
Masonry in its Glory


MASONRY IN ITS GLORY: OR SOLOMON's TEMPLE ILLUMINATED: Discerned through the flashes of Prophetic Light, now darting through the region of the BLAZING STAR, to lie at the thresh­old of the Temple of GOD, during the GLORY of the LATTER DAY:—waiting the rays of the SEVEN LAMPS, that the light of its existence might break forth.

BY DAVID AUSTIN, Ju [...], Citizen of the World.

Published agreeably to Act of Congress.





HEBREWS 3d, 4th.

THE subordination of events, and of things, for the purpose of illustrating objects more noble, is acknowledged in the several branches of ethics and of philosophy. Reli­gion, of every name, in ancient and in mod­ern times, hath chosen to illustrate her myste­ries, through the medium of subordinate re­lations. That revealed religion should have chosen this mode of communication is no mat­ter of surprise. It needed things visible and material, through which to communicate, and by which to illustrate her hidden mysteries. The unfolding of these mysteries hath given honorable employment to the pen of the learned, and poured unction upon the tongue of the eloquent, in every age.

BESIDES the accomodation of giving em­ployment; the use of figures, as subordinate expressions of immaterial realities, hath been of high moment; affording a mode of com­munication which, always kept the learner, at a distance from the instructor. The use of [Page 6]figures, by men, in early days arose from as imitation of the copy, given, in lessons of di­vine instruction.

BOTH natural and revealed religion ac­knowledge their indebtedness to figures. The former draws its instruction, and maintains its propositions by an immediate appeal to visible objects. It declares from the things that are made, and from the events which revolve, that the invisible hand is seen. This revealed religion doth not deny. Giving, however, the preference to the written word, it points to the works of creation and to the events of Providence, as subordinate, yet confirming testimonials of the truths, it hath, in the fairer pages of inspiration, already received. And whilst this general doctrine is received, the well instructed and philosophic christian, with great delight, distributes wisdom, from the correspondency he discerns, between things seen by the natural eye, and things taught in the sacred page. This correspondency seen and illustrated, mightily confirms the duplex operation of the Creators hand. Whilst he is teaching, to the sons of men, lessons of in­struction, from a view of things that are made; the believer is delighted to hear of the same truths, delivered, with confirming, and all conquering evidence, at the feet of our Gospel Gamaliel.

STILL the most strenuous, in defence of revealed religion, are by no means deprived of the sources of inquiry, from which to ob­tain employment, and from which to draw [Page 7]lessons of instruction which figurative objects give. These figures are strowed, with a pro­fuse hand, throughout the sacred page, as well as through the works of GOD.

THE writer, from whose pen, fell the pas­sage before us, was, at this moment, busying himself with figurative language and figura­tive things. His design was to illustrate the nature of the Mosaic economy as a figure. He insists on its consummation; proves its subordination to the Gospel Temple which was now to be set up, and before which, this build­ing of Moses was to fade as the morning star withdraws, as the day dawns, and the sun ad­vances. This subordination is argued from the inferiority of Moses the Builder, to the Son the Proprietor. The fidelity of the greater in the higher order is insisted on, and illustrated by the faithfulness of Moses, in the figure.— "For this man was counted worthy of more glory than Moses inasmuch, as he who hath builded the house hath more honor than the house: For every house is builded by some man, but he that built all things is GOD."

THESE general observations, on the SUB­ORDINATION of things material, to things immaterial; of things visible to things invisi­ble are designed to prepare the mind to be­hold the wisdom of GOD, in marking out, and the perseverence of men in going through with the subordinate labor of the MASON­IC BUILDING, thus far

To a mind, acknowledging GOD in all [Page 8]parts of Creation's Temple, it is no more dif­ficult to discern that the order of FREE and ACCEPTED MASONS, holds a place in conformity to the general plan, than that the economy of Moses maintained a subordinate relation to good things, then to come. All the difficulty of such application will arise from the limitation of Providence. The Christian, too confined, in his views, is but too ready to exclude from the parental re­gard, all things which fall not within the com­pass of Christian revelation. He forgets that a mode of revelation is maintained, through all Creation's works by figures, and by sub­stances; by relations and correspondencies, so that though to Adam and Eve only, the revelation, primarily be made, the correspond­ency, of the several parts, will bring all their posterity within the limits of the original and all-wise design.

