are five text-types in the CED. The text-types representative of constructed dialogue are drama comedy, didactic works (language manuals and other handbooks) and fiction; the text-types representative of authentic dialogue are trial proceedings and witness depositions. In addition, a small group of miscellaneous dialogic texts is included in the collection. The corpus texts have been coded to indicate e.g. foreign language, narration, compilers' comments, editorial comments and emendations, and font changes. Each corpus text is introduced by a number of parameters giving information on the period in question, text-type, name of the text, name of the author (when applicable), and contemporaneity of the source text and the printed version used. The CED comprises 177 text files and is distributed in plain text files in two versions: with no annotations and with XML markup. A guide (a .pdf file) to the corpus accompanies the corpus files and is also available in hard copy.
dc.description.sponsorship Swedish Research Council / Vetenskapsrådet
dc.description.sponsorship Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC)
dc.description.sponsorship British Academy
dc.description.sponsorship Department of English, Uppsala University
dc.format.extent CollectionText 5 files : ca. 7.4 MB
dc.format.medium Digital bitstream
dc.language English
dc.language.iso eng
dc.publisher University of Oxford
dc.relation.ispartof Oxford Text Archive Core Collection
dc.rights Available for non-commercial use on condition that this header is included in its entirety with any copy distributed. Registration or request via our order form is required.
dc.rights.label ACA
dc.subject.lcsh Linguistics
dc.subject.lcsh English language--Early modern, 1500-1700
dc.subject.lcsh Dialogue
dc.subject.other Linguistic corpora
dc.title A Corpus of English Dialogues 1560-1760 (CED)
dc.type Corpus
has.files yes
branding Oxford Text Archive
branding Oxford Text Archive
files.size 7792516
files.count 4 1500-1599

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1.08 KB
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A Corpus of English Dialogues 1560-1760 (CED)


1.   177 plain text files (file names: D*) (packaged in

2.   177 XML files (file names: D*.XML; packaged in, accompanied by the DTD for the files (dialogueDoc.dtd), the pre-set stylesheet (dialogWebRender.xsl) for viewing files in a web browser, and an alternate stylesheet (dialogOrigRender.xsl) reproducing the original layout; the supplied program setstylesheet.exe can be used to adjust what stylesheet a file uses (Windows only, to be run from the command line).

GUIDE TO THE CORPUS (file name: CEDGuide.pdf) 

           The Guide gives information on

           the text-types, the texts selected, and word counts, 
           the criteria for text selection, 
           the encoding principles applied, 
           the availability of the corpus, 
           the format for reference made to the corpus,
           full bibliographical references to source texts. . . .

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