



IN sickness at stomach, especially when attended with pain in the head, loss of appetite, or indigestion, or when the person is threatened with a fever, dissolve one of these Powders in a tea cup full of warm water: let the person take a wine-glass of it every 15 minutes, until it operates sufficiently—drinking freely of warm water during the operation.

Should a Puke at any time over work, half a tumbler of hot strong brandy grog, with 25 drops of laudanum may be taken to check it.


When brisk and thorough purging is wanted▪ give one of these Pow­ders mixed in a little molasses or syrup—during the operation let the patient drink freely of water porridge or gruel. This Purge is proper when the patient is taken with violent pain in the head, with hot dry skin, a parched and furred tongue, and other symptoms of fever.

No. 3.—NITRE.

In high burning fever, especially in pleurisy, rheumatic, or any other fever where there is great heat and thirst, give a teaspoonful of this powder in a tea cup full of balm or other herb tea; it may be repeated once in 2 or 3 hours, or oftener, if the heat, pain and thirst be great. In case of pleurisy, lung or rheumatic fever, where the pain and fever are great, bleeding in the first place may be proper.


This medicine is proper to be given in the commencement of all fevers, and may be given every hour or hour and half, in balm or other herb tea, until plentiful sweating is produced.—They may be taken in snakeroot tea, when a person has taken a bad cold, every hour and half, until a free sweat is produced. They are more particularly proper in snakeroot tea, when there is a sore throat attending the cold.


This is a mild cathartic, and operates kindly. It is particularly pro­per to be given in diarrhoea, or in other cases where gentle purging is wanted, one of these Powders may be given in a little molasses; during the operation let the patient drink freely of water gruel. In diarrhoea, after the operation, give 25 or 30 drops of laudanum, in wine and water, or tea.


Good in all violent pains, cholic, rheumatism, &c. or to moderate the vio­lent working of physic; also to procure sleep when wanted. From 25 to 35 drops is a dose, in wine and water, or tea. It is proper to put upon a fresh wound where it is very painful, and may be repeated so often as to keep the dressings wet until it relieves the pain. In case of cramp or violent spasm at the stomach, this may be given in a dose of 35 or 40 drops, and repeated (if it remains violent) every hour and half, or hour, until it relieves the pain. It should be given immediately in case of cramp, spasm, or violent cholic. 15 or 20 drops of Peppermint may be added to the dose in cramp at the stomach or bad cholic.


Take a paper of these Bitters, put upon them a quart of rum or bran­dy, let them steep for ten days; dose, from one to two teaspoonfuls, to [Page] be taken in a glass of wine, or brandy and water. These Bitters are pro­per to be given in almost all cases of debility, especially where the pa­tient is troubled with weakness at stomach, indigestion and want of ap­petite. They may be given twice, three or four times in 24 hours, as the nature of the case may require.


Good in pains of the stomach; cholicy pain attended with wind; in trembling and nervous complaints, and in sea-sickness; 20 or 30 drops may be taken on sugar, or in a tea cup of warm water for a dose; and repeated as occasion may require.

No. 9.—BARK.

Proper in almost all cases of debility, particularly in intermittent fe­vers. Previous to giving it, administer Purge No. 2. It is also proper in all putrid and nervous fevers, especially in the throat distemper.—Dose, a teaspoonful to be taken in a little wine, or water, and repeated once in two, three or four hours as occasion may require. In intermittent fever, or fever and ague (as it is called) should the disorder not give way by administering a Purge No. 2, and the use of the Bark for a week or fortnight, administer a Puke No. 1 when the patient first perceives the cold is coming on—afterwards use the Bark once in 2 or 3 hours. If this does not break it up at the coming on of the ague sit, give 25 or 30 drops of Laudanum, and continue the Bark as before; which treatment will seldom fail of effecting a cure. In putrid fevers add to a dose of the Bark 10 or 16 drops of Elixir Vitriol No. 10, which will contribute very much to its efficacy. N. B.—In dangerous cases where the Bark is used it may be given as often and in as large doses as the stomach will bear. It should be given at the going off of fevers of all kinds.


From 10 to 20 drops of this medicine may be taken in wine and water, Bitters or the Bark, in cases of debility, or in putrid disorders. It is al­so an excellent medicine to create appetite.


In case of costiveness, and head-ache, and when the person is troubled with indigestion and flatulency, or in any case where the person wants to make use of gentle purging, two or three of these Pills may be taken at bed time; they will generally operate two or three times the next morning gently. When the person is troubled with indigestion and want of appetite, take, after using these Pills, Bitters No. 7, three or four times a day.


In weakness, pain, or faintness at the stomach, for sudden cramp-like and rheumatic pains, from 30 to 40 drops of this Balsam may be taken 3 or 4 times a day, or oftener as occasion may require, in a little wine or spirit and water.


