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<Text id=JohLoVa>
<Author>Johnson, Samuel</Author>
<Title>London and the Vanity of Human Wishes</Title>
<Edition>Yorkshire, England: The Scolar Press, 1970</Edition>
<loc><locdoc>JohLoVa101</locdoc><milestone n=101>
<l>In Imitation of the</l>
<l>Third Satire of Juvenal.</l>
<l>By Mr. Samuel Johnson.</l>
<l><i>-- --quis ineptae</l>
<l>Tam patiens urbis, tam ferreus ut teneat se?</l>
<l n=1>  Juv.</i></l>
<l>Tho' grief and fondness in my breast rebel,</l>
<l>When injur'd THALES bids the town farewell,</l>
<l>Yet still my calmer thoughts his choice commend,</l>
<l>I praise the hermit, but regret the friend,</l>
<l>Who now resolves, from vice and LONDN far,</l>
<l>To breathe in distant fields a purer air,</l>
<l>And, fix'd on Cambria's solitary shore,</l>
<l>Give to St. David one true Briton more.</l>
</loc><loc><locdoc>JohLoVa102</locdoc><milestone n=102>
<l>For who would leave, unbrib'd,Hibernia's land,</l>
<l>Or change . . .