
Smoaking Flax INFLAMED OR, Weary Sinners Incouraged To go to CHRIST, FROM The Certainty, & Eternity of their Happiness.

By Samuel Moodey, A.M. Pastor of the Church of CHRIST in York, in the Province of Maine. N. E.

Matth. 11.28.

Come unto Me all ye that labour, & are heavy laden, and I will give you Rest.

2 Cor. 6.18.

— Ye shall be My Sons and Daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.

BOSTON: Printed by B. Green, for Samuel Gerrish, and Sold at his Shop. 1718.

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Smoaking Flax inflamed, OR, Weary Sinners Encouraged to go to CHRIST.

JOHN VI. 37.

All that the Father giveth me, shall come to me; and him that cometh unto me, I will in no wise cast out.

IN the 27 v. of this Chapter, Our Lord Jesus Exhorts his Hearers, that they la­bour for the Meat which endureth to ever­lasting life. And there is a double Mo­tive couched in the Exhortation.

(1.) That this Spiritual heavenly food of the Soul is unspeakably desirable; in that whereas bodily food, and all that the carnal heart can desire, is perishing, this is Everlasting; and such as feed on it, shall live for ever: Com­pare this 27 v. with v. 57. Labour not for the [Page 2] Meat which perisheth, but for that Meat which en­dureth unto everlasting life, which the Son of Man shall give unto you; for him hath God the Father sealed. As the living Father hath sent me, and I live by the Father; so he that eateth me, even he shall live by me.

(2.) That it is Undoubtedly attainable. Which the son of man shall give unto you; for him hath God the Father sealed. There is not only all fulness of suitable and satisfying Provision stored up in Christ; but he has both Authority and a Disposition to give it out unto hungry and humble Beggars at his Door.

Now Christ having told them that they must labour for this Unperishing Meat, they enquire what Works they must do, v. 28. As the Young Man, Matth. 19.16. — Good Master, What good thing shall I do that I may have Eternal Life. They are careful about many good works; but Christ directs them to One, which includes all, v. 29. Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent. This is the One thing needful; for it receives Christ in all his Offices, with all his Benefits, that he may Of God be made unto us Wisdom, Righ­teousness, Sanctification and Redemption: So that even the Righteousness of the Law is fulfilled in them which are in Christ Jesus by a lively, working Faith; Rom. 8.1, 4. And the Faith of Gods Elect does work by love, purifie the heart, crucifie the flesh, overcome the world, quench the fiery darts of the wic­ked one, give glory to God, and is the great Condi­tion of the New Covenant.

[Page 3]But what is this Faith, so useful and efficaci­ous?

Why, it is nothing but what is expressed by the Souls coming to the Lord Jesus Christ, in the words of our Text, and those that are next before it: And Jesus said unto them, I am the Bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth in me shall never thirst. But I said unto you, that ye also have seen me and believed not. All that the Father giveth me, shall come to me; and him that cometh to me, I will in no wise cast out. By the Contexture of which three ver­ses, and the three that follow next after, you may plainly perceive that Coming to Christ, and Be­lieving on him, are the same thing: and as was said before, the One thing — for there be but two things that we fear, Death and Want: now he that comes to Christ shall never die; and he that believes in him shall never Want; Chap. 11.26. Compar'd with this Context.

And in the Text it self, there is Double in­couragement offered unto the Perishing Sinner, exactly Answering the two-fold impediment ly­ing in the way of many Souls, when they are in­vited to come unto Christ.

I am so weak and helpless, saith the Poor Soul, that I cannot move one half step towards Christ, in the way of Believing.

Now to Answer this Objection,

Christ, who died for us when, or because we were without strength, Rom. 5.6. does here put the discouraged Heart in mind of the all-con­quering efficacy that there is in the Spirits Draw­ing; [Page 4] who for this end is sent out by the Father and the Son; even to make Christs intended Spouse willing to come, in the day of his Power▪ All that the Father giveth me shall come to me. His other Sheep, that are not yet effectually cal­led; they shall hear the voice of their Shepherd, for he will find them Ears, Joh., they shall come unto, and follow him; yea run after him: for he will draw them by victorious Grace, Cant. 1.4. The Father, or the Elder Bro­ther gives the little Child a hand, when it nei­ther can nor dares attempt to take one step; and so it comes securely, though with much fear and trembling, to their arms and bosom. All that the Father giveth me, shall come to me.

But the awakned Sinner hath further to say;

If I should come to Christ, laden as I am with iniquity; guilty before God and Man of trans­gression and sin; for number unaccountable; for heinousness double died: besides the cursed ig­norance and enmity still remaining in my heart; that as I never have, so I never can do any thing but dishonour God, and damn my own Soul: How can it ever enter into my heart, that such a Rebel shall be received to Mercy; and such crimson and scarlet abominations be forgiven.

Answ. Him that comes to me, I will in no wise cast out. Whatsoever he has been or done, and left undone or set his heart upon; him that comes to me, let him be as bad as bad can be; and worse than he can think himself to be: Yea worse than ever came before him, or that ever refused to come; yet, him that comes to me, I will in no wise cast out.

[Page 5]The Words need further Explication; but the Text, with little variation, will be the Doctrine; which to explain, confirm, and apply, is my whole business in the present Exercise; as it is yours to hear, receive, and improve what the LORD hath to say unto you, from the Text and Doctrine, which is, DOCT. All that the Father giveth to Christ, shall come to Him; and He will in no wise cast out any that do come unto Him.’

I purpose, Doctrinally to Discourse the Point, under three General Heads, in order, as they lie in the Text & Doctrine; by shewing how that

  • I. GOD the Father hath given unto His Son Jesus Christ, a Number of Fallen Man-kind.
  • II. All that are thus given to CHRIST shall come unto Him.
  • III. CHRIST will in no wise cast out, any One that comes unto Him.

I. PROP. GOD the Father hath given to His Son JESUS CHRIST, a Number of Fallen Man-kind.

Fallen Man is both Gods Creature, and Priso­ner; made at first for his pleasure, his life now forfeited into the hands of Soveraign Justice, by acts of hostility, rebellion and treason: So that [Page 6] his Creator and Judge, who hath made all things for himself; even the wicked for the Day of evil, Prov. 16.4. Might have disposed of the whole Humane Race, as he did of the Deserting An­gels, to be an eternal Sacrifice unto his reveng­ing Justice: nor did, or could we guilty Cri­minals, at first, expect any other. But it pleased his Soveraign Majesty to Assert his right of Do­minion, according to which he might dispose of any or all the whole Kind, into what hands he pleased; by giving into the hands of his Son, a Number of perishing Sinners; both as his Charge or Trust, and as his Crown or Recom­pence.

