


Deus enim, qui homines generat et inspirat, omnes equos, id est pares, esse voluit: eandem conditionem vivendi omnibus posuit. Omnes ad sapientiam genuit: omnibus im­mortalitatem spopondit. Nemo apud Deum Servus est, nemo Dominus. LACTANT. Lib. 5. Cap. 14. Fol. 501.



AT a Meeting of the Society of the Cincinnati of the State of New-Jersey—"On Motion, Resolved, that the thanks of this Society be given to the Honorable Elias Boudinot, Esq Doctor of Laws, for his excellent and well-adapted Oration, delivered this day in celebration of the Anniversary of the Independence of the United States of America, and that he be desired to furnish the Society with a copy thereof, to be de­posited in their archives."

The above is a true Copy, taken from the Minutes of the Society, certified by



THE great respect due to your public character, as the first servant of a Nation of Freemen, greatly heightened by a knowledge of the amiableness of your deportment in pri­vate life, have been additional arguments with me to dedi­cate an Oration to you, which, however inadequate to the pur­pose, was designed to promote a reverence for that happy re­volution, in which divine Providence has been pleased to make you so peculiar an instrument.

A frequent recurrence to the first principles of our consti­tution, and from thence to inculcate the necessity of a free, firm, and energetic government, in which Liberty shall rise superior to licentiousness, and obedience to the Laws become the best evidence of attachment to the Independence of our common Country, cannot but meet with your approbation.

This is the great object designed by instituting the Anni­versary of the Fourth of July, one thousand seven hundred and seventy-six, as a Festival, to be sacredly observed by every true American. This is the Day, chosen by the Defenders of our Country, your friends and companions in arms, to meet together and rejoice in the recollection of past labors, while they receive the glorious reward of their services, by looking [Page iv] forward to the increasing prosperity of the union, secured by their united exertions.

It arose from a desire, that this Jubilee might be improved, to continue those principles to posterity, which led them to arm in defence of their most invaluable privileges, that the Society in this State instituted an Oration on this Anniver­sary, to commemorate the successful result of their sufferings, and to perpetuate a constitution founded on the Rights of Men, as Men and Citizens.

You, Sir, as their Head, must enjoy, in a very peculiar manner, the contemplation of these blessings, and to you every attempt in this important service will be most properly dedi­cated.

Long may you personally experience their benign effects—Long may you live to testify, by a successful practice, the truth of the theory established by your struggles in the cause of uni­versal Liberty.

I have the honor to be, with every proper expression of re­spect and esteem,

Your affectionate Friend and Fellow Citizen, THE ORATOR.


Gentlemen, Brethren, and Fellow Citizens—

HAVING devoutly paid the sacrifice of prayer and praise to that almighty Being, by whose favor and mercy this day is peculiarly dedicated to the com­memoration of events which fill our minds with joy and gladness, it now becomes me, in obedience to the resolu­tions of our Society, to aim at a further improvement of this Festival, by leading your reflections to the contempla­tion of those special privileges which attend the happy and important situation you now enjoy among the Nations of the Earth.

Is there any necessity, Fellow Citizens, to spend your time in attempting to convince you of the policy and pro­priety of setting apart this Anniversary for the purpose of remembering, with gratitude, the unexampled event of our political salvation?

The cordial testimony you have borne to this institu­tion, for seventeen years past, supercedes the necessity of an attempt of this kind; and, indeed, if this had been the [Page 6] first instance of our commemorating the Day, the practice of all nations, and of all ages, would have given a sanction to the measure.

The history of the world, as well sacred as profane, bears witness to the use and importance of setting apart a day as a memorial of great events, whether of a religious or po­litical nature.

No sooner had the great Creator of the heavens and the earth finished his almighty work, and pronounced all very good, but he set apart (not an anniversary, or one day in a year, but) one day in seven, for the commemoration of his inimitable power in producing all things out of nothing.

The deliverance of the children of Israel from a state of bondage to a unreasonable tyrant, was perpetuated by the eating of the Paschal Lamb, and enjoining it on their pos­terity, as an annual festival for ever, with a ‘remember this day, in which ye came out of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.’

