
Say-Brook Barr LOTTERY,

To raise the Sum of Five Hundred and Thir­ty Seven Pounds, Lawful Money, to be laid out in fixing Buoys and other Marks on and near the Mouth of Connecticut River, which will render the Navigation into and out of said Ri­ver both safe and easy.

Number of Prizes. Value of each Dollars.
1 Prize of 2000 is 2000
1 Do. of 1000 is 1000
2 Do. of 500 are 1000
12 Do. of 100 are 1200
20 Do. of 50 are 1000
50 Do. of 20 are 1000
125 Do. of 12 are 1500
700 Do. of 8 are 5600
First Drawn 50 is 50
Last Drawn 50 is 50
911 Prizes    
2689 Ba [...]ks    
3600 Tickets at 4 Dollars each, 14400

Subject to a Deduction of Twelve and a Half per Cent only, and not three [...] to a Prize.

Said Lottery to begin Drawing on the 21st Day of September next—immediately after the drawing of which, a List of the fortunate Tickets will be advertised in the Hartford, New Haven, New London, Newport, Boston, and New-York News-Papers.

Tickets are to be sold by Mess. Mettbew Talcott, Richard Alsop and John Stocker Middletown; Ebenezer Plummer of Glastenbury; Silas Deans of We­thersfield; Samuel Olcott and John [...]evard of Hartford, appointed by the General Assembly of this Colony, Managers of said Lottery, to be under Oath for the faithful Performance of their Trust.

N. B. Prizes not demanded within twelve Months after drawing, will be deemed as generously given by the Proprietors, to encourage the Design for which the above Lottery is granted, and be applied accordingly.

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