

The man who has not music in his soul.
Is fit for treasons, stratagems and spo [...]s.

Entered according to Act.

NEW-LONDON: Printed by James Springer.



The Federal Songster, &c.

Blest Liberty.

OF all the sine fellows, this world can afford,
Columbia's brave Soldiers for me:
Whatever their failings, they're true to their word
And dare death for Blest Liberty.
They have hearts like the oak, which are found as they're true;
As brave as they're honest and free:
Tho' they fight vicious Fre [...]chmen, and Jacobins too
They do it for Blest Liberty.
As friends and as brothers, forever they meet;
As pleasant as pleasant can be:
With a "how do ye do, Sir," each other greet:
Huzzaing for Blest Liberty.
They are destined, the pleasures of life to enjoy:
From trouble, and grief, always free:
They are ready when called on their time to [...] ­ploy,
In fighting for Blest Liberty.
[Page 4]
Faced Coats and Cockades, are the dandy O dandy;
Will tickle the girls to a too:
The arms of a Soldier they vow are so handy;
To guard them, and Blest Liberty.
We sous of America, own them with pleasure;
And swear, to this Godlike decree:
That we will esteem, as our most valued treasure,
Hardy Soldiers, and Blest Liberty.
Then when storms shall arise, or at see or on land:
Prepared for the tempest, we'll be;
With a disciplined corps, or brave Soldiers at hand;
To die;—or protect Liberty.
That Columbia's brave Sons, may continue thro' time;
As they now are, both happy and free;
We offer our prayers, while wer' [...] in our prime,
To our GOD:—and to Blest Liberty,
Hail, then, great Johovah!—thou Liberty hail!
Our goods, we attribute to then:
No evils approach us, till thy mercy fail;
Oh!—guard, and protect, Liberty.
To our children transmit it, to time's utmost bound,
And this, be thy gracious decree;
No Columbian's exist, till the last trumpet sound;
Unworthy of Blest Liberty.

President ADAMS' Birth Day.

COLUMBIA's sons arouse to Glory!
Hark! the loud trumpet sounds alarms!
[Page 5] Her tow'ring EAGLE flees before ye,
Her glit'ring STANDARD calls to arms!
Shall France, on rapine still subsisting,
With daring menace, vain and base,
That glorious Standard e'er disgrace,
One STAR on its broad field existing?
To arms! to arms! ye brave,
Th' avenging sword unsheathe!
March on! march on! all hearts resolv'd
On victory, or death.
On justice, morals, law, they trample,
The rights of men, and nations spurn:
Mankind deplore the dire example,
And with vindictive vengeance burn.
COLUMBIANS! ere too late take warning!
Detest th' insidious sly embrace,
And hold no commerce with the race
False as th' [...]rnal "son of morning!"

To arms! &c.

Say wretched Venice, gull'd Eat [...]via,
What's French protection? Gallic arts?
Ask Switzerland; ask bleeding [...]ugbia;
They'll ring a peal to rive your hearts!
With victory and pride inflated,
Where'er unbridled lust can pierce,
They lord it o'er the universe,
Their savage thirst still unabated.

To arms! &c.

Dire Cannibals! detested nation!
Insatiate still, tho' drunk with blood;
You war 'gainst MAN, against CREATION,
And Fiend like, make mankind your food!
And shall we basely see the ruin,
Which ghastly Europe holds to view,
[Page 6] And court the genial ruin too,
Our hands in our own blood ombruing?

To arms! &c.

O LIBERTY, thy lov'd embraces
We'll cherish with our latest breath:
Nor force, nor threats, nor vile grimaces,
Shall wrest thee from our grasp till death.
While Vernon's HERO, great and glorious,
Inspiring rules the martial band,
And ADAMS, bulwark of our land,
Still guides the helm of state victorious.

To arms! &c.

Our wives, our children, grandsires hoary,
United, call us to the field;
Awake! AMERICANS, to glory,
Gird on your swords and grasp the shield!
Against these Monsters of creation
Be all your bolts of vengeance hur [...]d,
Burst their strong chains, set free a world:
And the oppress'd mankind's salvation;
To arms! To arms! ye brave,
Th' avenging sword unsheathe!
March on! march on! all hearts resolv'd
On victory, or death.

Americans Rouse.

COLUMBIANS, your virtue all nations must own,
While your laws are maintain'd, and your jus­tice is known:
Let us all to a man then combine in the [...]ause
Of protecting our freedom, by guarding our laws,
[Page 7] What the' malice or envy attempt to intrigue,
The poison should serve but to strenghthen our league.
Americans, rouse! let your glory extend,
Where the billows can roll, or the eagle ascend.
The whispers of millions unborn now declares
What the fathers have won should descend to their heirs;
By our conduct then may we not forfeit their claim;
For our sons are the heirs of our freedom and fame;
But let us unite, and declare with one voice,
To defend to the utmost the laws of our choice.

Americans, rouse! &c.

While our union is perfect, we care not for France;
For our foe [...] must retreat, when our heroes advance;
Undismay'd does a Truxton and Washington stand,
To protect us by sea, and to guard us by land,
Who will pay them a tribute the next time they call,
The douceur of justice, with powder and ball.

Americans, rouse! &c,

Those vultures of carnage, now feasting on gore,
Shall descend to the earth when our eagle shall soar;
But swifter than lightning he'll dart on their way;
And drag from their covert those creatures of prey;
His vengeance awaken'd shall not be suppress'd,
Till our foes are subdu'd, and our wrongs are re­dress'd.

Americans, rouse! &c.

May our ADAMS long live, who with wisdom im­parts
The sense of all ages, all laws and all arts;
Whose counsels (which point to our glory the way)
The world must admire, and Columbia obey.
[Page 8] May his talents direct, while our thunder is hurl'd,
To avenge our own wrongs, and give peace to the world.
Americans, rouse! let your glory extend,
Where the billows can roll, or the eagle ascend.


To the tune of the Anacreontic.
TO Columbia, who, gladly reclin'd at her case,
On Atlantic's broad bosom lay smiling to peace,
Minerva flew hastily, sent from above,
And address'd her this message from thundering Jove;
"Rouse, quickly awake,
"For your freedom's at stake,
"Storms arise your renown'd independence to shakes
"Then lose not a moment, my aid I will lend,
"If your sons will assemble your rights to defend."
Rous'd, Columbia rose up, and indignant declar'd,
That no nation she'd wrong'd, and no nation she fear'd;
That she wish'd not for war, but if war was her fate,
She could meet it with souls independent and great:
Then tell mighty Jove,
That we quickly will prove,
We'll deserve the protections he'll send from above.
For ne'er shall the sons of America bend,
But, united, their rights and their freedom defend.
Minerva smil'd cheerfully as she withdrew,
Euraptur'd to find her Americans true;
[Page 9] "For (said she) our fly Mercury oft-times reports
"That your sons are divided"—Columbia retorts:
Tell that vile god of thieves,
His report but deceives,
And we care not what madman such nonsense be­lieves.
For ne'er shall the sons of America bend,
But, united, their rights and their freedom defend.
Jove rejoic'd in Columbians this union to see,
And swore by old S [...]yx they deserv'd to be free:
Then assembled the gods, and to all gave consent,
Their assistance if needful in war to present;
Mars arose, shook his armour,
And swore, his old farmer
Should ne'er in his country see ought that could harm her;
For ne'er should the sons of America bend,
But, united, their rights and their freedom defend.
Minerva resolv'd that her Aegis she'd lend;
And Apollo declar'd he their cause would befriend;
Old Vulcan an armour would forge for their aid,
More sirm than the one for Achilles he made:
Then said he I'll prepare
A compound most rare,
Of courage and union each a full share.
Then ne'er can the sons of America bend,
But their rights and their freedom most firmly de­fend.
Ye sons of Columbia then join hand in hand;
Divided we fall, but united we stand
'Tis ours to determine, 'tis ours to decree,
That in peace we will live independent and free,
We should from afar
Break the horrors of war.
[Page 10] We'll always be ready at once to declare,
That ne'er will the sons of America bend,
But, united, their rights and their freedom defend.

The Five Headed Monster; OR, Talleyrand Dissected.
A NEW SONG, For the jolly Tars of America.

To the good old tune of "Derry Down."
I'LL sing you a song, my good friends, with your leave,
Not unlike the old tale of our grand-mother Eve;
It is of a Serpent, as you'll understand,
That cloven foot Reptile, the vile Talleyrand.

Derry down, down, down, derry down.

When the sky was o'ercast, and the Thunder of War,
By john our State-Pilot, was heard from a far,
Says John to his Mess mates—"let's look out for breakers,
"For, believe me, my friends, that the French are no Quakers."

Derry Down, &c.

"Such Dabs in Throat Cutting by practice they've made,
"You would think they had all become Butchers by trade;
"And as for religion, they count it but trash,
"For their pray'r Morn and night is—ye God's give us cash!

Derry Down, &c.

[Page 11]
"But let's still try for Peace with these hectoring Boasters,
"Who smile in our face whilst they plunder our coasters,
"For with honor and justice, and truth on our side,
"We spurn at their threats, and their arts we de­ride."

Derry down, &c.

So John to proud France in a quick sa [...]ing wherry,
Packs off in a trice, Marshal, Pickney and Gerry;
To try if the Monsieurs were willing to do
The justice he ought to expect for his crew.

Derry down, &c.

Safe landed on shore after storms and disasters,
They at length see the lacquey, but can't see the mas­ters;
For (strange to relate!) without tipping a teaster,
You [...]sn't get a peep at the Five Headed Beast, sir,

Derry down, &c.

Then these three hearty lads without fuss or grimace,
In plain honest lingo lay open their case:
And said "our old friends we have sail'd in one ship;
"Let's drown all disputes in a can of good slip.

Derry down, &c.

"Not so fast my good fellows, says sly Talleyrand,
"First tip us the chink, and then come cap in hand;
"For though about justice and honor you prate,
"Without ready rhino 'ti [...]idle debate.

Derry down, &c.

"You talk of your spirit, and union, and rights,
"But you're cowards in grain without stomach to fight;
[Page 12] "Like Holland and Venice without rhyme or reason,
"'We'll chop you like junk, and then charge you with Treason.

Derry down, &c.

"Remember that George and that John have abused us,
"And in blackguarding language most rascally used us;
"Bring the dogs to the gang-ways and grease well our fists boys;
"And then we will talk of your rights to resist boys."

Derry down, &c.

"Avast! cry our lads, we'll be d—'d if we do,
"You're a plund'ring blood thirsty, vapouring crew;
"We'll not give you a sixpence to buy you a rope,
"But serve you, you bullies us you serve the Pope."

Derry down, &c.

Thus ended the jaw with this insolent knave,
And to our peace-makers a passport they gave;
And if we send others, with fine flowing speech,
May they pack them all off with a kick in the breech,

Derry down, &c.

Now let each jolly Tar, with one heart and one voice,
Drink a can of good grog to the man of our choice;
Under John the State pilot and George's command,
There's a fig for the French and the sly Talleyrand.

Derry down, &c.

Rule Columbia.

NOW the dire thirst of sway destains
[Page 13] Fair Europe's face, and wastes her plain [...]
And weeping Peace forsakes the land,
Consign'd to havoc's iron hand.
Rule Columbia steel each nerve,
Thy Virtue and thy Rights preserve.
The East too groans beneath new Lords,
More savage than its pilfering hordes,—
Their sanguinary deeds have spread
O'er morn a deeper tinge of read.—

Rule, &c.

France— Aetna-like, deep mischief brew'd,
And belches now her ripen'd stood;
The foul eruption, rolling wide,
Spreads ruin in a flaming tide.

Rule &c.

Tho' feeble nations fall your prey,
And curse you, while they own your sway;—
Know, France, COLUMBIA's hardy race
Will never live to be your slaves!

Rule &c.

Our country's rights we will maintain—
Purchased with blood, secured with pain▪
And joyful see the flag unferl'd.
Which bids defiance to the world.

Rule &c.

COLUMBIA's voice is heard on high;
Propitious Heav'n regard her cry!

Rule &c.

[Page 14]

Sung the 17th July, 1799.

Tune—"Rule Britannia."
HAIL, INDEPEDENCE' second birth,
That freed our Land from Gallic-ties!
Let songs of joy, and festal mirth,
Ascend, in incense to the skies.
This day we broke proud Gallia's chain,
This day, COLUMBIA'S born again!
To arms (not Treaties) we appeal:
On Gallie-faith, we ground no claims;
Persidious France tore off the seal,
And we consign it to the flames.
Then shout (releas'd from Gallia's chain)
This day COLUMBIA's born again;
No more shall ADAMS envoys chuse,
To cringe at Paris, cap in hand,
While Cerberus* COLUMBIA views,
Dance to the tune of Talleyrand.
This day, we snap the cobweb-chain,
This day COLUMBIA's born again!
And would you still negociate? say,
Ye hardy sons of Freedom's growth!
If that's the order of the day,
Negociate at the cannon's mouth.
No other Treaty will we deign,
This day, COLUMBIA'S born again!
Tho' many a traitor, knave and fool,
COLUMBIA'S vengeance madly brave,
We've scores of Freemen to one tool,
A hundred Patriots to each knave
Who know to curb those fiends of earth
And guarantee our second birth.
[Page 15]
Hail gratitude! celestial dame!
Reproach from thee, we need not fear,
While France profanes that sacred name,
Thy holy dictates we revere.
* She taught us to despise her chain,
Compell'd us to be born again.
Ye JACOBINS! for crimes renown'd,
Repent, reform, and be forgiv'n.
Each in the Patriot's new mill ground,
Else hope not mercy, peace, or heav'n.
To enter Freedom's hallow'd fane,
You must, like Saints, be born again.
To ADAMS charge the goblet high,
Let echoing plaudits reach the sky,
While with united hearts we to [...]st.
The day that rent proud Gallia's chain,
And Freedom's sons were born again!

To Arms Columbia.
A new patriotic SONG, written for the anniversary of The Massachusetts Charitable Fire Society.

TUNE—" He Comes! He Comes!"
To arms, to arms, when honor cries.
Nor think the brave, nor doubt the wise:
On foes, by earth and heaven abhor'd,
[Page 16] 'Tis Godlike to unsheathe the sword!
To arms Columbia!—rule thy natal se [...].
United, triumph;—and resolv'd be free!
Columbia's Eagle soars so high,
He kens the sun with sovereign eye;
Nor cowers his wing, when tempests pour,
Nor perches, when the thunders roar.

To arms, Columbia, &c.

Like Glory's dazzling bird of day,
Our realm should hold imperial sway;
Mid clouds and lightnings firmly stand,
Tho' Faction's earthquake shake the land.

To arms, Columbia, &c.

