

I. Shewing the various and wonderful Opperations of the Signs and Planets, and other celestial Constella­tions, on the Bodies of Men, &c.

II. Prognostications for ever necessary to keep the Body in Health; with several choice Receipts in Phys­ic and Surgery.

III. An Abstract of the Art of Physiognomy and Palmistry, together with the Signification of Moles, and the Interpretation of Dreams, &c.

IV. The Farmer's Calender, containing, 1st. Perpet­ual Prognostications for Weather. 2d. The whole Mystery of Husbandry. 3d. The complete and expe­rienced Farrier and Cowleech, &c.

WRITTEN BY ERRA PATER, A Jew Doctor in Astronomy and Physic, born in Bethany, near Mount Olivet in Juda.

Made English by W. LILLY, Student in Physic and Astrology.

TO WHICH IS ADDED, The true Form of all sorts of Bills, Bonds, Counter Bonds, Indentures, Letters of Attorney and Licence, Deeds of Gift, Bills of Exchange, &c.




THE soul of man being a spark of im­mortality, infused by its Almighty Maker, does still retain a relish of its original, that it covets knowledge above all other things, not confining its speculation to earth, but towering to Heaven, it searcheth out the Stars and all their various influences; nay, rifles all the Constellations, unlocking all the secret cabinet of futurity, and diving into the vast abysses of things un­known: For man

Dame Nature's secret working doth inspect,
He knows how to advise, what to direct:
Into the world, by art and science brings,
And searcheth out the hidden birth of things.
The unplow'd earth he to his will subdues,
And all it brings forth, he knows how to use:
He seeks out JOVE: his thoughts will not be try'd,
In vain from [...] [...]he Stars themselves do hide.

Now to satisfy the inquisitive nature of the soul of man, is the design of this book, which will gratify his understanding with the knowledge of the most hiden secrets of art and nature, which the wisdom of the an­cients have hitherto concealed, but here made plain to the meanest capacities.


THE BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE: TREATING OF THE WISDOM OF THE ANCIENTS. PART I. Shewing the various and wonderful operations of the Signs and Planets, and other [...]lestial Constellations, on the Bodies of Men, Women and Children, and the mighty Influences they have upon these that are born under them.

ONE part of the wisdom of the ancients consisted in the observation of several days and times, and from thence foretelling such good and bad events, as from long experience they found always to follow: And therefore revising what ancient astrologers have said, which I found very defective, I have myself made an exact judgment of what should befal men, women and children, by the day of the week on which the first day of the year happened to fall: As if it hap­pened to fall on a

Sunday.] The winter following will be pleasant, the summer seasonable; there shall be plenty of corn, though the weather in harvest will prove but indiffer­ent: Fruit shall very much abound, and there will be a very good seed time following the harvest; shocks of sheep and great cattle shall increase and prosper, but [Page 6] there shall be robberies in most places, and perhaps war before the end of the year: Also it denotes the death of prelates and princes, dissention and discord among men, but not of long continuance.

Monday.] If New Year's Day fall on Monday, ex­pect a hard and cold winter, and a wet summer, and as a consequence of that, many diseases; the fruits of the earth very indifferent, which will produce great scarcity in some places: Also denotes the downfal of the gentry and many marriages among the common people.

Tuesday.] If on Tuesday, the winter shall be wet and the summer very dry; hay will be scarce, but corn indifferently plenty. Many factions and divisions among those that sit at the helm, and a great mortal­ity both of men and beasts.

Wednesday.] If on Wednesday it denotes the first part of the winter very hard and severe, but the last part very mild and gentle, a seasonable spring and plenty of fruit; but great sickness and many distempers about autumn. Many fables, with false news, shall be spread abroad, and much discontent among the common people.

Thursday.] If on Thursday, you may look for a hard winter, but a seasonable and moderate spring, and a great increase of the fruits of the earth; sheep and great cattle shall also prosper much, but towards autumn expect to hear of war and bloodshed abroad, and troubles at home, occasioned by contests and di­visions among the clergy.

Friday.] If on Friday, look for an extreme hard winter, a late spring, and a dry summer; corn very dear, and fruit very dear, very high winds, occasion­ing shipwrecks; cattle will die generally: Women will have very hard labours, and most others very loose and licentious; thunder and lightning will be very frequent, and do much mischief.

[Page 7] Saturday.] If on Saturday, the winter shall be mod­erate, the spring windy, but the summer shall be both seasonable and fruitful; corn shall be cheap, and fruit plenty.

Of Astrology; what it is.

ASTROLOGY is the Art that teach­es us the influence and effects of the Celestial Planets upon the bodies of men, women and children, which by their various aspects, positions and configurations, do foreshew the changes and mutations both of par­ticular bodies, and also of kingdoms and states.

Some would confound Astronomy and Astrology together, which are in truth different things: And both have their particular use and excellence. Astron­omy teaches the various and different motions of the planets, and astrology shews their influences and effects; but now that of the signs and planets more distinctly. And first the twelve signs of the Zodiac, which gov­ern the several parts of man's body, and are summed up in verse.

[Page 8]

A Description of the twelve Signs in Verse, shewing wha [...] Part of the Body each rules.

MAN's head and face Heaven's ram obey,
His neck the neck strong bull does sway,
The arm twining twins guide hands and arms;
Breasts, sides, and stomach Cancer charms,
The lion rules his back and heart,
Bowels and belly's Virgo's part;
Reins, haunches, navel, Libra tends,
Bladder and secrets Scorpio befriends;
The half hors'd bowman rules the thighs,
And to the kid our knees suffice;
Our legs are but the butler's fees,
The fish our footsteps oversees.
[Page 9]

The Names and Characters of the twelve Signs.

THE first is Aries ♈. This sign gov­erns the head and face, and is by nature cold and dry.

The second is Taurus ♉. This Sign governs the neck and throat, and is by nature cold and dry.

The third is Gemini ♊. This sign governs the hands and arms, and is hot and moist.

The fourth is Cancer ♋. This sign governs the breast and stomach, and is cold and moist.

The fifth is Leo ♌. This sign governs the heart and back, and is hot and dry.

The sixth is Virgo ♍ This sign governs the bow­els and belly, and is cold and dry

The seventh is Libra ♎. This sign governs the reins and loins, and is hot and moist.

The eighth is Scorpio ♏. This sign governs the secret members, and is cold and dry.

The ninth is Sagittary ♐. This sign governs the thighs and hips, and is hot and dry.

The tenth is Capricorn ♑. This sign governs the knees and hams, and is cold and dry.

The eleventh is Aquarius ♒. This sign governs the legs, and is by nature hot and moist.

The twelfth is Pisces ♓. This sign governs the feet, and is cold and moist.

Besides the names and characters of the twelve signs, they have other names and characters also by which they are described and called. As Aries is call­ed the Ram, Taurus the Bull, Gemini the Twins, Can­cer the Crab, Leo the Lion, Virgo the Virgin or Maid, Libra the Balance, Scorpio the Scorpion, Sagittary the Centaur or half horsed Bowman, or the Archer, his character being half man half horse, with bow and ar­rows, Capricorn the Kid or Goat, and Pisces the Fish.

[Page 10]

Of the Triplicity of the Twelve Signs.

THESE signs are also divided by as­trologers in their several triplicities according to their several natures; thus Aries, Leo and Sagittary, being all hot and dry, are called the fiery triplicity; Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, being all cold and dry, are called the earthly triplicity; Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, being all hot and moist, are called the airy triplicity; and Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, being all cold and moist, are called the watry triplicity.

Of the Twelve Houses.

THE knowledge and the nature of the houses is reckoned by the ancients a great mystery, and that which requires great study; for there is nothing relating to man's life but it is foreshewn by the nature of one of the twelve houses, whose significations are briefly summed up in the following verse.

The first house shews life, the second wealth doth give,
The third how brethren, the fourth how parents live,
Issue the fifth, the sixth diseases bring,
The seventh wedlock, and the eighth death's sting,
The ninth religion, the tenth honor s [...]ws,
Friendship the eleventh, and the twelfth our w [...].

The first house is called the ascendant; because there the sun ascends the horizon, let it be in what climate it will; and in astrological judgment is called the house of life.

The second house is the succedent to the ascendant, and is the signification of riches and wealth.

The third house is the signification of bretheren, kindred and alliance.

[Page 11]The fourth house signifies the parents of the native, and all possessions, and lands of inheritance.

The fifth house is the succedent of the angel of the earth, which is the fourth house and, therefore signifies mirth and jollity, which is usually the effect of the birth of children, which is also signified by this house.

The sixth house is cadent from the north angle, and is significant of sickness and diseases.

The seventh house is the angel of the west, and is significator of wedlock, and also of lawsuits and quar­rels.

The eighth house is succedent from the angel of the west, and signifies death.

The ninth house is cadent, and signifies religion and learning.

The tenth house signifies dignity, honour, and pre­ferment.

The eleventh house hath significations of friendship, amity, and hope.

The twelfth house signifies misery, poverty, private enemies, imprisonments and disgrace.

How many Persons may know under which of the twelve Signs they are born.

HE that is born under Aries is of a nature hot and dry, and of a loud voice, inclined to choler; and if a woman, subject to barrenness, or at least will have but few children, and those sickly and perhaps wanting in some of their members; very desirous of command, and loving to be above others: Such have also black eyebrows, thick shoulders, and are of a dark swarthy complexion, and of a middle stature.

Those born under Taurus are of a cold and dry con­stitution, inclined to melancholy, one that is sickly, and loves pleasure, yet is very chaste, honest and religious; seldom angry, but once peovoked seldom reconciled; [Page 12] of short stature, but well set; short legs, big buttocks, a bull's neck, wide mouth, and black hair.

Persons born under Gemini are hot and moist, of fair and sanguine complexions, and affable and cour­teous in their behaviour, endued with wisdom and un­derstanding, and accomplished with elegance of speech and a good delivery, having brown hair, brisk and quick eyes, a large breast, long arms, hands and legs; and a tall, straight and well set body.

Those born under Cancer, which is a watery sign, are cold and moist, and of a phlegmatic constitution; of a low stature, blackish hair, and a great belly. If it be a woman, it shews she shall have many children.

Those that are born under Leo (which is hot and dry, and a sign of the fiery triplicity) are very choleric, of a shrill voice, and viciously inclined; m [...]h addict­ed to anger, and very subtile; if a woman, barren, of a generous and free temper, very valiant and cour­ageous, of yellowish or flaxen hair, broad shouldered, great head and eyes, of middle stature, but lusty body.

Persons born under Virgo, which is a sign of the earthly triplicity, are cold and dry, of a melancholy constitution, but of a free countenance, very courteous of behaviour, and yet very self opinioned, the body somewhat spare, but of a good proportion, of a brown complexion, but black hair, and large eyes.

Those born under Libra, which is a sign of the airy triplicity, are hot and moist, and of a sanguine com­plexion, fair, and of a good proportion, of homely vis­age, well favoured, light brown hair, pleasant and cour­teous, rosy cheeks, and amiable countenance, some­what inclining to tallness, and very slender. But if a woman she will have but few children.

Persons born under Scorpio, which is the sign of the watery Triplicity, are by nature cold and moist, and consequently phlegmatic, and of a sickly constitution, yet very fruitful, and withal vicious, fair of counte­nance, but of an angry disposition, and many times crooked in their bodies as well as in their tempers; [Page 13] they are also of a sad coloured hair, and of a serious and grave countenance, very much reserved, but at the same time false and deceitful; the stature is com­monly small, but the body is pretty well set.

Those that are born under Sagittary which is a sign of the fiery Triplicity, are hot and dry, choleric, tall of stature, hard favoured, but fair; brown hair, which will shed betimes. If a woman, she will have but few chil­dren, and those very weak, but ingenious and exceed­ing crafty.

Persons born under Capricorn, which is a sign of the earthly Triplicity, are cold and dry, and of a melan­choly constitution, and of a savage and cruel nature; and much inclined to lechery; the body deformed, of a swarthy complexion, short of stature, dry and lean; the face also lean and thin, the colour pale and wan, and generally broad favoured.

Those born under Aquarius, which is a sign of the watery Triplicity, are hot and moist, and of a sanguine complexion, and of a sweet and affable condition, with a countenance very amiable and lovely; of a free and pleasant temper, and of a chaste, honest, and religious nature, of a fair visage, middle stature, well shapen body, and bright hair, virtuously inclined, and always conceited.

Those born under Pisces, which is a sign of the wa­tery Triplicity, are cold, moist, and phlegmatic; of a short stature, often crooked, deformed, and ill compos­ed both in body and mind, having a great face, pale and wan complexion, thick shouldered, short necked, and stooping.

By these things persons may know under what sign they were born, if they will compare themselves with what is here written.

[Page 14]

Of the seven Planets, their characters, names, natures; and in what times they make their Revolutions.

HAVING spoke of the several signs, with the twelve houses, and of their natures and sig­nifications, I come now to speak of the seven planets, or erratic stars, who in their several orbs or circles, pass through the twelve houses of the Zodiack in more or less time, according to the largeness or smallness of their several orbs; and as these planets pass through the twelve signs, so they are said to be in such and such houses; thus the complement of one year, for on the tenth of March, at which time the spring and most properly the year begins, the sun enters in Aries, and having passed through that, in April he enters into Taurus, in May into Gemini, and so of the rest. And according to the houses or signs in which any of the planets are, so they are said to be dignified or debilita­ted; for when a planet is in a sign of its own nature, it is dignified; but if in a sign of a contrary nature to its own, it is then debilitated, or made weaker; and according to their position, their effects and operations are wonderful upon the bodies of men and women; but I shall give you their characters, names, and na­ture.

The first is ♄ Saturn, who is by nature cold and dry, of a swarthy, dull, obscure colour, like unto lead; he makes his revolution through the twelve signs in thir­ty years.

The second is ♃ Jupiter, who is by nature hot, moist, and temperate, he appears very bright and shin­ing, and is of a warm nature; he makes his revolution in twelve years.

The third is ♂ Mars, of nature hot and dry, he ap­peareth of a fiery colour, and maketh his revolution in twenty three months.

[Page 15]The fourth is ☉ Sol, whose nature is hot, dry, and temperate; his glorious brightness is sufficiently known to all. He makes his revolution in three hun­dred and sixty five days, six hours and twentyfour minutes.

The fifth is ♀ Venus, of nature cold and moist, the most bright and splendent star in all the firmament, she moveth equally with the Sun, though her motion seems to be very irregular, and makes her revolution at the same time.

The sixth is ☿ Mercury, whose nature is cold and dry, variable, he is situated very near the Sun, and is rarely seen; he makes his revolution at the same time as the Sun and Venus.

The seventh is ☽ Luna, or the Moon, which is the last or lowest, and whose nature is cold and moist, ev­ery one knows she is of a pale colour, and she maketh her revolution in twentyseven days and eight hours.

Having given you a brief account of the names and nature of the seven planets, I here add an account of the five aspects also, which are these:

Of the five Aspects.

1. ☌ CONJUNCTION, which is when two planets are in one sign, or thirty degrees.

2. ⚹ Sextile, which is when two planets are distant two signs or sixty degrees.

3. □ Quartile, which is when two planets are dis­tant three signs, or ninety degrees.

4. △ Trine, which is when two planets are distant four signs, or one hundred and twenty degrees.

5. ☍ Opposition, which is when two planets are dis­tant six signs, or one hundred and eighty degrees.

These are also two opposite points in the ecliptic line, called Nodes, which we commonly call the Drag­ons [Page 16] head and tail, thus characterised, ☊ Dragon's Head,Dragon's Tail.

I would now shew you the various effects and op­erations of the seven planets, as they are posited in the several houses, but I think it most necessary to give you an explanation of several terms used in the astronom­ical and astrological science.

An explanation of the Circle of the Sphere, and some other Terms in Astronomy, for the easier understanding of this Book, and for further information of the reader.

THE Equinoctial Circle, Equator, or E­quinox, is a great circle or line equally distant from the two poles of the world, dividing the sphere in the midst.

Zodiack, is a broad oblique circle crossing the Equinoctial in two opposite places, viz. in the beginning of Aries and the beginning of Libra, so that half declining towards the north, the other towards the south; and in this circle is comprehended the twelve constellations of signs, every sign containing thirty degrees in length, and twelve in breadth. Note also, That the first are northern signs, and the six last are southern signs.

The Ecliptic Line, is a line imagined to go along the midst of the Zodiack, as a girdle out of which the sun never goeth; but the moon and other planets are sometimes on one side, and sometimes on the other side, which is called their latitudes, only the fixed stars alter not their latitude, whether great or small; but the longitude of a star is in the arch or part of the Ecliptic in degrees, between the beginning of Aries, and the cir­cle which passeth through the body of the star; where note, that all circles of the sphere or heavens, whether they are large or small, have three hundred and sixty degrees allowed to each of them.

[Page 17] Colures are said to be two great moveable circles crossing each other at the poles of the world, one cut­ting the Equinox at the beginning of Aries and at the beginning of Libra, and the other cutting the Ecliptic at the beginning of Cancer and at the beginning of Ca­pricorn; and so dividing the globe into four equal parts.

Horizon is a great circle which divideth the upper hemisphere, that is the upper hall of the world from the lower, we being always supposed to be in the midst.

Meridian is a great circle passing through the poles of the world, and the poles of the horizon, called Ze­nith and the Nadir (which are two points, one di­rectly over our heads the other directly under our feet) on which the sun is always just at noon; and to go di­rectly north and south, the meridian is changed; but to go east and west it is changed to sixty miles either way, and make one degree, of four minutes of time dif­ference under the Equinox, viz. sixty miles eastward, it is noon four minutes sooner, and sixty miles west­ward four minutes later.

Tropicks are supposed to be two lesser circles, paral­lel with the Equinoctial, and distant from it on either side, twenty three degrees, thirty one minutes each; the ecliptic line touches the Tropick of Cancer on the north side of the equinoctial, and it touches the Tropic of Capricorn on the south side thereof, so that the sun hath its motion between these two circles.

The Artick Circle is equally distant from the north pole, as the Tropicks are distant from the Equinox twen­ty three degrees, thirty one minutes.

The Antarctic Circle is the same distance from the south pole.

Zones, so called are five in number, two cold, two temperate and one hot, which are divided by the two Tropicks and polar circles from each other; the hot [Page 18] Zone is counted between the two Tropicks that is ex­tended from one to the other, being about forty seven degrees two minutes broad; the temperate Zones are extended from the Tropicks on either side, to about fortytwo degrees sixtyeight minutes, that is northward to the Artick circle and southward to the antarctick cir­cle and the two cold Zones are each within those two small circles having the poles for their center.

The poles of the Worlds, are two points exactly oppo­site to each other in the heavens, one in the north, the other in the south, the earth being in the midst, so that it seems to turn about, as if it were borne up by them; wherefore by some it is termed the axletree of the world, as if there was a line supposed to be drawn from one pole through the center of the earth to the other, and the earth turning thereon, though holy writ tells us, The Lord hangeth the earth upon nothing, it being upholden by his mighty power. The pole artick, or north pole, is elevated above our horizon above fiftyone degrees; and those stars within that distance from it, never set with us, but keep their course round it daily; so likewise those that are at that distance from the south pole, never rise with us, but perform their course in the like order.

Azimuths are supposed lines or circles of distance from the meridian, drawn from the zenith to any de­gree, or two degrees of the horizon, or according to the thirty two points of the mariner's compass, so that in travelling or sailing any way supposing a circle to go from our zenith directly before us to the horizon, is the Azimuth, called the verticle point as well as the ze­nith.

Almicantharats, or Almadarats, or circles of altitude, are imagined circles passing through the meridian, parallel with the horizon.

The Sphere is a round body, presenting the frame of the whole world, as the circles of the heaven and the [Page 19] earth; this is sometimes called a martial sphere, for the orbs of the planets are called their spheres, that is the circles in which they move.

Ascension is the rising of any star, or of any part of the ecliptic above the horizon, Descension is its going down.