A useful purge in cholicy complaints, and for those who have been ac­customed to the use of spirituous liquors. It may be mixed with Castor Oil. Take two table spoonfuls of each, shake them thoroughly, let the person take two thirds of it at first; if it does not work in three or four hours, take the remainder. Mixed with Castor Oil it is a very useful [Page] purge in dysentery, and is equally useful in cholic. Dose, from two to four table spoonfuls when taken alone.


This is a gentle purge, and generally produces its effects without grip­ing. It may be given in all cases where gentle and emollient purging is wanted. Dose, from one to two table spoonfuls.

No. 15.—SALTS.

They are a cooling purge, and are proper to be taken in all cases when gentle and cooling physic is wanted. Dose—dissolve one of these papers or two table spoonfuls in half a tumbler of water—let the person take it all at once.


This medicine has long been in great repute, not only as a cathartic, but as a warm stomachic medicine in cold, phlegmatic habits, especially where there is a cold sensation, with pain at the stomach. It should be given in the dose of half a table spoonful, 3 or 4 times in the course of 24 hours, and oftener if need be, when it will seldom fail to relieve the above described complaint, by gently stimulating the stomach, and open­ing the bowels. Dose, as a purge, from 2 to 4 table spoonfuls. It is a proper purge to be given in all cases where warm and stimulating purges are wanted. It has a good effect on those who have long been in the ha­bit of using ardent spirit.


In all sprains or bruises of the joints, or other parts of the body, this is a very proper and useful application. Shake the bottle, pour a little of it into the palm of the hand, and rub the part with it for some time—repeat it 2 or 3 times a day.


In case of a flesh wound from a cut or other means (if not so large as to want some stitches to bring the lips of the wound together) first lay a little Lint upon it, then drop enough of this Balsam upon the Lint to wet it, then spread a pledgit of tow or web Lint with Basillicon, and put it snug over it. Let it remain 4 or 5 days before removing the dressings. This Balsam is remarkable for easing the pain and accelerating the heal­ing of fresh wounds. In cases where the wound is so long as to require sewing up, make as many stitches as are necessary, then apply the Lint, Balsam and pledgit as before directed.


This is proper to apply to a fresh wound, after applying the Lint and Balsam as directed in No. 18. This Salve may be used until the wound puts on a healthy appearance and is disposed to heal, after which use No. 20. This Salve is proper to be applied to all old sores which have a sloughy and black appearance, and may be continued till they cast of their slough and put on a healthy appearance.


This is proper to be applied to all slight wounds (spread on web Lint or a piece of rag) such as scalds, burns, sore shins or slight flesh wounds.



This should be applied to all wounds where there is fungus flesh, or proud flesh (as it is called) in high edged foul ulcers, and in venerial ul­cers, when they are obstinate and do not heal, and in all old sores where there appears to be dead sloughy flesh. In any of the above cases sprin­kle enough of the Precipitate to thinly cover the surface of the wound; then lay a little Lint over it, and over that put a pledgit spread with Basilli­con. Continue this dressing once a day till the sores put on a healthy ap­pearance. In case of bad chancres, or bad venerial ulcers, mix with Ba­sillicon Salve, enough of this Precipitate, to give it quite a red appear­ance, and dress them twice a day, applying it immediately to the sores; continue the dressing in this way till the ulcers put on a healthy appear­ance, then dress with simple Basillicon.


A table spoonful of this dissolved in a quart of boiling water (sweeten it if more agreeable) makes a pleasant beverage, and forms a good cool­ing drink in fevers, and may be used freely.


This is a useful medicine to be given when a person has got a sore mouth by taking mercury; a teaspoonful of it may be taken night and morning in a little molasses. It is an excellent medicine in almost all cutaneous diseases. A teaspoonful of it may be given mixed with a tea­spoonful of Cream Tartar, night and morning, in a little molasses, and continued as long as necessary. It should be given alone for a mercurial sore mouth. Take Hogs'-sat half a pound, Flour of Sulphur four ounces, mix them thoroughly together; this ointment is a safe and sure remedy for the itch.

No. 24.—BARLEY.

Take three table spoonfuls of this, put upon it three pints of water, let it boil away to two, then strain it if more agreeable. In case of fever or any other indisposition, this is a very nutritious and useful drink. It may be taken freely.

No. 25.—SAGO.

This is proper nourishment to be taken in all fevers, or any slight in­disposition; it is particularly useful in dysentery, and in a lengthy purg­ing, or diarrhoea.


In weak and inflamed eyes, wash them with this Eye Water 2 or 3 times a day. Should it prove too strong by producing much tingling and smart­ing, weaken it by adding a little rain water. This will be found a very useful remedy for weak and inflamed eyes.


In case of itch, rub a little of this Ointment on any part of the body where there are pimples, and repeat it as often as the pimples appear—continue the use of it this way until they are wholly gone.