1. As his Trust and Charge. As straying and lost Sheep, to be restored and preserved by the Shepherd of Israel: As wounded, sick and dy­ing Patients, into the hands of this Infallible Physician; to be under his Cure, 'till they should be, not only made whole and healthful; but immortal, yea invulnerable: As insolvent Debtors, yea condemned Malefactors, to an able Surety, not to be bound, jointly and severally with them: but body for body, and Soul for Soul, in their stead; to be a Prisoner of Justice, 'till he should pay the uttermost Farthing, tho' it must cost him his Life and Hearts-blood; yea his Soul must be made an offering for sin. 'Tis not enough that he be subject to the Law, in all its Precepts and Prohibitions; he must also be made Sin and a Curse for Accursed Transgres­sors; and expect no merciful abatement, when he comes to stand before an inflexible Judge, in [Page 7] the room and stead of those who are by Na­ture, Children of wrath, even as others. Once more, not to multiply Particulars; there was a Number given to Christ as Children, to be fed and taught, educated and trained up, for the Kingdom of Heaven: and whilst Heirs under Age, to be tutor'd and disciplin'd with Merciful, yet Smarting Rods; sore, but heal­ing Stripes; until these light Afflictions, which are also Momentany, have work'd for them, by working and fashioning them for that far more exceeding and eternal weight of Glory.

2. This Number was given to Christ, as the Crown and Recompence of his hard and costly Undertaking. Unsearchable Riches, and eternal Revenues of Glory would, by the Son of God, in the accomplishment of so great a Design, be brought into the King, his Father's Ex­chequer; it was therefore requisite, in point of Honour and Justice, that some proportio­nable reward should be given unto this great and faithful Agent and Sufferer, in so glori­ous a Cause. Accordingly, the Father pro­poseth; Ask of me, and I shall give thee the Heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost Parts of the Earth for thy possession. Christ shall have a Seed to serve Him; shall see of the tra­vel of his Soul, and shall be satisfied. I will divide him a Portion with the Great, and he shall divide the Spoil with the strong; because he poured out his Soul unto death; and he was num­bred with the transgressors, and bare the sin of [Page 8] many, and made intercession for the transgressors. —Christ Jesus, who being in the form of God, thought it no robbery to be equal with God; but made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a Servant, and was made in the likeness of men; and being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself and became obe­dient unto death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a Name which is above every Name: That at the Name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in Heaven, and things in Earth, and things under the Earth; and that every Tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, &c. So shall it for ever be acknow­ledged, and sung to the Praise of the Lamb who was slain, that all the thousands of thousands, who are Saved from the Wrath to come, and crown'd with Immortal Glory, are the fruit of his Purchase and Trophies of his Victory: thus the Bride the Lambs Wife, the true Queen of Heaven, as she bor­rows all her Glory from the Prince of the Kings of the Earth, her royal Husband; so shall she reflect back those rays on the Sun of righteousness, to the increase of his de­clarative Glory, and to his infinite solace and satisfaction; while he shall for ever think out of what immeasurable depths, and in­extricable Labyrinths of Sin and misery, he his fetched up, rescued and brought home his Dearest Spouse; and to think how dear she cost him, he can't but rejoyce eternally [Page 9] over her with Singing, and rest in his Love: A Love that passeth knowledge; and that, not only in the strength and permanency of it; but in its Rise and Antiquity. Before Gods Works of old. — Before the Mountains were setled; before the Hills — did this Won­derful Lover rejoyce in the habitable parts of his Earth, and his delights were with the Sons of men. Jer. 31.3. The LORD hath appeared of old unto me, saying, yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with loving kindness have I drawn thee. Which brings us to the

II. PROP. All that are thus given to CHRIST, shall come unto Him.

1. Quest. What is implied in the Souls co­ming to Jesus Christ?

Answ. 1. Conviction of Sin, Righteousness and Judgment; Joh. 16.8. And when He, i. e. the Holy Spirit, is come, he will reprove, or convince the World of Sin, and of Righteous­ness, and of Judgment.

1. Of Sin, because they believe not on me, saith Christ, v. 9. Unbelievers must, of ne­cessity, see the Evil of not coming to Christ, before they will reform it, by coming in the way of Faith, unto him. Ye will not come unto me, that ye might have Life, Joh. 5.40. They must, indeed, see their inability [Page 10] to come to Christ, without Divine, almighty drawings: No man can come to me, except the Father which sent me draw him—Joh. 6.44. But the sight of their weakness is not enough to humble them: they are ready to make an Excuse of that; they must therefore by a more thorough work of Conviction, be made sensible that they want a Will as well as Power to come to Christ; that they have a heart full of re­bellion against the Authority of God, in every Command of the Law; but more especially in [that Command of his] that Gospel Command to perishing-Sinners, 1 Joh. 3.23. And this is his Commandment, that we should believe on the Name of his Son Jesus Christ. They must have their Eyes op'ned to see also, the horrid nature of this Sin; what blas­phemy there is in the Disobedience of Un­belief, 1 Joh. 5.10, 11. He that believeth not God, hath made him a liar, because he believeth not the record that God gave of his Son. And this is the record that God hath given to us eternal Life, and this Life is in his Son. In Gods Blessed Book of Records, the Holy Ghost has inserted, over, and over and over again, that there is Pardon, Life and Sal­vation in Christ, for every one that is wil­ling to accept it, as a free gift. Now, whilst the Gospel Sinner, either chuseth ra­ther to venture on in the Old Covenant way, then to cast himself wholly on Christ, the Mediator of the New-Covenant; or else stays away from Christ, because of his Unworthi­ness [Page 11] to come unto him, is guilty of Charg­ing God himself with Falsehood, as if he had made a false Record: — He hath made God a liar, because he believeth not the Record that he gave of his Son, &c. Horrid Blas­phemy! Unbelief not only shuts up the Heart of a Sinner, but, in a sort, the Hands of the Saviour. Mark 6.5, 6. And he could, there, do no mighty work, — because of there Unbe­lief. Conviction of Sin against the Law, may be by Natural Conscience; even Hea­thens have such Convictions: But the Spirit is sent to bring the Soul to its Saviour, by Convincing it of Sin, because it believes not in Christ; and

