







I PRESENT you the following lines, hoping you may receive some blessing from the LORD when you read them. Though this pamphlet is but short, and its author but weak, and both will, doubtless, be flighted by many, yet the LORD is able-to bless it, for the good of souls, if he pleases. Though I never expect to see many of you, in time I hope, through free grace in the blessed JESUS, to meet all true saints in the heavenly world.



I. A REMEMBRANCE of the state of death we once were in, may be as a warning to beware of returning thither again. What bondage we were in when we were slaves to sin—upon the road to hell! Then we loved sin, but now we profess to hate it. Forget not, O my soul, the wormwood and the gall; remember what trouble and distress sin brought upon thee, under which soul and body must have sunk forever, were it not for the blessed JESUS. I charge thee O my soul, to beware of sin—forsake the city of destruc­tion—flee to the mountain—tarry not in all the plain, lest thou be consumed. Oh, may I never be so amazing foolish, as to cast off the easy yoke of the lovely JESUS, and to be again entangled with the yoke of bondage.

Oh! What a wretched state of sin,
What clouds of darkness I was in—
By nature all undone:
But Oh! The rich and wond'rous love,
That comes so sweetly from above,
Thro' GOD's beloved SON!

[Page 4]II. THE wonderous way that our souls are delivered from our death state should be a strong motive to engage us to live to the glo­ry of GOD. Behold the LAMB of GOD, O my soul! Take a view of what this lovely Being underwent to redeem thee, not only from mis­ery, but also from sin. He was a man of sor­rows, and acquainted with grief, while he lived on earth, not for his own sins, for he was per­fectly pure; but he was wounded for our transgressions. Oh! What distress JESUS un­derwent, when being in an agony, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling to the ground.— Oh! Is not this enough to excite me to pro­claim eternal war against sin? Can I hug the serpent in my bosom, that caused the Beauty of Heaven to be covered with blood? That caused the blessed Sun of glory to be eclipsed for a season? Oh! What sorrows he under­went in the garden, when he said, My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death! Was there no mortal then to watch with the blessed JESUS in this distressing hour? Could not his own disciples, for whose sake he was suffering, have so much of a sympathy with him in his distress, as to keep awake one hour, when he bid them watch with him? No—this blessed ONE must bear the weight of his people's sins alone— none was able or willing to help▪ Who can conceive what he underwent in the garden! But that was not all; he must suffer vastly [Page 5] more before he could say, It is finished. Be­hold the suffering JESUS—His soul was ex­ceeding sorrowful, even unto death, to redeem my poor soul from eternal death! His blessed innocent body was also tormented, even unto death, to save my poor body from the power of death. Can I bear to behold by faith, how those blessed hands and feet were nailed to the cross, until sin and sinners tormented the SON of GOD to death. Oh! Amazing love and pity! Did the King of Glory undergo all this, and vastly more than I can conceive, to redeem my soul and body from sin and death, and shall not the soul and body thus redeemed, be entirely at his command? Surely the sense of these things, will make every soul that loves GOD, hate sin. Am I bought with such a price, and shall I not glorify GOD with my body and spirit, which are his?

Can I believe that CHRIST did die,
To ransom such a worm as I,
From everlasting death —
And not resolve to spend my days
In showing forth my SAVIOUR's praise,
While JESUS lends me breath?