Right ascension of a star, is that part of the equinox that riseth or setteth with a star in a right sphere, but in an oblique sphere, it is that part of the equinoctial in degrees, containing between the first point of Aries, and that place of the equinoctial which passeth by the meridian with the center of the star.

Oblique Ascention is a part of the equinoctial in de­grees, contained betwixt the beginning of Aries, and that of the equinox, which riseth with any star, or part of the ecliptic, in an oblique sphere.

Assential difference, is the difference betwixt the right and oblique ascention, or the number of degrees con­tained between that place and the equinox that riseth with the center of a star, and that place of the equinox that cometh to the meridian with the same star.

Solstice is in the summer, when the sun is in the be­ginning of Cancer; and in the winter when the sun en­ters into Capricorn; because then the days seem to stand still, and seem neither to increase nor decrease above two minutes in ten or twelve days.

Constellation is a certain number of stars, supposed to be limited within some form or likeness, as Aries the ram, is said to have thirteen stars; Taurus the bull thirtythree: Arcturus, Orion and the Pleiades, mention­ed in Job. ix. 9. are said to be Constellations.

Perihelium is the point wherein the earth, or any planet, is nearest the sun.

Aphelium is a point wherein the earth, or any planet, is farther from the sun.

Planets, are the seven eratique or wandering stars, called, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sol, or the Sun, Venus, [Page 20] Mercury and Luna, or the Moon, whose characters, names and nature, we have mentioned before, and whose influences we shall by and by give you a farther account of. Those planets have also their several mo­tions. As,

Direct. Is a planet's moving in its natural course, which is forward.

Retrogade. Is their moving backward contrary to their direct motion.

Combust. Is their being under the sun beams, or within eight degrees of him.

Oriental. Is when a planet riseth before the sun, Occidental, after him.

Latitude of the Earth, is the distance of breadth on either side of the equinox, towards the pole, and they that are under the equinox have no latitude, but the poles of the world are in the horizon: This is a right sphere, and every sixty miles directly north or south, are said to make no degree of latitude, and the height of either pole above the horizon, is answerable to the degree of latitude in an oblique sphere; as London is counted to be in latitude fiftyone degrees, thirtytwo minutes, the pole thereof being elevated as much. The like is to be observed in any other place or region.

Longitude of the Earth, is the outside thereof extend­ed from west to east, crossing the latitude at right an­gles, the beginning thereof (according to some astrono­mers) is the Canary Isles, so going eastward quite round the world, unto the same place again, which is three hundred and sixty degrees; and under the equinoctial is reputed to be two millions one thousand six hundred miles, reckoning sixty miles to a degree; but then further off the equinoctial, the fewer miles are in a de­gree; for at London about thirtyseven makes a degree of longitude: so these degrees grow less and less, until they are met in the latitude of ninety, that is under the poles.

[Page 21] Parallels, are lines straight and circular, equally dis­tant from each other, as the Equinox, Tropicks, and degrees of latitude, &c.

Climate, or Clime, is such a space of earth compre­hending between two parallels, in which space there is half an hour's difference in the sun dials, and length of the days.

Antipodes, are those whose feet are directly against ours, as if a line was drawn from one through the cen­ter of the earth to the other.

And these shall suffice for an explanation of things, which I have done as briefly as I could, for he ad­vantage of the reader, to whom possibly these things (so necessary to be known) may have hitherto been concealed.

Of the Sun's Revolution through the 12 Sings of the Zo­diac; with an Astrological Judgment of those that shall be born, when the Sun is in any of these Signs.

THOUGH there be seven planets (as we have before shewed) yet the sun and moon being the two great luminaries of the world, have greater influ­ence upon our bodies than all the rest, and the sun shining by his ow light, and being the fountain of both light and life, has greater power than the moon, and his influence is more in any of the twelve houses. I therefore here (because I affect brevity) give the reader an astrologic judgment of the sun's power and influence, being in any of the twelve houses; after I have first ac­quainted my reader what a house is, and signifies in astrology.

A house is a certain space in the firmament, which is parted and separated by several degrees, by which the planets have their motion metaphorically, called houses. [Page 22] For as in a house there may be many mansions, for eve­ry planet has a peculiar or proper place in the firmament, in which it moves and in which it is resident, contain­ing thirty degrees, by which one house is differenced from another, and these are thus placed by Astrologers, viz.

The sun being in Aries, makes a person born under it of a toward and peevish disposition, quickly angry, but as soon pleased; given to study and very eloquent, but proud, living luxurious, promising all things, but performing nothing; not beloved among his kindred, and obnoxious to danger among his enemies; he shall be in danger of receiving harm from four footed beasts, or being thrown from a horse, and the like; so that he ought to avoid all hawking, hunting, and oth­er exercise to be performed on horsecback, which are like to be fatal to him, but in other things he may be more fortunate. If the person born be a female, though she may be fair and fruitful in children, yet she will be given to lying, and of so bad a temper and disposition that her husband will live but uneasy with her. Note, this also, that those born in the day time, the sun being in Aries, will be fortunate aad happy, but those that are born in the night, will be unfortunate and come to disgrace.

The sun being in Taurus, makes the native bold and fortunate in attempting hard and difficult affairs; it shews him also victorious over his enemies, and a great traveller, but banished from his native country. It also shews one servile, familiar and angry, but in his old age only; for in his youth he shall obtain rich­es by marriage, which shall make him better honored. But when age comes, it brings sickness with it, and that makes men peevish.

It makes females wanton, yet painful and obedient, but full of Tittle Tattle; it also shews them inclined to whoredom, which will wear off by degrees; she shall have many husbands and divers children.

[Page 23]The sun being in Gemini, denotes a fair child, also one that is wise, liberal and merciful, also a boaster, and one that runs up and down without any regard to his business, whereby he shall obtain but little riches of his own, but shall be of that fidelity and truth, that he shall have the command of the public treasure: It also denotes one to be of a complaisant behaviour, a good understanding, and acceptable to those with whom he has to do. It shews him also to be well vers­ed in the mathematical science and arithmetic; and that he shall be in great danger about three and twen­ty years of age, either to be hurt by fire, or bitten by a mad dog.

The sun being in Cancer, shews a person to be of a good wit, humility and wisdom, but one inclined to pleasure, and the love of women. It also shews one attempting many things, and especially on seas, and thereby often in danger, and vexed with many incom­modities, and with much poverty and misery, and that though he may get much, yet he may be never the richer; he shall dig for treasure, and shall find that which he looked not for: But if it be a maid, she shall be witty, shamefaced, evil, wise, diligent, nimble and beautiful, soon pleased, yet deceitful and crafty, saying one thing, and doing another, subject to many dangers by water, by falling, by childbearing and chol­ic; and after the age of twentysix, whether the native, male or female, it promiseth good success. It denotes also a person to be painful, faithful, acquainted with great men, and fortunate in husbandry.

The sun being in Leo, denotes a man proud and ar­rogant, bold and stout; a mocker, scorner, unmerciful, cruel, and hard to be entreated; beset with many ene­mies, and subject to many miseries; also a captain or other commander, looking for promotion from great men, unfortunate children, and meeting with many af­flictions by their means, putting himself into many dangers; he shall be also in danger by fire or sword, and [Page 24] violence of beasts, by whom he shall be in danger of death; but with prudence may escape all threatened dangers.

But if the native be of the female sex, she shall be bold, have great and large breasts, and slender legs, which are tokens of stoutness, angers, slanders, and bab­bling; though the softness natural to women do allevi­ate the excess thereof. She ought however to be es­pecially careful of hot waters, and fire, by which she will be in great danger; she shall also be much inclined to sickness, or gnawing of the stomach. But after the age of twentyone years, she shall be fortunate in riches, which she shall obtain by the help of great men, and the use of other men's goods: also by housekeeping, beauty and love.

The sun being in Virgo, makes the men fortunate and successful in houshold affairs, wise and fruitful, stout and ambitious: his wife shall die suddenly in his absence; he shall have many things stolen from him, but shall be revenged on his enemies. He shall be so much given to talk, that he cannot keep his own se­crets.— It also shews one fairfaced, of a genteel beha­viour, a lover of women, and delightful to be in the courts of princes and noblemen. It also denotes one wise, just, and honorable, a patron and defender of his friends, also religious and temperate, of a comely per­sonage, and well featured. If the native be a maiden, she will be witty, honest and modest; of a willing mind diligent and circumspect; and shall be married about the age of fifteen years. But whether male or female, they shall be liable to meet with many afflictions.

The sun being in Libra, denotes the person to be for­tunate in all maritime affairs, and that he gains by trad­ing in spices and precious stones. It also shews a come­ly body, and a valuable pleasant tongue, a good fame, and one curious to understand secrets, but not very careful to perform what he promises, how much soever he may pretend to it. It shews also that he shall [Page 25] have several wives, and that he shall quickly bury the first. He may also be a gainer by dead men, who will leave him large legacies. He shall be a lover of wom­en and entertain unlawful familiararities with them. He shall be also a good interpreter of dreams, whether he be born by day or night. If the native be of the female sex, she shall be free and debonair, and of a jo­cund humour, taking much delight in herbs, loving the fields, and wandering into strange places. About 23 years of age she shall have a husband, and be happy, married for her beauty; pleasantness of conversation, and good behaviour, shall much promote her. Like­wise the children of Libra are such as are studious and lovers of learning; but without special care be taken, they may receive prejudice by fire or scalding water.

The sun being in Scorpio increases the natives in­heritence, and give them a boldness and stoutness, in­clining them likewise to flattery, by which means those they deal with are often deceived; and when they ex­pect bread may meet with nothing but a scorpion. It likewise denotes a person full of mirth, given to jest­ing and easy of belief, at the same time a conquerer of his enemies. It makes a woman to be full of craft and wit, and yet her husband shall deceive her. She shall likewise be subject to pain and the spleen, and have some extraordinary mark, either in the head, shoulder, or brawn of the arm.

It makes both sexes bold and rash, given to thiev­ing, and to search out hidden things, also it makes them wanton fornicators, and full of evil thoughts, and given to too much talking.

The sun being in Sagittary, gives fortune and bold­ness to take in hand an enterprise, inclining a person to travel, and take vovages at sea and journies by land, and not without considerable advantage; it also gives access into courts of princes, where the native shall be advanced to some honourable post. It also shews a per­son given to riding, hunting, hawking, leaping, fight­ing [Page 26] and such manly exercises, at which he always comes off with honor, by which means he is envied and has many enemies, whom yet he shall vanquish and and overcome. It also shews he shall possess the inher­itence of his father, and that he shall be just, ingenious, faithful, hearty, a sure friend, and a generous en­emy. If the native be a woman, it likewise betokens the same; she shall be industrious, of an excellent temper; she shall be envied by her enemies, but shall overcome them; she shall be married about seventeen, and have many children.

The sun being in Capricorn, shews the native shall meet with many afflictions and adversities, which he shall sustain with many resolutions: Yet it always shews him angry and fretful, and one that keeps bad com­pany. It also makes him merry and cheerful; yet he may fall in love to that degree, that he may be ready to die for his mistress; but if the nativity be by night, he shall be inconstant; it also shews in age he shall be covetous. He shall thrive in navigation, especially in the trade towards the east, for from thence his fortune shall arise. If the native be a woman, she will be modest and bashful, of a fearful disposition, and very much addicted to travel.

The sun being in Aquarius, maketh the native of a friendly disposition, fearful of waters, and in danger of receiving prejudice thereby; he shall be subject to sickness and quartidian agues until about the fifteenth year of his age, after which he shall be more fortunate, for by travelling through divers countries, he shall gath­er riches, which with a liberal hand he shall distri­bute; he shall meet with sundry losses and afflictions, especially by means of his wife and other women; and shall live for a long time without the enjoyment of her. But she being dead, his affairs will be more fortunate. If the native be a woman, she shall be comely [...] body, and of a faithful and canstant mind: she shall be en­riched with other men's goods, but her children shall [Page 27] be a great affliction to her, and she shall receive much damage by them. She shall not attain to any great fortune until the two and twentieth year of her age, and then she shall arrive to a competent estate.

The sun being in Pisces denotes a man to be quick, of a valuable and ready tongue, bold and conceited, but fortunate in finding out hidden treasure: for this is peculiar to those who are born when the sun is in Pisces, that they shall find something unlooked for, and shall be also enriched with other men's goods; it also shews them to be merry and jocose, of a good disposition, and loving the company of good men; they seldom live very long, but if they reach to thirtyfive years they may live to a good old age. They shall never be very rich, except in their own opinions; they are al­ways full of uneasy thoughts, and are in danger of be­ing brought into captivity by means of women; they have commonly some mark in the elbow or foot, and their fortune will come from the mouth. If the na­tive be a woman, she will be bold, contumelious, scold, and something worse, for she will forsake her own hus­band, and cleave to an adulterer.

Thus I have given an account of the influences of the sun, being in any of the celestial signs, by which any person may know in what sign the sun was at the time of his birth.

Of the evil or particular Days in every Month in the Year.

THERE are certain days in the years which concerns all persons to know, because they are so perilous and dangerous; for on these days if any man or woman shall be let blood, they shall die with­in 21 days following, or whoso falleth sick on any of these days shall certainly die: And whoso beginneth a journey on any of these days, he shall be in danger of death before he returns: Also he that marrieth a wife [Page 28] on any of these days, they shall either be quickly part­ed, or live together in sorrow and discontent. And lastly, whosoever on one of those days beginning any grea [...]ousiness it will never prosper, nor come to the de­sired perfection. Now since these days are so unfor­tunate it highly concerns every one both to know, and take notice of them; which that the reader may do, I have here set down in the following order:

In January are eight days; that is to say, the 1st, 2d, 4th, 5th, 10th, 15th, 17th, and 19th. In February are three days; that is the 8th, 10th, and 19th. In March are three days; that is the 15th, 16th, and 21st. In April are two days, the 15th, and 21st. In May are three days, 15th, 17th, and 20th. In June are two days, the 4th, and 17th. In July are two days, the 15th, and 20th. In August are two days, the 20th, and 25th. In September are two days, the 6th, and 7th. In October is one day, the 6th. In November are two days, the 5th, and 19th, In December are three days, the 6th, 7th, and 11th; and others say, 15th, and 19th.

Of the Planetary Days and Hours, and how to know un­der what Planet a Man is born.

THE planatary hours are those [...]ours in which each planet reigns, and has their chief dominion; of which the ancients gave the following account:

Saturn is Lord on Saturday; Jupiter is Lord on Thursday; Mars is Lord on Tuesday; Sol is Lord on Sunday, and Luna on Monday.

On Saturday the first hour after midnight Saturn reigns, the second Jupiter, the third Mars, the fourth Sol reigns, the fifth Venus, the sixth Mercury, and the seventh Luna; and then again Saturn the eight, Ju­piter the ninth, Mars the tenth, Sol the eleventh, Venus the twelfth, Mercury the thirteenth, Luna the four­teenth; [Page 29] and then the third time, Saturn the fifteenth, Jupiter the sixteenth, Mars the seventeenth, Sol the eighteenth, Venus the nineteenth, Mercury the twen­tieth, and Luna the one and twentieth hour: Then in the fourth place, Saturn the two and twentieth, hour, Jupiter the three and twentieth, and Mars the four and twentieth: And then Sol begins the first hour af­ter midnight on Sunday, Venus the 2d hour, Mercury the 3d, and also the 24th, which is the hour of Mercu­ry, and then Luna begins the first hour after midnight on Monday, Saturn the 2d, Jupiter the 3, and so to the 24th, which is the hour of Jupiter, and then Mars begins the first hour after midnight on Tuesday, and Sol the second, and so forward hour by hour, and planet by planet, according to their order, by which every planet reigns the first hour of his own day; and so like­wise the 8th, 15th, and 22d. As for instance, Saturn reigns the first hour, the 8th, 15th, and the 22d on Sat­urday, Sol the same hours on Sunday, Luna the same on Monday, Mars the same on Tuesday, Mercury the same on Wednesday, Jupiter the same on Thursday, and so Venus on Friday; which for the readier and easier finding out, I have thus set down.

[Page 30]

A TABLE of the Planetary Hours for every Day in the Week.

Sund. Mond. Tuesd. Wedn. Thurs. Frid. Satur.
Pl. H. P. H. Pl. H. Pl. H. Pl. H. Pl. H. P. H.
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5 5 5 5
6 6 6 6 6 6 6
7 7 7 7 7 7 7
8 8 8 8 8 8 8
9 9 9 9 9 9 9
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
11 11 11 11 11 11 11
12 12 12 12 12 12 12
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
14 14 14 14 14 14 14
15 15 15 15 15 15 15
16 16 16 16 16 16 16
17 17 17 17 17 17 17
18 18 18 18 18 18 18
19 19 19 19 19 19 19
20 20 20 20 20 20
21 21 21 21 21 21 21
22 22 22 22 22 22 22
23 23 23 23 23 23 23
24 24 24 24 24 24 24

This Table is so easy, it needs little explanation.— Its use is to find what planet rules any hour of the day, every day in the week. As for example, I desire to know what planet rules on Wednesday, at 7 o'clock at night; under the title of Wednesday, I look for 9, which answers to 7 o'clock at night; for the natural day consists of 24 hours, beginning after midnight, so that from 12 at noon, you begin to reckon 13, 14 15, &c. you find that the 19th hour from midnight, an­swers to 7 o'clock at night, over against which you will find ☉ which shews that to be the hour of the [Page 31] sun. And if you would know what planet rules at 7 in the morning that day, you will find against ♀ 7, which shews that Venus rules that hour; and so of any other hour in the day.

But I shall now come to speak of the significations of the planetary hours of each planet, and what it por­tends to those that are born in them. The hour of Saturn is strong, and is good to do all things that re­quire strength: Such as fighting or bearing burdens, or the like; but for those things it is very evil. He that is born in the hour of Saturn, is slow, dull and melancholy, of a dogged temper and disposition, black and swarthy of complexion, being quarrelsome, wrath­ful, and very malicious.

The hour of Jupiter is in all things good, and de­notes peace, love and concord: He that is born in the hour of Jupiter, is of a ruddy and sandy complexion, fair hair, well proportioned body, and of a lovely coun­tenance, his face rather broad than long, well spoken and courteous, of a very affable carriage, sober, just and religious. The hour of Mars is evil, and denotes the person born in it, to be of a cholerick constitution, and of a robust strong body, soon angry, and hard to be reconciled; his face red, and his eyes sparkling and fiery, much addicted to fighting, and ready to quarrel with every man he meets, which often times brings him to an untimely end. The hour of the Sun signi­fies great strength, and is very unfortunate for kings and princes. He that is born in that hour, hath sharp eyes, brown hair, and a round face, denotes one that is a great projector, aims at high things, but is often dis­appointed, and seldom brings his designs to pass.

The hour of Venus is very propitious and fortunate, but is better by night than day, especially mid-day, for then the sun covers it. He that is born in this hour hath fair hair, soft eyes, a little forehead, and round beard; very complaisant in his carriage, mighty am­orous, and a great admirer of women; much addicted [Page 32] to singing and gaming, and spends his money in court­ing the female sex.

The hour of Mercury is very good, but chiefly from the beginning to the middle: He that is born in this hour, his situation inclining to tallness, a sharp long face, long eyes, and a long nose: His forehead narrow, long beard and thin hair, long arms and long fingers; of a good disposition, and an obliging temper, much given to reading, and very desirous of knowledge, de­lighting to be among books; very eloquent in his speech, and yet addicted to lying; and if he be poor, he is commonly light fingered.

The hour or the Moon is both good and evil, ac­cording to the day: For from the 4th to the 17th it is good to those that are born under it; but from the 17th to the 20th, it is counted unfortunate to be born under it; and from the 20th to the 27th, very unhap­py. He that is born in the hour of the Moon, especial­ly upon her own day, shall be pale faced, of a thin, meagre visage, with hollow eyes, and of a middle stat­ure, he appears very courteous and obliging, but is very crafty and deceitful, setting about many things, but so inconstant and variable in his humour, that he is pres­ently off of them again, and setting about something else; insomuch, that what he cries up in one hour, he shall as much cry down the next; he is also very ma­licious, and will never forget an affront once offered him, his constitution phlegmatic.

