


Published by Order of the Society.

New-York: Printed by Geo: Forman, No. 64, Water-Street, between Coenties and the Old-Slip. 1798.


An ACT to incorporate the SOCIETY of ME­CHANICS and TRADESMEN of the City of New-York, for Charitable Purposes. (Passed the 14th of March, 1792.)

WHEREAS Robert Boyd, and others, Mechanics and Tradesmen, of the City of New-York, associated as a Society, under the style of " The General Society of Mechanics and Trades­men of the City of New-York," for the laudable purposes of pro­tecting and supporting such of their brethren as by sickness or accident may stand in need of assistance, and for the relief of the widows and orphans of those who may die, leaving little or no property for their support, by their petition, presented to the Legislature, have prayed to be incorporated, to enable them more beneficiently to carry into effect their charitable intentions: Therefore,

Be it enacted by the People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, That the said Robert Boyd, together with Nicholas N. Anthony, Thomas Allen, William Allen, Jacob Arden, Francis Arden, John Amory, Allard Anthony, Jacob I. Arden, Thomas Ash, Elbert Anderson, Jacob Arnold, John Burger, John Burger, jun. William Bryar, Michael Brooks, A­braham Bloodgood, Francis Bassett, David Barclay, Walter Bicker, Gardner Baker, James Brown, James Bramble, John P. Bessonett, John Brower, Thomas Brewen, James Byrne, John Brown, Peter Bertine, John Bingham, James D. Bissett, Thomas Brown, John Banks, Isaac Boyea, Caleb Boyle, John Campbell, Joseph Cheeseman, John Commendener, John Cole, Peter Cole, Richard Cunningham, Samuel Campell, Francis Childs, William Croleys, William Carman, John Clitz, Seabury Champlain, [Page 4] John Croleus, Isaac Coulthard, James Culbertson, Richard Da­vis, John De la Montayne, Walter Degraw, James Van Dyck, John Van Dyck, William I. Elsworth, John Elsworth, Jacob Fisler, Gabriel Furman, Jacob Fee, William Forde, George Gos­man, William W. Gilbert, John Goodeve, John Gilmore, Ro­bert Gosman, Alexander Gibson, Caleb Haviland, Thomas Ha­zard, Robert Hodge, Peter Hulick, Hercules Heron, William Hopson, Daniel Hitchcock, Jabez Halsey, Jacob Hallett, Aaron Howel, Obadiah Helmes, Thomas Ivers, Joseph Jadwin, Seth Kneelen, George Lindsey, Robert Lilburn, Thomas Le Foy, John Moore, John M cComb, sen. Dennis M cCready, John Mills, Malcom M cEwen, George Meserve, William Meserve, William Mooney, White Matlack, William Mooney, Peter R. Maverick, David Mann, Andrew Morris, James Moore, John M cBaine, Robert M cDowell, John Ming, Isaac Moore, Peter M cCartey, John M cComb, jun. Joseph Newton, Isaac Nicoll, John Norman, Anthony Ogilvie, Andrew Otterson, Anthony Post, Abraham Polhemus, Jotham Post, John Perrian, Edward Patten, George Pake, George Peck, Alexander Peacock, William Philips, Wil­liam Parker, Abraham Russell, James Robinson, Frederick Res­ler, Thomas Ross, John Ross, Abraham Riker, John I. Richie, Daniel Ruckel, John Stagg, Thomas Stevenson, John Sidell, Da­niel Stansbury▪ John Striker, Gerardus Smith, Frederick Sty­mets, Stephen Smith, Anthony Simmons, Jacob Sherred, George Seal, George Speth, Henry Snyder, William Stymets, Peter Shackerly, Cornelius Sebring, Andrew Thompson, James Tylee, James Teller, Ahasuerus Turk, Thomas Timpson, Daniel Tooker, John Utt, John Wylley, Henry Will, Edward Watkeys, Hugh Walsh, William Wright, George Warner, Henry Wolf, James Warner, Nathaniel Woodward, Benjamin Williamson, John Wood, John Wright, Andrew Wright, and John Young, and all persons being Mechanics or Tradesmen, and resident within the City and County of New-York, who hereafter shall be members of the said Society, shall be, and hereby are ordain­ed, constituted and declared to be, one body corporate and po­litic; in fact and in name, by the name of " The General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen of the City of New-York," until the first Monday of April, one thousand, eight hundred and twelve; [Page 5] and that by that name, they and their successors, for the term aforesaid, shall and may have succession, and shall be persons in law, capable of suing and being sued, pleading and being impleaded, answering and being answered unto, defending and be­ing defended in all courts and places whatsoever, in all manner of action and actions, suits, complaints, matters and causes whatso­ever; and that they and their successors may have a common seal, and may change and alter the same at their pleasure. And also, that they and their successors, by the name of " The Gene­neral Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen of the City of New-York," shall be in law capable of purchasing, holding and conveying any estate, real or personal, for the public use of the said corpo­ration.

