
THE English Physician. CONTAINING, Admirable and Approved REMEDIES For several of the most usual DISEASES. Fitted to the meanest Capacity,

By N. Culpepper, Doctor of Physick.

Licensed, According to Order.

BOSTON, Re-printed for Nicholas Boone, at the Sign of the BIBLE, near the Corner of School-House-Lane. 1708.


TO THE Reader.

I Have here made Publick to [...] World, some of my choicest [...] in the Art of Physick, which had once thought never to Publ [...] but the Importunities of the Publ [...] Good, has so prevailed with me, above my private Interest, to serve my [...] and Station in which I live. Be [...] and good to your Poor Neighbour, [...] which you may expect the Blessing of God. And in so doing you will Compel [...] to Oblige the World with several [...] useful things, which I shall fit to the com­mon Capacity of all People.

I am Your Humble Servant, N. Culpepper.
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Aches, and Lameness in the Body, Joy [...]ts, L [...]mbs and Bones.

An approved Searcloth for all Aches.

TAke Burgundy Pitch, one Pound; White Virgins Wax four Ounces; white Frankincense, two Ounces, powdered: Melt them all together in [...] Pipkin, [...]ing all well together; then pour out all into a Bason, or Pan of Water; then anoint thy Hands [Page 2] with Butter, and make thy Plaist or Searcloth into Rolls.

An Excellent Ointment for the same.

Take the Gall of an Ox, Whi [...] wine Vinegar, Oyl of Excester, Aq [...] Vitae, of each a like quantity, b [...] them gently on a Fire. Keeping scum'd, till it grow clammy, and w [...] this bathe well the aching part▪ [...] it in well, by rubbing it in, before Fire, with a warm Hand, Morning Evening, still laying a Linnen Cloth upon it.

For Bone-ach, and the Gout.

Take of the best Aqua Vitae. [...] Oyl of Bays, of each a like quantit [...] mix them well together, and [...] the part well with a warm Hand be­fore the Fire, and bind on it a Linnen Cloth, Morning and Evening.

For the Joynt Ach, and the Gout, most Excellent.

Take the Juice of Sage, Aqua Vi­tae, the Oyl of Bays, Vinegar, Mustard, and of an Ox [...] Gall, of each a like quantity, put them all together in a large Ox Bladder. Tye it fast, and chafe it up and down with your hand, [Page 3] during one hour & half, then keep it for your Use, & anoint the griev'd part Morning and Evening.

A Process against all Pains & Aches in the Back, Hips, Sides, Knees, or any part of the Body.

Take first Pil [...] Foetida, one drachm, to Purge now and then, and take them in Syrup of Roses; after Purging, procure Sweat thus.

Take Guaiacum, one Ounce, Sarsa­parilla, one Ounce and a half, the Root of Enulacampain, one Ounce; boyl them in a Pottle of small Ale, till half be consumed, then drink thereof a Quart in a Hot House, & Sweat often; Then in the House, bathe all the Body with this Oleaginous B [...]lsome.

Oyl of Amber, Oyl of Turpentine, Oyl of Foxes, Oyl of Excester, and Oyl of Chamomil, of each a like quan­tity, and mix it with some Brandy.

And if his Pains and Aches fall out to be most painful in the Night (as many times they do.)

Then at Night let him take this Potion, Syrrup of Poppy, 3 Drachms; Syrrup of Betony. one Drachm and a [Page 4] half; Waters of Bugloss and Sage, of each an Ounce, mix them well to­gether.

This Cured a Man Perfectly, when he was [...]ame all over his Body.

Take the Gall [...] an Heifer, for [...] Man; the Gall of [...] Steer for a Woman Brandy, of each [...] like quantity, b [...] them together 'ti [...] it begin to be clammy, and before the Fire with a warm hand strongly bathe the Party Morning and Evening, th [...] he be whole.

To heal and strengthen weak Limbs [...] Children, and those which cannot stand [...] Most wonderful and Excellent [...] cure the Rickets.

Take Sage, sweet Marjoram, Rose­mary, Time, Chamomil, Hysop, Fever few, Lavender, Balm, Mint, Worm­wood, Rue, Winter Savory, and Bays of each a handful, beat them together to a Mass very well in a stone Mortar, then strain out the Juice and put it in a double Glass, the which stop well, and pa [...]e it all over with Dough, and set it in an Oven with Houshold Bread, [Page 5] and when it is drawn break off all the Past, and if the Juice be thick break the Glass, and put the Juice into a Galls-pot: And when you use it, take the quantity of 2 Spoonfuls of it, and put to it as much of the Marrow of an Ox Leg, melt them together, stir them well, and add to it a little Bran­dy; and Morning and Evening anoint well before a Fire the Child's Arms, Sides, Thighs, Leggs, Knees, Feet & Joints, bathing it well in with a warm Hand. Then give it some Syrup of Rheubarb (to open the Obstructions of the Liver) and mingle it with two ounces of Mint-water, mix it well, and give it the Child fasting. This will mightily strengthen the Limbs, and make the Child to stand & go. Pro­bat.

Apoplexy to Cure.

TAke of the best Aqua-vitae well rectified from Phlegm one Pint Oyl of Vitriol one Spoonful, mix the [...] and let him drink thereof one Spoon­ful [Page 6] first in the Morning, and another last at Night.

Then let him Sweat in a Sto [...] twice a week, and every time there [...] bathe him with Oleaginous Balso [...] This is Excellent.

For the Joynt-ach & Numbness.

Take six Spoonfuls of Dragon-wa­ter, dissolve in it one drachm of M [...] ­th [...]date; drink the same draught three Mornings together fasting, and swear two Hours after it. [...] Cures.

Agues and Fevers to Cure.

A rare Secret to Cure all Agues whatsoever

TAke Venice Turpentine half an Ounce; Incorporate it with as much Mastick beaten into fine Powder, as will make it a Plaister; then take of it and spread it on a piece of Sheeps Leather cut round, and lay it on the Navel pretty warm, a day before the Fit cometh, Probat.

[Page 7]

Against an Ague.

Take a Pint of Milk, set it on the Fire, and when it boyls put in a pint of Ale, take off the Curd, then put into it nine heads of Cardius, then boyl it till half be wasted, then to every quarter of a pint put in a good Spoonful of Wheat-flower & a quarter of a Spoon­ful of gross Pepper, stir it well, and take that half Pint an Hour be­fore the Fit cometh, and be sure to Sweat him in his Bed upon the taking of it.

A Plaister against an Ague.

Take a piece of Leather pricked full of Holes, spread it over with [...] Turpentine, and on that spread all o­ver Rue and Frankincense, beaten into Powder, of each a like quantity, then bind it on the Wrist a little before the Fit cometh, and let it lie till the Fit be gone.

Against a Tertian Fever.

Take(at the coming of the cold Fit) half a pint of the distilled water of Germander: It helpeth assuredly; for Germander is styled by Physicians, the Scourge of a Fever.

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Against all burning and pestilent [...] Fevers.

Take of the Herb Fluellin cut sma [...] and infuse it 2 [...] Hours in White-wine then Distil it, and drink of this Distil­lation, with three Drops of Oyl [...] Vitriol in every Draught, when he [...] thirsty. This hath cured Old and Young that took it.

An excellent Process of Cure of all Quo­tidian, Tertian, Quartane, Pe [...]ent [...] and Burning Fevers and Agues.

Take (at the first access, Purge the Patient with this Excellent Medicine Aloes three drachms, Myrrh on Drachm; Saffron half a Drachm, Sugar Three Drachms; and beat them well together, then infuse them in a Pint of White-wine over Night, and give it two several Mornings, half a Pint at a time.

His Drink a Julep.

And for his ordinary Drink, when he is Thirsty, let him use this Excel­lent Julep. Take White-wine Vinegar half a pint, Rose-water 1 pint, Conduit or Fountain-water, 1 Pint; Seethe them together with a Pound of Sugar.

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If the Sick be high Couloured, then let him Blood as a chief Remedy; if no Spots appear in his [...]

Sleep to Procure.

If he want Sleep, Take Syrup of white Poppy, one ounce; Distilled water of Lettice, two ounces, mix them and take it at Night, for Sleep cools the Body, and prevents motion, and Motion is one of the Principal causes of heat.

Sore Mouth to Heal.

If the Mouth be sore, Take one Penny-worth of red Sage, gros [...] cut, one handful of French Barley beaten, Roach Allom one ounce: Boyl all these together in a Pint and half o [...] Spring-water then dulcify it before it be cold with Honey, and therewith wash the Mouth, and gargle the Throat.

To make the Costive Laxative.

If he be Costive, make him Laxative with my Pilulae Magist [...]al [...]s, nothing comparable.

His Diet.

His Diet must be Broths of Chick­ens, Knuckles of Mutton or Veal; but [Page 10] no Flesh, for that increaseth [...] feedeth the Fever.

Against a new Ague.

Take one drachm of pure Toba [...] in the Leaf, infuse it all Night in ha [...] a pint of White-wine, then strain and drink it, fasting two Hours after it. This will purge Phlegm a [...] Choler throughly.

Against a burning Fever.

