
THE Call of CHRIST, UNTO Thirsty Sinners, To Come to HIM and Drink of the Waters of Life.

As it was Preached by that Ho­ly Man of GOD, and Faith­ful Servant of CHRIST. Mr. THOMAS ALLEN, [...]ate Pastor of a Church in the City of Norwich, and sometimes Teacher of the Church of Christ at Charlstown in New-England.

Upon this Text. Joh. 7.37.

Boston, in N. E. Re-printed by T. Green, for Nicholas Buttolph. 1705.

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To the READER.

BEING importuned by a Friend to write a short E­pistle before this ensuing Sermon, (he himself being much Affected with it, desired the Printing of it, for the use of his Friends I could not refuse the mo­tion; [...]nceivin [...] the Subject Matter of it may be very Acceptable, [...]onable, & Profitable to many Souls, into whose hands by the Providence of God it may come.

The Author of it, Mr. Thomas Allen, was sometimes Teacher of the Church at Charlstown; He was much Beloved, and his Ministry highly Pri [...]ed by the People there; from [Page 4] thence he removed to the City of Norwich, in Old England, where he fulfilled his Ministry for many Years. After his Decease, divers of his Ser­mons were Printed, amongst which this was one; which was not intended nor prepared for the Press by him­self, but taken in short Hand from the mouth of the Preacher; in which case (we know) there is much al­lowance to be given, as to the Man­ner of Expressing: But as to the Matter or Scope of it, it will be found upon trial to be a word in Season, [...] the Direction & Encouragement of Thirsty Souls in their coming to [...]esus Christ, that they may drink & be satisfied with the Water of Life.

Only add one Remarkable passage out of [...]ir. Shephards Sound Believer. Pag. 250. O the wrath of God upon this God-glutted, Christ-glutted, Gospel-glutted [Page 5] Age, unless it be amongst a very few poor Believers, whose Souls are kept Empty, Poor, and Hungry, by some con­tinual Temptations or Afflictions, and they are indeed glad of any thing, if it be any thing of Christ! Verily, I am a­fraid such a dismal Night is towards of Spiritual Desertions, and of Outward, but sore Afflictions of Famine, War, Bloud, Mortality and Death of G [...] Precious Servants; Especially, that the Lord will fill the Hearts of all Churches, Families, and Christians that shall be Saved in those Times, with such R [...] ­dings, Tearings, Shakings, and Angui [...] of Spirit, as scarce never more in th [...] worst Dayes of our Fore-fathers, & thi [...] shall continue till the Remnant that [...]sca [...] shall say, Blessed be he that come [...]h [...] the Name of the Lord; B [...] [...] Face & Feet of the Minister th [...] [...] come [...]nto us in Christs Name, & [...] [...]hat [Page 6] there is a Saviour for Sinners, and that He calls us for to come.

Reader, Who ever thou art, con­sider whether this Prophetical Speech be not in a great measure fulfilled upon New-England, in these Dayes, and whether in this Ensuing Sermon, there be not such a Call of Christ, as greatly concerns thee, (if thou lovest thy own Soul) to give a consenting answer unto, that thy Heart & Soul is continually going out [...]or getting a­way from Sin, & Self, & World, & constantly coming to Jesus Christ for Himself, or for all that Soul-sa­tisfying, Saving Good which is to be had in Him, and from Him, who is unto all True Believers our ALL in ALL. I commend thee to the Grace of God in Christ Jesus.

John Higginson.
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THIRSTY SINNERS Invited to Christ.

Joh. 7.37.

In the Last Day, that Great Day [...] the Feast, Jesus Stood, and Cryed, saying, If any Man Thirst, let him come unto me and Drink.

THE words that I have read, contain the sum and sub­stance of one of the Ser­mons that our Saviour Christ Preached [Page 8] in the Temple, wherein we may take notice of Three things.

1. Here is set forth the Time when it was that Christ Preached this Sermon; It's said, The Last Day, that Great Day of the Fea [...]t. What Feast? Why the Feast of Taberna­cles, that Christ did Preach this Ser­mon▪ and tis said, The Last Day, & Great Day of the Feast.

Observe it, The Feast of Taber­nacles was not kept only One Day, but Many Dayes, even Seven Dayes together. Lev. 23.34. And the Lord spake unto Moses saying, Speak unto t [...] Children of Israel, the Fifteenth Day of the Seven [...]h Month shall be a Feast of Tabernacles for Seven Dayes unto the Lord. The Fifteenth Day of the Se­venth Month, which is our Septem­ber. Now for these seven Dayes, the first and the last were kept i [...] a solemn manner; in the other Day [...] [Page 9] they did Servile work, but not on the first and last Day: And so in Nehe­miahs time, they kept the last Day of the Feast very solemnly: Neh. 8 8 And they kept the Feast Seven dayes, & on the Eighth day was a solemn Assem­bly, according to the manner. The last day, then the People came ge­nerally into the Temple to hear the Law read unto them, and therefore that last Day was called, The Great Day of the Feast: For the People on the morrow were to depart into all parts of the Countrey, as they came from all parts: So here on the las [...] Day, the great Day of the Feast, Christ Preached unto them on this Subject.

2. 'Tis set forth by the Manner of [...], in what manner Christ did Preach this [...]ermon to them. There is a double Circumstance in the Preach­ing of this Sermon; It's said, Christ [Page 10] stood, but ordinarily Christ is sai [...] to sit down: As He sat down in the Ship, but here tis said He stood, that He might be better heard & seen of the multitude. And another thing about the manner of it is, He stood and cryed with a mighty Voice; He did Extend His Voice so as all might hear, there being a great Concourse of People; and likewise intimating that He was not afraid of the Peo­ple, He goes up into the Temple, and there He Cryes it, intimating also that the matter was a weighty matter, which He had then to speak unto them; As if He had said, Now take this word with you, tis a mat­ter of great Concernment. And that is the Second thing here in the Text.

3. The matter of His Sermon when He stood & cryed so, what He did speak or say? Why this it was, If any man Thirst, let him come [...]nto me & [Page 11] Drink. This was the sum of His Sermon that He stood up and Cryed or Preached unto the People. Where­ [...] we have these two particulars.

1. A graci [...]u [...] [...]nvitation to all that [...] A-t [...]rst And,

2. A graci [...]us Promise, that if they [...] c [...]me they shall Drink.

The Rabbies among the Jews re­corded of this Feast, that in this last Day, [...] were wont to go and [...] abundance of Water & Wine ( [...]n a way of re [...]oycing) upon the Altar; and therefore Christ in allu­sion to that (speaking to them) saith, If any man be A-thirst, let him come unto me and Drink. Briefly to take up what I conceive to be Christs meaning in this place. There is a great deal of the Gospel here in [...]hese Words, in this general Pro­ [...]lamation, If any man be Athirst, le [...] [...] and Drink. Then [...]

[Page 12] DOCT. That such as being Athirst do come unto Chri [...]t, they shall cer­tainly be supplyed into the full, and that most freely.

Whoever being Athirst doth come unto Christ, he shall have a supply, he shall have a full supply; he shall not only taste and sip, but drink a full Draught, his belly [...] so filled, that as the Word saith, Out of his belly shall flow Rivers of Living Water; & not only so, but he shall have a full supply most freely, drink most freely; He doth not desire Money or Price, but according to that Proclamation, which you have to this purpose, Isa. 55.1. He every one that Thirsteth, Come ye to the Waters, and he that hath no Money, Come Buy and Eat, yea, Come buy Wine and Milk without Money & without Price. Come and ye shall [Page 13] Drink freely, and that for nothing, without Money and without Price. And so, Rev. 22.17. And the Spirit an [...] the Bride say, Come, & let him that [...]eareth [...]ay, Come, and let him that is [...] come, and whosoever will, let him take of the water of Life freely. And the Spirit and the Bride say, Come▪ this is held forth freely, to drink freely, and it shall cost you nothing. As now a man that should hold forth Proclamation to all that would come to him and drink what they would, they might come, and might drink freely without charge to them: So here, Our Saviour Christ clearly holds forth Grace and Sal­vation freely; whosoever comes they shall have it freely. Briefly, to open the point and shew;

1. What manner of Thirst it is that Chri [...]t speaks of? What Thirst is it?

2. What is that same coming? Or, [Page 14] How may one that is Athirst come to Christ? You will say, Suppose it be Athirst after the Water of Life, how may I come, or in what way may I come? Or in what way ma [...] I come to Christ? And then;

3. Shew you, That th [...]se who being thirsty do come unto Christ, they shall certainly be supplyed to the full: They shall have drink given them freely, most freely. I shall desire to have respect to the season, and apply my self accordingly, to shew you what we are to understand by this same Thirst: If any man be athirst, let him come and drink: What manner of thirst is it?