Provided, That the lands, tenements and hereditaments, which it shall be lawful for the said corporation to hold, shall be only such as shall be requisite for the purpose of erecting a house or hall thereon, in which to meet and to transact the business of the said corporation, or such as shall have been bona fide mortgaged to it by way of security, or conveyed to it in satisfaction of debts previously contracted in the course of its business, or purchased at sales on judgments which shall have been obtained for such debts.

And, Provided also, That the amount of the real and personal estate, which the said corporation are hereby enabled to hold, shall not at any one time exceed the sum of fifty thousand dollars.

And be it further enacted, That the officers of the said corpora­tion, shall be a President, Vice-President, and a second Vice-President, a Treasurer and Secretary, who shall hold their offices for one year, and shall be citizens of this state, and be elected on the first Tuesday in January in every year, at such time of the day and at such place in the City of New-York, as shall be fixed and ascertained by the bye-laws of the said corporation. That all elections of the said officers or any of them shall be by ballot, and such person who shall have at any election the greatest num­ber of votes given at such election as President, shall be the President; and in like manner the person who shall have the [Page 6] greatest number of votes as Vice-President, shall be Vice-Presi­dent; and in like manner the person who shall have the greatest number of votes for second Vice-President, shall be second Vice-President; and in like manner the person who shall have the greatest number of votes as Treasurer, shall be Treasurer; and in like manner the person who shall have the greatest number of votes as Secretary, shall be Secretary: And the said officers shall hold their respective offices for one year, and until others shall be chosen in their places: That if any vacancies shall happen among the said officers by death, resignation or removal, such vacancies shall be filled for the remainder of the year in which they may happen, by a special election for that purpose, to be held in the same manner as the annual elections are made, at such times and places as shall be provided for and determined by the bye-laws of the said corporation: That Robert Boyd shall be the first President of the said corporation, Anthony Post, Vice Presi­dent thereof, Daniel Hitchcock, second Vice-President thereof, Thomas Le Foy, the Treasurer thereof, and John Elsworth▪ the Secretary thereof: who shall hold their offices respectively until the first Tuesday in January next, and until others shall be cho­sen in their places.

And be it further enacted, That in case it should at any time happen that an election of officers should not be made on any day when pursuant to this act it ought to have been made, the said corporation shall not for that cause be deemed to be dissolv­ed, but it shall and may be lawful on any other day to hold and make an election of officers, in such manner as shall have been regulated by the laws and ordinances of the said corporation.

And be it further enacted, That all elections and all meetings of the said corporation, shall be made and held in a place certain to be fixed and determined by the bye-laws of the said corporation; and that at all such elections and meetings of the said corpora­tion, so to be held as aforesaid, twenty five members thereof, including the President, or in his absence the Vice-President, or in his absence the second Vice-President, shall be considered as a quorum of the said corporation, and shall have full power to do and transact all the business thereof.

[Page 7] And be it further enacted, That the said corporation and their successors, shall have full power to make and prescribe such bye-laws, rules, ordinances and regulations, as to them from time to time shall appear needful and proper, touching the management and disposition of their stock, property, estate and effects for the purposes aforesaid, and touching the meetings of the said Soci­ety, both special and ordinary, except the first Tuesday in Janu­ary in every year, which is hereby declared to be the annual meeting of the Society, and touching the duties and conduct of the officers of the said corporation, and touching the election of officers and all such other matters as appertain to the business, ends and purposes, for which the said corporation is by this act instituted, and for no other purposes whatsoever.

Provided, That such bye-laws, rules and regulations, be not repugnant to the constitution or the laws of the United States or of this state.

And be it further enacted, That all persons being Mechanics or Tradesmen, and resident within the City and County of New-York, desiring to become members of the said corporation, shall be proposed by at least two members, one meeting previous to his or their election, which shall be by ballot, and determined by two-thirds of the members present at such election; that then he or they so elected, on paying into the hands of the Treasurer such sum as the corporation by their bye-laws shall direct: Pro­vided, the same shall not exceed the sum of ten dollars, shall have his or their names inserted in the general register, and shall be entitled to all the privileges and benefits arising therefrom.