Thus have I given the reader the judgment of the ancients upon the planetary hours, and what they portend to those that are born under them, by which a person, comparing himself with what is here set down, may easily know under what planet he was born.

[Page 33]

Of the Signification of the Seven Planets, with respect to Men's Bodies.

BEFORE I conclude my discourse of the seven planets, their nature and influences, I shall give you an account of the signification of them, as they respect the several parts of man's body, and the diseases that they govern, that proper remedies may be applied accordingly.

Saturn governs the right ear, the bladder and the bones; and the diseases he governs, are quartian agues, concerns, black choler, rheums, coughs, palsies, loose­ness of the blood, &c.

Jupiter governs the lungs, ribs, liver, seeds, arteries, and left ear; and the diseases incident to them, are pleuricies and apoplexies, and such as proceed from 100 great a quantity of blood, or from wind in any part of the body.

Mars governs the gall, the veins and the reigns, and their distempers; which are fevers, yellow jaun­dice, madness, choler carbuncles. Mars also governs the stones and privy members of man or woman in part.

The Sun governs the eyes, heart, and right side, and the diseases relating to them; such as colds, especially in the stomach and liver, fluxes in the eyes, cramp, headach, &c.

Venus governs the liver, loins, matrix, paps and throat: The diseases whereof are weakness in the body, and members, catarrhs, French pox, &c.

Mercury governs the brain, thought, memory, speech and tongue, and also the distempers incident thereto, are falling sickness, madness, coughs, hoarseness, stam­mering, phthysic, and rheums.

The Moon governs the left eye of a man, and the right eye of a woman, also the stomach, belly, and the [Page 34] left side; and the diseases proper to them, are dropsies, palsies, rotten coughs, surfeits, worms in children, king's evil, falling sickness, convulsion fits, dimness of sight, small pox, and measles. Here note, That in all distempers, before you apply any thing to the patient, it is proper and necessary to consult the motions and positions of the planets; and when by the table of planetary hours before recited, you know what plan­et rules; you must in the next place consider the na­ture of that planet, as whether it be fierce or cruel, as Mars; or friendly and benevolent, as Jupiter; also whether they be cold and moist, or hot and dry, and what is the predominent complexion, whether the sanguine choler, phlegm or melancholy; as also what member of the body it governs, and what disease is under its power. These things being diligently weigh­ed and considered, will furnish the ingenious physician with grounds sufficient to make a judgment of the true nature of the disease, whereby he may apply the suita­ble and proper remedies that shall best consist with, and the most prevalent against the destemper; where­as the want of a due consideration of the matter, cause the physicians oftentimes to administer those med­icines that rather kill than cure, though these very med­icines may be good against the same disease to a patient under other circumstances, and falling sick un­der a different position of the signs and planets.

The End of the FIRST PART

THE BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE: TREATING OF THE WISDOM OF THE ANCIENTS. PART II. Containing Prognostications for ever necessary for keeping the Body in Health, &c.

AS I have found in the Astrological Science there are four different sort of humours in the the body of man, of which the four complexions are formed and of these one is made of yellow choler, a­nother of black choler, a third phlegm, and a fourth of blood: And if any of these be wanting the body must perish, because they equally sustain it.

And all those ought to be kept in an equality, or if one be predominent over the rest, it puts the body out of order and brings diseases, which many times end in death, for the blood stagnated and gathering into clots, causeth shortness of breath, which by degrees growing less and less, at last proves without remedy; but if a person be let blood in the beginning of those disorder­ed humours, the danger may be easily prevented. To purge the blood.

[Page 36] R. Of both sorts of scurvy grass, of each six hand­fuls, of ground ivy eight handfuls, of sage six hand­fuls, of scapwort root, four ounces. Acrimony and cresses, of each four handfuls; of rosemary flowers, two drams, of leaves of rosemary and balm, of each a handful, four orange peals, a large nutmeg sliced; put all into four gallons of new ale; and when it has done working, stop the barrel close. Take a pint every morning, and at four in the afternoon.

Likewise the black choler, or melancholy, is extreme­ly dangerous, and when it gains the ascendant over the other, do great prejudice to the body several ways, causing divers distempers; and sometimes prevails so much over the senses, that a man becomes in a man­ner a mere ideot, and also raises a kind of scurf all o­ver the body, which sometimes turns to the measles, and are, besides, very apt to make a man afraid even of his own shadow, and turn a stout man into a coward, and a well bred person into one that is unmannerly: But by the use of proper medicines, such as herbs, flowers, and the like, all this may either be prevented or cured:—First shave the head, then bleed plentiful­ly, afterwards purge well with the extract of Hellebore; lastly, let them use the following diet drink.

R. Epithymum, dodder of thyme, wood sorrel, of each a handful, rosemary flowers, lavander flowers, of each two drams, primrose and cowslip roots, of each an ounce, dock root half a pound; slice the roots and infuse all in a gallon of small ale, and drink as com­mon drink. White Phlegm is also very hurtful, if it exceed in quantity and overpower the other humours, for then they cause the gout, and divers diseases, and are also prejudicial to the feet, legs knees, hands and reins, causing evil favor both from the teeth, mouth, nose and ears; but also this may be cured by med­icines compounded of roots and flowers; likewise by physical drinks, and taking a vomit.

[Page 37] R. Dried rosemary tops rose leaves, lavander flow­ers, red sage and mint, of each a handful, roots succory, two ounces, senna hermoducts turbith, and seammony, of each two drams, of zedoary, ginger, cloves and cubebs, of each one dram, infuse them in three quarts of good white wine for two days; take a wine glass full three times a day.

Yellow Choler, is likewise very bad when it predom­inates in the body, affecting the heart, and troubling the brain, and indeed weakening all the members of the body, causing a general faintness, with such a loss of appetite, that neither meat nor drink will go down:— Besides which, it alters a man's colour, and is hurtful to the eyesight. This also may be helped by taking a vomit, and applying proper medicines, compounded of the roots and flowers of several herbs.

R. Of the roots of turmerick half an ounce, tods of centary the less, roman wormwood and horehound, of each an handful, roots of the greater nettle two ounces, boil them in three pints of water to the half, then add two scruples of saffron tied up in a bag, and a pint of white wine, give it a warm or two, and strain it for use; dose, a small glass full night and morning.

Note. That the four humours are the four complex­ions, which have their several times of dominion or government in the body of man, according to the several seasons of the year.

I. Of the Disposition of the Humours in the Body of Man in the Winter Quarter, under the Signs of Copricorn, Aquarious and Pisces.

THAT humour or complexion that governs man's body in tht winter quarter, is phlegm, which is cold and moist, and is under the dominion of Capricorn, Aquarious and Pisces. This is predomi­nant from the 24th of December, till the 25th of March.

[Page 38]

II. Of the Spring Quarter, and what Humour is predom­inant therein, which is governed by Aries, Taurus and Gemini.

THAT humour which is predominant in the second quarter, or spring, is black choler, and is hot and moist, and their signs are Aries, Taurus and Gemini, and have their chief rule over the breast. They initiate the 22d of March, and terminate the 3d of June.

III. Of the Disposition of the Humours in the third Quar­ter, under Cancer, Leo and Virgo.

THE third part is the summer quarter, and the complexion presiding therein, is yellow choler, is hot and dry, and the signs this quarter is under, are Cancer, Leo and Virgo; which commences the 24th of June, and continue to the 29th of September.

IV. Of the Disposition of the Humours in the fourth Quar­ter, under Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarious.

THE fourth part of the autumnal quar­ter, and the humour bearing rule therein, is melan­choly, cold and dry, whose signs are Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarious, and continue their reign from the 29th of September, till the 24th of December. By a due obser­vation of these several seasons, and take heed to keep to the rule of contraries, both as to cloathing, food, and physic, according to what is in this book related, and through the divine benediction, he may keep himself free from all distempers. Note. That Pillitory of Spain, chewing in the mouth, purges both head and body. And also commun seed and fennel seed, being eaten, is good to prevent phlegm, which is the cause of most of the distempers that annoy the body of man.

[Page 39]

V. Of the Body of Man from the four Parts of the World.

MUCH also may be known of the bo­dy of man from any disposition of the four parts of the world; that is to say, east, west, north and south.

First. As to the east; this signifies the disposition to be fiery and juvenile, and betokens summer. In this part the water is thin and high coloured, the gross male very hard and ruddy, and the spirit somewhat thick and glutenous. The signs in this part or quar­ter, are Aries, Leo and Saggittarius; and the distem­pers signified hereby, are hot, dry, and subject to a choler: If a person be taken sick in those original signs, he is in danger, and cannot be cured but by medica­ments of a contrary nature, that is cold and moist, and his diet ought also to be of the same nature: Which advice, if he follows, he may, by God's grace and mer­cy, be recovered.

R. Barley water a gallon, leaves of mallows, marsh­mallows, violets, of each a handful, roots of marsh­mallows, half a pound, liquorish four ounces; boil all to three quarters, strain, and drink it for a common drink. Purge once a week with extrasdum rudis.

Secondly, As to the west; this signifies the disposition to be airy, brisk and adolescent, and betokens the spring.

In this quarter, the water is high coloured, but yet thick withal, and the gross male very thick and ruddy, the spittle beings tenuous and of a sweetish taste, and the excrementious parts disordered. The signs that govern the west are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Ac­cidental distempers are such as proceed from sanguine complexions, being hot and moist; and therefore the medicines that best compose them, are cold and dry, and care must be taken that the diet of the patient be of the same kind.

[Page 40] R. Shavings of ivory, hartshorn, china, sarsaparilla, of each two ounces, raspings of box an ounce and a half, green twigs of the willow half a pound, quicklime water a gallon, boiled to three quarters, and drink as common drink; you may sweeten it with sugar or honey.

Thirdly, As to the north; this signifies the disposi­tion to be dull and earthly increasing in years, and be­tokens autumn.

In this quarter the water is thin and whitish; the gross male is thick, and of taste like vinegar, the excre­ments will tetulent. The signs that have nomination in the north, are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. Sen­tentional distempers proceed from melancholy, and are cold and dry, which are best cured by medicines hot and moist, and the food that the patients eat, ought to b [...] of the same kind.

R. Crab's eyes, calcined hart's horn, eggshells fine­ly powdered, cream of tartar, of each two drams; of sage half a dram, three times a day, in a spoonful of good sack, drinking a glass after it.

Fourthly, As to the south; this signifies the disposi­tion to be cold, watry and weak, like to old age, and betokens winter.

In this quarter, the water is somewhat thick, pale, and white, the gross male pale and thick, and the spittle renuous and sweet, the excrementuous matter being weak. The signs that bear rule in the south, are Can­cer, Scorpio and Pisces. Meredian distempers proceed from phlegm, and are cold and moist, and by necessary consequence, those medicines that oppose it, must be hot and dry, and of the same nature must his diet also be, that would either prevent or cure such distempers. R. Lignum Vitae a pound, sassafrass a pound, root of master wort an ounce, angelica roots two ounces, shav­ings of ivory, liquorish, of each four ounces, sweet fennel seed bruised half an ounce; boiled in two gal­ons [Page 41] of water to six quarts, and drain it off for com­mon drinking.

VI. Directions for letting Blood in each of the twelve Months.

January] THIS month beware of letting blood on the 1st, 2d, 5th, 10th, 15th, 19th, 20th, and 25th days. because of these days it is very dangerous; but to drink good white wine fasting, will both clense the body, and procure an appetite, but if thou hast a de­sire to be let blood, and necessity urge it, see that the sign be good for that purpose, or else it is better letting it alone.

February.] I caution thee this month to beware of cutting any pottage made of ducks or mallows, for they are right perilous, and if thou hast occasion to let blood, whether it be on the wrist or arms, let it not be upon the 4th, 8th, 16th, or 18th days, unless the sign be very good, and the necessity very urgent.

March.] In this month take care how you eat figs or raisins; also sweet meats or drinks, but eat hot meat, and if thou hast occasion to be let blood, let it be on the right arm, and upon the 5th, 11th, or 17th days, for then thou may'st do it with advantage, it being good against all sorts of fevers, but take heed of bleeding on the 1st, 15th, 16th, 19th, or 28th days, if thou canst possibly avoid it; but if thou art under a necessity, see that the sign be favorable.

April.] In this month I would advise thee to be let blood in the left arm, and upon the 3d, 12th, or 15th days, for thereby thou shalt both prevent the headach and strengthen the eyesight all the year after.—In this month also eat fresh and hot meat; but take heed of bleeding on the 7th, 8th, 10th, and 20th days, for on those days it will be perilous.

[Page 42] May.] In this month it is good to walk abroad early in the morning, and to drink sage ale, and to eat sage and fresh butter, and other good meats and drink, but neither eat the head nor feet of any creature during this month. Letting blood may also be good for thee on the 1st, or the 8th day, on which arm thou pleaseth, as likewise on the 27th or 28th days, and thou shalt find it beneficial against all distempers; but take heed of the 2d, 6th, and 25th days, for then it will be hurtful.

June.] It is the opinion of some physicians, that in this month it is good to drink cold waters fasting, every morning, and to be temperate in thy meat and drink, and if thou hast occasion to bleed, do it on the 28th day, and it may be beneficial; but take heed that thou bleedest not on the 7th, 10th, 16th, 18th, nor 20th, for those are dangerous.

July.] In this month abstain from Venus, for now both the brain and humours are open, bleed not at all this month, except on very urgent necessity, and then he sure thou avoid bleeding on the 13th and 15th days, for they are perilous.

August.] In this month forbear eating any sort of worts, or any kind of hot meats, drink of spices, and avoid bleeding on the 1st, 20th, 29th, and 30th days, on the other days, if necessity urge, thou mayest, but without an absolute necessity, it is better to let it alone.

September.] In this month thou mayest eat fruit without danger, provided it be ripe, and not infected, out bleed not on the 4th, 16th, 21st, nor 22d, days; for then thou wilt find it prejudicial; but if thou bleedest on the 27th, or 28th days, either for the [...]all­ing sickness, frenzy, dropsy, or palsy, thou shalt not need to fear them that year.

October.] In this month if you drink wine, and other wholesome liquors, it will comfort thy heart:— but bleed not unless there be great occasion, and then [...]ee that the sign be good for thee: And yet let the oc­casion [Page 43] be what is will, I advise thee to forbear bleed­ing on the 3d, 4th, and 5th days.

November.] In this month bleed not at all, unless up­on great necessity; for now the blood lies in the head vein, neither is it convenient for thee to bathe, but thou mayest vent thee a little of grasing; for all the humous are now apt to bleed. But if urgent necessity requires thou be let blood, yet see that thou bleedest not on the 5th, 6th, 15th, 19th, 28th, nor 29th days.

December.] In this month bleed not at all, without it be absolutely necessary; and yet, even in such a case, be sure thou dost not on the 5th, 7th, 15th, 17th, nor 22d day; but on the 26th day, thou mayst bleed without danger. In this month also see that thou keep thy shins from the fire.

Whoever it is that does intend to bleed,
Let 'em to the foregoing rules take heed:
For these directions were by the ANCIENTS pen'd,
To caution those that do to bleed intend;
For here thou all the several days may'st see,
In which thy bleeding may unhealthful be:
Nor need'st thou of a doctor ask advice,
Our AUTHOR here has been so very nice.

VII. Directions for the letting of Blood, shewing where Every Vein in the Body of Man may be readily found.

THOSE that are troubled with the me­grims, fevers lethargy, or pains in the head, must be let blood in the vein which is in the midst of the fore­head.

Those that are of a dull understanding, and are troubled with deafness and shortness of breath, also those that have the measles or leprosy, must be let blood in the arterial vein behind the ears. Those that are troubled with too much blood in the brain, which is bad for the sight, ought to be let blood in the arterial [Page 44] veins near the temples; which is also very good against the gout, megrim, and divers other distempers of the head.

For imposthumes, swelling in the throat, quinsey, and other such like distempers, let a man bleed in the two veins under the tongue.

When the leprosy proceeds from abundance of blood it will be proper to bleed in the two original veins in the neck; but not without the advice of a physician.

Those that are troubled with phthysic, and short-winded, and are given to spit blood, ought to bleed in the arm, and they will find ease.

Bleeding at the liver vein in the arm takes away the extraordinary heat of the body, and keeping it in a good state of health, and it is very available against the yellow jaundice, and imposthumes of the liver, and against the palsy.

The pains that come from the stomach and side, as blains, bletches, imposthumes, and divers other acci­dents that proceed from too much repletion of blood, are cured in letting blood in the vein between the mas­ter finger and the little finger.

For the dropsy, let blood on the right side, between the womb and the branch. And here, note, the party should bleed proportionable, according to their fatness, or leanness, and this ought not to be done without the advice of a doctor.

For blotches and imposthumes proceeding from the groin, let blood in the vein named Sophon, which is one of the three under the ankle of the foot. It is also of great advantage to courses to descend in men, and to prevent the Hemorrhoides in the secret parts.

When any person is taken by the pestilence, caused by repletion of humours, let them bleed in the vein that is between the wrist of the feet, and the great toe;— but let the patient be sure to bleed within twentyfour hours after he is first seized with this distemper, and let [Page 45] it be with respect to the patient's body whether it be fat or lean.

If the eyes run with water, or be red, or any other ill, proceeding from the overflowing of blood and hu­mours; let the patient bleed in two veins that are in the angle of the eyes.

If the nose be red and pimpled, and the face be red and pimpled in the like manner, and be troubled with red drops, scabs, pistules and other infections, that may proceed from too much blood; let the patient bleed in the vein which is at the end of the nose.

For the toothache, and the canker in the mouth, let the party troubled be let blood in the four veins that are in the gums in the mouth. Those that are taint­ed with a stinking breath, let them be let blood in the vein that is between the lip and the chin.

There are four veins in each arm, the biggest of the four is from the head, the heart challenges the second, and the third from the liver; the last is called the low­er liver vein, and comes from the melt. These differ­ent veins should be bled upon different occasions: As for instance, for pains in the head, eyes, brain, heart, sweeled faces, and those that are red; it is most proper to bleed that vein in the arm which has relation to the head. For fevers, either tertains or quartans, the low­er liver vein is the most proper to be blooded; but then care must be taken that the orifice be made wider, and not so deep as usual, lest thereby it not only gathers wind, but also damages a sinew that is underneath it, called the lizard.

There are three veins in each, and that above the thumb is proper to bleed, in order to remove the heat of the face, and to dissipate the thick blood, and hu­mours that are in the head, this vein being more proper than the arm.

Against all fevers, tertains and quartans, phlegms, and other obstructions about the paps and the melt, [Page 46] letting blood between the little finger and the leech finger, helps very much.

Against pain and humours in the groin and geni­tals, bleed a vein in the thigh.

Against pains in the flanks, and to dissipate all hu­mours that would gather therein, and to restrain too great a flux in the menstrues in women, it exceeding­ly helps to bleed the vein under the ankle of the foot, without, which is called the Sciot.

VIII. Choice Receipts both in Physic and Surgery.

1. Of the great Virtue of CORUS MARCUS.

IT is a powder which you may have at the apothecaries, and this above all other medicines in the world, is the most excellent against the bloody flux, used as follows:—Take one ounce of conserve of ro­ses, and one scruple of Corus Marcus, and mix them to­gether, then let the patient eat in the morning, and fast thereon two hours; and this (by the grace of God) will help him, although he has had it never so long, or sore: It is also given above all other medicines, in the latter end of a dropsy, and also against the flux of the menstrum, bleeding at the nose, and all other flux­es whatsoever; it helpeth those that spit blood; it is excellent to stop the flux in wounds, and to heal them and dry them; yet strew the powder thereon.