To pursue the trackless path; to explore the deep things of GOD, in the beautious and majestic varieties, in which the proportions of beneficence are measured out, on the one part, and with solemn and awful step to follow the diversified courses of nightly shade, through the borders of Ishmael; calls for strength of mind, and perseverance in labor, of which the ablest of the philosophic christian, or Mason­ic fraternity might be happy to boast.

WHAT the tabernacle of Moses was to the Temple of Solomon: and what the Temple of Solomon was to the Gospel Edifice; the same is the MASONIC TEMPLE to the uni­versal [Page 9]building of GOD. The former fell, more immediately, within the limits of re­vealed religion; the latter illustrates the mys­teries of GOD in a visible figure; inviting christianity to come and reconcile her taber­nacle, and her book, and her whole service, thro' the blood of the cross. This masonry de­clares, in the summit of her order, whilst she extends the mysterious figure of the cross, and shews her seal upon the Miditerranean pass.

ALL the diversified edifices of natural, and of revealed religion, in these united orders are founded upon one and the same plan, and tend to one and the same end. I speak of christians and of masons who understand, and in faith­fulness, perform the duties of their order.—Under this character, the subordinate build­ings in both relations are like the diversified synagogues of Palestine; all built upon the plan of the Temple of GOD, at Jerusalem.—The Supreme Architect, through whose apart­ments, natural religion teacheth us to walk, is the same that walks amidst the Golden Cand­lesticks of the christian and masonic building. And when the naturalist shall be called to behold, and made to understand the corres­pondecy between these two buildings, whose worshippers have not heretofore acknowledged each other, he shall be made to own the hand of GOD, as well to be seen in our temple as in his own; and falling down, shall own of a truth that the GOD, whom he hath, ignorantly worshipped, the same declare we unto him.—He shall borrow a lamp from our Golden Can­dlestick, with which to enlighten his own soul. [Page 10]to enlighten his faternity, and to illuminate the whole building of GOD.

LET our subject, in your name, even now reach him this lamp! Let it tell him, that whilst he raises his tube; and the philosophic eye glances at the sun, and says; "see yon­der the PROUD LUMINARY, from whose di­vine effulgence all creation receives its life;" the eloquence of revelation, gently whispers, true is the story which phylosophy teaches, but seest thou not, by the aid of the glass, the spots in the face of yonder Sun?—What can this express but the imperfection of the creature, in comparison with GOD the creator. "The LORD GOD is a Sun!—in him there is Light, and in him there is no darkness at all!" Suf­fer me to sprinkle thy optics with the pearly drops of Celestial dew; and thou shalt behold every object to shine, with sevenfold lustre.

LOOK at the Moon! She borrows her rays from the fountain of lights, the Sun: thus shines our IMMANUEL in the mediatorial fir­manent. He sheds his milder rays upon the benighted family of mankind; and still main­tains a benign dominion whilst the Fathers glory is withdrawn.

BEHOLD, the Stars! assisting reflections, aiding to display in their sparkling lustre, the milder influences of redeeming love! To whom are these subordinate Luminaries in­debted, but to him that "walketh in the midst of the Golden Candlesticks, and who holdeth the stars in his right hand!"

[Page 11] LOOK at yonder blaizing star, or firey meteor; heated by its late approach to the FOUNTAIN of LIGHT, now stretches its way across the firmament, as though design­ing to enliven the frozen regions of the North! What is this but a visible, though sub­ordinate illustration of those ministers of GOD, who like John the baptist, and other burning and shining lights, labor to strike "fresh fire into the frozen hearts of the obdurate; or like the ANGEL that "flies through the Heavens, having the everlasting Gospel to preach," commands the sons of men, at the down-fall of mystical Babylon, "to fear GOD, and to give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come!"

