
MOTHER GOOSE's MELODY; OR, Sonnets for the Cradle.


  • PART I. Contains the most celebrated Songs and Lullabies of the good old Nurses, calculated to amuse Children, and to excite them to sleep.
  • PART II. Those of that sweet Songster and Nurse of Wit and Humour, Mas­ter William Shakespeare.

EMBELLISHED WITH CUTS, And illustrated with Notes and Maxims [...] 1800.



MUCH might be said in favour of this collection, but as we have no room for critical disquisitions, we shall only observe to our readers, that the custom of singing these songs and lullabies to children is of great antiquity. It is even as old as the time of the ancient Druids. Garacta­cus, King of the Britons, was rocked in his Cradle in the Isle of Mora, now called Anglesea, and tuned to sleep by some of these soporiferous sonnets. As the best things, however, may be made [...] use of, so the kind of composi­tions has been employed in [...] When that [Page vi]great prince turned his arms against France, he composed the following march to lead his Troops to Battle, well knowing that Music had often [...] [Page vii]the power of inspiring courage, espe­cially in the minds of good men. Of this his enemies took advantage, and, as our happy nation, even at that time, was never without a faction, some of the male contents adopted the follow­ing Words to the King's own March, in order to ridicule his Majesty, and to shew the Folly and Impossibility of his Undertaking.

There was an old woman toss'd in a blanket,
Seventeen times as high as the moon;
But where she was going no mortal could tell,
For under her arm she carried a broom.
Old woman, old woman, old woman, said' I!
Whither, ah whither, ah whither, so high?
To sweep the cobavebs from the sky,
And I'll be with you by and by

[Page viii] Here the king is represented as an old woman, engaged in a pursuit the most absurd and extravagant imagin­able; but when he had routed the whole French army at the battle of Agincourt, taking their king and the flower of their nobility prisoners, and with ten thousand men only made himself master of their kingdom; the very men, who had ridiculed him be­fore, began to think nothing was too arduous for him to surmount, they therefore can celled the former sonnet, which they were now ashamed of, and substituted this in its stead, which, you will please to observe, goes to the same tune.

So vast is the prowess of Harry the Great,
He'll pluck a hair from the pale-face moon:
Or a lion familiarly take by the tooth,
And lead him about as you lead a baboon.
[Page ix] All princes and potentates under the sun,
Through fear, into corners and holes away run;
While nor dangers nor dread his swift progress retards,
For he deals about kingdoms as we do our cards.

When this was shewn to his majes­ty, he smilingly said, that folly always dealt in extravagancies, and that knaves sometimes put on the garb of fools, to promote, in that disguise, their own wicked designs. ‘The flattery in the last, says he, is more insult­ing than the impudence of the first, and to weak minds might do more mischief; but we have the old pro­verb in our favour: If we do not flatter ourselves, the flattery of others will never hurt us.

We cannot conclude without ob­serving, [Page x]the great probability there is, that the custom of making Nonsense Verses in our schools was borrowed from this practice among the old Bri­tish nurses; they have, indeed, been always the first preceptors of the youth of this kingdom, and from them the rudiments of taste and learning are naturally derived. Let none there­fore speak irreverently of this ancient maternity, as they may be considered, as the great grandmothers of science and knowledge.


Mother GOOSE's Melody.



