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<1A FOLIE IT MAIE BE>1 thought in me to haue spent tyme in
englisshyng of this boke, entitled <2the praise of Folie,>2 wheras the
name it selfe semeth to set foorth no wisedome, or matter of
grauitee: vnlesse perhappes <1Erasmus>1, the autour therof, de-
lited to mocke men, in callyng it one thyng, and meanyng an
other. To this I answeare, that Folie in all poinctes is not (as
I take it) so strange vnto vs, but that hir name maie well be
abidden, aslong as will we or nill we, she will be sure to beare
a stroke in most of our dooynges: how so euer a certaine secte
of faulte finders condemne all thinges, that fully square not with
theyr owne rules, yea twyse blinde in this, that amonges the
cornmen errours and infyrmitees of mortall men, they will beare
nothyng with their bretherne, as who saieth, they were demi-
goddes, and not more than one or two waies lynked in Folies
   I haue therfore bestowed an englisshe liuerey vpon this latine
boke, as well as I coulde: . . .