THE air we breathe, is the spiritual breath of the living soul; the clouds which intercept our sight; the clouds of darkness which fre­quently, pass over, and render obscure the vi­sion of the phylosophic, or spiritual mind!—and and the diversity and impetuosity of the winds, the inscrutible operations of GOD, both the natural, intellectual, and moral world!

THE genial aspect of a delightful day, ex­press the benignity of GOD; and the de­lights of the soul walking in the lights of his reconciled countenance. "In thy name shall they rejoice all the day long, and in thy right. cousness shall they be exalted!

Omitting the thousand [...]ouches of nature's beauties, which still untouched, stand, in mod­est silence, expressing the hidden glories of [Page 12]the Mediator's realms; waiting till the keen research of the philosophic eye shall unfold more perfectly the universal volume; it may be presumed that these hints will suffice to display to the intelligent, that the volume of creation presents, in its material pages, a sa­cred transcript of what, in fairer lines, is written in Revelation's sacred page.

THIS point granted; the brethren of the ancient and honorable society of Free and Ac­cepted Masons will not think it derogating from the rank due to their order, if it be said, that what Melchezideck of old, that king of Salem was, in relation to our gospel Melchez­ideck; the same is the Temple of Solomon, in relation to the Temple in which a greater than Solomon remains to be sealed. And if Abraham, returning from the slaughter of the kings, paid tythes to this man, and received blessings from him; will you be backward to lay the implements of your labor at the threshold of the Heavenly Melchezidick, that you may receive the blessings of his hand?—If the tabernacle of Moses was ta­ken down, that the Temple of Solomon might be set up; and eventually, the Temple of Solomon removed to give place to the in­tellectual, yet imperfect edifice of the present gospel building, may it not be expected, that the unfinished building, in which, now, you labor, may be removed, perhaps perfected in the light of the more perfect edifice of the latter day? If so, as of the temple of the believing soul, so may not ye say? "we know that if the earthly house of our tabernacle be [Page 13]dissolved, we have a building with GOD; an house not made with hands, eternal in the Heavens!" The succeeding temple will display the GOLDEN AGE of ancient fable: the "new Heavens and the new Earth" of the Revelations of St. John: and the CE­LESTIAL LODGE which your craft hath long been laboring to find!

SUCH confidence is placed in your wis­dom, that it is presumed little more need be said, to obtain your confidence, than to ex­press the evidence which the flashings of light are capable to afford.

LET it, then, be understood that whilst in the divine mind, the plan of the Great Ar­chitect existed, and was continually opening itself; from the beginning, to the experience of an astoinshed world, it was GOD's good pleasure to illustrate this design, and to exem­plify this work, in the visible and perpetual modification, which, at your hands he hath ordained to be preserved. Your order hath been, and still exists, as a living history of the invisible agency of GOD, in mortal things.—You have been long laboring; but have nev­er, as yet, arrived at perfection in your arts; nor have you been able to finish the building whose foundation was laid nearly six thousand years ago!—nor will the building ever be finished, or the key-stone placed, until you see that in its present stage, the building on which you labor is an imperfect thing; and can have its consummation, only, in the advancing grade of the mighty design. One step fur­ther, [Page 14]and you shall behold the sun in its full ef­fulgence! you shall find the haven where you may with safety, cast your anohor; the port where your ark in safety shall ride!

To illustrate this doctrine, as far as the ob­ligations of mystery will admit; be it known, that on board of your ship are fragments of the antideluvian, of the patriarchal, of the Mosaic, and the christian world. All these you have to empty forth, at the door of the all-perfect economy of the milennial estate. The truth of this position, as matter of fact is seen, whilst, in the order of your edifice, you glance at the BOW, whose pillars rest in fly­ing clouds; denoting the transfer of the cov­enant to ages, then unborn; or the extention of its influence far as the clouds do fly! Con­firmed by an appeal to the altar of sacrifice of Noah, descending, with his charge from the ark—to the rod of Moses upon the Egypt­ian host—and to the resurrection of him of whom Moses and the prophets did write; and finally to the station of him who blows the JUBILEE TRUMP: that the scriptures may be fulfilled, at the consummation of your or­der saying, throughout the prophetic Heav­ens, "now is come salvation and glory and honor, and the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his CHRIST.