THERE was a little Man,
Who wooed a little Maid;
And he said, little Maid, will you wed, wed, wed?
I have little more to say,
So will you aye or nay,
For the least said is soonest mended, ded, ded.
[Page 12]
Then replied the little Maid,
Little Sir, you've little said
To induce a little Maid for to wed, wed, wed;
You must say a little more,
And produce a little Ore,
Ere I make a little Print in your Bed, Bed, Bed.
Then the little Man replied,
If you'll be my little Bride,
I'll raise my Love Notes a little higher, higher, higher;
Though my Offers are not meet,
Yet my little Heart is great,
With the little God of Love all on Fire, Fire, Fire.
Then the little Maid replied,
Should I be your little bride,
[Page 13] Pray what must we have for to eat, eat, eat,
Will the Flame that you're so rich in,
Light a Fire in the Kitchen,
Or the little God of Love turn the Spit, Spit, Spit?
Then the little Man he sigh'd,
And, some say, a little cry'd,
For his little Heart was big with Sorrow, Sorrow, Sorrow;
As I am your little Slave,
If the little that I have
Be too little, little, we will borrow, borrow, borrow. *
[Page 14]
Then the little Man so gent,
Made the little Maid relent,
And set her little Heart a thinking, king, king.
Though his Offers were but small,
She took his little All,
She could have but the Cat and her Skin, Skin, Skin.
[Page 15]
LITTLE Betty Winckle she had a Pig;
It was a little Pig, not very big;
When he was alive, he liv'd in Clover;
But now he's dead, and that's all over;
Johnny Winckle he
Sate down and cry'd,
Betty Winckle she
Laid down and dy'd;
[Page 16] So there was an find of one, two and three,
Johnny Winckle He,
Betty Winckle She,
And Piggy Wiggie.

A Dirge is a Song made for the Dead; but whether this was made for Betty Winckle or her Pig, is uncertain; no no­tice being taken of it by Cambden, or any of the famous Antiquarians.

Wall's System of Sense.
[Page 17]
A melancholy SONG.
TRIP upon Trenchers,
And dance upon Dishes,
My Mother sent me for some Bawm, some Bawm:
She bid me tread lightly,
And come again quickly,
For sear the young Men should do me some Harm.
Yet did'nt you see,
Yet did'nt you see,
What naughty tricks they put upon me;
[Page 18] They broke my Pitcher,
And spilt the Water,
And hufft my Mother,
And chid her Daughter,
And kiss'd my Sister instead of me.

What a Succession of Misfortunes befel this poor Girl? But the last Circumstance was most affecting, and might have prov­ed fatal.

Winslow's View of Bath.
[Page 19]
CROSS Patch draw the Latch,
Set by the Fire and spin;
Take a Cup and drink it up,
Then call your Neighbours in.

A common Case this, to call in our Neighbours to rejoice when all the good Liquor is gone.

[Page 20]
I WON'T be my Father's Jack,
I won't be my Father's Gill,
I will be the Fidler's Wise,
And have Musick when I will.
T'other little Tune,
T'other little Tune,
Prithee, Love, play me,
T'other little Tune.

Maxim. Those arts are the most val­uable which are of the greatest use.

[Page 21]
THREE wise Men of Gotham,
They went to Sea in a Bowl;
And if the Bowl had been stronger,
My Song had been longer.

It is long enough. Never lament the loss of what is not worth having.

[Page 22]
THERE was an old Man,
And he had a Calf,
And that's Half;
He took him out of the Stall,
And put him on the Wall,
And that's all.

Maxim. Those who are given so tell all they know, generally tell more than they know.

[Page 23]
THERE was an old Woman
Liv'd under a Hill,
She put a Mouse in a Bag,
And sent it to Mill:
The Miller did vow
By the point of his Knife,
He never took Toll
Of a Mouse in his Life.

The only Instance of a Miller refusing Toll, and for which the Cat has just Cause of Complaint against him.

Coke upon Littleton.
[Page 24]
THERE was an old Woman
Liv'd under a Hill,
And if she isn't gone
She lives there still.

This is a self-evident Proposition, which is the very Essence of Truth. She lived under the Hill, and if she is not gone she lives there still. No-body will presume to contradict this.

[Page 25]
DING dong Bell,
The Cat is in the Well.
Who put her in?
Little Johnny Green.
What a naughty Boy was that,
To drown Poor Pussy Cat,
Who never did any Harm,
And kill'd the Mice in his Father's Barn.

Maxim. He that injures one threatens an Hundred.

[Page 26]
LITTLE Tom Tucker
Sings for his Supper;
What shall he eat?
White Bread and Butter:
How will he cut it,
Without e'er a Knife?
How will he be married,
Without e'er a Wife?

To be married without a Wife, is a terrible Thing; and to be married with a bad Wife, is something worse; how­ever, a good Wife, that sings well, is the best musical Instrument in the World.