Shall Gallia bid our Oaks descend,
Her rubric banner to defend?
Enslave those forests, rear'd to reign,
The future monarchs of the main?

To arms, Columbia, &c.

Can Glow-worm vie with noontide Sun,
Or Lodi's chief with WASHINGTON?
Can Earth her maniac moon obey,
Or Frenchmen free Columbians sway?

To arms, Columbia, &c.

Revenge! Revenge! The flag's unfurl'd!
Let Freedom's cannon wake the world,
And Ocean gorge on pirates slain,
'Till TRUXTON Netsonise the main!

To arms, Columbia, &c.

The sate of nations waits the hour,
Foretold to end the Serpent's power;
When fallen realms shall brake their trance,
[Page 17] And ADAMS bruis [...] the head of France.
To arms, Columbia!—rule thy natal sea,
United, triumph;—and resolv'd, be free.

SONG, The American Tar.

Tune—"The Tempest War."
TO the standard repair,
Each jolly bold Tar,
Our Country calls loudly to arms;
Teach the bullies of France,
The fam'd Yankee dance,
'Tis Freedom our bosoms that warms.
With his snuff box in hand,
Ask again a douceur for admission;
Come here Monsieur Frog,
Take a tiff of good grog,
And we'll shew you a Yankee commission.
Do you think gallic Crows,
Can catch us adoze,
While storms are thick gath'ring aloft?
Pardonnez Monsieur,
Our Liberty's dear,
Ye'll not find us with sculs quite so soft.
Each day a new ship,
With her anchor atrip,
Is arm'd, and the Eagle full spread;
If America stoops,
And her sons become dupes,
[Page 18] It must be when her Tars are all dead.
Come each honest soul,
Pass round the full bowl,
To ADAMS our glorious head;
Thank [...]e good Gods above,
Who America love,
Great WASHINGTON too is not dead!
Mother Cary's foul brood,
Can do you no good,
While such Worthies' America lead;
Our Captains are bold,
And despise secret gold,
Our Coin, boys, is Iron and Lead.


To an old Tune.
SONG Yankee Doodle, that fine tune,
Americans delight in;
It suits for peace, it suits for fun,
It snits as well for fighting,
—Yankee Doodle (mind the tune)
Yankee Doodle dandy,
If Frenchmen come with naked bum,
We'll spank 'em hard and handy.
To Ca [...]ra and Carmagnole,
Direct'ry dance like negroes, *
But Frenchmen's songs, so full of wrongs
Are scorn'd by Yankee heroes.

Yankoe doodle, &c.

[Page 19]
The President, with good intent,
Three Envoys sent to Paris,
But cinque Tetes, would with 'em treat,
Of honour France so bare is.

Yankee doodle, &c.

Thro' X and Y, and madam Sly,
They made demand of money;
For as we're told, the French love gold,
As stinging bees love honey.
Nebuchadnezzar long ago,
Set up a golden image,
Shadrach, Mechach, Abednego,
Would not fall down in homage.

Yankee doodle, &c.

Just so cinque Tetes, with pride elate,
Of Marshall, Pinckney and Gerry,
Demand that they, adore and pay,
The piper to make merry.

Yankee doodle, &c.

That Talleyrand might us trappan,
And o'er the country sound it;
He sent his pill t' Aurora's mill,
And Benny Faction ground it.

Yankee doodle, &c.

But Marshall came, with trump of fame,
And brought the noble answer;
Without a joke, he had in soak,
A rod for Talleyrand, Sir.

Yankee doodle, &c.

With fraud and he, Directory,
[Page 20] Deal in deceit and evil;
Who Venice sold, for pow'r and gold,
Would sell us to the Devil.

Yankee doodle, &c.

Their 'fernal hugs, may squeeze Durch bugs,
But we will have no master;
And while the Swiss, Sans C [...]lottes kiss,
We'll spread a blister plaister.

Yankee doodle, &c.

Americans then fly to arms,
And learn the way to use 'em;
If each man fights, to fend his rights,
The French can't long abuse 'em.

Yankee doodle, &c.

Bold ADAMS did in seventy six,
Our independence sign, Sir;
And he will not, give up a jot,
Tho' all the world combine, Sir.

Yankee doodle, &c.

Let every man, adopt his plan,
Like brothers stick together;
Then all the threats, of vile cinque Tetes,
Will never weigh a feather.

Yankee doodle, &c.

If we are firm, peace will re [...]ur [...],
Sweet peace, the very [...]andy,
[...]y they that flinch, a single inch,
Ne'er taste the sugar candy.
Yankee doodle, (mind the tune)
Yankee doodle dandy,
If Frenchmen come with naked bum,
We'll spank 'em hard and handy.
[Page 21]

Adams and Liberty.

To the tune of the President's March.
HAIL COLUMBIA! happy land;
Hail ye HEROES! Heav'n born band,
Who fought and bled in Freedom's cause,
Who fought and bled in freedom's cause,
And when the storm of war was gone,
Enjoy'd the peace, your valor won.
Let INDEPENDENCE be our boast,
Ever mindful what it cost;
Ever grateful for the prize,
Let its altar reach the skies.
Firm—united—let us be,
Rallying round our liberty,
As a band of brothers join'd,
Peace and safety we shall find.
IMMORTAL PATRIOTS! rise once more,
[...]f [...]d your rights, defend y [...]r shore,
Let [...]e rude foe with impious hand,
Let [...]e rude foe with impious hand,
Invade the shrine where sacred lies,
Of toil and blood the well earn'd prize,
While offering peace, sincere and just,
In Heaven we place a manly trust,
That truth and justice will prevail,
And every scheme of bondage fail.
Firm—united—let us be,
Rallying round our liberty,
As a b [...]nd of brothers join'd.
Peace and safety we shall find.
Sound, Sound, the Trump of Fame,
Let WASHINGTON'S great name,
Ring thro' the world with loud applause,
[Page 22] Ring thro' the world with loud applause,
Let every clime to Freedom dear,
Listen with a joyful ear,
With equal skill, with Godlike power,
He governs in a fearful hour
Of horrid war, or guides with ease
The happier times of honest Peace.
Firm—united—let us be,
Rallying round our liberty,
As a band of brothers join'd,
Peace and safety we shall find.
Once more to serve his country, stands
The Rock on which the storm will beat,
The Rock on which the storm will beat,
But arm'd in Virtue, firm and true,
His hopes are fix'd on Heav'n and YOU.
When hope was sinking in dismay,
When glooms ob [...]ur'd Columbia's day,
His steady mind, f [...] changes free,
Resolv'd on Death or Liberty.
Firm—united—Let us be,
Rallying round our liberty,
As a band of brothers join'd,
Peace and safety we shall find.

President's Birth Day, By J. M. Sewall, Esq of Portsmouth, (N. H.)

COLUMBIA exult! thy own ADAMS still lives!
The terror of Traitors, and pride of our Na­tion!
[Page 23] 'Mid clouds of detraction, still glorious survives,
Sedition's dread scourge, and his Country's salva­tion.
Let his fame then resound
The wide Universe round,
'Till Heav'n's starry-arch the loud chorus rebound!
Such honours, pure virtue from gratitude claim,
'Till the Sun is extinct, and the globe all on flame!
As bright SOL, whom the planets exulting obey,
Darts thro' clouds those glad-beams that enliven creation,
So Adams 'midst tempests and storms, with mild sway,
Of our system, the centre and soul! holds his sta­tion,
Tho' dire comets may rise,
Let them meet but his eyes,
And in tangents, they whirl and retreat thro' the skies.
Our Sun, Regent, Centre! then ever extol,
'Till you Orb cease to shine, and those Planets to roll.
As gold try'd by fire, leaves the dross all behind,
So, slander'd by Jacobin-sons of sedition,
ADAMS bursts forth refulgent, as Saints are refin'd
From the furnace of Satan, that son of perdition!
Then let ADAMS be sung
By each patriot-tongue,
And Columbia's loud lyre be to extacy strung!
These honors, such worth must from gratitude claim,
'Till the Sun is extinct, and the Heav'n's are on flame!
On Neptune's vast kingdom, where oceans can flow,
Display'd is our Standard, our Eagle respected,
This change to great ADAMS and WISDOM we owe.
Now our COMMERCE rides sase, by our CANNON pro­tected
[Page 24] Then—THREE CHEERS to our Fleet!
May they never retreat,
But with prize after prize, their lov'd PRESIDENT greet.
And ne'er may Columbian's grow cold in HIS praise,
'Till the Sun is extinct, and the Universe blaze!
But while our young Navy such rapture excites
Our Heroes by Land, claim our warm admiration,
With manhood and youth, e'en the infant unites,
Sons of Heroes! boast, pride, and defence of our Nation!
Such a spirit's gone forth
Of true valour and worth,
'Twoul'd be arduous to tame it, all pow'rs upon earth!
'Twas ADAMS inspir'd it—to HIM be the praise,
Long as Cynthia shall shine, or the Sun dart his rays!
Bu [...] [...]rn us to Europe—how fares it with France?
What!—confounded! amaz'd!—such astonish­ment ne'er rose!
From the North bursts SUWARROW! I see him ad­vance!
That Victor of victors! that Hero of heroes!
Hardy Russian! Mon-Dicu!
If this course you pursue,
You will leave MIGHTY WASHINGTON nothing to do.
At that name the Muse kindles, and twining fresh bays,
Blends with Adam's glory, great Washington's praise!
Not a Nation on earth, would we fear with such aid
(Heav'n save us alone from internal commotion!)
[Page 25] Their Forces by LAND—their Fleets on the OCEAN.
Our Heroes prepar'd,
Would their progress retard,
Sage ADAMS to guide, and Great WASHINGTON guard.
Their Glory, encreasing as Nature decays,
In Eternity's Temple r [...]fulgent shall blaze!

A SONG.—Sung July 17, 1799. [☞In point—if not altogether original.] The Gallia-Diabolic Club.

THE Stygian God, great Belzebub,
With Talleyrand's most favorite club,
In Pandemonium met;
Where they, with all th' infernal host,
Who heav'nly liberty had lost,
Foam'd with invid'ous sweat.
The dreary en c' ira'd applause,
Obedience to old Belial's laws—
Combin'd the demons stood;
And all the fierce Ceberean breed,
Who Autun's hedious form exceed,
Howl'd for Columbia's blood.
Then rose the huge Tartarean God,
Bespoke attention with a nod,
And thus tremendous spake;
Which burst Hell's curtains all in twain,
Rais'd billow's on the burning main,
And make the concave s [...]ake.
[Page 26]
"Hail damn'd associates, let us all
"Conspire to plan Columbia's fall,
"See here's the clump-foot priest,
"Tom Paine shall forge the crafty lie,
"Barras the potent "skill" supply—
"T' entrap the Federal Boast."
The grissly fiends all grin'd assent—
The Bishop on the errand went—
To Gallia's bloody court *
There to confer with Gallic power
And at the hell-appointed hour,
Return and make report—
Merlin, the Priest attentive heard,
And to his vile compeers preferred—
Whate [...]er the fiends should ask:—
Inform'd the Infernal Prince of Night,
His craft and his satannic might—
[...] [...]id the arduous task:
This done, the red sulphurian breed,
Were all commissioned for the deed,
With Gallic myrmidons,—
Who brib'd the Hoary God of Sea—
Their "gold" and "pirates" to convey,
T' enslave Columbia's sons:
But he who rides upon the spheres
With bright angelic charioteers,
Spake with a thunderer's voice,—
Columbia!—hear the Almighty Lord,
"Defend your birth-rights by the sword,
"Be this your happy choice."
[Page 27]
The awful mandate spread alarms,
A universal shout "TO ARMS!"
Was hear'd from sea to sea—
We'll front the haughty tyrant foe,
And let all Hell and Frenchmen know—
Columbia will be free.


Tune— "British Tars."
COME all ye yankee sailors with swords and pikes advance,
'Tis time to prove your courage and humble haughty France.
The sansculotte's we see invade
Our commerce, and distress our trade,
'Tis time the reck'ning should be paid

To brave Yankee boys.

'Twas in the Constellation from Baltimore we came,
We had a bold Commander and Truxton was his name;
Our ship she carried forty guns.
And on the main so swift she runs,
To prove to France Columbia's Sons

Are brave Yankee boys.

We sail'd to the West-Indies with orders to annoy,
Th' invaders of our commerce, take, [...]urn, si [...]k, and destroy;
The Constellation shone so bright,
That Frenchmen could not stand the sight,
Away they scampered in affright

From brave Yankee boys.

[Page 28]
The ninth of February off Monserrat we lay,
We spy'd the fam'd Insurgente just at the break of day,
We rais'd the orange and the blue,
To find if they by signals knew
The Constellation and her crew,

Of brave Yankee boys.

They answer'd our signals by quickly turning [...]ail;
The sansculottes affrighted, prepar'd a press of [...]ail;
The Constellation swiftly flies,
While our Commander cheerly cries,
"That ship this day must be a prize"

To brave Yankee boys.

All hands were call'd to quarters while we pursu'd, the chase,
Our guns prim'd, tomkins out [...]nd well splic'd the main brace;
Too soon for France our ship drew nigh,
Compell'd they were the test to try,
The word was pass'd, Conquer or Die

Like brave Yankee boys.

A [...]d Columbia's thunder, in peals tremendous roar,
And death upon our bullets wing'd, soon drench'd their deck in gore,
And while with blood her scuppers run,
The Chief exclaim'd, we are undone,
The [...]ag was struck, the battle won

By brave Yankee boys.

[...]r [...], Kitt's Isle we steer'd, and brought her safe in port,
A grand salute we [...]ir'd, which was ans;w [...] from the fort,
[Page 29] Then feated round the flowing bowl,
With hearty glee each jovial soul,
Drank as he fought without controul

Like brave Yankee boys.

We drank success to Truxton, and to Barry bright,
We drank to all the yankee boys who for their coun­try fight,
John ADAMS in a bumper toast,
Brave WASHINGTON, Columbia's boast,
Then to the girls that pleas'd us most,

Like brave Yankee boys.

Columbia—BY DWIGHT.