Take distilled Wall-nuts, a w [...] or two before Mid-Summer, and give of that water one ounce and a half a [...] a time, an Hour before the Fit. [...] Cures.

To keep the Belly open in a Feaver.

Take the Decoction of Prunes four ounces, wherein dissolve Manna one ounce; then when they boyl up, di­strain them, and drink four ounces o [...] the Liquor fasting.

An excellent Julep in all Feavers.

Take what quantity of Prunes y [...] please, bruse them and distill them, and keep the Distillation in a great Glass, with a Tap in it at the bottom; then take four ounces of Prune-water, Juice of Oranges, Syrup of Gilli-flow­ers [Page 11] two ounces, a few drops of Spirit of Vitriol; mix them, and let the Pa­tient drink two or three spoonfuls at a time often.

Note, That all Volatile Salts of Rue, Sage, Marjoram, Rosemary, and the like being drunk in Wine, and Sweat upon it, cures all Feavers. Van. Helmont [...].

To preserve your Juice of Oranges, buy your Oranges when they be cheapest, & good [...]ore; then press out their Juice, then clarifie it, and put it in a great Glass, that hath a Tap and Spicket in the bottom of it; then co­ver the Juice in the Glass one Inch thick with good sweet Sallet Oyl; and so you may preserve your Juice as long as you will.

To strengthen the Heart in all Fevers mightily.

Take of the dryed Leaves of Mary-gold-flowers, beat them to powder, then take Turpentine and Rosin each a like quantity; then put them into an equal quantity of fine Hogs Lard, and incorporate them well together over the Fire, then spread thereof on a shield plaister of Leather, and lay it [Page 12] on the Breast over the Heart, and [...] will strengthen the heart unspeak [...]

Bleeding to Stop in any Part, Inwardly, Outwardly.

To stop the Bleeding at the Nose.

TAke Bole Armoniack, stamp finely to Powder; then blow some of it with a Quill into the [...] Nostril of the Patient, and [...] presently. Probat.

Against P [...]ssing of Blood.

Take Sheeps Milk (highly praise herein above all) Fasting 4 ounce mix with it a drachm of fine Bole Ar­moniack in Powder, & drink it up.

Against the Bloody Flux, and P [...]ssi [...] of Blood.

Take Conserve of Roses 1 ounce Crocus Martis 1 Scruple, mix the [...] well, then take it on the point of Knife in a Morning fasting, and do [...] three several Mornings together [...] whole Probat.

[Page 13]

Against all Fluxes in Men and Wo­men.

Take Syrup of Roses, and Syrup of Mints, 1 ounce of each, Bole Armoni­ack in Powder 1 Drachm, incorpo­rate them in red Wine, make a Potion and drink it off.

To cool the Bood, Liver & Reins.

Take Strawberry-Leaves, with the roots, what you will, bo [...]l them in white wine and Water, then strain them, & drink off the Decoction fasting, [...] pint.

Judgment on the colour of the Blood.

If the Blood come Wheyish, it comes from the weakness of the Reins.

If it come from fulness and large­ness of Veins, then the party feels no pain.

If it come from breaking a Vein then the Blood cometh more abun­dantly.

If it come by some sharp Humour gnawing the Veins, then the Blood comes by little and little, and the Reins are pained.

If the Blood appear red of Colour, and white Water flows with it, then the Blood is sound.

[Page 14] If bubling Blood issue, the Stomach [...] the Party is Diseased.

If the Blood be green, then [...] Heart is grieved.

Against spitting of Blood.

Take Mastick and Olibanum, [...] Powder, 2 Scruples of each, conser [...] of red Roses 2 Ounces, Diascordiu [...] half an ounce; mix them together, [...] make an Electuary, then take there [...] [...] Morning and Evening on the point [...] a knife, as much as a Nutmeg at a time

Against Passing of Blood.

Take the Juice of Purslain, make [...] into Pills with Gumtragacanth an Gum Arabick, of each alike in Pow­der & take 5 Pills at a time, It helpeth

To stop the Bleeding caused by Leech­es.

Take a Bean, slit it in twain, take away the Skin, and lay it on a place where a Leech hath drawn, that bleed­eth too much, and it will stop the bleeding.

Against spitting & vomiting of Blood.

Take of the Seed of St. John's Wort, with its Herb and Flowers, and boil them in White-wine, and drink of [Page 15] the Decoction (being strained) it helpeth, tho' it come by Bruises, Falls, breaking a Vein, or howsoever.

To expel Blood or Choler out of the Stomach.

Take 2 Drachms of the Seeds of St. John's Wort beaten into Powder, and drunk in a little Broth, doth gent­ly perform it.

To stop Bleeding, or casting of Blood in a Consumption.

Take 3 Spoonfuls of the Juice of Sage, with a little Honey fasting, it presently doth stop it.

Against the spitting of Blood with a Cough.

Take Bole Armoniack, Terra Sigil­la [...], white and red Corral, of each half a Drachm, all powdered, Sugar of Roses half an ounce, stir them well to­gether, with the white of an Egg, make a Looch thereof, & take a little often.

A Clyster against a sharp Humour, that [...]iss [...]eth out Blood instead of O [...]dure.

Take one pint and a half of new Milk, boil it to a pint with a handful of red Rose Leaves in it, then sweeten it with powdred Sugar, and give it up [Page 16] into the party, and let him keep it; long as he can.

Belly Infirmities to Cure.

To reduce a hard Belly, and hard Sides.

TAke Ungentum Dialthaeae ounces, Ungent, Agrippae, [...] of Chamomil, of each [...] ounce, incorporate them together wi [...] a little Brandy, and anoint the pa [...] Morning & Evening before the Fir [...] rubbing of it in strongly with a wa [...] Hand, half an hour at a time.

Another for the same.

Take your own Urine, and drink good Draught thereof Nine Morning together. Probat.

Against the griping Torments a [...] fretting of the Guts.

Take the Juice of Plantain clarified and drink it by it self, or in oth [...] Drink for divers days together, [...] wonderfully prevails, as aforesaid; [...] also, against all Distillations from th [...] [Page 17] Head, and all manner of Fluxes in Men and Women.

Against Wind, & gripings in the Belly.

Take of the Roots of Kneeholm, Anniseeds and Fennelseeds, half an ounce of each, make them all into Powder, and mix them well together with half an ounce of Sugar, and take every Morning of it as much as will lye on a Shilling in Wine or Posset-Drink.

Against the Griping in the Guts.

Take Salt of Wormwood half a Drachm, Andromachus Treacle two Drachms, Conserve of red Roses what sufficeth to be made up into a Bolus, and to be taken first in the Morning.

To Cure an extraordinary Flux of the Bowels.

Take 2 hard Yolks of Eggs, temper them with good Rose Vinegar, & give it to the Patient to eat first in the Morning. By this Medicine alone a Man was Cured of this Distemper, who had daily 70 Stools a day, when all other means failed.

Against Gripings & Wind in the Guts.

Take Oyl of Ivy one Drachm in a [Page 18] Cup of Wine mixt, & drink it Fas [...] doth the Work.

A Clyster against pain and griping the Bowels, Dysenteria.

Take Cows Milk 1 Pint, fresh But­ter 1 Ounce, Gumtragacanth 1 Dra [...] the Yolks of 3 Eggs, Oyl of R [...] 2 Ounces; make it Blood warm, to [...] dissolving of the Gum, & so put up.

Breath, stinking or short, to Cure.

Against a stinking Breath.

TAke a good quantity of Rosemary Leaves and Flowers, boil the [...] in White-wi [...]e, and with a little Cin­namon and Benjamin beaten to Pow­der, being put therein, let the Patient wash the Mouth often therewith, and it will presently help. Probat.

Against shortness of Breath.

Take of Saffron in Powder 1 Scru­ple, of Musk in Powder 1 Grain, give them in Wine.

[Page 19]

For the same.

Take sweet Marjoram and boil it well in Water, and drink of the De­coction first and last, and at other times. This helps all diseases of the Chest & will make you breathe freely.

Against shortness of Breath with a Cough.

Take the Roots of Valerian and boil them with Liquorice, Raisins s [...] [...]ed, and Anniseeds, and drink of the Decoction often; this is singular good against the said Diseases, for it open­eth the passages, and causeth the Phelgm to be spit out easily.

Against a stinking Breath.

Take Myrrh, what you will, boil it in Water, and with the Decoction wash your Mouth often.

Breasts Infirmities to Cure.

A Pultess for a sore Breast.

TAke new Milk and grate white bread into it, then take Mallows [Page 20] and red Rose Leaves 1 handful of each then chop them small, and boyl the [...] together till it be thick, then put [...] some Honey and Turpentine, m [...] them, then spread it on a Cloth, a [...] apply it.

For an Ague in the Breast.

Take good Aqua-Vitae and Li [...]se [...] Oyl and warm them together on Chafing-Dish of Coals dip therein Cloths made fit for the Breasts, and lay them thereon as hot as may [...] suffered Morning and Evening.

Milk hard in the Breast to Cure.

Take Mint, Wallwort and Vervain of each a like, and with Hogs Great stamp them together, and make a Pul­tess, and apply it.

To bring long and great Breasts to little Proportion.

