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<Text id=HawBliR>
<Author>Hawthorne, Nathaniel</Author>
<Title>The Blithedale Romance</Title>
<Edition>Novels.  Library of America.  New York: Literary Classics of the U.S., 1983</Edition>
<loc><locdoc>HawBliR633</locdoc><milestone n=633> 
<div0 type=chapter n=Preface> 
<p>In the `Blithedale' of this volume, many readers 
will probably suspect a faint and not very faithful 
shadowing of BROOK FARM, in Roxbury, which (now a little 
more than ten years ago) was occupied and cultivated by a 
company of socialists.  The Author does not wish to deny, 
that he had this Community in his mind, and that (having had 
the good fortune, for a time, to be personally connected 
with it) he has occasionally availed himself of his actual 
reminiscences, in the hope of giving a more lifelike tint to 
the fancy-sketch in the following pages.  He begs it to be 
understood, however, that he has considered the Institution 
itself as not less fairly t . . .