WHEN to this scene, you shall have surrend­ered the sacred symbols committed to your charge; the sun shall be in its full radiance—the moon shall wax and wane no more—the [Page 15]LYON's GRIP shall bind the work in one set­tled decree; and the trump of the Almighty shall open the graves of them that rest, and the verdant branch, we have long strown upon the bosom of our sleeping brethren, shall ve­gitate, and flourish in everlasting bloom.

BESIDES these treasures, peculiar to the volume and spirit of revelation; your myste­ries receive additional grandeur, from the class of instruction in which the mixed objects of natural and of reveraled religion are com­bined. It seemeng to have pleased the high Admiral, that to the custody of your myste­ries both nature and grace should not only in their SEPARATE, but in their united order, an emblem of fraternity, have committed their mysteries. See a demonstration of this in the mixed character of your brotherhood. At the threshold of nature's God some bow; whilst, at the door of the christian altar, alone, another will pay his homage!

UNDER this mixed character on the earth, and under the untied auspics of him who send­eth his rain on the just and on the unjust, hath your order made its way until now. Receive more clearly this doctrine!

BEGIN with creation!—you call your­selves "FILU LUCIS"—"Sons of Light"—and so you are!—FIRST, be­longing to an order, which got its birth when GOD said; "let there be light, and there was light!"—Then said the decree; "let this event be had in long record, in the an­nals [Page 16]of this progressive building! let it be inscribed on the pages of that book, whose mysteries are maintained by the flaming sword!"—When the sons of GOD in the in­visible world, sing, at the recollection of the irresistable fiat which deffused wisdom, beau­ty, and strength, on the face of old chaos; which gave light to the world; and comely proportion to all creation's works; then do you "Sons of Light," join the choir and celebrate the mighty deed, here below!"

HAVE you the resplended SUN, in the full blaze of its strength, displayed upon the field of your labor; behold the same, in the field of the firmament, and together adore the in­visible light, which you both represent!

DOTH the ark, floating on the mighty deep add to the beauty and variety of your records, behold an ingraving of our faithful witness in the heavens, and of the ark of Noah, which, ac­cording to the written word saved him and his house, in the figure!—Behold, in this invisi­ble record, demonstration of the fact and learn to follow the pointings of wisdom to the orignal design!—Here you will see the ark of the covenant, through the grace that is in our spiritual Noah, bringing all true believers, from the dispensation of Adam the first, and safely landing them upon the rock of our spiritual Arrarat!

HAVE you, over this ark, the New Moon, embracing the face of a man, behold the new man, the second Adam, overshadowed [Page 17]with the glory that is borrowed: "that he being crowned with glory and honor might taste death for every man!"

HAVE you the ANCHOR, pendent: recollect, that the hope of the soul is found in the mys­teries which stand above it!—

DOTH the Carpet present us, with the figure of the BEE HIVE: in this, behold! FIRST—The hive of the universe; in which all creation labor, in subordination to one wise design; SECONDLY: The gospel Hive; in which, unity in design; fel­lowship in labor, in joy and in sorrow; are marked and indispensable properties!— THIRDLY—the unity and harmony; the ex­tent, and enterprize of our masonic fraternity! FOURTHLY—a figure of the unity and har­mony which in our hope and expectation; is soon to fill the whole earth, and LASTLY—of the most perfect harmony and unruffled seren­ity, which in the world of glory, shall con­summate the subordinate buildings of GOD. In view of acceptance; through a worthy possession of the celestial pass-words, at the Heavenly gates; how instructive a lesson may be drawn from the diligence and activity of the bee?

DOTH this little annimal draw her nourish­ment from bitter flowers; how lively a pic­ture of the sorrows of human life; from whence our sweetest joys, even the blessings of redemption and grace, are drawn!