Take Hemlocks, shred them and boyl them in White-wine, then [...] a Plaister of them, and apply them [...] the Breasts.

To Heal an Inflammation in the Breasts.

Take the whites of two Eggs, and two handfuls of Housleek, let the Egg [Page 21] be first well beaten, then stamp them both together and apply it.

If Milk Curd in the Breast, to Cure.

Take Gumtragacanth and Gum A­rabick, of each a like, dissolve them in Rose-water, then put to the Mu [...] ­lage the whites of raw Eggs, and Oyl of Violets; compound all well toge­ther, then make a plaister thereof, and apply it.

To heal Ulcers in the Breast, altho' very grievous.

Take Oyl of Sulphur & touch them, then make this Ointment; Take the Yolks of new Eggs, 2 ounces, Turpen­tine, Butter, Barley Flower, & Honey of Roses half an ounce of each; Incor­porate them all in a Mortar, & there­with dress them till they be whole.

Back Infirmities to Cure.

Against Pains in the Ba [...]k, and coldness and weakness in the Reins, and want of an Appetite to a Woman.

TAke Parsnip Roots, as many as you please, let them be fair and [Page 22] great, cut away the tops, then [...] them into an Earthen P [...]t with [...] ­ter and double the Roots in Sug [...] then boyl them with a slow Fire [...] they be tender, then take them [...] and lay them on a Grid-Iron to [...] then pair them & take out their Pi [...] and then put them into a new Earth [...] Pot glazed, put to them as much [...] ­rified Honey as will cover them, [...] boyl them till the Honey do through penetrate them; then take them from the Fire, and put to them two [...] of Cloves, and one part of Cinnam [...] and Ginder, then bray them with [...] Roots together, and being well mix [...] take thereof fasting one Ounce a [...] time, and you will find a marvello [...] Effect.

Against Pain in the Back an [...] Reins. This hath helped many grievou [...] afflicted.

Take a new laid Egg, beat it we [...] in a Porringer; then take four Spoon­fuls of White-wine, and two Spoon­fuls of red Rose-water, one Penny-worth of Sugar-candy in powder, m [...] them well with the beaten Egg, and [Page 23] drink it up fasting: as much at Night will not hurt you.

To Strengthen the Back, and to take a [...] [...]ay pains and aches there.

Take Paracelsus's plaister, Melilot plaister, Diapalma, Diachylon, and plaister of M [...]ium of each a like, in­corporate them together over the Fire, make a plaister on Sheeps Lea­ther, and apply to the Reins & Back.

To strengthen a weak Back.

Take N [...]p, Clare, and the Pith of an Ox-back, chop them very small together; then take the Yolks of 3 new laid Eggs, beat them well, then strain them, and fry them together, then eat it fasting & drink a draught of Sack after it. Use this six or seven times together.

Bruises, Hurts, Congealed Blood to Cure.

To take away black & blew Spots, coming of stripes and bruises.

TAke Rheubarb and boyl it in Wine, and bathe the part, or [Page 24] anoint the place with Oyl, when Rheubarb hath been boyled.

A Powder against falls, & inward bru [...]

Take Bole Armoniack, D [...] ­gons Blood, and Mummy; [...] Drachms of Each; Sperma [...] One Drachm, Rheubarb Half [...] Drachm; make them all into Powder and give half a Drachm or more a time in Wine.

For all sorts of bruises and hurts in [...] part of the Body.

Take the Leaves of Bugle, Scab [...] and Sanicle, of each a like quantity bruise them and boyl them in [...] Grease, until the Herbs be dry, the strein all into a Pot, and stop it [...] close. It is of singular use to cure [...] hurts in the Body, if anointed therewi [...]

Against all Bruises, Hurts, Woun [...] and Inflammations.

Take Paracelsus Plaster half a Ounce, Diapalma as much, gree [...] Melilot one quarter of an Ounce; it corporate them over the Fire, make Plaisters o [...] it and apply it. This good also against all Inflammation coming of heat.

[Page 25]

The Vertue of Paracelsus's Styptick Plaister.

Its Vertues are great & excellent; [...] keeps back the concourse and fall­ing down of Humours; it dries super­ [...]uous Moisture, it will expel Wind, it cures a Bruise or Ache, it heals Wounds and Ulcers, breeding nothing but [...]ound Flesh; it defends from Pu­trefaction, and will keep free from Corruption forty Years.

For black and blue Spots and Crecks in the Neck.

Take Mustard-seed, powder it well, then mix it with Honey, and apply, or make the Powder up in Wax and apply it. This is good also against the crick in the Neck by Cold.

Burnings and Scaldings to Cure.

Against burning with Gunpowder.

TAke the whites of Eggs, and stamp and beat them well to­gether; then wet a Linnen Cloth in [Page 26] the liquid Matter, and lay it the [...] where it is burned, and still wet▪ Cloth there with on the outside th [...] of, that it may not remain dry, [...] this will fetch out the Fire and [...] Probat.

For a Burn.

Take Castile Soap, put it in a [...] Pan over the Fire, and stir it [...] it be as thick as a Salve, then [...] Plasters thereof, and lay on the [...] place.

To heal a Burning or Scald with [...] any Scar.

Take Sallet Oyl, well beaten in [...] Water, or [...] there with anoint the Burned or Scald­ed place three days twice a day, a [...] it will fetch out the Fire.

Then take the inner Bark of Eld [...] Ha [...]ts Tongue and Hous [...]k, of [...] four Drachms, Sheeps Trickles [...] Handfull, Sheeps Suet four Drachms boyl them together to a good thick­ness, and put thereto Wax 1 Drachm then strain it, and Plaster-wise apply it to the Grief, twice a Day 'till it be whole, without Scar.

[Page 27]

Another for the same.

Take of the Juice of Plantain, Hous [...]k, and the lesser Comfrey, of each four Ounces, of Sheeps Dung dissolved in the said Juices) 2 Ounces, Sheeps Suet 1 Pound shred, then boyl them together over a gentle Fire to a due height, then strain it, and reserve it for your Use.

Against Burning and Blasting, by Gun-powder, or Lightning.

Take of the Juice of Purslain, and mingle it with as much Oyl of Roses, and anoint the part therewith, Morn­ing and Evening.

To Cure Burning and Scalding.

Take the Ointment of white [...]llies, and anoint the part first, and then Morning and Evening apply the said Ointment Plaister-wise.

Baldness to help

And this will bedeck a bald Head, or other part with Hair.


Take the Distilled Water of the Sperm of Frogs, and bathe the par [...] well, letting it dry of it self, and then by Clouts wet therein on it.

[Page 28]

Bitings by Mad Dogs, Serpents, &c.

For the Biting of a Mad Dog.

TAke of Gentian Root in Powd [...] one Drachm, and give in [...] Water. Or,

Take Gentian Root in Powder Grains, of Rue in Powder, 1 Scrupl [...] of Pepper, powdered 5 Grains, [...] it in Angelicae Water.

Against the Bitings of Serpents, [...] of a Mad Dog.

Take Agrimony, boyl it in Wine & drink the Decoction for Serpents and for a Mad Dog take the Leave of Agrimony, bruise them and bi [...] them to the bitten place.

Against the Biting of an Adder or V [...] ­per.

Take 1 Drachm of the tops of the Stalks and Flowers of great Century beat them into Powder, and drink them in Wine. This is a very good help.

[Page 29]

Against the Stinging of Bees & Wasps.

Take of the Leaves of Marsh-mal­lows, bruise them, or rub them on the place, and it will take away the pains, redness, and swelling.


An Excellent Cordial.

TAke the Flowers of Marygolds, and lay them in Brandy, till the Tincture be fully taken out then pour is out from the Flowers, and over a few Coals vapour away the Tincture, till it come to be thick like an Electu­ary.

A Cordial against Wind in the Sto­mach, or any other part.

Take 6 Spoonfuls of Pennyrial-wa­ter, and put thereto 4 drops of the Oyl of Cinnamon, mix them, and drink it any time, Fasting two hours after.

A Cordial for the Head & Stomach.

Take a preserved Nut [...]ed, and cut [Page 30] it in Four Quarters; and eat O [...] Quarter of it at Breakfast, and [...] ­nother in the Afternoon. This very good.

A Cordial to be taken at Sea, and g [...] any where else.

Take Syrup of Clove Gilly-flowe [...] one ounce, Confectio Alkermes o [...] Drachm, Borrage water one ounce [...] a half, of Mint-water as much, [...] Mr. Mountford's Water, or other [...] Cordial Spirit as much, and as m [...] Cinnamon Water; temper all th [...] together, and take a Spoonful at [...] time, when you see cause.

Two Cordials to be taken in a Burn [...] Fever.

Take a quarter of a pint of Ma [...] Ale, sweeten it with half an ounce [...] Syrup of Gilly-flowers, and give it [...] Drink in their Burning Fit.


Take the Juice of an Orange, and as much red Rose Water, mix them and sweeten them with White Su­gar Candy: These will refresh th [...] Spirit, and Cool and Allay the [...] Drought.

[Page 31]

Coughs and short Breathings.

For a Cough of the Lungs.