2. Of the Virtue and Operation of the Quintessence of Honey and the Oil of Wax.

YOU may understand, that honey is rath­er a liquor divine, than human, because it falleth from heaven upon herbs and flowers, and is such a sweet thing, that the like cannot be found on earth: This quintessence is of such a virtue, that if a man be almost [Page 47] dead, and drink two or three drams thereof, he will presently recover. If you wash any wound therewith, or other sore, it will quickly heal. It is excellent a­gainst the cough, catarrh, or pain of the melt, and ma­ny other diseases, it helpeth the falling sickness, palsy, and preserveth the body from putrefaction. The oil of wax worketh in wounds miraculously healing them, be the same never so big and wide (being before wide stiched up) in the space of eleven or twelve days, but smaller wounds in three or four days, by anointing the same therewith, and laying a cloth thereon wet with the same.

Moreover, for inward diseases it is excellent; it pro­voketh urine which is stopped, it helpeth stiches, and pain of the loins, if you drink one dram thereof in white wine; it helpeth the cold gout, or sciatica, and all other griefs coming of cold.

3 Of the manifold Operations of the Oil of Cinnamon.

THIS oil is of a malicious nature, for it pierceth through the flesh and bones, being very hot and dry, and is good against all cold and moist diseases, being comfortable for the head and heart, working the same operation on a dying man as the former. To be short, the oil is of such operation and virtue, that if a man drinks never so little, he shall feel it work to his fingers and toes ends, therefore it pierceth through the whole body, helping the diseases that come of cold and phlegmatic humours: It availeth much with wom­en in travel; it driveth away the measles and spots, if the face and hands be anointed therewith; it warms the breast, and helps the cold cough; it consumes all cold fluxes that proceed from the brain and head, and causeth quiet sleep; in brief, this oil may be used in­stead of the natural balm for many diseases.

[Page 48]

4. How to make Oil of Rosemary Flowers, with its Virtue.

TAKE rosemary flowers and stamp them, then put them into a glass with strong wine and stop it close, setting it in the sun for five or six days, and then distill it with a soft fire, and you shall have both water and oil, which you must separate, keeping the oil close in a glass, whose virtue are these:—It helpeth against all pains in the head, although they have continued seven years; it comforteth the memo­ry, and also preserveth the eyes, if you drink now and then a drop or two, and then put another into the eyes; it helpeth those that are deaf, if it be put into the ears; and also drink with good wine it openeth all stoppings of the liver and melt, and helpeth against the dropsy and yellow jaundice; it breaketh wind, easeth cholic, and rising of the mother.

It is also excellent against the pestilence or those that have drank poison, if they drink of this oil, and lay them down to sweat, it comforteth the heart, and cleanseth the blood, and maketh a man merry, and causeth a good colour, it helpeth those that have the canker and fistula, and the like; and to be brief, it helpeth all diseases of the body that come of cold and moist humours, although ever so evil.

5. How to cure that troublesome Companion, the Ague.

TAKE the common bitter drink with­out the purgatives two quarts, salt of wormwood two ounces, the best English saffron a dram. After you have taken the vomit, or a convenient purge, take half a pint of this three times a day, viz. In the morn­ing fasting, three o'clock in the afternoon, and last at night.

[Page 49]

6. How to cure that tormenting Disease, the Cholic.

TAKE anniseed, sweet fenel seeds, cori­ander, carraway seeds, of each two drams, cummin seeds a dram, and put them into a quart of Nantz brandy; let them infuse three days, shaking the bottle three or four times a day, then strain and keep it for use. Take two or three spoonfuls in the fit.

7. How to help Deafness, and expel Wind from the Head.

TAKE five or six drops or more of wine, or good aquavitae, in a spoon, and holding down your head on one side, let one pour the same into your ear, let it continue there for about the space of half a quarter of an hour, still holding your head aside that they run not out, and then you shall hear a most terri­ble noise and rumbling in your head, which is the wind; then turn your head aside, and the water will run out again very hot; now when you have done thus much on one side, you may do as much on the other, but be sure keep your head warm after you have done; this I have often proved, and found ease thereby.

8. How to give ease, and help the raging Pain of the Teeth, without drawing.

THIS is also performed with the spirit of wine, or good aquavitae (as you have read in the former receipt) by pouring it in your ears, especially on that side where the pain lieth, but after you have let the water run from your ears, then with more of the same water (against the fire) you must rub and chafe your cheeks, and under your jaws, and under your ears, stroaking of them upwards, with your hands to­ward the neck, to drive back the humours; for it is nothing else but a cold rheum, that distilleth from the [Page 50] head into the gums, which causeth the pain, therefore be sure to keep the head warm when you have done.

9. How to strengthen and comfort the Eyes.

DIP a clean rag into a few drops of a­quavitae, and with the same wipe the corners of the eyes, eyebrows, and temples, which will keep back the rheum, and greatly strengthen and comfort the eyes; of which I have often made trial, and found much comfort.

10. Of Persons who have Bones broken, and also Dislo­cations, or Joints displaced, with their Cure.

MANY times it happeneth, that legs, arms, and fingers are broken, or out of joint, and the parties so hurt are void of help, by reason they have no surgeon near them: Therefore, for the relief of such persons, I have here set down some directions, by which they may be eased of their pain; But I will not wish them to trust to their own skill, if they have any expert surgeon near at hand.

If a leg or an arm be broken, then have a care to place the member in the same manner as it were before, which you will do in this manner:

Take a towel, and make it fast about the place where it is broken, and then take another towel and fasten it underneath the place where it is broken, and then cause two men to pull those two towels, that they may there­by extend or stretch out the member, and when the member is stretched forth at length, place the broken bones as they were at first, and so by little and little, let them slack their pulling; then have a cloth ready, so big that it may compass the whole member; wet this both in the white of an egg and oil of roses min­gled together, and lay it upon the grieved part, then roll it about with a linen roller of four fingers broad, [Page 51] and two yards long; wet the roller in the water and vinegar mixed together.

First, Roll it about the fracture three or four times; then downward, and then upward, and fasten it; then roll it with another roller after the same manner, on these place thin splints of light wood armed with tow, one fingers breadth from each other, and bind them on with tape, then place the member on some loft pil­low for twenty days; but if a painful itch do arise, open and foment the place with warm water, and then anoint it with Unguentum Album, and roll it up again If a finger be broken, roll it with a convenient roller, and splint it, and use the means aforesaid.

11. A precious Salve for all those that have any Member out of joint, called JEMMY of BRUNSWICK'S SALVE.

THIS Salve hath healed those that have had their members out of joint, or that have been wounded, and could not stir or bow the member where they had the hurt; for by this salve did he bring many stiff and crooked joints again to their former strength, to the great admiration of all men, both surgeons and others.

How to make the Salve.] Take two ounces of old hog's grease, and of duck's grease, and goose grease, hen's or capon's grease; linseed meal, fenugreek meal, of each two ounces; oil olive, eight ounces; opop [...] ­nax, mastich, and frankincense, of each an ounce; dissolve the gums in white wine, that are to be dissolv­ed, and powder the other; mingle them all together when stirring.

12. How to order and dress a Wound, when it is at first hurt; with the Remedy.

FIRST remove all such things as are in the wound, as clotted blood, wood, iron, or the like▪ [Page 52] then dry the blood with a cloth or spunge, and wash with cold white wine, apply some unguents or balms to the same, and on that a plaister fit for a wound, then roll it gently and in a good form, for that helpeth to hasten the cure. If the wound be of any length, you may stitch it in three or more places, but be sure to leave a place at the lower part thereof, for to purge it­self thereby.

The end of the SECOND PART.

THE BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE: TREATING OF THE WISDOM OF THE ANCIENTS. PART III. Being an Astract of the Art of Physiognomy and Palmist­ry, together with the signification of Moles, and Interpre­tation of Dreams.

Of Physiognomy, and the Judgment made therby.

PHYSIOGNOMY is an ingenuous science of knowledge of nature, by which the inclina­tions and dispositions of every creature are understood; and because some of the members are uncompounded, and enrire of themselves, as the tongue, the ears, &c. and some of a mixed nature, the eye, the nose, and others; we therefore say, that there are many signs which agree and live together, which inform a wise man how to make his judgment, before he be too rash to deliver it to the world.

Nor is it to be esteemed a foolish and idle art, see­ing it is derived from the superior bodies. For there is no part of the face of the man, but what is under the [Page 54] peculiar influence or government, not only of the seven planets, but also of the twelve signs of the Zodiack, and from each governing part is the nature and incli­nation of a man or woman plainly foretold, if the per­sons undertaking this province, or pretending to it, be an artist. Which, that my reader may attain to, I shall set these things in a clearer light by the following figure.


By this the reader may see, at the first glance, that the forehead is governed by ♂ Mars; the right eye is under the dominion of ☉ Sol; the left eye is ruled by the ☽ Moon, or Luna; the right ear is the care of ♃ Jupiter, the left of ♄ Saturn; the ruling of the nose is claimed by ♀ Venus (which by the way is one reason that in all unlawful veneral encounters, the nose is so subject to bear the scars which are gotten in those wars) and the nimble ☿ Mercury, the significator of eloquence, claims the dominion of the mouth, and that very justly.

[Page 55]Thus have the seven planets divided the face among them, but not with so absolute a sway, but that the twelve signs of the Zodiac come in for a part; and therefore the sign of ♋ Cancer presides in the upper­most part of the forehead, and ♌ Leo attending upon the right eyebrow, ♐ Sagittary does upon the right eye, and ♎ Libra upo the right ear; upon the left eye and eyebrow, you will find ♒ Aquarius and ♊ Gemini and ♈ Aries taking care of the left ear; ♉ Taurus rules in the forehead, and ♑ Capricorn the chin; ♍ Scorpio takes upon him the protection of the nose; ♏ Virgo claims the precedence of the right cheek, and ♓ Pisces of the left. And thus the face of man is cantoned out among the signs and planets, which be­ing carefully attended to, will sufficiently inform the artist how to pass a judgment. For according to the nature of the sign or planet ruling, so also is the judg­ment to be of the part ruled; which all those that have understanding know easily how to apply.

I shall now proceed to give a particular judgment of the several parts of the body: And first. Of the head. A large head shews a person stupid and of a dull ap­prehension, also a very small head signifies the same; but the head of a man being neither great nor small, is the prognostic of a wise man; for all extremes are irregular, and a deviation from nature; and experience has made it manifest, that a great head and small mem­bers, do always produce much indiscretion and folly, both in man or woman; but we must also consider the several parts of the head: And first,

Of the Hair.] The hair is only the excresence of a moist brain; yet the ancients observe several things from it; as, if the hair be thin, it shews a man to be of a weak constitution; but if curled and thick, it shews the person to be of a hot complexion: If the hair be stiff, and stand upright, either upon the head, or any other part of the body, it shews the person extreme­ly [Page 56] subject to fear, and very apt to be frighted. If the hair be thick and lank, it shews the person to be meek and humble, and his constitution inclined to cold.

Of the Forehead.] A large forehead shews a liberal man; but the forehead narrow, denotes a foolish per­son: A long forehead shews one apt to learn, and a high forehead, swelling and round, is a sign of a crafty man, and a coward; a forehead full of wrinkles, shews a man to be envious and crafty.

Of the Eyes.] The eyes being moist and clear, shews mirth, good manners, and an honest life, but if the eyes be declining and looking downward, or red and very great, they betoken fleshy lust; small hallow eyes signify covetousness; grey eyes an evil man, hollow eyes a crafty man, rolling eyes a wicked and vicious man, black eyes denote a sharp and piercing wit, but one lustful and incontinent; great eyes denote sloth; trembling eyes sluggishness; glittering eyes betokens drunkenness; smilling eyes shew a merry life; eyes of divers colours,, and small, denote one crafty and flat­tering; eyes turned towards the nose, shew a man given to women; great drooping eyes, with an unsta­ble countenance, shew a man mad; the circle of the ball green, declares a crafty wicked man, and a thief; moist eyes denote stoutness of stomach, perfect speech gluttonous and mad; high eyes, large, clear, pure and moist, are tokens of circumspection, diligent persons, and lovers; eyes always running, without sickness cause it, shew foolishness; small and hollow eyes, the cove­tous, deceitful, and angry man; cheerful eyes betoken just men, of pleasant disposition, kind and holy; twink­ling eyes, shew a thief and one that lays wait to catch and ensnare men; blear eyes signify a whoremas­ter.

Of the Eyebrows.] Upright eyebrows are amiable, but the eyebrows hanging over, shew an effeminate person. The brows very hairy, denote an impediment [Page 57] in his speech, and the brows being extended to the temples, shew a man to be a sloven, and uncleanly.

Of the Ears.] Open ears shew a man to be without reason and understanding; great ears an unwise man, and small ears a fool; square ears, and of a middle size, shew a learned and wise man.

Of the Nose.] A great nose shews a good man; a little nose a deceitful person. A sharp nose denotes an angry person, and a scold; thick and low, a person of bad manners. The nose stretching to the mouth, de­notes honesty, strength, and aptness to learning. A nose like an ape, betokens a libidinous and riotous person; a long crooked nose, magnanimity and gener­osity.

Of the Mouth.] A very big mouth, with the upper lip hanging over, signifies a man foolish and unsteady, also a rash man, a babbler, a glutton, and an ungodly man. An indifferent large mouth, sheweth a bold and courageous man, a warrior.

Of the Lips.] Thin lips with a little mouth, shews an effeminate person. Slender, thin and fine lips, be­tokens eloquence; fleshy and great lips, a fool; and those whose teeth bear up their lips, are generally con­tumelious, slanderers, unfaithful, also addicted to the love of women.

Of the face.] A lean face is a token of a wise man; the face plain and flat, denotes a man of strife: The face without any rising or swelling, denotes a person injurious and unclean; a fleshy face shews a man apt to learn; a sad face sometimes denotes foolishness, and sometimes wisdom. A fat face shews a man to be a liar, and foolish; a round face signifies folly; a great face shews a man dull and slow about business; a well proportioned face shews a person to have virtuous qual­ities, and to live a commendable life, whether they be rich or poor.

[Page 58] Of the Voice.] A shrill voice denotes a person to be choleric and hasty. A great and hoarse voice shews a person to be injurious, and of a merciless temper. A weak and low voice shews a man to be fearful and cow­ardly. A grave and slow voice shews a man to be of a sedate and quiet temper, and one of great strength.

Of the Neck.] A neck inclining to the right side, shews a temperate man; but turning to the left side, a fool, and a man given to unlawful love. A crooked neck shews a covetous man. A thick neck denotes a rude, barbarous, ill natured man. A long slender neck shews a man to be a coward. A thick and long neck, a furious and stubborn person. A mean neck, a strong and virtuous man, and one inclined to learning.

Of the Breast.] A broad breast is always good, and presents magnanimity, boldness, honesty and courage. A narrow breast denotes imbecility, or weakness, both of body and mind. A pursy or gross breast, shews a man to be moross, cross and void of pity. The pap [...] or dugs hanging down from the breast, shews a violent choleric man.

Of the Back.] A broad back is a sign of strength; but the mean proportion of both back and breast is always commendable. A crooked or hunch back, is generally a token of a nigardly and covetous person.

Of the Belly.] A lank belly, with a high breast, de­notes a man of understanding, courage, counsel; but a great belly shews an indiscreet, foolish, proud man, and given to luxury.

Of the Arms.] Very long arms are a sign of boldness, strength and honesty. Short arms denote a fomenter of discord and strife among friends.

Of the Hands.] The hands very short, denote a clownish, rude, ill bread person; and if fat and fleshy, with the fingers so also, it shews they are inclined to theft. Small hands and long fingers denote a person of a genteel carriage, but crafty.

[Page 59] Of the Legs.] Large and well set legs denote bold­ness; large legs and full of sinews, shew fortitude and strength. Slender legs denote ignorance; short and fat legs cruelty. Legs crooked and hollowed inward­ly is a sign of very ill men. Soft and swelling legs shew a man to be of very ill manners. The skin cross and short, with a sharp heel, and fat thighs, denotes madness to happen to that party.

Of the feet.] Small and slender feet denote hardness, but the feet full of flesh declare foolishness.

II. Of Palmestry, shewing the various Judgments drawn from the Hand.

ISAALL next say something of Palmes­try, which is a judgment made of the conditions incli­nations, and fortunes of men and women, from the various lines and characters which nature has imprint­ed in the hand, which are almost as various as the hands that have them. And to render what I shall say more plain, I will in the first place present the scheme or fig­ure of a hand, and explain the various lines therein.


By this figure the reader will see that one of the lines, and which indeed is reckoned the principal, is called the line of life; this line incloses the thumb, separating it from the hollow of the hand. The next to it, which is called the natural line, takes its beginning from the [Page 60] rising of the fore finger, near the line of life, and reach­es to the table line, and generally makes a triangle, thus △. The table line, commonly called the line of fortune, begins under the little finger, and ends near the middle finger. The girdle of Venus, which in another line so called, begins near the joint of the little finger, and ends between the fore finger and the middle finger.

The line of death is that which plainly appears in a counter line to that of life, and by some is called the sister line, ending usually at the other end; for when the line of life is ending, death comes, and it can go no farther. There are also lines in the fleshy parts as in the ball of the thumb, which is called the mount of Venus; under each of the fingers are called mounts, which are each one governed by a several planet, and the hollow of the hand is called the plain of Mars. I now proceed to give judgment of these several lines. And in the first place take notice, that in Palmestry the left hand is chiefly to be regarded; because therein the lines are most visible, and have the strictest com­munication with the heart and brains. Now having promised these, in the next place observe the line of life, and if it be fair, extended to its full length, and not broken with an intermixture of cross lines, it shews long life and health; and it is the same if a double line of life appears, as there sometimes does. When the Stars appear in this line, it is a significator of great lossess and calamities: if on it there be the figure of two O's, or a Y, it threatens the person with blindness. If it wraps itself about the table line, then does it promise wealth and honor to be attained by prudence and industry; if the line be cut or rugged at the upper end, it denotes much sickness. If this line be cut by any line coming from the mount of Venus, i [...] declares the person to be unfortunate in love, and business also, and threatens him with sudden death. A cross be­tween [Page 61] the line of life and the table line, shews the person to be very liberal and charitable, and of a noble spirit. Let us now see the signification of the table line.

The table line, when broad, and of a lovely colour, shews a healthful constitution, and a quiet and con­tented mind, and courageous spirit: But if it have crosses towards the little finger, it threatens the party with much affliction by sickness. If the line be dou­ble, or divided in three parts in any of the extremi­ties, it shews the party to be of a generous temper, and of a good fortune to support it; but if this line be forked at the end, it threatens the person shall suffer by jealousies, fears, and doubts, and with the loss of riches got by deceit. If three points such as these ... are found in it, they denote the person prudent and liberal, a lover of learning, and of a good temper. If it spreads itself towards the fore and middle fingers, and ends blunt, it denotes preferment. Let us now see what is signified by

The middle Finger.] The line has in it sometimes (for there is scarce one hand in which it varies not) divers significant characters. Many small lines between this and the table line threatens the party with sick­ness, and also gives him hopes of recovery. A half cross branching into this line, declares the person shall have honor, riches, and good success in all his under­takings. A half moon denotes cold and watery dis­tempers, but a sun or star upon this line promiseth pros­perity and riches. This line doubled in a woman shews she will have several husbands, but without any children by them.

The line of Venus, if it happens to be cut or divid­ed near the fore finger, threatens ruin to the party, and that it shall befal him by means of a lascivious woman, and bad company. Two crosses upon this line, one being on the forefinger, and the other bend­ing [Page 62] towards the little finger, shews the party to be weak, and inclined to modesty and virtue; and indeed, it gen­erally denotes modesty in women; and therefore those who desire such wives, usually choose them by this standard.

The liver line, if it be strait and crossed by other lines, shews the person to be of a sound judgment, and a piercing understanding; but if it be winding crooked, and bending outward, it shews deceit and flattery, and that the person is not to be trusted. If it makes a tri­angle △, or a quadrangle □, it shews the person to be of a noble descent, and ambitious of honour and pro­motion.