III. THE SAVIOUR's loving invitations, [...]e exceeding great and precious promises, and [...]e sweet comforts and rich blessings of a holy [...]e, may be enough to excite us to walk in [...]e bright and shining way of holiness, where­in [Page 6] the ransomed of the LORD shall walk, until they come to Mount Zion with songs, and everlasting joy shall be upon their heads. Doth our kind LORD give so many sweet coun­sels and loving invitations to us, unworthy sinners, to walk in his pleasant ways, and shall we take no heed to walk in the law of the LORD, with all our heart? Take heed, O my soul, lest thou sin against pure love and sweet compassion. There is no way good or pleas­ant but that which our blessed REDEEMER walked in. Great peace have they who love his law, and nothing shall offend them. Oh! What peace and joy we have found in obedi­ence to the commands of GOD! What can be more foolish than for a soul to leave this bright and shining way that leads to eternal glory, and turn aside after poor toys, that are good for nothing, among briers and thorns, dragons, lions, and serpents, and all manner of dangers, with the hazard of losing heaven and obtain­ing hell? Sweet promises and rich blessings, are strewed like roses under our feet, all along the way to glory: But threatenings and curses are scattered in all other paths. Godliness is profitable unto all things, having the promises of the life that now is, and of that which is to come. None can tell the advantage and prof­it the honour and pleasure, the beauty and [...]ory, of living a holy and religious life!— Godliness draws all the blessings, and ungod­liness draws all the curses in the Bible.

[Page 7] O happy souls, that walk with GOD,
And keep the bright and shining road,
That leads to Paradise;
No trouble can their peace destroy,
Whilst marching on to endless joy,
To see their lovely CHRIST!

IV. THE danger of going back from a good beginning should make us afraid to sin against GOD, and shun every temptation that would entice us to depart from the LORD.— We must not so much as look back with a desire after any sinful pleasure; for the LORD JESUS says, " He that putteth his hand to the plough, and looketh back, is not fit for the king­dom of heaven." Take heed, O my soul, and beware of a sinful look. Let us remember Lot's wife; she looked back after she had set out to leave Sodom, and behold she is turned into a pillar of salt, to stand as a warning to all generations! May all professors take no­tice, and when once set out for Mount Zion, never look back with any desire after what we have left in Sodom. If it is so dangerous to look back, what will be the fate of those who not only look, but draw back unto per­dition? Hear what the King of Glory says— " If any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him." Oh! What a solemn warn­ing is this! Can I be so hardened and de­ceived by the flatteries of sin, as to face all the threatenings in the Bible, rather than face a [Page 8] vain world? Don't I fear the wrath and displeas­ure of the Almighty King of heaven and earth, so much as the frowns of a few earth worms? It is not only dangerous, but it is hard going back —the way of transgressors is hard. It is a way of death, and of darkness wherein is no pleasure. Our experience tells us we find no peace in departing from the Prince of Peace. Tho' sin may deceive us with a vain hope of finding satisfaction in pursuing something besides GOD, yet we shall find all the sweets of sin, bitter as wormwood, as unsatisfying as gravel or ashes, and as unwholesome as the worst of poison.— If our schemes seem to prosper in a way of sin, yet we shall find that the turning away of the simple shall slay them, and the prosperity of tools shall destroy them. If the Lord gives us our carnal desires while we depart from him, he will send leanness into our souls. There is no pleasure nor safety but in living near to GOD.

Then O my soul, beware of sin:
LORD make and keep me pure within—
Oh! May I walk with Thee!
And never rove, nor go astray,
But walk in CHRIST, my glorious way,
Until thy face I see.

V. IF we have any love to the saints, or pity to poor sinners, let us take heed to walk like true christians. Can I bear to wound [Page 9] the lovely Saviour, and thereby wound the hearts of those who love him? Did the dear saints rejoice to see me make a good profes­sion, and now shall their souls mourn for my falling away? Shall I be a child that causes shame and sorrow? Must I be a blot and a a dishonour to the royal family of King JESUS? Oh! May I never bring a reproach upon re­ligion, and grieve the excellent ones of the earth. May I bear so much of the image of the lovely JESUS, that those who love JESUS may be glad when they see me! Oh, may we sit together in heavenly places in CHRIST JE­SUS! It is not only wounding to the saints, but cruelty to those that never knew the way of peace, for those who profess to be follow­ers of the LAMB of GOD, to walk disagreeable to their profession. Can I bear to help the sinner down to to hell? Shall I, by my evil example, or vain conversation, be the means of binding the precious souls of my dear friends down to everlasting death, and yet expect my­self to obtain everlasting life? If my conver­sation is in heaven, I may, by the blessing of GOD, be the means of saving souls from death, and of turning many to righteousness, and have the pleasure of seeing them eternally shining in glory: But if I join with sinners, and walk with them in the ways of sin, perhaps I shall be the means of their going to eternal misery —like those who would not enter into the kingdom of heaven themselves, and those that [Page 10] would enter in they hindered. Time is short —Have I one moment to waste? A long e­ternity of joy or sorrow will soon be my a­bode, and the abode of all my friends on earth.