TAKE Green Box dryed, pow­dered fine, and take of it as much as will lie on a Groat at a time in White-wine warmed, first and last, till you be well, which will be when you see your self spit Blood, then leave your Medicine for you are well. Probat.

Another for the [...].

Take 1 pint of pure English Honey, set it over warm Embers in a new glased Pipkin, that holds a little more than a Pint, and as the Scum or Froth riseth scum it; then take 2 ounces of red Currants and put it into the Ho­ney, and let them simper together a good while; then put to them two ounces of Powder of Liquorice, as much of Anniseeds in Powder, one ounce of pulveriz'd Elicampane, and incorporate them well together. Then [Page 32] take of it first in the Morning, at [...] in the Afternoon, & last at Night, [...] quantity of a Nutmeg at every time

For a Cough.

Take Sallet Oyl, Aqua Vitae, an [...] Sack an equal quantity of each, b [...] them well together, and before [...] Fire rub the Soles of your Feet with [...]

An Electuary against a Cough.

Take of pure honey 4 ounces, Powd [...] of Elicampane 2 drachms, powder of [...] ­quorice 1 drachm: mix them, & ta [...] thereof on the point of a knife often.

For a Cough coming of a then Rheum

Take Mastich and Olibanum Powder, of each 2 Scruples, Conser [...] of red Roses 2 Ounces, Diascordi [...] half an Ounce, mix them, and take thereof first and last the quantity of Nutmeg.

For a Chin Cough.

Take a handfull of Rue, stamp [...] and mingle it with English Honey, and make a Conserve; give of it first and last, and at other times, the quanti [...] of a Damson at a time.

For an extream Cold or Cough.

Take Hysop Water 6 Ounces, re [...] [Page 33] Poppy Water 4 Ounces, 6 Dates, 10 Fig [...], slice them small, 1 handfull of Raisins of the Sun stoned, the weight of a Shilling of the Powder of Liquo­rice; put these into the said Waters, then let them stand 5 or 6 Hours up­on warm Embers, close covered, but not Boil; then strain it forth, and put in as much Sugar of Roses as will sweeten it: Drink of this first and last, and at 4 in the Afternoon, four Ounces at a time.

Against a Cough and Distillation of thin Rheum.

Take Olibanum in Powder, and mix it with Conserve of Roses, and first and last, and oftner if need be, take the quantity of a Nutmeg on the point of a Knife at a time.

Against a Cough, Wheesings, Distilla­tions, and Shortness of Breath.

Take of Wood Betony in Powder, mix it with pure Honey, and take it as in the last Receipt before is specifi­ed. It is available.

Another for the same, most Excellent.

Take Hysop and Rue of each a like quantity; out them and boil them in [Page 34] white Wine; then dulcifie the De­coction with Honey, & take a D [...]a [...] of it first and last, and oftner i [...] [...] be It is excellent.

For a Chin Cough.

Take wild Thyme, boil it in white Wine, and drink of the Decoction [...] ­ten, and first and last. A better Re [...] ­dy for this Infirmity scarce grows.

For a perillous Cough.

Take Sage, Rue, Pepper, and C [...] ­min; of each of the Herbs a like quan­tity, and seeth them together in white Wine; dulcifie the Decoction [...] Honey, and take thereof first and [...] and oftner if need be, 1 Spoonfull a time.


Against a Consumption.

TAke Rice beaten to Powder, and [...]i [...]ted clean from the Husk, the [...] seeth it in Milk of a Red Cow, the [...] season it with Sugar, and a little [...] [Page 35] and Mace; then take a few [...]lanched sweet Almonds, and stamp them, then strain them into the Milk; he eating a Breakfast of this cures a Consumption, & helps Conception.

Another, and which restoreth Nature [...]ost.

Take good Malmsey, or Malaga [...] Pottle, put in it as much Crum of white Bread, hot out of the Oven, as will suck up all the Wine; add theteto of Cinnamon powdered 4 Drachms, and to Cloves bruised, then distil them in Balneo Mariae; then add to what is come over, so much Sugar as will fit your Taste, with 2 grains of Musk. The Dose is Three Spoonfuls first and last.

For a Consumption, a Distillation, and [...] restore Strength.

Take Rose-water 3 Pints, Old Ma­ [...]aga 3 Pints, new Milk, 1 Pottle, gross Pepper 1 Ounce, Cinnamon 2 Ounces, of sliced white Bread 1 or 2 Penny [...]ves, the Yolks of 12 new laid Eggs [...]ten, or more, of Sugar 1 Pound: [...]stil; all these so long as any Water [...] come: take of this Water(with [Page 36] a little Pepper) a Draught fasting, you will find much good by it.

For a Consumption and Cough of Lungs.

Take new Milk of a red Cow [...] Quarts, a quantity of Shell-snails, [...] out of their shells, what suffic [...] Flower of Sulphur half an Ounce less, the Yolks of 4 new laid [...] beaten; boil them well together, [...] strain it, and dulcifie it, and Eat th [...] of first and last.

Another for the same.

Take Benjamin in Powder, as [...] as will lye on a Groat, as much Flo [...] of Brimstone, the Yolk of a new [...] Egg, one Spoonful of red Rose [...] brown Sugar Candy, as much [...] Wallnut in Powder, mix them, [...] take this Dose in the Morning Fast [...] and Fast 2 Hours after it. Do [...] nine mornings together & be [...]

An Excellent Remedy against a [...] ­sumption.

Take a Pottle of Rose-water, [...] Goats or Asses Milk, or the Milk [...] Cow all of one Colour (in want of [...] other) and put therein only the [...] [Page 37] [...] Fifty Hens Eggs, new laid, beat the Yolks, and mix them well with the Milk and Rose-water; then Distil them, and give of the Water Distilled [...] the Patient, first and last warm, [...] a Cake or two made of Gold & [...]erls. This is Excellent.

For a Consumption, and Cough of the Lungs.

Take one Pound of the best Honey-dissolve it in a Pipkin; then take it off the Fire, & put into it two Penny-worth of Flower of Brimstone, as much of Powder of Elicampane, as much of Powder Liquorice, two Penny-worth of red Rose-water; then stir them well together, and put it in a Gally Pot close stopped: Take as much thereof at a time, as half a Wall-nut, first and last, and at any time in the Day or Night when the Cough trou­bles you, and let it melt down your [...]roat by degrees.

To restore a weakned Person by Sick­ness & to preserve from a Consumption.

Take 3 Pints of good new Milk, [...]d put thereto 1 Pint of red Wine, [...]th the Yolks of 24 Hens Eggs, new [Page 38] laid beaten together; then put in [...] much fine white Bread, as shall [...] up the Milk and Wine; then Distil [...] with a soft Fire, and [...] a Spoon [...] of this Water in your [...] Drink; and this in one [...] prevent the Consumption.

For a Consumption.

Take a Breast of fat Pork, boil it red Cows Milk, and drink thereof good Draught first and last, and [...] in the Afternoon.

Against a Consumption, and to [...] a decayed Nature.

Take Goats Milk one Quart, [...] beaten and lifted four Ounces, Sug [...] one Ounce, the Flesh of Dates, [...] Ounce, Beef Marrow two Spoonful Cinnamon half an Ounce; Boil the all together and Eat thereof Morn­ing and Evening.

[Page 39]

Convulsion and Cramp.

Cramp to cure.

TAke Brimstone and Vervain, beat them together, and bind them on the Pulse, and be ever freed.

Against convulsions in Old & Young.

Take Thirty Piony Berries, husk them, then make them into Powder, and drink off as much as will lye on a Sixpence at a time in white Wine, first and last.

Against the cramp & shrinking of sinews.

Take one handful of Chick [...], 1 handful of dried red Rose Leaves (but not distilled) boil them in a Quart of Mu [...]k [...]dine, till a fourth part be consumed; then put to them a Pint of Sheeps-foot Oyl, then let them boil [...] good while, still stirring them well; then strain it out, and anoint the [...] warm before the Fire, with a warm Hand. This (by God's Blessing) [...] in three Dressings.

[Page 40]

Pills against the Convulsion.

Take Opoponax, Rue, Serapinum Pepper, of the Juice of Lovage. Myrrh of each 1 Drachm; Powder what is to be powdered, and with the Juice [...] Cowslips make it into a Mass for Pills. The Dose is a Drachm every second or third Night, if need require.

For the Cramp.

Take the Philosophers Oyl of Tiles and anoint the part therewith by the Fire: It quickly penetrateth, and is [...] Soveraign Remedy against the Cramp, Gout, &c.

Oyl of Rue doth the like.


Take of Juniper Berries fasting e­very Morning, they heat and [...] the Cramp, & keep the Body in Health.


For a Canker in the Breast, or elsewhere,

TAke Pulverized Antimony, and convey it into it, it will kill it.

[Page 41]

To cure a Canker or Soreness in the Mouth most wonderful.

Take Penny-royal, red Sage, red Fennel Rosemary Tops & Mints, of each a good handful, half a handful of Hysop: Shred them, and boil them in a quart of white Wine, and thereto put the quantity of 2 Wall-nuts of Roch Allom, and as much Honey as will make it sweet; then strain it through a fine Cloth, and wash and gargle the Mouth well, for it will cure it.

For the Canker in the Mouth or Nose.

