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Syriac New Testament

dc.contributor Harder, Raymond G. Bible 2018-07-27 2022-08-19T14:44:20Z 2022-08-19T14:44:20Z 100-199 1991-12-13
dc.identifier ota:1489
dc.description.abstract Resource deposited with the Oxford Text Archive.
dc.format.extent Text data 3.8 MB
dc.format.medium Digital bitstream
dc.language Syriac
dc.language.iso syc
dc.publisher University of Oxford
dc.relation.ispartof Oxford Text Archive Core Collection
dc.rights Distributed by the University of Oxford under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
dc.rights.label PUB
dc.subject.lcsh Bible
dc.title Syriac New Testament
dc.type Text
has.files yes
branding Oxford Text Archive
branding Oxford Text Archive
files.size 3842653
files.count 12 0-1499

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Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)

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54   3  16   9OAZDDX           1

 54   3  16  10BROK             1

 54   3  16  11OATKZ;           1

 54   3  16  12LMLACA         * 1

 54   3  16  13OATCRZ           1

 54   3  16  14B;T              3

 54   3  16  15EMMA           * 1

 54   3  16  16OATH;MN          1

 54   3  16  17BELMA            1

 54   3  16  18OASTLX           1

 54   3  16  19BWOBKA           1

 54   4   1   1ROKA             1

 54   4   1   2D;N              2

 54   4   1   3IW;XA;T          1

 54   4   1   4AMRA             1

 54   4   1   5DBZBNA         * 1

 54   4   1   6AKR;A          * 1

 54   4   1   7NIRXON           1

 54   4   1   8ANW              1

 54   4   1   9ANW              1

 54   4   1  10MN               1

 54   4   1  11H;MNOTA          1

 54   4   1  12ONAZLON          1

 54   4   1  13BTR              1

 54   4   1  14ROKA           * 1

 54   4   1  15YE;TA          * 1

 54   4   1  16OBTR             1

 54   4   1  17;OLINA         * 1

 54   4   1  18DWADA . . .
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60   5   5   1OANTON           1

 60   5   5   2EL;MA          * 1

 60   5   5   3AWTEBDO          1

 60   5   5   4LXW;W;CON      * 1

 60   5   5   5OATEYIO          1

 60   5   5   6K;/A;T           1

 60   5   5   7MC;COT           1

 60   5   5   8RE;NA            1

 60   5   5   9LOT              1

 60   5   5  10KDDA           * 1

 60   5   5  11MYL              1

 60   5   5  12DALHA            1

 60   5   5  13SXOBLA           1

 60   5   5  14HO               1

 60   5   5  15DA;L;N           1

 60   5   5  16DMTTR;M;N        1

 60   5   5  17OLMC;CA        * 1

 60   5   5  18;HB              2

 60   5   5  19Y;BOTA           1

 60   5   6   1ATMCCO           1

 60   5   6   2HC;L             1

 60   5   6   3TK;T             1

 60   5   6   4A;DH             1

 60   5   6   5TX;ITA           1

 60   5   6   6DALHA            1

 60   5   6   7DH;              1

 60   5   6   8TR;MCON          1

 60   5   6   9BZBNA            1

 60   5   6  10DZDX . . .
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40   1   1   1CTBA             1

 40   1   1   2D;L;DOTH         1

 40   1   1   3D;WOE            1

 40   1   1   4MW;KA            1

 40   1   1   5BRH              1

 40   1   1   6DDO;D            1

 40   1   1   7BRH              1

 40   1   1   8DABRHM           1

 40   1   2   1ABRHM            1

 40   1   2   2AOLD             1

 40   1   2   3LA;SKX           1

 40   1   2   4A;SKX            1

 40   1   2   5AOLD             1

 40   1   2   6L;EXOB           1

 40   1   2   7;EXOB            1

 40   1   2   8AOLD             1

 40   1   2   9L;HODA           2

 40   1   2  10OLAKOH;        * 1

 40   1   3   1;HODA            7

 40   1   3   2AOLD             1

 40   1   3   3LIR/             1

 40   1   3   4OLZRK            1

 40   1   3   5MN               1

 40   1   3   6TMR              1

 40   1   3   7IR/              1

 40   1   3   8AOLD             1

 40   1   3   9LK/RON           1

 40   1   3  10K/RON            1

 40   1   3  11AOLD . . .
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40  22  22   2WMEO             1

