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<H SPA05><A KYD><K PLAY><Y 1592>
                  <T TITLE>SPANISH TRAGEDIE>
                     <T TITLE>ACTUS PRIMUS.
       <T SDD>Enter the Ghoast of %Andrea,% and with him
                      <T SDD>%Revenge.%     
                       <T SDD>%Ghoast.%
<T VERSE> When this eternall substance of my soule,
Did live imprisond in my function serving others need,
Echin their function serving others need,
I was a Courtier in the Spanish Court.
My name was %'Don Andrea%, my discent
Though not ignoble, yet inferiour far
To gratious fortunes of my tender youth;
For there in prime and pride of all my yeeres,
By duteous service and deserving love,
In secret I possest a worrhy dame,
Which hight sweet %Bel-imperia% by name.
But in the harvest of my sommer ioyes,
Deaths winter nipt the blossomes of my blisse,
Forcing divorce betwixt my love and me.
For in the late conflict with Portingale,
My valour drew me into dangers mouth,
Till life to death made passage through my wounds.
When I was s . . .