
The Carrier of the AMERICAN MERCURY Wishes his Customers a HAPPY NEW-YEAR, And presents the following.

I'M come, my friends, as Post-Boys use,
From bearing round the last years news,
To give you joy that Eighty Five
Has left us every soul alive;
Has left us plenty, peace and health,
To each a trifling share of wealth,
Enough, I hope, if profits fail,
To keep us this year out of jail.
Hard times, I grant, you've liv'd to see,
But who has harder times than me?
Here's a little Merc'ry, he can tell,
How long I've serv'd you and how well,
Each Monday morning, snow or rain,
From Water-Street to Cooper-Lane,
He's seen me scamper in three trices,
To bring you all his best advices.
While here you sate, as you do now,
And cross'd your legs and knit your brow,
And mark'd in his instructive page,
The frieks and follies of the age,
Saw nations rise and fall to ruin.
And every thing the world was doing.
But to the point—with this new-year,
I hope our better days draw near;
I wish you all may live to know,
Unmix'd with care or want or woe,
As many joys, and those good whappers.
As you shall count me out of coppers.

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