We are not here to understand it to be a Bodily Thirst, but we are to understand it of a Spiritual Thirst, a thirsting of the Soul, as David faith, My Soul thirsteth for thee, O God, for the living God, Psal. 42.2. There's [Page 15] a thirst of the Soul, as well as a thirst of the Body, & a t [...]i [...]st of the Soul is set forth by the similitude or re­semblance of the Body; and so by what this thirst of the Body is, we may better understand the resem­blance of the thirst of the Soul.

There are two things in a Bo­dily Thirst.

1. There is a sense that the Body feels of want; there is not only a want of moisture, but the Body is sensible of it, it is such a want as is an afflictive want, in the want of it the Body stands in need of a supply: And so you may read concerning Hagar, the water being out, she did not know what to do for water, and away▪ [...]e goes Crying for her Child▪ and her Child Cryes too, and even ready to pe [...]i [...]h for want of water. And so Sam [...], after he had made a great slaughter of the Philistins, saith [Page 16] he, What shall this victory do me good▪ if I want water? So that it is the sense of the want of something that is needful; and as there is a sense of something, so an ardent and vehe­ment desire, and longing after th [...] fulness of that desire: As you read of S [...]sera, Judg. 4. that great Gene­ral begged a draught of water being very thirsty.

2. In the Thirst of the Body, there are not only longing desires, vehe­ment earnest desires for a supply, but it is altogether unsatisfied till it have something of water or moisture to supply its thirst. As the Israe­lites they must have water whatever comes of it, they must have water, and Moses smites the Rock & fetcht water out of it for them. Why;

1. First of all, In the Thirst of the Soul, the Soul is sensible of some Spi­ritual good thing, he is not only [Page 17] wanting [...] and without it, but he is sensible of it: In this thirst of the Soul, there is a deep sense of the want of some spiritual Good thing. Psal 63.1, 2, 3 David being banish­ed from the Tabernacle, from the Publick Worship, Oh! saith he, A [...] Soul thi [...]steth for God: He wanted the Ordinances, as he used to have had the [...]; That I may see thy Glory in thy Sanctuary In Isa. 41▪ 17. Whe [...] the poor and needy seek water, & [...] is none, & th [...]ir tongue faileth for thi [...]st [...] (a gracious Promise,) s [...]e what w [...]nt there is when the Soul [...] [...] such a case, being so sensible th [...]t [...] is even faint and failing, I the Lord will hear them, I the God of Israel will not forsake them. And th [...] ag [...]in [...]

2. As with the Body when it [...] athirst▪ it doth vehemently & strong­ly desire; so now in this thirst of the Soul there is an [...]rdent, [...]n ear­nest [Page 18] & strong desire after that which it finds it stand in need of, Psal. [...]2.1, 2. David doth express the thirst of his Soul, as the H [...]t that is wea­ried, and tired, and just spent in hunting: O it l [...]ngs & thirsts after [...]he Water-brooks for its refresh­ment, So doth my Soul after thee, O God; O when shall I come and appear before God! So, Psal. 63.8. My Soul followeth hard after God; it was when his Soul was thirsty: In the begin­ning of the Psalm, his Soul was thirs­ty for God, and ver. 8. My Soul fol­loweth hard after God; more than a man that is athirst, follows hard for the satisfying his desire of thirst. So when the Soul that hath wanted some Spiritual Good thing, (being a­thirst) hath longed vehemently, & [...]rongly, and been very earnest for it. And then, again;

3. When th [...] [...] [...]itu­ally [Page 19] Thirsty, it is not satisfied with any thing short of that which it finds it stands in need of, of that Spiritual Good Thing, of that Spi­ritual Mercy. As Abraham, he was athirst, his Soul was athirst for the accomplishment of the Promise; well, Abraham goes a long while be­fore the accomplishment of the Pro­mise, Twenty Years or better, and in the mean while God gives Abra­ham other Promises, but yet he is not satisfied; saith God to Abraham, Behold, Abraham, I am thy Shield & thine exceeding great [...]Reward: What could Abraham desire more than God to be his great Reward, even all▪ and yet saith Abraham, Lord, what wilt thou give me, and I go Childless ▪ Nothing else but what God promi­sed him will satisfie him. When the Soul is athirst, nothing will sa­tisfie but what it is a [...]thirsting after▪ [Page 20] One thing have I desired, and that will I seek, it is that which I have thirsted after, and longed for, and nothing shall satisfie me till I have my longing, I have made it the main of my desires, and I will still desir [...] it. Even as the Woman of Canaan, she desired mercy for her Daughter that was possessed of a Devil, she had other mercies, yet she would not be satisfied without she had that Mercy. And this is the nature of a Thirst. Why now saith Christ, if any man be athirst, let him come to me.

Object▪ But you will say, What is the Object of this Thirst that he Thirsts after, or for? What is it? For the Thirst of the Body, Water, or some Moisture for the Body? But now what is the Object of this Thirst? Must Christ supply a man with whatsoever he Thirsts for? Sup­pose he Thirsts for a great deal of [Page 21] the World, suppose he Thirsts for Health, and Strength, or the Life of Relations, or suppose it may be for some Spiritual Mercy, the Perfor­mance of Spiritual Duties, and the [...]ke; whatsoever a man Thirsts for must it be given him?

Answ. It is true indeed, it's not here exprest for whatsoever a man doth Thirst: I suppose Christ doth not mean whosoever Thirsts for the World, or worldly Comforts, or for Spiritual Gifts, &c. for Carnal ends; but Christ means such Mer­cies & Blessings as do accompany and necessarily tend to the Salvati­on of the Soul; if any man Thirst for such a Mercy, for that which he calls in the next verse, The Water of Life, out of his belly shall flow Ri­vers of Living Water, who Thirsts so: And He doth more plainly Ex­press it, ver. 39. This He spake of the [Page 22] Spi [...]it; Out of his belly shall flow Ri­vers of Living Water: That is, who­soever is athi [...]st for Spiritu [...]l Saving Sanctifying Grace, he that is athirst for the Comforts of the Spirit, for the Saving Graces thereof, as Faith, Meekness, Humility, and Patience▪ as the Apostle reckons divers Fruits of the Spirit; Gal. 5.22, 23. Who­soever doth long, and is sensible of the want of these saving Blessings, & Mercies, Pardon of Sin, & Assu­rance, &c. whosoever is sensible of these Wants, and longs for a supply of them, and is unsatisfied without them; whosoever he is that is thus, Let him come to me! Now, I say, this same Thirst of the Soul is very ne­cessary, else the Soul will hardly e­ver come to Christ for to be supply­ed. Like as it is wi [...]h a man that hath no ailment at all, at least no sense of it, tell him of a Physician, he [Page 23] will not stir a step after him for Cure. Those that are truly Thirsty & have not wherewithal to supply themselves, they are they that will come to Christ. And hence it is that when Christ would stir up those of Laodicea to come unto Him, He doth it by shewing them their Spi­ritual wants; Thou saist, saith He, that thou Standest in need of [...]n thing, that thou art full, and standest in need of nothing; But I say, saith Christ, that thou art Blind, Miserable, and Naked. First, Christ doth convince them (as it were) of their need of a Thirst, and then holds forth the Water of Life. Here's the first thing opened, what we are to un­derstand by this Thirst: They who are truly Thirsty let them come to Christ. But,

2. What is this coming to Christ? Or, how may the Soul come to drink [Page 24] of the Water of Life? As I said before concerning Thirst, it is not a Thirst of the Body, but a Thirst of the Soul: In what way may the Soul be said to come unto Christ▪ Briefly, Three wayes the Soul th [...] is athirst may be said to come unto Christ.

1. We are to come to Christ in the way of His Ordinances, attending upon His Word, to hearken to Christ there. Let him come to me in the way of mine Ordinances; as in Scripture phrase, in that place before mentioned, Isa. 55.2, 3. Coming is an hearkening diligently, enclining the Ear; Come unto me by enclining of your Ear: Jesus Christ is usually to be found in His own way in His Ordinances, Mat. 28.20. Lo I am with you alway, e­ven to the end of the world: Yea, in His Ordinances, in the Administration of the Gospel▪ I am with you. Then [Page 25] come to the place where Christ is, or where He may meet with you. Received you the Spirit by the Hear­ing of the Law, or by the Preaching [...] Faith? That is the Gospel. Ye [...]eived the Spirit, saith the Apostle Paul, by having the Gospel Preached. He compares the Preaching of the Law, and the Preaching of the Gospel; and calls the Preaching of the Law the Letter, & the Preaching of the Gospel the Spirit. To come to Christ, to wait upon Christ in His own way, where He gives out this Water of Life: he that rec [...]ives of this Water of Life, must be found in the way where Christ comes; as Zacheus was when Christ said to him, This Day is Salvation come to thy House. This was beyond his Desire, and beyond his Thirst. Would you come to Christ, come into His Galleries; [Page 26] Come into my Garden my Sister, my Spouse. Would you come to Christ, come where He is, and see; He walks in the midst of His Golden Candlesticks; there wait upon [...] in the way of His Ordinances; [...] hear what He will say unto you fo [...] a supply of your wants.

