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<P 6>
 <S Moore> Now will I speake like Moore in melancholy
 For if greefes power could wth her sharpest darts
 pierce my firme bosome; here#s sufficient cause
 to take my farewell of mirths hurtles lawes.
 Poore humbled Lady, thou that wert of late
 placde wth the noblest women of the land
 Invited to their angell companies
 seeming a bright Starre in the Courtly Sphere
 why shouldst thou like a widow sit thus low
 and all thy faire consorts moove from the clowds
 that ouerdreep thy beautie and thy worth
 Ile tell thee the true cause, the Court like heauen
 examines not the anger of the Prince
 and being more fraile composde of guilded earth
 shines vpon them on whom the king doth shine
 smiles if he smile, declines if he decline
 Yet seeing both are mortall Court and king
 shed not one teare for any earthly thing
 For so God p(ar)don me in my saddest hower
 thou hast no more occasion to lament
 nor these, nor those, my exile from the court
 no nor this bodyes tortur wer . . .