
THE Author wishing it may be improved and enlarged, by some abler pen, now calls in her mite, to the Memory of that worthy Person, whose Loss we severely feel.

MY FATHER! cries the United States,
Pray leave us not our Guide and Light:
The shining Chariot swiftly rolls,
And takes the Patriot from our sight.
Absorb'd in grief, with anxious hearts,
Each freeborn Son stands looking round,
In vain they ask in fruitless search,
Who has the sacred Mantle found?
Come noble souls your tears refrain,
Take from your garb the sable hue,
Yonder! above Etherial Skies,
A brighter scene presents in view.
Celestial Gates unfold your leaves;
The Harpers strike their golden strings,
Around the Arch the music plays,
With shouts of joy the Palace rings.
Thrice welcome from the dusky globe,
Victorious Hero of renown,
Faithful thou wast on Earth below,
Now take possession of a Crown.
This is the man who quell'd his foes,
In virtue's cause he boldly stood,
When danger star'd him in the face,
He valu'd not his dearest blood.
A full reward he now shall meet,
For all the labours of his love:
Regale thy Soul with spicy fruits,
On banks of fair EMMANUEL's grove.
No longer let the Sacred Desks,
And walls in gloomy Sackcloth mourn,
Far distant dwells the immortal Man,
That from our eyes was lately borne.
Cheer up brave Patriots, one and all,
The sacred Page a Cordial gives,
If GOD hides Moses for a while,
A Saviour Joshua for us lives.
Farewell! none shall his bliss envy,
Who soars beyond the Warriors noise,
No groans, or garments roll'd in blood,
Shall there molest his endless Joys.
An heavenly Beam illumes our hearts,
We soon shall meet our Friend again
No more to feel a parting stroke,
But as triumphant Victors reign.
Wrote on an adamantine Stone,
Great WASHINGTON's dear name will stand;
Ages unborn may sing for joy,
His Wisdom sav'd our sinking Land.

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