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 (BAR:M:1:) <Actus pri9: Scaea. pria>.
 <Enter Barnauelt, Modes|bargen, Leidenberch>,
 <Bar>. The <Prince> of <Orange> now, all names are lost els
 that hee^s alone the Father of his Cuntrie[,
 said you not soe[
 <Leid>. I speake the peoples Language
 <Bar>. That to his Arme, z Sword, the <Prouinces> owe
 their flourishing peace[, That hee^s the Armyes soule
 by which it moves to Victorie[
 <Mod>. So ^tis said, Sr.
 <Leid>. nay: more: that without him, dispaire, and ruyn(n)
 had ceaizd on all, and buried quick our safeties.
 <Vand>. That not had he in Act, betterd #or Counsailes
  and in his execution set them #of,
 all we designd had ben but as a tale
 forgot as soone as told.
 <Leid>. and with such Zeale
 this is deliuerd, that the <Prince> beleeves it;
 For Greatnes in hir owne worth, confident
 doth neuer waigh, but with a covetous hand
 hir lightest meritts: and who add the scale
 seldom offend.
 <Vand>. ^Tis this that swells his pride
  beyond those . . .