"COLUMBIA, Columbia to glory arise.
"The Queen of the world and the child of the skies;
"Thy Genius commands thee; with rapture behold,
"While ages on ages thy splendors unfold:
"Thy reign is the last and the noblest of times;
"Most fruitful thy soil, most inviting thy climes.
"Let the crimes of the East ne'er encrimson thy name;
"Be freedom and science and virtue thy fame.
"To conquest and slaughter let Europe aspire,
"Whelm nations in blood, and wrap cities in [...]re,
"Thy Heroes the rights of mankind shall defend,
"And triumph pursue them and glory attend:
"A world is thy realm—for a world be [...],
"En [...]rg'd as thine empire and just as thy [...]
"On freedom's broad basis that empiro shall rise,
"Extend with the main and dissolve with the [...]kies.
"Fair Science her gates to thy sons shall u [...]bar;
[Page 30] "And the East s0 [...] thy morn hide the beams of her star;
"New Bards and new Sages unrival'd shall soar
"To fame unextinguish'd, when time is no more;
"To thee, the last refuge for virtue design'd,
"Shall fly, from all nations, the best of mankind,
"Here, grateful to Heaven, with transport shall bring,
"Their incense, more fragrant than odours of spring.
"Nor less shall thy fair ones to glory ascend,
"And genius and beauty in harmony blend,
"The graces of form shall awake pure desire,
"And the charms of the soul still enliven the fire:
"Their sweetness unmingled, their manners refin'd;
"And virtue's bright image instamp'd on the mind,
"With grace and soft rapture shall teach life to glow,
"And light up a smile in the aspect of woe.
"Thy fleets to all regions thy power shall display,
"And the nations admire and the ocean obey;
"Each shore, to thy glory, its tribute unfold,
"And the East and the South yield their spices and gold,
"As the dayspring unbounded thy splendors shall flow,
"And earth's little kingdoms before thee shall bow;
"While the ensigns of Union and triumph unfurl'd,
"Huth the tumult, of war and give peace to the world."
Thus, as down a lone valley, with cedars o'erspread,
From war's dread confusion, I pensively stray'd,
The gloom from the face of fair nature retir'd,
The winds ceas'd to murmur, the thunders expir'd,
Persumes as of Eden flow'd sweetly along,
[Page 31] And a voice as of Angel's enchantingly sung,

The Tempest.

CEASE, rude Boreas, blust'ring railer,
List ye landmen unto me;
Messmates hear a brother sailor
Sing the dangers of the sea.
From bounding billows first in motion,
When the distant whirl winds rise,
To the Tempest troubled Ocean,
When the seas contend with skies.
Hark the boatswain hoarsly bawling,
By topsail sheets and halliards stand;
Down top gallants, quick be hauling,
Down your stay-sails, hand, boys, hand.
Now it freshens, set the brace [...],
The lee top sail sheets let go;
Loof, boys, loof, don't m [...] [...]
Up your top sails nimbly clew.
Now all you on down beds [...]
Fondly lock'd in beauty's arms.
Fresh enjoyments, wanton [...]
Safe from all but love's alarms.
Around us roars the Tempest [...]
Think what fears our minds enth [...]
Harder yet, it blows more [...]
Now again the boatswain's call.
[Page 32]
The top sail yard point to the winds, boys,
See all clear [...] reef each course;
Let the sore-sheet go, don't mind boys,
Tho' the weather should be worse.
Fore and aft the spritsail yard get,
Reef the mizen, see all clear;
Hands aloft, each preventure brace set,
Man the sore yard, chear, lads, chear.
Now the dreadful thunder's roaring!
Peals on peals contending clash,
On our heads fierce rain falls pouring,
In our eyes blue lighrnings flash.
One wide water all around us,
All above us one black sky!
Diff'rent deaths at once surround us:
Hark! what means you dreadful cry?
The foremast's gone cries ev'ry tongue out !
O'er the lee twelve feet 'bove deck!
A leak beneath, the chestree's sprung out,
Call all hands to clear the wreck.
Quick the lanyards cut to pieces,
Come my hearts be stout and bold,
Plumb the well the leak increases,
Four feet water in her hold!
While o'er the ship the wild waves beating,
We for our wives and children mourn:
Alas! from hence there's no retreating,
Alas! to them, there's no return!
Still the leak is gaining on us,
Both chain pumps are c [...]oak'd below;
Heav'n have mercy here upon us!
Only that can save us now.
[...] the lee beam is the land boys,
[Page 33] Let the guns o'er board be thrown;
To the pumps come ev'ry hand boys,
See her mizzen mast is gone.
The leak we've found out, it can't pour fast,
We've lighten'd her a foot or more;
Then up and rig a jury foremast,
She's tight, she's tight boys, wear off shore.
Now once more our joys we're thinking,
Since kind fortune s [...]v'd our lives;
Come the Can boys, let's be drinking
To our sweethearts and our wives.
Fill it up, about ship wheel it;
Close to lip the brimmer join,
Where's the Tempest now? who feels it?
None:—our danger's drown'd in wine.

Song, IN HONOUR OF Gen. George Washington.

IN a chariot of light from the regions of day,
The goddess of freedom appear'd,
The sun beams of reason emblazon'd her way,
And her seat in America rear'd.
To sustain the vast fabric her offspring arose,
And she smil'd on each patriot's birth,
But she shielded her charms, and gave death to her foes,
In her Chieftain celestial on earth.
This guardian exalted, the trumpet of fame,
[Page 34] Resounding from hence to the skies,
The deified heathen reecho'd his name,
In the rapturous strains of surprise.
Then fir'd at his glory, the fierce power of war,
In his thundering accents exclaim'd—
My hero has mounted in victory's car,
And from me shall his worth be proclaim'd.
Your hero? the goddess of wisdom replies,
'Twas I at his birth did preside,
I sent him my instinct direct from the skies,
His g [...]ddess, preceptress and guide.
Their acc [...]ents scarce ended, Apollo arose,
If intuitive knowledge, he cries,
Gain him love from his friends, and respect from his foes,
He is mine Gods, as sore as the skies.
Next the fair power of Virtue, severe and serene,
Entreats they'd a moment be mute,
I role in his breast, and preside o'er his mein;—
Thus Celeshals were all in dispute.
Jove heard it and summon'd the synod supreme,
To convene in the chambers of dry,
To [...]o [...]de the debate continued the theme,
[...] did the [...]hunderer say:
Min [...], Mars, Ph [...] and Virtue attend,
[...] this clem [...]r resign,
Fo [...]r [...]ing on's name all your grace I blend,
[...] your laurels forever combine:
'Twas don [...], [...]nd the thunder [...] [...]uided his hand,
While columbia grew vain of his love,
[Page 35] Jove saw it, and issued the awful command,
To remove him to regions above.

Masonic Song.

Tune "Hearts of Oak."
No sect in the world can with Masons compare,
So ancient, so noble the badge is they wear,
That all other orders, however esteem'd,
Inferior to Masonry justly are deem'd.
We always are free,
And forever agree;
Supporting each other,
Brother helps Brother.
No mortals on earth are so friendly as we.
When first artic fire mortals' glory became,
Tho' small was the spark, it soon grew to a flame
As Phoebus celestial transcendantly bright,
It spreads o're the world a fresh torrent of light.

We always, &c.

The greatest of monarchs, the wisest of men,
Free masonry honor'd again and again;
And nobles have quitted all other delights
With joy to preside o'er our mystical rites.

We always, &c.

Tho' some may pretend we've no serets to know,
Such idle opinions their ignorance show;
While others, with rapture, crying out," They're reveal'd!"
[Page 36] In Freemasons' bosoms they'll still be conceal'd.

We always, &c.

Coxcomical pedants may say what they can
Abuse us, ill use us, and laugh at our plan;
We'll temper our mortar, enliven our souls,
And join in a chorus o'er full flowing bowls.

We always, &c.

SONG. The Sailor Boy.

THE sea was calm, the sky serene,
And gently blew the eastern gale,
When ANNA, seated on a rock,
Watch'd the Lavinia's less'ning sail:
To Heaven she thus her prayer address'd,
To Heaven she thus her prayer address'd,
Thou who can'st save or who destroy,
From each surrounding danger guard
My much-lov'd little Sailor Boy,
My much lov'd little Sailor Boy,
My Sailor Boy, my Sailor Boy,
My much-lov'd little Sailor Boy,
When tempests o'er the ocean howl,
And even Sailors shrink with dread,
By some protecting angels near
To ho [...]er round my William's head.
He was belov'd by all the plain,
He was belov'd by all the plain,
His father's pride, his mother's joy,
Then safely to their arms restore
[Page 37] Their much-lov'd little Sailor Boy,
Their much lov'd little Sailor Boy,
Their Sailor Boy, their Sailor Boy,
Their much-lov'd little Sailor Boy.
May no rude foe his course impede,
Conduct him safely o'er the waves,
Oh! may he never be compell'd
To fight for power or mix with slaves,
May smiling peace his steps attend,
May smiling peace his steps attend,
Each rising hour be crown'd with joy,
As blest as that when I again
Shall meet my much-lov'd little Sailor Boy,
My much-lov'd little Sailor Boy,
My Sailor Boy, my Sailor Boy,
My much-lov'd little Sailor Boy.


THE Muses' harp by Concord strung,
Loud let them strike the festal lay,
Wak'd by Columbia's grateful tongue,
To hail her hero's natal day,
Arise, Columbia's Genius rise,
And lift your Adams to the skies.
His virtue will our country save;
Like some good genius now he stands,
The shield—the shelter of the brave,
The guardian of his native bands,
Arise, Columbia's Genius, &c.
[Page 38]
He wrests the wreath from Gallia's brows,
Which Fraud or Faction planted there;
France to his splendid virtue bews,
And Europe's sons his name revere,
Arise, Columbia's Genius, &c.
His country, with maternal care,
His well-earn'd fame shall raise on high;
His honours Time himself shall spare,
That ADAMS' name may never die.
Arise, Columbia's Genius, rise,
And lift your ADAMS to the skies.

Fair blew the wind.

FAIR blew the wind, the morn was serene,
When orders were given to prepare us for sea,
The topsails were loos'd, and all ready were seen,
"Heave short," went the word, and we answer'd

Yo yea!

My heart beat a stroke, while at every pull
At the windlass I hove the anchor to weigh:
For my girl was in view with her eyes briming full,
And she sigh'd every time that she heard the

Yo yes!

At length, under weigh, she wav'd her white hand,
As smoothly before it we put out to sea,
From the top I beheld her lov'd form on the [...]trand,
And still went my heart to the tune of

Yo yea!

Tho' long we've been parted, my love is the same
[Page 39] In every clime dear Anna, for thee:
When the dark beating storm o'er us threatningly came,
Still I remember our parting

Yo yea!

But what sweet delight steals over my mind,
As homeward we're steering our prosp'rous way!
My Anna to meet, and to find her still kind,
Makes my heart dance for joy, while singing

Yo yea!

The Scolding Wife.

SOME women take delight in dress,
And some in Cards take pleasure;
While others place their happiness
In heaping hoards of treasure.

Ritol de rol, &c.

In private some delight to hiss,
Their hidden charms unfolding;
But all mistake their sovereign bliss,
There's no such joy as scolding!
When in the morn I ope my eyes,
Adieu all day to silence;
Before my neighbors can arise,
They hear my tongue a mite hence.
When at the board I take my seat,
'Tis one continual riot,
I eat, I scold, I scold, I eat,
My clack in never quiet.
[Page 40]
Too fat, too lean, too hot, too cold,
I ever am complaining,
Too fresh, too salt, too young, too old,
Each guest at table paining.
Let it be flesh, or fowl, or fish,
Though of my own providing,
I still find fault with every dish,
Still every Servant chiding.
And when at night I go to b [...]
I surely fall a weeping,
For th [...], I loose my great delight,
O [...] I scold when sleeping.
But this my pain does mitigate,
And soon disperse [...] sorrow,
Although to night it be too late;
I'll pay it off to-morrow.

Ritol de rol, &c. &c.

The Sailor.

THE Sailor sighs as sinks his native shore,
As all the lessening turrets bluely fade;
He climbs the mast to feast his eye once more,
And busy fancy fondly lends her aid:
Ah! now each dear domestic scene he knew,
Recall'd and cherish'd in a foreign crime,
Charm'd with the magle of a moon light view,
Its colors mellow'd not impair'd by time.
True as the needle homeward points his heart,
[Page 41] Through all the horrors of the stormy main:
This, the last wish with which its wa [...]th could part,
To meet the smile of her he loves again.
When morn first faintly draws her silver line,
Or eve's great cloud descends to drink the wave:
When sea and sky in midnight darkness join,
Still, still he views the parting look she gave.
Her gentle spirit lightly hovering o'er,
Attends his little bark from pole to pole:
And, when the beating billows round him roar,
Whispers sweet hope to soothe his troubled soul.
Carv'd is her name in many a spicy grove,
In many a plantain forest wa [...]ing wide;
Where du [...]ky youths in painted plumage rove,
And giant palms o'er arch the yellow tide.
But lo, at last he comes with crouded sail!
Lo o'er the cliff what eager figures be [...]d!
And hark, what mingled murmurs swell the gale!
In each he hears the welcome of a friend.
'Tis she, 'tis she herself! she waves her hand!
Soon is the anchor cast, the canvas surl'd;
Soon thro' the whitening surge he springs to land,
And clasps the maid he singled from the world.

The Gliding Sleigh.

IMMUR'D too long, Florella sighs
For purer air and genial skies;
And plans, with youth and beauty gay,
[Page 42] New conquests in the gliding sleigh.
Ev'n ago, forgetting pains and cares,
For wholesome exercise prepares;
And, tempted by the glorious day,
Once more enjoy [...] the gliding sleigh.
With second youth his bosom swells,
His former triumphs as he tells;
Then grasps the whip, and drives away,
Exulting in the gliding sleigh.
Secur'd by furs, in decent pride,
His spouse sits smiling by his side;
In gentle hints prescribes the way,
And half directs the gliding sleigh.
Where yonder cheering sign invites,
With stomach keen the pair alights;
Confessing, as the bill they pay,
That health attends the gliding sleigh.
The maid, refresh'd with cakes and wine,
Forbids her tender swain to pine;
But lest mamma should chide her stay,
She enters soon the gliding sleigh.
Though many a stream by frost is bound,
Thus health and pleasure may be found;
Then who would fre [...], to spleen a prey,
When joy prepares the gliding sleigh.

The careless Lover.

THE [...]men all tell me I'm false to my lass,
[Page 43] That I quit my poor Chloe, and stick to my glass;
But to you, men of reason my reasons I'll own;
And, if you don't like them, why—let them alone.
Altho' I have left her, the truth I'll declare:
I believe she was good, and I'm sure she was fair:
But goodness and charms in a bumper I see,
That makes it as good and as charming as she.
My Chloe had dimples and siniles, I must own:
But, tho' she could smile, yet in truth she could frown:
But tell me, ye lovers of liquor divine,
Did you e'er see a frown in a bumper of wine.
Her lilies and roses were just in their prime;
Yet lilies and roses are conquer'd by time:
But in wine, from its age, such a benefit flows,
That we like it the better the older it grows.
They tell me, my love would in time have been cloy'd,
And that beauty's insipid when once 'tis enjoy'd:
But in wine I both time and enjoyment defy;
For the longer I drink, the more thirsty am I.
Let murders, and battles, and bistory prove
The mischiefs that wait upon rivals in love:
But in drinking, thank heav'n, no rival contends:
For the more we love liquor, the more we are friends.
She too might have poison'd the joy of my life
With nurses and babies, and squalling and for [...]
But my wine neither nurses nur babies can bring;
And a big belly'd bottle's a mighty good [...]in [...];
We shorten our days, when with have we [...]
[Page 44] It brings on diseases and hastens old age.
But wine from grim death can its votaries save,
And keep out t [...] other leg, when there's one in the grave.
Perhaps, like her sex, ever false to her word,
She has left me, to get an estate, or a lord:
But my bumper (regarding not title nor pelf,)
Will stand by me when I can't stand by myself.
Then let my dear Chloe no longer complain:
She's rid of her lover, and I of my pain:
For in wine, mighty wine, many comforts I spy:
Should you doubt what I say, take a bumper and try.