[Page 27]
SE saw, Margery Daw,
Jacky shall have a new Master;
Jacky must have a Penny a Day,
Because he can work no faster.

It is a mean and scandalous Practice in Authors to put Notes to Things that deserve no Notice.

[Page 28]
GREAT A, little a,
Bouncing B;
The Cat's in the Cupboard,
And she can't see.

Yes she can see that you are naughty, and don't mind your Book.

[Page 29]
SE saw, sacaradown,
Which is the Way to Boston Town?
One Foot up, the other Foot down,
This is the Way to Boston Town.

Or to any other Town upon the Face of the Earth.

[Page 30]
SHOE the Colt,
Shoe the Colt,
Shoe the wild Mare;
Here a Nail,
There a Nail,
Yet she goes bare.

Ay, ay, drive the Nail when it will go: That's the Way of the World, and is the Method pursued by all our Financiers, Politicians, and Necromancers.

Va [...]tel.
[Page 31]
IS John Smith within?
Yes, that he is.
Can he set a Shoe?
Aye, marry, two.
Here a Nail, and there a Nail,
Tick, tack, too.

Maxim. Knowledge is a Treasure, but Practice is the Key to it.

[Page 32]
HIGH diddle, diddle,
The Cat and the Fiddle,
The Cow jump'd over the Moon;
The little Dog laugh'd
To see such Craft,
And the Dish ran away with the Spoon.

It must be a little Dog that laugh'd, for a great Dog would be ashamed to laugh at such Nonsense.

[Page 33]
RIDE a Cock-Horse
To Banbury Cross,
To see what Tommy can buy;
A Penny white Loaf,
A Penny white Cake,
And a Two-penny Apple Pie.

There's a good Boy, eat up your Pie and hold your Tongue; for Silence is the Sign of Wisdom.

[Page 34]
COCK a doodle doo,
My Dame has lost her Shoe;
My Master has lost his Fiddle Stick,
And knows not what to do.

The Cock crows us up early in the Morning, that we may work for our Bread, and not live upon Charity or upon Trust; for be who lives upon Charity, shall be often affronted; and he that lives upon Trust, shall pay double.

[Page 35]
THERE was an old Man
In a Velvet Coat,
He kiss'd a Maid
And gave her a Groat;
The Groat it was crack'd,
And would not go,
Ah, old Man, d'you serve me so?

Maxim. If the Coat be ever so fine that a Fool wears, it is still but a Fool's Coat.

[Page 36]
ROUND about, round about,
Magotty Pie;
My Father loves good Ale,
And so do I.

Maxim. Evil Company makes the Good bad, and the Bad worse.

[Page 37]
JACK and Gill
Went up the Hill,
To fetch a Pall of Water;
Jack fell down
And broke his Crown,
And Gill came tumbling after.

Maxim. The more you think of duing, the better you will live.

[Page 38]
THERE were two Birds sat on a Stone,
Fa, la, la, la, la, de;
One flew away, and then there was one,
Fa, la, la, la, la, de;
The other flew after,
And then there was none,
Fa, la, la, la, la, de;
And so the poor Stone
Was left all alone,
Fa, la, la, la, la, de.

This may serve as a Chapter of Con­sequence in the next new Book of Logic.

Sawmill's Reports.
[Page 39]
HUSH-a-by Baby
On the Tree Top,
When the Wind blows
The Cradle will rock;
When the Bough breaks
The Cradle will fall,
Down tumbles Baby,
Cradle and all.

This may serve as a Warning to the Proud and Ambitions, who climb so high that they generally fall at last.

Maxim. Content turns all it touches into Gold.

[Page 40]
LITTLE Jack Horner
Sat in the Corner,
Eating of Christmas Pie:
He put in his Thumb,
And pull'd out a Plumb,
And what a good Boy was I.

Jack was a Boy of excellent Taste, as should appear by his pulling out a Plumb; it is therefore supposed that his Father apprenticed him to a Mince Pie Maker, that he might improve his Taste from Year to Year; no one standing in so much need of good Taste as a Pastry Cook.

Bentley on the Sublime and Beautiful.
[Page 41]
PEASE-Porridge hot,
Pease Porridge cold,
Pease-Porridge in the Pot
Nine Days old.
Spell me that in four Letters?
I will, THAT.

