
Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New-England. BY HIS EXCELLENCY AND Council.

THE Various Awful Judgments of God continued upon the En­glish Nation, and the Dispersions thereof in Their Majesties several Plantations, by War, Sickness, Earth-quakes, and other Desolating Calamities; more especially, by permiting Witch­crafts and Evil Angels to Rage amongst this his People: All which Loudly Call to Deep Humiliation and Earnest Application to Heaven as the best Expedient for Deliverance.

UPon Consideration thereof, His Excellency and Council have thought fit, and do hereby Appoint Thursday, the Twenty Ninth of December currant, to be Kept as a Day of Solemn PRAYER with FASTING in the several Towns throughout this Province, where this Order shall come seasonably to give Notice thereof. And in such other Towns, which it shall not reach soon enough, upon the Thursday fol­lowing; Exhorting both Ministers and People fervently to Implore Hea­vens Blessings upon Their Majesties, their Three Kingdoms and Plantati­ons Abroad, and upon the whole Protestant Interest; That a Spirit of Re­formation may be Powred down from on High, and Gods Anger Di­verted, That Divine Conduct may be vouchsafed to all the English Go­vernments, and Success attend their Affairs.

And all Servile Labour on said Day is hereby Forbiden.

Isaac Addington, Secr.

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