If it happens that this line and the middle line be­gin near each other, it denotes a person to be weak in his judgment, but if a woman, danger by hard labor.

The plain of Mars being in the hollow of the hand, or if the line passes through it, which renders it very plain, is fortune: This plain being hollowed, and the lines be crooked and distorted, threaten the party to fall by his ill conduct. When the lines begin at the wrist, long within the plain, reaching the brawn of the hand, they shew the person to be one given to quarreling, often in broils, and of a hot and fiery spirit, by which he shall suffer much damage. If deep large crosses in the middle of the plain, it shews the party shall obtain honor by martial exploits; but if it be a woman, that she shall have several husbands, and easy labour with her children.

The line of death is fatal, when any crosses or broken lines appear in it; for they threaten the person with sickness and a short life. A clouded moon appearing therein, threatens a child bed woman with death. A bloody spot in the line, denotes a violent death. A star like a comet threatens ruin by war, and death by pes­tilence; but if a bright sun appear therein, it promises long life and prosperity.

[Page 63]As for the lines in the wrist being fair, they denote good fortune; but if crossed and broken, the contrary.

Thus much with respect to the several lines in the hand. Now as to the judgment to be made from the hand itself: If the hand be soft and long, and lean withal, it denotes the person of a good understanding, a lover of peace and honesty, discreet, serviceable, a good neighbour, and a lover of learning. He whose hands are very thick and very short, is thereby signifi­ed to be faithful, strong and laborious, and one that cannot long retain his anger [...] ▪ He whose hands are full of hairs, and those hairs thick; and great ones, and his fingers withal crooked, he is thereby noted to be lux­urious, vain, false, of a dull understanding and dispo­sition, and more foolish than wise. He whose hands and fingers do bend upwards, is commonly a liberal man, serviceable, a keeper of secrecy, and apt (to be poor for he is seldom fortunate) to do any man cour­tesy. He whose hand is stiff and will not bend at the upper joint near his finger, is always a wretched miser­able person, covetous, obstinate, incredulous, and one that will believe nothing that contradicts his own pri­vate interest. And thus much shall suffice to be said of judgment made by Palmestry.

III. Of the signification of Moles in any Part of the Body.

A MOLE on the forehead of a man o [...] woman, denotes they will grow rich, and attain to great possessions, being beloved of their friends and neighbours.

A mole on the eyebrow shews a man to be inconti­nent, and given to the love of women; but if it be a woman, it signifies a good husband.

He or she that has a mole on the nose, signifies they love their pleasure more than any thing else.

[Page 64]A mole on the chin, shews the party shall never stand in need of his kin, but shall get money and grow very rich.

A mole on the neck, denotes him honorable and prudent in all his actions; but if a woman, it shews her a weak judgment, and apt to believe the worst of her husband.

A mole on a man's shoulder signifies adversity, and threatens him with an unhappy end; but a woman having a mole in the same place, shews she shall a­bound in honor and riches.

A man or woman having a mole on the wrist or hand denotes increase of children, but affliction in old age.

A man or woman having a mole near the heart up­on the breast, shews them irregular, wicked, and mali­cious.

A mole on the belly shews the person shall be ad­dicted to gluttony and laciviousness.

A mole on the knee shews a man shall be fortunate in marrying, and that his wife shall be beautiful, vir­tuous, and very wealthy; a woman having one in the same place shews she shall be virtuous, happy, and fruitful in children.

A mole on the foot shews a man shall get riches and be happy in his children; if a woman hath the same it also betokens her the same happiness.

IV. Of the Interpretation of Dreams as they relate in good or bad Fortune, &c.

TO dream you are bit by a serpent signi­fies some danger will befal you by secret and subtil enemies. To dream you fly in the air, signifies a speedy journey, or some hasty news. To dream you fight and overcome, signifies you will get the better in lawsuits or other controversies. To dream a lion [Page 65] fawns upon you, denotes the favor of great persons. To dream of black coffins and mourners denotes the death of some loving friend or relation. To dream you see a friend dead, denotes the person to be in good health. To dream you are in a field of standing corn, betokens prosperity and love. To dream of gathering up small pieces of money, betokens loss and disappointment, but receiving of money profit and advantage. To dream you are on horseback, and that he runs away with you, denotes you shall speedily be called away from some business contrary to your liking. A wom­an dreaming she kisses another woman denotes dis­appointment in love and barrenness. To dream you are pleasantly sailing on calm water denotes a peace­able and quiet life; but if a storm, it denotes trouble. For a woman to dream a ring is put on her finger, de­notes success in love and marriage; but if it be sud­denly took off, or near off, it signifies disappointment in love, and the breaking off the match. To dream of fire denotes anger and loss. To dream you see a sow with pigs denotes fruitfulness. To dream you are hunting a hare, and she escapes; denotes disappointment in business. To dream a louse falls from your neck, betokens the sign of friends. To dream you are courting a beautiful woman, betokens flattery. To dream you are sailing against your will, to descend from a pleasant hill, betokens falling from promotion, and disappointment in preferment. To dream of a sudden fit of joy at the fight of any thing, betokens the arriv­al of friends. To dream you are at banquets, but do not eat, betokens scarcity. To dream you put on a new glove, and it remains so, betokens new friendship or marriage. To dream you fall into a deep pit, de­notes some sudden surprise or danger. A woman to dream she is with child, betokens sorrow and heavi­ness. To dream that you can quench fire, denotes over-coming anger, and recovery from sickness. To dream [Page 66] you hear a voice, but see not what utters it, denotes you shall be deluded by feigned pretenders. To dream you are walking in a garden of flowers, and among groves of trees, denotes much pleasure and delight to ensue from virtuous conversation. To dream of moons contending in the firmament, donotes division among friends and relations. To dream your teeth are drawn or drop out, denotes the loss of children or other relations. To dream of drinking unmercifully, denotes displeasure, crosses and sickness. To dream you are pursued by furious wild beasts, but cannot a­void them, denotes danger from enemies. To dream you see your deceased brothers or sisters, signifies long life. To dream you are shooting with a bow, signifies honor and preferment. To dream you are making candles, denotes great rejoicing. To dream you are going to hear divine service, signifies consolation. To dream you build a church or erect an altar, signifies some of thy family will become a priest. To dream you see a person sitting or lying in a church, signifies change of apparel. To dream you are playing with cards is a very good sign.

V. Pleasant Questions in Arithmetick.

1. A THIEF breaking into an orchard, stole a certain number of pears, and at his coming out he met three men, one after another, who threaten­ed to accuse him of theft, and for to appease them he gave unto the first man half the pears that he had stole, who returned him back 12 of them; then he gave un­to the second half of the pears he had remaining, who returned him back 7; and upon the third man he gave half his residue, who returned him back 4; and in the end he had still remaining 36 pears. Now I do demand how many pears he stole in all? To answer this question you must work backwards; for if you take 4 from 20 there will remain 16, which being doub­led [Page 67] makes 32, from which abate 7, and there will re­main 25, whic [...] being doubled makes 50, from which subtract 12, and [...]here will remain 38, which again be­ing doubled, makes 76, the true number he gathered.

2. Let the party that thinketh double the number that he thought, which done, bid him multiply the sum of them both by 5, and give you the product, which they will never refuse to do (it being so far above the number thought) from which if you abate the last figure of the product (which will always be a cypher of 5) the number thought will remain.

Example. Let the number thought be 53, which doubled makes 106, and multiply by 5, makes 530; then if you take away the cypher which is the last place, there will 53, the number thought.

3. A certain man having three daughters, to the eldest he gave 21 apples, to the second he gave 16 ap­ples, and to the third he gave ten apples, and sent them to market to sell them, and gave them command to sell one as many a penny as the other (namely seven a penny) and every one to bring home so much money as the other, and neither change apples nor money's one with another. How could that be?

This to some may seem impossible, but to the arith­meticians very easy. For whereas the eldest had three pence worth and one apple over, the second two pence worth and two apples over, and the youngest had one penny's worth and three apples over; so that the youngest had so many single apples and one penny's worth, as the eldest had penny worths and one apple over. So consequently to the second proportionable t [...] them both. They made their market thus, —a steward coming to buy fruit for his lady, bought all the apples they had at seven a penny, leaving the odd ones behind; then had the eldest sister three pence and one apple, the middle sister two pence and two apples, and the youngest one penny and three apples. The [Page 68] steward brought the fruit to his lady, she liked it so well that she sent him for the rest, who replied there were but a few remaining.

She, notwithstanding, sent him for them at any rate. The steward coming to the market again, could not buy the odd apples under a penny a piece, he was fain to give it, then had the youngest sister three pence worth, the middle sister two pence worth, and the eld­est one-penny's worth, and so they had all four pence a piece, and yet sold as many for a penny one as an­other, and neither changed apples nor monies one with another, as they were commanded.

4. A man bought 120 eggs at three a penny, having 120 to the hundred, also he bought 100 more at two a penny, having likewise 120 to his hundred; these eggs being mingled, he sold them 5 for two pence, and 120 to the hundred as he bought them: The question is, whether he gained or lost in the bargain?

If you work by the rule of three direct, you shall find that his 120 eggs, at three for a penny, came to three shillings and four pence, and his 120, at two for a penny, came to five shillings, which being added, makes eight shillings and four pence. Then again, to see what they come to at five for two pence, work likewise by the rule of three direct, and you shall find that 240 at 5 for two pence, comes to but eight shil­lings, whereby the seller loseth four pence of the money that they first cost him.

The End of the THIRD PART.

THE BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE: TREATING OF THE WISDOM OF THE ANCIENTS. PART IV. The Farmer's Calendar; Containing, 1st. Perpetual Prog­nostications for Weather. 2d. The whole Mystery of Hus­bandry. 3d. The complete and experienced Farrier, Cow­leech, Shepherd and Swineherd, &c.

A YEAR is the principal part of time, by which not only the ages of man and other things, but also the times of many actions in the world, their beginning, progress, continuance and intervals are measured: and is a periodical revolution of a great circle of months and days, in which the four seasons of Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, are, after one rev­olution of the sun, ordained to return to their courses.

But there are divers sorts of years, as say the ancients, according to divers nations, which are different from one another, reduced to the rule of celestial motions. The year is divided in astronomical and political parts.

The astronomical year is two fold, that is Solar and Lunar.

The solar year is the time in which the sun, by his proper motion, departing from one point of the eclip­tic, [Page 70] returns to the same again. And there is called either natural or syderical.

1. The natural or tropical year, is the space of time in which the sun is departing out of the tropical, equi­noctial, or solstitial point, and returning through the ecliptic, returneth to the same again.

This natural, or tropical year, contains 365 days, 5 hours, 49 minutes, 15 seconds.

The true and unequal tropical year, is sometimes more, and sometimes less than the equal, by 6 or 7 min­utes; so it increaseth, or decreaseth, according to the swift or slow progress of the equinoctial or solstitial points.

2. The syderial year is the space of time in which the sun returns to the same star, from whence he de­parted; and is 365 days, 6 hours, 6 minutes, but in the seconds there is a difference among authors.

Now the lunar year is likewise two fold; the com­mon, which is 12 moons, or 354 days, 8 hours, &c.

The embillismal, which is 13 moons or lunations, containing 383 days, 21 hours, &c.

The political and civil years, are such as are com­monly used for the distinction of times, wherein respect had either to the motion of the sun or moon only, or to them both together, according to the custom of di­vers nations.

The Julian or old Roman year, consisted of 365 days and 6 hours; this Julian account, or year, is used by the English, Muscovites, Syrians, Abassenees and Ethiopians, though the names of the months differ. It is held to begin (with the vulgar) on the 1st of Jan­uary, which is therefore called New Year's Day; but according to the state accounts, the year begins not till the year; as for example: The first day of Janu­ary next will be reckoned the first day of the year 1797. But because the state first account begins not till the 25th of March they commonly write the date double, thus 1719—20 from the 1st of January till the 25th of March, after which they write only 1720.

The Gregorian, or new Roman year, is so called, because mended by Pope Gregory XIII. consists of 365 days, 5 hours, 40 minutes and 12 seconds▪ It begins [Page 71] on our 22d of December, being ten days before the Julian, and received in all countries, as owing the authority of the See of Rome, and in some protestant countries also; as in six of the seven provinces, U­trecht keeping the Julian account.

I. Of Months.

THE months by which we measure the year, are of two sorts, viz. astronomical, and political, and each hath several divisions; astronomical or nat­ural, are according to the motion of the sun and moon; and be either Solar or Lunar; the Solar are the space of time in which the sun runs through a twelfth part of the Zodiac, of which there are two sorts, mean or e­qual, true or unequal; an equal solar month, is the time in which the sun by his mean motion, goeth a twelfth part of the Zodiac, and is always 30 days, 10 hours, 26 minutes, 6 seconds, &c. But the true or apparent, is according to the true motion of the sun through the Zodiac; for when he is in, or near his apogaeon, the months are longer, but when he is in, or near his perigaeon, they are shorter. Lunar months are referred to the moon's motion, and are chiefly three fold, viz.—First, periodical, which is the space of time in which the moon, by her motion, goes through the Zodiac, and is about 27 days, 8 hours; secondly, synodical, which is the space of time from one con­junction to another, being performed according to the moon's mean motion, in 29 days, 22 hours, 44 minutes, and about 4 seconds: But according to the moon's true motion, it is sometimes greater or lesser, by about 12 hours.—Thirdly, the month of illumination, or ap­parition, is said to be 28 days, or four weeks, it being the longest time that the moon is to be seen between the change and change: Lastly, the political months are evil and usual: As every nation best please; which differ both in proportion and name.


II. Of Days and Hours.

DAYS are either natural or artificial [...]. A day natural is one entire revolution of the sun about the earth, which is performed in 24 hours, containing both day and night: And this day the English begin at midnight; but the astrologers begin at midday, or noon. An artificial day is from sunrising to sunsetting: differs in length of sequal hours, according to the sun's place in the Zodiac, and latitude of the region; but in unequal hours (called planetary hours) are 22, so that one hour is the 12th part of the day, be it long or short, and the hours that make an artificial, are from [...] to 6; that is, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

I shall now give some brief directions for the know­ledge of the weather.

III. Signs of Fair Weather.

THE sun rising bright and clear, if he drive the clouds before him into the west. If at the rising there appears a circle about him, and it vanishes equally away. If the sun be red. If the moon be clear three days after the change, or three days before the full. If the clouds appear with yellow edges. A clou­dy sky, clearing against the wind. The rainbow after the rain appearing meanly red. Mists coming down from the hills, and setting in the vallies; or white mists rising from the waters in the evening. Crows or ravens gaping against the sun. Beetles flying in the evening. Bats flying abroad sooner than ordinary. Many flies or grots playing in the sunshine at evening.

IV. Signs of Rain.

IF the sun be fiery red at his rising. If he shews pale and wan. If the moon, three or four days after the change, is blunt at both ends, the thick­er, [Page 73] the more. A circle about the moon. If the great stars be only seen, and they look only dim. The rain­bow appearing in a fair day, the greater it is, the more rain. Birds washing themselves. The chattering of a pye, peacocks and ducks often crying. The owl cry­ing chewit often; swallows flying low; the working of an insect called a spinner. Many worms appearing above ground. The beasts eating greedily, and licking their hoofs. The biting of fleas, gnats, &c. The soot falling much from chimnies. The sweating of stones. A circle round a candle. Aches in ancient people's limbs or corns. Bells heard at a farther distance than usual. Sparks gathering together in the fire. No dew morning nor evening, &c. All these are sure signs of rain.

V. Signs of Wind or Tempest.

RED clouds appearing in the morning. Much shooting of stars. The rainbow red. Black circles with red streakes about the moon, stars dim and fiery. Autumnal fair, a windy winter. Cloulds flying swift in the air. Fire burning pale or buzzing. Ra­vens clapping themselves with their wings. The high flying of the hern. Crying of swine. The herb tre­foil looking very rough.

VI. Of the Rainbow.

THE rainbow is that bow which the Almighty was pleased to place in the firmament, as a token for Noah, that he would drown the earth no more. As to the natural cause of it; it is caused by many beams striking upon a hollow cloud, with which it is soon repelled and driven back against the sun; and this ariseth variety of colours, by the mixing of clouds, air and fiery light together: There it is soon in oppo­sitjon to the sun, for the most part in the evening.

[Page 74]

VII. Of Rain.

THE ancients describe rain to be cold and earthly vapours or humour, is exhaled from the earth and waters by the beams of the sun, and carried into the middle region of the air, where, by the extrem­ity of the cold, it is thickened in the body of a cloud; and afterwards being dissolved through an accession of heat, it falleth upon the earth; and this is done by GOD's power, and at his appointment, as the prophet Amos witnesseth. Amos iv. 6. and ix. 6.

VIII. Of Hail.

HAIL is nothing but rain congealed in­to ice by the coldness of the air freezing the drops af­ter the dissolving or the cloud; and the higer it comes, and the longer it tarries in the air, the rounder and less­er it is; we have sometimes great showers of hail in the heat of summer after a thunder clap; which doth manifest, that the air at the same time is extreme cold, thus to congeal the water therein, notwithstanding the heat then upon the earth.

IX. Of Snow.

SNOW (as say the ancients) is of the [...]ame [...]umour that hail is, but only looser parts; and therefore in the summer time is melted into rain before it cometh down.

X. Of Frost and Dew.

IN the day time, through the heat of the sun, there is a cold and moist vapour drawn up a little [Page 75] from the earth; which, after the setting of the sun, de­scends on the earth again, and is called dew; but if by the coldness of the air it be congealed, it is called frost; and therefore in hot seasons, and in windy weath­er, dews are not so frequent, nor so much, as after a calm and a clear night; for when frosts happen, they dry up wet and moisture; for the ice being melted, the water is proportionably less.

XI. Of Wind.

WIND is said to be an exalation hot and dry, engendered in the bowels of the earth: and being gotten out, is carried side long upon the face of the earth, and cannot mount upwards above the mid­dle region of the air, which, by reason of its coldness, doth beat it back, so as by much strife, and by meet­ing other exhalations, its motion is forced to be rather round than right in its falling; and this makes it a wristpost or whirlwind, which oftentimes, by its vio­lence, carrieth many things with it from place to place.

XII. Of Earthquakes.

THE ancients affirm that the cause of earthquakes is plenty of winds gotten, and confined within the bowels of the earth which is striving to break forth, causing a shaking, or sometimes a cleav­ing of the earth, and thereby the distruction of many people, and ruin of whole towns and cities, as the fate of Sicily has but lately shewn us▪ by sinking of moun­tains, and rising of vallies. But though what I have said may be the natural cause of earthquakes, yet doubt­less, the final cause is God's anger against provoking sinful people; which ought to make our fears to tremble, lest God for our sins should cause the earth under us to do so.

[Page 76]

XIII. Of Thunder and Lightning.

THUNDER and lightning is occasioned by an exhalation hot and dry, and being carried up in­to the middle region of the air, and there into the body of a cloud: Now these two contrarieties being thus shut or inclosed into one place together, they fall at variance, whereby the water and fire agree not, till they have broken through, so that fire and water fly out of the clouds, the breaking whereof, makes that noise which we call thunder, and the fire is lightning; which is first seen, though the thunder crack be first given, because our sight is quicker than our hearing; for sooner the thunder is heard, after the lightning is seen, the nearer it is to us.

XIV. Of the Eclipses and Causes.

BY an eclipse, in general, is understood a defect of light happening in some of the celestial bodies, and is ca [...]sed by the interposition of an oblique body, and our sight. Now the opinion of astronomers are, that all the planets of themselves are dark bodies, having no light but what they receive from the sun, but the sun and fixed stars are naturally luminous; whence it will follow, that any planet interposing betwixt the sun and our sight, so also our primary plannet coming betwixt the sun and its secondary, deprives the secon­dary of its light, and consequently renders such seconda­ry planet unilluminated to its primary.