[Page 18] IN the strength of the Hive, for their own protection, behold the strength of him, who weigheth the mountains in scales, and the hills in a ballance; in defence of those who put their trust in him!

UNDER the Blazing Sun; doth the Naked Sword point to the Naked Heart: see the Spirit of that word of truth; even the word of GOD; which is said to be "quick and powerful; sharper than any two edged sword: piercing, even to the dividing asunder of the soul and of the body; of the joints and of the marrow; and is a discerner of the thoughts and of the intents of the heart!

Doth the Trowel, present the duty of la­bor, and express the occupation of a Real Mason; how pressing the call to diligence in our business; that we may not sit quiet in our apprenticeships:—not remain content with the title of finished workmen; when we scarcely, understand the first rudiments of our calling!—How contemptible the quack in physic! petty fogger in law; and hypo­crite in religion!

DOTH the Pot of Incense; the unction of the faternity, cause its offerings to arise, in sweet perfumes, towards the Blazing Sun; that the labor of the trowel may be accepted; and the edge of the sword be turned from piercing the Heart; how significant of the acceptable sacrifice of him, whose incense ascends in grateful perfume, in behalf of the universal fraternity of all true believers!

[Page 19] LOOK, in this place, into the tabernacle of Moses; or into the temple of Solomon!— Draw aside the veil, and enter into the most holy place! There you see, conformable to your own mysteries; the mystery of the gold­en censer—of the ark—of the two tables— of the rod that buded; and shall I say of Him who sitteth under the arch; chief in grade in the order of your hidden mysteries.

IN these august symbols, GOD, in ancient time, spake unto his people, as he now speaks unto you, and as, in the use of these figures, he allows you to speak to one another!

Do you present us with the SQUARE, the PLUMB, and the LEVEL! with the same pro­priety that these are used in the progress of the masonic art, with equal energy might the use of them be enforced in all the labor of our hands, in carrying on the universal, and per­manent building of our GOD!

Do you teach that the path to the KEY, which keepeth knowledge is progressive; that the learner is to advance, step by step; and is this to soften the too aspiring mind; or to spur to diligence the slotful! how excellent the rule when applied to the purpose of regu­lating the course of those, who are pressing for "the mark of the prize of the high call­ing of GOD which is CHRIST JESUS!"

Do you ascend to this KEY, by a seven-fold progression; know then, that in the number seven, you have the perfect grade of ascent; [Page 20]and when you have come to the key which this discourse and its connection shall give, you have attained to all the elevation of thought, which the masonic art, in this build­ing can give? the grade is finished!—The im­perfect strokes you have struck receive their crown: the men may be called off for refresh­ment; not to return to this work again; but to obtain the full accomplishment of their hopes in the mansions of a more noble edifice; whose foundation is now laying, whose walls, are soon to go up!

"THAT faith of Cyrus, he is my shep­herd, and shall perform all my pleasure, even saying to Jerusalem; thou shalt be built, and to the temple, thy foundation shall be laid!"

WHAT expressions more becoming the pil­lars which support your lamps; than WIS­DOM BEAUTY, and STRENGTH! By the tripple light, thus enjoyed, in your building; behold the tripple light, reflected in a greater temple than yours, by the united, yet distinct resplendency of the FATHER, SON and HO­LY GHOST!—Do these lights, in the figure, reflect light upon the open volume, on which the square and compass lie: by what other means, can true believers receive instruction than from these sources of light, in substance to them expressed!—By the rays of this light upon the written word; and the engraving wrought by a spiritual glance, upon the hu­man heart, the man is taught how to draw the lines of his faith, hope and charity; thro' [Page 21]all the grades of childhood, youth, and old age!

BEHOLD, my brethren! the correspond­ence between the labors of your temple, and of ours! Behold and acknowledge, that whilst the Deity, through his diffusive agen­cy hath condescended to give the believer light in the written word we enjoy; he hath caused his goodness more to abound towards you, by adding to the same, a visible confir­mation, in the material and visible symbols of your ancient order.

