Reverend Sir,

THE New-England CHRONOLOGY staying for the Remarkables of Your Place, and the Composer being unwilling to send it to the Press without them, that so the Work may be as compleat as possible — You are therefore earnestly desired to send your Communications as soon as may be, on the following Heads,

WHEN your Town was granted and settled, what its original Indian Name, to what County first laid, and if there has been any Alteration, what and when it was.

2. WHAT the Number of Original Shares and Settlers, and from whence they chiefly came, and what your present Number of Families.

3. WHEN the Church was first Gathered, and what their first and present Number of Males.

4. WHETHER you are yet divided into Precincts, How many, when, and what their Names, both ancient Indian and present English.

5. WHO have been your Teaching or Ruling Elders, and when call'd, or­dain'd, removed and dyed, at what Age, and Where.

6. WHETHER you have a Grammar School and when first set up.

7. HOW many of your Town have taken their first Degree at College, whether Cambridge or New-Haven, how many at each, and what their Names.

8. THE Decease of other Gentlemen of Note among you, such as Counsellors, Assistants, Justices, Graduates &c.

9. WHETHER any have Deceas'd among you of 100 Years of Age or upward, whether English or Indians, when, and what their Names.

10. THOSE who have been remarkable for a great Increase of Posterity, their Names, Age, when they Died, and the Number of their Offspring then of each Generation.

11. WHAT remarkable Works have been among you, as the Building Meet­ing-Houses, Great Bridges &c. and when.

12. THE remarkable Providences that have befallen your Town or the People in it, from the Beginning to the present Time, as Earthquakes, Tem­pests, Inundations, extraordinary Floods, Droughts, Fires, Epidemical Sick­nesses, awful Deaths, or any other strange Occurrences, as far as can be re­collected.

You are desired to be as Precise as possible in the Dates, both as to Year, Month and Day, of all your Articles, as well as Certain in the Facts related; that so the Publick may depend on the Truth and Accuracy of these Collections.

IN doing which you will oblige the PUBLICK, as well as

The Composer Thomas Prince.

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