2. Come unto Christ in a way of Asking: By asking of Him the wa­ters of Life. So we are to come, and this is called a coming to the Lord in the Hebrews, Chap. 11. ver. 6. He that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a Rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. He that comes to God, how? In a way of Prayer; and so to seek Grace to help in time of need: Come in a way of Prayer. And see how He di­rected the Woman of Samaria; Christ asked her a little Water, & she denyed Him; well saith Christ, [Page 27] If thou hadst asked of me, I would have given thee Living Water. How would He have given her Living Water? Why in a way of Asking.

3. We are to come in a way of Faith. [...] so saith Christ here in this [...]ext, If any man Thirst, let him come and Drink: That is, he that Be­lieveth in me; and so this coming to Christ is Expounded to be believe­ing. Joh. 6·35. He that cometh [...] me shall never Hunger, and he that be­believeth in me shall never Thirst. Look now as Unbelieving is a departing from the Lord: Heb. 10.38, 39. Take heed, if any man draw back, my Soul shall have no pleasure in him: But we are not of those that draw back, but of them that believe to the saving of the Soul. O an Evil heart of Un­belief is a departing from God▪ and so then by Believing, the Soul is said to come to God, to draw near [Page 28] to God. But what is that coming unto Christ, or believing in Christ, whereby the Soul shall be fully sa­tisfied? Is it a believing that Jesus Christ is the Messiah, the Saviour of the world? The very Devils do be­lieve this; No: but briefly, This be­lieving is, namely, The Souls rest, & relying and trusting upon Christ for acceptance in the sight of God, for Re­mission of Sins, for Salvation and Eter­nal Life. Trusting and Relying up­on Christ and His Merits for Salva­tion, a putting Confidence in the Lord. Now when the Soul doth rely and venture through a word of invitation in the Gospel thro' Christs invitation, doth adventure to rely upon His Merits, to be wholly ac­cepted in the sight of God; This now is a coming to Christ. And now saith Christ, If any man Thirst, let him come unto me & he shall Drink. [Page 29] Let not any here move Contention, and say, what do you bid us come to Christ, why this holds forth Free Will? Why, know that such Ex­hortations usually and frequently are in all the Duties that the Holy Ghost requires of us, which He knows we have no strength to do: The Lord calls us to Pray, and it is our Duty so to do; and to Believe, but we have no strength and power of our selves; but we must not stand upon Cavelling and say, it is but Folly for us to be striving, seeing we can do nothing, but it is our Du­ty to be doing what lies in us to the performance, and wait upon the Lord for His coming in with Powe [...]. to enable us to perform. As La­zarus, when he was in the Grave, Christ called, and with His word Power was given forth and he came out. So now we should endeavour [Page 30] to rely and trust upon Christ in His Grace▪ and in His Promise to have a supply of this same Water of Life, and not to give over & cavil. That is a Second, to shew what way the Soul that is truly Athirst should come to Christ. Then,

3. Such as being Athirst and do come to Christ, they shall certainly be supplyed. They shall certainly have a full supply, and it freely given them: For so saith Christ, If any man Thirst, let him come and Drink freely. He doth not expect any thing, or hold forth any Price, but they, whoever come, shall Drink freely, they shall certainly have a [...]ll supply, and be supplyed freely. Christ speaking it, spake it in the Hearing and Audience of many Thousands. I shall speak a word of Application.

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This may help us to discern, whether e [...]r we have be [...]n made to Drink out of the Wells of Salvation. Whether ever we have been made to Drink of the Waters which Jesus Christ hath given forth? And to go no further than the Text, there are Two Things that may help us to discern it, and One is this;

First, That if ever the Soul hath drank of the Waters of Life that are held forth, then it was once a Thirst for Christ. For here the offer that Christ makes is to Thirsty Souls, and those who Thirst no [...] will not care for coming. And,

Secondly, Not only Thirsty, but they must also come to Christ. And therefore briefly to hint what I have spoken before.

[Page 32]1. Consider whether ever you have been truly Thirsty. And by that you may see & know whether you have truly Drank of this Water of Life. Consider it every one, Hath my Soul been truly Thirsty? The Soul that is truly Thirsty is really sen­sible of some Spiritual want, that he wants some Spiritual mercy; so sen­sible as to be Spiritually affected, yea afflicted with the sense of it. As a man that is Thirsty for water, [...]e is so sensible that if he have it not be is afflicted for it; why so let every Soul consider, Well, hath my Soul ever been really sensible of the [...]nt of some Saving Mercy, or Truth? Hath my Soul been ever sensible of it? I pray consider it with your own Souls; What saving Grace is it that your Souls have been sen­sible for the want of? Even afflicted for the want of it? I' ever you [Page 33] have been greatly Thirsty in your Bodies, you have been very sensible. I pray consider, Can you remember that ever your Souls were really sen­sible so as to be afflicted for the want of some Spiritual Saving Mercy from God?

2. Again; Consider, if you have b [...]en Thirsty, whether you have ever found that same strong, ardent, and longing desire after a supply of that spi­ritual want you are in? As Pardon of Sin, or Saving Grace: Have your Souls not only been affected, but afflicted from the sense of the want of Grace, being ardently, vehement­ly, and earnestly longing after it i [...] [...]n you remember at such a time [...] Body was Thirsty, and you [...] for Water, and could have drank puddle water, by a good to­ken, and cannot you remember that your Souls have been longing ve­hemently [Page 34] longing, most earnestly longing after, and panting after this Spiritual Water of Life, and to have been altogether unsatisfied, without you might have that Spiritual Grace and Mercy, which you have longed for? If a man be Thirsty, he will not be satisfied with a Song, you may sing him a Song, but that will not satisfie him, and give him what you will, he must have that which he longs for, and that which he de­sires, or nothing. And hath it been thus with your Souls? Consider what I say; Can you say, you have longed for this Grace and the other, for Saving Grace, and the lik [...] ▪ Well, but have you not been s [...] fied with something else? For [...] if we had not had in some m [...] [...] a supply, our Souls would still have been Thirsty, and never satisfied without that we have found a need [Page 35] of. And then then take that along with all, viz.

3. Conside [...] whether ever you have truly come to Christ? Suppose you have longed for this and that Mercy, and have been unsatisfied for want of this Mercy, consider of it, Did you ever truly come to Christ? Have you ever been Athirst? Have you ever come to Christ in His Or­dinances for a supply? Why, Yes you will say, you have come to the Ordinances to hear the Word Preached: Ay Brethren, you may come to hear, and yet not come to Christ. Have you ever come to hear the [...] from the sense of the want [...] Spiritual Saving Grace, that [...] [...]uld supply to you? It is or [...] for every one to come, ex­cept they are such as are desperate­ly wicked and prophane, but thus are we to come, and have we ever [Page 36] come thus to Christ, even as the Saints have been won [...] to come to the Or­dinances, with a sense of their Spi­ritual wants? I will hearken and hear what God the Lord will speak to me for He will speak Peace. He wanted peace, and he had the sense of the want of peace upon him, now saith he, God will speak peace. So Psal. 23. the good man was under a great Temp­tation, and it was even too hard for him, and he was even ready to Cry out of the Temptation, & Murmur and Repine against God, well he now goes unto the Lord in the way of His Ordinances, and hearkens what God will give unto him, to an­swer his Temptation, and then his Temptation was answered in his waiting upon God in the sense of his Spiritual wants for a supply And so have you even come thus to the Lord in the way of His Ordinances? [Page 37] When you came this day before the Lord, can you say (between the Lord & your own Souls,) that you came upon the sense of some Spiritual want for your Souls unto the Lord in this Ordinance? Why Brethren, it is a rare thing for to come to Christ in the way of His Ordinances, in the sense of the want of some Spiritual mercy. But,

4. Again, Consider, have you ever come to Christ in a way of Prayer to ask a Spiritual Mercy & Blessing? It is true indeed, you will say, you go to God every day for the pardon of sin, & assurance of it; but now have you come to the Lord & asked this Spi­ritual Mercy & the other, as a Thir­sty man that is even ready to perish for want of Drink, and to take no­thing in a way of satisfaction, (what­soever you have besides,) without you have that you are so sensible of▪

5. And then, Consider whether you [Page 38] have ever come to Christ in a way of Faith? There is the coming to Christ indeed: If ever you would drink of the waters of Life, you must come in a way of Faith. Tho' you have come to the Word, & come in a way of Prayer, yet have you come in a way of Faith, relying and resting & rolling upon Christ in a way of Faith, to be accepted of the Father thro' Him, and so for remission of sins, & whatever saving Benefits you stand in need of? Have you ever came to Christ thus, relying upon Him in his Word, in the invitation He makes there, and in His Promise? This is the way to come to CHRIST. He that believeth on me, out of his belly shall flow Rivers of living water. Let us consider of it between the Lord and our own Souls, whether ever we have come to Christ, and so drank of the waters of Life? If we have not been thirsty, tho' we may have seem­ed [Page 39] to be so, yet we have not really come to Christ, we fall short of what we might have expected to have met with.