The resurrection of the Saviour of mankind is comme­morated by keeping the first day of the week, not only as a certain memorial of his first coming in a state of humili­ation, but the positive evidence of his future coming in glory.

Let us then, my Friends and Fellow Citizens, unite all our endeavors this day, to remember, with reverential gra­titude [Page 7] to our supreme Benefactor, all the wonderful things he has done for us, in our miraculous deliverance from a second Egypt—another house of bondage. ‘And thou shalt show thy son on this day, saying, this day is kept as a day of joy and gladness, because of the great things the Lord hath done for us, when we were delivered from the threatening power of an invading foe. And it shall be a sign unto thee, upon thine hand, and for a memo­rial between thine eyes, that the law of the Lord may be in thy mouth, for with a strong hand hast thou been delivered from thine enemies: Thou shalt therefore keep this ordinance, in its season, from year to year, for ever.’

When great events are to be produced in this our world, great exertions generally become necessary; men are there­fore usually raised up, with talents and powers peculiarly adapted to the purposes intended by Providence, who of­ten, by their disinterested services and extreme sufferings, become the wonder, as well as the examples of their gene­ration.

The obligations of mankind to these worthy characters increase in proportion to the importance of the blessings purchased by their labors.

It is not then an unreasonable expectation which, I well know, generally prevails, that this day should be usually devoted to the perpetuating and respectfully remembering [Page 8] the dignified characters of those great men, with whom it has been our honor to claim the intimate connection of Fellow Citizens—Men who have purchased our present joy­ful circumstances at the invaluable price of their blood.

But you must also acknowledge with me, that this sub­ject has been so fully considered, and so ably handled, by those eloquent and enlightened men who have gone before me in this honorable path, that had their superior abilities fallen to my lot, I could do but little more than repeat the substance of their observations and vary their language.

Forgive me, ye spirits of my worthy, departed Fellow Citizens! Patriots of the first magnitude, whose integrity no subtle arts of bribery and corruption could successfully as­sail; and whose fortitude and perseverance no difficulties or dangers could intimidate! Whose labors and sufferings in the common cause of our country—whose exploits in the field, and wisdom in the cabinet, I have often been wit­ness to, during a cruel and distressing war!—Forgive, O Warren! Montgomery! and all the nameless heroes of your illustrious group! Forgive, that I omit, on the pre­sent occasion, to follow the steps of those compatriots who have preceded me, but had rather spend this sacred hour in contemplating those great purpose which animated your souls in the severe conflict, and for which you fought and bled!

[Page 9] Were you present to direct this day's meditations, would you not point to your scarred limbs and bleeding breasts, and loudly call upon us to reward your toils and suffer­ings, by forcibly inculcating and improving those patriot­ic principles and practices which led you to those noble atchievements that secured the blessings we now enjoy?

Yes, ye martyrs to liberty! Ye band of heroes! Ye once worthy compatriots and fellow citizens! we will obey your friendly suggestion, and greatly prize that freedom and in­dependence, purchased by your united exertions, as the most invaluable gem of our earthly crown!

The late revolution, my respected audience, in which we this day rejoice, is big with events that are daily unfold­ing themselves, and pressing in thick succession, to the as­tonishment of a wondering world!

It has been marked with the certain characteristic of a divine over-ruling hand, in that it was brought about and perfected against all human reasoning, and apparently a­gainst all human hope; and that in the very moment of time when all Europe seemed ready to be plunged into commotion and distress.

Divine Providence, throughout the government of this world, appears to have impressed many great events with the undoubted evidence of his own almighty arm. He [Page 10] putteth down kingdoms, and he setteth up whom he pleas­eth, and it has been literally verified in us, that "no King prevaileth by the power of his own strength".

The first great principle established and secured by our revolution, and which since seems to be pervading all the nations of the earth; and which should be most zealously and carefully improved and gloried in by us, is the ration­al equality and rights of men, as men and citizens.

I do not mean to hold up the absurd idea charged up­on us, by the enemies of this valuable principle, and which contains in it, inevitable destruction to every government, "that all men are equal, as to acquired or adventitious rights." Men must and do continually differ in their ge­nius, knowledge, industry, integrity, and activity.