2. Of Righteousness, saith Christ. Joh. 16.10. Because I go to the Father, and ye see me no more. q. d. My Father sent me hither, in the Quality of a Surety; to be made Sin and a Curse, in the Place and Stead of those for whom I undertook to fulfill all Righteous­ness; that in me they might have a compleat Righteousness, for their Justification before God; that so He might be just, in justifying the Ungodly, freely by his Grace, thro' the Re­demption that is in Jesus Christ: Whom God hath set forth to be a Propitiation, thro' Faith in his blood, to declare his Righteousness, for the Remission of sins, —. Now I am just finish­ing this my Suretiship; and then I shall re­turn to him that sent me: if the work be done to his acceptance, then I shall be re­ceived, [Page 12] as their fore-runner; if not, I shall be sent back again: So that if you see me no more in the form of a Servant; but I receive of the Father, in virtute of my Surety-righteousness, the Promise of the Holy Ghost, Act. 2.33. He shall convince you of Righ­teousness, in and through me, for you; by this very argument, that I am received, ex­alted, rewarded according to the tenour of the Covenant of Redemption; as having done my work, which was to work out a Righ­teousness for you; which if I had not done, or done to the halves; I should certainly have been sent back again, and never have received my Wages 'till I had done my work. He shall convince the World of Sin, because they believe not on me; Of Righteousness, because I go to the Father, and ye see me no more; and

3. Of Judgment, because the Prince of this World is Judged. This last Branch of the work of Conviction, implied in the Soul's coming to Christ, seems more dark than either of the former. How plain is it that the whole need not the Physician, but those that are Sick: The Soul must see its Malady, before it will look out for a Remedy. Nor will a Sin-sick Soul betake it self to Christ for a Cure, 'till it be convinced that this Physician has the Balm that will Mollifie, case and heal its wounds: and if Guilt, for having violated the Law, be the Souls Wound; then a Righteousness to Answer all the demands of the Law, must [Page 13] be the Guilty Consciences true Relief; which Righteousness is only in and from Christ. By him all that believe are justified from all things, from which they could not be justified by the Law of Moses. So the Believing Sin­ner comes to be accepted, as Righteous in Gods sight. I say these things seem more plain: they are plain to him that has a Spi­ritual Understanding. But what it is to be Convinced of Judgment, because the Prince of this World is Judged, is not so obvious. So far as is necessary for my present purpose; that Conviction of Judgment which draws the Soul to Christ, I conceive, in part, to be thus wrought, and necessary to be wrought; viz. As Conviction of righteousness relieves under a sense of Guilt, so Conviction of Judg­ment under the killing sense of Sins Domi­nion in the Soul. As if our Lord should have said; I will send the Comforter to Ap­ply Redemption, by Convincing of Sin, in its condemning guilt and reigning Power; and then by shewing the Soul, not only its dis­charge from the Sentence of Condemnation, by the Imputation of my Surety-righteousness; but also its deliverance from the Power of Sin and Satan, through my Conquest for it, in and by it. I will bring forth Judgment unto victory: the Prince of this World is Judged, con­demned, chained and dragged, as it were, in Triumph, at my Chariot Wheels, in my As­cension, Psal. 68.18. Colos. 2.15. And truly, to tell the throughly awakned Sinner of Pardon [Page 14] without victory, could be no compleat sa­tisfaction; being a Captive that must be re­deemed by Power as well as Price. I acknow­ledge, saith the Soul that is convinced, not only of Sin, but in some measure, of Righ­teousness too; I acknowledge that there is compleat Justification, thro' Christ, for the Be­lieving Sinner: but as for me, I am an Im­penitent Unbeliever. My case and disposition is expressed, Joh. 5.40. Ye will not come to me that ye might have Life. And I am likely to drop into Hell, before the Open Arms of a Merciful Redeemer, because I cannot, or rather because my will is not to run into those Saving Arms. Then comes the Almighty Spi­rit, and convinces of Judgment; shewing how that Christ hath bruised the old Serpents Head; ‘by banishing him his Temples, silen­cing him in his Oracles, dispossessing him of Humane Bodies, terrifying him with the Unexpected approach of Hell, defeating his Temptations in the Wilderness, conquering him upon Mount Calvary, disarming him at once of all his three great Weapons, the curse of the Law, the strength of Sin, and the Power of Death.’ So that he can de­tain the Captiv'd Soul no longer: It is now made willing in the Day of Christs Power.

2. Coming to Christ implies or presuppo­seth a sense of Self-emptiness, as well as Guilti­ness; together with the inward and effica­cious as well as outward Doctrinal revela­tion [Page 15] of Christ, in his All fulness; not only of Righteousness and Strength, but Grace and Good-will towards Men. This is represented in the Parable of the Prodigal, &c. Luke 15. He was brought to extremity of pinching want: Nor could any suitable supply be had for his necessities, in all that forein Country, Only in his Fathers House was bread; and there was enough and to spare. It was this double sense that brought him to Resolve; I will arise now and go to my Father, &c. Inlarge in your Meditations on this Instructive, and Encouraging Example.

3. Coming to Christ implies a Disposition in the coming Soul Answerable to the discoveries of Christ made unto the Soul: And so far as the Soul sees and considers the Lord Jesus, in his Nature, Offices, Properties and Operations; so far is this New Disposition reduced into act or motion. Is Christ over all, God blessed for ever? Acts 9.5. Then saith the Soul, I will Worship Him, as I am required to do, Psal. 45.11. Was he born of a Virgin, that he might purchase his Church with his blood, and be a suitable Head to it? And how is he, for the astonish­ing Wisdom, Condescension and Love herein expressed, both admir'd and ador'd! Is he the Great Prophet, Priest and King of his Peo­ple? Then, saith the coming Soul, He shall be both my Atonement, and Advocate; and I will be his Disciple, and Subject, to take his Yoke upon me, and learn of him. Is he the [Page 16] chief of ten Thousands? He shall be altogether lovely in mine eyes. In a word, has it plea­sed the Father that in him all fulness should dwell? I will then depend on him as my Wisdom, Righteousness, Sanctification and Re­demption; and trust in him to save me from my Sins, and deliver from the Wrath to come; because his Name is Jesus, a SAVIOUR; Matth. 1.21. 1 Thes. 1.10.

2. Quest. What security is there, with respect to those that the Father hath given to our Lord Jesus Christ; that they shall, all of them, come thus, unto him?

Answ. There is full and super-abundant Se­curity, as to this Infinite Concern; and it stands in such things as these.