3. The third particular in Explica­tion of the Doctrine is to shew you th [...] su [...] as do come to Christ shall have a full supply. Every Soul that doth come to Christ shall be filled; He that comes to me shall not only have a taste, but shall have a full supply. Let him come unto me & Drink. He shall not only have a full supply, but a free supply. Christ doth not require any thing at all. Whosoever he be that comes unto me, he shall Drink, he shall be freely supplyed, Rev. 2 [...] ▪ 17. Let him that is athirst come [...] whosoever will let him come, and take of the waters of Li [...]e freely. And, Isa. 55.1. He every one that is athirst, come ye to the waters. He shall be made to drink, and be supplyed with all Spi­ritual, [Page 40] Heavenly, & Eternal Blessings. Jesus Christ is a full supply, & tho' we may have a notion that in Jesus Christ their is a full supply, yet we have a principle & notion in us, that we have some supply in our selves. A Popish principle, Christ may sup­ply us in part, but some from our selves: and therefore we have a no­tion as if we should go unto Christ with Money in our hands to buy it of Him. Therefore a little to clear these things, viz. to Demonstrate,

1. That Jesus Christ will certainly give a full supply.

2. That there is a full supply that Christ will give out, not a part only, but a full supply to all that come to Him.

1. That Jesus Christ will give out a full supply of all spiri [...]ual Blessings. What­soever good things the Soul can stand i [...] need of, or can possibly desire, Je­sus Christ will give out a full supply [Page 41] unto all them, even every of them that comes to Him.

1. The First Demonstration is taken from the incomprehensible Fulness that [...]s in Jesus Christ. He is a full Foun­ [...]ain; not as a Pail or a Bucket drawn from a Well, but He is a full Foun­tain; now from out of a Fountain there is a full supply to be had; a man may drink as much as ever he will, as much as ever he can hold: Now Christ is a full Fountain; see what is said concerning Christ, Zec. 13.1. In that day, there shall be a Foun­tain set open to the House of David, & to the Inhabitants of Jerusalem▪ for sin and for uncleanness. And so, Col. 1.19. It pleased the Father, that in Him all Fulness should dwell: Even all Fulness▪ Now if Christ be a Fountain, a full Fountain, there is fulness of supply to be [...]ad in Him. Now all fulness of Blessings are in Jesus Christ; He [Page 42] is a Fountain of all Spiritual things that are needful for the Salvation of a poor soul: and there is a fulness of Spirit in Christ. Joh. 3 34. For God giveth not the Spirit by measure to Him▪ And so, Col. 2.9. it is said, It pleas [...] the Father that the fulness of the God-head dwelt in him as Mediator: The fulness of the Deity, the fulness of the Spirit.

2. And then, as there is a Fulness of the God-head dwelling in Him as Mediator, and a fulness of the Spirit, so there is also a Fulness of all Gifts, and of all Graces in Jesus Christ. Joh. 1. [...]4. He is the only begotten Son of the Father full of Grace and Truth. And so [...]n Him are hid the Treasures of Wisdom & Knowledge; they are hid in Christ, He is the Fountain of them. The Apostle hath another full Ex­pression, Eph. 3.8. Ʋnto me who am less than the least of all Saints is th [...] [Page 43] Grace given, that I should Preach among the Gentiles the Ʋnsearchable Riches of Christ. Unsearchable Riches that can never be drawn dry. The ful­ness of the Spirit, the fulness of all [...]race dwelleth in Him.

3. There is a Fulness of Righteous­ness & Satisfaction in Jesus Christ, so as to make a poor sinner to be accepted as Righteous before God, and discharge it of all Sins. As the Angel told Daniel, Chap. 9. ver. 24. To make an end of sins, & to bring in an everlasting Righ­teousness. A Righteousness that will serve to all Eternity, for all, from the beginning to the end of the world; and tho' the Saints are stri­ving after a measure & fulness daily, yet notwithstanding there is a Ful­ness in Jesus Christ. The Blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth from all Sin. There is Merit enough, and Virtue enough in Christ. 1 Joh. 2.1, 2. If any [Page 44] man sin, we have an Advocate with t [...]e Father, Jesus Christ the Righteous, & He is the Propitiation for our Sins, & not for ours only, but for the Sins of the whole World. There is Righteousness, and Satisfaction, and Merit enoug [...] for all. And,

4 Then there is a fulness of Power to give out, and to communicate unto others. Joh. 5.26, 27. For as the Fa­ther hath Life in Himself, so hath He given to the Son to have Life in Him­self, and hath given Him authority to Execute Judgment also, because He is the Son of Man. As the Father hath Life in Himself, so there is fulness of Power and Authority given out un­to Jesus Christ, to give out to whom He will, and He gives and commu­nicates as being full of the Spirit.

1. He communicates of the Spirit & Holy Ghost to whom He will. He gives the Spirit, and therefore promises it [Page 45] to His Disciples, Joh. 16.7. When they heard of His departure from them, that Night He should be Be­trayed, Christ having given them a hint of it, they were troubled, & saith Christ, Because I tell you the Truth you are grieved, yet nevertheless, it is ex­pedient for you that I go away, and that you be deprived of my presence, for when I go away, I will send the Holy Ghost, the Comforter unto you. And so the Apostle Peter, Act. [...]. when the Holy Ghost fell upon the Twelve with fiery Tongues, the people mar­velled at it, and thought they were Drunk with new Wine, no saith Pe­ter, These are not Drunken with New Wine, as you suppose, this is an effect of the Promise as to the latter Dayes, ac­cording to Joels Prophecy. And,

2. Again, He communicates of the Gifts & Graces of the Spirit. The Graces of the Spirit are given out [Page 46] by Jesus Christ, Eph. 4.8. When He asc [...]ded on high, He led Captivity Ca [...] ­tive, and gave Gi [...]ts unto men. And so the Apostle saith, Grace & Peace from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ. He giveth Gif [...]s and Graces. And so again;

3. Christ doth communica [...]e & give our Forgiveness & Remissi [...]n of Sin. He hath power and authority to give [...] that. As Mat. 9. when they brought the Palsey man, and Christ saw their Faith, saith He, Son be of good chear, thy Sins are forgiven thee. But some of them thought He had blasphemed; Well saith He, That I may shew unto you, that I have power on Earth to forgive Sins, I say unto thee, Son, take up thy Bed & walk. And so, Act. 5 31. Him hath [...]od Exalted with His own R [...]ght hand, to be a Prince & a Saviour, for to give unto Israel Repentance & Forgiveness of Sins. And,

[Page 47]4. Again, Jesus Christ doth commu­nicate Peace and Consolation, Peace with God and true Comfort▪ [...]eing Justi­fied by Faith we have Peace with God thro' our Lord Jesus Christ. And so [...] another place, If there be any Con­ [...]a [...]ion in Christ Jesus? Taken it for granted there is Consolation in Jesus Christ; all true Consolation comes from Him. And so as our Sufferings abound, so do our Conso­lations abound much more thro' Je­sus Christ our Lord. Again,

5. It is Jesus Christ, also that [...]d [...]l [...] communicate & give out Eternal Life, to whom He will. Saith He, My sheep hear my voice and they follow me, and I give unto them Eternal Life. Bre­thren, Christ hath power & authori­ty to give out all Spiritual Blessings, a Fountain having all Fulness; so they that come to Christ for a supply come to a full Fountain. Breth [...]n, [Page 48] if so be that Jesus Christ were full of the Spirit, and full of Grace, — yet if He were not full as a Fountain, He could not communicate; look now as it is with a Bucket, tho' it may be full of water yet notwithstanding i [...] hath not the fulness of a Fountain [...] as it doth supply any it hath so much the less; but Christ now being a Fountain-fulness, tho' he communi­cate never so much, yet still there is the same fulness. As now go to the Sea, all the Rivers in the world are filled with the Sea, and yet the Sea hath never a whit the less. And so the [...] hath given out its light day by day, Four Thousand Years toge­ther, and yet the Sun hath never the less Light in it, because it is the Foun­tain of Light. So Christ (now) being a Fountain hath never the less in communicating, still as much Grace is [...]uch Holiness, as much Righte­ousness [Page 49] as before. And so the Saints some of them have been full of the Holy Ghost, (as Stephen,) tho' yet notwithstanding, their fulness is not the fulness of a Fountain, and so [...]hey cannot supply the want of o­ [...]hers: As the Wise Virgins, when the Foolish Virgins wanted Oyl, & their Lamps were out, they would have had Oyl of the Wise, but say they, We have none to spare, none to communicate: Why? Because they have not a Fountain. But still now in Jesus Christ there is a ful­ness, as a Fountain of all Grace whatsoever. That is the First De­monstration.