 40  22  22   3ATDMRO           1

 40  22  22   4OWBXOH;          1

 40  22  22   5OAZLO            1

 40  22  23   1BHO              1

 40  22  23   2;OMA             1

 40  22  23   3XRBO             1

 40  22  23   4ZDOX;A         * 1

 40  22  23   5OAMR;N           1

 40  22  23   6LH               1

 40  22  23   7L;T              1

 40  22  23   8K;T              1

 40  22  23   9M;TA           * 1

 40  22  23  10OWALOH;          1

 40  22  24   1OAMR;N           1

 40  22  24   2LH               1

 40  22  24   3MLINA            1

 40  22  24   4MOWA             1

 40  22  24   5AMR              2

 40  22  24   6LN               1

 40  22  24   7DAN              1

 40  22  24   8ANW              1

 40  22  24   9NMOT             1

 40  22  24  10CD               1

 40  22  24  11L;T              1

 40  22  24  12LH               1

 40  22  24  13BN;A           * 2

 40  22  24  14NSB              3

 40  22  24  15AKOH; . . .
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41  12   4   2TOB              1

 41  12   4   3LOTHON           1

 41  12   4   4EBDA             1

 41  12   4   5AKRNA            1

 41  12   4   6OAI              1

 41  12   4   7LHO              1

 41  12   4   8RGMOH;           1

 41  12   4   9O/LIOH;          1

 41  12   4  10OWDROH;          1

 41  12   4  11B/ERA            1

 41  12   5   1OWDR             1

 41  12   5   2TOB              1

 41  12   5   3AKRNA            1

 41  12   5   4AI               1

 41  12   5   5LHO              1

 41  12   5   6XYLOH;           1

 41  12   5   7OLSG;AA        * 1

 41  12   5   8EBDA           * 2

 41  12   5   9AKRNA          * 1

 41  12   5  10WDR              1

 41  12   5  11OMNHON           1

 41  12   5  12MKO              1

 41  12   5  13MNHON            1

 41  12   5  14D;N              2

 41  12   5  15XYLO             1

 41  12   6   1KRTA             1

 41  12   6   2D;N              2

 41  12   6   3KD               1

 41  12   6   4BRA . . .
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42  11  20   7D;OA           * 1

 42  11  20   8XRBT             1

 42  11  20   9LH               2

 42  11  20  10EL;CON           1

 42  11  20  11MLCOTH           1

 42  11  20  12DALHA            1

 42  11  21   1AMT;             1

 42  11  21   2DKS;NA           1

 42  11  21   3CD               1

 42  11  21   4MZ;N             1

 42  11  21   5NYR              1

 42  11  21   6DRTH             1

 42  11  21   7BW;NA            1

 42  11  21   8HO               1

 42  11  21   9XN;NH            1

 42  11  22   1AN               1

 42  11  22   2D;N              2

 42  11  22   3NATA             1

 42  11  22   4MN               2

 42  11  22   5DKS;N            1

 42  11  22   6MNH              1

 42  11  22   7NZC;OH;          1

 42  11  22   8CLH              1

 42  11  22   9Z;NH             1

 42  11  22  10WXL              1

 42  11  22  11HO               2

 42  11  22  12DTC;L            1

 42  11  22  13HOA              1

 42  11  22  14ELOH; . . .
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43   4  34   2LHON             1

 43   4  34   3;WOE             1

 43   4  34   4MACOLT;          1

 43   4  34   5D;L;             1

 43   4  34   6A;T;H            1

 43   4  34   7DAEBD            1

 43   4  34   8/B;NH            1

 43   4  34   9DMN              2

 43   4  34  10DWDRN;           1

 43   4  34  11OAWLM;OH;        1

 43   4  34  12LEBDH            2

 43   4  35   1LA               1

 43   4  35   2ANTON            1

 43   4  35   3AMR;N            1

 43   4  35   4DBTR             1

 43   4  35   5ARBEA            1

 43   4  35   6;RK;N          * 1

 43   4  35   7ATA              3

 43   4  35   8K/DA             1

 43   4  35   9HA               1

 43   4  35  10AMR              1

 43   4  35  11ANA              1

 43   4  35  12LCON             1

 43   4  35  13DAR;MO           1

 43   4  35  14E;N;CON        * 1

 43   4  35  15OKZO             2

 43   4  35  16ARETA          * 1

 43   4  35  17DKOR             1

 43   4  35  18OMY; . . .
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43  20  30  10DLA              1

 43  20  30  11CT;BN          * 1

 43  20  30  12BCTBA            1

 43  20  30  13HNA              1

 43  20  31   1AI               1

 43  20  31   2HL;N             1

 43  20  31   3D;N              2

 43  20  31   4DCT;BN         * 1

 43  20  31   5DTH;MNON         1

 43  20  31   6D;WOE            1

 43  20  31   7HO               1

 43  20  31   8MW;KA            1

 43  20  31   9BRH              1

 43  20  31  10DALHA            1

 43  20  31  11OMA              1

 43  20  31  12DH;MNTON         1

 43  20  31  13NHOON            1

 43  20  31  14LCON             1

 43  20  31  15BWMH             1

 43  20  31  16K;A            * 1

 43  20  31  17DLELM            1

 43  21   1   1BTR              1

 43  21   1   2HL;N             1

 43  21   1   3KO;              1

 43  21   1   4TOB              1

 43  21   1   5NIWH             1

 43  21   1   6;WOE             1

 43  21   1   7LTLM;DOH;      * 1

 43  21   1   8EL . . .
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44  18   3   1OMYL             1