1. The immutability of the Counsel of God's Will, and purposes of his Grace; according to an inviolable Covenant of Redemption; Rom. 9.11. For the Children being not yet born, nei­ther having done any good or evil, that the Pur­pose of God according to Election might stand; not of works, but of him that calleth. Chap. 11.7. What then? Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for; but the Election hath obtained it, and the rest were blinded. 2 Tim. 2.17, 18, 19. And their Word will eat as doth a canker: of whom is Hymeneus and Philetus; who concerning the Truth have erred, saying that the Resurrection is past already; and overthrow the Faith of some. [Page 17] Nevertheless, the Foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord kneweth them that are his. Heb. 6.17, 18. Wherein God willing more abundantly to shew unto the Heirs of Promise the Immutability of his Counsel, confirmed it by an Oath: That by two Immutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have a strong Consolation, —Psal. 40.6—8.— Burnt-offering and Sin-offering hast thou not re­quired. Then said I, Lo, I come; in the Vo­lumn of the Book it is written of me: I delight to do thy will, O my God: Yea thy Law is with­in my heart. Zech. 6.13. — And the Counsel of Peace shall be between them both; i. e. The Lord of Hosts, and the Man whose Name is the BRANCH, v. 12. Two Infallible Per­sons; therefore the Salvation of the Elect, which was the Matter Undertaken, and made as sure as these two Infinite Parties, by con­triving, willing, declaring, promising, cove­nanting, swearing, and even pledging their very Being, could make it; cannot possibly Fail.

2. This security further stands in the Divine Alsufficiency to bring to pass what the Father and the Son have purposed, predicted, promi­sed, ingaged in, and resolved to Effect. All that the Father giveth me, shall come to me, saith Christ: But what if they should want both Power, and a Will to come? I will make them WILLING in the day of my Power. I will work to will and to do, in them, of my own good Plea­sure, saith the Lord. I will lead the blind by a [Page 18] way they have not known. The Dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God; and they that hear shall live. Every one that hath heard and learned of the Father, cometh unto me.— Who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will; Psal. 110.3. Phil. 2.13. Isai. 42.16. Joh. Eph. 1.11. So that unless Infinite Wis­dom, and the Creating Resurrection, and all conquering Power of the Almighty should be Insufficient to bring to pass what He that can­not lie has promised, and sworn to accomplish▪ the Elect cannot fail, any one of them, of co­ming into the Everlasting Arms of their Sa­viour.

3. To summ up what might have been fur­ther Branched forth, into divers Heads of Answer. All proper Means, and such as the Wisdom of God, and the Power of God has made effectual to the Elect, in all former Ge­nerations, and to many Thousands in our Days; all those Means, in great variety, are ready at hand, for the Enlightning, Convin­cing, Perswading, and effectual Calling of the other Sheep, which are not yet brought in: nor can we suppose more difficult Ca­ses than have been; such as Menasseh, Magda­len, and Paul; the Corinthians, and Christ's Murderers: yet suppose, if you please, a Case more difficult than all these; yet will it be a like easy to Omnipotent Wisdom: And all possible opposition from Earth and Hell; yea or Sin, which is more than both▪ all that Car­nality [Page 19] of the Mind, and cursed Enmity of the Will; all that hardness of Heart, blindness of Mind, and searedness of Conscience, that could ever be found in any Elect Soul; I say, all was fore-seen perfectly, when the Co­venant of Redemption was in making: What then hindred not from undertaking their Ef­fectual Calling, can never be supposed to obstruct the accomplishing of it; being once, so solemnly ingaged for. In a word; If any one single Person, that the Father has given to Christ, in the sense of our Text, might fail of coming to him; then all might fail; and every thing else that he has purposed, or promised, or sworn to Effect, Psal. 89.35. Once have I sworn by my Holiness, that I will not lie unto David, i. e. unto Christ, his Seed, i. e. the Elect, shall endure; which implies their coming to Christ. Nor could the Blessed God be secure as to any thing that he should please to ingage in; which is Blasphemy, in a high degree to imagine.

Thus much for the First and Second Branch of the Text and Doctrine; by which you see, that of all the Father giveth to Jesus Christ, not One shall fail of coming unto him. It remains, that we Explain and Confirm the third Proposition.

III. PROP. That CHRIST will in no wise cast out, any One that cometh to Him.

[Page 20]Now there be two or three things impor­ted in this Form of Speech; I will in no wise cast out.

First; When the great SAVIOUR says, I will in no wise cast out; he would be under­stood as standing ready, with open Arms and Heart, to receive and make abundantly wel­come, the coming Soul. This is more Ex­pressly contained in the Fathers compassion and bounty towards his returning Prodigal Son. Luke 15.20. And he arose and came to his Father. But when he was yet a great way off, his Father saw him, and had compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him. And v. 22. He commands the Servants, saying, Bring forth the best Robe, and put it on him, and put a ring on his band, and shoes on his feet. And bring hi­ther the fatted calf, and kill it; and let us eat and be merry, v. 23. This is far from casting out; and I will in no wise cast out, intends nothing less than all this hearty and abun­dant Welcome.

Secondly; I will in no wise cast out, is as much as to say, I will never cast out. Once coming to Christ aright, secures an everlasting Interest in him. My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. And I give unto them Eternal life, and they shall never pe­rish, neither shall any pluck them out of my hand. My Father which gave them me is greater than all: and none is able to pluck them out of my [Page 21] Fathers hand. The Faith of Gods Elect, thro' Christ's Intercession, is Infallible. Luke 22.31, 32. And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sist you as wheat. But I have prayed for thee, that thy Faith fail not. It were as well never to be received, as to be received for a Time, and then cast out for ever. If you should object what David saith to Solomon, 1 Chron. 28.9.— If thou forsake him, he will cast thee off for ever. Its true; He only that endures to the End shall be saved. But He shall confirm you to the End, that ye may be blameless in the Day of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is faithful who hath cal­led you, who also will do it, 1 Thes. 5.24. com­par'd with 1 Cor. 1.8, 9. If the Elect them­selves should depart totally and finally from the Lord, they must needs Perish; for all that are far from him shall perish. But if that could be, then where were the Promises? Should that too fail for evermore? Psal. 77. 8. 'Tis the Infirmity of tempted Souls, sometimes to think so, v. 10. 'till they recover themselves: and it is the Blasphemy of some who say they are Jews, but are not, to make nothing of all the Security given for the Elect Souls Conver­version, and the Believing Sinners compleat Salvation; as if it were of him that willeth, and of him that runneth, and not of GOD who hath Mercy on whom he will have Mercy, and whom he will he hardneth, Rom. [...] 9. & 10.

[Page 22]Obj. Why then doth he find fault, for who hath resisted his will?

Ans. Nay, but O Man, who art thou that repliest against God — Hath not the Potter power over the clay? — What if God wil­ling to shew his Wrath, — and that he might make known the riches of his Glory on the vessels of Mercy. Jer. 32.38, 39, 40. And they shall be my People, and I will be their God. And I will give them one heart, and one way, that they may fear me for ever, — And I will make an Everlasting Covenant with them, that I will not turn away from them, to do them good; but I will put my fear in their hearts, that they shall not depart from me. And Cautions are so far from inferring any possibility of an Elect Souls perishing, or a true Believers lo­sing his Faith; that they prove the quite Con­trary: Since God, who has ingaged for the Saints Perseverance, has also provided all Means to secure it; among which these Cau­tions and Warnings are not the least. Paul once told a certain number of Men, in great hazzard of their Lives, that they should be every Man of them Saved. He told them so in the Name of God; for he was assured of it by Revelation from Heaven. And yet, after all, Cautions, Directs and Warns them about the Means of their Preservation; What they must do, and what they must avoid, in order to it, as the appointed Means: yea is Positive, that except the way of their safety be taken, and the way of their destruction [Page 23] be avoided, they could not be safe; Acts 21. And if these things be consistent in Temporal Cases, why not in Spiritual? Because I live, saith Christ, ye shall live also: Yet, If ye live after the flesh, ye shall die, saith Paul.