Take the green Leaves of Holly, and burn them to Ashes; then mix them with [...] so much of the Powder of Burnt Allom, and blow it with a Quill into the grieved part, and it will Cure Man, Child, or Beast.

Corns and Warts.

To Destroy Corns.

TAke of a Cows Gall, and we [...] ­thy Corns therewith [...], [...] [Page 42] let them dry of themselves; it will pluck them up by the Roots.

A Plaster to take away Corns.

Take Galbanum, Ammoniacum, of each alike; dissolve them in Vinegar of Squills, then boil them to a just con­sistency, adding a few drops of Oyl of Vitriol; then spread it on Leather, and apply it to the Corn.

Against Warts.

Take Water of Agrimony, make it [...]ower as Vinegar with Oyl of Vitri­ol; and wash your Warts therewith, and they will fall out without pain.

For Warts and Corns.

Take fair Water half a Pint, Mer­e [...]ri [...]s Sublimate 1 Penny-worth, Al­lom as much as a Bean; boil all toge­ther in a double Glass in Water, till a Spoonful be wasted, and rub them therewith, always warming it before you use it.

To take away Warts.

Take Shell-snails, prick them, and with the Juice that comes from them rub thy Warts every Day, for seven or eight Days together, and it will destroy them.

[Page 43]

Childrens Infirmities to Cure.

To prevent the Falling Sickness, and Convulsions.

TAke of red Coral in powder 10 Grains, give it in Breast Milk to a new Born Child, for the first Food it takes after its Birth. It migh­tily strengthens the Brain.

To make them Teeth easily.

Take pure Capons Grease well cla­rified, as much as a Nutmeg, twice as much Honey, then mix them together; three or four times in a day anoint the Gums when they are Teething.

Against Agues and Fevers, coming by pain in breeding of Teeth, or otherwise.

Take one spoonful of Ungent. Po­puleon, two spoonfuls of Oyl of Ro­ses, mix them, then before the Fire anoint the Childs bowing places of his Arms, Legs, soles of its Feet, Fore-head and Temples, twice a Day, chasing it well in with a warm Hand.

[Page 44]

Against Wind and Phlegm.

Take Sugar-candy in Powder, and in Saxifrage-water give it in a Spoon often.

Against the Worms.

Take Myrrh and Aloes of each a [...] like, finely powdered; and with a few drops of Chymical Oyl of Worm­wood, or Savin, with a little Turpen­tine, mix them, and make them up for a Plaister for the Childs Navel.

For a Thrush, or sore Mouth.

Take an empty Egg-shell, by suck­ing the meat out at a hole on the top, then fill the Shell with Honey and burnt Allom mix together, let it boil on the Fire, still stirring it with a Bod­kin, and dress it.

A Clyster for a Child, or for a Woman with Child, very safe.

Take a pint of new Milk, put in it 3 Ounces of Sugar-candy, boil it well, and being a little cool, put it up into the Body.

Against the Cough in Children.

Take 1 Ounce of Hogs Grease, half an Ounce of Garlick, bruise and stamp them together, and anoint the Soles of [Page 45] the Feet at Night warm, & then bind a Plaister thereof on the Soles

Against the sticking out of the Navel.

Take the Juice of Purslain, and mingle it with as much Oyl of Roses, mix them, and wet Clothes therein, and bind them on the Navel.

A Purge for tender Children

Take a quantity of Liquorice, An­niseeds, small Raisins, and a handful of Hysop, slice the Liquorice, beat the Seeds, shred the Hysop, and boil them all in white Wine; then strain it, and give of it in a Spoon or otherwise, from half an Ounce to an Ounce, or more at a time.


For the Colick.

TAke of the Electuary of Bay­berries one Drachm, Oyl of Amber 6 drops, Oyl of An­niseed 8 drops, Oyl of Vitriol half a Scruple; mix them, and make a Bolus, [Page 46] take it in a Wafer wet in water on the point of a Knife.

Against the Wind-Colick and Stone.

Take Electuarium Reginae Colo [...]i­ens [...] is an excellent Remedy against the Colick and Stone: the Dose is [...] Drachm taken every Morning, which is commended as a Jewel.

Against the Colick.

Take Castoreum one Drachm in a Cup of sweet Wine, or in 3 Cyathes of Aqua Mulsa. This is exceeding good Fasting, or often in Beer.


Take of Manna one ounce, Oyl of sweet Almonds two Ounces; dissolve the Manna in Oyl, and give it.

Note, Manna must not be boyled, but dissolved and strained.

Against the Colick and Stone.

Take a Cup of Wormwood Wine Fasting; it is an excellent Preserva­tive against the Colick and Stone, and to walk much, but fit little.

Against the Colick & Iliack Passion.

Take a Load-stone, and lay it to the Navel, & presently the Grief will cease.

[Page 47]

An Electuary for the same.

Take the best Treacle one ounce, Castoreum, Long Pepper, of each one ounce and half, Opium one Scruple [...] mix them exactly into an Electuary.


A Clyster to Purge Choler and Phlegm,

TAke a pint of Milk, brown Sugar three Ounces, a little Salt, where­of make a Clyster, and with a Pipe put it into the Body.

This must be given not too hot, nor too cold, about F [...]ur of the Clock in the After­noon, and two Hours after drink a Draught of Mace Ale.

Take a pint of Milk, make it into clear Posset-Drink with a Quart of Beer; then take off the Curd; then put in the Posset-Drink, Anniseed, and sweet Fennel-seed, of each 2 Ounces; boil these to half a Pint or more, then strain it out hard, and dis­solve in it 2 Ounces of brown Sugar [Page 48] Candy, and a little Bay-Salt, with two Spoonfuls of Oyl Olive, & put it up.


Take a pint of new Milk, making [...] scalding hot, then take it from the Fire, and put into it the Yolk of a [...] laid Egg beaten, with 2 Ounces o [...] brown Candy, or brown Sugar, and put it up Blood warm.

To heal the Ulcerations and Flux of the Guts.

Take the Juice of Purslain, and put it up into the Fundament with [...] Clyster-Pipe.


Against the Dropsie, and Ointment.

TAke Ungentum Artanitae Mesue [...] and Ungentum Agrippae of each alike, mix them well, then anoint th [...]. Belly twice a Day: If you anoint the Stomach, it will cause to Vomit, if the Belly then it Purgeth by Stool, and emptieth the Belly of much Water.

[Page 49] Note, That before every anointing, you must rub the Belly well with a dry Cloth that is pretty course.

An Excellent Drink for the Drop­sie.

Take one Pottle of white Rhenish Wine, Cinnamon beaten one Ounce, one Pint of green Broom Ashes; put them together in an Earthen Battle 48 Hours, stir them often, then drain them thro' a piece of Cotton twice, then drink of it one quarter of a pint cold in the Morning, another 1 Hour before Dinner, another 1 Hour before Supper, and another when you go to Bed. Usually 1 Pottle heals, if not, use more.


Take the inner rind of Elder, and boil it well in sweet Wort, then drink half a pint thereof Fasting, it cures, Probat.

An Excellent Purge against the Drop­sie.

And every third or fourth Day Purge the party with your usual Purge in Conserve of Roses.

[Page 50]

Ears, Noise and Deafness.

Against Noise and Singing in the Ears.

TAke the Juice of Summer Savo­ry, heat it, and mix with it a little Oyl of Roses, or of Amber, and drop thereof into the Ears warm.

Another for the same.

Take a Clove of Garlick, peel it, make two or three holes through, and fasten it to the end of a thread, then dip it in fine English Honey, and so put it into the Ear, and stop it in with black Wooll, and lye on the other side; let it lye in 7 or 8 Days, you may pull it out by the Thread.

Another for the same, very excellent.

Take Oyl of Castor, Oyl of Roses, Oyl of sweet Almonds, of each 1 Ounce; mingle them with a little quantity of Aqua Vitae, boil them to the Consumption of the Aqua Vitae, and put 3 or 4 drops in the Ear to Bed-ward, and stop it with Cotton and a grain of Musk.

[Page 51]

To get an Ear-wig, or other Worm out of the Ear.

Take the Juice of Wormwood Rue, and Southernwood, of each alike, mingle them well, whereof put some into the Ear, and bind a Plaster of the said stamped Herbs to the Ear. This will kill it in five Nights.


Take a piece of an old Apple, and bind it into the Ear all Night, and lye on the same side all Night, and in the Morning quickly pull out the Apple, and the Worm will come with it.

EVIL Digestion to Cure

To help Concoction.

TAke common Salt one ounce and a half, Pepper [...]ix Drachms, Cummin-seed half an ounce, Caraway-seed, Cinnamon, Zedoary, of each 3 Drachms, Ginger and Mace of each 2 Drachms and a half; powder them, & mix [...], eat it as Salt with your meat.

[Page 52]

To help Digestion.

Take half a drachm of the dryed Root of Lovage in fine Powder in wine often; it doth wonderfully warm a cold Stomach, helpeth Digestion, and consumes superfluous Moisture there, easeth inward Gripings, expelleth Wind, & resisteth Infection.

An excellent help to Digestion.