Maxim. The poor are seldomer sick for Want of Food, than the Rich are by the Excess of it.

[Page 42]
WHO comes here?
A Grenadier.
What do you want?
A Pot of Beer.
Where is your Money?
I've forgot.
Get you gone,
You drunken Sot.

Maxim. Intemperance is attended with [...] and loseness with Poverty.

[Page 43]
JACK Sprat
Could eat no Fat,
His Wife could eat no Lean,
And so betwixt them both,
They lick'd the Platter clean.

Maxim. Better go to Bed supperless, than rise in Debt.

[Page 44]
WHAT care I how black I be,
Twenty Pounds will marry me;
If Twenty won't, Forty shall,
I am my Mother's bouncing Girl.

Maxim. If we do not flatter ourselves, the Flat­tery of others would have no Effect.

[Page 45]
TELL Tale Tit,
Your Tongue shall be slit,
And all the Dogs in our Town
Shall have a Bit.

Maxim. Point not at the Fanks of others with a foul Finger.

[Page 46]
ONE, two, three,
Four and Five,
I caught a Hare alive;
Six, seven, eight,
Nine and Ten,
I let him go again.

Maxim. We may be as good as we please, if we please to be good.

[Page 47]


THREE Children sliding on the Ice
Upon a Summer's Day,
As it fell out, they all fell in;
The rest they run away.
Oh! had these Children been at School
Or Inding on dry Cround.
Ten Thousand Pounds to one Penny
They had not then been drown'd.
[Page 48]
Ye Parents who have Children dear,
And eke ye that have none,
If you would keep them safe abroad,
Pray keep them safe at home.

There is something so melancholy in this Song, that it has occasioned many People to make Water. It is almost as diuretic, as the Tune which John the Coachman whistles to his Horses.

Trumpington's Travels.
[Page 49]
PATTY Cake, Patty Cake,
Baker's Man;
That I will, Master,
As fast as I can;
Prick it and prick it,
And mark it with a T,
And there will be enough
For Jackey and me.

Maxim. The surest Way to gain our Ends is to moderate our Desires.

[Page 50]
WHEN I was a little Boy,
I had but little Wit;
'Tis a long Time ago
And I have no more yet;
Nor ever, ever shall,
Until that I die;
For the longer I live,
The more Fool am I.

Maxim. He that will be his own Master, has often a Fool for his Scholar.

[Page 51]
WHEN I was a little Boy
I lived by myself,
And all the Bread
And Cheese I got
I said upon the Shelf;
The made such a Strife,
That I was sorc'd to go to Town
And buy me a Wife.
The Streets were so broad,
The Lanes were so narrow,
[Page 52] I was fore'd to bring my Wife home
In a Wheel-barrow;
The Wheel-barrow broke,
And my Wife had a Fall,
Wheel-barrow, Wife and all.

Maxim. Provide against the worst, and hope for the best.

[Page 53]
O MY Kitten a Kitten,
And oh! my Kitten, my Deary,
Such a sweet Pap as this
There is not far nor neary;
There we go up, up, up,
Here we go down, down, down;
Here we go backwards and forwards,
And here we go round, round, round.

Maxim. Idleness hath no Advocate, but many Friends.

[Page 54]
THIS Pig went to Market,
That Pig staid at Home;
This Pig had roas, Meat,
That Pig had none;
This Pig went to the Barn-Door,
And cry'd Week, Week, for more.

Maxim. If we do not govern our Passions, our Passions will govern us.

[Page 55]
THERE was a Man of Thessaly,
And he was wond'rous wise;
He jump'd into a Quick-set Hedge,
And scratch'd out both his Eyes,
And when he saw his Eyes were out,
With all his Might and Main,
He jump'd into another Hedge,
And scratch'd them in again.

[Page 56] How happy it was for the Man to scratch his Eyes in again, when they were scratch'd out! But he was a Blockhead, or he would have kept himself out of the Hedge, and not been scratch'd at all.