Thirdly; There is, at least, one thing more implyed in the Words, I will in no wise cast out; and that is the jealous Fear, part­ly through ignorance, and partly through guilt, that is wont to fill and perplex the Minds of awakned Sinners, that are invited to accept of whole Salvation through Christ. For such as we are, and have been, to come into a State of Peculiar Favour and Friendship with the Son of God, and Lord of Angels; Who is of purer eyes than to behold iniquity, and who cannot look upon Sin? We are afraid and a­shamed to come. But have you not the more need of Pardon and Salvation through Christ? And since he calls you, it will be no pre­sumption to come when you are called▪ but wicked rebellion to refuse. Arise, saith Christ, and come away. Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you Rest. If any man thirst, let him come to me and drink. I will give to him that is a-thirst, of the Fountain of the water of Life, freely, The Spirit and the Bride say, Come; and let him that heareth say, Come, and let him that is a-thirst come: And whosoever will, let him take of the water of Life freely. Be of good chear arise he calleth thee. No; Others may do well [Page 24] to go; but I am so vile and utterly unwor­thy, that I dare not venture. Alas! All the venture lies in your Disobedience to the Gos­pel Call; for him that comes to Christ, He will in no wise cast. out: But he that believes not shall be damned. Sinners are afraid to trust in Christ, and not so much afraid to continue in Unbelief, Now what an unaccountably strange thing is this! Afraid to go to Christ, when he Calls, Invites, Intreats and Commands the perishing Soul to come: And at the same time, daring to stay away from Him, altho' he threatens with all the fiery Curses in the Law, and Eternal damnation in the other World, every Soul that disobeys the Gospel, by refusing to come to Christ. What shall we think of this Matter? Why, the Truth of the Matter is and must needs be this; That they Question the Truth of the Gospel. It can't possibly be otherwise; in that, when the Truth of the Gospel, viz. That there is Salvation in Christ for the chief of Sinners, on condition of Acceptance, when 'tis offer'd: this, I say, being once cleared up to any Soul; that Soul never objects its Un­worthiness to come to Christ: Nor its want of Power to believe neither; for it is as Na­tural to Confide in and rely upon a known, a­ble, bountiful, and faithful Promiser, as it is to be jealous of a known Cheat. How well then did Jesus say, Joh. 17.3. This is Life Eter­nal, that they might KNOW thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent? [Page 25] They that Know the Lord, whose Name is Faith­ful and True, will put their Trust in him: and they that do not so, therein make him a Liar; as was shown before. And that you may know the Lord, and the workings of his Heart and Soul toward perishing Sinners; let me a little argue the Truth of this last Propo­sition, to make way for the Application of the whole; by shewing, in a few Particulars, how certain it is, that Christ will in no wise cast out any One that cometh to him.

1. In that he is not only as full as he can hold of Good Will towards Men, and every way furnished to Compleat their Salvation; but he is also many ways obliged to receive all that come unto him.


(1.) This is his Fathers Will that sent him, that every one who seeth the Son and believeth on him, may have Everlasting Life. Joh. 17. 3. Now, he that drank off a Cup of Unmixed Wrath, which put him into a Bloody Sweat, and because it was his Fathers Will; cannot, surely, cast out any one that, having heard and learned of the Father, cometh unto him, as the Appointed and Anointed Saviour.

(2.) He is Self-obliged, by his own free Promises, to receive all Comers, good and bad, in the sense of that Text, Matth. 22.10. So those Servants went out into the high-ways, and gathered together all, as many as they found, both [Page 26] bad and good: and the Wedding was furnished with guests. In the Invitations, Commands and Pro­mises of Christ, before-mentioned, there is no Exception, exclusive of any Comer.

(3.) Yea, and his thus sending forth his Servants, with such Messages as they bring to hunger-starv'd, naked Beggars, does lay some ingagement on the Bountiful Master of the Feast, to make them welcome, when they come at his Call, and do as they are bidden, Matth. 22.4. Again he sent forth other Servants, saying, Tell them which are bidden, Behold, I have prepared my dinner; my Oxen, and my Fatlings are killed, and all things are ready: Come unto the Marriage.

Now, before we pass to another Argument, let us lay these Three things together: and can it once enter into our Thoughts, that the Dear and only Son of Gods Love will cross his Father's Will; that Eternal Truth will break his Promise, and Infinite Goodness invite fa­mishing Souls to a Feast, only to mock them?

2. Which might have been brought under the former Argument; Such as come to Christ, are the very Persons that his Father gave him, in the Covenant of Redemption; and on whom he hath set his Unchangeable Love, in the days of Eternity; His Children, his Sister and his Spouse; for whom he did and suffered more than Son of Man, or Angels Tongue can, possibly de­clare; [Page 27] and on whom he has waited, 'till his head was filled with dew, and his locks with the drops of the Night: And can he yet find in his heart to thrust and kick them away out of his Pre­sence, when they come; secretly too, drawn by his Spirit? It can never be!

3. How can that Meek and Merciful Jesus, whose Bowels of Compassion so tenderly moved towards those whose hearts were full of Mur­der and Blasphemy against him, that he be­moaned, and with many Tears, lamented over them, because of their unrelenting obstinacy in rejecting him, when he came unto them: How can he, I say, after this, cast out, abhor and destroy such as come, and fail down in the dust at his feet? A Mother shall sooner forget her sucking Child, that she should not have compassion on the Son of her womb; Isai. 49.1 [...]. There may be such a Monster in Nature. But I will add, that the Tenderest Mother, who can­not bear to see the least Severity used towards an Enemy, or ev'n a dumb Creature; such an one shall sooner throw an only Son into the fire, and stamp on it with her feet, than Christ Jesus will deny the most loving and hearty welcome to the Coming Soul. There is nothing in Nature so impossible, as that the Lord Jesus should cast out the Coming Sinner.