Take Mustard-seed and Cinnamon one drachm of each, beat them toge­ther into fine Powder, then add half as much of Mastich in powder, and with Gum Arabick dissolved in Rose water, make them up into Troches of about half a drachm weight a piece, and eat one of them 1 Hour or 2 before meals. Let Old People make much of this Medicine.

Eyes Sore, to Cure.

To take away all spots in the Eyes, and superfluous Water.

TAke of clear Antimony to grains, red Rose water 3 ounces, mix [Page 53] them together, and let them stand 24. Hours, then drop 4 or 5 drops of the clearest into the Eyes twice a day.

A Powder to preserve the Sight.

Take Eye-bright, Betony, of each 1 handful, Mace and Fennel-seeds, of each 2 drachms, make them into Pow­der, and give thereof at a time half a drachm first & last, in Broth or Beer.

A Jerusalem Collyrium for sore red Eyes, which Itch and Burn.

Take Tutia Alexandriae 1 ounce, beat it into fine powder, then mingle it with 1 quart of white Wine, and put thereto dryed Roses 1 ounce, boil it with a soaking Fire, till half be wasted, then strain it into a Glass, and stop it close, and Morning and Even­ing drop some in your Eye. But Purge the Head first.

Pills to Purge the Head and Eyes of Rheum.

Take Extractum Rudi [...] 1 Scruple, Resin of Jalop 4 grains, Oyl of Gu­aicum 2 drops; make them into Pills, and take them at once.

A water to heal all manner of sore Eyes.

Take Fennel, Vervain, Roses, [...] [Page 54] [...]andine, and Rue, of each 2 ounces: distil them, and wash thy Eyes there­with twice a Day.

To clear the Sight very well.

Take Rose Water in a Saw [...]er, then take clean Myrrh the quantity of a Nut, bring it into powder, then tye it in a Linnen Cloth that is clean, and let it lye in the Rose-water Twelve Hours, then with a Feather wash thy Eyes therewith twice a Day. Pro­bat.

To keep back the Humour that flows to the Eyes and Teeth.

Take Mastich and Frankincense in fine Powder, of each alike, make them up into a Plaister, with white Wine and the white of Eggs; lay it to the Temples.

An excellent Collyrium for sore Eyes.

Take old white Wine 1 pint, white Rose-water 4 ounces, Tutia Alexan­driae mix these and strain it, then beat the Whites of roasted Eggs in a Mortar, then pour the Wine and Rose-water on them, then strain [...] hard, keep it close, and wash with a Feather twice a Day.

[Page 55]

For a West on the Eye-lid, that darkens the Sight.

Take the Juice of Fenel, and wash it therewith, and drop thereof 3 drops into the Eye, twice a day▪ It will take away the West immediately, and re­store the sight.

An excellent Water to Cure all Griefs in the Eyes whatsoever.

Take of unslacked Lime 3 Ounces, infuse it in a pint of Rain Water in a Jar Glass 3 days; stir them well to­gether, then let them settle 24 Hours, then cant off the clear very clean, add thereto the whitest Sal Ammoniack, powdred very finely 10 drachms; let it dissolve therein by standing and by stirring often, then let it settle, and filtre it, drop 3 drops of this into thy Eye at a time, Morning, Noon, and Night, till you be well▪ This cureth all Spots, Perls, Webs, Films, Cankers, Burnings, or any thing else in the Eye.

To destroy a Pin and Web in the Eye.

Take of Spirit of Vitriol 1 drop, drop it into the white of an Egg hard roasted, and it will turn it into Water, [Page 56] of which water drop into thine Eyes Morning, Noon, and at Night.

To heal all sorts of Sore Eyes.

Take the Herb Bucks-ho [...] Plan­tain, a quantity, bruise it and boil it in Ale or Wine, and drink thereof for some Mornings and Evenings together, a Draught; it stoppeth all Distillati­ons, and helpeth.

To cure the Obstructions of the Op­tick Nerves.

Take the true Herb Valerian, seethe it in Wine, then strain it, and let the Patient drink of it as his common Drink 3 or 4 Months together.

The best Remedy for Redness of the Eyes.

Take white Vitriol, make it very pure by often dissolutions and coagu­lations, 1 drachm; then dissolve it in Rain water 10 ounces, then filtre it divers times thro' brown Paper, then add to it [...] scruple of common Salt.

For a Pin, Web, or Perl in the Eye.

Take white Ginger, and grind it to Powder on a Whet-stone into a fair Bason, and add to it as much Salt as the Powder, then grind them well to­gether [Page 57] in the Bason, and temper them with white Wine; then let them stand 24 Hours, then cant off the thin part that lies above into a Glass, stop it, and going to Bed, with a Feather wash thy Eyes, and be whole.

A precious Pill against all Fluxes of the Eyes.

Take the Leaves of Senna, of Tur­bith, of each 2 Drachms, Pil sine qui­bus esse nolo 3 Drachms, Fenel-seed 2 Drachms; powder them, mix them and with Syrup of Fumitory, or of Apples make a Mass; the Dose is 1 Drachm, till you be whole.

Falling Sickness.

Against the Falling Sickness.

TAke of the best rectified Aqua Vitae, without Phlegm, one pint, Oyl of Vitriol 1 Spoon­ful, mix them well together, and let the Patient drink thereof first & last, and he shall be holpen, altho' he have [Page 58] had it 10 Years, and fell every Hour.


Take that part of a Womans Skull that groweth on the hinder part of the Head (it is whiter than the [...]e [...] of the Skull) beat it very fine to pow­der, and give the party as much as a Pea at a time in Syrup of Violets.

To [...]se one that [...] fallen quickly.

Take of Rue and Wormwood of each a handful, and make them into a mixt Powder together, and blow some of it by a Quill into the Nose of the party that doth fall, and he will [...]se presently.

To cure the Falling Sickness.

Take the Roots of Male Peony, [...] a Man (and the Roots of Female Pe­ony for a Woman) wash them clean, then stamp them somewhat small, and put it in Sack to infuse 24 Hours a [...] the least; then strain it and drink a good draught thereof first and last, for sundry days together, next before and after the Full of the Moon.

Against the Falling Evil.

Take single Peony Seeds and beat them in a Mortar to powder, take as [Page 59] much of it as will lye on a Shilling [...] or 4 spoonfuls of black Cherry Water, before & after the Full of the Moon, for divers days together Fasting.

Another that will not fail, good for Women.

Take the Roots of Peony beaten to powder, 1 drachm in Wine, Ale, or Broth, given in a Morning some days before and after the full of the Moon, it Cures the Falling Sickness, if not too far spent; for it drives away all passi­ons from the Brain, Heart and Spleen: also it helps the windiness of the ma­trix, suffocation of the Mother, & stop­ping of the Courses; & will give easie Deliverance to Women in Labour.


A perfect way to Cure a Fistulaes

TAke Alum 2 Pound, as much of white Copperas, beat them to a fine Powder, then put it into an Earth­en Pan, let them dissolve to Water [Page 60] over a quick Fire, then take 6 ounces of Verdigrease, 4 drachms of white Mercury, both made into fine powder, then put them into the former wa­ter. stir them well together, and let them boil to a Stone then beat it into powder, and mix with it 6 ounces of Bole Ammoniack made into fine pow­der, which keep in a Box for your use: Then take a gallon of Smiths oldest Water, let it boil in a Kettle, and s [...]ke in as much of the said powder by little and little, as will lye 6 times on a Shilling, let it boil a w [...]m or two, then take it from the Fire and let it [...]ttle, then pour the clearest into a Glass, or Bottle, and keep it for use And [...] is, to pour out as much of the Water as will wet two Cloths three or four times double, and lay them one after another all over the place grieved hot, wringing them first to prevent the running about of the Water. Do th [...] with clean Cloths twice a day, the Water stains and poi­sons that which drinks it in. This is an absolute Cute or the Fistula, and never fails.

[Page 61]

To Cure Fistulaes, and old Sores and Cankers, most admirably.

Take Oyl of Vitriol 1 ounce, put it to 3 pound of Saturn filed into 5 parts, and let it be all eaten with the oyl of Vitriol by degrees, one part after another, and when you have a good quantity of it, put it into a Re­tort, and put in with it 1 pint of white Wine, and distil it in Sand twice from the Faeces, and your Medicine is per­fect.

This is excellent. To Cure a Callous Fistula.

Take of the Root of black Helle­bore, bring it to powder, and leave of it in a callous Fistula, two or three days together, it will consume it quite.

A Drink to Cure the Fistula.

Take Valerian, Tormentil, Clove­gilly flowers, red Beets, red Chick­weed, Pellitory of the Wall, Galanga, Zedoary, Bay-berries, of each a like quantity, boil them all in white Wine, then strain it, and give of the decocti­on first and last, four spoonfuls at a time.

[Page 62]


Note, Venice Treacle is good against all Fluxes of the Belly.

For the Flux, a pleasant Medicine.

TAke Sallet Oyl half a pint, Nut­megs beaten half an ounce, Cin­namon in powder 1 ounce, Mace one quarter of an ounce, fine Sugar half a pound; mingle these together, and eat of it 3 or 4 times a day. This hath Cured many.

An excellent Potion against all sorts of Fluxes.

