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<dTitle type=main>Volpone</dTitle>
<dAuthor>Ben Jonson</dAuthor></byLine>
<dImprint>Prepared from 1607 Quarto (STC 14783) by Hugh Craig,  D of English, U of Newcastle.  OTA  A-1433-A</dImprint>
<div1 type='act' n=A1>
<div2 type='scene' n=S1.1>
<l>Good morning to the Day; and, next, my Gold: 
<l>Open the shrine, that I may see my Saint. 
<l>Hayle the worlds soule, and mine.  More glad then is 
<l>The teeming earth, to see the longd-for Sunne 
<l>Peepe through the hornes of the C&aelig;lestiall Ram, 
<l>Am I, to view thy splendor, darkening his: 
<l>That lying here, amongst my other hoordes, 
<l>Shew'st like a flame, by night; or like the Day 
<l>Strooke out of Chaos, when all darkenes fled 
<l>Unto the center.  O thou Son of Sol, 
<l>(But brighter then thy father) let me kisse, 
<l>With adoration, thee, and euery relique 
<l>Of sacred treasure, in this blessed roome. 
<l>Well did wise Poets, by thy glorious n . . .