Saints should not like the sinners walk,
Nor join with them in foolish talk,
Or any sinful way:
We that profess the SAVIOUR's Name,
Should make his praises all our theme,
While in this world we stay.

VI. SINCE it is revealed by the Scriptures, that the angels of GOD are sent forth to minister to those who shall be heirs of salvation, this puts us under great [...]gration to see that we spend all our time in the service of GOD. What wonderful blessings GOD bestows on unworthy sinners! He gave his beloved SON to die, who ever lives to make [...]ercession for us; and he sends his angels to guard us through this dangerous world. Be­ware of sin, O my soul! Shall the angels who rejoice to see sinners repent, wait upon me, while I sin against their King? Oh, that I could live in such a manner as to be a delight to the LORD, to angels and to saints. I be­lieve it adds to their joy in heaven, to have songs of praise ascend from souls on earth.

My soul, come join the host above,
Whose tongues are fired with sacred love,
The SAVIOUR's Name to bless:
[Page 11]Oh! May I join the angels' song,
While they conduct my feet along.
Thro' this dark wilderness▪

VII. THE glory of GOD, above all things, should be a motive to engage my soul to keep his commandments. GOD is glorified in those happy souls who walk with him, and bear much fruit to his glory; such souls hon­our the LORD, but those who forsake his ways despise him. No tongue can tell what an hon­our, and what a blessing it is for a mortal creature to be used as an instrument for the advancement [...] [...]he declarative glory of the GOD of glory and to be a worker together with GOD. Blessed are those who esteem the glory of GOD more precious than their lives. It appears to me that all things were pointing to those who have tasted the love of JESUS, and some way or other telling them to live to the glory of GOD. The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, one essential God of pure love; stands inviting all his children to live near to him and be happy. All the pearly gates of heaven, with all the bright inhabitants of glory stand invit­ing, saying, Come up hither, live near to GOD, and be eternally happy. All the sweet promises in the Bible stand inviting, saying, Come, eat ye that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness live near to GOD and be happy. All the saints on earth, who live in the possession of the love of GOD, stand inviting, saying, Oh, taste [Page 12] and see how good the Lord is—live near to GOD and be happy. All the creation stands inviting, saying, Behold the earth is full of his glory—live near to GOD and be happy. The black regions of darkness, with all their miserable inhabit­ants stand as a warning, saying, If you depart from the Lord, you shall be eternally miserable.— All the bitter curses in the Bible stand as swords to drive us near to GOD. All the troubles and vexations of time are saying, Don't stay here in this evil world; seek a better world than this; hasten to a better country, make no tarrying, you have no continuing city here; live like strangers on a journey, let your heart and treasure be in heaven. Rise up, O my soul—it is high time to awake out of sleep, and to be in a readiness to meet the bridegroom when he cometh!— Oh! May I be more watchful than I have ever been! I want to live better—but with­out CHRIST I can do nothing. From him comes all the good, to him goes all the glory.

E nable, LORD, my soul to stand,
U pheld by thine Almighty Hand,
N or let thy grace remove:
I hope to conquer sin at length—
C HRIST is my hope, my joy, my strength—
E ternal is his love.
S weet is my lovely SAVIOUR's voice,
M y soul in JESUS does rejoice,
I love to feel his grace;
T he happy day will surely come,
H is saints will all be gather'd home,
To see his lovely face.