2. Of Eclipses of the Sun.

AN eclipse of the sun is caused by the diametrical interposition of the moon betwixt the sun and the earth, which commonly happens at the new moon, or when she is in conjunction with the sun; but every new moon doth not cause an eclipse, because of her latitude; yet the sun seldom escapeth a year to­gether without appearing eclipsed in some part of the earth or other, because twice in one year the sun and [Page 77] one node meet; also in the conjunction, or new moon, doth not happen just at the sun's passing by the node, but within half a degree from the node, he then must suffer an eclipse greater or lesser, according as the node is nearer or remote from him at he time of true con­junction; but if the meeting of the sun, and either node, happen at the very full moon, then she shall to­tally escape an eclipse of the new moon.

3. Eclipses of the Moon.

AN eclipse of the moon is nothing but her being deprived of the sun's light, by the interposi­tion of the earth betwixt the sun and her, which can never happen but when the moon is at full; nor doth it always happen then because of latitude, for if the sun of the semidiameter of the moon, and the earth's shad­dow, at the time of the true full, be more than the moon's latitude, she will be eclipsed; but if the sun of the semidiameter be less than the latitude, she cannot suffer an eclipse that is full; and though every full moon there are not an eclipse, yet she rarely passeth a year together without being eclipsed little or much, for the sun passeth her nodes every year.

4. Eclipses either Total or Partial.

TOTAL eclipses are such as quite cov­er the illuminated body, and are either central or not; central a [...] when the centers of the sun, earth and moon being in a straight line, or when the centers of the sun earth and moon coincide; not central, are when the centers do not coincide, though notwithstanding they may be total: Partial, are when the sun, moon, or other luminous bodies are but partly darkened.

Now the moon being less than the earth, much less than the sun, solar eclipses are never or very rarely to­tal; yet if it happen the moon be perigaeon and the sun apogaeon, an eclipse of the sun may be total; for when the moon's apparent diameter exceeds the sun's con­siderably, [Page 78] and her quick and perfect shadow reaches the superficies of the earth, by which such places that are situated within the compass of this perfect shadow (the diameter which is about 300 miles) do lose the whole light of the sun, which has caused such darkness, that the stars have appeared at noonday, and so dread­ful, that the birds have fell to the ground.

XV. Of the four Quarters of the Year; and first of the Spring.

THE spring of vernal quarter begins when the sun enters into the Ram or Aries (which is with us the tenth day of March, astronomically) there­by making the days and nights equal to all the world, the sun then rising due east, and setting due west. This quarter continues white the sun goes through Aries, Taurus and Gemini.

This quarter is naturally hot and moist; the most temperate in all the year, being both pleasant and healthful, and most convenient for taking of physic, either to remove chronical distempers, or to prevent them for the time to come.

2. Of Summer.

THE summer or festival quarter, begins when the sun touches the first minute of Cancer or the Crab, thereby making the longest days and shortest nights, to those that dwell on the north side of the equinox, which usually happen about the month of June, after which the days decrease. This quarter continues till the sun hath gone through Cancer, Leo and Virgo.

This quarter is hot and dry; for then the sun is in full height and strength, bringing in perfection the pro­ductions of the earth, the time of gathering in the harvest, being chiefly in the last month of this quarter.

[Page 79]

3. Of the Autumnal Quarter.

THE autumnal quarter begins when the sun is said to touch the first minute of Libra, or Ba­lance, thereby making the day and night again of equal length, which is usually upon the 12th day of Septem­ber, then likewise the sun riseth due east, and sets due west. This quarter continues while the sun goes through Libra, Scorpio and Sagittary.

This quarter is generally held to be cold and dry, though it often proves moist and wet; for the sun now withdraws his heat, and thereby causeth the falling of the leaves from the trees, whence this quarter is also called the fall of the leaf.

4. Of the Winter.

THE winter, or hymeneal quarter, be­gins when the sun touches the first minute of the trop­ical sign Capricorn, which is for the most part about the middle of December, thereby making the shortest days and longest nights to those who dwell on the north side of the equinoctial; and the contrary to those that dwell on the south side. This quarter continues while the sun makes his progress through Capricorn, Aquari­us and Pisces.

This quarter continues cold and moist, being direct­ly opposite to summer; for now the fields look barren and the trees naked.

XVI. The experienced Husbandman; shewing how to Manure, Plough, Sow and Weed, &c.

THE first point of husbandy is, to pre­pare the ground; the second to plough it well; the third to dung it well. The ways of doing this are di­vers, according to the nature of every soil and country. Only take notice, that all great fields are tilled with the plough and shear, but the lesser with the spade.

[Page 80]The season of the year, and the weather also, is to be observed in the ploughing of the ground; you must not plough in wet ground; nor yet after very little rain, that is, if after a great drought, a little rain falls which hath not gone deep, but only wet the upper part, for the ground ought to be thoroughly mellowed, but not too wet, for if it be too wet, you can expect but ilttle benefit that year; you must therefore observe that the season be neither too dry, nor too wet, for much dryness will hinder it from working well, be­cause either the hardness of the earth will resist the plough, or if it should enter, yet it never will break the clods small enough, which will be hurtful to the next ploughing, but if your first ploughing has been in a dry season, it will be necessary to have some moist­ure in your second stiring, which will also make your labor the more. When the ground is rich and wet withal, it is to be stired, when the weeds are full grown, and have their seeds in the top, which being ploughed so thick, that you can see where the coulter hath gone, utterly kills [...] and destroys them; besides through many stirrings, your fallow is brought to so fine mould, that it will need very little harrowing when you sow it; and seeing so much depends upon the well ploughing of the ground, the husbandman must try whether his ground be well ploughed or not, or other­wise, the stalks being covered with the mould, he may be easily deceived; to be certain, therefore, let him thrust down a rod in the sorrow, and if it pierce alike in every place, 'tis a sign the ground is well ploughed, but if it be shallow in one place, and deep in another, the ploughing is faulty. If you are to plough upon a hill, you must not plough up and down, but thwart, for so the inconvenient steepness is to be avoided, and the labor of men and cattle made more easy, but then you must be careful not to plough always one way, but sometimes higher, and some times lower, working as [...]ope as you see needful.

[Page 81]As to the season of ploughing, it must be chiefly in the spring, the ground being in the summer too hard, and in the winter too dirty; but in the spring, the ground being mellowed, is the more easy to be wrought upon; and the weeds are then turned in, and being plucked up by the roots before they are seeded, will not spring again, but help to enrich the ground, And therefore the middle of March is usually the best time to begin ploughing. But yet if the ground be light and sandy, it may be ploughed in the winter, if the weath­er will permit. A slender and level ground, subject to water, should be ploughed in the end of Augu [...]t, and stirred again in September, and prepared for sowing a­bout the middle of March. The light hilly ground is broke up about the middle of September, for if it be broken up before, it may be burnt up by the sun, and have no goodness remaining in it, being barren and without juice. But this shall suffice to be spoken of breaking up the ground.

Now if your ground be barren and cold, producing store of weeds or rushes, or to bring it to a moderate heat, and so make fruitful, let it be manured with lime. The limestones may be had among quarries of stones, and in divers other places, and you may burn them in a kiln, in the most convenient place you have to save the carriage; and when you have sanded your ground and hacked it, make your lime small, and on every a­ [...]re bestow thirty or forty bushels of lime, spreading it, and mixing it well with earth and sand; and the strong­er and sharper the lime is, the better the earth will be, and you will find your improvement answer your labor. And here note, that it is no matter what color your lime stones are, whether white or grey, so that they be but sharp and strong in quality to give a good tincture to the earth, it being the strength and goodness of the lime, and not its beauty, that produces the profit. It is a greater help to a cold, clayey wet ground; such grounds are also very much helped by laying dung, or [Page 82] any soil that is fattening, either of cattle, or such as is cast out of pond lakes, or muddy ditches, for bar­ren and hot earth can never be overlaid with good ma­nure and compost, for that warms the earth, and it is the want of warmth makes it unfruitful.

As for the hacking and sanding before mentioned, the first is, after the ground has been turned up with the plough, to go over it with a long hoe, or hack, and cut in pieces the grass which you see turned up with ridges or furrows, or any uneven lumps, that it may be dragged away, burnt, or carried together with the weeds, not to grow up again, to incumber the corn. And landing it, to bring loads of sand, and lay them in convenient places, spreading them lightly, or thick (as you see occasion) over the ground, that the lime mixing with it, may the better embody with the mould, and produce a good crop.

But beside what I have already mentioned, there are several other ways of manuring land: I will mention some of them, for the husbandman's better informa­tion. But here it will not be amiss to take notice, that what will do very well for one sort of land, will not do at all for another; and therefore in manuring of land, regard must be had to the nature of it: As for example; for a clayey ground, lime and sand is ex­cellent to manure it with, but for a barren sandy ground, good marle is much more proper. If it be asked, What this marle is? I answer, it is a rich cliff clay, an enemy to all weeds that spring up of them­selves, and gives a generative virtue to all seeds that are sown in the ground. It is of a glewy substance, in quality cold and dry, and was earth before ti was marle, it is nothing but a rich clay of divers colours, according to the strength of the sun and climate where it is produced. This is so good a manure, that well laid on, it will enrich the barrenest ground for ten years, and some for thirty. To find it, take an auger whimble, made to hold many bits, one longer than an­other, [Page 83] till you have tried, by drawing the earth into one place, then proceed in the most proper places till you come to the marle, and the properest places are in the lowest parts of high countries, near the brooks and lakes, and in the high parts of low countries, upon the knolls or little hills, and in the clefts of steep banks, or branches in hills opening themselves; in some pla­ces it lies deep, in others shallow; and commonly barrenly sandy grounds are verged with it, lying very deep. Having found it, dig it up in great lumps, and lay it in heaps a yard distance one from another, and when it is dried, spread all the heaps.—Many mix the marle with the sand; but because this is not so easy to come at, I will speak of others more general, that will enrich any poor sand or city for grain, with less trouble and cost than before.

Woolen rags are very profitable for manuring and enriching of land, a sackful and half being sufficient for dressing an acre of arable ground. The way of using them is to chop them very small, and spread them an equal thickness over the land before the fol­lowing time, and then coming to fallow, let the plough take them carefully into the ground, and cover them.

Shavings, or waste horns, or hoofs of beasts, are very good to manure land withal; scatter the shavings in the same manner, and plough them in after heat. These will keep the ground in like quality as the rags, for five years together, without any renewing. The hoofs of cattle are approved of for this, and may be had of trotter and tripe men, &c. and must be used as the rags and shavings. Soap ashes, when the lye has been drained from them, is of excellent use in this case, and has besides the property of killing weeds and insects that breed in the ground, and eat up the corn. The hair of beasts enriches land, being strewed and plough­ed in, and there let it lie to rot. Also malt dust is much available to this purpose, allowing three quarts of it to an acre. And to enrich your dung or laystall, is to [Page 84] throw often beef broth, and other waste broths upon it, as also soap suds; and in so doing one load will be worth three of the same kind that is not so used. But this shall suffice as to manuring of ground.

In sowing of your seed, let your grain be the best, and scatter it according to the art of good husbandry, and let your sprinkling be a medium, not too much, nor too little. But to make the seed prosper the bet­ter, steep it in thick slimy water, that drains from dunghills, and if no such is to be had near at hand, steep cow dung in water, and soak the seed in it; wheat will be well soaked in 18 hours; barley in 36; peas in 12; but rye and oats may be sowed dry, for that agrees best with them.

But when the seed is sown, all is not done; you must take care to prevent the designs of those that will make void all your labour, and defeat your hopes, or else, though you have sown your corn, you shall never see it come up; rooks, crows and daws, are great devourers of grain, who will be sure to be about you when you go to sow; to keep these at a distance, shoot some of them, and hang them upon poles in divers angles of your field; stick their feathers along the ridges of the land; lay trains of gunpowder and blow the powder up, or let it lie scattered in the most frequented places, and the scent of it will make them forsake the field, especially now and then shooting a little; you may also take great numbers of them by placing strong thick brown paper, twisted taper wise, like those on sugar loaves, in holes of the earth, the broad top coming even with the ground, bird lime the inside, and scatter some grain in it, and then the fowl putting in his head to take it out, the paper so limed will stick close, and rise with him, when being blindfolded, in amaze he will fly up a great height, and will fall down again, so that if you be near at hand, he may easily be taken. Also the scattering nux vomica, mingled with paste, if taken by them (as seldom misses) will, make them so [Page 85] sick that they will forsake the field. If you lime your corn they will forsake it; and so they will, if it be steeped in water wherein wormwood has been boiled, or infused; or else sprinkling your corn with the dregs of bitter oil, and it will do the like, making them cast it up sick, and not desirous of any more: And these with hanging bunches of feathers on lines or sticks, that the wind may dangle and twirl them about, may help to preserve your corn when newly sown; and this last also may be used when it is ripe. But these di­ [...]ections relate only to fowl, who, notwithstanding all you can do, will be sure to come in for a share with you.

But there are other destroyers of your corn besides birds, which you must likewise take care to destroy; among which are the pismires or ants, who will do a great deal of mischief by biting off the chits or sprouts, so that it will never grow, but rot in the ground: To prevent this, search in the cornfields well, especially un­der the hedges, and the roots of old hollow trees, or on the tops of hills cast up; and if you find them there, put your limed water strong and hot among them, pre­sently after sunsetting, and it will destroy them. For want of lime make a lye of wood ashes and it will do the same, though not so effectually.

Another devourer of corn, [...]e your droves of great black beetles, which lie under the clods, and in sprout­ing time do much mischief. To destroy these make smokes in the field, in a still night or when there is a little breathing wind that may carry it over the sur­face of the ground, with wet rubbish or mouldy peas straw, hay, or such like, and it will kill them, or chase them out of the ground; for they are of all other crea­tures, the greatest enemies to smoke, and can least en­dure it. But if your ground be limed, or if you sow lime among your corn, you may trouble yourself with them no farther, for if they bite where the lime has touched, it kills them.

[Page 86]The next vermin to be destroyed is field rats and mice, and water rats also, for these destroy a great deal of grain, which to prevent, and ruin them, find out their round holes when the field is bare, and put hemlock seed into them, which they will eat, and it will kill them, the sprinkling of juice of hellebore i [...] them, will also do the like: But that which I prefer above the rest is, to beat common grass very small, mix it with a little copperas, vitriol, and coarse honey, and make it up in pellets, and scatter it in their haunts, in the mouth of their holes, or other like places, and the scent will draw them from all parts, and once eating it, they will certainly die. This also may be used in granaries and barns, for other rats and mice, with good success.

Slugs and snails are another sort of devourers, which do much mischief to corn and peas just sprouting up; to kill these, the best thing is foot or lime, sprinkled thin over the ground, for touching it they will die.

Grasshoppers also do much injury, by feeding on the leaf and blossom of corn and pulse, from the first to the last: These are not easily destroye [...]d, the best way to get rid of them, is, by sprinkling corn with water wherein wormwood, rue, or centaury has boiled, till the strength of them are taken away by the water; and if they bite where the sprinkling happen, they will die. The scent of any bitter thing being so offensive to them, that they are never found where any such things grow.

Moles are another vermin to be destroyed, for they are in a double regard destructive to corn; that is, in eating the roots, and rooting it up; not making dis­tinction of any sort, and tasting all alike; there are divers ways of taking them, but not so easily when the corn is well grown, for then they do the greatest mischief, when their tracts, or casting up their hills, cannot be discovered so easily; however, you must do as well as you can; and when you see them casting, or moving in their tracks, strike them with an iron of [Page 87] many spears; or dig pits in their track, and set earthen glazed pots, which they will blindly fall into, and can­not scramble out; or fill an earthen jug with pitch, rosin and brimstone, with some loose tow or rag, and firing it, clap the neck to the mouth of the hole, and the air in the earth drawing in the scent to a great dis­tance, will stifle them; or mix juice of hellebore with rye meal, scatter little bits in the furrows, and finding it in their way, they will greedily eat it, and die.

Having shewed you how to destroy such vermin as are devourers of corn, it will now be necessary to say something about weeding your corn when it is sprung up; for weeds are very offensive and destructive to corn, hindering its growth, and choaking it up.

When the corn is sprung up about a foot above the ground, those sorts of soil that are apt to produce weeds, will require your looking after to root them out: If they be thistles, or such as are great and offensive, they must be taken away with hooks and nippers, cutting them off close by the roots, or rather pulling them up by the roots, if you can do it without breaking the ground, so as to bring corn along with them. The nipper may be made with two long pieces of wood ri­vetted, to be opened like a pair of pincers, with saw-teeth, closing in one another, that they may take the surer and firmer hold without slipping. And these weeds may be much hindered in their growth, by sow­ing two bushels of bay salt in an acre of land, as you do your wheat; for though is is a friend to corn, in making it prosper and increase, yet it is an enemy to the weeds, and hinders their growth.

[Page 88]

2. How to turn barren Lands into good Pasture and Meadows.

HITHERTO I have been speaking of the ordering of corn, I come now to speak of enrich­ing the earth for meadow and pasturage. And this is two ways, viz. by watering and manuring it. And for this use, the lower the ground lies (so it be not subject to overflowings, or too much wet) the better it is, and the sooner made good. Consider in the next place, what kind of grass it naturally produces, whether clear and entire, or mix [...] with that of worse growth, the first is best; but if it be of a worse sort, intermixed with thistles, broom and offensive weeds, then grub and pluck them by the roots, clearing the ground of them as well as you can, then dry them, mix them with straw, and burn them upon the swarth of the ground, and spread the ashes upon it, then fold your sheep upon the ground for severel nights, that their dung may increase its strength, and their feet trample up the grass; then scatter it well over with hay seeds, and go over them with a roller, or beat them with a flat shovel, that they may be pressed into the ground to take root; then over these scatter hay, or the rooting of hay under stacks, or the sweeping of the barns, or moist bottoms of any hay that has been good, and is moist, and of no other use, then spread on your manure, as horse dung, man's odure, or the dung of any beast, which being thinned, and the clods well broken, let it lie till the new grass spring through it; but do not graze it the first year, lest the cattle tread it up, not having yet taken very good root, but mow it that it may have time to come to perfection; and though the first year it may prove short and coarse, yet the second it will be fine and very long, and in great plenty. And dressing it thus but once in twenty years, will continue it for good meadow or pasture; especially if in dry seasons you have water to relieve it, which may be done by bringing springs [Page 89] through it, or gathering the violent fallings of rain into a ditch on the other side of it, or by any other con­veyance, according to the situation of the ground; on the ascending part, to overflow it so long that it soak deeper than the roots of the grass, to continue its moisture for the nourishment of it for a considerable time. And here note, that the best season for watering of meadows, is from the beginning of November to the end of April, and the muddier or more troubled the water is, the better, for then it brings a soil upon the ground; and this generally happens after hasty showers, and great fluxes of rain. And if you have many fields lying together, especially in a descent, you may make a conveniency in the uppermost, to pen up the water till it is very well soaked; and then by a [...]uice, or breaking down of a dam, let it into the next; and so, by a small addition of water, transmit it to many.

XVII. The experienced Farrier and Cowleech, &c. con­taining above an Hundred approved Receipts and Med­icines for the cure of all Distempers in Cattle, as Hors­es, Kine, Sheep and Hogs; with Directions how to find and know what their Diseases and Infirmities are.

1. FOR a galled back, take honey and un­slacked lime, beat, put it in a linen cloth, bind it close, and lay in the embers all night, then strew it on the galled place; but if it bleed, strew thereon a little ver­digrease, and old shoe leather burnt to ashes.

2. For a bruised back, take a good quantity of roach allum burnt, two handfuls of barley burnt, mix them, and put upon the sore morning and evening, but if the [...]ore be corrupt, and full of dead flesh, then use more of the allum than barley; if it begin to heal, use more of the barley powder than allum; if you have no al­lum, take butter or verdigrease, melt it very hot, and pour it on the sore twice or thrice a day, and bind a [Page 90] little hay thereon, that the horse may not rub it off.— If it swells keep it warm, dip a wad of hay in water, lap it on the sore, and keep on an old saddle.