And to the end, that the funds of the said corporation may never be diverted to any other than the charitable purposes for which the institution has been expressly made and created;

Be it further enacted, That the said corporation shall, within twenty days after the passing of this act, exhibit to the Chancel­lor of this state a full and particular account of all the estate, real and personal, then vested in the said corporation, attested by the oath of the Treasurer thereof, that the same is a true and [Page 8] perfect account: And shall also, in every year thereafter, during the continuance of this act, and between the first and last days of May in each year, exhibit to the Chancellor for the time being, a like account together with a particular and detailed account of all monies by the said corporation expended in the preceding year, specifying the several purposes to which it has been applied: And if it shall appear to the said Chancellor that any monies, ex­cept for the necessary repairs of any buildings which may belong to the said corporation, or for the payment of the Treasurer or Secretary thereof, or for other charges expressly incidental to the management of the funds thereof, have been applied by the said corporation to any use other than for the support of indigent members of the said corporation, or the widows or children of any person having been a member thereof, he shall direct the At­torney-General of the state for the time being, ex officio, to file an information against the said corporation in the Supreme Court of this State; and if upon the traverse, the said corporation shall be found guilty, and judgment shall pass thereupon, that thence­forth the said corporation shall cease and become null and void, and the estate, real and personal, which it may then possess, shall vest in the people of this state.

And be it further enacted, That this act be, and hereby be de­clared to be, a public act; and that the same is construed in all courts and places, benignly and favorably, for every beneficial purpose therein intended.

The preceding act is a true copy of the original, examined and com­pared therewith this
By me, ROBERT HARPUR, Deputy Sec'ry.


A LAW concerning the meetings of the Society, and the election of Officers.

BE IT ORDAINED, by the General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen of the City of New-York, That the annual meetings of this Society shall be held at the dwelling-house of the late Mary Amory, in the sixth ward of the City of New-York, until a more suitable place be provided.

And be it further ordained, That when the members are met as aforesaid, the President (or in case of his absence, death, or re­moval from office) the Vice-President, or in case of his absence, the second Vice-President, shall, before the hour of eleven A. M. call the members to order, who shall thereupon proceed by bal­lot to the choice of their officers for the ensuing year; and that such persons who may have a majority of votes, shall (by a com­mittee of three, to be previously elected by the Society, to can­vass and estimate the same) be declared duly elected, and shall thereupon enter on the duties of their respective offices accord­ingly.

Nevertheless, it is here to be understood, that when a new Treasurer is chosen, his predecessor in office shall be allowed (not exceeding) thirty days, to adjust and settle all such affairs of the Society as come within the duties of his office, previous to his de­livering his trust into the hands of his successor.

And be it further ordained, That it shall and may be lawful for this Society to meet on the first Wednesday in every month, at half an hour after the setting of the sun, at the place aforesaid, for the purpose of balloting for such persons who have been proposed, and may wish to become members of this Society, and to initiate those who have been elected members; and also to do and trans­act all such other matters and things as the interest of the Soci­ety shall from time to time require.

[Page 10] And be it further ordained, That whenever seven members shall deem it expedient to have a special meeting, the same shall be signified by them in writing to the President for the time being, whose duty it shall be to call the same, by directing the Secretary to give at least three days notice in three of the public news-pa­pers printed in this city.

And be it further ordained, That if any vacancies shall happen among the officers of this Society, by death, resignation or re­moval, such vacancies shall be filled for the remainder of the year, in which they may happen, by a special election for that pur­pose, to be held in the same manner as the annual elections are; that the time for such election shall be at one of the stated meet­ings of the Society, not less than two, or more than three months after such vacancies shall or may happen; that one weeks notice thereof shall be given by order of the presiding President, in two, or more of the public news-papers printed in this city.

A LAW to regulate the admission of such persons as may apply to become members of this Society.

BE IT ORDAINED, by the General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen of the City of New-York, That every person who may be hereafter chosen a member of this Society agreeable to the charter, the President, who may then fill the chair, shall, in such mode and form as the Society shall direct, receive such person, and on his paying into the hands of the Treasurer Five Dollars for the purpose of establishing a fund, to be applied to such pur­poses as the charter directs, shall thereupon insert his name in the Register of this Society, and he shall be entitled to all the privileges and benefits arising therefrom.

And be it further ordained, That every person who may hereaf­ter be elected a member of this Society, shall within three months thereafter, apply for the purpose of being initiated; and in case any person so elected, shall neglect to apply within the time aforesaid, in order to be initiated, the election of every such person, shall by such neglect become void.

[Page 11] And be it further ordained, That every person who may hereafter be proposed to become a member of this Society, and on whose election upon counting the ballots or balls, it shall appear that more than one third were against his admission, such person shall not within six months thereafter be again proposed for the pur­pose aforesaid.