Take Syrup of Roses, and Syrup of Mints, of each 1 ounce, of Bole Am­moniack 1 drachm; incorporate them together, and with some red Wine make a potion. This also is good too against many Reds and Whites in Women.

A perfect Cure of the Bloody Flux.

Take Conserve of Roses 1 ounce, Crocus Martis 1 scruple; mix them [Page 63] well together, and take it on the point of a Knife first in the Morning, and Fast 2 Hours after. It cures tho' it hath been of a long continuance, Probatum.

Against the Flux Diarrhoea and Dy­senteria.

Take every third day at a time 10 grains of Crocus Martis in Juice of Sloes of the Wood:

This is a most Excellent Medi­cine.

Another for the Dysenteria.

Take 20 Yolks of boiled Eggs, Nut­megs beaten to powder, 2 ounces, red Wine 2 quarts; let them infuse one Night, then distil them in Balneo ac­cording to Art: The Dose is 2 ounces Fasting.

A Plaister of great use.

Take Bole Ammoniack, Dragons Blood half a drachm of each, Mastich 1 drachm, Myrrh half a drachm [...]. Ve­nice Turpentine 3 drachms; beat what is to be beaten into fine powder, and with Rosin and Wax what sufficeth, make them all into a plaister, and lay it upon the [...] and Belly.

[Page 64]

French Pox.

If Buboes appear, then let him not Blood by any means. But no Buboes appear­ing, then let him Blood in the beginning in the Vein called Hepatica in the right Arm. Then empty the Body by de­grees of all the Evil Venemous & Ma­licious Humours, for which none are better than Extractum R [...]d [...]j in Pills; or Mercurius Dulcis proportionably made up in the [...]aid Extractum, will do far better: But if that do not succed, then if necessity require, you must empty the Humours by Fluxing.

Pills to Flux, in the Cure of the French Disease.

TAke Sagapenum dissolved in white Wine 2 ounces, Salt of Guaicum, Colocynthis, Diagridij, of each of them 1 ounce, Turbith Mine­rale 10 drachms, Musk 1 scruple, Oyl of July-flowers 12 grains; make them into a Mass; the dose is from 12 to [Page 65] 20 grains, for ten dayes together in the morning, or until the Patient suf­ficiently doth Flux at the Mouth.

If his Throat or Mouth be sore to Cure.

Take one penny worth of red Sage, French Barley two handfuls, Roch Allom in Powder 2 Ounces, with Mint and roses half a handful of each, boyl them all in one quart of water, then strain it, and while it is hot dulcify the Colature with honey with this warm­ed, wash, gargle, and serringe the Mouth & Throat 2 or 3 times a day.

If Pushes, Scabs and Sores break out, heal with this Ointment.

Take Ungent Egyptiacum 1 ounce, mingle it with one drachm of Mercu­rius Sublimate, and anoint therewith: and if it smart beyond Suffering, then take Plantain water, Fumitory water, and Rose water, of each alike, mingle them, & touch the smarting part with it, and it will asswage the Pain.

If Nodes, or Knobs, or Wheals appear, then use this.

Take Plantain and Rose Waters of each 1 pint, roch Allom and Sublimate of each 2 drachms, bray the two last [Page 66] into powder, put them together into a pipkin boyl them till half the water be consumed, then let it settle, and cant off the clear into a glass: and when you use it, mingle some of it with a tripple portion of plantain and rose water together, and then touch them therewith: And if they be on the face then first anoint them with Oyl of Scorpions, or the fat of a Hen.

To preserve the Nose.

Take waters of Rose, violet and plantain, of each alike, a little wine Vinegar, Roch Allom in Powder a little, and a little honey, dissolve them over the Fire, and let the Patient snuff up strongly into the Nose; this cures and heals.

If the Teeth be loose, fasten them with this.

Take Plantain water, mix it with Oyl of Sulphur, and touch therewith the Gums, and after they be mundi­fied, wash well thy Teeth and Gums with thy lotion aforesaid.

If a Bubo appear in the Grain, cure it thus.

Take Emplastr. Paracel [...], diachylon [Page 67] Magnum, flos Ungentorum, diachylon cum gummi, Emplastr. Mucilaginis, Emplastrum de Melilot, of each alike, then incorporate them together, over a gentle fire, then make plaisters on sheeps Leather, and apply it to the Bubo morning and evening warm.

And when it is broken, use the same plaister, only add to it in the melting more of [...]los Ungentorum and Em­plastr [...] Betonicae more than the rest, and that will draw it and heal it.

Now when all the evil humours are prepared, purged and emptied, you must come to your dyet drink.

The first simple Decoction.

Take (in Winter) one Pound and a half of Guaicum 18 pints of Water; but in Summer (when it will not keep so long) Guaicum 6 ounces, and wa­ter 6 Pints, in both which the wood must be infused 12 hours or more Let the water for the infusion be warm, almost seething hot, and keep the pot close stopped, let the decoction boyl till half be wasted▪ so much for the first Decoction: always remembring, to save the Scum or Froth, for that is [Page 68] good to anoint the Pustules & Scabs.

To make the second Decoction.

Take the same wood without infu­sing any more, and boyl it again in the same quantity of Water to the con­sumption of a third part.

The quantity of these is to be ta­ken according to the strength of the party from 4 ounces to 8 ounces, and in a Child from 4 ounces to 6 ounces, & not exceeding 10 ounces when the disease is most rebellious, and always must be taken very hot, and sleep up­on it if you can.

The first Decoction you must take first and last; and the second Decocti­on, at and between Meals: some take this Decoction 30 days, some 40 some 60 days, to make the more surer Cure.

Their Meat must be roasted dry at Noon, and their Supper must be sweet Almonds, Raisins of the Sun sto [...]ed, and fine Bisket, or Bread made of the finest Flower.

And let him forbear Venery as he tenders his Life, and all chasing, fret­ting, and impatiency, for that inflames the Blood, stirs up Cholerick Humours, [Page 69] and is a great Enemy to the Cure.

N [...]te, In this Sickness, let the pati­ent beware of taking cold: And be­ware of Costiveness.

Against the Falling of the Fundament.

TAke Ungent, sumach, when the fundament is fallen, anoint it therewith, then put it up, and it will out no more.

Others for the same.

You may do the like, with Bole Ammoniack, and with Dragons Blood, and with Myrrh every one by them­selves, brought into fine Powder.

Another for the same.

Take Olibanum in Powder, & s [...]rew it on the [...]uell fallen down, and then put it up.


To Cure a Swelled Face.

TAke wild Crabs, gathered on Midsummer-day, and distilled in [Page 70] a Limbeck, and with the distilled wa­ter of them, wash thy Face often, and the intent will follow. Probatum.

To take away Spots, Morphe [...], Freckles, and Sun-burning from the Face, Neck, Arms and Hands.

Take of the Juice of Lemmons 2 ounces, Rose-water, Mercurius subli­mate in powder, 2 Drachms, ceruss in Powder 2 Drachms; put it all toge­ther, then add to it Borax 2 Drachms, Camphire 1 Drachm, both in Powder; mix them well together into an oint­ment, with which anoint your Face going to Bed, and let it dry on. And in the morning, wash thy Face with Butter and Rose-water mingled toge­ther. Probat.

A rare Secret to preserve the Beauty of the Face, Neck, Hands, Arms, &c.

Take Spanish Wine 9 times distilled, to every Quart put 2 ounces and half of sweet Benjamin in Powder; it is made in 12 Hours thus: Wash your Bottles clean, and let them be well dried; put in your Wine and Benja­min, and for 2 or 3 Hours shake them well together, then let it settle, and so [Page 71] [...]se it thus; put a Spoonful or two of it into a Bason of fair water, and it will turn it like Milk, with which wash; for it is the most excellent thing in the world to the purposes aforesaid, and for the rareness of the Secret, is com­monly sold for 20 s. a Pint.

For a white Scurf, or Pimples in the Face.

Take a Pint of white wine Vinegar dissolve in it 1 ounce of Camphire, of Roch Allom one quarter of an ounce, and a little Bay Salt, and let them stand together well stopped in a Glass, 14 days, then wash the part therewith.

For a red Face.

Take the distilled water of Cucum­bers; it cureth the reddest Face that is, if often washed therewith.


A marvellous Remedy to Cure the Gout, it never fails.

TAke half a pound of unwrought Wax, as much of Rosin, Labda­num I ounce, Litharge of Gold Four Ounces, White Lead in Powder and [Page 72] s [...]arsed 12 Ounces, then take a pint of Neats-foot Oyl, and set it over a Fire in a Pot, and mingle it with the Wax and Rosin, and when it is melted, put in all the other Powders, then stir it with a Stick as fast as you can, until dropping a Drop into a Sawcer it ap­pear hard, then take it from the Fire, anoint some clean, even Board, with Neats-foot Oyl, and as soon as you can handle it for heat, make it up into Roles, and with Plasters of Leather made thereof, apply it to the part grieved Morning and Evening, and if it remove, follow it with your Plasters till it be quite gone.

An excellent Remedy against the Gout and the Dropsie.

Take Extractum Catholicon, Pil. Hermodac Pil. Arthritic of each three scruples, mix them well and make them into Pills as big as a little Pea, take thereof at a times Pills, three mornings together, about three or four of the Clock in the morning. It cures.