3. For a broken wind, take boar's dung, and pow­der it, and pour a good quantity of it into milk luke­warm; give the horse a quart every third day, and in four or five times it will cure him.

4. For a hoarse cough, take five or six eggs, and lay them in sharp white wine vinegar, till the shells be somewhat soft, then fling them down his throat, and it will cure forth with.

5. For the belly bound, take good wort, and so much soap as an egg, mixed together, and give it to your horse to drink.

6. For the bots, take a good handful of egrimony, and make the horse eat it early in the morning, and keep him fasting for a pretty while after it.

7. For the hide bound, take fenugreek, turmeric, anniseed, bay berries, liquorish and cummin seeds, of ea [...]e a like quantity, beat them to powder, mix them well together, and give him a spoonful in ale or beer at a time, blood warm, and this will cure him speedi­ly.

8. For a canker, take a handful of salt and burn it black, a penny worth of bole armoniac, a halfpenny worth of allum, and a handful of sage, boil all these in a quart of chamber lye, till one half be wasted, wash the horse therewith every twenty four hours, and after you have washed the sore five or six times, then take a little turpentine, wash it in clean water, put to it a little powder of brimstone, and a little honey, boil them in the same water, and wash the sore place there­with, and it will cure him.

9. In the mouth, take red sage and rue, of each a handful, half a pound of allum, and burn it, or honey and white copperas, of each two pence worth, boil these in a pint of white wine vinegar; then take the [Page 91] third or fourth feather of a goose wing, put a strong thread fast about your finger, dip it in the water, and wash his nose therewith; and if he snorts up the feath­er, the thread will pull it back. This will heal it in three weeks. Also you may (if the time of the year will serve) boil in your vinegar a little handful of ribwort, bitony and dazies, which is very good.

10. For a green wound; take white wine and warm it, and wash the wound all over, then take turpentine, honey of roses and wax, melt them together, and stir them continually till they incorporate. If it be a cut, put tow in it, and fill it; if it be a hole, make tents and put into it.

11. For a festered sore, take lime, tow and horse dung, temper them well together with pepper and the white of an egg, lay it to the sore for the space of five day, and it will heal it.

12. For a shot or stake, take sallad oil, turpentine and bees wax, of each a penny worth, and so much rosin as an egg, boil all these together, and sprinkle on them a little verdigrease, then make clean the wound, and make tents, and put them into it.

13. A good drink, take pulus diapentha, two pence worth, anniseeds and liquorish, in powder, of each a half penny worth; of sack a quarter of a pint, and a little sallad oil, mixed together, warm them blood warm, but no warmer, then give it to the horse with a horn to drink, and let him stand tied with his bridle a while after.

14. For the haw, o [...] horn in the eyes, to help your horse yourself, if you cannot have a farrier to do it, take a cord (for want of nippers) with a stick, and twitch his nose hery hard, and hold him fast, then take the upper lid of each eye, and with a needle and thread give it a stitch to the top of the horses ear, and underneath the eyelid you shall see a skin with a hard gristle or horn, which, with a sharp penknife, you may cut out; but be careful in cutting it too much; then [Page 92] take a little small beer or ale, and spurt it in to wash it, and it will help him.

15. For the pearl in the eye, take the juice of sal­endine, the juice of ground ivy, and woman's milk, mixed together, and squirt it into the eyes as often as you think fit, till it goes away.

16. For itching and burning in the eyes, take rose water, plantain water, myrtle, houseleek and flower water of tuta prepared, of camphire, of stuse without opium, and the whites of roasted eggs, of each three grains; set the water on the fire till it be hot, and beat them so for the space of three or fours hours, then strain them, and keep the liquor in a brass vessel well stop­ped: apply this to the corner of the eyes.

17. To cure a fistula, when you are certain it is so, scald it with honey and sheep's suet, for that will keep it from bleeding; then sl [...]t the nether end of the sore, and put in so much mercury as a pea, it being well abated with sallad oil, lay it on with a feather; then take a penny worth of verdigrease, one half penny worth of red lead; beat all these together, then wash the sore with water made of copperas, elder leaves in summer, but with the inner bark of elder in winter: And after the washing, put the powder on the sore, and drop in some sallad oil.

18. For a festula in the head, take the juice of house­leek, and dip a lock of wool in it, put it in his ear, and bind it fast, observe to do this once a day and it will help him.

19. For a fever, let him bleed in the thigh, in the middle vein, some four fingers breadth under the row­el, or else take the vein in the neck, and afterwards give him a drink.

20. For a farcy, take tanner's ouse, and beef brine, boil them well together, sc [...]m them, then put in the powder of salt petre, and wash therewith as you see oc­casion, till he be cured.

[Page 93]21. For the glanders, take twenty cloves of garlick, four quarts of ale, and one penny worth of sallad oil, peel and beat the garlick, and mix them together, and give it him to drink; then take a pan of coals and strew on them the powder of brimstone, laying it on a little wet hay, and hold it under the horse's nose in a funnel, that the smoak may ascend to his nostrils, and perfume him well with the same, and then ride him forth till he begins to sweat, and set him up warm, and an hour after give him meat.

22. For galled thighs, wash them with the water of roses, plantain, myrtle and the leaves of mallows, then anoint the place with ungentam [...]opilion.

23. For a strain or stroke, take flower of linseed, turpentine and life honey, of each a like quantity, boil them all together with white wine, till they be thick, like an ointment, then spread it on a cloth, and lay it to the grief, and it will take away any pain in the sinews.

24. For a hot impostume, stamp liver wort and hog's grea [...]e, then mix it hot, and lay it on the sore place.

Or for impostumes in the ears or head, take a pen­ny worth of pepper beaten to fine powder, a spoonful of swine's grease, the juice of a handful of rue, two spoonfuls of strong vinegar, mix all well together, re­newing it once in two days, till the swelling goes away.

25. For a cold imposthume, stamp balm, mix it with hog's grease, and lay it in the manner of a plaist­er.

26. The mare's evil, take oat meal, mallows, worm­wood, horehound and smallage, wring them together and boil them till they are soft; then lay it to the grief, and it will bring it to a head, then launch it, and take red lead, bole armoniac and rosin, beat them well together, and lay it on the place.

[Page 94]27. For the menage, take one penny worth of May butter, a half penny worth of brimstone in pow­der, and the juice of hemlock, and boil them all to­gether; then with an old wool card scrape away the hairs, and lay on the medicine cold, where the menage is: Then with a warm bar of iron or fire shovel, put to it easily, and in three or four times doing it will cure him.

28. To help an over rid horse that forsakes his meat: Wash his mouth with vinegar and salt, and he will feed after a while.

29. To help a poor horse in flesh: Give him two pence worth of horse [...]air, in one penny worth of ale, and doing this two or three times, it will make him recover his flesh.

30. For a horse that is pursy, take the powder of gentian at the apothecaries, give him some of that in water or ale, and it will help him.

31. To staunch blood, take the scrapings of the outside of a potage pot that you see the meat in, lay it on the bleeding place plaister wise, and it will stanch the blood forthwith.

32. For the scratches, take English honey, verdi­grease, and the powder of brimstone, beat them well together, and wash the place very clean, and then an­oint it all over.

33. For the ring bone or spavin: It groweth with a hard knot between the knee, the hoof and the hair; When you perceive it, burn it with an hot iron, and anoint the hair about with neat's foot oil, and it will help it.

34. For the staggers, take two pence worth of tur­merick, anniseed, long pepper beaten, and falled oil, of each one penny worth, give him this to drink, rowel him in the forehead, and put in a piece of nutmeg; then take a spoonful of aqua vitae, and a spoonful of salt, put it into one of his ears, and so likewise in the [Page 95] other ear, and bind them up for the space of twenty­four hours together.

35. For the pole evil, take running water and chamber lye, of each a quart, put therein a pint of salt, and boil them till they come to a quart; then boil them in a little wad of hay, and after you have strained it, apply it very hot to the sore.

36. For a pr [...]ik, take turpentine, tar, pitch and beef suet, of each a dram, and one head of garlick; boil all these together, and lay them as hot as can be suffered, and if it chance to break out about the hoof, anoint the place with the same stuff, and it will draw and help it.

37. To help a horse that cannot sta [...]e, take beer, anniseeds, and sallad oil, of each one penny worth, and elecampane, give it him to drink, and draw out his yard, and wash it with butter and a little white wine vinegar, two or three days together, and it will give him ease, and cure him.

38. For the strangles, or strangullion, take crumbs of brown bread, bay berries, or of the leaves in powder, temper them with May butter, and give them in little balls three days together, and it wi [...]l cure him.

39. To help any swelling, take hemlock, stamp it and mix it with sheep's dung and vinegar, and make of it a plaister, and apply it to the swelled place.

40. To cure any swelling in the leg: Mark the ground where the said leg or foot doth stand, and with a knife or other thing, dig up a turf or piece of earth just where the leg or foot did stand, hang the same on a white thorn, if it be summer, or dry weather; if it be winter or wet weather, hang it in your chimney, and as the turf or earth drieth, so shall the swelling cease.

41. For a broken bone, or joint out: You must first bathe the grieved place with warm patchgrease, then put about it a binding plaister of pitch, rosin, mas­tic and sallad oil, well mixed together, and melt [...]d on [Page 96] the fire; then fold that limb about with fl [...]x, then splint it with soft, broad, flat, strong splints, but [...] ­move them not for fifteen days together, except, the rowels slacken, and then you may straiten them again; yet it is a good sign: If it swell, and the roller grow straighter, you may give it ease, it being bound too hard; and thus dressing it every fifteen days, the bone will knit; and if any gross matter appear; bathe it twice or thrice a day.

42. For the yellows, cho [...] sallendine and rue very small, mix it with fresh butter and sallad oil, give it him, let him bleed in the forehead.

43. To skin sores, take melted butter and str [...] upon it the powder of rofin a day or two; then take two spoonfuls of very thick cream, and with the foot of the chimney make a paste thereof, and spread it upon the sore.

44. To cause a stomach, stamp garlick and pepper together, give it to him; then rub his teeth with salt, ti [...] in a clout to a stick, and thrust it into his jaws and let him chew upon the bridle a while after it.

45. For splinter or spavin, take mercury, or white arsenic ground to powder, then make a little slit the length of a barley corn, to the bone on the top of the raising up the skin, with a corner, and put in as much mercury or arsenic, as will lie upon the slit, and tie up the horse's head to the rock, so that he may not bite the sore place, for the space of two or three hours; for then the anguish will be over, and so let him fall to his meat. It will rot and go away of itself, and you may heal the sore with the former salve prescribed in the 43d cure.

46. For a loose hoof, take bees wax, hog's grease, and turpentine, of each a like quantity; melt the wax and hog's grease, dissolve the turpentine into it, and stir it well together then put it in an earthern pot to cool, and with the same anoint the corner of the hoof, and putting wheat bran unto it, boiled very hot, and stop it in the horse's feet, helpeth a frotuse or sounde [...].

47. To repair a broken hoof, take twelve heads of garlic and bruise them, of rosin and a [...]lum each two [Page 97] ounces, mingle them with half a handful of ass's dung, then boil them together, and anoint the hoof there­with.

48. For a gall or hurt with the saddle, that doth swell; seethe an onion in water, and so lay it as hot to his back as can be suffered, bind it fast and it will assuage the swelling.

49. For the vives, take a penny worth of English honey, a handful of violet leaves, and stamp them to­gether, and it will cure without fail.

50. To help all cramps, take peas grease or patch grease and wine vinegar, a like quantity, boil it, and being melted very hot, with the same bathe twice or thrice a day, and exercise moderately before and after dressing it; it will not only take away his pain, but also remove all swellings or cramps whatsoever.

51. To cure worms, or bots, take hartshorn and sav­in, stamped or chopped together, mix it with good strong vinegar, and give it to drink; or with your hand wash his fundament with brine, or with the water of germandine, it will give him ease presently.

52. To help a tired horse; pour a quart of good wine or ale down his throat, and it will very much re­fresh him.—If your horse in travel fall suddenly sick, where no town is nigh, alight, and with a knife or bodkin prick him in the roof of his mouth, and make him bleed, suffering him to chew and eat his own blood is a cure to himself.

53. If a horse in halting bow not his hoof, mingle hemp with the white of an egg, and stop the foot un­der the shoe; but if it be a wound, put in the powder of oyster shells and verdigrease, to dry it up, or the white of an egg with soap and vinegar.

[Page 98]

2. The experienced Cowleech.

1. HOW to know and help a cow that is like to cast herself: She will look hollow eyed, and pine; take the grounds of ale and the powder of cin­namon, liquorice and ginger, and give her to drink.

2. For a cow that has cast her calf; take grains and long pepper, of each two penny worth, in powder, and give it her to drink in milk.

3. For a cow that has calved and cannot glean; take a quart of good ale, boil it and skim it well, then put in a handful of the flower of barley malt, and give her to drink in a warm mash.

4. To keep calves from worms; when they are troubled therewith they will run up and down, and not stand still in a place, but quiver and shake, and hold their heads towards their side; take southern wood, or wormwood, and bruise it with dry figs and flitchets, and make a paste thereof, and put them into the throat.

5. For weaning of calves; take five branches of tansey, five branches of rosemary, and sprigs of mint, stamp them, and give the juice to drink, with four spoonfulls of good verjuice.

6. To increase milk; take sugar candy, cinnamon, and strong drink, and give it to drink now and then.

7. To help the beasts that cannot piss; take and bruise cardus benedictus, then strain it with white wine, and so give it to drink.

8. For the cholic; take the powder of one penny worth of ginger, and so much of the powder of liquor­ice, give it in a quart of milk, and it will help her.

9. For loss of cud; take half a pint of urine, bay salt and wall earth, of each a handful, mix them well together, and wash the roof of the mouth; but pull out the tongue and force some down.

[Page 99]10. If a cow be bruised, she will piss blood; take perriwinkle, comfret, hartstongue and blood wort, chop and stamp them in a mortar, wring out the juice and give a little thereof at a time in rennet to drink.

11. For a gore; take ashes finely sifted, and mix them with the grounds of ale or beer, and make it thick like butter, and so lay it thereon; use this and it will heal it.

12. If a cow have the fret, her milk will go away, and she will lie with her legs along: take a little dan­delion and groundsel, and boil them well in good strong ale, then strain out the liquor, and give it her.

13. For a beast that cannot dung; take hay, seethe it well, stamp it, and strain the liquor, and put into it fresh grease and soap, and give it,

14 If the beast be sick of the gall, and ready to burst; take a pint of stale ale, one penny worth of ox gall, and a handful of salt, mix them together, and give it to drink, and it will cure forthwith.

15. If a cow's gall do run, she will scour and hang down her ears; take sallendine▪ turmeric, and rennet, boil them well and strain them, then give it luke warm.

16. If a beast be grieved in the lungs, it will be hoarse, short winded, and hang out the tongue; take a pint of stale ale, a half penny worth of bole armoniac beaten, of hemp seed and long wort, of each a hand­ful, beat them well together.

17. If a beast be sick of the murrain, it will rattle in the throat; take a pint of stale ale, long pepper and grains, of each one half penny worth, of fenugreek a farthing worth, beat them well, and mix them togeth­er, and give it warm to drink. Or you may let them be let blood in the nostrils, and give him sugar candy, cinnamon, and turmeric, beaten and put in milk.

18. For the staggers; take cloves and fennel seeds, beat them to powder, and with milk give it the beast to drink, and then let him bleed.

[Page 100]19. If beasts be maw sick their eyes will settle in their heads, and they will groan much, and pine away; take a pint of milk, a spoonful of tar, a half penny worth of honey, mix them together, and give it to the beast to drink warm.

20. The more evil, is known by the staling of blood; take more water and more grass otherwise called rosa solis, chop these herbs small, and give the beast a dishful three or four times a day.

21. The tangen, and what it is: It is a disease known by the swelling of the tongue, or by a bleb thereon, it maketh them rough furred in the throat, and to swell. To cure it, take a handful of dry mole's earth, prick the bleb with the point of a knife, then rub the root of the tongue about the bleb very well with the earth, and cast some urine into the beast's mouth.

22. A purge for cattle. Let the beast blood in the neck vein, then take a quart of ail, boil it and skim it well, then take it off and put into it a spoonful of the juice of garlic, and as much tar, then take sugar can­dy, fenugreek and brimstone, all beaten to powder, the quantity of three spoonfuls: brew all together with the ale, till it be cool, putting in a quarter of a pint of sallad oil, so give it to the beast to drink fasting, and after it chafe it to and fro for a pretty little while.

23. For the asprung; take a running water, leaven and salt, rub her mouth and nostrils therewith, and break the bleb under the tongue.

24. For the dry root; take legwort, sallendine and bay salt, of each an handful, and four heads of garlic, stamp all these together, then take a quarter of a pound of leaven, a little dishful of soot, work it with the oth­er things, then take a quart or less of good ale, in two sponfuls of mother, one penny worth of long pepper beaten, and give it the beast to drink, and then chafe her up and down an hour, but keep her from water five or six hours after.

[Page 101]25. For the itch. With old urine and ashwood ashes make a strong lye, then to a pint of this lye put tar, black soap, copperas, pepper brimstone, boar's grease, staneface, plantain, of each a like quantity, as much as will make the lye a thick salve, and with the same anoint all the sore places, and it will kill and heal.

26. For a beast that has eaten venomous herbs; a good handful of wormwood, chop it very small, put it into a good quantity of ale or beer, and give it the beast to drink three or four days together, in the morn­ing.

27. For the garret in the maw; take a good quan­tity of whole mustard seed, and mix it with wine or strong ale, and give it to the cow.

28. For the canker in the mouth; take woodbine leaves, sage, salt, and plantain; of each a handful, boil them well in a quart of running water, with half a pint of honey, and a pint of good strong vinegar, mix­ed together, wash the beast's mouth once a day.

29. For infirmities in the eyes; take an egg and put out half the white, then fill it again with salt, and roast it on the embers so long that you may beat it to powder, then mix that powder in a spoonful of water of eye bright, and as much of the juice of houseleek, washing the beast's eye twice or thrice a day, if it does not help them, bleed in the temple vein.

30. For inflammation in the eyes; take southern wood, and bruise it with vinegar, and lay it to the e [...]e; for a sore eye, spirt beer therein, or chew the leaves of ground ivy, and drop it into the eye, with the juice thereof, with the powder of ginger.

31. For a cow that hath the wither; take the more of the flower de luce, wash them close, stamp them well, and mix it with a penny worth of long pepper in powder, make thereof three balls of the bigness of an egg, and give the beast one in drink for three or four days together.

[Page 102]32. To make a cow take bull; give her of the herb called cow make, which groweth like a white gilly-flower among corn, two hours before she shall take bull, if she should refuse the bull.

33. Against the biting of a mad dog; take garlic and put it into a linen cloth, then chafe and rub the bitten place therewith. Or take root of great bu [...], bruised with salt, laid to the place, it will help man or beast.

34. To fasten teeth; first prick his gums beneath on both sides, within and without, and the gums above with the point of a knife, then take a whetstone or rough pebble, rub the gums therewith, and make them [...]eed; so done, chafe them well with suet, and they will fasten again, or rub them with sage and salt.

35. How to geld or cut a calf; you shall cause one to hold down his forepart or legs, then bind his hinder legs with some cord half a yard asunder, let his feet be bound, and let the said holder set both his knees on the cord, nigh to his legs, and so cut him gently, and anoint his flanks with some grease, then rub his flanks with cold water mixed with salt, and he shall do well.

36. Against hide bound; take and stamp the leaves of the flower de luce, then strain it with good ale, and so give it them warm.

37. Agaist pissing of blood, or bloody flux; if this disease be newly begun, you shall take a frog, and cut off his left leg, and so put him alive in the beasts mouth; but then you must have ready a handful of salt mixed with a pint of good strong ale; and so soon as you can, after the frog, give the beast to drink, and make him swallow down all together.

But if your beast have continued long, then shall you take of sharp tanner's ouse, with old Marclemas beef, mix'd and well stirred together, and then give it to the beast.

