
BY Virtue of an Act of the General Assembly, of this Their Majesties Province of the Massachusetts-Bay. Intituled an Act for the Granting unto Their Majesties, An Assessment upon Polls and Estate; Passed the 24 th. of June, 1692.

These are in Their Majesties Names to Will and Require you, and every of you to Demand and Receive of the Select Men of your Town, the List of Said Assessment within your Town; ar to Collect all and every the Sums of Money, mentioned in the Said List of Assessment, amounting to [...] in the whole being their proportion of the said Assessment. So that you Duely pay the same (which you are alike required to do) unto my self or Successor in the Office of Treasurer. In manner following.

That is to say, one Moiety thereof being the first payment of the said Assessment on or before the Twenty Fifth Day of December next ensuing. And the other Moiety thereof, being the second Payment of the said Assessment to compleat the same, on or before the First Day of May, then next fol­lowing.

And in case any person or persons shall Neglect or Refuse to Pay any sum of Money whereat he is in the said Assessment rated or Assessed, then you are here­by Authorized, and Required, to Levy the same by Distress, and Sale of the goods of such person or persons, so Refusing or Neglecting to pay; Deducting the Sum Assessed, and Reasonable Charges of Distressing, and to return the Overplus to the Owner thereof (if any be) And hereof you are not to fail upon the Pains and Penalties as may in such case by the said Act, be Inflicted on you.

Given under My Hand and Seal of Office, at Charlstown the [...] Day of November. 1692.

In the Fourth Year of Their Majesties Reign.

To the Constables of [...]

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