And for the Dropsie, take the same Pills as afore is last spoken of only ob­serve before you take the Pills, role [Page 73] hard the place grieved, for two or three daies together (or as cause re­quireth) with a Roler wet in Vinegar and Water. Both approved.

To Cure the Gout perfectly.

Take quick Lime, what you will, quench it in running Water, and then stir it about, till it be like a Hasty-pud­ding, then spread of it Plaster-wayes upon a Cloth and apply it to the part grieved, only one Plaster to a grieved part and no more, and lay on your Plaster as hot as the Patient can suffer it. Colour your Lime with Saunders, or Bole Ammoniack, or Dragons Blood, that it may not be known

Against Pain in the Gout.

Take Aqua vitae 4 drachms, Sage 1 ounce, Opium 1 drachm, Saffron half a drachm, Camphire half a drachm, Oyl of Foxes 2 Ounces, let all these be well mixed, & make a liniment, & anoint the grieved part, this is very Soveraign.

Against the hot and cold Gout.

Take Garlick and Houseleek of each alike quantity, stamp them very well together, till they be like a salve and plaster-wise apply on a Cloth.

[Page 74]

To ease any kind of Gout.

Take Opopanax and pulp of raisins of the Sun of each alike quantity, eas­eth any kind of Gout being applyed plaster wise to it.

A soveraign Ointment against the Gout.

Take Oyl of Bays, Aqua vitae, Juice of Sage, Vineger Mustard, and Ox gall of each alike quantity, put them into a Bladder, that is far too big to hold them and [...]ye them up close, then chafe them up and down with your Hands one hour and half together; then have you as good an Ointment for the Gout as the World can afford:

Another for the same.

Take the herb Sparagus and stamp it very well, & then fill a walnut shell full of it stamped, and apply it to the place pained, bind it on, and in six or eight Hours, it will draw a blister, the which cut, and let out the water then take a Colwort-leaf, and lay to it, till the Malady be remedyed.

Note, The flower Crowfoot will do the like, so Cant [...]ades and Leven.

For all sorts of Gouts.

Take 1 drachm of the Electuary [Page 75] Catholicon going to Bed, and in the Morning drink a good draught of warm posset-drink, and then go about your affairs it helps Gouts of all sorts.


Take dwarf Elder, mingled with Bulls suet and stamped into a plaister, it is a present remedy for the Gout.


To Cure the Green-Sickness. First cleanse the Body by gentle Vomits, then by Purges, or both together: Then

TAKE of Steel in fine powder 1 ounce, fine Sugar beaten small 5 ounces, Mace, Cloves, and Cinnamon, of each 1 Drachm, dry the Sugar & Spices very well by the Fire, then beat them to powder and keep them very dry by the Fire in a Box, that the Steel may not [...], & keep them well mixt; then take every day Fasting a good spoonful of it dry, and [Page 76] Walk One Hour or more upon it.

Against the Green-Sickness.

Take of Nutmegs pounded half a pound, put to them 1 quart of Sack, 1 pint of Water of Sloes, boil this in a clear Decoction close, then strain it, and put to this Liquor, Cinnamon one Ounce, rinds of Pomegranates one ounce, Mace 1 drachm; boil it again close, then strain it hard, and give it Fasting 3 spoonfuls warm. And it will Cure.

Another for the same.

Take one quart of white Wine, 2 handfuls of Marygold Flowers, Pen­nyrial, red Mints, of each one hand­ful stamp them small, and put the Wine to them, with a Penny-worth of Saffron, then strain it (it must not be boiled) and put it in a Glass close stopped, and let the Party drink there­of (only Luke-warm) 4 days toge­ther, and let the Patient use vehement Exercise, and abstain from rest and sleep in the day time.

Another for the same.

Take an Orange, and cut off the top of it, then take out a little of the [Page 77] meat; then put there in a little Saffron and clap on the top and ros [...] it gent­ly, and when it is roasted put it pre­sently into a pint of white Wine; keep it very close covered, and drink 4 ounces thereof, first and last.

Heart Infirmities, to Cure

To put away all Venoms from the Heart.

TAke Bole Ammoniack, Sanguis Draconis, of each 3 ounces, of the best Cinnamon 4 ounces; bring them severally by themselves into fine Powder, then mix them well, and take thereof at a time as much as will [...] on a six pence, in a cup of Cana [...], Wine, and it will do it.

Against Heart-burning, or [...] the Mouth of the Stomach.

Take Twenty corns of [...] and eat them raw; it help [...] Take 5 or 6 corns of [...] Bed chew them a little [...] them, it doth the [...]

[Page 78]

Against the beating of the Heart.

Take the Waters of Borage, Bug­loss, and Balm, of each a like quanti­ty, and put to them as much Oyl of Vi­triol, as will make them like Verjuice, and drink thereof first & last a spoon­ful at a time, and this will heal, tho' of a long continuance.

Another for the same.

Take a pottle of the best Claret Wine, and put therein Baum and Bo­rage, of each one handful, 6 tops of Rosemary, English Saffron 1 drachm, of the best fine Sugar 4 ounces; min­gle them well together, then put them into a close Vessel, well stopped, and let it stand by the space of Twenty-Four Hours, then drink thereof a good draught first and last for Seven or 8 [...]ves together, or more, and you shall stopped thereby.

(This is Excellent.

[...] [...]gthen a fainting Heart, and a [...]

[...] Conserve of red Roses, and [...] a Nutmeg at a time, [...] Evening, is a very great [...]

[Page 79]

For Fatness about the Heart.

Take the Juice of Fennel and Ho­ney, of each alike, boil them till they be hard, then eat thereof first & last, and be whole.

Good at any time when you are ill.

Take Brandy one ounce and half, Carduus Water one ounce, Sugar-candy powdered one drachm, Saffron one grain, Mace 3 grains; mix them and drink it up.


A Plaster for the Haemorhoids.

TAke Bole Ammoniack, Frankin­cense; Aloes, Mastick, of [...] half an ounce, Dragons Blood [...] Drachms & a half; powder the [...] then mingle them well, and [...] white of an Egg beaten, and [...] of Plantain, make them [...]

A Plaster for the [...]

Take Dyachylon and [...] of each a little quantity [...] [Page 80] a Sawcer, and when they are well in­corporated, spread it on a Linnen Cloth, and lay it on the Piles warm, Morning and Evening, and in 4 days he shall be whole.

A Suppository for the Haemor­hoids.

Take Aloes powdered, then min­gle it well with Honey, make a Sup­pository, put it up into the Body, and keep it so long as you can; use this Two or Three times, and be whole.

Another, [...] good also for the Fig in the Fun­dament.

Take the Yolk of an Egg, Oyl of [...] Roses one ounce, beat them well to­gether, then add white Sugar-candy, fine Sugar Powdered, [...] of Saffron in powder two Scru­ther, an [...] apply it to the Fundament [...] wise, and if the pain be more [...] make a Pessary, and put it [...]

[...] the Haemorhoids.

[...] of Eggs, it is a notable [...]

[Page 81]

Hicket, or Yelking

For the Hicket.

STop both your Ears with your Fingers, and the Hicket will pre­sently leave you.

Against the Hicket.

Take the Decoction of Organdy, boyled with a few Cloves, and dulci­fied with a little Sugar, and drink thereof, it helpeth exceedingly. And so also it provokes Urine, & opens the stoppings of the Liver, Spleen, & Womb

To stay the Hicket.

Take Dill, boyl the tops [...] Wine; then tye some of it in a [...] Cloth, & only smell to it, & it [...]

Hoarseness, and loss of [...]

Speech lost, to resto [...] [...]

TAke the Juice of [...] Juice of Primrose [...] [Page] boil them in white Wine, and gargle it in the mouth.

For a Hoarseness in the Throat.

Take Penny- [...]al and seethe it in running Water, then strain it, and at Night take a dishful sweetned with a little Sugar, & in 3 times be whole.

Hoarseness, lost Speech, and all Diseases of the Chest and Lungs, to Cure.

Take the Herbs and Flowers of Hedge Mustard, boyl them in Wine or Ale, & drink of the Decoction strain'd for a little time. Those by this have been recovered, who have utterly lost their Speech, and almost their Spirits also.

Health to preserve.

[...] to provide in hot Countries.

[...] you travel into Hot Coun­ [...] [...] you must observe that [...] prescribed in a Fever, [...] over eat themselves; [...] Lemons, Rice, white [Page] Wine mixe [...] [...] Vinegar, [...] Water [...]) a [...] drinking of [...] hot Drinks, [...], or [...] cold; and to provided [...] Butter, and not to be [...] Treacle, that is very [...]

How to provide in cold [...]

Those which Sail into cold [...] may feed more liberally, [...] hot drinks safely, because the [...] Air is colder, and so it [...] the heat into the inward parts [...] Body, where it fortifies, the [...] Concoction, and helpeth [...] digest as liberally as it were [...] I commend unto them also, [...] Tobacco with Oyl of [...] they be not of [...] that take it.) And I [...] to Bala [...] their [...] in Sand, and [...] preserved, for [...] good against the [...] the Body.


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