DEAR friends with whom my soul is bound,
To travel to fair Canaan's ground;
To you I'm bound by cords of love,
With you I hope to dwell above.
May heaven's blessing you attend,
And JESUS be your constant friend,
Falling your souls with heavenly peace,
Until your mortal life shall cease.
[Page 14]
Then may you rise and dwell above,
To swim in sea [...] of joy and love,
And with the saints and angels join,
To praise the LORD in songs divine.
Oh, glorious hour! Oh, happy day!
When sin shall all be done away,
And all the saints shall be made one,
Like to the FATHER and the SON.
There may I find some humble place,
Where I may see my SAVIOUR's face
And sweetly join with you, to sing
Eternal praises to our KING.
Though I am all defil'd with sin,
The blood of CHRIST can make me cl [...]
Though I am very poor and vile,
I hope the LORD, do [...] on me [...]le.
Glory to GOD for any hope—
CHRIST JESUS is my only prop;
To me belongeth shame of face,
But to the LORD, forgiving grace.
The greatest riches I desire,
Is, to be fill'd with heavenly fire,
The fire of love, that shall endure,
And to eternity be sure.
Glory forever let us give,
To HIM that died that we might live:
Oh! Let us all our SAVIOUR praise,
And in his service spend our days.
Perh [...]s the day is very near,
When our REDEEMER will appear:
Oh! Let us then be watching [...]ound,
That we may be with glory crown'd.
I hope through grace, the time will come,
When we shall safe arrive at home,
Where all the saints will help us sing,
And praise our SAVIOUR and our KING.
[Page 15]
Then let us run that blessed race,
Until we see our SAVIOUR's face,
And there with him forever reign,
Beyond the reach of sin or pain.


COME all that to Canaan are bound,
Whose hearts are with JESUS our KING,
Though sorrows beset you around,
With pleasure his praise you may sing.
Ye mourners in Zion rejoice,
Whole hearts are afflicted with sin,
Who make the REDEEMER your choice,
And long to get nearer to him.
While passing through troubles and fears,
The SAVIOUR remembers his saints,
He knows all their sorrows and tears,
And listens to all their complaints:
When sin is our sorrow and grief,
And causes our hearts for to bleed,
To JESUS well run for relief,
And ask him for all that we need.
Remember what JESUS has done,
What comfort from him we have found,
When all other refuge was gone,
And darkness compass'd us around:
Our JESUS behold from above,
Our darkness, our trouble, and grief,
And sent us a token of love,
Our JESUS has been our relief.
We'll trust in this wonderful friend,
Whole mercy forever shall last,
Without a beginning or end,
His kindness shall never be past.
[Page 16]
We've got a good Master [...] [...]ve,
Whose service is pleasant indeed,
Though nothing that's good we deserve,
He'll give us whatever [...] need.
Let Zion rejoice in her LORD,
Whose [...] will forever endure,
And all who rely on his word,
Shall find all his promises sure.
What pleasure and comfort is found
In walking with JESUS below!
How sweetly the pro [...]ses sound▪
To all who the SAVIOUR do know!
But Oh! What unspeakable joy,
Doth lie at the end of our race!
We soon shall our JESUS enjoy,
And see his most beautiful face.
United forever above,
Together we ever shall be,
All praising the GOD that we love,