Their natural and moral characters—their virtues and vices—their abilities, natural and acquired—together with favorable opportunities for exertion, will always make men different among themselves, and of course, create a pre­eminency and superiority one over another. But the e­quality and rights of men here contemplated, are natural, essential, and unalienable; such as the security of life, li­berty, and property. These should be the firm foundation of every good government, as they will apply to all na­tions, at all times, and may properly be called a universa law. It is apparent that every man is born with the same [Page 11] right to improve the talent committed to him, for the use and benefit of society, and to be respected accordingly.

We are all the workmanship of the same divine hand. With our Creator, abstractly considered, there are neither kings nor subjects—masters nor servants, otherwise than stewards of his appointment, to serve each other accord­ing to our different opportunities and abilities, and of course accountable for the manner in which we perform our duty—he is no respecter of persons—he beholds all with an equal eye, and although "order is heaven's first law," and he has made it essential to good government and necessary for the welfare of every community, that there should be distinctions among members of the same society, yet this difference is originally designed for the service, be­nefit, and best good of the whole, and not for their op­pression or destruction. *

It is our duty then, as a people acting on principles of universal application, to convince mankind of the truth and practicability of them, by carrying them into actu­al exercise, for the happiness of our fellow men, without suffering them to be perverted to oppression or licentious­ness.

[Page 12] The eyes of the nations of the earth are fast opening, and the inhabitants of this globe, notwithstanding it is 3000 years since the promulgation of that invaluable pre­cept "thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself," are but just beginning to discover their brotherhood to each other, and that all men, however different with regard to nation or colour, have an essential interest in each others welfare.

Let it then be our peculiar, constant care, and vigilant at­tention, to inculcate this sacred principle, and to hand it down to posterity, improved by every generous and liberal practice, that while we are rejoicing in our own political and religious privileges, we may with pleasure, contemplate the happy period, when all the nations of the earth shall join in the triumph of this day, and one universal anthem of praise, shall arise to the universal creator, in return for the general joy.

Another essential ingredient in the happiness we enjoy as a nation, and which arises from the principles of our revolution, is the right that every people have to govern themselves in such manner as they judge best calculated for the common benefit.

It is a principle interwoven with our constitution, and not one of the least blessings purchased by that glorious struggle, to the commemoration of which this day is special­ly devoted, that every man has a natural right to be govern­ed [Page 13] by laws of his own making, either in person or by his representative; and that no authority ought justly to be exercised over him, that is not derived from the people, of whom he is one.

This, fellow citizens! is a most important practical prin­ciple, first carried into compleat execution by the United States of America.

I tremble for the event, while I glory in the subject.

To you, ye citizens of America! do the inhabitants of the earth, look with eager attention, for the success of a measure on which their happiness and prosperity so mani­festly depend.

To use the words of a famous foreigner "You are be­come the hope of human nature, and ought to become its great example. The assylum opened in your land for the oppressed of all nations, must console the earth."

On your virtue, patriotism, integrity, and submission to the laws of your own making, and the government of your own choice; do the hopes of men rest with prayers and supplications for a happy issue.

Be not therefore careless, indolent, or inattentive in the exercise of any right of citizenship. Let no duty however small, or seemingly of little importance, be neglected by you.

[Page 14] Ever keep in mind that it is parts that form the whole, and fractions constitute the unit. Good government ge­nerally begins in the family, and if the moral character of a people once degenerate, their political character must soon follow.

A friendly consideration of our fellow citizens, who by our free choice become the public servants, and manage the affairs of our common country, is but a reasonable re­turn for their diligence and care in our service.

The most enlighted and zealous of our public servants, can do little without the exertions of private citizens to per­fect what they do but form, as it were in embryo. The highest officers of our government, are but the first ser­vants of the people, and always in their power; they have therefore a just claim to a fair and candid experiment of the plans they form, and the laws they enact for the public weal. Too much should not be expected from them; they are but men, and of like passions, and of like infirmities with ourselves; they are liable to err, though exercising the purest motives and best abilities required for the pur­pose.

