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<T MNDQ><L 1><Y Q><P A2><C ><J :>+
<I * A Midsummer-Night's Dream - Q1>+
<I 1 1>+
<D {Enter} Theseus, Hippolita, {with others.}>
<L 2><S {Theseus.}>
<L 3>NOw faire {Hippolita}, our nuptiall hower
<L 4>Draws on apase: fower happy daies bring in
<L 5><J *>An other Moone: but oh, me thinks, how slow
<L 6><J *>This old Moone wanes! She lingers my desires,
<L 7><J :>Like to a Stepdame, or a dowager,
<L 8>Long withering out a yong mans reuenewe.
<L 9><J *><S {Hip.}>Fower daies will quickly steepe themselues in night:
<L 10><J :>Fower nights will quickly dreame away the time:
<L 11>And then the Moone, like to a siluer bowe,
<L 12>Now bent in heauen, shall beholde the night
<L 13>Of our solemnities.
<L 14><S {The.}>Goe {Philostrate},
<L 15>Stirre vp the {Athenian} youth to merriments,
<L 16>Awake the peart and nimble spirit of mirth,
<L 17>Turne melancholy foorth to funerals:
<L 18>The pale companion is not for our pomp.
<L 19>{Hyppolita}, I woo'd thee with my sword,
<L 20>And wonne thy loue, . . .