DEAR brethren, are your harps in tune?
Come then, and let us sing,
A song of honour and of praise,
To Zion's lovely King:
Dear sisters also come and join,
And let our hearts be one,
To try to send a note of praise,
To GOD's beloved SON!
Whoever tasted Heavenly Love,
Should sing the heavenly song,
[Page 17]Until our souls shall join above,
With all the heavenly throng.
Behold the lovely LAMB of GOD,
Descending [...] above▪
Behold what pa [...] he underwent,
To Manifest his love!
Oh! How my soul does mourn to see;
This bright and glorious SON!
Press'd down beneath my weighty guilt,
Until the blood did run!
His soul exceeding sorrowful,
Most earnestly did cry,
That if it might be possible,
That cup might pass him by—
But FATHER, if it be thy will,
That I should drink this cup,
To save poor souls from bitter death,
I'll freely drink it up.
Behold what anguish and distress,
The lovely JESUS bore!
His blessed hands and blessed [...],
For wretched sinners t [...]re!
Dear souls, is this the fruit of sin?
Must JESUS suffer thus,
And give away his blessed life,
To take the curse from us?
Come then, and let us watch and pray,
And fight the monster sin;
Through JESUS, our victorious KING,
We shall the victory win.
Must heavenly beauty bear our sin?
Must glory bear our shame?
Oh, then, forever let us sing,
And praise his holy name!
Oh! What a great and precious price,
The SAVIOUR did lay down,
[Page 18]To save us from our vain discourse,
And bring us to a crown!
Oh! May I spend each day I live,
In praising of my king,
Until he call my soul away,
Eternal praise to sing▪


‘Behold the LAMB of GOD, that taketh away the sin of the world!’
BEHOLD the worthy LAMB of GOD,
Who for us shed his precious blood,
That he might take away our sin,
And we eternal life might win!
He whom the angels all obey'd,
Behold him in a manger laid,
For those who would not him obey,
That he might take their sin away!
Behold him travelling up and down,
Still doing good from town to town!
And praying for his enemies,
That they might reign above the skies.
Behold our sins upon him laid,
When in the garden there he pray'd!
Behold him press'd beneath our load,
Until he sweat great drops of blood!
Behold him nail'd fast to the tree,
There suffering pangs beyond degree,
All for poor wretched sinners' sake,
That he their sins away might take!
Behold at length aloud he cries,
' Tis finished! Then behold he dies!
The LORD of life resign'd his breath,
To bring to life poor lumps of death.
[Page 19]
Thus was the PRINCE of glory bound,
That we might be with glory crown'd:
Oh! This is [...] love indeed,
That [...] love exceed!
But soon behold a joyful sight,
This So [...] of glory rises brigh [...]!
Behold to heaven he doth ascend,
There dwells our kind and loving friend.
Now may our songs to JESUS rise,
Who lives and reigns above the skies!
Now may we pray, and sing and praise,
And thus in pleasure spend our days.


OH! What a foolish child I am,
To wander from the lovely LAMB,
To wander from the field of grace,
Where I beheld his lovely face!
LORD, I confess I do deserve,
To be forsaken here to starve,
But since thy grace is wholly free,
Oh, may it roach unworthy me!
Oh, my REDEEMER, let me see,
A pleasant smile of love from thee!
Come, take possession of my heart,
And let me never from thee part.
Oh, set me in thy pleasant way,
And bid me go no more astray:
Dear JESUS, since thy love is free,
Oh, may it reach unworthy me.
Oh! How I long to see the day,
When sin shall all be done away,
When grace shall to perfection rise,
And glory shine before my eyes.
[Page 20]
Come, lovely JESUS, quickly come,
And take thy mourning children home,
That we with joy may see the end,
Of all that doth our LORD offend.
Behold I quickly come, says he,
Now therefore, wait, and watch for me,
Keep pure your garments from all stain,
And you shall soon in glory reign.


THIS morning pleasant is to me,
While JESUS' lovely face,
On my unworthy soul does shine,
With beams of heavenly grace.
I feel myself deserving hell,
Because of all my sin,
Yet the dear blood of CHRIST my LORD,
I see can make me clean.
The love of CHRIST I do admire,
How wonderful and free!
Why did he have a thought of love,
For poor unworthy me?
Oh, what an everlasting store,
The LORD hath open'd wide!
And bids me come with all my wants!
And all shall be supply'd.
Arise, my soul, with joyful haste,
And hallelujahs sing:
Oh, now begin the heavenly work,
Of praising Zion's KING!
Now to my PROPHET, PRIEST, and KING,
I dedicate my all;
Oh, may I ever waiting stand,
Obedient to his call.
[Page 21]


