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AND now, to Life Rais'd by the Heav'nly Call,
Henceforth, Vain Idols, I Re­nounce you all.
Vile Flesh, Thy raging Lust, and sordid Ease,
My winged Soul now shall not serve and please.
False World, Thy Laws shall be no longer mine,
Nor to thy Wayes, my New-born Soul incline.
Satan, Thou wilt, I know, my Tempter be;
But thy Temptation shall not Govern me.
[Page 2] Foolish I've been; O Lord, I blush, I grieve;
And gladly would my Woful Folly leave.
Fain would I Turn to God, but can't alone:
Help, Sovereign Grace, or it will ne'er be done!
To the Great GOD of Heaven I repair,
And Help'd by Heaven, thus to Him declare.
Great GOD, Since to be Mine Thou willing art,
Oh! Be Thou mine! Replies my Conque­red Heart.
To Glorify Thee, Glorious Lord ▪ I take,
For That alone, which can me Happy make.
O FATHER, of all Things Creator Great,
Wilt thou all Happiness for me Cre­ate?
Eternal SON of God, wilt thou me Save,
That I the Hopes may of Gods Children have?
Eternal SPIRIT of God, Poor me wilt thou
With Spiritual Blessings of all sorts Endow?
[Page 3] Lord, Ravish'd at thy wondrous Grace, I do
These Gracious Offers now Conform unto.
O All-sufficient ONE, Wilt thou supply
My Wants from Stores of rich Im­mensity?
Shall Boundless Wisdome for my Good Contrive?
And Boundless Power, the Fruits of Goodness Give?
Shall Spotless Holiness on me Imprint,
An Holy Temper, with thine Image in't?
Lord, Thy Perfections all I do adore,
And to a Perfect Love my mind would soar.
A State of Bliss according to thy Word
Thou wilt unto thy Chosen Ones af­ford.
A State of Blissful Rest and Joy, where­in
Rais'd from the Dead, they shall be freed from Sin.
There Bath'd in Rivers of Eternal Joy,
No Sorrows more shall them at all an­noy.
[Page 4]GOD shall be All in All; Brought nigh to God,
In Him they shall forever make Abode.
They shall See God; The Beatific Sight!
And their own God shall take in them Delight.
My Soul, Make now thy Choice. O say; Is This
What thou dost Choose for thy Chief Blessedness?
Things of this Present Time I now Re­fuse;
My Blessed GOD, Thee, Thee, and This I Chuse.
May the sweet JESUS me to Glory bring,
And be my Glorious Prophet, Priest, and King.
Does the Almighty SON of God, to those
That Will, an Ʋnion with Himself pro­pose?
My Lord, I will! The Will thou didst bestow
To Thee, Oh, Let me be Ʋnited so.
The full Obedience which my Surety paid
To God, may That my Righteousness be made.
[Page 5]A Wretched Sinner would appear in That,
Righteous before the dreadful Judgment-Seat.
Show me thy Way, O Lord, Lest that I shou'd
Fall by those Mockers that will me delude.
To thy Pure Scriptures way, I will adhere,
And find the Rule of my whole Conduct there.
All the Rebellion of my Heart Subdue;
And for thy work, O Lord, my Strength Renew.
From thy vast Fulness let my Faith derive
Strength to do all things, and to Thee to Live.
May thy Good SPIRIT me Possess, and Fill
With Light, and Zeal, to Learn and Do thy Will.
With His Kind Flames may He upon me Sieze,
And keep me alwayes on my Bended Knees.
May all I am and have, be us'd for Him
Whose is my All, for He did me Re­deem.
[Page 6]To Thee, Good SPIRIT, I lift up my Cries,
That thou wilt fall upon the Sacrifice.
May thy Bright ANGELS, be my Guardians then;
For Thee, they'l Guard and Guide the Sons of Men.
By Thee assisted, LORD, Thus I Consent
Unto thy Everlasting COVENANT.

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