THUS is he to be proclaimed, as well GOD of the material and visible, as of the intel­lectual and spiritual building. Of your labor, and of ours, in connection with all that phi­losophy, in its abstract tenets, can teach, it may be said as in the text, "for every house is builded by some man, but he that built all things is GOD.

WHAT shall be said of the Mosaic pave­ment! Can brethren walk here, and not stumble? Yes my brethren!—this is the true ground on which we must all proceed, the ground, on which we may, in safety, travel together: Safe as on the pavement which GOD'S own right hand hath laid, and which his perpetual decree supports! It is like the fixed decree which lays the foundation of the everlasting covenant; and the brazen sinews, which bind the work of the Great Architect together.

[Page 22] WHAT doth the Mysterious Volume, pro­tected at the point of the sword, overshadow­ed by the Seven Stars denote, but a sacred deposit, where dwell the secrets of the frater­nity! How animating a figure this, of the Ark, in which were deposited symbols of the Mosaic Law! and a more lively picture of him, who as the Saviour of men preserves the secrets of that salvation; the manna of that redemption we enjoy in the bosom of his own heart, and commits it only to them that love and obey him! in him dwell all the treasures of wisdom and of knowledge. "If any man" then "lack wisdom, let him ask it of GOD."

WHAT can be said of the inexplicable Prob­lem? of the two distinct bodies, resting, in a falling position, upon the more permanent surface of a third! Doth not the flashings of prophetic light, surely designate that in this fi­gure is to be seen the Jewish and the Gentile, falling into the bosom of the millenial world!

SEE the proof of this, in the equal quanti­ties of the two falling, with the one perma­nent body!—see this hitherto mysterious, yet long expected union illustrated, in the mysteri­ous ligament by which these bodies are bound together. This is the union for which all have been looking—the event toward which all things are now tending. This problem being solved, in fact and in experience, the Jubilee the long expected Jubilee is our own.

IN the centre of the field is beheld the Glo­ry [Page 23]sparkling, in five blazes of resplendent light. The real purport of this figure shall be opened at the moment when the necessity of the mil­lenial administration shall call forth the fulness of that glory, which shall perfectly illumine the temple of GOD in that day, as the present glory fills the house in which the brethren worship!

THE all-seeing eye pervades the temple, and under its superintendancy the whole work advances, whether at the hand of mortal build­ers here below, or through the ministration of Angels and of spirits, in Heaven!

THE Arch, which supports the Key-stone, uniting the two pillars, forming of the whole a perfect body, and a perfect work, stands a fixed monument of the perfect fraternity, in which all mankind shall be united, when the objects of this building. are accomplished. May GOD hasten the period!—quicken us in our work, that when the Master of the house shall come to view his temple he may find us so doing. Then shall the wages of the laborer be sure, and his reward appear from on high!

IF the Hour-Glass and the Scythe impress our minds with the fleeting moments of time, and the readiness of death to bring the glory of man to the dust; with what activity of heart and hand may we all be found to double our diligence, in all the work our hands may find to do!

AT the foot of this masonic edifice is placed the attire of death. Here is the Coffin, and [Page 24]here, the Spade. Is the coffin the narrow dwelling in which we are to be laid; and the grave, the house appointed for all living, sure­ly, the order cannot be charged with neglect, in the omission of the most cogent arguments to prepare for that solemn event! Let the sign of the Cross supported by the Bridge, point to you the way of crossing in safety, the Jordan of death!