Wiseman's new Way to Wisdom.
[Page 57]
A LONG tail'd Pig, or a short tail'd Pig,
Or a Pig without any Tail;
A Sow Pig, or a Boar Pig,
Or a Pig with a curling Tail.
Take hold of the Tail and eat off his Head;
And then you'll be sure the Pig-hog is dead.
[Page 58]
BOW, wow, wow,
Whose Dog art thou?
Little Tom Tinker's Dog
Bow, wow, wow.

Tom Tinker's Dog is a very good Dog, and an honester Dog than his Master.

[Page 59]
BAH, bah, black Sheep,
Have you any Wool?
Yes, indeed have I.
Three Bags full;
One for my Master,
One for my Dame,
But none for the little Boy
Who cries in the Lane.

Maxim. Bad Habits are easier conquered To­day than To-morrow.

[Page 60]
ROBIN and Richard
Were two pretty Men;
They lay in Bed
'Till the Clock struck Ten:
Then up starts Robin.
And looks at the Sky,
Oh! Brother Richard,
The Sun's, very high:
You go before,
With the Bottle and Bag,
And I will come after
On little Jack Nag.

What lazy Rogues were these to lie in Bed so long; I dare say they have no Cloaths to their Backs; for Laziness clothes a Man with Rags.

[Page 61]
[Page 62]
THERE was an old Woman,
And she sold Puddings & Pies,
She went to the Mill,
And the Dust flew into her Eyes;
Hot Pies
And cold Pies to sell,
Wherever she goes,
You may follow her by the Smell.

Maxim. Either say nothing of the Absent, or speak like a Friend.

[Page 63]
THE Sow came in with the Saddle
The little Pig rock'd the Cradle,
The Dish jump'd a top of the Table,
To see the Pot wash the Ladle;
The Spit that stood behind the Bench
Call'd the Dishclout dirty Wench:
Ods-plut, says the Gridiron,
Can't ye agree,
I'm the Head Constable,
Bring 'em to me.

Note. If he acts as Constable in this Case, the Cook must surely be the Justice of Peace.

[Page 64]
WE'RE three Brethren out of Spain,
Come to court your Daughter Jane:
My Daughter Jane she is too young,
She has no Skill in a flattering Tongue.
Be she young, or be she old,
It's for her Gold she must be sold;
So fare you well, my Lady gay,
We must return another Day.

Maxim. Riches serve a wise Man, and govern a Fool.

[Page 65]
THERE were two Blackbirds
Sat upon a Hill;
The one was nam'd Jack,
The other nam'd Gill;
Fly away Jack,
Fly away Gill,
Come again Jack,
Come again Gill.

Maxim. A Bird in the Hand is work two in the Bush.

[Page 66]
BOYS and Girls, come out to play;
The Moon does shine as bright as Day;
Come with a Hoop, and come with a Call,
Come with a good Will, or not at all.
Lose your Supper, & lose your Sleep.
Come to your Play-fellows in the Street;
Up the Ladder and down the Wall,
A Halspenny Loaf will serve us all
[Page 67] But when the Loaf is gone, what will you do?
Those who would eat, must work—'tis true.

Maxim. All work and no play, makes Jack a dull Boy.

[Page 68]
A Logical SONG; or the Conjuror's Reason for not getting Money.
I WOULD, if I could;
If I coud'nt, how cou'd I?
I coud'nt, without I cou'd, cou'd I?
Cou'd you, without you cou'd, cou'd ye?
Cou'd ye, cou'd ye?
Cou'd you, without you cou'd, cou'd ye?

[Page 69] Note. This is a new Way of handling an old Argument, said to be invented by a famous Senator; but it has something in it of Gothic Construction.

[Page 70]
HERE's A, B, and C,
D, E, F, and G,
H, I, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q,
R, S, T, and U,
W, X, Y, and Z,
And here's the Child's Dad,
Who is sagacious and discerning,
And knows this is the Fount of Learning.

[Page 71] Note. This is the most learned Ditty in the World; for indeed there is no Song can be made without the Aid of this, it being the Gamut and Ground Work of them all.

Mope's Geography of the Mind.
[Page 72]
PIPING hot, smoaking hot;
What I've got,
You have not,
Hot Grey Pease, hot, hot, hot,
Hot Grey Pease hot.