Convivial Song.

TUNE—"Here's to our noble selves boys."
COME, fill each brimming glass, boys,
Red or white has equal joys,
Come fill each brimming glass, boys,
And toast your country's glory;
Does any here to fear incline,
And o'er Columbia's danger whine,
Why let him quaff this generous wine,
He'll tell another story.
Here's Washington, the brave, boys,
Soarce of all Columbia's joys,
Here's Washington, the brave, boys,
Come rise and toast him standing;
[Page 45] For he's the hero firm and brave,
Who all our country's glory gave,
And once again he shall us save,
Our armies bold, commanding.
Here's to the gallant tar, boy [...],
Whose cannon's roar our for annoys,
Here's to our gallant tar, boys,
His country's cause defending;
For warlike Truxton's noble name,
Like Nelson's, shall extend his fame.
And loud through all the earth proclaim,
His glory never ending.
Here's to our native land, boys,
Land of Liberty and joys,
Here's to our native land, boys,
Your glasses raise for drinking,
And he that will not drink this toast,
May he in France of freedom boast,
There dangling on a lanterne post,
Or in the Loire be sinking.
Here's to our Vermont Fair, boys,
Pledges bright of Fed'ral joys,
Here's to our Vermont Fair, boys
Fill high to Love and Beauty;
For while we toast their glowing charms,
Their virtue every bosom warms,
We'll die to guard them safe from harms,
[...] is a Fed'ral duty.
Here's to Vermont State, boys,
And all her manly rustic joys,
Here's to Vermont State, boys,
Columbia's brave defender;
For while our pines ascend on high,
[Page 46] And while our mountains mock the sky,
Our Independence Liberty,
We never will surrender.
Here's to the Sage of Quincy, boys,
Legal head of all our joys,
Here's to the Sage of Quincy, boys,
Who guards us while we're drinking;
For while we quaff the boozy wine,
And sense, and tipsy mirth combine,
With temp'rate head he sits sublime,
And for our good is thinking,
Now come join hand in hand, boys,
Mystic type of Fed'ral joys,
Now come join hand in hand, boys,
Like brother, brother greeting;
For while our union we pursue,
'Tis I and he, and you and you,
Our pleasure all may yet ren [...],
At our next Fed'ral meeting.

The good Ship Rover.

TWAS in the good ship Rover,
I stil'd the world around,
And for three years and over,
I ne'er touch'd British ground;
At length in England landed,
I left the r [...]aring main,
Found all relations stranded,
And went to sea again.
That thee bound stea [...] to Portugal,
[Page 47] Right fore and aft we bore:
But when we'd made Cape Ortugal,
A gale blew off the shore:
She lay, so it did shock her,
A log upon the main;
'Till sav'd from Davy's locker,
We put to sea again.
Next in a frigate fail [...]ng,
Upon a squally night,
Thunder and lightning hailing
The horrors of the sight.
My precious limb was lopped off,
I when they eas'd my pain.
Thank'd God I was not popped off,
And put to sea again.
Yet still I am enabled
To bring up in life a rear,
Altho' I'm quite disabled,
And lie in Greenwich tier;
The King, God bless his loyalty,
Who sav'd the from the main,
I'll praise with love and loyalty,
And ne'er put to sea again.

The benefit of saying Yes.

GAY Damon long study'd my heart to obtain,
The prettiest young shepherd that pipes on the plain
I'd hear his soft tale, then declare 'twas [...]
And I'd often say No, when I long'd to say Yes
Last Valentine's day to our cottage he came,
And brought me two lam [...] to witness his f [...]me:
[Page 48] Oh! take these, he cry'd, thou more fair than their sce [...]e;
I could hardly say No, tho' asham'd to say Yes.
I could hardly, &c.
Soon after, one morning, we sat in the grove;
He press'd my ha [...] hard, and in sighs breath'd his love;
Then tenderly, ask'd of I'd grant him a kiss?
I design'd to have said No, but mistook, and said Yes.
I'd design'd, &c.
At this, with delight, his heart danc'd in his breast;
Ye Gods, he try'd, Chloe will now make me blest;
Come, let's to the church, and share conjugal bliss;
To prevent being teaz'd, I was fore'd to say Yes.
To prevent, &c.
I ne'er was so pleas'd with a word in my life;
I ne'er was so happy as since I'm a wife:
Then take, ye young damsels, my council is this,
You must all die old maids, if you will not say Yes;
You must all die old maids, if you will not say Yes.

The General Toast.

HERE's to the maiden of bashful fifteen,
Likewise to the widow of fifty:
Here's to the bold and extravagant quean,
And here's to the housewife that's thrifty.
Let the toast pass,
Drink to the less,
I warrant she'll prove an excuse for the glass.
[Page 49]
Here's to the maiden whose dimples we prize,
And likewise to her that has none. Sir:
Here's to the maid with a pair of blue eyes,
And here is to her that's but one, Sir.
Let the toast pass, &c.
Here's to the maid with a bosom of snow,
And to her that's as brown as a berry;
And here's to the wife with a face full of woe,
And here's to the girl that is merry.
Let the toast pass, &c.
Let her be clumsy, or let her be slim,
Young, or ancient, I care not a feather;
So fill the pint bumper quite up to the brim,
And e'en let us toast them together.
Let the toast pass,
Drink to the lass,
I warrant she'll prove an excuse for the glass.

Gay Bacchus.

GAY Bacchus one evening invited his friends
To partake of a gen rous fl [...]sk.
To each social being a message he sends,
To meet at the head of his cask;
The guests all appear'd at his place of address,
The witty, the grave, and the bold;
Our circle surpass'd all that fancy can guess
Of Arthur's round table of old.
In the midst of our merriment, who d [...] you think,
Unsuspected, had seated him there,
[Page 50] But one Care, in disgnise—who tipt'd us the wink;
And warn'd as of Time, to beware!
Who, inspite of his age or the weight of his years,
We should find him a slippery blade;—
Is known by the lock on his forehead he wears,
And carries the signs of his trade.
We gratefully ply'd him with bottle and pot,
Which fill'd up his wrinkles apace;
The cynie grew blithe, and his precepts forgot,
And soon fell asleep in his place,
Regardless of Time, [...], we threw off restraint,
Nor fear'd we to wake the old spark;
Our songs were select, and our stories were quaint,
And each was as gay as a lark.
When all on a sudden, so awful and tall,
One appear'd, who spoil'd a good song;
Father Time-moving round by the side of the wall,
Behind us—slow stealing along;
We rose to his rev'rence, and offer'd a chair;
He said for no man he would stay;
Then Bacchus up started, and catch'd at his hair,
And swore all the score he should pay.
But Time, well aware of the god of the grape,
Evaded his efforts, and flew;
We seiz'd on his glass, ere he made his escape,
And instantly broke it in two:
Then we fill'd each with wine, instead of his sand,
And drank double toasts to the fair;
[...]ach member in turn, with a glass in each hand,
Then parted, and went home—with Care.
THO' Bacchus may boast of his care killing bowl,
And Folly in thought drowning revels delight,
[Page 51] Such worship alas! hath no charms for the soul,
When softer devotion the senses invite.
To the arrow of fate, or the canker of care,
His potions oblivious a balm may bestow;
But to Fancy, that feeds on the charms of the fair,
The death of reflection's the birth of all woe.
What soul that's possest of a dream so divine,
With riot would bid the sweet vision be gone?
For the tear that bedews Sensibility's shrine
Is a drop of more worth than all Bacchus's tun.
The tender excess which enamours the heart,
To few is imparted, to millions deny'd;
'Tis the brain of the victim that tempers the dart,
And fools jest at that for which sages have died.
Each change and excess hath through life been my doom,
And well can I speak of its joy and its strife;
The bottle affords us a glimpse thro' the gloom,
But love's the true sunshine that gladdens our life.
Come then, rosy Venus, and spread o'er my fight
The magic illusions that ravish the soul;
Awake in my breast the soft dream of delight,
And drop from thy myrtle one leaf in my bowl.
Then deep will I drink on the nectar divine,
Nor e'er, jolly god, from thy ba [...]quet remove,
But each tube of my heart ever thirst for the wine
That's mellow'd by friendship and sweetned by love.
[Page 52]

An Eating Song.

"Dulce est discipere in loco!"
"Oh! what a charming thing's a dinner!
CHEAR up Gluttons fill your bellies,
Gormandize whole pounds of meat;
Never piddle o'er your jellies,
But substantial viands eat.
Ev'ry waistcoat quick unbutton,
See the enemies advance!
Charge the turtle, beef, and mutton,
Point the culinary lance.
Brandish, boys, your knives and forks all,
As you would in war the spear;
Bloat your pa [...]nches like a foot ball,
Eat in grease from ear to ear.
Still let us abhor this motto,
"Pau [...] [...]sco."—damping words!
But good roast beef, piping hot, oh!
Spread in plenty o'er our boards!
S [...]e the sarloin richly smoaking.
Mark the gravy how it springs!
Make [...], forbear your crocking,
By [...] Gods we seast like kings.
Come, dexterity exert now,
[...] make with speed;
[...] your chaps, look quite a [...]ert [...]w,
[...] on such strong fare we feed.
Lord! Low hot the ca [...]tle r [...]ges!
[Page 53] Conquest desolates the plain:
What our appetite assuages?
Let us drink to eat again!
From the store house—brisk and mellow,
See the brown October fly;—
Through our spacious h [...]ll we'll bellow
"Here's success to LIBERTY."
Whilst we're gorging without measure,
Hear our greasy chairman cry,—
"Eating is sublimest pleasure,
"Whilst we eat,—we'll never die!"

From the Comic Opera of Feudal Times.

A JOLLY fat friar lov'd liquor good store,
And he had drank stoutly at supper;
He mounted his horse, in the night at the door,
And sat with his face to the crupper.
"Some rogue," quoth the friar, "quite dead to re­morse,
"Some thief whom a halter will thro [...]tle;
"Some scoundrel has cut off the head of my horse,
"Whilst I was engag'd with the bottle."
The [...] of his steed pointed south, on the dal [...],
[...] road home, strai [...] and le [...]el;
But, [...] his nose, not his
So he scamper'd due North like a devil.
"This new mode of docking," the fat [...] said,
[...] make a horse trot [...]
"And [...] che [...] [...] never can [...] off his head,
[Page 54] "While I am engag'd with the bottle."
The steed made a stop—in the pond he had got,
He was rather for drinking than for grazing;
Quoth the friar—"'Tis strage headless horses should trot!
"But to drink with their [...]ails is amazing!
Turning round to sind whence this phenomenon rose,
In the pond fell this son of a pottle;
Quoth he, "The head's found, for I'm under the nose,
"I wish I were over the bottle!"

The Association.
A Parody impromtu on a Song, Written, during the American War, (by an Ameri­can,) on occasion of the Dutchess of York's pre­senting her Colours to the St. James's Volunteers —in the year 1798—

To the tune of "Last Valentine's day," &c.
WHEN Discord had rais'd her black standard on high,
And rais'd her hoarse voice thro' the troubled sky,
Convnising all nature with dreadful alarms;
Then Freedom commanded her sons from afar,
They heard her glad summons and shouted for war;
There you might se [...]
Men of troe British spirit,
Of Genius and merit,

In arms, &c.

Twice the French * on our coasts dare insultingly come,
[Page 55] With thundering cannon, loud trumpet and drum,
And shook all the neighboring regions around;
Of Equality, Liberty told their long tale,
Thought their jargon and nonsense would turn our cheeks pale;
But first the firmness of virtuous CAMDEN, the Saviour of India they found.
For there you might see
Their true Irish spirit,
Men of genius and merit.

In arms, &c.

A host of brave patriots with hearts that beat high,
Came forward to conquer or gloriously die,
Led by Hoche, York, Grey, Cornwaliis, the heirs of bright same,
They saw their skill and their discipline ever must bend,
Where freedom and glory and virtue contend;
Humble and sad, these haughty pretenders were forc'd to surrender with shame.
For there you might see
Our militia's bold spirit,
Join true Irish merit,

In arms, &c.

The merry bells tun'd o'er old England's fair plains,
And pleasure enlivened her jovial strains,
Whilst fame the bold acts of her warriors rung
New ardor the heart of the brave inspired,
New hopes the sad heart of the timorous fired,
With virtue's bold voice like odours of even,
Sweet praise to high heaven was sung;
Here too you might see
Men of religious spirit,
High professional merir,

In arms, &c.

When slaves with bold freemen in combat engage,
Vain ever will be their impotent rage;
[Page 56] Then to glory each true hearted Briton will fly;
Hark YORK how he calls you to victories plains,
Illustrious Chief in whose bosom each excellence reigns;
Whilst guided by him, we'll beat these French
Nero's and triumph like Hero's or die.
For there you may see
Men of true British spirit,
Of genius and merit,

In arms, &c.

Our wives convey charms to our banners so bright,
Consecrated to virtue the heavenly light,
Come from YORK'S lovely hand, meretorious fair:
Thro' our hand see our beauties majestic advance,
Teach the hearts of bold Britons to humble proud France;
Here let them see
How their beauty, their spirit,
Their virtues and merit,
Inspire and fire us to arms.

To arms, &c.

The following Song, was sung at the last anniver­sary of the landing of our FOREFATHERS at Plymouth. Rock, December 22, 1620.

Tune "President's March."