Take 3 teaspoonfuls of this Salt, put it into a tumbler, measure 8 table spoonfuls of water upon it, stir until the Salt is dissolved. In case [Page] of puking, or sickness at stomach, especially where the person is troubled with bile, take a table spoonful of this medicine, put it into another tumbler, and put upon it a spoonful of lemon-juice or sharp vinegar; let the per­son swallow it at the moment of mixing. This medicine is remarkable for turning sickness, and carrying bile off the stomach; it may be given every hour, or oftener in bad sickness at stomach. This is a useful med­icine in all fevers, and in the first stages of them may be given once in 2 or 3 hours constantly. In sour stomach a table spoonful of this medi­cine taken without the acid, will give immediate relief, and may be re­peated as often as the complaint returns.


This is a good Bitter to create appetite, exhilirate the spirits, and re­move weakness and faintness from the stomach. From one to two tea­spoonfuls may be taken in a glass of wine, cider or water, as often as ne­cessary.


In a troublesome tickling cough a teaspoonful of this medicine may be given in snakeroot tea at going to bed, and when sweating is wanted to relieve a bad cold, which often attends the cough, add 30 drops of Balsam Drops (No. 4), and let them be taken in a tumbler of strong snakeroot tea. A teaspoonful of the above Paregoric may be given in almost any thing most agreeable to relieve a troublesome tickling cough, dis­cretionally. It will procure sleep.


When a person has taken a bad cold, take a lock of this Snakeroot, put it into a tea-pot, turn boiling water upon it, set it on the fire, let it steep half an hour, let the person take a tumbler of it (add 25 Balsam Drops No. 4) at going to bed, repeat the dose every hour, until the pa­tient sweats freely. A cup full of strong snakeroot tea may be drank ev­ery two hours in fever and ague. It also may be given once in two or three hours in slow nervous fever and throat distemper. It is a warm sto­mach medicine, and often is taken with advantage in weakness and faint­ness at stomach.


A pint of boiling water turned upon two dozen of these Flowers make a tea which may be drank freely, during the operation of a Puke. It may be also drank freely in fevers to which people are subject in hot cli­mates. Many people are in the habit of chewing them for weakness at stomach, and also as a substitute for tobacco▪


Proper to be held at the nose in faintings or fits: 25 or 30 drops may be taken in a little water or herb tea, and the temples rubbed with vinegar. This medicine may be taken for heartburn, in the dose above mentioned.

No. 34.—CAMPHOR.

A table spoonful of this, dissolved in a pint of strong spirit, is good to bathe sprains and bruises, and may be used as a substitute for Opodeldoc. In nervous fever from half to a teaspoonful of this solution may be given where the patient has a bad head-ache, and is very nervous, in half a wine glass of water.



A teaspoonful of this taken in a little wine or water, will serve to quench thirst, expel flatulencies, and moderately strengthen the stomach. In fe­ver, when the fever fit is on, a teaspoonful may be taken in a little water, and repeated occasionally when the fever fit is high. In claps where there is much scalding, it may be taken in Gum Arabic water—it will as­sist to abate the scalding when taken once in two or three hours.


This may be spread on leather and applied to weak parts, and parts that have been sprained. Also to broken limbs, after the bandages are taken off and the limb remains weak.


In pleurisy or lung fever, where there is violent pains in the side or breast, spread a Plaister of this Salve upon leather, and apply it imme­diately where the pain is; keep it on until it is fully drawn; then cut the bladders and let out the water; afterwards dress it with Healing Salve. In bad pains in the right side, upon the region of the liver, apply a Blis­tering Plaister, and also in violent head-ache apply a Blister to the fore­head or back of the neck, and dress as above directed. In violent inflam­mation of the eyes, a Blister applied to the temples or behind the ears will give relief.


This is a proper application for sore shins or other slight wounds, to be spread upon a rag and applied immediately to the wound.


In inflammation from bruises, or other causes, dissolve 1 of these Powders or 2 tea spoonfuls in a pint of rain water, bathe the part affected frequent­ly, and keep a linen rag wet with it, applied constantly. It will tend greatly to reduce the inflammation and ease the pain. In the venerial disease, where there is an inflammation and swelling of the prepuce or foreskin (so called) or where there is inflammation, swelling and much pain of the testicles, keep a linen rag wet, applied constantly. Should not the inflammation, swelling and pain abate in a day or two, take of the above solution, and the soft part of white bread, if to be had, if not, com­mon ship bread, pounded fine, boil the bread till it is perfectly soft, form­ing a poultice, spread it upon any convenient cloth, and apply it to the part. Repeat the poultice once in 3 or 4 hours if the case be urgent.

No. 40.—CALOMEL.

This is a very useful and efficacious medicine, but requires caution and judgment in its administration; it is a preparation of Mercury, and strict attention to the Directions should be attended to, or mischief may be produced by it. In violent attacks of pleurisy or lung fevers, after bleeding (if necessary) and blistering, one or two grains of this medi­cine may be given once in six or eight hours, until the inflammatory symptoms abate which are known by the abatement of the pain and diffi­cult breathing: but if at any time a sore mouth, or too much looseness be produced, omit the use of it. Inflammation of the liver, which is known by a bad pain in the right side, generally accompanied with some swelling directly under the ribs, and to which people are very subject who are in the East-India trade, should be treated in the first stage very simi­lar to pleurisy, using the Calomel as above directed. Look at general [Page] Directions under disease of the Liver. In the yellow fever this me­dicine may be given to the extent of three or four grains once in three or four hours, and continued until the violence of the disease abates, unless it produces too much purging, or sore mouth, in either case omit its use. This medicine may be given as a substitute for Mercurial Pills in bad cases of pox, in doses of two or three grains once or twice a day; on the mouth becoming sore omit the use of it for a few days; then use as be­fore if the disease has not abated.