 44  18   3   2DBR              1

 44  18   3   3AOMNOTHON        1

 44  18   3   4HOA              1

 44  18   3   5WRA              2

 44  18   3   6LH               1

 44  18   3   7LOTHON           1

 44  18   3   8OILK             1

 44  18   3   9HOA              1

 44  18   3  10EMHON            1

 44  18   3  11BAOMNOTHON       1

 44  18   3  12D;N              2

 44  18   3  13LOLRA          * 1

 44  18   3  14HOO              1

 44  18   4   1OMMLL            1

 44  18   4   2HOA              1

 44  18   4   3BCNOWTA          1

 44  18   4   4BCL              1

 44  18   4   5WBA              1

 44  18   4   6OMI;S            1

 44  18   4   7HOA              1

 44  18   4   8L;HOD;A        * 1

 44  18   4   9OLKNIA         * 1

 44  18   5   1OCD              1

 44  18   5   2ATO              1

 44  18   5   3HOO              1

 44  18   5   4MN               1

 44  18   5   5MXDON;A          1

 44  18   5   6W;LA . . .
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45  11  28   1BAONGL;ON        1

 45  11  28   2D;N              2

 45  11  28   3BELDBBA        * 1

 45  11  28   4ANON             1

 45  11  28   5MYLTCON          1

 45  11  28   6OBGB;OTA         1

 45  11  28   7KB;B;N           1

 45  11  28   8ANON             1

 45  11  28   9MYL              1

 45  11  28  10ABHTA          * 1

 45  11  29   1LA               1

 45  11  29   2G;R              1

 45  11  29   3HIC              2

 45  11  29   4ALHA             1

 45  11  29   5BMOHBTH          1

 45  11  29   6OBXR;NH          1

 45  11  30   1A;CNA            1

 45  11  30   2G;R              1

 45  11  30   3DAI              1

 45  11  30   4ANTON            1

 45  11  30   5LA               1

 45  11  30   6MTYI;S;N         1

 45  11  30   7HO;TON           1

 45  11  30   8LALHA            1

 45  11  30   9MN               1

 45  11  30  10XD;M             1

 45  11  30  11OHWA             1

 45  11  30  12ATKNNTON         1

 45  11  30  13MYL . . .
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47   9   8   7Y;BO             1

 47   9   8   8DN;TR            1

 47   9   8   9BCON             1

 47   9   8  10DBCLZBN          1

 47   9   8  11BCLMDM           1

 47   9   8  12HO               2

 47   9   8  13MA               1

 47   9   8  14DSIX             1

 47   9   8  15LCON             1

 47   9   8  16NHOA             1

 47   9   8  17LCON             1

 47   9   8  18OTT;TRON         1

 47   9   8  19BCL              1

 47   9   8  20EBD              5

 47   9   8  21YB               1

 47   9   9   1A;C              1

 47   9   9   2DCT;B            1

 47   9   9   3DBDR             1

 47   9   9   4O;HB             1

 47   9   9   5LMSCNA         * 1

 47   9   9   6OZD;XOTH         1

 47   9   9   7X;MA             1

 47   9   9   8LELM             1

 47   9  10   1HO               2

 47   9  10   2D;N              2

 47   9  10   3D;HB             2

 47   9  10   4ZREA             1

 47   9  10   5LZROEA           1

 47   9  10   6OLKMA . . .
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The files consist of the entire text of the NT.  The
original text was entered into a mini-computer here in the states
about a decade ago by a somewhat "offbeat" Christian sect known
as "The Way international" headquartered in New Knoxville, Ohio, 
There christology was very similar to certain sects of the ancient
eastern (Syriac) church.  SO, to make a long story short, they decided
that the Syriac translation wasn't a translation at all, but the
original NT! Therefore, they began a large scale computer-based
project relating to the Syriac NT.  Origianlly, there level of
sophistication was (obviously) very low,  However, since the only
place to study Syriac was the major universities, several of the 
project leaders began studying with Arthur Voobus at U Chicago
and the S Segert at UCLA.  Most of them eventually distanced themselves
from the sect as their personal levels of knowledge elevated.
This caused a tremendous "brain-drain" on the project and eventually 
it began to die out. . . .

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