There is more Music in this Song, on a cold frosty Night, than ever the Syrens were possessed of, who captivated Ulysses; and the Effects sticks closer to the Ribs.

Huggleford on Hunger.
[Page 73]
DICKERY, Dickery Dock,
The Mouse ran up the Clock;
The Clock struck one,
The Mouse ran down,
Dickery, Dickery, Dock.

Maxim. Time stays for no man.

[Page 77]
YOU spotted Snakes, with double Tongue
Thorny hedge-hogs, be not seen;
Newts and Blind-worms, do no Wrong;
Come not near our Fairy Queen.
Philomel, with Melody,
Sing in your sweet Lullaby;
Lulla, lulla, lulla, lullaby; lulla, lulla, lullaby.
Never Harm, nor Spell, nor Charm,
Come our lovely Lady nigh;
So good Night, with lullaby.
[Page 78]
TAKE, oh! take those Lips away,
That so sweetly were for-sworn;
And those Eyes, the Break of Day,
Lights that do mislead the Morn;
But my Kisses bring again,
Seals of Love, but seal'd in vain.
[Page 79]


WHEN Daisies pied, and Vio­lets blue,
And Lady-smocks all Silver-white;
And Cuckow-buds of yellow Hue,
Do paint the Meadows with Delight;
The Cuckow then on every Tree,
Mocks married Men, for thus sings he:
Cuckow! cuckow! O Word of Fear,
Unpleasing to a married Ear!
When Shepherds pipe on oaten Straws,
And merry Larks are Plough­men's Clocks:
When Turtles tread, and Rooks and Daws,
And Maidens bleach their Summer smocks:
[Page 80] The Cuckow then on every Tree,
Mocks married Men, for thus sings he:
Cuckow! cuckow! O Word of Fear,
Unpleasing to a married Ear.