A sore mouth produced by the use of this or any other mercurial medi­cine is soon removed by taking enough of the Flour of Sulphur, night and morning, to keep the bowels a little open, and washing the mouth often with flaxseed tea.

No. 41.—FLAX-SEED.

Take a sufficient quantity to make a tea quite musilaginous, put it into a proper vessel, boil it for 3 quarters of an hour, when cool it will be fit for use. This tea may be taken freely in lung and pleurisy fevers; it is a good substitute for Gum Arabic, and it may be used freely in the dysentery. This Tea may be drank freely in the clap, and when there is much scald­ing add a teaspoonful of Nitre to a tumbler full twice or three times a day. The Sweet Spirits of Nitre will have nearly the same effect as the Salt.


A very useful emollient. In claps dissolve 2 table spoonfuls in a pint of hot water; let the person drink freely of it constantly, and should there be much scalding and smarting of the urine, add a teaspoonful of Nitre to a tumbler of this tea, 3 or 4 times a day. In all cases of smart­ing or suppression of urine this is a very useful medicine, and should be taken freely. In dysentery this tea may be taken freely. It is also good nourishment.


In a recent clap, let one of these Pills be taken every night at going to bed—they will generally operate twice or three times the next morning. Should they not operate sufficiently, once in two or three days take a dose of Salts; they may be continued in this manner until the scalding is nearly abated. During the use of these Pills, drink freely of Gum Arabic or Flaxseed Tea, and avoid the use of spirituous liquors.


After the inflammatory symptoms have abated, which is known by the pain and scalding of the urine having abated, and there continues a run­ning, dissolve one of these powders in half a pint of water, and throw it up two or three times a day, which by abstaining from the use of spiritu­ous liquors, and avoiding violent exercise, will generally effect a cure in a short time.


In old obstinate gleets, where other things have failed of effecting a cure, take 30 drops of this medicine night and morning; it may be con­tinued for some time. For inward strains and bruises it was formerly in considerable repute, and may be taken night and morning as above di­rected.


These Pills are proper to be given in all cases where mercury ought to be slowly introduced into the system. In the pox one of these Pins may [Page] be given night and morning, and continued until the teeth and gums be­gin to be sore, and the person begins to spit, unless the person get well before, in that case their use would be unnecessary. Whenever the pa­tient's mouth begins to be sore and spitting comes on, omit the use of them until it abate, then use as before if need be. These Pills are pro­per to be given in the liver complaint after bleeding and blistering, (see general Directions under disease of the Liver.) While in the use of these Pills be careful not to take cold.


In case of buboes in the groin from venerial infection, rub in a piece of this ointment as large as a small walnut twice a day upon the part, and on the inside of the thigh as low down as the knee, continue the use of it until the swelling is reduced. Should the swelling be obstinate and not give way by using the ointment for some time, take a Mercurial Pill every night at going to bed, but if the mouth become sore omit the use of them for a short time, then use as before if need be. This oint­ment may be applied to all hard indolent tumours. In the liver complaint, after bleeding, blistering, &c. rub in a small piece of this Ointment twice a day while using the Calomel or Pills, but should the mouth become sore, omit the use of it until it abate, then use as before if necessary. This Ointment will kill lice and other vermin.


This Salve I have found a very useful and efficacious application for chancres. Spread it upon a little Lint and apply it immediately to the ulcer, dress it twice a day, continue the use of it until they appear white and healthy; then if it is too drawing, dress with Healing Salve. In obstinate bad chancres where this Salve is not powerful enough, and does not produce considerable discharge from the ulcers, take a small piece of Basillicon Salve, mix thoroughly with it Red Precipitate enough to make it quite red, and dress with it until they appear white and healthy, then dress with the above or Healing Salve, as may be necessary. It will always be necessary to take either the Mercurial Pills or Mercury Drops where there are chancres, as the disease is in the system, and there will always be danger of their returning if medicine is not taken to remove it from the system.


In old obstinate venerial ulcers, where there is hard edges and fungus flesh in them, they may be touched with it, or washed with a weak solu­tion of it in water. It may be applied to other obstinate ulcers in the same manner.


This spread on leather is proper to be applied to hard scrofulous tu­mours about the neck or other parts of the body. It is often useful ap­plied to buboes in the groin, while using the Mercurial Ointment.