And be it further ordained, That the art or trade of every per­son hereafter to be proposed as a member of this Society, shall be entered by the Secretary on the minutes of the meeting at which such proposition is made; and the Society shall in no case proceed to ballot for any person as a member until he is recom­mended by at least two members speaking to his character, as it relates to industry, honesty and sobriety, and unless one of the persons who proposed him, be present.

And be it further ordained, That all foreigners previous to their admission, shall become citizens of the United States; and no person shall be admitted, unless he resides within the City and County of New-York, and shall have arrived at the age of twen­ty-one years.

A LAW to regulate the Monthly Contributions.

BE IT ORDAINED, by the General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen of the City of New-York, That every member of this Society shall pay into the hands of the Treasurer, one-eighth of a dollar monthly, for the purpose of establishing a general fund, to be appropriated as the charter directs.

And be it further ordained, That if any member shall neglect or refuse to pay his monthly contributions for six months successively, he shall be waited on by the Treasurer, who shall give notice there­of to the Society as soon after as possible. If in the opinion of the Treasurer he be in indigent circumstances, the Secretary shall then hand his name to the overseers of the poor, who shall wait on the member so reported, to know the cause of his delin­quency, and if it appears (to their satisfaction, and to the Soci­ety, [Page 12] before whom the overseers shall lay his case at the next stated meeting) that his circumstances would not permit his pay­ing his monthly contributions, then the Secretary shall note it in the Society Book for their future consideration; but if it appears that the deficiency arises from any other cause, and that he the said member declines paying his monthly dues for three months longer, then his name shall be struck off the register of this So­ciety, and he be expelled and debarred from any of the privile­ges belonging to the members thereof.

And be it further ordained, That if any member removes from this city, and does not cause his monthly contributions to be paid in twelve months thereafter, the Treasurer shall then report him to the Society, and his name shall be struck off the register, and he be debarred the privileges belonging to the members thereof.

A LAW to direct the appropriation of the funds of this Society.

BE IT ORDAINED, by the General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen of the City of New-York, That as it is a leading motive of this Society, to relieve the distressed of its members that may fall in want by sickness, or other misfortunes; every such person having previous to such sickness or misfortune, been a regular member for the space of two years, shall be entitled to receive such sum or sums as the Society shall direct, by an order, signed by the President, or one of the Vice-Presidents, who may preside at the time the order is made.

And be it further ordained, That in the event of the death of any member of this Society, the widow, orphan or orphans of such member, shall be entitled to receive assistance from the Society, agreeable to the same regulations by which members themselves receive it.

And be it further ordained, That four members of this Society, shall at every annual meeting be elected as overseers of the indi­gent of this Society, whose business it shall be to inspect into the circumstances of every member, or of the widow, orphan or or­phans of any deceased member who may apply for relief, and re­port such cases in writing to the Society for their consideration.

[Page 13]

A LAW respecting the Seal and Plate for Certificates of this Society.

BE IT ORDAINED, by the General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen of the City of New-York, That there shall be a seal pro­vided by the Society, emblematical of its institution, with such device as shall be agreed on by the Society; the same to be kept by the Secretary, for the purpose of sealing all certificates of ad­mission, and other transactions whereunto it is proper a seal should be affixed, in order that the whole of its acts and proceed­ings may be regularly authenticated.

Be it further ordained, That the seal of this Society shall not be affixed to any instrument of writing for any purpose whatsoever (except the certificate of admission) at any other time or place, than at a regular meeting of this Society.

Be it further ordained, That there shall be a plate engraved for the purpose of striking off the certificates of admission; that each member shall be entitled to a certificate, which shall be present­ed to him by the Secretary, dated from the commencement of his membership, free from any cost or expense, at any time, not exceeding two months, from the time he was initiated.

A LAW to ascertain the duties of the Treasurer.

BE IT ORDAINED, by the General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen of the City of New-York, That it shall be the duty of the Treasurer, from time to time, to receive all the initiation fees, and collect all the monthly contributions; and also, such dona­tions that may at any time be presented to the Society. He shall pay all specific orders drawn on him by the Society and signed by the presiding President; he shall suffer no unnecessary delays in payment to the discredit of the Society; he shall keep all the accounts relating to this business, fair and accurate; he shall at every quarterly meeting report a state of the finances and funds, and subjoin his account thereunto, which shall be for the inspec­tion of the Society.