WHEN Icicles hang on the Wall,
And Dick the Shepherd blows his Nail;
And Tom bears Logs into the Hall,
And Milk comes frozen Home in Pail:
When Blood is nipt, and Ways be foul,
Then nightly sings the staring Owl,
Tu-whit! to-whoo;
A merry Note,
[Page 81] While greasy Joan doth keel the Pot.
When all around the Wind doth blow
And coughing [...] Saw;
And Birds sit brooding in the [...]
And Marian's Note [...] raw:
When roasted Crabs [...]
Then nightly sings [...]
Tu-whit! To-whoo!
A merry Note,
While greasy Joan [...] Pot.
[Page 82]
TELL me where is Fancy bred,
Or in the Heart or in the Head?
How begot, how nourished?
Reply, reply.
It is engender'd in the Eyes,
With gazing fed, and Fancy dies
In the Cradle where it lies;
Let us all ring Fancy's Knell,
Ding, dong, Bell;
Ding, dong, Bell.
[Page 83]
UNDER the greenwood Tree,
Who loves to lie with me,
And tune his merry Note,
Unto the sweet Bird's Throat;
Come hither, come hither, come hither.
Here shall he see
No Enemy,
But Winter and rough Weather.
[Page 84]
WHO doth Ambition shun,
And loves to lie i' th' Sun,
Seeking the Food he eats,
And pleas'd with what he gets;
Come hither, come hither, come hither;
Here shall he see
No Enemy,
But Winter and rough Weather.
If it do come to pass,
That any Man turn Ass;
Leaving his Wealth and Ease,
A stubborn Will to please,
Duc ad me, duc ad me, duc ad me;
Here shall he see
Gross Fools,
And many such there be
[Page 85]
BLOW, blow, thou Winter Wind,
Thou art not so unkind
As Man's Ingratitude;
Thy Tooth is not so keen,
Because thou art not seen,
Altho' thy Breath be rude.
Heigh ho! sing, heigh ho! unto the green Holly;
Most Friendship is feigning; most loving mere folly.
Then heigh ho, the Holly!
This Life is most jolly.
Freeze, freeze, thou bitter Sky,
Thou dost not bite so nigh,
As benefits forgot:
Tho' thou the Waters warp,
Thy Sting is not so sharp
As Friend remember'd not,
Heigh ho; sing, &c.
[Page 86]
O Mistress mine, where are you running?
O stay and hear, your true Love's coming,
That can sing both high and low.
Trip no further, pretty Sweeting,
Journeys end in Lover's meeting,
Every wife Man's Son doth know.
What is Love? 'tis not hereafter:
Present Mirth hath present Laughter.
What's to come, is still unsure:
In Decay there lies no Plenty;
Then come kiss me, sweet, and twenty,
Youth's a Stuff will not endure
[Page 87]
WHAT shall he have that kill'd the Deer?
His leather skin and Horns to wear;
Then sing him home:—take thou no Scorn
To wear the Horn, the Horn, the Horn:
It was a Crest ere thou wast born.
Thy Father's Father wore it,
And thy Father bore it.
The Horn, the Horn, the lusty Horn.
Is not a thing to laugh to scorn.
[Page 88]
WHEN Daffodils begin to 'pear,
With heigh! the Doxy over the Dale;
Why then come in the sweet o'th' Year,
'Fore the red Blood rains-in the winter Pale,
The white Sheet bleaching on the Hedge,
With heigh! the sweet Birds, O how they sing!
[...] set my progging Tooth an edge:
For a Quart of Ale is a Dish for a King.
The Lark, that tirra-lyra chants,
With hey! with hey! the Thrush and the Jay:
Are summer Songs for me and my Aunts,
While we lay tumbling in the Hay.
[Page 89]
JOG on, jog on, the foot path Way,
And merrily mend the Style-a,
A merry Heart goes all the Day,
Your sad tires in a Mile-a.
[Page 90]
ORPHEUS with his Lute made Trees,
And the Mountain Tops that freeze,
Bow themselves when he did sing;
To his Music, Plants and Flowers
Ever rose, as Sun and Showers
There had made a lasting Spring.
Ev'ry Thing that heard him play,
Ev'n the Billows of the Sea,
Hung their Heads, and then lay by.
In sweet Music is such Art,
Killing Care, and Grief of Heart,
Fall asleep, or heating die.
[Page 91]
HARK, hark! the Lark at
Heav'n's Gate sings,
And Phebus 'gins arise,
His Steeds to water at those Springs
On chalic'd Flowers that lies,
And winking May-buds begin
To ope their golden Eyes,
With every Thing that pretty bin:
My Lady sweet, arise:
Arise, arise.
[Page 92]
THE poor Soul sat singing by a Sycamore-tree,
Her Hand on her Bosom, her Head on her Knee,
The fresh Streams ran by her, and murmur'd her Moans,
Her salt Tears fell from her, and soften'd the Stones:
Sing all a green Willow must be my Garland,
Let nobody blame him, his Scorn I upprove.
I call'd my Love false Love, but what said he then?
If I can't more Women you'll think of more Men.
[Page 93]
ab eb ib ob ub
ac ec ic oc uc
ad ed id od ud
af ef if of uf
ag eg ig og ug
ak ek ik ok uk
al el il ol uk
am em im om um
an en in on un
ap ep ip op up
ar er ir or ur
as es is os us
at et it ot ut
ax ex ix ox ux

[Page 94]

Ba be bi bo bu by
da de di do du dy
fa fe fi fo fu fy
ha he hi ho hu hy
ka ke ki ko ku ky
la le li lo lu ly
ma me mi mo mu my
na ne ni no nu ny
pa pe pi po pu py
ra re ri ro ru ry
fa fe fi fo fu fy
ta te [...] to tu ty
va ve [...] vo vu vy
wa [...] [...] [...] [...] wy

[Page 95]

am an in on if of
as at it is up us
be he we ye or my
no go lo to do so
boy toy joy man can fan
hit fit fit pit got hot
cat rat hat fat pat fat
pig dig fig hog fog dog
leg peg nag bag pan ran
top sop hop in pin tin
how cow [...] [...] [...] full
not pot got [...] [...] ton

This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Text Creation Partnership. This Phase I text is available for reuse, according to the terms of Creative Commons 0 1.0 Universal. The text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.