This I have found to be a very efficacious medicine in obstinate cases of pox; it may be taken in tea or coffee, or gin and water, night and morning, from 40 to 50 drops at a dose; it may be continued for a long time without producing a sore mouth, and a person while taking it is not so liable to take cold as when taking the other preparations of mercury. I have in several cases of obstinate gl [...]t, been able to effect a cure will this medicine, when almost every other has failed. In venerial blotches it [Page] is a very effectual remedy, and in almost all obstinate bad humours, when continued for some time. In scrofulous swellings about the neck, take this medicine while wearing the Mercurial Plaister. In recent cases of pox use the Mercurial Pills first; if after a proper time they do not suc­ceed, make use of this.


One of these Powders may be dissolved in a pint of rum or gin, and a table spoonful taken night and morning in the pox. It is a favourite re­medy with many, but is a very barsh, powerful medicine, and ought to be used with caution. It often produces severe griping; when that is the case take it but once a day. I should advise the Mercurial Pills or Calo­mel to be tried first, as being safest.


This is to be used only in case of venerial warts.

In using the above remedies for the pox, strict care ought to be paid not to take cold; and avoid the use of spirituous liquors, high seasoned and salt provisions, as much as possible.


BEING convinced from my own observation that sailors suffer more from the venerial disease, than all others, I have been induced to pay par­ticular attention, in writing these directions to provide the most proper and efficacious remedies for it in its various stages. I shall now attempt to give a plain and concise description of the disease in its various stages, and point out with as much precision as possible the different species, and the forms under which it appears. Much has been said by the most able writers on this disease to prove that gonorrhoea or clap, and syphilis or pox, are specifically distinct, and different diseases. Others have main­tained with ability, and have clearly proved by experiments and facts, that the morbid poison which produces a gonorrhoea virulenta, or clap, may be productive of syphilis or pox. The latter opinion I am fully per­suaded is correct from my own observation, for I have frequently seen ca­ses of clap where from inattention to cleanliness in the patient, the matter which was discharged from the urethra has been allowed to lodge about the glands penis, and has produced very obstinate and troublesome chan­cres. I have also seen cases where chancres were the first complaint that appeared, and where I believe the patient had not been connected with any other person, and the gonorrhoea afterwards came on, I am therefore clearly of an opinion that a simple gonorrhoea or clap is not so very sim­ple a disease as is maintained by Mr. Bell, and some other writers on the subject, and his mode of treating it will I know from my own observation, often fail of effecting a radical cure.

The preceding remedies I have been in the constant use of for sever­al years past, and with universal success, some of which are of my own invention. In writing a plain, concise, and short description of the dis­ease, I shall allude to the numbers adapted to the cure of particular symp­toms, and by careful attention any person on board a vessel may be cured as effectually as if under the care of a physician. Yet the patient has [Page] much to do. It is very necessary to avoid as much as possible the use of violent exercise, salt and high seasoned provisions, and strictly to abstain from the use of ardent spirit, and the free use of wine. Avoid exposure to wet and cold as much as possible. With these precautions and strict at­tention to the directions, in recent cases, the patient may in a short time be effectually cured. Gonorrhoea virulenta or clap generally makes its appearance from two to five days after contracted. The first symptoms are a slight itching, which is followed by a slight twinging pain, and soon some scalding of the urine at the entrance of the penis. The running ge­nerally follows in a few days, and the above symptoms increase, and chor­dee frequently follows in a few days if nothing is done to mitigate the complaint.

After a person has been connected with a suspicious woman and these symptoms follow, take a Pill No. 43, every night, make free use of Gum Arabic or Flaxseed Tea for constant drink, take two teaspoonfuls of Sugar of Lead No. 39, dissolve it in a pint of rain water, wash the end of the pe­nis five or six times a day; continue this course for four or five days, or un­til the inflammatory symptoms have abated. Then take a Powder No. 44, dissolve as there directed, fill a Syringe, carefully introduce it into the end of the penis, throw it up, contract the end of the penis so as to keep it up for the space of one minute, repeat three times in this way for once using. Use three times a day and continue until the running abates entire­ly. If in the course of the disease there should be a troublesome chordee, and a painful soreness extending up the urethra, throw up a little Sweet Oil three or four times a day, and rub a little Mercurial Ointment exter­nally upon the urethra twice a day, which will generally soon remove the complaint.

Under the above mode of treatment a simple clap will generally be cured in two or three weeks, yet they sometimes are very obstinate and do not readily yield, and an obstinate gleet remains. In these cases I have found the Mercury Drops No. 51 to succeed better than any medi­cine I have been in the use of, see directions for taking. The Balsam Co­paiva is a medicine in some repute for the cure of old gleets, and when they remain obstinate, and other things fail, it ought to tried, see No. 45 for directions in taking.