2. Take another withal, and that is this, To shew that there is a full supply in Him, Because all that come to Jesus Christ are Near to Him, nay, they are United to H [...]m. They are made near unto God, being Uni [...]d [Page 50] unto Christ, & thereupon they have a Communication of His fulness from Union, for Union is the cause of Communication. As now, if the Branches of a Tree be United to the Tree, they Communicate an [...] Partake o [...] the Trees Root, Sap, & Nature of it. Saith Christ, I am the Vine, y [...] are the Branches. Why now the branches of the Vine par­take of the Vine. Look now as it with the Members of a Natural Bo­dy, being joyned, they do Commu­nica [...] and Participate with all the Members. As the Head, it is the seat of all the Sensitive & Animal Spirits, & the Head being united to the Body, there is a communication of all the Senses, from the Head to every Member, according to its ca­pacity. Why now, Jesus Christ He is the Head, we are His Members, Flesh of His Flesh, Bone of His [Page 51] Bone; we are Members of Him be­ing joyned to him, and they that are joyned to the Lord are one Spirit: we are by Faith joyned to the Lord; and Jesus Christ is said to dwell in [...] by Faith. There is a nearer U­ [...]on that the believing Soul hath with Jesus Christ, than any Member hath to the Natural Body, than any Branch hath to a Natural Tree, yea, than our Souls and Bodies have to each other, Joh. 6.56. He that eat­eth my Flesh, and drinketh my Blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him. Now the nearer we be to a Fountain, the nearer a supply. Suppose one were in a Fountain of Water, he must needs have enough; Suppose a man were in the Body of the Sun, he must needs be supplyed with Light. Now the Soul that comes unto Christ, and is in Christ, it is in the Fountain of Living Water, and being in the Foun­tain, [Page 52] it must needs receive a f [...]ll supply unto all its wants. That is a Second Demonstration. To take up one more.

3. I say we shall have a full sup­ply, Because this same Fulness is Com [...]municated & Given to Christ by [...] Father as Mediator, for this end [...] purpose, to give out and communicate to us. For Brethren, this fulness that is in Christ is communicated un­to Christ as the fulness of the God-head: For it seems to be an impro­per speech to say, that the Father is [...] [...]outain of the Deity, but the Fath [...] [...]municates to the Son in regard of the Personality: Now Jesus Christ hath all fulness as Me­diator to communicate and give out, not to keep it to Himself, and h [...]ld it to his own proper use only. But look now as it is with the Fountain, the Sea hath not its water for its self, but to communicate unto Ri­vers; [Page 53] so God hath made the Sun to be Light, not to be Light to its self only, but to communicate and give Light to the World. Why now, there is a full supply in Jesus Christ, He being filled with all ful­ness, (from the Father,) for this end, to give out to others, to com­municate. From His Fulness we have all received Grace for Grace. He is full of Grace and Truth; Ay, but to what end is He full of Grace and Truth? That we might receive from His Fulness Grace for Grace. And therefore saith the Psalmist, Wh [...]n He ascended on High, He led captivity captive, and received Gifts for [...], even for the Rebellious. He re [...]ired them for Men, for Rebellious Men, for Enemies unto God, to give [...]t and communicate of Grace, as He was Mediator; and therefore now Jesus Christ gives out Grace freely and▪ [Page 54] largely, because it is for that very end He had all fulness given to Him; so that now there is a full supply to be had for all that come to Christ: Christ will fully supply all that come to Him to Drink of the Water [...] Life, and He hath never a whi [...] t [...] less. O Brethren, that you were fully perswaded of this Truth, that He is the fulness of all Grace, that so we might know whether to go to be supplyed in all our Spiritual wants: for we are ready to go to oth [...]r things, rather than unto Christ, to our [...], and Duties ▪ and the like, but these are to be used only as Con­duits, to convey supply to us, but not as the supply; but to look unto Christ who hath all supplies, that we may go unto Him to supply us, who only is able to supply us, and fill us to the full with all Grace, whatso­ever we stand in need of. And then [Page 55] again, We shall not only have a full supply, but we shall have a supply f [...]e [...]ly; Christ will not ask any thing at all of any that comes to Him, but they shall be suppl [...]ed freely from [...]s fulness. As if you should go to [...] F [...]tain of Water, and be filled, here is none will require or demand any thing of you. So the Sun it communicates its Light without Mo­ney or without Price; so it is here, when we are sensible of our own un­worthiness, and have nothing to c [...]rry, and nothing to give, no mo­ney, nor no price to carry in our hands, yet may we come to Christ, for He is a full Fountain, and gives out the water of Life freely. I shall Demonstrate that Jesus Christ doth give out freely as well as fully, not only fully, but also freely, to all that do come unto Him for this wa­ter of Life, that so we may [Page 56] be Established in this Truth▪

1. Because if it were not so, there is no Creature, neither Man nor Woman, could ever come to Drink of this Wa­ter, if [...] it were not free as well as ful▪ For no sinful Creature hath any thi [...] to give, that is worth one Drop [...] this Water of Life; it hath no abi­lity to give any thing, and therefore if it were not Free none should par­take of it. Who hath first given to the Lord & it shall be Recompenced him? Who? He means none: For of Him, & thro' Him, & from Him are all [...]hings, to whom be Glory for ever And you [...] the Prophet David encou­raging his People to be Liberal in Contributing towards the building of the Temple, and they were so, insomuch as Davids heart was re­freshed therewithal; saith David, All that we do g [...]ve or can communicate, (tho' the People have given very [Page 57] liberally) yet saith he, All is thine own: All that Gold and Silver that we gave for the Building of the Tem­ple, is all the Lords own; they had [...]othing of their own, it was the [...]ords. And so when the Lord gives [...]ut any spiritual good thing, why, what ha [...] thou to give unto the Lord? Nothing at all▪ For what hast thou that thou hast not received? Not the least drop of Good, but it is from the Lord. If my Life shouldly on it for a drop of Living Water to be fetcht in of my self, it could not be; or if it were to be had wi [...] a good wish, saith the Apostle, I can neither do nor will [...] any thing; Nay saith he, I am not able to think a good thought: Therefore if my Life didly on it, for one good thought, I should not obtain it. 2 Cor. 3.5 Not that we are sufficient of our selves, to think any thing as of our selves, but our [Page 58] sufficiency is of God. Yea when we have done all that we are command­ed to do or suffer, yet this will not purchase one drop of it, Luk. 17.10. So Rom 8 18. For I reckon that [...] Sufferings of this present time are [...] worthy to be compared with the G [...] that shall be revealed in us. And therefore I say, that it must needs be free, else never a man or woman could be able to partake of one draught or dram of this Water o [...] Life, if it were not free. Again,

2. Because of that deligh [...], pleasure, and complacency, that Jesus Christ doth take in gi [...]ing out this water of Life. There is never an hungry man takes more delight in Eating of his Meat, than Jesus Christ doth in Commu­nicating of this water of Life. An hungry man he shall not need to be [...]idden to Eat his meat; and saith Jesus Christ, My meat is to do the [Page 59] will of Him that sent me. And so He invites all to come unto Him. And you Women, who know how to give [...]ck to your Children, they being [...]ught to you and making means, [...] Mother having a full Breast, shall [...]e need to be hired to Suckle her Children? Yea, she is pained till she be delivered of her fulness, Isa. 66.11. So it is with Jesus Christ, He hath full Breasts always, and it is delight­i [...] to him to Communicate. Indeed, I t [...]ld you before the Head is the Fountain of the Animal parts, and the Head freely gives out to [...] Senses, and if there be an obstructi­on to any of the rest of the Mem­bers, then it causes pain in the Head. Why Jesus Christ he is the Head of the Body, and he doth as freely, and with as much desire and delight, & readiness, communicate unto any of His Members, even as the head is [Page 60] ready to communicate unto the body And so you that keep Shops, wh [...]t keep you Shop for? Is it not that you desire to part with your Com­modities freely for a Price? Never any Shop-keeper is more free, and ready to part with his Commodi­ties for a Price, than Jesus Christ is to give out his Water of Life, with­out Price. I counted thee to come and buy of me, Rev. 3.18. (To buy is to receive of him) To come & buy Wine & Milk without Money & with­out Price. Isa. 55.1. Again,

3. Because of His free Invitation to all comers to Drink He comes among Thousands to Proclaim this his rea­diness, and freeness to give out of this water of Life. Suppose you should be at a Dinner or Supper at a Friends house, & being there should offer for your Dinner or Supper, would not he take it as a Disparage­ment [Page 61] to him? Why so I say, if Jesus Christ should require any thing for what He gives out, as a Price, and should not give out freely, might not [...]h [...]se many Thousands that heard of [...]s kind proffer, Cry out against him? Why all those Texts that you read of, wherein He invites poor sinners to come unto him, and that freely, if he were not now free to Commu­nicate, would not these Words and Scriptures witness against him? O my People witness against me, saith the Lord, in Mi [...]ah. 6.3. Jesus Christ doth challenge any man to Testify against him for his Unfaithfulness to­wards him or them; and therefore hence it appears that Jesus Christ is ready and free to give out a full and free supply unto all that come unto him, He will give out freely without Money or without Price.

