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<T Small is Beautiful>
<S I>
<C i>
<P 10>
I. The Problem of Production
One of the most fateful errors of our age is the belief that
' the problem of production'  has been solved. Not only is
this belief firmly held by people remote from production
and therefore professionally unacquainted with the facts --
it is held by virtually all the experts, the captains of indus+
try, the economic managers in the governments of the
world, the academic and not-so-academic economists, not
to mention the economic journalists. They may disagree on
many things but they all agree that the problem of produc+
tion has been solved; that mankind has at last come of age.
For the rich countries, they say, the most important task
now is ' education for leisure'  and, for the poor countries,
the ' transfer of technology' .
That things are not going as well as they ought to be
going must be due to human wickedness. We must there+
fore construct a political system so perfect that human
wic . . .