It frequently happens in a clap that there is much inflammation and scalding, and sometimes a painful phymosis which is when the preputium or foreskin is so inflamed and swollen that it will not pass back over the glands penis, and paraphymosis, which is where the preputium or foreskin gets back of the glands penis and becomes so inflamed and swoln that it cannot pass forward. In these cases where the inflammatory symptoms run high, it will be necessary to bleed, and in addition to taking the Pills, a dose of Salts may be taken every other day, dissolve a teaspoonful of Nitre in a tumbler of Flaxseed or Gum Arabic tea, let it be taken 2 or 3 times a day, this will relieve the violence of the scalding. In case of phy­mosis or paraphymosis, take half a pint of rain water and half a pint of sharp vinegar, dissolve 2 teaspoonfuls of Sugar of Lead in it, keep a linen rag wet applied constantly. If that does not remove the swelling and in flammation in 2 or 3 days, take of the same solution, and pound ship bread perfectly fine, make a poultice and apply that; repeat as often as necessary, until the swelling and inflammation subsides. Should there re­main any hardness or thickness of the prepuce after the inflammation is gone, rub in a little Mercurial Ointment twice or three times a day until it goes off. Swelled testicles is a complaint which is frequently attendant on gonorrhoea virulenta. When it is occasioned by a sudden suppression of the running, warm fomentations applied to the penis, such as immersing the penis in warm milch, wetting flannels in warm milch and water, or Flax­seed tea, kept constantly applied, and injecting sweet oil warm, will gen­erally bring on a return of the running and frequently relieve the inflamma­tion and swelling. Should not this succeed, and there is much inflamma­tion and pain, take a solution of Sugar of Lead, as above mentioned and keep a cloth wet with it cold, constantly applied. If this does not [Page] succeed, make a poultice as directed in paraphymosis, and keep it con­stantly applied. It will be necessary to keep the bowels gently open by giving Castor Oil or Salts, and afterwards if there is much pain give 40 drops of Laudanum, and repeat it occasionally if the pain be severe. Where there is much inflammation and pain, blood taken from the scro­tum by leeches, or scarifying with a lancet, will give much relief, but had better not be attempted unless by a physician, but take from the arm 12 or 16 ounces of blood. The testicles, during the inflammation and swelling, should always be kept suspended in a pouch, made of flan­nel, if to be had, steaming them over warm vinegar where there is much hardness and pain, will generally give much relief, and may be done ve­ry often. In some cases after the pain and inflammation have subsided, there will remain an obstinate hardness of the testicle. For this com­plaint rub in a small piece of Mercurial Ointment twice or three times a day, and take of the Mercury Drops night and morning.

In all cases of clap strict attention ought to be paid to cleanliness. If the matter which is discharged from the urethra is allowed to lodge about the glands penis, it is very apt to produce troublesome chancres. The pa­tient ought a number of times every day to wash the penis thoroughly in milch and water, or water. This will make the cure much more speedy. Be very cautious not to tie any thing about the penis which will in the least obstruct a free circulation. I have seen several very bad and obsti­nate cases of paraphymosis produced solely by this cause. I have likewise seen severe cases of swelled testicles produced in this way.

It sometimes happens in a clap, that there is occasioned by the inflam­mation of the urethra, such a degree of spasm and stricture, as to pro­duce a total suppression of urine. In this case take a Bougee, oil it with sweet oil, carefully introduce it into the urethra, pass it up until it enters the bladder, let it remain for a short time, which will generally take off the spasm in such a degree that by withdrawing it the urine will flow freely. Repeat the use of it again if necessary. Whenever this stricture should happen, after obtaining a discharge of the urine, throw up sweet oil five or six times a day.

Lues veneria, syphilis, or pox, is that species of disorder which is considered as the most difficult of cure. The system is considered as affected generally with the venerial virus. It makes its appearance in various parts of the body and in various forms; some of the principal are chancres about the glands penis, buboes in the groin, ulcers in the throat, foul obstinate ulcers about the legs and other parts of the body, carious bones, venerial blotches on the skin of a copper colour, venerial nodes or swelling of the periosteum (a substance which covers the bones), veneri­al warts, ulcers in the nose, violent inflammation which sometimes ends in a loss of the eye sight.

When any of the above symptoms appear, it will be necessary to take Mercury enough to produce a sore mouth, unless the complaint gives way before. In case of chancres, while taking the Mercurial Pills, dress with the Salve No. 48. Should they be obstinate and not heal in the course of two or three weeks, dissolve a small piece of Blue Stone in a little water, and touch them with that once a day. If this does not effect a cure, take a little Basillicon Salve, mix with it Red Precipitate enough to make it quite red; dress twice a day with this spread on a piece of rag or Lint, and immediately applied to the sores. All obstinate veneri­al ulcers are to be treated in the same way as chancres.

In case of bubo or hard swelling in the groin while taking the Mercu­rial Pills, rub a small piece of Mercurial Ointment twice or three times a day upon the swelling and the inside of the thigh as low down as the knee. Should not the swelling go off in the course of two or three weeks, but become hard and painful, it will be necessary to poultice it and en­deavor to bring it to a head. After it becomes perfectly soft, and the matter is felt to fluctuate in the tumour, and it is pointed, take the Lan­cet and lay it open so that the matter may be discharged. If there [Page] should remain much hardness after the matter is discharged, lay a little Lint over the orifice, and poultice until it subsides, then dress with Basillicon Salve. Should the sore be foul, and not heal kindly, mix Red Precipitate with the Salve and dress with that.