Times and circumstances may change, and accidents in­tervene to disappoint the wisest measures. Mistaken and wicked men (who cannot live but in troubled waters) are often laboring with indefatigable zeal, which sometimes [Page 15] prove but too successful, to sour our minds, and derange the best formed systems. Plausible pretensions, and censori­ous insinuations are always at hand to transfer the deadly poison of jealousy, by which the best citizens may for a time be deceived.

These considerations should lead to an attentive solici­tude to keep the pure unadulterated principles of our con­stitution always in view; to be religiously careful in our choice of all public officers; and as they are again in our power at very short periods, lend not too easily a patient ear to every invidious insinuation or improbable story, but prudently mark the effects of their public measures, and judge of the tree by its fruits.

I do not wish to discourage a constant and lively atten­tion to the conduct of our rulers. A prudent suspicion of public measures is a great security to a republican go­vernment; but a line should be drawn between a careful and critical examination into the principles and effects of regular systems, after a fair and candid tryal, and a cap­tious, discontented and censorious temper, which leads to find fault with every proposition in which we have not an immediate hand; and raise obstacles to rational plans of government without waiting a fair experiment. It is generally characteristic of this disposition, to find fault without proposing a better plan for consideration.

[Page 16] We should not forget that our country is large, and our fellow citizens of different manners, interests and habits. That our laws to be right, must be equal and general; of course, the differing interests must be combined, and bro­therly conciliation and forbearance continually exercised, if we will judge with propriety of those measures that re­spect a nation at large.

While we thus enjoy, as a community, the blessings of the social compact in its purity, and are all endeavoring to secure the invaluable privileges, purchased by the blood of thousands of our brethren, who fell in the dreadful conflict; let us also be careful to encourage and promote a liberali­ty and benevolence of mind, towards those whom they have left behind, and whose unhappy fate it has been to bear a heavier proportion of the expensive purchase, in the loss of husbands, parents or children, perhaps their only sup­port and hope in life.

Mankind, considered as brethren, should be dear to each other; but Fellow Citizens, who have together braved the common danger—who have fought side by side—who have mingled their blood together, as it were in one rich stream—who have labored and toiled with united efforts to ac­complish the same glorious end, must surely be more than brethren—it is a union cemented by blood.

I can no longer deny myself the felicity, my beloved [Page 17] Friends and Fellow Citizens, members of a Society found­ed in these humane and benevolent principles, of addres­sing myself more particularly to you, on a DAY which, in so peculiar a manner, shines with increasing lustre on you, refreshing and brightening your hard-earned laurels, by re­newing the honorable reward of your laborious services, in the gratitude of your rejoicing fellow citizens.

Methinks I behold you on the victorious Banks of Hud­son, bowed down with the fatigues of an active campaign, and the sufferings of an inclement winter, receiving the welcome news of approaching peace, and your country's political salvation, with all that joy of heart and serenity of mind, that became citizens, who flew to their arms, merely at their country's call, in a time of common dan­ger.

The war-worn soldiers, reduced to the calamities of a se­ven year's arduous service, now solemnly pause and reflect on the peculiarity of their critical situation. The ravages of war had been extended through a country dearer to them than life, and thereby prevented that ample provision in service, or reasonable recompence on their return to pri­vate life, that prudence required and gratitude powerfully dictated.

They thought that the distresses of the army had before been brought to a point,— ‘That they had borne all that [Page 18] men could bear; their property expended—their private resources at an end—their friends wearied out and dis­gusted with incessant applications.’ But another trial, severer than all, still awaits them: They are now to be dis­banded, and a separation to take place, more distressing than every former scene! Till now the severe conflict was un­seen, or unattended to. Poverty, and the gratitude of their country, are their only reward.

True, they are to return to their friends and fellow-citi­zens with blessings on their heads. The general liberty and independence are now secured—but yet want and dire distress stare many in the face. They are to return to wives and children, long used to dependence on the cold hand of charity, in hopes of a sure support from the suc­cess of the common cause, when their husband, father or child returned glorious from the field of conquest. Alas! these flattering hopes now are no more.