Finally; If Christ should cast out so much as one Soul that cometh unto him; No a­wak'ned Sinner, after that, could have any suf­ficient [Page 28] Incouragement, from the Gospel, to be­lieve in the Lord Jesus. For, does not ev'ry awakned Soul see it self to be most unworthy? Is there such another Wretch on the face of Gods Earth? Have any, but the Devils, such Hearts as Mine? Now, if there were any Ex­ception, on the account of Unworthiness; No thorowly awakned Sinner would ever come. All the hope and support is, that the very worst are not Excepted; and none were ever rejected, unless they refused to come.

Besides, if any Coming Soul, drawing near to Christ, meerly on the Incouragement of the General offer; Whosoever will, let him take of the Water of Life freely. And this Large, all­reaching Promise, that has drawn so many thousands to Christ; Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out; I say, if any One Soul, from Adam's Fall, to the last Trumpets sounding, willing to Accept the offer, Coming at Christ's Call, should be Refused; there were no more any Truth in the Gospel, to be depended on.


USE. I. Did GOD the Father give a Number of the Fallen Race of Man-kind into the hands of the Lord Jesus Christ, to be Re­deemed and Sav'd? How does this Com­mend the distinguishing Love and Care of the [Page 29] Father of Mercies to that Remnant; and set forth his esteem of them! Especially conside­ring,

(1.) That not so much as one of all the Millions of Fallen Angels was thus loved and cared for, Heb. 2.16. Jude, v. 6. Those richer and siner vessels were cast away; and vessels of clay, yea broken Pot-sheards regarded, and gathered up; when a new World might have been made with less cost; or this have been fur­nished with new vessels, made out of the dust, as Adam; or out of nothing, as the Angels.

(2.) That these were by Nature no better than the rest of Man-kind, who were over­looked and passed by in God's Eternal Pur­pose of Love; which He is said to have Purposed in Himself, concerning the Salvation of this Remnant, Yea, do not many of the Elect prove much worse than others, in Natural disposition, and Unnatural Rebellion, before their Conversion? 1 Cor. 1. 26. Ezek. XVI. the whole Chapter. 1 Cor. 6 9, 10, 11. Luke 6. 37. to the end of the Chapter.

(3.) If we consider what it was that moved the blessed God, thus to dispose of this Distin­guished Number; this further Commends the freeness of his rich Grace in Christ. He was not urged by Intreaties; for there was no Crea­ture in Being to speak a word for them, Prov. 8.21—31. And the first made the Motion to our Redeemer. No gain or profit at all could be brought in to the glorious God; but be must be at vast Expence to Ransom them, [Page 30] and the profit will be all their own: they were likely to be an Exercise to his Patience, all their Days in this World; by slighting his offered Grace, before their Conversion, and abusing it afterwards. That, then, which moved the Lord to pity and ransom a Number, was his Gra­cious good Will, and meer Soveraign Pleasure, which first Disposed him to raise them from the Depth of Misery to the Heigth of Happi­ness; and then to commit them into a safe Hand, that the Designed Felicity might be se­cured beyond Hazzard; that there might be no possibility of a Relapse into a State of Sin and Misery, which wou'd be Irreparable. And it might be further pondered, what Ingagements and Bonds the Father takes of Christ; and how high he bids by way of Recompence, — How he furnisheth him for the Work, promising to stand by him,— and every thing — be­yond hope and desire, beyond conception or imagination, of Men or Angels; — And all to Commend this Love to his Chosen.

USE. II. Has the Lord Jesus Christ un­dertaken for the Elect? Hence, Nothing can be more abundantly secured, then their com­pleat Salvation. This is what Christ has Un­dertaken; even to bring many Sons to Glory, and the thing is as good as done, when such an Undertaker has Ingaged in it, There be some Men, so thorow in Business, that we re­con our selves secure, when we have com­mitted an Affair unto them, and they have [Page 31] given us their Word for the Accomplishment of it. How much more secure is the Father in having Trusted his Anointed with the Sal­vation of his Chosen, Isai. 28. 16. 42. 1. com­par'd with Matth. 16. 18. This is the Top of all possible Security: it never has Failed; nor is it possible it ever should; Heb. 6.18.

USE, III. Was there a Number given to Christ? Shall they all come to him? Will he in no wise cast out any one that does come? Upon the whole, it nearly and infi­nitely concerns us all, and each one for him­self, to make it sure that we be of that Num­ber, which was given to Christ; by coming unto him.

Quest. How can our Election be made sure, now; since it was a thing Transacted and Setled, before the Foundation of the World? Eph. 1.4.

Answ. 1. The Secret, Eternal Purposes of God are the Object of Faith; not the Rule of Practice. Whatsoever God hath Revealed, we must Believe; how Inconsistent soever it may seem to our dark Minds, and prejudic'd Hearts: and whatsoever he hath Comman­ded, we must indeavour, in the strength of Christ, to Perform; how cross soever to carnal Reason, and a stiff Will, Now, God Requireth that we give Diligence to make our Calling and Election sure, 2 Pet. 1. 10.

[Page 32]2. Though our Election can never be made more certain then it is, in it self; yet, may it be made more sure to us. Compare 2 Tim. 2. 19.— The Foundation of God standeth sure, having this Seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his, with 1 Thes. 1.4, 5. Knowing, Brethren, beloved of God, your Election. For our Gospel came not to you in Word only, but also in Power, and in the Holy Ghost, and in much Assurance: Which leads to a further Answer:

3. Although we can't know our Election immediately, in it's Root and Cause; yet may it be surely known by it's Fruits and Effects. If only as many as were Ordained to Eternal Life, do Believe, Acts 13. 48. Then as many as do Believe, were Ordained to Eternal Life. If all that were given to Christ, do come to him; and none but they, Joh. 10. 26. Ye believe not, because ye are not of my sheep: then our coming to Christ and believing on him, does prove that we are of the Number that were given to him. If the Election do obtain Sanctifying Grace, and the rest are blinded; Rom. 11. 7. Then, if thou findest a Gracious Change wrought in thee, whether there be more or less remaining imperfection; thou mayest conclude that thy Name is writ­ten in Heaven, and Rejoyce therein abundant­ly, Luke 10. 20.

[Page 33]USE, IV. For the Awakening of Secure Sinners; who, after all Means of Conviction, continue impenitent in their Unbelief. They see nothing to purpose, of their Sin and Mi­sery; nothing; of any present danger: How then can they prize, and seek, and apply to the Great Saviour.

By some Method or other, You must be rouzed and alarmed; or Destruction will come upon you, as travail on a woman with Child; and you shall not escape, 1 Thes. 5.3, with part of the 2 v.The Day of the Lord so cometh, as a Thief in the night. For when they shall say, Peace and safety, then sudden destruction cometh upon them, &c.