Venerial warts are sometimes very troublesome. When they make their first appearance, touch them once or twice a day, with the Lunar Caustic, and mix a large proportion of Red Precipitate with Basillison Salve, spread it upon a little Lint or a piece of rag and apply it imme­diately to the wart. Dress once a day. The Blue Stone may also be applied as caustic to venerial warts.

In venerial sore throat the principal dependence is on the exhibition of Mercury internally. After the Mercury has been given some time and the ulcers do not heal; make a strong decoction of White Oak Bark, and let the patient gorgle his throat often with that. Should the ulcers ap­pear high edged and foul, dissolve a small piece of Blue Stone in a little water, make a swab by winding two round the end of a stick, dip it into this solution, and touch the ulcers once or twice a day. If the White Oak Bark is not to be obtained, make a strong decoction of Bark No. 9, and use that for a gorgle.

The principal dependence in the cure of venerial nodes or enlarged bones, is the internal exhibition of Mercury. It should be continued un­til the mouth become sore, and a tenderness of the gum should be kept up for two or three weeks. Where there is much pain and restlessness during the night, give 40 drops of Laudanum. It often happens that af­ter a person has had the venerial disease several times, that there ap­pears a troublesome eruption upon the prepuce and glands penis. For this complaint take one teaspoonful of Sugar of Lead and the same quantity of Calomel, add half a pint of rain water, shake it throughly every time of using it, wash 4 times a day; this is a very effectual reme­dy. This wash used once or twice a day assists much in the cure of chancres.

Ulcers in the nose from venerial infection are to be treated much in the same way as venerial sore throat. If it does not give way by the use of Mercury till the mouth become sore, which should be kept so for two weeks, inject into the nose the solution of Sugar of Lead and Calomel twice a day.

In all the above cases of syphilis or pox, where they have been of long standing and obstinate, I have found the Mercury Drops to be the most effectual remedy; they may be taken much longer without producing a sore mouth than the other preparations of Mercury, and the patient is not so apt to take cold on exposure to wet and cold. It is an extremely useful and efficacious medicine in old bad cases.

In all the above cases, after the use of Mercury, if there is much de­bility, the Bark should be taken 3 or 4 times a day until appetite and strength returns.


Are violent falls or [...] when the head or breast is much affected. In pleurisy fever, [...] in the side is acute, and the breathing much affected, bleeding will be likely to give very great relief. Bleeding is oftentimes [...] in other inflammatory fevers. As the loss of blood has a [...] effect, it ought to be avoided in all cases attended with much weakness.

In performing bleeding tie a garter moderately tight round the arm, two inches above the [...]; after the veins have filled it is generally best to open the one that appears largest. The arteries which are known by their pulsation lie below some of the veins, and ought to be cautiously avoided. If you feel carefully in the bend of the arm, rather nighest the under side, you can discover the beating, and will endeavor of course not [Page] to open a vein directly over it. After bleeding, put a little Lint on the opening and bind it up with any soft bandage.


Should be replaced as soon as possible. If it be an arm or leg, let one person take hold of the limb below the fracture, and gently pull, while another places his hand upon the fracture and places the bones in their right place. If the limb is strait, of equal length, and every other way corresponds with the other, you may generally conclude that the bone is reduced into its right place. Carefully bathe the limb with brandy and vinegar, or brandy; then pass a flannel bandage a number of times round the limb 5 inches above and 5 below the fracture; upon the bandage place four splints, 10 or 12 inches long, covered with tow, at equal distance from each other, securing them with any convenient string; bathe it fre­quently through the bandage with brandy, or Sugar of Lead water, and should it swell so as to make the bandage too tight, loosen it occasionally as may be necessary.

The limb lies easiest when bent to about half a right angle, the patient lying partly on the same side, if it be a leg. If an arm it should be slung up. In 4, 6 or 8 weeks, according to the bigness of the bone, and the badness of the fracture, the splints and bandage may be left off, and a Strengthening Plaister applied.


In bad wounds there is often a profuse bleeding, which requires the first and most particular attention. The application of dry Lint, and a bandage, will often succeed; but if an artery of any considerable bigness is injured, and the blood spirts out largely, you must form some tight compression between the wound and the trunk of the body, or heart, which will stop the discharge till you can find the bleeding, and secure it with your needle. If it be an arm or a leg that is wounded or taken off, take a strong handkerchief or large cord, and tie it moderately tight some way above the wound; if the injury is below the knee or elbow, it will be best to fix the cord 2 or three inches above the knee or elbow, and put a round short piece of wood or cane beneath the cord; by turning the cane you tighten the cord till it stops the blood; let some person hold the cane in this position till you wipe the blood from the wound, then let him slack the cord till the blood spirts out, at which time fix your eye upon the vessel, order the cord again tightened, and keep sight of the vessel till you pass your needle, which is crooked, along side of the vessel, about a quarter of an inch deep, and draw the thread half through; then enter the needle near where it came out, and pass it up the other side of the blood vessel, so that the point may come out near where you entered it; then draw the thread through and tie it tight, and you will find it will stop the bleeding of that vessel. If there be others that bleed, se­cure them in the same manner; after which you must take off the cord, and dress the wound with Lint, bandage, &c. After the first dressing, it is best to let the wound go 3 or 4 days before opening it, after which it may be dressed every, or every other day. If the discharge of matter be considerable, apply a little Lint over the wound, and over that a plais­ter of Basillicon; but when there is little or no discharge of matter, ap­ply simply a plaister of Healing Salve.


