
AT A COUNCIL held at BOSTON the 25th. of June, 1675.

T He Governour and Magistrates being assembled in Councill to consider of the publick affairs of this Common-Weal, and being sensible of many humbling Providences of the Lord, wherein doe appear no small Tokens of his frowns towards us, whome he hath so signally owned for many yeares, to the just admiration of Strangers, as well as of our selves, and that now by our unsuitable walkings, and unanswerable returns, we should provoke him to threaten us with loosening the bridle of the Heathen that are neighbouring to us. Which in conjunction with many other afflicting Dispensations of divine Providence, doth minister just ground to fear least the anger of God be kindled against us,

Do commend to all the People of this Jurisdiction as their indubitable duty, seri­ously to consider thereof, and to judge our selves for all those many sins and evils that doe abound among us, to the dishonour of God, and our Profession of his great Name, and to implore his Compassions to be towards us, freely pardoning all our Sins and Transgressions, and that he would give us Repentance for the same, and turn his People again unto himself, to seek the Lord God of our Fathers with all our hearts and that his favourable presence may be with us, blessing this present Expedition for rebuking the rage of the Heathen, lengthening out our Peace, and blessing the fruits of the Earth, that we may yet further experience his goodness towards us, And for that end doe nominate and appoint the 29th. day of this Instant June to be kept as a day of Humiliation and Prayer; and doe order that all the Ministers and People of this Jurisdiction respectively attend and keep the same; and where there shall be any failure for want of seasonable notice, that the 8th day of the next Moneth be by them kept as a day of Humiliation and Prayer, unless the Providence of God shall otherwise eminently divert, and give us just cause to turn the same into a day of Praise and Thanks-giving.

By the Council,
Edward Rawson Secret.

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