Now, this Method hath been, in some Ex­amples, found effectual, when others have failed; even the Method that the WISDOM of GOD here takes, in the Text, as it Refers to the immediately preceding Context; for All that the Father giveth me, shall come to me, seems to be particularly Directed unto some of his Hearers, then present; who were dead asleep under the best Means that ever were used, v. 36. But I said unto you, that ye also have seen me, and believed not. On which it immedi­ately follows, All that the Father giveth me, shall come to me. q. d. Look to it, ye Secure Sons of Sion, Amos 6.1. Ye careless Daughters of Jerusalem. If ye will not come to me, that ye might have Life; but persist in your contempt of me, and opposition to me and my Gospel [Page 34] Method; the Evangelical Dispensation, that the True Israel is now to be brought under; ye will by your disobedience to the Gospel, prove your selves to be none of those that the Father gave me: for, All that the Father giveth me, they shall, and they do and wil come unto me.

Now, are not some of you, that hear me this Ev'ning, nearly concerned in this our Saviours Improvement of the Doctrine of E­lection; by way of most solemn Warning? Not concerned to find your Names written in Heaven; When your All for Eternity de­pends on it!

Consider Three Things:

1. There can be no substantial ground of rejoycing without this; nor any like unto it, Luk. 10 20. Notwithstanding in this rejoyce not, that the Spirits are subject unto you: but rather rejoyce, that your Names are written in Heaven. Ye which rejoyce in a thing of naught, Amos 6. 13. Wilt thou set thine Eyes on that which is not? Prov. 23.5.

2. All whose Names are not written in the Book of Life, shall be cast into a Lake of Fire, burning with Brimstone; Rev. 19. 20. Com­par'd with Chap. 20.15. These — were cast a live into a Lake of Fire, burning with Brimstone. And whosoever was not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the Lake of Fire. But, Who can dwell with Everlasting Burnings?

[Page 35]3. Your Unbelief concerning the Truth of what you have now heard: Your Quar­relling against the Equity of it; or Uncon­cernedness about your Near, Dear and Ever­lasting Interest therein, is no Good Sign: John 8.46, 47, 48. And if I say the Truth, why do ye not believe me? He that is of God, heareth Gods Words: Ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God. Then Answered the Jews, and said unto him, Say we not well that thou art a Samaritan and hast a Devil? Acts 19.9. — Divers were hardned, and believed not, but spake evil of that way before the Multitude. — Joh. 12.37. — 41. But though he had done so many Miracles before them, yet they believed not on him: That the saying of Isaias the Prophet might be fulfilled, which he spake, Saying, Lord, who hath believed our report? and to whom hath the arm of the Lord been revealed? Therefore they could not believe because Isaias said again, He hath blinded their eyes, and hardned their heart; that they should not see with their eyes, nor understand with their heart, and be converted and I should heal them. I will only add here some verses that follow in the Chapter of my Text, with Acts 18.17. — Murmur not among your selves. No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: — Many therefore of his Disciples when they had heard this, said, This is an hard saying, Who can hear it? When Jesus knew in himself that his Disciples Murmur­ed at it, he said unto them, Doth this offend you? [Page 36] — There are some of you that believe not. For Jesus knew from the beginning, who they were that believed not, — And he said, therefore said I unto you, that no man can come unto me, except it were given to him of my Father. From that time many of his Disciples went back, and walked no more with him. Then said Jesus unto the Twelve, will ye also go away? Then Simon Peter Answered, Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of Eternal Life. And we believe and are sure, —. But Gallio cared for none of these Things. So that instead of belie­ving with trembling astonishment; and then with joy unspeakable and full of Glory, Acts 9.6. 1 Pet. 1.8. To be cold and indifferent, as if Election and Non-Election were all one to us; or to be hot and contentious, instead of obeying the Truth, though never so contrary to the carnal Mind, which is Enmity against God; is indeed a very bad Sign.

Obj. Is this your Use of Awakening? A Use of Discouragement, I think.

Ans. 1. Would you be Incouraged in your Security, or not plainly and loudly told your danger, to rouze you from your Beds of Sloth? Would to God that among so many Scores, as various Inducements have now brought to­gether, there were not some Elder or Younger, who are not likely to be reached by softer Methods; nor perhaps, by harder neither. Ye Serpents, ye Generation of Vipers, how can ye [Page 37] escape the damnation of Hell? are Words that came out of the Saviour's own Mouth, Matth. 23.33.

2 What hath been said under this 4th, is but Preparatory unto

USE, V. Which may be for the Directi­on and Incouragement of Awakned Sinners.

1. For their Direction in the way to Christ; that in order to their finding acceptance with him, they fail not of coming aright unto him.

(1.)You must not look at any other Pre­paration, then what is implied in that Con­viction, of which something has been Doctri­nally spoken; to which I refer you. The sense of Guilt, binding the Sinner over to the Judg­ment Seat; Utter insufficiency to obey, either the Law or Gospel, together with the sensible acknowledgment of Unworthiness to receive the least Degree of sparing Mercy, which is the lowest kind of Mercy, has driven many a poor perishing Soul to Christ; when ignorance of the Plague of their own hearts, has kept thou­sands and ten thousands from him; who have been either always Sober, or of reformed Lives, and lively affections; living upon their own Righteousness. I was a live without the Law once; but when the Commandment came, Sin revived and I died, Rom. 7.9. Dead to the Law; then Married to Christ, v. 4.

[Page 38](2.) You need not fear going to Christ too soon or too fast, if it be to him, indeed, that you go: nor need you fear a Repulse, or in the least, doubt of an hearty and abundant Wel­come, provided you come to him meerly on the incouragement given you in the Gospel; which, in short, is this, Christ Jesus came in­to the World to save Sinners: He is the End of the Law for Righteousness to every one that Believeth; 1 Tim. 1.15. Rom. 10.4. If thou comest as a most forlorn, self-undone, and as to what the whole Creation can possibly do for thee, an Hopeless Wretch, to the Lord Jesus Christ as an Alsufficient and Compassionate Saviour; full of Grace and Truth; thou canst not come amiss, nor miss of what you come for; viz. Sanctifying as well as Pardoning Grace; Worthiness and Righteousness, as well as Deliverance and Happiness; even whole Salvation.

(3.) Wait Diligently, Hopefully and Submis­sively, for the Inward Revelation of the Holy Spirit of Promise. He has been with thee and in thee already, discovering thy miserable State of Bondage, causing Fear: It is his work also to Reveal Christ in thee, Gal. 1.15. And for this it is that thou art to wait.

[1.] Diligently: Using all Means; whither Publick, Private or Secret: Sparing no Pains in the Use of any Means; Praying Always, and not [Page 39] fainting, 'till thou hast obtained a Blessing: Shunning also whatsoever might, either draw thee back to the ways of Sin, or drive the Spirit from, thee.