[Page 103]

The experienced Shepherd.

FOR the sheep that have the staggers, give them one penny worth of treacle, one race of turme­ric, and one penny worth of English fastron, all mix'd together.

2. For sheep that make red water; take a little piece of roach allum, a little piece of butter, mix it togeth­er, and give it them as you see occasion.

3. For the scab and itch; take tar and fresh grease, of each a like quantity, mix them well with the juice of chervill and a little brimstone; make a salve, and anoint the fore place therewith.

4. Looseness of teeth, and grief of the mouth; take salt, sage, and earth, of each a like quantity, beaten together, and rub the mouth and gums of the sheep until you make them bleed.

5. For the general rot, or water in the belly; take sage, tansey, holy thistle, horse mint, wormwood-flowers, rosemary, rue, plantain, dill and lungworth of each a like quantity, beaten in the mortar, then strain out the juice, and to five spoonfuls of it, put into a pint of honied water boiled, with two spoonfuls of the powder of bay berries, long pepper, liquorice, and anniseed, of each alike; then taken from the fire, put in two spoonfuls of good salt, and as much sweet butter as a walnut, stir all together, and give it to the sheep lukewarm, in a horn, to drink morning and evening rubbing the mouth very well with salt, is a certain and approved cure.

4. The complete Swineherd.

FOR the murrain or garret; take gun-powder, bay salt, bole armoniac, and garlic, beat them, together, with a knife make a hole between their claws, [Page 104] put in a quantity of a hazle nut, and let them bleed under the tongue, or in the shoulder vein.

2. For scurf or manginess; let them bleed in the tail, then take black soap, brimstone, vinegar, swine's grease and honey mixed together, of each a like quan­tity, and anoint the swine all over with it, having first rubbed off all the scurf and filth with a wool card.

3. For a sow that eateth her pigs; watch the pig­ging, and take the least or worst pig, and anoint it all over with the juice of the herb called stone crop, and give her to eat, and she will never do the like again.

4. For the measles, or pox; let them bleed under the ears, or in the tail, then bind the sore with the bark of green osiers, then take an ounce of treacle, the juice of wormwood, liver worth, and gall worth, half a pint of red oaker and hen's dung, of each a hand­ful, and of barley meal three handfuls, mixed with a bottle of urine and honey all together, put it into two gallons of sweet warm wash, and give it to the swine to drink, and anoint all the sore places with boar's grease and brimstone, mixed together.

The End of the FOURTH PART.
[Page 105]


A Bill of Penalty.

KNOW all men by these presents, that I John Jenkins, of the town of Milton, in the county of Suffolk, and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, victualler, do acknowledge myself indebted to Martin Moneyman, of Roxbury, in the county and commonwealth afore­said, grazier, in the sum of twenty pounds, of good and lawful money of Massachusetts, to be paid unto the said Martin Moneyman, his heirs, executors, adminis­trators, and assigns, in or upon the 19th day of Sep­tember next ensuing the date hereof, without fraud or further delay: For and in consideration of which pay­ment, well and truly to be made and done, I bind my­self, my heirs, executors, and administrators, in the penal sum of forty pounds, of the like lawful money, firmly by these presents: In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty fifth day of March, in the year of our Lord God, 1796.

Signed, Sealed, and Deliv­ered, in presence of
  • Titus Testimony,
  • Andrew Ames.

Note. The mark ☉, in this and the forms subsequent, represents, the seal, which in this, and in all those in which it appears, ought to be affixed; the person who executes any of them, is, in the presence of the wit­nesses, to take off the seal (that is the instrument, with [Page 106] which the impression was made) and then taking the paper or parchment, in his or her light hand, is to pro­nounce these words. I deliver this as my act and deed for the purposes within mentioned.

A short Bill or Note of one's Hand.

KNOW all men by these presents, that I Peter Pennyless, of the town of Boston, in the county of Suffolk, and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, black­smith, do owe, and own myself to stand indebted to Robert Rich of Sul [...]n, in the county of Essex, and Commonwealth aforesaid, gent. in the just and due sum of ten dollars, of lawful money of Massachusetts, which by these presents, I promise to pay unto him, the said Robert Rich, 21, or upon the sixth day of October next ensuing the date hereof: For the true performance of which payment, well and truly to be made, and in witness hereof, I have set my hand to these presents, this thirteenth day of June, 1796.


Among men of business the following form is com­monly used, and is equally effectual in law:

I PROMISE to pay to Mr. Robert Rich, or his order the sum of ten dollars, five months after date, for value received, this thirteenth day of June, 1796, by PETER PENNYLESS.

This note is transferrable to another, if Robert Rich writes his name on the back thereof; but then if Peter Pennyless doth not pay it, Robert Rich is liable thereto.

A penal Bill from two to one.

KNOW all men by these presents, that we Laurence Luckless and John Jones, both of Boston, in the county of Suffolk, and Commonwealth of Massa­chusetts, weavers, do acknowledge and own ourselves to scand indebted to George Greedy, of the town of Roxbury, [Page 107] [...]n the county and Commonwealth aforesaid, felt ma­ker, in the just and due sum of forty dollars, of good and lawful money of Massachusetts, to be paid unto him the said George Greedy, his heirs,, executors, adminis­trators, or assigns, at or upon the thirteenth day of October next ensuing the date hereof, without fraud, or further delay; for and in consideration of which payment, well and truly to be made, we do bind our heirs, executors, and administrators, in the penal sum of eighty dollars of the like lawful money, firmly by these presents. In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and seals, this thirteenth day of June, in the year of our Lord, 1796.

Signed, Sealed, and Deliv­ered, in presence of
  • William Witness.
  • Timothy Testis.

Note, That bills without penalty are of no more force or lasting than book debts, as they are not sealed; yet they are esteemed better security, because the party's hand, if he contends, may be proved against him: But oft times, on an adjustment of accounts, it is u­sual to have the party's hand to the book, which is as valid as the other; but, in my opinion, there ought to be a witness to either of them.

Note also, All obligations ought to be in English, and the words at length; they may be suited to any con­dition, by only altering the name or names, place or places of abode, title or titles, sum or sums of money, date, &c.

A Bond from one to one.

KNOW all men by these presents, that I Abel Darmell, of the town of Boston, in the county of Suffolk, and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, gent. [Page 108] am held and firmly bound to John Melver, of the said town, Esq. in the sum of fifty dollars of good and lawful money of Massachusetts, to be paid to the said John Melver, or to his certain attorney, his executors, administrators, or assigns; for the true payment where­of, I bind myself, my heirs, executors and administra­tors, firmly by these presents, sealed with my seal.— Dated this twentyfirst day of January, in the year of out Lord, one thousand seven hundred and ninetysix.

The condition of this obligation is such, that if the above bounden Abel Darmell, his heirs, executors, or administrators, do well and truly pay, or cause to be paid, to the above named John Melver, his executors, administrators, or assigns; the full sum of twentyfive pounds of good and lawful money of Massachusetts, o [...] the twentieth day of August next ensuing the date hereof, with the lawful interest thereof; then this ob­ligation to be void, or else to remain, continue, and be in full force and virtue.

Sealed and delivered in the presence of
  • George Needy.
  • Thomas Trusty.

A general Release:

KNOW all men by these presents, that I Peter Peaceable, of Boston, in the county of Suffolk, and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, tobacconist, hav [...] remised, released, and for ever quit claim to William Winter, of Roxbury, in the county aforesaid, fishmon­ger, his heirs, executors and administrators, of all and all manner of action and actions, suits, bills, bonds, writings, debts, dues, duties, accounts, sums of money, leases, mortgages, judgments by confession or other­wise obtained, executions, extents, quarrels, contro­versies, [Page 109] trespasses, damages, and demands whatsoever, which by law or equity, or otherwise soever, I the said Peter Peaceable, against the said William Winter, ever had, and which I, my heirs, executors, or admin­istrators, shall or may claim, challenge, or demand, for or by reason, means, or colours of any matter, cause, or thing whatsoever, to the day of the date of these presents.

In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal, this fourteenth day of June, &c.


An Indenture of Apprenticeship.

THIS Indenture witnesseth, That Rich­ard Reynolds, son of Robert Reynolds, late of Boston, in the county of Suffolk, hath put himself, and by these pre­sents doth voluntarily put himself Apprentice to John Carpenter, housewright, of said town, to learn his art, trade, or mystery, and after the manner of an apprentice, to serve him from the day of the date hereof, for and during the whole term of seven years next ensuing: During all which time, he the said apprentice his mas­ter shall faithfully serve, his secrets keep, his lawful commands every where gladly obey. He shall do no damage to his said master, nor see it be done by oth­ers, without letting or giving notice thereof to his said master.—He shall not waste his said mas­ter's goods, nor lend them unlawfully to others. He shall not commit fornication, nor contract matrimony within the said term. At cards, dice, or other unlaw­ful game, he shall not play, whereby his said master may be damaged. With his own goods, or the goods of others, during the said term, without licence of his said master, he shall neither buy nor sell.

He shall not absent himself day nor night, from his said master's service without his leave; nor haunt ale [Page 110] houses, taverns, or play houses: But in all things be­have himself as a faithful apprentice ought to do, dur­ing the said term. And the said master shall use the utmost of his endeavours to teach, or cause to be taught and instruct, the said apprentice, in the trade and mys­tery he now professeth, occupieth, or followeth; and procure and provide for him the said apprentice, suffi­cient meat, drink, apparel, washing and lodging, fitting for an apprentice, during the said term. And for the true performance of all and every the said covenants and agreements, either of the said parties bind them­selves unto the other by these presents. In witness whereof, they have interchangeably put their hands and seals, this fifteenth day of June, in the year of our Lord, 1796.

A Letter of Attorney.

KNOW all men by these presents, That I Calvin Gay, of Boston, in the county of Suffolk, and Commonwealth of Masschusetts, apothecary (for di­vers considerations and good causes me hereunto mov­ing) have made, ordained, constituted and appointed, and by these presents do make ordain, constitute and appoint, my trusty friend William Wagstaff, of Milton, in the county aforesaid, gent. my true and lawful at­torney, for me and in my name, and to my use, to ask, demand, recover, receive, of and from A. B. of Rox­bury, in the said county, the sum of sixty dollars; giv­ing, and by these presents granting to my said attorney, my sole and full power and authority, to take, pursue, and follow such legal courses, for the recovery, receiv­ing, and obtaining of the same, as I myself might or could do, were I personally present; and upon the re­ceipt of the same, acquitances and other sufficient dis­charges, for me, and in my name, to make, sign, seal and deliver; as also, one or more attorney or attorneys, under him to substitute or appoint, and again, at his [Page 111] pleasure to revoke; and further to do, perform, and execute for me, and in my name, all and singular thing or things, which shall or may be necessary, touch­ing and concerning the premises, as fully, thoroughly, and entirely, as I the said Calvin Gay, in my own per­son, ought or could do in and about the same; ratify­ing, allowing, and confirming, whatsoever my said at­torney shall lawfully do, or cause to be done, in and about the execution of the premises, by virtue of these presents; In witness whereof I have hereunto set my and and seal, the sixteenth day of June, in the year of our Lord, 1796

A Letter of Attorney by a Seaman.

KNOW all men by these presents, that I Timothy Tarpaulin, marriner, now belonging to the ship Rye, for divers good causes and considerations me thereunto moving, have, and by these presents do make my trusty friend Henry Hearty, of Boston, in the coun­ty of Suffolk, and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, ba­ker, (or my beloved wife Penlope Tarpaulin) my true and lawful attorney, for me, and in my name, and for my use, to ask, demand, and receive, of and from the captain or agent of said ship, or whom else it may concern, as well of all such wages and pay, bounty money, prize money, and all other sum and sums of money whatsoever, as now are, and which hereafter shall and may be due, or payable unto me: Also all such pensions, salaries, smart money, or other money and things whatsoever, which now are, or at any time hereafter shall or may be due to me, for my service, or otherwise, on board said ship, or any other ship, frigate or vessel: Giving and hereby granting, unto the said attorney, full and whole power, to take, pur­sue and follow such legal ways or courses, for the re­covery, receiving and obtaining, and discharging upon the said sum or sums of money, or any of them, as I [Page 112] myself might or could do, were I personally present: And I do hereby ratify, allow and confirm, all and whatever my attorney shall lawfully do, or cause to be done, in and about the execution of the premises, by virtue of these presents: In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal, this tenth day of June, 1796.


A Deed of Gift.

TO all people to whom these presents shall come, I George Generous, do send Greet [...]ng. Know Ye, That I the said George Generous, of the town of Worcester, in the county of Worcester, tanner, for and in consideration of the love, good will and affection which I have and do bear towards my loving sister, Sarah Sorrowful, of the same town and county, widow, have given and granted, and by these presents do free­ly give and grant unto the said Sarah Sorrowful, her heirs, executors, or administrators, all and singu­ar my goods and chattles, now being in my present dwell­ing house, in the town aforesaid, known by the name of Fisher's Figgary; of which (before the signing of these presents) I have delivered her, the said Sarah Sorrowful, an inventory signed with my hand, and bearing even date, to have and to hold all the said goods and chattles in the said premises or dwelling houses, to her the said Sarah Sorrowful, her heirs, ex­ecutors, or administrators from henceforth, as her and their proper goods and chattles, absolutely without any manner of condition. In witness whereof, I have here­unto put my hand and seal, this sixteenth day of June, 1796.

Signed, Sealed and delivered in the presence of
  • David Drayton.
  • Aaron Atkins.

[Page 113] Note, This precedent may be extended to the giv­ing away of cattle, corn, house, or land if not entailed, &c. but the particulars must be named, &c.

Of Bills of Exchange.

BILLS of Exchange are either inland or foreign. The inland bills are drawn by one trader in one city or town, upon another of another city or town in the same kingdom; as London upon Bristol, or Ex­eter upon London, &c. and these chiefly concern our shopkeepers and wholesale traders, either of town or country, and the foreign more immediately concerns the merchants.

Bills of exchange, if handsomely drawn, must be written in a fair hand, on a long piece of paper, about three inches broad, and writ in form after the follow­ing precedent.

A Bill payable at Eight.

AT sight hereof, pay to Mr. Aaron Lor­ing, or his order, the sum of Ninety Dollars, for value received of Charles Cash; and place it to account, as per advice from

Your humble servant, DAN DRAWBILL.
To Mr. Peter Punctual, Grocer, in High Street, Bristol.

Note. A bill at sight is payable three days after the acceptor seeth it.

A short Will in legal Form.

IN the name of GOD, Amen, I William Weakly, of the town of Boston, hatter, being very sick and weak, [...]n (or in perfect health of) body, but (or, and) of perfect mind and memory, thanks be given unto GOD; calling into mind the mortality of my body, and knowing that it is appointed for all men [Page 114] once to die, do make and ordain this my last will and testament; that is to say, principally and first of all, I give and recommend my soul into the hand of Al­mighty GOD that gave it, and my body I recommend to the earth, to be buried in a decent christian burial, at the discretion of my executors: Nothing doubting, but at the general resurrection I shall receive the same again, by the mighty power of GOD. And as touch­ing such worldly estate wherewith it has pleased GOD to bless me in this life, I give, demise, and dispose of the same in the following manner and form.

First. I give and bequeath to Elizabeth, my dearly beloved wife, the sum of one thousand dollars, lawful money of Massachusetts, to be raised and levied out of my estate, together with all my household goods, debts, and moveable effects.

Also, I give to my well beloved daughter, Elizabeth Weakly, whom I likewise constitute, make, and ordain the sole executrix of this my last will and testament, all and singular my lands, messuages, and tenements, by her freely to be possessed and enjoyed.—And I do hereby utterly disavow, revoke and disannul all and ev­ery other former testaments, wills, legacies, bequests and executors, by me in any wise before mentioned, willed and bequeathed; ratifying and confirming this, and no other, to be my last will and testament. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal, this twelfth day of June, 1796.

Signed, sealed, published, pronounced and declared, by the said William Weakly, as his last Will and Testa­ment, in the presence of us who, in his presence, and in the presence of each other, have hereunto sub­scribed our names.
  • Henry Hardy.
  • Levi Lewis.
  • Hiram Hale.

[Page 115]The testator, after taking of the seal, must, in the presence of the witnesses, pronounce these words, I publish and declare this to be my last will and testa­ment.

Note, If a will be already made, and the person hath no mind to alter it, but to add something more, there may be affixed the following Codicil, or Sche­dule to it, and it will stand good in law, as part of the will.

A Codicil to a Will.

Be it known to all men by these presents, that I William Weakly, of Boston, hatter, have made and declared my last will and testament in writing, bear­ing date the twelfth day of June, one thousand seven hundred and ninetysix. I the said William Weakly, by this present Codicil, do ratify and confirm my said last will and testament, and do further give and bequeath upon my loving cousin and godson William Weakly, [...]unior, the sum of two hundred dollars of good and lawful money of Massachusetts, to be paid unto him the said William Weakly, by my executrix, out of my estate: And my will and meaning is, that this codicil be adjudged to be a part and parcel of my last will and testament.; and that all things therein mentioned and contained, be faithfully and truly performed, and as fully and amply in every respect, as if the same were so declared and set down in my said last will and testament.

Signed, in the presence of us
  • A. B.
  • C. D.

The Wheel of Fortune, and what is meant by it.

WHEN any desire to know a question, state any number not exceeding 30 [...] to that lot the [Page 116] number of the day be added and the first letter of your name, which perhaps may prove a figure letter, and let the number be divided by three, and if the division comes out even, then expect a good issue of what you require, whether relating to love, business or the like; but if broken, and odd, then the success will be bad, if not altogether unfortunate.

Several Queries resolving in Matters of Love and Busi­ness, by throwing a Die, or pricking at a Figure, after the Form and Rules of the following Table.

WHAT number you throw, or what number or letter you prick upon, they being covered with a piece of paper, through which you must prick, go to the same number and letter in the following so­lutions, for a true answer.

A 2 3 4 5 6
B 2 3 4 5 6
C 2 3 4 5 6
D 2 3 4 5 6

As to what kind of a Husband a Widow or Maid shall have.

A HANDSOME youth be sure you'll have,
Brown hair, high nose, he'll keep you brave.
2. A man unto thy lot shall fall,
Straight, but neither short nor tall.
3. An honest tradesman is thy lot,
When he proffers slight him not.
[Page 117]4. Fair, ruddy, bush hair is thy love,
He'll keep the well, and call the still his dove,
5. A widower, tho' rich, thou'lt marry,
You for a husband won't long tarry.
6. Proper and gay will be the man,
That will thee wed, my pretty Nan.

Whether a Maid shall have him she loves.

BE not too coy, he is your own,
But thro' delay he may be gone.
2. He of your wishes does not know,
He'd soon comply if it were so.
3. Come f [...] thy heart at rest I say,
He will but plunder and away.
4. Fear not, thy neighbour is the man,
And he will have thee if he can.
5. Show him more kindness, he will speak,
His heart with silence else will break.
6. Sigh thou no more, he does relent,
And his inconstancy repent.

How many Husbands you may expect, &c.

COME in the town thou first shalt wed,
A stranger next shall grace thy bed.
2. With one well lov'd thy life shall be,
And happy days in marriage see.
3. The stars three husbands do presage,
And thou shalt die in good old age.
4. Wed thou betimes, or else I fear,
Thou wilt not much for wedlock care.
5. Too much pride will make thee tarry,
Yet after all that, thou shalt marry.
. Accept the ring thy love doth give,
For long in wedlock he'll not live.
[Page 118]

Whether it be best to marry or not.

DONT fear, thy husband will be kind,
And it is one shall please thy mind.
2. If he be of complexion fair,
For thee that man I do prepare.
3. Come never fear, it will be well,
Or say I can no fortune tell.
4. Pray loose no time, for if you do,
Age will come on, and you may rue.
5. If this match flip, you may long stay,
Then take kind will without delay.
6. Cupid commands thee now to do't,
Then pr'ythee make no more dispute.

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