
Convivial Song, Sung at WINDSOR, on the evening of the FOURTH OF JULY.

TUNE—" Here's to our Noble Selves, Boys."

COME fill each brimming glass, boys,
Red or white has equal joys,
Come fill each brimming glass, boys,
And toast your country's glory;
Does any here to fear incline,
And o'er Columbia's danger whine,
Why let him quaff this gen'rous wine,
He'll tell another story.
Here's Washington, the brave, boys,
Source of all Columbia's joys,
Here's Washington, the brave, boys,
Come tile and toast him standing;
For he's the hero firm and brave,
Who all our country's glory gave,
And once again he shall us save,
Our armies bold commanding.
Here's to the gallant Tar, boys;
Whole cannon's roar our foe annoys,
Here's to the gallant Tar, boys,
His country's cause defending;
For warlike Truxton's noble name,
Like Nelson's shall extend his fame,
And loud through all the earth proclaim,
His glory never ending.
Here's to our native land, boys,
Land of liberty and joys,
Here's to our native land, boys,
Your grasses raise for drinking;
And be that will not drink this toast,
May he in France of freedom boast,
There dangling on a lanterne post,
Or in the Rhone be sinking.
Here's to our Vermont FAIR, boys,
Pledges bright of Fed'ral joys,
Here's to our Vermont FAIR, boys,
Fell high to Love and Beauty;
For while we toast their glowing charms,
Their virtue ev'ry bosom warms,
We'll die to guard them safe from harms,
It is a Fed'ral duty.
Here's to Vermont State, boys,
And all her merly rustic joys,
Here's to Vermont State, boys,
Columbia's [...]
For while our [...] ascend on high,
And while our [...] mock the sky,
Our Independence, Liberty,
We never will surrender.
Here's on the [...]ge of Quincy, boys,
Here's to the Sage of [...]
Who guards [...]
For while we quaff the boozy wine,
And sense and tipsy mirth combine,
With temp'rate head [...] sublime,
And for our good in thinking.
Now come join hand in hand, boys,
M [...]ic type of Fed'ral joys,
Now come join hand in hand, boys,
Like brother, brother greeting;
For while our union we pursue,
'Tis I and he, and you and you,
Our pleasure all may yet renew
At our next Fed'ral meeting.

This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Text Creation Partnership. This Phase I text is available for reuse, according to the terms of Creative Commons 0 1.0 Universal. The text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.