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Möđruvallabók / compiled by Andrea van Arkel-de Leeuw van Weenen

dc.contributor Van Weenen, Andrea de Leeuw D Comparative Linguistics Leiden U 2018-07-27 2022-08-21T16:10:25Z 2022-08-21T16:10:25Z 1330-1399 1976-01-01
dc.identifier ota:0298
dc.description.abstract In Old Norse Title from title page of source text Publication based on this text: Automatic expansion of abbreviations : an experiment with Old Icelandic / Andrea Van Arkel. -- p. 157-164. In Computers and the Humanities. -- Vol. 16, No. 3 (Nov. 1982).
dc.format.extent Text data between 2 and 5 MB Contains markup characters
dc.format.medium Digital bitstream
dc.language Old Norse
dc.language.iso non
dc.publisher University of Oxford
dc.relation.ispartof Oxford Text Archive Legacy Collection
dc.rights Distributed by the University of Oxford under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
dc.rights.label PUB
dc.subject.lcsh Myths and legends -- Iceland -- 14th century
dc.subject.other Myths and legends
dc.title Möđruvallabók / compiled by Andrea van Arkel-de Leeuw van Weenen
dc.type Text
has.files yes
branding Oxford Text Archive
files.size 2000168
files.count 1 0-1499

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0111101   vallgard(r) hins g~ v(r) vlfr aurgo{i , e% oddau%iar
0111102   e%o f~ ko!n% . | Vlfr+aurgo{i var fad% suarz fodur
0111103   lodmund(r) f . *Sigf9 . f . S`mund(r) ens f(o)da | en f~ val=
0111104   g(r)di e% komi!n kolbei!n vngi . | w!r bb vlfr [av]rgo{i
0111105   & valg(r){r e!n g~i f(o) at bi{ia v!nar . | & giptiz h(o) valg(r)di
0111106   an ra{i allra fr`nda si!na | En w! wo$tti G . illa ok
0111107   N & morgu! o{4 , w(i) at h! v(r) m(r) g~lyndr . & vuins`ll |
0111108   w[av] gatu s% son , er *Mordr h(t) | ok er sa lengi v(i) Za so#=
0111109   gu . | wa e% h! v(r) fullkomi!n at alld(i) sinu! . , v(r) h! illa t(i)
0111110   fr`nda si!na & ei!na vest t(i) . G . | h! v(r) sl`guitr m(r)
0111111   & illgiarn i ra{u! . | Nu sl! nefna sonu . *N . | Sk(r)phe$=
0111112   di!n h(t) hi!n ellzti | h! v(r) mikill m(r) vexti & sterkr
0111113   vigr vel syndr se! selr . m(a) fothuataztr skiot=r=
0111114   a{r & orug:r & gagnor{r & skiotor{r en wo lo!gu!
0111115   vel stilltr | h! v(r) iarp . . .

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