Which are most incident to people in India, are the bilious or remitting fever, and the liver disease. The first is known by the following symp­toms. It generally comes on suddenly, and begins with a sense of weak­ness [Page] and great lowness of spirits. These symptoms are attended with a greater or less degree of chilliness, a giddiness, nausea, pains in the head and loins, and a trembling of the hand; the countenance has a pale or yellow cast, the skin is commonly dry, the eyes dull and sometimes yellow; and as the disease advances, the sickness of the stomach increases, and often an obstinate vomiting takes place. As soon as the person is seized with the above symptoms, it will be proper to give him a purge of Jalap and Calomel (one of the Powders No. 2) in a little molasses; if the first dose should not operate in 4 hours, give another; and if the second dose should be vomited up without taking effect, dissolve a dose of Salts in a gill of hot water, and add a table spoonful of vinegar to it, and when cold give the patient one quarter part of it every hour, till it produces a free discharge by the bowels. If the patient should be much exhausted by the purge, it will be proper to give him 30 drops of Laudanum. If the fever the next day should remit, give the patient two teaspoonfuls of Bark in wine or porter, every 2 hours; but if the pain in the head should re­main obstinate, and the fever and sickness should be violent, it will be better to repeat the medicine given the first day. Should the patient's skin be dry, and the thirst and fever very violent, it will be proper to give him on the third day the following medicine: dissolve a powder of Tartar Emetic (No. 1) and a dose of Salts in a gill of hot water, and when cold let the patient take 2 table spoonfuls every 2 hours until a free discharge is excited. If the patient should be thirsty, let him drink free­ly of Cream of Tartar beverage. As soon as the stomach and bowels are thoroughly cleansed, the principal part of the cure must depend on the Bark, which must be given as freely as the stomach can bear. During the whole course of the disease a costive habit must be avoided by taking the purges above mentioned, and by drinking the Cream of Tartar beverage. If the bark should prove purgative, from 5 to 10 drops of Laudanum may be added to each dose as occasion may require.


Is generally known by the following symptoms: a high fever, a difficul­ty of breathing, a violent pain in the right side upon the region of the liver, to which the sick person often applies his hand, seeking for relief. A pain in the right shoulder is also a frequent attendant on this complaint. On the first attack it will be proper that the patient should be bled from half a pint to a pint; then immediately apply a Blister over the seat of the pain, as large as the whole hand; at the same time take a teaspoon­ful of Nitre in a cup of tea, or Barley water, every hour or two; and ev­ery night or morning take a Mercury Pill, unless they should prove too purgative. It will also be proper as soon as the soreness of the blister will permit, to rub in on the side, a piece of Mercurial Ointment the size of a nutmeg, once or twice a day, until a gentle salivation for 10 or 15 days be kept up. If the salivation should incline to be violent, it may be moderated by laying aside the Pills and Ointment for a short time, and give a little Flour of Sulphur night and morning to keep the bowels open. If the Mercury should incline to run off by the bowels, give 15 or 20 drops of Laudanum once or twice a day as may be necessary. If the pa­tient should become weak by the salivation, the Bark should be joined with the use of the Mercury.


After giving a dose of Rhubarb, should it work off freely, give 30 drops of Laudanum every 12 hours; should it not, give another dose of Rhubarb, and then the Laudanum once in 12 hours, should the stools be frequent. As this disease, by its continuance, is apt to occasion a great degree of weakness, the patient should be supported by a nourishing di­ [...] and a decoction of the Bark, which is made by putting a table spoonful [Page] of Bark into a pint of water, and boiling it away to half a pint; of this the patient may take a wine glass full with 14 drops of Laudanum every 4 hours. In obstinate dysenteries it is often useful to give the Salt and Vinegar Mixture, which is thus prepared: into a tea cup of vinegar put 2 table spoonfuls of common salt, stir it a few minutes, then pour off the vinegar, and put to it twice the quantity of hot water; of this mixture let the patient take two table spoonfuls every three hours, as hot as he can sip it, until it works upon him freely.


Which is known by a bad breath, loosened teeth, weariness, &c. re­quires warm clothing, wine, vegetables, and fruit, such as oranges, le­mons, &c. when to be had; malt tea, beer, cider, &c. 15 or 20 drops of Elixir Vitriol may be taken now and then in a glass of wine and water, avoiding the use of spirituous liquors.

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