OUR time how swift it flies away,
Oh, then improve the present day;
Our moments soon will all be past,
Perhaps this day will be the last.
Our life is like a vapour here,
A little while it doth appear,
And then it is forever gone,
And vast eternity comes on.
Eternity! How sweet the sound,
To those who in the LORD are found!
When all their sorrows here are past,
Their pleasures will for ever last.
Eternity! How sad the sound,
To those who in their sins are found!
When all their pleasures here are past,
Their sorrows will forever last.
Soon shall we swim in boundless joy,
And praises be our sweet employ,
Or sink forever down to hell,
And bid all joy a long farewell.
Prepare us then, dear LORD, to stand,
With joyful feet, on Canaan's Land,
Where we thy lovely face may view,
And bid our troubles all adieu.


DEAR Christians come join in my song,
Though distant our bodies remain,
I hope we shall meet ere 'tis long,
And never be parted again.
United in JESUS's love,
Come let us rejoice in our KING,
[Page 22]'Till JESUS shall bring us above,
His praises forever to sing.
Though many temptations we meet,
Which make us to sigh and to groan,
We'll bow at IMMANUEL's feet,
And trust in our JESUS alone.
Though we are most feeble and frail,
Our KING is almighty in strength,
His subjects shall surely prevail,
And triumph in glory at length.
Our sorrows a night may endure,
Afflictions a moment may last,
But joy in the morning is sure,
When all our sad troubles are past.
Then let us give glory and praise,
To JESUS who reigneth above,
And spend what remains of our days,
In telling his wonders of love.
To tell what my JESUS has done,
Oh, this is a lovely employ;
One glimpse of this beautiful ONE,
Doth fill me with comfort and joy.


‘So run that ye may obtain.’
DEAR happy souls who have begun,
The joyful work of praise,
Oh, do not stop but ever run,
The blessed Christian race.
Though many powerful enemies,
May fill your soul with grief,
Oh, do not stop, but raise your cries,
To JESUS for relief.
[Page 23]
When worldly cares beset you round,
To turn your feet astray,
Oh, do not stop on earthly ground,
But run the heavenly way.
When many shining vanities,
Do pass before your eyes,
Oh, do not stop to look on these,
But run and take the prize.
These shining baubles soon will break.
They cannot long endure,
Oh, do not stop, but run and make,
Your lasting portion sure.
Let JESUS be your joy and strength,
Rely on him alone,
Oh, never stop, and you at length,
Shall shine before the throne.
There you shall find more pleasure sweet,
Than here you can desire;
Oh, never stop until you meet,
The whole redeemed choir.
There you may join the shining throng,
The GOD of heaven to praise,
And never stop your joyful song
To everlasting days.


WHEN will that glorious day appear,
My soul does long to see,
When all that love our JESUS dear,
Shall perfectly agree.
When all as one united host,
Forever shall adore,
Who lives for evermore.
[Page 24]
LORD, must thy children ever mourn,
Because they can't agree?
Dear JESUS come, in love return,
That we thy face may see.
Oh, make our jarrings all to cease,
Our hardness all to end,
That we may join in perfect peace,
To praise our heavenly friend.
Oh! How I long the day to see,
Which surely will appear,
When saints shall perfectly agree,
Without one mourning tear.
When all the happy souls shall meet,
And never part no more,
Eternity will sound most sweet,
Upon that blissful shore.
There every lovely soul shall sing,
In sweetest harmony,
The praises of our lovely KING,
To all eternity.
Ye that obey our LORD, and KING,
Whose souls for Zion mourn.
Lift up your heads, rejoice, and sing,
Our LORD, will soon return.
Your sorrows here, and evil days,
Shall quickly all be past,
But, O [...], your blessed songs of praise,
Eternally shall last.

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