[Page 14] And be it further ordained, That whenever a Treasurer is elect­ed, he shall before he enters on the duties of his office, give bond with two sufficient sureties, in the sum of two thousand dollars for the faithful performance of the duties of his office.

And be it further ordained, That the Treasurer shall be allowed for his services, five per cent. on all initiation fees, on all monthly contributions, and on all interest:—which five per cent. shall be considered as a full compensation for his services, and which it may be lawful for him to retain in his hands.

A LAW to ascertain the duties of the Secretary.

BE IT ORDAINED, by the General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen of the City of New-York, That it shall be the duty of the Secretary to attend every meeting of the Society (except he be sick or out of town) he shall keep minutes of all their pro­ceedings, and regularly record the same; he shall provide and keep a book wherein each members name shall be inserted, in their order, and in such manner, that it may at first view appear when each member was admitted, expelled, or when he died; which book shall be the register of this Society.

And be it further ordained, That it shall be the duty of the Se­cretary, to cause notice to be given of the annual and quarterly meetings of this Society, in not more than three of the public news-papers printed in this City, three days previous to each meeting.

And be it further ordained, That the Secretary shall be allowed for the aforesaid services, Twenty Dollars per annum.

A LAW to ascertain the duty of the President in the absence or inability of the Secretary.

BE IT ORDAINED, by the General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen of the City of New-York, That in the absence or inabi­lity of the Secretary, it shall be the duty of the President for the time being, to appoint a member to officiate in his place.

[Page 15]

A LAW to regulate the loaning of the money of this Society.

BE IT ORDAINED, by the General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen of the City of New-York, That the Society shall at every annual meeting elect, by ballot, a committee of five mem­bers, whose duty it shall be to attend to the loaning of the money of this Society. That when application is made to the Society for money, a majority of the members of the committee on exa­mining the property offered to be mortgaged, and finding it agreeable to the regulations in the following clause, shall have power to loan the same.

And be it further ordained, That no money shall be loaned out by the Society, unless the borrower lives (and the real property to be mortgaged be situated) within the City and County of New-York; and unless the real property offered to be mortgaged, be twice the value of the sum to be loaned.

And be it further ordained, That in case there should be more than one applicant at the same time, for any sum that may be in the hands of the Treasurer, it is hereby made the duty of the President, to determine by lot which of the applicants shall have the preference; but the members of this Society, shall have the preference of all other applicants for any money to be loaned.

And be it further ordained, That on the first meeting after the loaning of any monies, this committee shall report to the Soci­ety a regular account of their proceedings.




ON the appearance of a quorum, the President shall take the Chair, and the members shall be called to order.


Immediately after the President shall have taken the Chair, the minutes of the preceding meeting shall be read by the Secre­tary, that any mistakes therein may be corrected by the Society.


The President shall preserve order and decorum, and decide questions of order, subject to an appeal to the Society.


The President shall not vote in any case, unless the Society be equally divided.


When the Society adjourns, the members shall keep their seats until the President leaves the chair.


Every member wishing to speak, shall rise from his seat and address himself to the President: and unless conscientiously scru­pulous, shall be uncovered.


When two or more members rise at once, the President shall name the member who is first to speak.


No member shall speak more than twice to the same question, until he shall have obtained leave from the Society.


No motion shall be debated or put, unless the same be seconded. When a motion is seconded, it shall be stated by the President before debate, and every such motion shall be reduced to writ­ing, if the President or any five members desire it.

[Page 18]


After a motion is stated by the President, it shall be deemed to be in possession of the Society; but may be withdrawn at any time before decision or amendment.


When any question is under debate, no motion shall be re­ceived, unless to amend it or to postpone it to a certain day, for the previous question or to adjourn.


The previous question until it is decided, shall preclude all amendment and debate of the main question; and shall be in this form— Shall the main question be now put?


A motion to adjourn shall be always in order, and shall be de­cided without debate.


No member shall speak more than once upon a previous ques­tion.


Petitions, memorials, and other papers addressed to the Soci­ety, shall be presented by the President, or by a member in his place.


Whilst the President is putting a question, no member shall walk out of, or across the room; nor when a member is speaking, shall any one entertain private discourse, or pass between him and the chair.


Every bill shall receive three several readings, previous to its being passed; the second and third reading shall be at different meetings, unless the Society unanimously direct otherwise.


All questions in the Society, shall be put in the order they were moved; except that in filling up blanks, the largest sum and longest time shall be first put.

[Page 19]


When a bill passes the Society, the President shall sign the same, with the date thereof, at the foot of the bill, and the Se­cretary countersign it.


The order of the day shall have preference to any motion be­fore the Society.