Object. Do we say there is such a [Page 62] fulness in Jesus Christ? And will he give out a large and full supply un­to all that come to him, & that free­ly? How can this stand with the ex­perience of them that are true Be­lievers, that truly come unto Jesus Christ? They are so sensible of their own wants, weaknesses, and their own defects of Grace, as what more frequent complaints, and who do more frequently complain than true Believers? And there is never a true believing Soul that comes to Jesus Christ, but is sensible of some defect or want or other, and hath not at­tained to Perfection; and the more and nearer he comes to Christ, still the more sensible of his defects and wants. Oh! None so weak as I am, None so poor in Grace as I am! None so weak in Faith! So wanting in Love, in Humility, in Patience, and in Meekness as I! And, Oh! None [Page 63] hath such a cold Heart, such a dead He [...]rt, such an unfruitful Heart as I have! You will say, where is this same fu [...]l supply then? Shall all that come to Christ have a full supply? How can these things be? What shall we say then, that those that make such complaints as these are not true Believers? No, God forbid. Or shall we say that this Truth that Je­sus Christ hath spoken is not Truth? Why, where is then this same full supply? How can this stand to be a Truth, that all that come to Jesus Christ shall have a full supply, and shall drink abundantly, & shall drink freely; when He saith, Every one that cometh unto me shall drink of the water of Life, & that freely? Do not many Believers fear that their sins will be their ruine, and fear Con­demnation sometimes? Now how doth this stand with this full supply [Page 64] which is to be had in Christ? I shall Clear this by Answering to Two or Three things.

Answ. 1. Every Be [...]ieving Soul that comes to Jesus Christ hath drank such [...] Draught of this Water of Life, tha [...] he is freed for ever from Condemna­tion. He shall never Dye or Perish, or be Condemned for Sin: No, he is freed from all Condemnation. The poorest, the weakest, the meanest hath drunk a full supply, that it shall never perish by its sins; it is passed from Death to Life: there is no Condemnation, none unto them now that they are in Christ Jesus: No Condemnation to the poorest & meanest Believer; and now all their sins are forgiven; there is a full for­giveness, their sins shall never be laid to their charge. And as the Holy Ghost saith, I will be merci [...]ul to their Ʋnright [...]usness, their Sins & [Page 65] Iniquities I will remember no more: And the Blood of [...]e [...]us Christ is able to cl [...]an [...]e us from all our Si [...]. It is true indeed, a Believer that hath drunk of this same Water of Life▪ & that is [...]reed from all his Sins, he may possibly be exercised with Fears, and possi­bly his Assurance, and his apprehen­sions of his Justification to himself may have some Cloud upon it; he may be exercised with Clouds, may fear his going down into the Pit, tho' there is no real ground of it; for indeed he is freed from the guilt of all these, for he is now passed from Death to Life. Joh. 11.26. He that Believeth in me shall never Dye. That is, his very Temporal Death shall be but as a Sleep to him; the Sting is taken out, and he shall ne­ver Dy Eternally. And so therefore to clear this Objection, There is never a Believing Soul that is come to [Page 66] Christ▪ but hath drunk such a draught of the Water of Life, that he is passed from Death to Life, and shall never see Death and Condemnation That is one.

Answ. 2. Every Soul that is com [...] to Christ, tho' (in respect of his Sancti­fication, of Sanctifying & Saving Grace) he is not perfect, he hath not drunk such a draught but he desires more, and may desire more, yet notwithstanding, that draught that he hath drunk is such a draught, as he shall never be th [...]rs [...]y more, so as to be wholly destitute of this same Water of Life, as he was before. Christ saith, Joh. 6.35. He that co­meth to me shall never Hunger, he that [...] on me shall never Thirst. He shall be carried on as he shall never decrease, so as to be destitute, but shall grow up, as the grain of mustard Seed, Christ makes use of by way of Parable, likening the Kingdom of [Page 67] Heaven to a grain of mustard Seed, and to a little [...]eaven which never le [...]ves spreading, till it hath spread all over; and the grain of mustard Seed, it grows and springs up fur­ther and further, till it become a Tree for the Fowls in the Air to lodge in. So our inward man is renewed day by day, as it will spring up, increase & grow more & more; tho' yet he that hath drunk of the Spirit, hath not the full Perfection of it at once, but may desire mor [...] yet notwithstanding he hath so much as he shall never be dry again, that is, wholly destitute, but shall grow up, and increase, and spring▪ And let me add only a Third thing.

Answ. 3. You will say, The Saints have not a full draught and full supply, because they complain, I answer, that tho' here they be in a state of Imper­fection, and stand in need of a daily [Page 68] supply, (being sensible of their own defects and weaknesses,) yet every believing Soul hath drunk so much of the Water of Life, as now he hath [...] & title unto the Inheritance of Glory, where there is such fulness of Joy, a [...] he shall be satisfied, & shall not be able to desire any more. Psal. 16.11. [...]h [...]u wilt shew we the path of Life; in thy Presence is fulness of Joy, and at thy Right Hand are Pleasures for ever­ [...]r [...]. They shall have joy as much as they can hold; Every Vessel shall be filled with Glory, so full as it can hold no more, they shall enjoy as much as ever they are able to hold [...] contain, every Vessel shall be full of Glory. The beginnings of E­ternal Life are here, and tho' possi­bly they may be made to drink Tears here in abundance, yet not­withstanding they have the begin­nings of Eternal Life and Glory▪ [Page 69] and when they come once to enjoy the consummation of it, they shall not be able to desire one draught, one [...]t more. So, he that believeth [...]n me, out of his belly shall flow [...]ivers of Living Water, springing up [...]nto Eternal Life. So much for that Objection. Now for the Applicati­on of the Point.

USE I. You see what Christ saith in the Text, That man that comes un­to me shall Drink. My drift in this Application shall be to press this In­vitation of Jesus Christ▪ Be it known unto you Men and Women, Young Men and Old, and Children that are capable of [...]nowledge, Know it, that Jesus Christ doth invite every one of you that stands before him in this Ordinance, to come unto Him and draw water out of this Well of Salvation. I [...] is a strong invitation that whosoever comes unto Him [Page 70] shall drink of this Water of Life Let me say unto you as M [...]ses said unto the Children of Israel, Deut. 32 46. And he said unto them, Set your [...] into all the words that I testify among you this Day. Set your Hearts to this invitation of Jesus Christ, to the Word that is now sounding in your Ears, for it is your Life: Je­sus Christ doth bring Eternal Life to your Doors, to your Hearts, do not look upon them as if they were words of course & wind, as if there were no truth or reality in them.

Brethren, I suppose now, if a Friend should invite you to a Din­ner or Supper, you would believe that he were real, and you are rea­dy to accept of his invitation, be­cause you think he means as he saith. Why so now, Be it known unto you, that Jesus Christ doth make an In­vitation to all here, every one in the [Page 71] Congregation this day, to come un­to Him, and you shall have a supply of this Water of Life. Suppose now, that Jesus Christ were here present speaking these words, as He [...]id with His own mouth in the hear­ [...] [...] of Thousands; and suppose now, that if Jesus Christ were here in His Bodily Presence, do not you think you should Believe, and give Enter­tainment to what He spake? Be­hold, Jesus Christ now speaks in His Word to all that are here pre­sent, (as He spake to all that were present then,) and makes Procla­mation, saying, Is any man Athirst? Is there any that do desire this Water of Life? That do desire to have their Sins Pardoned and Forgi­ven them? That do desire to be freed from Condemnation? That do desire to be Adopted Sons & Daugh­ters of God? To have Peace with [Page 72] God, to have Comfort and Conso­lation in Life & Death, and to have Everlasting, Eternal Glory, when Life shall be no more? Know, Jesus Christ holds forth all this, whatso­ever is requisite to Eternal Life; Je­sus Christ doth invite you to this and holds forth and promiseth to give a full draught of it to all that ever will come to Him. Therefore let no poor Soul lay impediments and blocks in its own way, to hinder him from coming to Jesus Christ.

Object. But may one say, I am a­fraid that I should presume, if I should come unto Christ, and therefore I dare not venture.

