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PREL. Go, bastard Orphan + Pack thee hence +
 And seek some Stranger for defence +
 Now ^gins thy baseness to be known +
 Nor dare I take thee for mine own ;
 Thy levity shall be descried +
 But if that any have espied,
 And question with thee, of thy Sire ;
 Or Mistress of his vain Desire ;
 Or ask the Place from whence thou came :
 Deny thy Sire + Love + Place + and Name +
 And if I chance, un^wares to meet thee,
 Neither acknowledge me, nor greet me +
 Admit I blush (perchance, I shall),
 Pass by + regard me not at all +
 Be secret, wise, and circumspect +
 And modesty sometimes affect +
 Some good man, that shall think thee witty,
 Will be thy Patron + and take pity;
 And when some men shall call thee base
 He, for thy sake, shall him disgrace +
 Then, with his countenance backed, thou shalt
 Excuse the nature of thy fault.
 Then, if some lads, when they go by,
 Thee, =Bastard += call; give them the lie +
 So, get thee packing + and take heed +
 And, though thou go in beggar^s weed . . .