Passed the
JAMES TYLEE, President.
  • William Allen,
  • * Dennis M cReady,
  • Anthony Post,
  • John Burger,
  • John Stagg▪
  • Thomas Ivers,
  • William I. Elsworth,
  • Robert Hodge,
  • John Moore,
  • Joseph Cheeseman,
  • John Sidell,
  • James Brown,
  • John Goodeve,
  • Jacob I. Arden,
  • George ,Messerv [...],
  • David Man,
  • * Jacob Arden,
  • George Warner,
  • Gerardus Smith,
  • John Campbell,
  • James M cCullen,
  • Abraham Russel,
  • Nicholas N. Anthony,
  • George Gosman,
  • George Lindsay,
  • Caleb Haviland,
  • James Tylee,
  • John Mills,
  • * Frederick Stymets,
  • Malcom M cEuen,
  • Edward Watkeys,
  • * Jacob Pozer,
  • Abraham Polhemus,
  • * John Cammerdener,
  • Walter Bicker,
  • William Bryar,
  • Thomas Allen,
  • Thomas Stevenson,
  • James Robinson,
  • Peter Cole,
  • Thomas Hazard,
  • Francis Childs,
  • Michael Brooks,
  • Jotham Post,
  • * Daniel Stanbury,
  • John Striker, 1
  • [Page 20]Frederick Resler,
  • William Wright,
  • Edward Patten,
  • Richard Cunningham,
  • Abraham Bloodgood,
  • * Anthony Ogilvie,
  • John Burger, jun.
  • Joseph Newton,
  • Richard Davis,
  • John Elsworth,
  • Thomas Greenleaf,
  • Gardiner Baker,
  • Thomas Lefoy,
  • James Warner,
  • John Utt,
  • Stephen Smith,
  • Daniel Hitchcock,
  • Anthony Simmons,
  • Peter R. Maverick,
  • Jacob Sherred,
  • James Teller,
  • James Van Dyck,
  • * Walter Degraw,
  • John M cComb, jun.
  • George Peek,
  • John Brower,
  • Thomas Bruen,
  • James Moore,
  • George Seal,
  • Andrew Morris,
  • James Byrne,
  • * George Speth,
  • Ahasuerus Turk,
  • John Clitz,
  • Peter Bertine,
  • Thomas Timpson,
  • Seabury Champlin,
  • John Crolius, jun.
  • Nathaniel Woodward,
  • Cornelius B. Sebring,
  • George Pick,
  • Benjamin Williamson,
  • James D. Bissett,
  • John Gilmore,
  • Gabriel Furman,
  • John Van Dyk,
  • Elbert Anderson,
  • John M cBain,
  • Jabez Halsey,
  • Thomas Brown,
  • Alexander Peacock,
  • John Wright,
  • John Ming,
  • Aaron Howell,
  • Jacob Hallett,
  • * Daniel Ruckel,
  • Seth R. Kneeland,
  • Robert M cDowel,
  • Robert Gosman,
  • William Foord,
  • Obadiah Helme,
  • James Culbertson,
  • Peter M cEachan,
  • Daniel Tooker,
  • John Banks,
  • John Norman,
  • Andrew Wright,
  • Alexander Gibson,
  • Jacob Arnold,
  • James Hays,
  • Evert Bush,
  • Philip K. Lawrence,
  • John W. Hardenbrook,
  • Garret Walgrove,
  • Kamp Ayrs,
  • John Harrisson,
  • John Minuse,
  • Edward Ming,
  • Leonard Rogers,
  • Henry Ackerman,
  • Cornelius Timpson,
  • Frederick Maybie,
  • Henry Burtsell,
  • Charles Warner,
  • John Patten,
  • John P. Roome,
  • Owen Jones,
  • * Josiah Furman,
  • Henry Ortly,
  • Jacob P. Roome,
  • [Page 21]Jeremiah Wool,
  • Abraham Brower,
  • Edward Day,
  • * George Stanton, jun.
  • Peter Garbrance,
  • Peter Amerman,
  • Israel Haviland,
  • Benjamin Benson,
  • Joseph Lyons,
  • John Miller,
  • John Fawpell,
  • James Brard,
  • John Day,
  • Adam Fink,
  • Alexander Fink, jun.
  • John Post,
  • John Read,
  • Abel W. Hardenbrook,
  • Samuel Wright,
  • Robert Cocks,
  • * Jeremiah Wood,
  • Jonas Utt,
  • William Gilbert Miller,
  • Samuel Burling,
  • Edward Wade,
  • Eleazer Little,
  • John Slidell,
  • James Hallett,
  • John Peshine,
  • Charles Hedenberg,