Their country's exhausted treasury, cannot yield them even the hard earned pittance of a soldier's pay. Being urged on one hand by the subtle poison of inflammatory, violent and artful addresses, under the specious mark of pretended friendship (the last expiring effort of a con­quered foe.)—Warned on the other hand by the experi­ence, wisdom and rational conduct of their beloved Com­mander, [Page 19] their father and long tried friend—they solemn­ly deliberate—

Some guardian angel, perhaps the happy genius of America, ever attendant on the object of her care, raises the drooping head, wipes the indignant falling tear from the hardy soldier's eye, and suggests the happy expedient!

Brotherly affection produces brotherly relief—the vic­torious bands unite together—they despise the infamous idea—they refuse to listen to the Siren's song—they form the social tye—they cast in the remaining fragment of their scanty pay, and instead of seizing their arms, and de­manding their right by menace and violence, they refuse ‘to lessen the dignity, or fully the glory they had hither­to maintained. They, determine to give one more proof of unexampled patriotism and patient virtue, ris­ing superior to the pressure of their complicated suffer­ings, and thereby afford an occasion to posterity to say, had that day been wanting, the world had not seen the last stage of political perfection, to which human nature is capable of attaining.’

The glorious certainty of peace, purchased by their suf­ferings and perseverance, now rouses the patriotic fire. They again rejoice in the event; they unite in a firm in­dissoluble bond, ‘gratefully to commemorate the event, which gave independence to America—to inculcate [Page 20] to latest ages, the duty of laying down in peace, arms assumed for public defence in war—to continue their mutual friendship, which commenced under the pres­sure of common danger, and to effectuate every act of beneficence, dictated by a spirit of brotherly kindness to any of their number and their families, who might un­fortunately be under the necessity of receiving them,’ and by this unanimous act, establish this sacred truth, ‘that the glory of soldiers cannot be completed without acting well the part of citizens.’

This, gentlemen, is your origin as a Society—the source from whence you sprang, and this day we are carrying on the work first began in these social principles.

With a heart filled with unfeigned gratitude to the Au­thor of all our mercies, and overflowing with the most af­fectionate friendship towards you; suffer me to congratulate on you this seventeenth Anniversary of our happy Inde­pendence.—Long! long! even to the remotest ages, may the citizens of this rising empire enjoy the triumph of this day, may they never forget the invaluable price which it cost, as well as the great purposes for which it was insti­tuted, and may a frequent recurrence to the first princi­ples of our constitution, on this anniversary, be a constant source of security and permanence to the rising fabric! May the rights of men and the purity of a free, energetic [Page 21] and independent government, be continually cherished and promoted by every Son of Cincinnatus! May the re­membrance of those worthy heroes, once our beloved companions, whose lives they did not hold dear, when re­quired for their country's safety, animate us to preserve inviolate, what they purchased at so high a rate! May we, by the uniform conduct of good citizens, and generous faithful friends, show ourselves worthy of such valuable connections!

Long, long may you live to enjoy the reward of your labors, in the exercise of the duties of this honorable an­niversary; and after a long life of services to your coun­try, usefulness to your society, and happiness to yourselves, may you leave your generation in the full enjoyment of peace and a sound constitution, justified by experience, for the example of which, nations yet unborn shall rise up and call you blessed!

And now my respected audience, we appeal to your candor and generosity; you have heard our origin—you have known our conduct—our society is designed for the benefit and happiness of mankind—we have no secrets—we claim no separate privileges—we ask no independent immunities—we are embarked in one common cause with you—we glory in one perfect political equality, all we wish for is the pleasure, of renewing ancient friendships— [Page 22] of the mutual remembrance of past labors and sufferings—the liberal exercise of that celestial principle charity, and one common interest with you, in the security of our li­berty, property and independence.

We profess to be a band of brethren, united to our fel­low citizens by every tie of interest, gratitude and love. Let us then go hand in hand with you, in looking forward to the happy state of our country, during a long succession of ages yet to come.

We are encouraged in this animating hope, by the nu­merous advantages arising to us, in a peculiar manner, from the happy revolution we commemorate this day; they are conspicuous in every quarter to which the view can be directed.

If we turn our attention to the strong hope of every community, the rising generation, the world has yet en­joyed nothing equal to their advantages and future pros­pects.

The road to honors, riches, usefulness and same, in this happy country, is open equally to all. The equality of citizens in its true sense, must raise the most lively hopes, prompt the noblest exertions, and secure a certainty of success to all, who shall excel in the service of their coun­try, without respect of persons.

