
AT A MEETING of the COUNCIL in Boston in the MASSACHUSETS in New-England March the fourth, 1674/5.

UPon Consideration of the condition of the People of God in other parts of the World, and also mat­ters of Common Concernment among our selves, in referrence unto Sin & afflictions, together with the neses­sity we stand in of Gods blessing upon our Labours the Spring & Summer following: As also of his Gracious and seasonable appearing for the Reviveing of the Languish­ing estate of the Colledge, and Preservation of our Peace and Liberties, Spiritual and Civil. The Council, have thought it expedient, to appoint the twenty fifth day of this instant, to be kept as a day of Humiliation, in Fa­sting, and Prayer, throughout this Jurisdiction. Here­by Inhibiting all servile Labours upon that day, and do Commend it to the several Churches & Congregations, Pastours, Ministers & People within this Government solemnly and seriously to keep the same accordingly, and to follow the same with real Reformation of all evil a­mongst us.

By Order of the Council, Edw. Rawson. Secr.

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