  • John B. Dash, jun.
  • Christopher Halsted,
  • Jacamiah Akerly,
  • Samuel L. Whitlock,
  • Timothy Nostrand,
  • James Weeks,
  • John Lent,
  • William Weeks,
  • * Henry Whitfield,
  • Theodorus Deforest,
  • William Humphreys,
  • Robert Johnston,
  • Gilbert Brush,
  • James Scott,
  • Robert Brown,
  • James M cCready, jun.
  • Simeon A. Bayley,
  • * Garret Schanck,
  • William Dally,
  • Cornelius King,
  • Stephen Allen,
  • Andrew M cCready,
  • Philip Dally,
  • David Baker,
  • James Woodruff,
  • Isaac Varian,
  • John Moffit,
  • Sampson A. Myers,
  • Daniel Van Voorhis,
  • * John Robertson,
  • John Waldron,
  • William H. Ireland,
  • Robert G. Giles,
  • John Rose,
  • William Rollinson,
  • William Kumbel,
  • Judah Myers,
  • Simon Van Antwerp,
  • Garret Cozine,
  • Mathias Valentine,
  • Abraham Child,
  • Benjamin Haight,
  • John Elliot,
  • William Brown,
  • Augustus Wright,
  • Peter Bourdet, jun.
  • Stephen Hitchcock,
  • Richard Furman,
  • William Quick,
  • Garret De Bow,
  • Samuel Delamater,
  • Thomas Ferdon,
  • Anthony Brown,
  • Peter Walker,
  • John Ashfield,
  • Albert Smith,
  • * Ahasuerus Turk, jun.
  • Samuel Machett,
  • Abraham Lazalere,
  • Nathaniel Harned,
  • [Page 22]Isaac Ketchell,
  • James Jinkins,
  • Elias Billington,
  • George Ritchie,
  • Philip Ruckel,
  • James Duffie,
  • Jacob Keyser,
  • William King,
  • Stephen Carpenter,
  • John Gould,
  • William Wendover,
  • George M cKoy,
  • William Rutledge,
  • John Bogart,
  • Francis Many,
  • John Morris,
  • Samuel Brown,
  • Henry Couenhoven,
  • James Ronalds,
  • William Willess,
  • Paul Van Der Voort,
  • William Wood,
  • Augustus Crygier,
  • Isaac Tor-Boss,
  • Mott Hicks,
  • Jonas Humbert,
  • Henry Mitchell,
  • Joel Post,
  • Jonas Mapes,
  • * James Aymar, jun.
  • Nathaniel Browne,
  • Archibald M cIntire,
  • Evert Duyckinck,
  • Christopher Gollow,
  • Matthew West,
  • Hazel Myers,
  • John Cheeseman,
  • Jacob Morris,
  • * Josiah G. Pierson,
  • John Burt,
  • Abraham Labagh,
  • Peter H. Wendover,
  • John Brown,
  • Jacob Germond,
  • Andrew S. Norwood,
  • Nicholas Morris,
  • John Sproson,
  • Abraham C. Brower,
  • William Robinson,
  • Samuel St. John,
  • John J. Wilmurt,
  • Paul Gallaudat,
  • William Heyer,
  • Thomas Demilt,
  • Oliver Cromwell,
  • Frederick Pentz,
  • Thomas Garson,
  • William Peterson,
  • Benjamin Cady,
  • Thomas Smith,
  • John Garlock,
  • Nathaniel Hawxhurst,
  • Timothy Wood,
  • Theophilus Pirson,
  • Henry Sanders,
  • Michael Parker,
  • George Dally,
  • Oliver Showet,
  • David Skaats,
  • John P. Haff,
  • Joel Davis,
  • Cornelius Crygier, jun.
  • William Vincent,
  • Godfrey Kant,
  • * Rinier Skaats, jun.
  • Daniel Ravo,
  • William Pers,
  • John Haskin,
  • William M cKenny,
  • William P. Roome,
  • Nicholas Meade,
  • Reuben Bunn,
  • Duncan Phyfe,
  • Nathaniel Furman,
  • Andrew Durham,
  • Joseph Morrison,
  • Ware Branson,
  • Anthony Steenback,
  • Thomas B. Whitlock,
  • David Heckle,
  • [Page 23]Daniel Betts,
  • Ebenezar Stevens,
  • James Alner,
  • William Rowlenson,
  • William Peck,
  • William Barton,
  • Jabesh Pell,
  • Andrew Mer [...]in,
  • Thomas Dodds,
  • John Leveridge,
  • Philip Lockwood,
  • Peter Conrey,
