
THE ADDRESS Of the Representatives of their Majestyes Protestant Subiects, in the Provinnce of Mary-Land Assembled.

To the Kings most Excellent Maisty.

Whereas we are with all humility fully assured that the bene­fit of your Maiestyes glorious undertakeings and blessed suc­cess, for the Protestant Religion, and civil rights and libertyes of your Subiects, was graciously intended to be Extensive, as well to this remote part, as to all others of your Majestyes Territories and Countries; and being thereby influenc'd to express our utmost zeal and endeavours for your Maiestyes service, the Protestant Religion, here of late notori­ously oppos'd, and your Maiestyes Soveraigne Right and Dominion, to this your Maiestyes Province of Mary-land, Invaded and undermined, by our late Popish Governours their Agents and Complices.

Wee your Maiestyes most dutyful and loyal Subiects of this Province, being Assembled, as the Representative body of the same, doe humbly pray your Maiestyes gracious consideration, of the great Grevances and Oppressions, wee have long laien under, lately represented to your Ma­iesty, and directed to your Maiestyes principal Secretaryes of State, in a certaine Declaration from the Comanders, Officers and Gentlemen lately in Armes for your Maiestyes Service and the Defence of the Protestant Religion.

And that your Maiesty would be graciously pleasd in such wayes and methods as to your Princely wisdom shall seeme meet, to appoint such a deliverance to your Suffering People, whereby for the future our Re­ligion Rights and Libertyes may be Securd, under a Protestant Government, by your Maiestyes gracious direction Especially to be appointed— We will wayte with all becomeing Duty and Loyalty your Maiestyes Plea­sure herein; And will in the mean time, to the hasard of our lives and Fortunes Persevere, and continue to vindicate and defend your Maiestyes Right and Soveraigne Dominion over this Province, the Protestant Religi­on, and the civil rights and libertyes of your Maiestyes Subiects here, a­gainst all manner of attempts and opposition whatsoever. Hereby una­nimously declareing, that as wee have a full sence of the blessing of Hea­veaven upon your Maiestyes Generous undertakeings, soe will endea­vour to express our due gratitude for the same, as becomes professors of the best of Religions, and Subiects to the best of Princes.

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