SAINTED shades who dared to brave,
In Freedom's ark, the pathless wave,
Where, scarcely kenned by lynx eyed fame,
No trav'ller but the Comet came,
And landing on our wilds at last,
End [...]'d the tempest's ravening blast,
How rose your saith, when thro' the storm,
Smil'd Liberty's celestial form,
[Page 57] Her lyre to strain [...] of Seraphs strung
And thus the sacred paean sung!
Sons of glory, patriot band,
Welcome to my chosen land!
To your Children leave it free,
Round the consecrated ROCK,
Conven'd the patriarchal flock,
And there, while every lifted hand
Affirm'd the charter of the land,
The storm was hush'd, and round the zone
Of heaven the mystic meteor shone;
Which, like the rainbow seen of yore,
Proclaim'd that SEAVERY'S FLOOD was o'er,
That Pilgrim man, so long oppress'd,
Had found his promis'd place of rest:
Sons of glory, patriot band,
Swear to guard this chosen land,
To your Children leave it free,
Festive honors, crown the day,
With garland green and votive lay,
From whose auspicious dawn we trace,
The birth right of our favor'd race,
Which shall descend from sire to son
While seasons roll and rivers run,
Secured by CARVERS civic skill,
The sword of STANDISH guards it still,
For empire's wheels an ADAMS guides,
And WASHINGTON in arms presides.
Sons of glory, patriot band,
Swear to guard your native land!
[Page 58] To your Children leave it free,
Heirs of Pilgrims, now renew
The oath your fathers swore for you,
When first around the social board,
Enrich'd from Nature's frugal hoard,
The ardent vow to Heaven they breath'd
To shield the rights their sires bequeath'd!
Let FACTION from your realm be hurl'd;—
United you defy, [...] world:
And as a TRIHUTE, seen to yield
The worm that blights your blossom'd field!
Sons of glory, patriot band,
Swear to guard your native land!
To your Children leave it free,

For the FOURTH of JULY.

WHEN GOD from his celestial throne,
Smil'd on COLUMBIA'S wide domain,
The tyrant trembling sunk beneath his srowe
And Guardian Angels sunk his strain:
Arise Columbia, Columbia rise be free,
'Ti, God and Nature's great decree.
Our worthy patriots then arose,
We then in battle, in battle fac'd our foes,
We fought, we conquer'd and were FREE.
[Page 59] Hail Independence, hail peace and freedom hail,
Hail Washington, deliv'rer hail.
While Europe's drench'd with human gore,
Her towns and cities wrap'd in flames,
We see our free, our free and happy shore
Arising with immortal fame.
Hail Columbia, Columbia e'er shall be,
Independant, great and free.
Let Europe's [...] with shame this day,
All her attempts to brin [...] us down,
Like shadows flee, like phantoms fade away
Or serve to raise us to renown.
Arise Columbia, Columbia rise to fame,
Thy foes dismay'd now fall with shame.
Long may our rising empire be,
Secure from foes or wars alarms,
Still rise and flourish, still flourish great and free,
Enrich'd, adorn'd, with matchless charms,
Arise ye heroes, arise and hail the day,
Which freed us from despotic sway.
Ye saviours of our happy STATES;
Immortal ADAMS, thy name we'll e'er extol,
And shout the names of LEE and GATES.
Hail Independence, hail peace and freedom hail,
Hail Washington, deliv'rer hail.

A Federal Marshal Song.

COME ye lads who wish to shine
Bright in future story
[Page 60] Haste to arms and form the line
That leads to martial glory.
Charge the musket point the lance,
Brave the worst of dangers,
Tell the blust'ring sons of France
That we to sear are strangers.
Columbia when her Eagle's rous'd,
And her flag is rearing
A ways finds her sons dispos'd
To drub the soe that's daring.
Charge the &c.
Hearts of Oak with speed advance,
Pour your naval thunder
On the trembling ships of France:
And make their sailors wonder.
Charge the &c.
Honor for the brave to share
Is the noblest booty;
Guard your coasts, protect the fair,
For that's a freeman's duty.
Charge the &c.
What if Demo's to their parts,
Form a base alliance;
All unite, our Fed'ral hearts
May bid the world defiance.
Beat the drum, the trumpet sound,
Manly and united,
Danger face, maintain your ground,
And see your country righted.
[Page 61]

On American Independence, BY A PURSER, In the Navy of the United States.

Than learned Logicians can define,
Or pencil'd arts pourtray;
More real worth from thee doth flow,
Than mines of gold could e'er bestow,
Or splendid courts display.
Bright goddess of the western world,
When e'er thy Ensigns are unfurl'd,
Our gallant youth shall fly—
Our youth, the Guardians of the fair,
To thy free standard shall repair,
And every foe defy.
We've broke opprossion's iron rod,
And laugh'd to scorn the tyrant's nod,
Determin'd to be free;
This darling birthright we'll assert,
Each nerve and effort will exert,
To cherish the decree.
O'er vast atlantic's buoyant Main,
Columbia shall her trade maintain,
And sail from shore to shore;
In Arts and Science shall she shine,
And Virtue bless her freeborn line,
'Till time shall be no more.
Progressive shall her Navy rise,
To cheek her vaunting enemies,
And scourge a haughty foe:
'Tis then her courage she'll display,
[Page 62] Strike Gallic Tyrants with dismay,
And give them blow for blow.
Tho' Europe's Despots were combin'd
To fetter Great Columbia's mind,
And threaten'd instant death;
Like rocks of adamant they'd stand,
The firm supporters of the land,
From whence they drew their breath.
Whilst ADAMS keeps the helm of state,
And WASHINGTON the good and great,
Again his foes defy;
Each Patriot Hero will unite,
And brave the dangers of the fight,
To conquer or to die.

A Patriotic Song.

(Tune— Adams and Liberty.)
LET patriot ardor distinguish the day,
Which granted Columbia a CHARTER IMMORTAL,
Illumin'd her region with Freedom's mild ray,
And rais'd in her center bright Liberty's portal.
The song of loud cheer
Bid sound far and near,
And let our swol'n concords towards the stars veer,
Since nobly disdaining with chains to agree,
We spurn'd at all bondage and dar'd to be free.
Let the brazen voic'd clarion in notes of hoarse joy,
Make the vaults of high heav'n ring with loud cele­bration:
[Page 63] The lawless commotion of ANARCH destroy,
And echo the fame of Columbia's young nation.
Then VIRTUE'S fair mein
With sweetness will beam,
And from her bright eye, hallow'd pleasure will stream,
Who noble disdaining with chains to agree,
Dwells only with nations that dare to be free.
No foreign seducer however endow'd
With art, which might rival the CROCODILE'S an­guish,
Can skreen from our ken his deceits, disavow'd,
Can shackle our rights or our liberty vanquish.
His high polisu'd smile
Betrays his deep guile,
And mocks his essay Freedom's land to despoil,
Which nobly disdaining with chains to agree
Rejected all bondage and dar'd to be free.
Should the grim monster TREASON Columbia invade,
And scream her dire orgies through all its vast region,
Our ADAMS in armour of justice array'd
Would prostrate the night fiend and seal her extinc­tion.
His prudence well tried,
Our freedom shall guide,
And in his great virtue we'll ever confide,
Who nobly disdaining with chains to agree,
Has spurn'd at all bondage and dar'd to be free.
At tyranny aiming should Gallia advance,
And assault out domain, which by wisdom is guided,
VERNON'S CHIEF like ALCIDES would trample on France,
Reat down the fell HYDRA and leave her derided,
Her groan would extend
[Page 64] To the earth's utmost end,
And her prostitute altars to Hell would descend.
For nobly disdaining with chains to agree,
We spurn at all bondage and swear to be free.
Our EAGLE imperial of flourishing name,
On majestical wing soars sublimely enfranchis'd,
He towers the proud CLIMAX of national fame,
Embolden'd by power and by freedom aggrandiz'd
His eye glides around,
Surveys the earth's [...]ound,
And with glory's bright chaplet by angel is crown'd.
For nobly disdaining with chains to agree,
He sails above bondage and dares to be free.
Should war's direful thunder our country impend,
And threat its wide empire with dread devastation,
Our SAFEGUARD AERIAL to JOVE would ascend,
Tell the God our alarm and procure our SALVATION.
Then clouds of dun sire,
The flame of JOVE'S ire,
Would hurry to earth and our cannon inspire.
For nobly disdaining with chains to agree,
We spurn at all bondage and SWEAR TO BE FREE.

DIBDEN's favorite Song of "Monsieur Nong Tong Paw," written and sung by him in his Entertainment called, "THE GENERAL ELECTION.

JOHN BULL for pastime took a prance,
Some time ago, to peep at France,
To talk of Sciences and Arts,
And knowledge gain'd in foreign parts.
Monsieur obsequious heard him speak,
[Page 65] And answered John in heathen Greek,
To all he ask'd, 'bout all he saw,
'Twas "Monsieur, je vous n' entend pas."
JOHN to the Palais-royal came,
Its splendor almost struck him dui [...]b;
I say, whose house is that there here?
"House! Je vous n' entend pas, Monsieur,"
What Nong Tong Paw again cries JOHN!
This fellow is some mighty don;
No doubt has plenty for the maw,
I'll breakfast with this Nong Tong Paw.
JOHN saw Verseilles from Marli's height,
And cried astonish'd at the sight,
Whose fine 'state is that there here!
Stat! Je vous n' entend pas, M [...]r.
His? what the land and hou [...] [...]?
The fellow's richer than a Jew;
On every thing he lays his claw,
I should like to dine with Nong Tong Paw.
Next tripping by a courtly fair,
JOHN cried enchanted with her air,
What lovely wench is that there here?
Yentch! Je vous n' entend pas, Monsieur.
What, he again? upon my life;
A palace, lands, and then a wife;
Sir JOSHUA might delight to draw,
I should like to sup with Nong Tong Paw.
But hold, whose fun'ral's that? cried John,
"Je vous n' entend pas,:" What is he gone?
Wealth, fame, and beauty could not save
Poor Nong Tong Paw, then, from the grave.
His ra [...] is run, his game is up,
[Page 66] I'd with him breakfast, dine and sup;
But since he's chosen to withdraw,
Good night t' ye Monsieur Nong Tong Paw.


Tune— "In a mouldering cave—or the Gods of the Greeks."
LATE Jove and blue Neptune in conference met,
On Ida's high summit reclin'd;
The theme was COLUMBIA; her fame and her fate
Engross'd each Coelestial's high mind.
First Neptune began—"Scarce three ages have past,
Since the land we adopt for our own,
Haunt of savage and brute, was a rude howling waste,
Undiscover'd, unpeopled, unknown.
COLUMBUS with noble ambition I fir'd,
To explore the vast region unknown,
His zeal I encourag'd, his fails inspir'd
And wafted him safe o'er my throne
When the fiend Persecution in Britain fierce sway'd,
The Oppress'd on my bosom I bore,
Call'd the winds to assist them, the wild winds obey'd,
And wing'd them with speed to the shore.
Each toil they encounter'd, all hardships sustain'd,
'Till the desart a paradise grew;
Wholesome laws they ordain'd, charter'd rights soon obtain'd,
From the Monarch and realm whence they flew,
For RELIGION and FREEDOM, they brav'd ev'ry foe,
Intrepid, invincible, strove;
Resolv'd the rich blessings to taste here below,
Or enjoy, unmolested, above!
[Page 67]
COLUMBIA increas'd in same, numbers, and wealth,
Dire envy inflam'd their old foe;
Who with taxes devis'd to enslave them by stea [...]ch,
But FATE and the GODS will'd not so.
Their foes they engag'd, while my waves rose to check
The POWER who rules ocean with me;
The chains of Dependence she tore from her neck,
Now reigns INDEPENDENT and FREE!
"And still shall she reign! (Jove with transport re­ply'd)
Of all nations the envy, and dread;
Nor France, with the furies, and fraud, on her side,
Shall tear the rich crown from her head;
All the Gods, in her cause, would arise in her wrath,
Old VULCAN her thunder bolts forge,
Her Cannon, dire Powder, and weapons [...] death;
And teach the dread tubes to disgorge.
Stern PHOEBUS his arrows fierce-hissing, should send,
My Aegis MINERVA should wield,
While MARS who once dar'd Gallia's cause to defend,
Would load with her courses the field.
EGEON, the monster, who durst Jove defy,
With NEPTUNE should furious advance,
His hundred hands brandish, while fierce from the sky,
I launch'd my red lightning on FRANCE.
But the aid of the God's COLUMBIA declines,
Tho' assail'd from within, and abroad,
Her Arms and her Counsels shall blast their designs,
And rebels subdue with her rod.
Her Tars are all TRUXTON's, her soldiers ne'er fly,
Her Fleets shall invincible prove;
Sage ADAMS for wisdom, with PALLAS may vie,
[Page 68]

The Soldier's Adieu.

Tune—"The Topsail shivers in the wind."
CEASE, Clara, cease those silent tears
Steal down thy cheeks in vain,
Kind hope shall chase away thy fears,
Till we return again.
But wherever our rout shall be
My heart shall still encamp with thee.
Why should we lose the single hour
Which time accedes to love?
Suppress that sigh, I own its power,
Yet joys from hope improve.
But wherever, &c. &c.
Let no forboding fears alarm
That regulated mind,
Thy innocence shall shield from harm,
Thy soldier far disjoin'd.
But wherever, &c. &c.
Let idle tears of fancy'd woe
Ne'er wake for me a fear;
Since honour calls prepar'd I go,
Yet dread the parting tear.
But wherever, &c. &c.
Start not my fair, the morning gun
Proclaims the dawn of day;
And now the reveille's begun,
To hail the morning grey.
But wherever, &c. &c.
The general! hark!—oh then adieu,
Permit a last embrace,
The troop! they march!—and I'll pursue;
Farewel that angel face.
But wherever, &c. &c.
[Page 69]

The Sailor's Return.

ON Columbia's blest shore,
We're landed once more,
Secure from the storms of the main;
For great Washington and his cause,
For our country and laws,
We have conquer'd, and will do again.
Where the Sun's orient ray
First opens the day,
On America's extended domain,
All our foreign foes,
Who dar'd to oppose,
We have conquer'd, and will do again.
Come my brave hearts of oak,
Let us drink, sing, and joke,
While here on the shore we remain;
When our country demands,
With hearts and with hands,
We are ready to CONQUER AGAIN.


WHEN Holland gag'd and fetter'd sprawls
Like kitten in the mud, Sir,
And France like mad-men swears and brawl,
And hankers after blood, Sir:
Americans by wisdom led.
Both eat and drink their fill, Sir,
They smoke their pipes or go to bed,
As safe as thief in mill, Sir.
[Page 70]
For while an ADAMS rules in State,
And WASHINGTON the Field, Sir,
Tho' Jacobins may swear and fre [...],
Yet we will never yield, Sir.
What tho' the Diplomatic skill,
Of Frenchmen set in motion,
Like the electric glass and wheel,
Shoots sparks across the ocean;
AMERICANS have found a way
To crack the wheel asunder,
For nothing so confounds its play,
As TRUXTON's home-spun thunder.

For while an Adams, &c.

See Buonaparte, like wandering Jew,
With Egypt's plagues behind him,
Flying to hide his motly crew,
Where devil could not find him;
But NELSON, with his British tars,
In every little while, Sir,
Found out his hole, let down the batt [...]
And hang'd him at the Nile Sir.