Answ. Oh! Let not any Soul think so, nor say so, to hinder any of your Souls from coming. Know it, that if Jesus Christ had made no invita­tion to you to come, then you might very well say, it is Presump­tion [Page 73] indeed for me to come, but J [...]sus Christ invites thee Himself] in His Word and Promises, that if y [...]u d [...] come you shall have of this Water o [...] Life, and that freely Sup­ [...]ose a great Rich man should invite [...] Poor man to his Table, and he comes being invited, will ye say this is Presumption, when he spake to h [...]m himself? And if he should not come, tis rather a slighting & de­spising his favour and love. Why Jesus Christ holds forth a free in­vitation tenders it, and promises it to any one Soul, that will come un­to Him upon His invitation, and therefore let nothing stave thee off, seeing He hath made a full and free invitation unto every one to come indeed.

Object. But alas, I do not know that I am invited. Christ invite me! What me? I am altogether unwor­thy [Page 74] to be invited to partake of this Water of Life. Alas, so poor a Creature, so ignorant and so blind, and so without strength as I am; Unable to perform any Duty, n [...] strength, and nothing at all to com [...]mend me to the Lord, or why th [...] Lord should give me the least drop of the Water of Life, and therefore certainly it is not to me, Jesus Christ doth not invite me?

Answ. I say, Let not this impedi­ment ly in thy way, because we have no strength, or ability to do, or to please, or to serve Him in any way▪ Why, alas, do you think now that Jesus Christ calls for any Price? In­vites People, and then they must bring Money in their hands? No Brethren, you are much mistaken Jesus Christ doth invite to com [...] without Money, or without any Price▪ Whoever you be, tho' you be neve [...] [Page 75] so weak and unable to perform any Duty or Service, and never did any thing for the Lord, yet You should come. And Brethren, the more [...] we are in our selves, and the [...]ess we have of our selves, and the more sensible we are of our own un­fitness, this should rather be so far from hindering and discouraging us, as that it should encourage us to come: Why? Because that having nothing and Chri [...] being the f [...]l­ness of all, we should go unto Christ for all. As Rev 3.18. saith Chr [...]st, Thou art Poor, and Naked, Blind and M [...]serable, and hast Nothing, wherefore come to me; I Counsel thee to come to me for Eye-salve, and for Raiment, C [...]ld, and Treasure, and Riches: — Why, here now is Christs Argument [...]n the contrary. Why Brethren, He fills the Hungry and the Empty with good things, and They are to [Page 76] come to Christ. Jesus Christ in­vites such Poor Souls as h [...]ve no­thing at all, no ability at [...] Blind Creature; if one [...]e [...] Blind and Unable, and more [...] than another, here is the invit [...]tion that Jesus Christ doth make this day to such a poor Soul, that he sh [...]ll if he come, he sh [...]ll Drink, and he s [...]ll have of this Water of Li [...]e.

Object. But another Objection is, Alas, I am a poor Old Creature, an Old Man, or an Old Woman, that have lived without God, and with­out Christ all this time, and have [...]lighted the offers of Grace, and all the invitations of Christ in the Gos­pel; and also a poor Old Sinner! And will Jesus Christ invite me I possibly have been a Drunkard, [...] an Old Drunkard, and a Swearer, o [...] a Blasphemer of the Name of God▪ and of the Wayes of Christ, & c [...] [Page 77] I think that ever Christ should En­tertain me when I come?

Answ. Why now mark what I say unto you, in a word from the Lord. Let not any one here except him­self, and exclude himself, if Jesus Christ do not Except and Exclude him. Look into the invitation, Doth Jesus Christ Exclude, and say, Let every one come to me, except he be an Old Drunkard, or an Old Swearer? No, He doth not say so, He excludes none. See how the words run, If any man will come he shall Drink: If any man, without ex­ception. Can you have it spoken more full, or in plainer terms? If any man will come unto me he shall drink. Joh. 6.35, — Saith Jesus there, I am the Bread of Life, he that cometh un­to me shall not hunger, and he that be­lieveth on me shall never thirst. But I said unto you, that ye have seen me, & [Page 78] believe not. All that the [...] gi [...]eth [...]e shall come to me, and [...] [...] ­meth to me I will in [...] Let him be what he will, what [...] he be, never such an Old Sinner. A [...] therefore why should a poor S [...] make this Exception in his comin [...] to Christ? Now know it, i [...] there be any such a Soul in the Congrega­tion, that hath lived so many Years, and all his Life long hath been in Sinful Courses, the invitation is to [...], and to all others, that if any man come to me, saith Christ, I wi [...]l give him the Water of Life.

O [...]ct. But to Object further, Alas▪ I have no strength nor power, and I am unworthy to come; and there­fore it is but a Folly to make such an invitation unto me, and I have no power?

Answ. You have heard before wha [...] it is to come to Christ, viz. to ven­ture [Page 79] and cast yo [...]r self upon Christ [...] [...] in His Promise; and the [...] now venturing to l [...]an upon Christs word, and to trust Christ [...]on His word, and to expect what Christ holds f [...]th in His word this [...] a coming unto Ch [...]i [...]t. You know what the P [...]di [...] I was And when the Lord sees a poor Soul afar off, He meets him, and leadeth him by the hand, and upholdeth him.

Object. But you will say, Alas, I am willing to come to Christ, but I have no word, and a Soul cannot come to Christ unless the Lord gives out some Promise secre [...]ly to draw the Heart to Christ, and I cannot remember that ever the Lord spake to me, whereby I should ever come?

Answ. Well, Suppose you cannot remember that ever you had any Word or Promise given out to draw or perswade your heart to cast it self, [Page 80] and to adventure upon Christ, yet, Behold! Here is a word from the Lord this Day, which He causes to be Proclamed in your hearing; Jesus Christ holds forth unto you this day, whoevever you be that comes, he shall Drink, and shall Drink abun­dantly, & most freely Drink of the Waters of Life, and shall never Pe­rish, but shall Live forever. And therefore from this time forward, let not any Soul say, Well, The Lord hath not this Day holden forth any word to me: Know it, the Lord speaks to you, even to one and to another this Day, If any man be athirst, let him come unto me and Drink. Have you any thing more to Object? Think with your selves what it is.

Object. Ay, You will say, there is one thing more, and that is here in the Text, If any man be athirst, let him come; and I cannot say I am a­ [...]st? [Page 81] There are Two things in A [...] to this▪

Answ. 1. The Promise that Christ ma [...]e [...]ere of giving the Water of Life, is not [...]o mu [...] to the [...]y, as to th [...] [...]ome [...]. Whoever he be that com [...]s to me shall Drink. It is true i [...]deed, He saith, Every one that Thirst▪ let him come to me & drink. Why, ordinarily Men and Women, poor Sinners are not ready to come to Christ without they be m [...]de very thirsty, and see their necessity; Ay, but notwithstanding saith Christ, if any man do but come, whoever he be, if [...]e doth but come; and so, W [...]a [...]soever will, (whosoever he be) let h [...]m come and take o [...] the W [...]er of life fre [...]ly. The Promise is made not to▪ Thirsters only, but to Co­mers, and be sure, if you come He will give you to drink fully & freely. Rev. 22.17. And the Spirit and the [Page 82] Bride say, Come, and let him that hear­eth say, Come, and let him that is a­thirst Come, and whosoever will let him come and drink o [...] the Water of Life freely. Remember, the Promise i [...] not to the Thirsty alone, but unto the Comer, therefore venture to come, and you may be sure Jesus Christ will give you to drink of the water of Life.

Answ. [...]. But then again, You say you do not Thirst, can any Soul here be­fore the Lord say, that you have no N [...]ed of the water o [...] Life, that you have no need of, nor desire Everlasting Li [...]e, that you have no need to have [...] Sins Pardoned? Is there any Soul in the Congregation that can say, that there is no need, then you may stand off, and say there is no invitation made to me: But I dare say for e­very one in the Congregation, that he would willingly Dye the Death [Page 83] of the Righteous. And therefore let every poor Soul know what is spoken to one, is spoken to every one. Jesus Christ hath made this invitation, If any man do but come to Christ, do but venture upon Christ, that is the way, he shall drink of the water of Life. And what shall I say more for the Clearing of this? Do you not think that Jesus Christ saith true? Or that He is to be be­lieved in what He speaks? Never a­ny one surely, but will say that Je­sus Christ is to be believed, and that they do believe that He speaks Truth. Why then, Jesus Christs invitation is to every one in this Congregation to come unto Him, & therefore why should any stand back & hold off from coming unto Christ? If the Lord would perswade your Hearts to come unto [...]hrist ▪ it would be the happiest Day, th [...] ever your [Page 84] Eyes saw in this world; if the Lord would perswade your Hearts hereto, you should find that Jesus Christ would be as good as His word tha [...] you shall drink of this Water of Lif [...] and partake of it for ever & ev [...] and shall never see Death, Etern [...] Death.

Object. There is one thing more; Possibly you will say, I do not very well understand how may I come to Christ in a way of Faith and Be­lieving: How, or which way doth the Soul come to Christ in a way of Faith▪ and Believing, as that the Soul shall certainly have of th [...] Wa­ter of Life, and that Christ will give of this Water of Life?