  • John Campbell,
  • * James Egbert,
  • Christian Tupper,
  • Edward Meeks,
  • Harman Montanye,
  • James Riker,
  • Daniel Van Antwerp,
  • Henry Vandewater,
  • John Auchincloss,
  • Joseph Watkins,
  • Stephen R. Cooper,
  • Francis A. Marschalk,
  • Andrew Newel,
  • Charles Jos. Field,
  • Francis Cooper,
  • Lawrence Heyer,
  • James Bussing,
  • Silas Barber,
  • James Willet,
  • John Crygier,
  • Walter M cBride,
  • Peter Sebring,
  • James Armstrong,
  • John I. Roome,
  • Thomas Tant,
  • James Van Duyne,
  • Richard Robertson,
  • John Connor,
  • John Cunningham,
  • Robert Provost, jun.
  • David Mersereau,
  • Nicholas Carmer,
  • Robert Carter,
  • Michael White,
  • Michael Fach,
  • Hugh M cDougall,
  • Henry Hillman,
  • Thomas Fardon,
  • Gerard I. Bancker,
  • Abijah Abbot,
  • Alexander Campbell,
  • Isaiah Valleau,
  • Abraham Van Gelder,
  • William Irvin,
  • John Burger,
  • Caleb Pell,
  • Jonas P. Eddo,
  • James Stewart,
  • Lewis Harway,
  • Isaac Van Dyck,
  • Lot Merkel,
  • Stephen Rudd,
  • Jacob Grim,
  • Joseph Board,
  • Thomas F. Kip,
  • Barant Deklyne,
  • Peter Vanderhoef, jun.
  • Asa Stanton,
  • Abraham Rich,
  • * John M cGowan,
  • Samuel Campbell,
  • Edward Sarles,
  • Ezekiel Robins,
  • Daniel Bowen,
  • Christian Nestill,
  • George Dieterich,
  • James Harrison,
  • John Hyde,
  • John Cummings,
  • Richard Moore,
  • James Bertine,
  • William Astrander,
  • John Van Houter,
  • John Ruckel,
  • Henry Simmons,
  • Benjamin Ay [...]rigg,
  • George Shimeall,
  • Matthew Lattimore,
  • [Page 24]Thomas White,
  • Benjamin Stephens,
  • David Pearc [...]lock,
  • Jeronemous Alstyne, jun.
  • William Bussing,
  • William Ketcham,
  • Philip Arnold,
  • Nicholas Roberts,
  • Peter R. Sprainger,
  • Thomas Pry [...]r,
  • Duncan M cEuen,
  • William A. Hardenbrook,
  • Jacob Lorillard,
  • Leonard Warner,
  • John Videto,
  • Simeon Deming,
  • George Ireland,
  • Thomas Whitlock,
  • Charles Craft,
  • John Campbell,
  • Francis Lynch,
  • Peter Valleau,
  • John Baldwin,
  • Ebenezar C. Kilborn,
  • William Ballard,
  • Samuel Borrowe,
  • Cornelius Brinckerhoff,
  • John West,
  • Jacob Van Wagenan, jun.
  • Abraham Kip,
  • Peter Coruth,
  • Benjamin Sullivan,
  • Isaac Kip, jun.
  • George James Warner,
  • James Bayley,
  • Adam Pentz,
  • James Norris,
  • Charles Dobbs,
  • Cornelius Rutan,
  • Ephraim Baylis,
  • Abraham Fardon,
  • Reuben Odell,
  • John Parker,
  • William W. Galatian,
  • Napthali Judah,
  • John Elting,
  • Peter C. Schuyler,
  • Elias Hatfield,
  • John W. Elsworth,
  • Joseph Dederer,
  • William Parker,
  • Bartholomew Skaats,
  • Edward Meeks, sen.
  • John Forsyth,
  • William Frobisher,
  • Joseph Earl,
  • Benjamin Gallahar,
  • James Hallett, jun.
  • Henry Monro Dobbs,
  • Charles Smith,
  • Thomas James,
  • William Whitehead,
  • Thomas Ryan,
  • John Buel,
  • Solomon Pancoast,
  • John Fitzpatrick,
  • Ezra Weeks,
  • Lewis Randolph,
  • Richard Chalk,
  • John Schanck,
  • Archibald Whaites,
  • Richard B. Davis,
  • George Collis,
  • George Arcularius,
  • Jacob Bierman,
  • Alexander Saunders,
  • Andrew Morrell,
  • George Knox.
  • Kenneth M cKintzie,
  • Nicholas Lozier,
  • John Randall.

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