For while an Adams, &c.

The politics of France, we find,
Are known to nice precision,
To conquer first, the rascals blind,
Then make a sure division;
But Austrians and Turks from port,
To stop this growing evil,
Deprive them of their darling sport,
And pop them to the devil.

For while an Adams, &c.

Lame Tall [...]yrand, that arrand knave,
With lowest bow, be sure, Sir,
[Page 71] A limping government to save,
Ask'd millions for douceur, Sir,
But we who love our CASH at HOME,
Despising Gallic notion,
Sea [...] gu [...]s [...] in its room,

For while an Adams, &c.

Five [...]ded mosters rule in France,
Lik [...] Curberus in hell, Sir,
Yet tho' they make French puppies dance,
They rule but where they dwell, Sir;
Tho' we indeed have monsters some,
The diff'rence is quite wide, Sir,
Ours cannot even bank at home,
For faith their tongues are ti'd, Sir.

For while an Adams, &c.

Then knock about the flowing can [...],
And toast our Constitution,
Which guarrantees the rights of Man,
And banishes confusion.
For while old time shall shake his hand,
And show the hours that pass, Sir,
We'll drive the Frenchmen from the land,
And take the other glass, Sir.

For while an Adams, &c.

The following is said, in a late English paper, to be the American Song sung on the arrival of Mr. Parke from his travels in the interior of Africa.

THE wind of the desart was high,
The rains made the rivers to flow,
[Page 72] The thunder was heard from the sky,
And the wild beasts were roaring below.
The white man come over the sea,
Stood aghast at the terrible sound,
Then laid his limbs under a tree,
And rested his head on the ground.
Despairing he wept and he sigh'd,
As we found him all weak and forlorn;
7 No mother his milk to provide,
No wise to make bread of his corn!
Then let us in pity unite,
To soften his woes if we can;
—What tho' he be ugly and white,
My comrades, he still is a MAN.

Walpole Ode.

[ Tune—President's March.]
FAV'RITE land of freedom, bail!
No hostile band shall e'er prevail
To blast the wreath that binds thy brow,
To blast the wreath that binds thy brow,
Till the tir'd Sun his course shall cease,
Columbia's glories shall increase.
This day, forever, sacred be,
[Page 73] The freeman's jovial jubilee;
Our unborn sons, till time expires,
Shall sing the bravery of their sires.
In freedom's praise c [...]mmence the song,
Celestial [...]ho [...]usses prolong;
Till the loud strains to Heaven arise,
And echoing ange [...]s quit the skies.
He * comes! he comes! Columbia's pride!
To men a friend, to Gods allied;
In arms array'd the hero comes:
In arms array'd the hero comes:
While faithless France surveys her foe,
She sheathes the sword, suspends the blow,
Yet should her frantic [...]olly pour
Her madden'd millions to our shore,
His name would strike, with dread dismay,
These heartless insects of a day.

In Freedom's praise renew, &c.

At helm, in robes of state array'd,
Whose verdant laurels ne'er shall sade,
See ADAMS ride above the storm:
See ADAMS ride above the storm:
Tho' billows round our barque shall break,
No fear his steady soul can shake.
His proffered hand will never cause
T' extend the olive branch of peace;
But should a foe sound War's ala [...],
He'd hurl the lightning from his arm.

In Freedom's praise renew, &c.

Lo! from the turrets of the skies,
The patriot, with approving eyes,
Beholds th' auspicious, happy morn:
Behold th' auspicious, happy morn:
[Page 74] And beckoning, from his bright abode,
Allures us up to glory's road.
Catch, then, the spirit of your sires,
Nor quench the coal that freedom fires;
Till wak'd to flame the world shall see
The light that flows from [...]i [...]erty.

In Freedom's praise renew, &c.

SONG, Composed for the Celebration of the Feast of St. John the Baptist, in Portsmouth.

Tune—President's March.
THIS day we're met, with festive mirth
To celebrate the BAPTIST'S birth!
Deep in Masonic lore—he quaff'd,
Great Patron of our glorious craft!
His mansion was Judea's waste,
Locusts and honey pleased his taste.
Of Camel's hair, his robe flow'd round,
His loins, a leathern girdle bound,
Pattern of temperance he stood,
While thus heav'n's awful mandate slow'd.
"Repent! repent! the time draws near!
"Ye nest of factious vipers, hear!
"No more your selves, and others cheat.
"But bear fruits for repentance meet!
To his lov'd Craft and country true,
S [...]ilfu [...] [...]e was, and Fed'ral too.
He made each anti dread his frown,
And haughty Democruts pull'd down,
[Page 75] They felt the thunder of the storm,
But hypocrites will ne'er reform!
Baptiz'd—their spots appear'd in spite:
For who can wash an Ethiop white?
So proud the Jacobinic th [...]ong!
So harden'd! so perversely wrong!
Ev'n should the Baptish now appear,
And Jourdan roll its billows here,
No [...] its great prophet could reclaim
Nor purge them, Jordan's cleansing stream.
But truth is dang'rous! (oft 'tis said)
It cost the glorious saint his head.
Because he HEROD check'd—forsooth,
And boldly told him wholesome truth.
This HEROD was a Jacobin,
First plann'd the murdering Guillotine;
To please his daughter new from France,
Who graceful swam th' harmonious dance,
Taught by her mother, urg'd this wish,
"John Baptist's head in silver dish."
Then brand the sacrilegious wretch
Who dar'd his lawless pow'r to stretch,
And imitate the Martyr dead,
Who lost, for sacred Truth, his head!
But hail with joy each sacred shade
Who heard the Baptist and obey'd.
Who join'd him, ere his race was run,
In homage to the rising sun.
To each true brother, we'll be true,
And faithful to our country too.
Her rising fleet new pride assumes,
Her eagle shakes his dazzling plumes,
While gallant TRUXTON dares advance,
[Page 76] And tear a splendid wreath from France.
Firm united let us stand,
Guardians of our native land,
And ev'ry Mason's motto be,
Love, Union, Zeal and Liberty!


Tune— Vicar of Bray.
LET all the world with heart and tongue
Resound their highest lays, Sir;
Let blest Columbia join in song,
And shout the patriot's praise, Sir.
'This joyful day gave ADAMS birth,
Let every heart rejoice, Sir;
Let every heart in federal mirth
Unite with cheerful voice, Sir.
Immortal ADAMS now is born,
We ask not French alliance,
We'll treat our country's foes with scorn.
And bid the world defiance.
This day he lives to bless our land,
Columbia fears no foe, Sir;
He'll never bow to Talleyrand,
But lay the apostate low, Sir.
Then fill your bu [...]pers to [...]ne,
Let ADAMS live in story;
Our realm will ne'er forget his same
Who sav'd his country's glory.

Immortal, &c.

Did e'er you see a petty knave,
[Page 77] Whene'er a fault was found, Sir,
And different parties most brave,
Till one gain'd little ground, Sir;
How he would help the strongest man,
On terms as sweet as honey,
And join his strength to aid the plan
Because he wanted money.

Immortal, &c.

Just so vile France did treat our land,
She found that we should beat, Sir;
And so resolv'd to [...]nd a hand
The Briton's to defeat, Sir:
But now we know her mean intent,
That [...]e was never true, Sir;
For brave Americans, she meant,
Should pay and thank her too, Sir.

Immortal, &c.

But now rejoice, our world is free
From every hateful tie, Sir;
We'll ne'er to Frenchmen bend the knee,
For they like Satan lie, Sir.
Our patriot saw their dark design,
And prov'd a cobweb love, Sir;
And now commands us all to join,
Their strength or "skill" to prove, Sir.

Immortal, &c.

Let Frenchmen talk of Liberty,
Their freedom is a fetter,
And try to cheat Columbians free,
And think we know no better.
We hate them, as we hate a dog,
Which runs most raving mad, Sir,
But frightful bite of demagogue
Ne'er rea [...]'d a yankee lad, Sir.

Immortal, &c.

[Page 78]
Our navy will triumphant ride,
The avenging pledge of freemen,
(Not fear L Insurgent's weak broad-side,)
If fill'd with yankee seamen.
Then fill anew each empty glass,
And toast your wooden walls, Sir,
Pay Frenchmen tribute as they pass,
In powder and in ball, Sir.

Immortal, &c.

Should insurrection rear its head,
And whisky boys grow rude, Sir,
Our WASHINGTON would take the lead
And fight for public good, Sir.
Or, should a world unite, as one,
To crush our infant nation,
We'll never fear, for WASHINGTON
Still lives for our salvation.

Immortal, &c.

Renew your glasses for the toast,
And join the celebration
Of that blest day, which gave the Boast
Of freedom to the nation.
May ADAMS live to guard us long,
And each returning year, Sir,
We'll greet his birth in federal song.
And never yield to fear, Sir.
Immortal ADAMS now is born,
We ask not French alliance,
We'll treat our country's foes with scorn,
And bid the world defiance.
[Page 79]


THE breeze was fresh, the ship in stays,
Each breaker hush'd, the shore a haze,
When JACK no more on duty call'd,
His true love's tokens overhaul'd:
The broken gold, the braided hair,
The tender motto writ, so fair,
Upon his 'Bacco Box he views,
(Nancy the Poet—Love the Muse:)
"If you loves I, as I loves you,
"No pair so happy as we two."
The storm—that, like a shapeless wreck,
Had strew'd with rigging all the deck;
That tars for sharks had giv'n a feast,
And left the ship a hulk—had ceas'd:
When JACK, as with his messmates dear,
He shar'd their grog, their hearts to cheer,
Took from his 'Bacco Box a quid,
And spelt, for comfort on the lid—
"If you loves I, as I loves you.
"No pair so happy as we two."
The battle—that with horror grim,
Had madly ravag'd life and limb,
Had scuppers drench'd with human gore,
And widow'd many a wife—was o'er:
When JACK, to his companions dear.
First paid the tribute of a tear;
Then, as his 'Bacco Box he held,
Restor'd him comfort as he spell'd—
"If you loves I, as I loves you,
"No pair so happy as we two."
[Page 80]
The voyage—that had been long and hard,
But that had yielded full reward,
That brought each sailor to [...]s friend,
Happy and rich—was at an end:
When JACK, his toils and dangers o'er,
Beheld his Nancy on the shore:
He then the 'Bacco Box display'd,
And cry'd, and seiz'd the willing maid—
"If you loves I, as I loves you,
"No pair so happy as we two."

ODE For October 30, 1799, being the commencement of the 65th year of President ADAMS.

COME join in federal festive mirth,
And shout aloud the patriot's birth,
Great ADAMS we will toast;
We hardy freemen feel no wrong,
Our nation will its life prolong,
Since ADAMS is our boast.
And WASHINGTON, the brave, the wife,
O'er all his country's foes will rise,
Unconquered, as a host;
We dwell secure in peaceful land,
No ruthless tyrant can command,
Since ADAMS is our boast.
That knaves and traitors may be fre [...],
Let Frenchmen fight for liberty
Till and their crew is lost;
They never tasted freedom tru,
Which we Americans pursue,
Since ADAMS is our boast.
[Page 81]
Let France with "diplomatic skill"
"Divide and conquer" whom she will,
We never shall be lost;
Her "skill" is weak, when we oppose,
We'll never yield to Gallic foes,
Since ADAMS is our boast.
Let Britons join in glorious cause,
To save their government and laws,
And floating bulwarks toast;
We have a bulwark more secure,
Which time's dread tempests will endure,
Since ADAMS is our boast.
When we're insulted by the world,
Our stripes and stars in wrath unfurl'd
Shall guard our country's coast;
We fear no tyrant, no, not we,
For brave Columbia will be free,
Since ADAMS is our boast.
United, firm, like earth we stand,
Attraction central links the band,
Who ne'er desert their post;
Our strengh to France will never yield,
Heaven versus Hell will be our shield,
Since ADAMS is our boast.

A Naval Song.

GAYLY lads! our friends we're leaving,
[Page 82] Honor calls us to the main:
Sweethearts! what's the use of grieving,
We but part to meet again.
Soon aveng'd our country's quarrels,
What delicious joys we'll prove,
Sweet reposing, crown'd with laurels,
In the arms of those we love.
Love of Country, love of Glory,
From our mother's breast we drew,
Out forefathers fam'd in story,
Give the great example too.
Hail Columbia's hardy seamen,
Bravely bred on boist'rous waves—
Faithful to ourselves as Freemen,
Not the world can make us slaves.
Arm our floating tow'rs of timber"—
Congress bids—each pulse beat higher,
Shew the world our joints are limber,
Nerves of steel and souls of fire.
Now our breasts with ardor glowing,
Feel our bold forefather [...]' flame:
Thro' our veins their pure blood flowing.
Can our deeds disgrace their name?
Haste then seize each plundering Corsair,
Where the waves insulted roll,
Trade protect in ev'ry quarter,
From the Tropic to the pole.
Thence to the wide world's wonder,
Masters of the mighty deep,
[Page 83] While we guard our coast with Thunder,
Ye at home may safely sleep.
Let us live a band of brothers,
Whether on the land or sea;
'Tis our strength and not another's,
That would make or keep us free.
Never fearing foes or weather,
Union being still our boast,
Free we'll live, or die together—
"Union," boys! in bumpers toast.

All on Hobbies.

COME join hand in hand boys, be merry and sing,
Since each has his hobby from cobler to king;
Knaves, statemen, and sages, their hobbies employ;
And full-blooded jockies their ponies enjoy.
All on hobbies, all on hobbies, all on hobbies, Gee up! Gee O!
'Midst horror and bloodshed, demoraliz'd France,
On the hobby of error has long had a prance;
And her Son, whom false fame to young Ammon com­par'd,
Nas with shame left those sands where his hopes were impair'd.

All on hobbies, &c.

Let the allies alone, reap the honors of war,
And the sea yield its palm to the braye British tar
The Stadtholder's hobby, frisk forth in full pow'r
And St. Peter's children 'gainst Gallia show [...]r!

All on hobbies, &c.

[Page 84]
There Mars wheels his hobby in oceans of blood,
And science and art are obscur'd in the flood;
While Columbia's genius darts a bright ray,
And ushers her hobby, the fresh blooming day.

All on hobbies, &c.

Her oaks from the mountains descend to the main,
The valient tar's hobby's her trade to maintain;
Her eagle the standard of freedom attires,
With her eye kens each Anti—and faction expires!

All on hobbies, &c.

Let Irishmen boast of their hobby McKean,
And Lion and Bowles in her forests be seen;
In vain 'gain [...] the hobbies of Freemen they strive,
Their hobbles are drones, and most soon quit the hive.

All on hobby, &c.