[2.] Hopefully: For it's good that a Man both hope, and quietly Wait for the Salvation of God; Who takes pleasure in those that hope in his Mercy. Yea, in hope, to believe against hope, when many and mighty Discourage­ments may Assault you; is to give glory to God; and to take the Kingdom of Heaven by force; pressing into it, by a sort of Violence; such as may Consist with waiting,

[3.] Submissively: As neither length of time, nor seeming denials and desertions, should make you give over waiting for this Vision, which is for an Appointed time; So there must be Submission as to the Thing it self, together with the Time Manner and Measure of this Revelation. If the Lord will Save my Soul alive, it shall live, for ever glorifying God in the highest; if not, I can but die, in missing the right Door of Mercy, after all my seeking and waiting; and Die I shall, most certainly, if I sit still. I will go to the King of Sion, in my rags and sores, and plead Guilty, as well as Miserable; and if I perish, I perish. And that you may not fail in this important Article, of Justifying the LORD and Condemning thy self, how ever it shall please his Soveraign Majesty to [Page 40] deal with thee; Renew acts of Self-Resigna­tion, a thousand times over.

I conclude with certain Considerations, full of Incouragement to such as are willing to be Directed in the Way to Christ; and resolved, under the Spirits Conduct, to follow the Coun­sel given.

1. Before ever Man Sin'd or had a Being, the Saving of a Remnant, thro' Christ, was Proposed, Agreed to, and Resolved on, as what would bring Glory to God in the Highest, Eph. 1.3—12. Luke 2.14. So that by coming to Christ, the Believing Sinner falls in with the most Pleasing Design that, for all what appears, ever came into the E­ternal Mind: And can your coming off from the Creature, and coming out of your selves, and coming over to the Lord Jesus Christ, then, be Unacceptable?

2. Christ Jesus, your Surety, has already paid all your Debts, who are coming unto him; and has Received a Discharge for the greater as well as lesser Sums, that were owing to Divine Justice; and you put the Lord to no difficulty; for he has, as it were, Num­berless Blank-Pardons lying by him; 'tis but putting in your Name; which he will be In­finitely more ready to do, than you can be to give it up to him, Psal. Luk. 15.20; and on. Jer. 13.27. Rev. 22.17.

[Page 41]3. Your very coming to Christ, and casting all the Burden of Sin, and guilt, and fear, and shame Upon him, does more glorify God, than if you had never Sinned; or could, now answer the Law for your selves, in your own Persons: and the more Guilt you are labouring under, the more Honour you put upon Christ, by believing his Righteousness to be Respon­sible, and his Blood Meritorious for so great a Sinner; Rom. 4.16—22.

Finally; My Young Brethren, and Dearly Beloved; What shall I yet further offer, for your Incouragement in coming to Christ; that may, by the Blessing of Heaven, DraW you the faster and the sooner to him.

Here you have it, on the Word of an Im­mortal King; and he speaks it on his Eternal Honour, That He will in no wise cast out, the Soul that comes to him.

You are, the most of you, I trust, the Children of Praying, believing Parents; and so are under the Life giving Promise of Divine Teachings: No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me Draw him:— It is written in the Prophets, and they shall be all Taught of God. Every man therefore that hath heard and hath learned of the Father cometh unto me. v. 44, & 45 in the Chapter of our Text.

[Page 42]You are found in the way wherein God is wont to meet with the Soul that seeks him, thus Early: and herein you are willing to suffer Reproach for Jesus sake; which is highly pleasing to him, Prov. 8.17. 1 Pet. 4.14.

Yea, is not the Good Spirit of God Now Striving with many of you? Such as are gone before you have had their Day: Some improved it, and are happy; others slip't it, and are lost and Damn'd for ever. For, ye know, how that afterward when he would have inherited the Blessing, he was rejected: for he found no place of Repentance, tho' he sought it carefully with tears. Behold now is the Accep­ted time; behold now is the Day of Salvation. Now even Now thou mayst be on the Tur­ning Point for Life or Death Eternal: Deut. 30. 15, 19. See I have, this Day set before thee Life and Good, and Death and Evil:—There­fore chuse Life, that thou and thy Seed may Live.

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The Church-Covenant of York in the Province of Main.

WE do this day, in the Strength of CHRIST; humbly and heartily avouch the Lord, whose Name alone is JEHOVAH; Father, Son, and Spirit; to be Our GOD, and the GOD of our Seed; Entirely, and Ever­lastingly Devoting, and Dedicating both our Selves, and Ours, unto His holy Fear, and Service, according to His Word; Promising and Covenanting to Walk with GOD, and One another, as GOD's Chosen People and a particular Church of CHRIST, ought to do: Complying with the whole Will of GOD, so far as He has been pleased, or shall further please to discover His Mind to us by His Spirit, Word, and Providence; Acknow­ledging, Embracing, and Submitting un­to the Lord JESUS CHRIST God-Man, as Head of the Church, Prophet, Priest, and King of out Souls; the Only Mediator between GOD, and Man, and [Page 44] Surety of the New Covenant; that He may of GOD be made unto us Wisdom, Righteousness, Sanctification, and Re­demption; Looking for Acceptance of our Persons, and Services only in the Beloved. We do also expressly take GOD the HOLY GHOST to be our Sancti­fier, Teacher, Guide, and Comforter, by whose gracious Influences we do more particularly Covenant, and Promise to attend Family, and Closet, as well as Publick Duties, and Means of Grace: That we will also maintain Subjection unto CHRIST in the Officers which GOD has set in the Church, attending the Seals, and Censures, according to the Orders, and Discipline of His House: That we will Watch over our Fellow-Members, and be Watched over by them, according to Scripture Rule: That we will Endeavour to bring up our Chil­dren, in the Nurture, and Admonition of the LORD. And in all things labour to Carry it towards those that are without, as well as towards those that are within, as becometh the Gospel of CHRIST; that so GOD may dwell among us, and be for us; and that we may be peculiar People to His Service, and Glory.

[Page 45] NOW that we may Keep Covenant with our GOD, we desire from the bottom of our Hearts, to deny all Self-Wisdom, Righteousness, and Strength; and to depend Wholly, and Only on the Divine All-sufficiency. And wherein, after our best Endeavours, we shall fail, and fall short: We would Penitently, Believingly, and with sincere renewed Purposes, be Waiting on Soveraign Grace, (through the Blood of the Covenant, and Intercession of our Advocate with the Father, JESUS CHRIST the Righteous) for Repeated Pardons to be Sealed unto us by the Holy Spirit of Promise. To which FATHER, SON, and HOLY GHOST, One GOD, the same in Substance, Equal in all Divine Perfections, Be Dominion and Fear, with Eternal Glory. Amen.


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