
Some Melancholy and heart-felt Reflections, on the sudden and unexpected death of the Rev. Elder ISAIAH WILCOX, Pastor of the Seperate Baptist Church in Westerly, who died of the Small-pox, the third day of March, 1793, after a few days illness; which he bore with great patience and fortitude of mind—and is much lamented by his Church and People, and by his Friends in general. And has left a sorrowful widow and family with­out a Shepherd, as well as his Church; but may the great Shepherd of Israel their Shep­herd be through time; and safely conduct them through unto the [...]ven [...]y Canaan.

OH! may this loud and sudden call,
To us a warning be;
To all that are within our walls,
And those that distant be.
By a most sore surprising shock,
Wrought by the powers above;
A worthy Shepherd of a flock,
Is late by death remov'd.
Who was a patern of the age,
Of grace and piety;
But now has quit this mortal stage,
And here no more can be.
The tents of ease he long forsook,
Religion did per [...]ue;
And in the vineyard of his Lord,
Much labour did bestow.
He to his numerous family,
Most [...] was and kind;
And may it well remember'd be
By those that's left behind.
But by a sudden illness seiz'd,
Amidst his worldly cares;
Not many days he did survive,
It proved so severe.
The mother with her children then
Was pierced to the heart;
To think a friend so near and dear,
And they so soon must [...].
What [...] and [...],
When none [...]
For there [...]
That could aswag [...] their [...]
The people then he [...]
All those around his [...]
And then upon his knees was rais'd,
As was by people said
And then he lift his soul on high,
By a most fervent prayer;
Which did amaze the standers by,
To hear a voice so clear.
From one so near depriv'd of breath,
As did to them appear;
When done he gently laid him down,
And little more was hear'd.
What tongue is hear that can describe,
The melancholy scene;
The near approach of their distress
Of sorrow, grief and pain.
But when on earth his work was done,
He yielded up his breath;
With peaceful mind and will resign'd,
Into the arms of death.
He's gone we trust to worlds on high,
Where sin and sorrow cease;
And left this tiresome weary life,
For everlasting peace.
And left to us this tiresome road▪
Where trouble leads the way;
In Abram's bosom for to rest,
Till the great judgement day.
To you that are the sufferers,
That here on earth remain;
Remember well your Elder dear,
Who for you spar'd no pains.
No more can he your Shepherd be,
When troubles do arise;
For in the grave his body's laid,
And death has clos'd his eyes.
He in the great Jehovah's name,
Did lovingly invite;
His brethren and followers,
With him for to unite.
And leave the tents of wantonness,
And w [...]k the heavenly road;
And [...] vain and trifl [...]ng toys,
To [...] the living God.
Oh! may it be your chief delight
His cou [...] [...]o embrace;
That he so often gave to you,
When you was face to face.
He in the great Redeemer's name,
Did often you instruct:
The great and glorious cause of God,
Never for to [...]ake.
But what a da [...]k and gloomy scene,
Ah! what a mournful case;
The pillar of the church remov'd,
And none to fill his place.
His seat on earth is empty made,
By God's most sovereign will;
His power's the same and still remains,
And he the place can fill.
Oh! may the Lord attend his ear,
And listen to your cries;
And patience give the cross to wear,
If he your suit denies.
If you the paths of satan shun,
And do his will obey;
He will assist you by his grace,
And speed you by his way.
Those heavy burdens lay aside,
That doth you so beset,
With patience run the Christian race,
That is before you set.
And may the God of Israel,
Your kinder Shepherd be;
And lead you through life's stormy wiles,
To true felicity.

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