Her heroes are Washingtons—Adams her sage,
The hobby of millions, and pride of the age;
Her virtue, her wisde [...], and strength are display'd;
And her hobby is LIBERTY, PEACE and FREE TRADE.
All on hobbies, all on hobbies, all on hobbies, Gee up! Gee O!

SONG, To suit the times.

Tune— The Water Gods
ARISE, and blow thy Trumpet, Fame!
America [...], your rights proclaim,
To every realm that's known;
[Page 85] Tell them of great Columbia's Son,
The good, the glorious Washington,
Who soars above a throne.
Should powerful Britain on'us smile,
Our independence to beguile,
Their flattery we'll despise:
Tho' Gallia plays an artful game,
Columbia's glory to defame,
Each trick in embryo dies.
Tho' Algiers with imperious hand,
Quite fearless, made a bold demand,
And we, like others, gave;
Let's bid defiance to them all,
The Turk, the Britain, and the Gaul,
Since Adams rules the brave.
Still louder, Fame, thy trumpet blow,
Let all the distant nations know
American are free;
Almighty wisdom laid the plan,
And Virtue join'd the veteran band,
That gain'd our liberty.
Columbia's sons with songs advance,
And through the ethe [...]ial vast expance,
Let Washington be prais'd;
He led us through the lonely wood,
[...]er desert hills and fields of blood,
And Freedom's b [...]nner rais'd,
[Page 86]

ODE, Sung at Schoharie, at the Funeral Obsequies of GENE­RAL WASHINGTON.

Tune— Roslin Castle.
FAREWEL, great chief! thy Country cries,
Columbia weeps,—her saviour dies—
Her Washington's gone, yet lives his fame,
And gratitude embalms his name:
Throughout Columbia's wide domain,
In ev'ry vale, on ev'ry plain,
He was the theme of every tongue,
But now alas! your fav'rite's gone.
Prepare your laurels—wreath your hays,
Now justice calls for merits praise,
Whilst chaunting millions sound his name,
Each heart records his deathlese fame:
Long may Columbia live to mourn
Her lost, her most beloved son:
For Washington no more will rise,
At our fond country's suffering cries.
Ah where is gone our country's boast?
Her love—her Washington is lost,
He soars to live amidst the stars,
Thence wafted by his country's pray'rs,
No more he hears our cannon's roar,
Nor sees how wide from shore to shore
The sable robes Columbia wears,
Nor counts her ceaseless flowing tears.
His ghost, our guardian angel now,
Our wheel directs with watchful brow,
Nor suffers one unhappy fate
To discompose Columbia's f [...]are:
His glorious [...]afk accomplished here,
[Page 87] He's gone, his spotless robes to wear
Where patriots join in holy love,
In freedom's azure fields above.

The following words of sacred music were performed on the 31 st Dec. '99, at St. Paul's Church, New-York, by the Anacreontic and Philoharmonic Societies.


SONS of Columbia, now lament,
Your spear is broke, your bow's unbent.
Your glory's fled
Among the dead;
Your hero lies
Ever, for ever clos'd his eyes,
Columbians weep! weep still in louder moan,
Your hero, patri [...]t, friend and father's gone.


The body comes!—we'll meet it on the way,
With laurels ever green, and branches palm,
Then lay it on his monument, hung round,
With all his trophies and great acts, enroll'd
In verse heroic, or sweet lyre song.
There shall Columbia's valiant youth resort;
And from his memory, inflame their breasts
To matchless valor, whilst they sing his praise.
Bring the laurels, bring the bays;
Strew his hearse, and strew his ways.
Glorious Hero, may thy grave,
Peace and honor, ever have;
After all thy pains and woes,
[Page 88] Rest eternal, sweet repose.
Mourn, mourn, Columbians! Mourn in solemn strains,
The name of him you lov'd, alone remains!
Your hopes in his support, from hence gave o'er,
Your Hero, Friend and Father is no more.


How sleep the brave, who sink to rest,
By all their country's wishes blest?
By fairy hands, their knell is rung,
By forms unseen, their dirge is sung:
There honor comes! a pilgrim grey,
To bless the turf that wraps their clay;
And freedom, shall a while repair,
To dwell, a weeping hermit there.
When spring, with dowy fingers cold,
Returns to deck their hallow'd mold,
She there shall dress a sweeter fod,
Than fancy's fact have ever trod.
[...] vain in all this storm of grief,
To vent our sorrows, give relief;
But yet, let not Columbia's race,
Misfortune, with desponding arms embrace.
Distracting doubt and desperation,
Ill become the chosen nation;
Chosen by the great, I am,
The Lord of Hosts, who sti [...], the same,
We trust, will give attentive ear,
To the sincerity of prayer.


Pious orgies, pious airs,
Decent sorrows, decent prayers,
Will to the Lord ascend,
And move his pity, and regain his love.
[Page 89]
The Lord God Omnipotent reigneth;
For the kingdom of this world is become
The kingdom of our Lord and his Christ,
And he shall reign, forever and ever.

Heaving the anchor.

WHEN first we hear the boatswain's bray,
With a voice like thunder roaring,
All hands, my lads, get under way;
Hark! the signal for unmooring.
To save the joyous breeze,
Our handspikes quick we seize,
In hopes to meet the foe—
Our capston here, the windless there,
We man to the tune of heo, hea, heo, &c.
Cast loose your topsails next he cries,
Top-gallant sails and courses,
Clew lines and geer, let go my boys.
Haul home your sheets like horses,
The mizen too, be glib,
Fore stay-sail too, and jib,
Your downhauls, boys, let go:
We straight comply, and eager fly,
And obey to the tune of heo, hea, heo, &c.
The anchor's up, oh! next we call,
Avast boys, vast your heaving,
Our cat and fish we overhaul,
Our handspikes nimbly leaving;
Then if a prosperous gale,
[Page 90] We croud on every sail,
Our sheets they sweetly flow,
Along we swim, our braces trim,
And its all to the tune of heo, hea, heo, &c.
Then lovely Moll and Sue and Beck,
Their eyes with grief o'erflowing,
With heavy hearts come up on deck,
The rude wind on them blowing:
A short embrace we take,
Which makes our hearts to ake,
A while we're lost in woe:
Nor to our grief can find relief,
Till cheer'd by the tune of heo, hea, heo, &c.

The captured Crew.

NIGHT scarce her mantle had withdrew,
And slowly usher'd in the morn,
When bearing down we spied in view,
The savage for not far astern:
The stoutest trembled—small our crew,
The victims of superior power:
Yet courage bid the drooping few
Wait calmly for the fatal hour.
Bold they approach'd—a council's held,
Our men, with voice united cry,
"Rather that basely deign to yield,
"They'd meet their fate and boldly die;"
The fight now rag'd—from side to side
The thund'ring cannon's dreadful sound;
With purple stai [...] the deck was dy'd
Which i [...]'d from each gaping wound.
[Page 91]
Such havo [...] now stern death has made,
Vain our resistance—nought could shield,
Wounds and fatigue on valor prey'd,
And with reluctance we did yield:
But scares our batter'd hull we quit,
Scarce from the sturdy wreck retire,
E're up she blew, 'sham'd to be beat,
Shrouding her form in she [...]ts of fire.

The Disconsolate.
A Song.

HOW dark is the hour, while my love is away,
I sleep not at night, and I sigh thro' the day,
Now the grotto I haunt, which her footsteps have prest
Like the spectr [...] the ruins where once it was blest
Now I pause on the sod that supported the fair,
And gaze on the woodbine, the child of her care;
Forlorn seems the sod: and the woodbine reclin'd,
Seems to loose all its sweets, and be dead to the wind.
Lo, the birds that hopp'd round us no longer appear,
But fly to the bushes and hide with a feat;
E'en the riv'let that prattl'd when CLO [...] was [...]igh,
And the zephyr that wanton'd, move on with a sigh.
In her presence I felt not the cold nor the rain,
The flood seem'd a rill and the mountain a plain;
[Page 92] Then how short were my journey's, when blest in her smile,
But now a few paces are more than a mile.
To our groves, and our grottos; and riv'lets that mourn,
Ah, when will the Loves and the Graces return?
When SHE to our groves and our riv'lets shall stay,
Who brought them all hither, and led them away.

The Flowing Can.

A SAILOR's life's a life of woe,
He works now late, now early,
Now up and down, now to and fro,
What then, he takes it cheerly,
Blest with a smiling can of grog,
If duty call,
Stand, rise or fall,
To fate's last verge he'll jog:
The cadge to weigh,
The sheets belay,
He does it with a wish;
To heave the lead,
Or to cat-head
The pond'rous anchor fish:
For while the grog goes round,
All sense of danger's drown'd,
We despise it to a man.
We sing a little, and laugh a little,
And work a little, and swear a little,
And siddle a little, and foot it a little,
And swig the flowing can.
[Page 93]
If howling winds and roaring seas
Give proof of coming danger,
We view the storm, our hearts at ease,
For Bob's to fear a stranger.
Blest with the smiling grog we fly
Where now below,
We headlong go,
Now rise on mountains high;
Spite of the gale,
We hand the sail,
Or take the needful reef;
Or man the deck,
To clear some wreck,
To give the ship relief:
Tho' perils threat around,
All sense of danger's drown'd,
We despise it to a man.
We sing a little, and laugh a little,
And work a little, and swear a little,
And fiddle a little, and foot it a little,
And swig the flowing can.
But yet think not our case is hard,
Tho' storms at sea thus treat us,
For coming home, (a sweet reward!)
With smiles our sweethearts greet us.
Now to the friendly grog we quaff,
Our am'rous toast,
Her we love most,
And gaily sing and laugh;
The sails we furl,
Then, for each girl,
The petticoat display;
The deck we clear.
Then three times cheer,
As we their charms survey:
And then the grog goes round,
[Page 94] All sense of danger's drown'd,
We despise it to a man.
We sing a little, and laugh a little,
And work a little, and swear a little,
And fiddle a little, and foot it a little,
And swig the flowing can.

Disconsolate Sailor.

WHEN my money was all gone that I gained in the wars,
And the world 'gan to frown at my fate,
What matter'd my zeal or my honoured scars,
When indifference stood at each gate.
The face that would smile when my purse was wall lin'd,
Show'd a different aspect to me;
And when I could nought but ingratitude find,
I hi'd once again to the sea.
I thought it unwise to repine at my lot,
Or to bear with cold looks on the shore;
So I pack'd up the trifling remnants I'd got,
And a trifle, alas! was my store.
A handkerchief held all the treasure I had,
Which over my shoulder I threw;
Away then I trug'd, with a heart rather sad,
To join with some jolly ship's-crew.
The sea was less troubled by far than my mind,
For when the wide main I survey'd,
I could not help thinking the world was unkind,
[Page 95] And fortune a slippery jade.
And I vow'd if once more I could take her in [...]ow,
I'd let the ungrateful ones see,
That the turbulent winds and the billows could show
More kindness than they did to me.

Manage well the swelling Sails.

LIFE's like a sea in constant motion,
Sometimes high and sometimes low;
Where every one must brave the ocean,
Whatsoever winds do blow.
Tho' annoy'd by squawls or showers,
Or driven by some gentle gales,
If dangers rise be ever ready
To manage well the [...]welling sails.
What, tho' the wayward winds shou [...] bluster,
Let us not give way to fear;
But all our patience let us muster,
And learn from reason how to steer,
Let Judgment ever keep us steady,
For that's a ballast seldom fails:
If dangers rise, be ever ready
To manage well the swelling sails.
Trust not too much your own opinion,
When the vessel's under way;
Let good example bear dominion,
That's a compass ne'er will stray.
But should thunder o'er you shudder,
Or Boreas o'er the surface rails,
Let good discretion guide the rudder,
[Page 96] Whilst providence conducts the sails.
When you are safe from dangers riding
In some favorite port or bay,
Hope, be the anchor you confide in,
Let care awhile, in slumber lay;
And when each can of liquors flowing,
And good fellowship prevails;
Let each true heart with rapture glowing,
Drink, "Success unto the Sails!"

Tipple and Smoke.

WITH a pipe of Virginia, how happy am I,
And good liquor to moisten my clay, standing by,
I puff up the smoke, and it curls round the room,
Like a Phoenix I seem, in a nest of perfume.
Is a pipe, and a friend who is fond of a joke [...],
Then happy together we tipple and smoke.
How pleasant it is thus to puff time away,
And between ev'ry whiff chat the news of the day:
Tobacco, great Rale [...]gh, we owe to thy name,
And ev'ry true smoke [...] will puff up thy fame.

Delighting, &c.

When business is over, we puff away care,
Let ev'ry man else say the same if he dare.
This plant so deligh [...]ful is a foe to the spleen,
As it glows in the pipe it enlivens the scene.

Delighting, &c.

[Page 97]
While thus in the fumes we're enveloped round,
Our heads are like hills which with clouds still are crown'd;
Yet soon we emerge, and go cheerful away,
For a pipe of the best makes us brig [...] as the day.

Delighting, &c.


LOOSE every sail to the breeze,
The course of my vessel improve;
I've done with the toils of the seas,
Ye sailors! I'm bound to my love.
Since Emma is true as she's fair.
My griefs I fling all to the wind;
'Tis a pleasing return for my care,
My mistress is constant and kind.
My sails are all fill'd to my dear,
What tropic bird sweeter can move?
Who, cru [...]l, shall hold his career,
That returns to the arms of his love.
Hoist every sail to the breeze,
Come shipmate [...] and join in the song;
Let's drink while our ship cuts the seas,
To the gale that may drive her along.


AS with Louisa late I sat,
[Page 98] In yonder secret grove,
How fondly did each bosom beat,
And pour its tale of Love!
Eve's tuneful bird, with sweetest lay,
Inspir'd the tranquil place;
Eve's silver star, with purest ray,
Beam'd on the chast embrace.
But now the tender scene is o'er,
What tongue my grief can tell?
In yonder grove I meet no more
The maid I love so well!
Yet still at evening's, custom'd hour,
With feelings sadly sweet,
I seek in love's forsaken power
My solitary seat.
There Philomela's tuneful tongue
Still soothes my pe [...]sive ear;
And 'tis the same melodious song
Louisa lov'd to hear!
And still I joy to mark thee, while
The star of Venus shine,
Which saw the blush, the tear, the smile,
That spoke Louisa mine!
Ner dear idea finely tied
To each [...]oy'd object there—
I still behold her at my side,
And clasp the shadowy Fair.
[Page 99]

Republican Arithmetic, Or Telegraphic Deception.