Answ. To open this a little. This same coming to Christ, (I would speak it as plainly as possibly I could, and not as a Riddle or Fancy▪) tis an hearkening to Christ in a word of [Page 85] Promise, and the Soul is therein to venture it self, and rely on, or upon Him in that Word which He holds forth; and when the Soul doth ven­ture and close with all, this is now [...] coming to Christ: When the Lord [...]es out an Invitation, a gracious Promise, which holds out Mercy & Eternal Life, and in the hearing of it the Lord perswades the Soul of the truth and reality of it, it is per­swaded to trust in it, to rely upon it, and to expect an accomplishment and performance of it. And be­cause I would not speak it a [...] [...]ine own words alone, I speak it as the Virgin Mary did, when the Angel came to her, Luk. 1.38. Then said Mary, Behold the Servant of the Lord, be it unto me according to thy word. This was now a Believing, a Trust­ing, and Relying on the word of [Page 86] the Lord. She was a Virgin, and the Angel answered her in that, as she had no more to say, but to rely upon the word of Promise, Behold the Handmaid of the Lord, be it unto [...] according [...]o thy word. Whence was it? It was from this Speech, th [...] holy Confidence and Expectation of the fulfilling of that Promise to her. And so, Effectual Calling is an hearkening unto the Lords Call, the Soul being perswaded to receive the Word, closing with, returning answer to the Word, then the Soul is Eff [...]ctually Called. So also there is an Effectual Call, unto which the Soul doth not answer, but looks up­on the word of the Lord by His Servants, as words of wind, and words of course: But as this same accepting of this gracious Invitation and Promise, which He holds forth, [Page 87] is Effectu [...]l Calling; why so, I say, the neglecting of these, is a refusing to hear Him that speaks from Heaven. Take heed that you do not re [...]use Him that speaks from Heaven: That is, Now when the Lord speaks in His Invitation, by Gifts and Outward Calling. This invitation being pro­pounded and made, and men make light of it, it is an Effectual Calling; so now when upon the invitation of the Call of the Lord in His Promise, there is a yielding Obedience unto that Call in Faith, it's called, The O­bedience of Faith ▪ Rom. 16.26. When the Soul doth yield unto the Lord in the voice of the Promise, [...]se withal, and receive and embrace it, looking upon it as worthy of all ac­ceptation, receiving i [...] with both hands, as it were: When the Soul doth thus venture to rely upon the Word, venturing it self upon the [Page 88] Lord in His Promise, that if I Pe­rish I will Perish there, I will venture my self upon the Lords Word and Faithfulness; this is Effectual Calling. 2. Tim 1.12. I know, saith Paul, i [...] whom I have Believed, and I am per [...]swaded that He will keep that good t [...] which I have committed unto Him, a­gainst that Day: I have committed my Soul concernments unto Him, and I trust them in His Arms. When the Soul doth venture thus upon His Gracious Word of invitation, doth receive it, and committeth it self unto the Lord in it▪ this is a closing with Christ, and the answer of the heart unto the Lords call, and this is a coming unto Christ. So that when you venture upon the Lord in His word, you close with Him in it; it is soon said▪ yea soon done, the Soul may come [...] close with Christ in the Promise, and that [Page 89] soon too: so pass from Death unto Life. Therefore ask your own hearts in the presence of the Lord, seeing Jesus Christ doth make such a gracious invitation for to come [...]nto Him, and venture upon Him in His Word, whether it can be free and ready to say, Now, Lord let it be according to thy W [...]rd to me. Say in this manner, as in the presence of the Lord; Lord, Upon this Gra­cious invitation of thine in the Gos­pel, I desire to rest and hope upon the Faithfulness of thy Word, and to accept thereof, and trust in it: Can you say it in the presence of the Lord? You, whosoever you are that seem to be afar off, tho' you might have had some glimmering hopes, hoping sometimes that the Lord would be merciful to you, & pre­sently fearing your Eternal condi­tion. [Page 90] Well I sp [...]k it to you that are Old Men and Women, and p [...]s­sibly Old Si [...]n [...]rs, that have lived in Sin all your lives long, and possibly are even hopeless in your s [...]lves, & ready to cast out words of Despai [...] & so in a hopeless condition in you [...] selves; to you the Lord this Day calls to come unto him, and to hearken to this invitation, and if you now come unto Him, you shall have of this Water of Life. And you Young Men & Maids, (I would leave it none, who are capable of partaking of this water of Life:) Consider the Question again, Are you willing to be Saved? Let your hearts speak it out between the Lord and your own Souls, upon this word of thy Grace unto which thou hast invited me, this Gracious Promise; I do now commit my Soul to thee, [Page 91] and rely upon this thy Word of Grace, and rely upon thy Faithful­ [...]ess to accomplis [...] it to me; and have your [...]ouls thus answering unto the Lord, Let it be unto me according to thy W [...]rd: Let me say it in the Name of the Lord, This Day is Sal­vation come unto thy Soul; this Day hath Jesus Christ given Eternal Life unto thy Soul: this Day the Lord hath taken thee into Covenant with Himself, and hath vouchsafed thee to be His. And I speak it in the Authority which Jesus Christ hath given me in His Word, Even every one that thus comes to Christ, ac­cepting of this his Gracious Pro­mise, I say it, Thy Sins are Forgiven thee; Relying upon Him in the Faith­fulness of His Word and Promise, I say, The Lord Jesus Christ hath for­given thy Sins: and you may go [Page 92] home, and Record it for a Memori­al, that this Day, at such a time the Lord hath drawn out my Soul, to make a close with Himself. And now Eternal Life is come unto thee [...] the Lord hath forgiven thy Sin [...] and now thou art passed from Deat [...] to Life. Let me make the offer a­gain, unto such poor Sinners as have held it out all this time, and have not laid hold upon this Gracious in­vitation made by Jesus Christ, that will yet venture the Lord, perswa­ding your hearts, tho' possibly you have been Enemies & Opposers, and possibly might come to oppose and catch, and tho' never so far off, and lost in your selves▪ yet notwithstand­ing hearken to this [...]nvitation, that if the Lord doth perswade your hearts to say solemnly & seriously, Lord, Upon this word of thy Gra­cious [Page 93] Promise and Invitation, I do desire to trust and to venture upon thy Word, and do expect the per­formance and accomplishment of thy Word, that now it may be given [...] to thee, that so you also might be brought in unto Christ, to par­take of this Water of Life.


1. A word of Exhortation to you who are come to Christ: Go a­way now (even as the Virgin Ma­ry) and say, My Soul doth magnify the Lord, and my Spirit rejoyceth in God my Saviour, for He hath regarded the low Estate of His poor Creature. It is said that the Eunuch went a­way rejoycing, after that Philip was caught away by the Spirit, and so hath every Believer cause to do.

2. Another word is, That you would go unto God with a holy bold­ness, as to your God and Father, for [Page 94] such special Mercies, as you desi [...]e to have at the Lords hand. Now as the Holy Ghost saith, Seek the Lord while He may be found, and draw nigh unto Him while He is near. The Lord is near to you, do you draw near to Him with a humble and holy Boldness, as to your God and Father, & you may ask what you will: And now beg that the Lord would Establish His work of Grace in your hearts; and now ask for this and that mercy, and for your Relations, even what you will. In Gen. 17. Abraham falls down in a begging posture (God having made a Co­venant with him,) O Lord, now that Ishmael might live in thy fight! So say I, Go to God, and desire some spe­cial mercy this Day, now while the Lord is nigh.

3. You who are brought near unto God, hath the Lord spoken to you? [Page 95] Take he [...]d that you do not stop your Ear unto what God speaks, and return a­gain to F [...]lly. Look that you do not walk as the Gentiles did, in the Vanity of your minds, Eph. 4.17. Now you must take heed that you do not walk in the same Vanities, in your Foolish Pastimes, in your Vain Conversations: Take heed that you do not walk after the course of the World. If the Lord hath taken you out of the world, call'd you unto Christ, you are now to walk in a diligent performance of all Duties unto the Lord: Walk [...]ose with God in your Particular [...]allings from the heart; Take [...]eed that you walk Exactly, and Inoffensively, keeping a Good Con­ [...]ience.

4. And Lastly That still upon all oc­casions you would be coming to Christ. [Page 96] We are not to content our selves with once coming unto Christ, and there is an end, but we must come Daily, even every Day. When you find your Hearts out of frame, when you are Straitned, and Dead-hearted, come to Christ; Even e­very Day, by Vertue of this Pro­mise, through this Word, Lean­ing and Resting upon Christ▪ And, Oh! Remember this Blesse [...] Word▪ this Blessed Word of the Lord Jesus Christ, wherein He hath said, If any Man Thi [...]st, let him come unto me and Drink.


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