IS there hope in death?—Behold the spade used, indeed, for the purpose of planting our bodies in the dust, and so it is, to promote the objects of vegitation in the garden of nature. Our bodies shall vegitate! shall the seed sown spring up and afford increase, some thirty, some sixty, and some an hundred fold; what shall hinder the Saviour's decree, that that which is sown in corruption, should not be raised, in incorruption?—that that which is sown in weakness should not be raised in power?— sown a mortal body that it should not be rais­ed immortal?—sown in dishonor that it should not be raised in glory? such hope ev­ery worthy laborer, every true brother has. Of this he gives the world evidence when up­on the body of his deposited brother he casts a sprig of evergreen; expressive of the hope that the body, thus sown, only dies, that it may live again: that it may live in splendor, be raised in glory and on the principle of all vegetative plants, or corn that is sown, in its time, spring up, and live and flourish in the resplendent glory of eternal day. For "them that sleep in JESUS will GOD bring with him. Thou shalt have a desire to the [Page 25]work of thy hands: thou shalt call," saith Job, "and I will answer thee."

IN this place it might not be improper to relieve your patience, were it not that more fully, to confirm the christian doctrine, from a view of its correspondency with masonic emblems, and the more powerfully to illus­trate the analogy of the works of GOD in general; and thereby to gain increasing rev­erence to his holy name; a little indulgence [...] craved, that the correspondence between the masonic and the christian temple may be a little farther maintained. This correspond­ence is demonstrable:

1. FROM the antiquity of the masonic ori­gin. It claims to be as old as creation.—I doubt it not! it has with it the great lights, which GOD, at first created: and the Redeem­er, himself, in point of antiquity, says, before Abraham was, I AM!

2. The foundation of this edifice was laid, with much labor and toil. A conspiracy against its founder existed, and he fell a prey to the fury of the conspirators!—What labor did the LORD of Life, undergo; what diffi­culties overcome, and what a cruel death sus­tain; that the foundation of our hope might be laid in the shedding of his own blood!

IN this conspiracy, how evident the analo­gy, between the Lucifer who conspired against the throne of GOD! the Devil who [Page 26]tempted our first parents, and marred the beauteous order of our moral frame! the Judas, who betrayed his master, and the con­spirators who died without mercy, and were buried in the ruins of that temple; against whose founder they had conspired!—Thus let thine enemies perish, O LORD!—Let the thunder-bolts which drave Lucifer from Hea­ven, follow his successors, in traitorous oppo­sition to the blessed will of GOD, until Heav­en and Earth shall be cleared of them that defy his holy name! may death receive them and Hell swallow them up quick!

3. HATH this order of builders been sup­ported; handed down, and to this day, are its mysteries preserved in the hands of men of renown—have kings, emperors, statesmen, and historians enrolled their names in the an­nals of this record, so hath the christian doctrine received support from the efforts of genius, of literature, and of the Holy Spirit of GOD, moving upon the pavement of our gospel building!

4. HATH this order, avowedly, preserved certain secrets, peculiar to the brotherhood: so in the gospel building, "the secret of the LORD is with them that fear him, and he will shew them his covenant." Into the mysteries of the most holy place none can look, but those who approach by the blood of JESUS.

5. ARE the duties of fellowship, of frater­nity, and of universal benevolence insisted on by the rules of this society: how correspond­ent [Page 27]to the duties inculcated, by the principles of our holy religion!

6. ARE the arms of this order, open to all nations, people, tongues, and languages: how wide doth gospel benevolence expand its arms, and with ardency of desire, invite all the na­tions of the earth to come and take repose un­der the vine and fig-tree, which yield so de­lightful a shade to all the real worshipers of GOD. May the incense of praise, even a pure offering shortly arise, from the altar of every nation, that "the knowledge of the LORD might fill the whole earth, even as the waters cover the sea!"

7. DOTH this fraternity acknowledge im­perfection in the knowledge of its mysteries, and in the conduct of its members; with how great justice, may the christian fold make humble confession of the same!

HAVE the enemies of the former taken oc­casion, to blast their name, from this cir­cumstance; so have the enemies of the lat­ter! we shall not, in this place, in behalf of ei­ther, make apologies to any!

LET, however, a few shafts of repellant truth smite with contempt, a certain combi­nation of men to render contemptible that which they understand not, and to overturn that which they never helped to build!

FIRST; of those who would say, there are no valuable facts, no hidden mysteries, in the [Page 28]chambers of the masonic building worthy of knowledge or of general attention!