"WHAT news? said John Bull to a croaker; "A­lack,
Sad news from Helvetia they say,
Thirty thousand men dash'd by the French in a crack,
And the rest with Suwarrow at bay,"
"Pray how did this come?" "Why, by papers from France,
And their Telegraph brought the account."
"That it is all a hum then there is a great chance,
For you know how Republicans count.
If with the allies a light skirmish take place,
Why they quick their Arithmetic rouse, and
If a Russian or two get a scratch in the face,
They tell us they have done for a thousand.
Quick to Paris, the news of so great an event,
The Telegraph brings in dumb mission,
As the people can't tell by its signs what is meant,
The Directory teach 'em Addition.
When a battle is fought and the [...]agle succeed
Most completely in threshing the Frog,
Tho' ten thousand of their army should bleed,
They again their Arithmetic jog.
They allow they gave way, but 'twas nothing at all,
They lost but a hundred in action:
So deducting, in loss, the great sum, leave a small,
To prove they have studied Substraction.
And now, that perhaps an advantage they've gain'd,
[Page 100] Tho' trifling, compar'd to their story,
Un [...]d to a victory truly ob [...]'d,
Why, [...]gad, they are [...]unk with the glory:
And when in that f [...]are. [...] sees double we know,
[...] 'tis so perhaps with the Great Nation,
T [...] the number they've taken, or kill'd of their foe,
[...]hy give by [...]
And [...]f to their [...] their armie [...] are beat,
[...], their cause,
[...] [...]g [...] prove their conquest com­ [...]er.
[...] they will pause;
[...] hard, 'twas a drawn battle still,
[...] they hold in derision;
[...] [...]outed by courage and skill,
[...] the day by Division.
[...] can well to the next rule advance,
[...] [...]OCK [...] lays down in rotation,
[...] take off two Kings and leave but one to France,
[...]t's the best Golden Pale of a nation;
[...], e [...] they [...]ustruct us at school,
[...] diers and [...] when they reach [...]em,
[...] ve that to conquer with truth is a rule,
In [...]AC [...]ICE they ever will teach 'em."


COLUM [...] 's Sons, once more we're met,
[...] here to pay;
[...] each breast
And [...] and j [...]y tune every lay.
[Page 101]
Each heart and voice in consort join,
To sing the glories of the day:
On which, for freedom we've exchang'd
A foreign and despotic sway.
Old Europe long has groan'd beneath
The chains, which Kings and Lords impose;
Nor knows the joy, nor knows the peace,
Which from fair freedom gently flows.

Each heart, &c.

Fair Asia's fruitful lands are till'd
By those who own'd a tyrants sway;
And bow at superstition's shrine,
And Gods compos'd of feeble clay.

Each heart, &c.

Unstable France, who once profess'd
A friendship for our happy land;
Proclaim that Liberty they've found,
And rear'd and foster'd by their hand.

Each heart, &c.

But Liberty, with them a name,
The essence there they never knew,
Witness five tyrants, own'd for one,
Likewise the fort of Pichegrue.

Each heart, &c.

America, the mighty boon,
Of liberty to you belongs;
Here law and reason all obey,
Extall the goddess in your songs.

Each heart, &c.

Our democrats who leagu'd with France,
Have stain'd the glory of our land;
[Page 102] Now hide their heads, and mourn their crimes,
Committed by their feeble band.

Each heart, &c.

Connecticut, you now may boast,
Your union doth conspicuous shine,
Two only negatives your creed,
Our Judas and our Cataline.

Each heart, &c.

Our ADAMS boldly holds the helm,
Undaunted views the threat'ning storm;
Conscious of his own rectitude,
Anticipates for us no harm.

Each heart, &c.

But if he says resort to arms,
Our Independence to maintain;
And teach aggressing foes to fear,
We'll rally round our Chief again.

Each heart, &c.

American roll of Equipage. A NEW SONG.

[Written on board the ship Mary, of Boston, at Ma­ [...]aga, in consequence of an engagement between an American ship and FOUR French privateers.]

WHEN France with huge pride,
Cross the Atlantic would stride,
And war with America wage:
Fi [...]t demanded each ship
Should carry a strip
Of paper, call'd Role d' Equipage.
[Page 103]
This insult to resent,
An order, as manly, as sage,
That America's sons
Should be known by their CUNS,
And these be their Role d' Equipage.
When this order was heard,
The ship Mary prepar'd,
We arm'd, Citoyen to engage;—
She had twenty- [...]v [...] men,
And of four pounders, ten,
Which the sailors call'd Role d' Equipage.
From Boston we stoer'd
Till Cape Spartol appear'd,
And that county where once was Carthage,
And as we drew nigh
Where these French raseals ply,
Got in order our Role d' Equipage.
Near to Malaga bay;
Four privateers lay,
Which came out with the ship to engage:
We receiv'd them so warm,
As to do them much harm,
With our American Role d' Equipage.
One ventur'd so near
That our Role made him sheer—
Citoyen turn'd tail to in a rage,
And cried—" Oh Pardie
Me never have see
One such terrible Role d' Equipage.
[Page 104]

We conquer dear Girls but for you.

COME, sailors, be filling the can,
The wind is beginning to blow;
We've time to drink round to a man;
And then to weigh anchor must go.
What thousands repair to the strand,
To give us a cheering adicu?
'Tis plain, they believe on the land,
We conquer, dear Girls, but for you.
When oft on the main-top-mast yard,
The sailor is swung to and fro,
Though the tempest blows ever so hard,
He whistles defiance to woe;
The gale can last but for a while,
It's always the boast of the crew;
And then they reflect with a smile,
We conquer, dear Girls, but for you.
Though battle tremendous appears,
When blood stains the face of the main;
Though thunder resounds in his ears,
The sailor's a stranger to pain:
The thought with rapture and pride,
Each Girl will her hero review,
'Tis this makes him danger deride,
We conquer, dear Girls, but for you.
[Page 105]

Ben Block.

I WAS press'd, while a rowing so happy—
No matter, 'twas childish to grieve;
So to drown care with grog I got a nappy,
Yet sigh'd my sweet Kitty to leave:
But what hurt me most were those ninnies,
On whom I had thought to depend,
For I wish'd to raise Kate a few guineas,
But found I had got ne'er a friend.
When on board, why I troubled a ship mate
A note to my sweetheart to write;
Which on doing he somehow a slip made,
His own tale of love did indite!
So when I at Battersea landed,
(He'd patter'd her so to his end)
I learnt he my frigate commanded,
And found I had got ne'er a friend.
When again on the salt seas in motion,
The ill-humour'd winds loudly roar;
And friendship I found on the ocean,
As scant as I left it on shore:
We were wreck'd—but my tale little matters,
While messmates to Davie descend,
I escap'd, but was poor, all in tatters,
And found I had got ne'er a friend.
Yet still to all fear I was a stranger,
In battle, (where death tips the grin)
Was expos'd to the heat of each danger,
Till a musket ball splinter'd my shin:
Well, away to the cock-pit I hobbled,
Where so many customers tend,
[Page 106] That the surgeon to save further trouble,
Lopp'd it off, damme, not like a friend.
But now ev'ry comfort's imparted,
I find, laid in Greenwich snug dock,
My messinates are true, honest hear [...]d,
And each wishes well to Ben Block:
The rear of my life glides on cheerly,
In a calm here my moments I'll end;
I have fought for my King late and early,
And, bless him, the King is my friend.

Crazy Luke.

SWEET gentle friends, whole bosoms flow,
With kindness at the voice of woe;
Tho' ruffled by the tale I tell,
It pity asks—I love too well.
Maidens, as soft as ye are fair,
With flow'rets deck my true love's hair,
Co, weave them artfully and tell!
That Luke has lov'd her long and well.
Her eyes are vi'lets mildest blue,
Her lips are cherries steep'd in dew;
Young roses in her dimples dwell;
And poor Luke loves her much too well.
Her bosom, hills of dear delight,
Are lillies of the purest white;
Her breath is from the cowslip's bell:
She's all I wish—I love her well.
Proffessors of sleek plenty's store,
[Page 107] Bang not on Luke your angry door:
Open it wide, and hear him tell
How he doth love a maiden well.
Fair was Luke's morn, and pleasures flow
Bright as the silver drops of dew:
Till love bewitch'd him with his spell;
Since then, Luke's craz'd by loving well.
Alas! poor heart, thou once wast gay,
Dancing in the balm of May!
Why lov'st thou ev'ry lonely dell?
Because, poor heart, thou lov'st too well.
Give Luke a little straw for bed,
For sadly aches his shatter'd head,
His head doth ache, his heart doth swell,
Because poor Luke loves much too well.
O, all ye gracious pow'rs above,
Whose bosoms glow with heav'nly love!
While here poor helpless mortals dwell,
May none, like Luke, love half so well.

SONG, In the Benevolent Jew.

THE silent hour of midnight reigns,
And he whose heart is free [...] care,
Hears not the soul that d [...] complains,
Nor in its murmurs takes a share.
The sighing winds, the tremb [...]ng breo [...],
A moment stay to hear my wides;
Then softly flutter through the [...]
And leave the foliage to repose
[Page 108]
Seduc'd by slattery's silver tongue,
The tempter Man beheld and smil'd,
And while the syren sweetly sung,
My heart by simpering love was guil'd.
But left forlorn on earth's wild waste,
Shame's mourning daughter, then was I,
Shun'd by the virtuous, and the chaste,
Alone to weep, alone to sigh.
But ah! ye maids, some pity give,
To her whom softness led astray,
And by a silent tear, relieve
The breast where many sorrows lay.
And O, ye fates! tho' hard be mine,
Return not evil on his head—
But all your kindly powers combine,
To [...]easure blessings in its stead.

The sea-worn Tar.

THE sea worn t [...]ar, who in the war,
No danger e'er could move;
True to his gun, all hazards run,
Yet thought upon his love:
But, home again, forgets his pain,
And seeks his faithful [...]ss;
Lock'd in her arms, enjoys her charms,
And silis the sparkling glass.
The ship sase moor'd, with gold well stor'd,
All dangers now are o'er;
His timbers light, his rigging light,
He scuds along the shore,
To seek the place where ev'ry gruce
Adorns his charming lass;
[Page 109] Then, in her arms, enjoys her charms,
And fills the sparkling glass.
In war renown'd, with honor crown'd,
He laughs and sings away;
Oft' fore and aft, aloft, abaft,
He talks from night to day,
Of red hot balls, and batter'd walls,
To entertain his lass;
Lock'd in her arms, enjoys her charms,
And fills the sparkling glass.


LORD! what care I for mam or dad,
Why let 'em scold and bellow,
For while I live I'll love my lad,
He's such a charming fellow.
The last fair day, on Gander Green,
The youth he danc'd so well, O!
So spruce a lad was never seen,
As my sweet charming fellow.
The fair was over, night was come,
The lad was somewhat mellow,
Says he, my dear, I'll see you home,
I thank'd my charming fellow.
We trudg'd along, the moon shone bright,
Says he if you'll not tell, O!
I'll kiss you here by this good light:
Lord, what a charming fellow.
You rogue, says I, you'll stop my breath,
Ye bells ring out my knell. O!
Again I'd die so sweet a death,
With my sweet charming fellow.


  • A JOLLY fat friar lov'd liquor good store, Page 53
  • Arise, and blow the Trumpet, Fame Page 84
  • A sailor's life's a life of woe, Page 92
  • As with Louisa late I sat, Page 97
  • COLUMBIA's sons arouse to Glory, Page 4
  • Columbians, your virtue all nations must own, Page 6
  • Columbia exult! thy own Adams still lives! Page 22
  • Come all ye yankee sailors with swords, &c. Page 27
  • Columbia, Columbia to glory arise, Page 29
  • Cease, rude Boreas, blust'ring railer, Page 31
  • Come, fill each brimming glass, boys. Page 44
  • Chear up Gluttons fill your bellies, Page 52
  • Come ye lads who wish to shine Page 59
  • Cease, Clara, cease those silent tears Page 68
  • Come join in federal festive mirth, Page 80
  • Come join hand in hand boys, be merry &c. Page 83
  • Columbia's sons, once more we're met, Page 100
  • Come, sailors, be filling the can, Page 104
  • FAIR blew the wind, the morn was serene, Page 38
  • Favorite land of freedom, hail! Page 72
  • Farewel, great chief! thy Country cries, Page 86
  • GAY Damon long study'd my heart to obtain, Page 47
  • Gay Bacchus one evening invited his friends, Page 49
  • Gayly lads! our friends we're leaving, Page 81
  • HALL INDEPENDENCE' second birth, Page 14
  • Hail COLUMBIA! happy land; Page 21
  • Here's to the maiden of bashful fifteen, Page 48
  • Hail INDEPENDENCE, more divine, Page 61
  • How dark is the hour, while my love is away, Page 91
  • [Page] I'LL sing you a song, my good friends, &c. Page 10
  • In a chariot of light from the regions of day, Page 33
  • Immur'd too long, Florella sighs Page 41
  • I was press'd while a rowing so happy— Page 105
  • JOHN BULL for pastime took a prance, Page 64
  • LET patriot ardor distinguish the day, Page 62
  • Late Jove and blue Neptune in, &c. Page 66
  • Lot all the world with heart and tongue Page 76
  • Life's like a sea in constant motion, Page 95
  • Loose every sail to the breeze, Page 97
  • Lord! what care I for man or dad, Page 109
  • NOW the dire thirst of sway destains Page 12
  • No sect in the world can with Masons &c. Page 35
  • Night scarce her mantle had withdrew, Page 90
  • OF all the fine fellows, this world can afford, Page 3
  • On Columbia's blest shore, Page 69
  • SING Yankee Doodle, that fine tune, Page 18
  • Some women take delight in dress, Page 39
  • Sainted shades who dared to brave, Page 56
  • Sons of Columbia, now lament, Page 87
  • Sweet gentle friends, whose bosoms flow, Page 106
  • TO Columbia, who, gladly reclin'd &c. Page 8
  • To arms, to arms, when honor cries, Page 15
  • To the standard repair, Page 17
  • The Stygian God, great Belzebub, Page 25
  • The sea was calm, the sky serene, Page 36
  • The Muses' [...]arp by Concord strung, Page 37
  • The Sailor sighs as sinks his native shore, Page 40
  • The women all tell me I'm false to my lass, Page [...]2
  • Twas in the good ship Rover, Page 46
  • Tho' Bacchus may boast of his care killing bowl Page 50
  • The wind of the desart was high, Page 71
  • This day we're met, with festive mirth Page 74
  • The breeze was fresh, the ship in stays, Page 79
  • The silent hour of midnight reigns, Page 107
  • The sea worn tar, who in the war. Page 108
  • [Page] WHEN Discord had rais'd her black, &c. Page 54
  • When God from his celestial throne, Page 58
  • When Holland gag'd and fetter'd sprawls Page 69
  • When first we hear the boatswain's bray, Page 89
  • When my money was all gone that I, &c. Page 94
  • With a pipe of Virginia, how happy am I, Page 96
  • What news? said John Bull to a croaker, &c. Page 99
  • When France with huge pride, Page 102

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