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<t a1.1>
Us is riht micel # =$t we rodera weard,
wereda wuldorcining, # wordum herigen,
modum lufien. # He is m$gna sped,
heafod ealra # heahgesceafta,
frea $lmihtig. # N$s him fruma $fre,
or geworden, # ne nu ende cym*
ecean drihtnes, # ac he bi=a rice
ofer heofenstolas. # Heagum *rymmum
so=f$st and swi=feorm% # sweglbosmas heold,
*a w$ron gesette # wide and side
*urh geweald godes # wuldres bearnum,
gasta weardum. # H$fdon gleam and dream,
and heora ordfruman, # engla *reatas,
beorhte blisse. # W$s heora bl$d micel.
*egnas *rymf$ste # *eoden heredon,
s$gdon lustum lof, # heora liffrean
demdon, drihtenes # duge*um w$ron
swi=e ges$lige.  Synna ne cu*on,
firena fremman, # ac hie on fri=e lifdon,
ece mid heora aldor. # Elles ne ongunnon
r$ran on roderum # nym*e riht and so*,
$r=on engla weard # for oferhygde
dw$l% on gedwilde. # Noldan dreogan leng
heora selfra r$d, # ac hie of siblufan
godes ahwurfon. # H$fdon gielp micel
*$t hie wi= drihtne # d$lan meahton
wuldorf$stan wic # werodes *r . . .