LET such take rank, with those who igno­rantly belch forth, that there is no truth in the bible, nor reality in the mysteries of vital re­ligion! —Do the fraternity hold such belchings in sovereign contempt; so do we!

ARE there any who say that the masonic temple is a nursery of infidelity, and of irre­ligion! How can it be?—As well might Moses when he saw the burning bush; or the flashes of Sinai's mount, or the glory which overshadowed the temple have been accounted exposed to infidel principles, or to an irreli­gious practice!—When all the symbols of the divine presence, and administration are look­ing a man full in the face, how can he be chargeable with being a learner or promoter of irreligion!—let such an one be bid, GOD speed; with his ignorance and presumption!

ARE there any, who say, that the masonic lodges are work-shops, in which are forged shafts, favorable to the principles of the Illu­minati? —of such it may be demanded, "what are the principles of the Illuminati?" Infidel principles! it will be answered!—But in what part of the lodge; in what part of its in­struction, or, on which of its mysteries can infidel principles find a place to set their foot; much more to gain nourishment from what they behold?

THE answer must be, no where sir! But [Page 29]we understand there are Occult lodges; Hidden, Stolen, Runaway, Bastardized lodg­es, in which things have been done, not favor­able to the present systems of religion and of government, in the European world! what then, sirs!—will you agree to the anathema­tizing of the christian religion, because popery, with its horns, and the recesses of monks, Occult lodges, have taken occasion to sprout out of it? on such principles, you ought long ago, to have entered your protest against the worship of GOD, in Jerusalem; because there were Calves, Occult lodges, at Dan and at Bethel! you ought to have struck down the temple of Solomon; because a mongrel race, built a counterfeit one on mount Gerizim!— In a word our gospel temples, blasphemed by the proud infidel, long ago, ought to have been taken down, as Occult lodges, because, the the pulpit hath been used for other purposes, than the propagation of the principles of the peaceful kingdom of the prince of peace!

THESE complainers, had better swell a gentle note, than to class the many respectable characters which compose this honorable soci­ety, into one body of common infidels; to cry out, pointing to them all, or even to any in this country—Infidels!—illuminati!—occult lodges!—&c. &c.—This clamor hath been heard, with patience, thus far; but the noise continued, the indignation may burst forth!

STILL, in a word, to repel with softness, the fire of the ignorant and contemptuous foe; let it be said that the abetting of Infidel, [Page 30]or Occult principles by the Grand Master or [...]y in subordination, would be an contrary to the principles of real masonry; as for the stars in the firmament to deny the creator's power—for creation to deny its relation to the moral world—or for the tabernacle of Moses to deny its relation to the temple of Solomon—or for the whole of these subordi­nate buildings to deny their relation to, or consummation in the present, and future em­pire of the all glorious builder, the Melche­zideck of GOD! Let opposition fall before the mighty weight of irresistable truth!

8. Is this temple, intellectual workshop, raising its tubes, increasing in its numbers, and in its exertions in the prospect of a brighter day; of a more perfect illumination; so, it is with the present imperfect economy of the gospel building.—Greater light, both societies, yea, all creation is looking for, and greater light all shall receive.—Towards the consum­mation of all things, the principals, of both our buildings, as well as the order of events teach us to look. When the mason shall have be­come perfect in his order: and uniting the chris­tian in his faith, shall have passed through the several grades of experience, until he shall have arived to the most noble order of knight­hood; a templar of St. John of Jerusalam; a true and faithful soldier of JESUS CHRIST, and shall, with due honor and fortitude, have supported the amazing trials and dangerous vicisitudes of this noble order!—when he shall have attained to the farther degrees of the Red Cross and of the Mediterranean Pass; [Page 31]Ne plus ultra!—then shall he be capable to pass the Gibralter straits, and bid defiance to the Barbary Coast! The ensign of the cross, and the seal upon his pass, shall enable him to strike down his foes, and to bar the gates of the impassable gulph: for Death and Hell are conquered in his behalf, by the Great Mas­ter of the House!


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