[Page 23] The meanest citizen of America, educates his beloved child with a well founded hope, that if he should become equal to the task, he may rationally aspire to the command of our armies, a place in the cabinet, or even to the filling of the presidental chair; He stands on equal ground, in regard to the first honors of the state, with the richest of his fellow citizens.

The child of the poorest laborer, by enjoying the means of education (afforded in almost every corner of this hap­py land) is trained up for, and is encouraged to look for­ward to a share in the legislation of the union, or of a par­ticular state, with as much confidence as the noblest sub­ject of an established monarchy.

This is a peculiar happiness of our highly favored re­public, among the nations of the earth, proceeding from the successful revolution in which we this day rejoice.

Suffer me, ye fair daughters of New-Jersey! to call on you also, in a special manner, to add your invigorating smiles to the mirth and festivity of this day. Our happi­ness can be but half completed, if you refuse to crown the whole with your kind approbation.

Have you not at all times, and do you not still conti­tinue to participate deeply in the multiplied blessings of our common country. Raised from the humiliating state of your sex in most other countries, you also breathe the sa­cred [Page 24] air of Freedom, and nobly unite your exertions for the general good.

The Rights of Women are no longer strange sounds to an American ear; they are now heard as familiar terms in every part of the United States; and I devoutly hope that the day is not far distant when we shall find them dignify­ing, in a distinguishing code, the jurisprudence of the seve­ral States in the Union.

But in your domestic character, do you not also enjoy the most delightful contemplations, arising from the Re­volution of Seventeen Hundred and Seventy-six?

Can you look on the children of your tenderest care, and reflect on the cheerful prospects opening upon them through life, without feeling the most lively emotions of gratitude, for the inestimable privileges conferred on the Citizens of America?—Are not your resolutions strength­ened, and your endeavors redoubled, to furnish them with every qualification, both mental and personal, for the fu­ture service of a country thus rendered dear to you?

But your share of the joy of this Day does not rise from a single source:—To whom are we more indebted for the origin of our present happiness, than to your delicate and discerning sex. In vain did Columbus, our great found­er and discoverer, after settling the principles of his sound philosophy, apply to the wise men of his country—In vain [Page 25] did he solicit, in strains of the most suppliant humiliation, the different thrones of Europe, where Kings considered themselves as God's Vicegerents here below: Despised by the ignorant—by the malevolent—contemned by the great—laughed at by pretended philosophers—and trifled with by the arrogance of ministers, and their hire­lings; all his hopes, and those of a New World, had at last sunk [...] despair, and we, this Day, might have mingled our fate with the slaves of the Old World, had not the pe­netrating wisdom, and persevering magnanimity of the fair; but undaunted Isabella, the ornament of your sex, and the jealousy of ours, saved this Western World from the oblivion of more than five thousand years. Did the em­ploy the excess of useless treasures, in this happy adven­ture?—No!—After the refusal of her husband—despising the appendages of brilliant royalty, when compared with the general good of Mankind, her enlarged mind, incapa­ble of being confined by the shackles of the age, found a resource in her costly Jewels, which she freely offered as a pledge, to accomplish the glorious discovery of the Fourth Quarter of the Globe!

To your Sex, then, Ladies, are we obliged to yield the Palm—had this great Event depended altogether on our Sex, it is not easy to guess what our United Fate had been at this moment, Instead of our present agreeable employ­ment, [Page 26] we might have been Hewers of Wood, and Draw­ers of Water to some mighty PHAROAH, whose tender mercies would have been cruelty. Your right then, my Fair Auditory, to a large portion of the general joy, must be acknowledged to be of a superior kind.

Do you, my worthy Fellow Citizens, of every descrip­tion, wish for more lasting matter of pleasure and sa­tisfaction in contemplating the great events brought to your minds this Day?—Extend, then, your views to a dis­tant period of future time. Look forward a few years, and behold our extended forests (now a pathless wilder­ness) converted into fruitful fields and busy towns. Take into view the pleasing shores of our immense lakes, united to the Atlantic States, by a thousand winding canals, and beautified with rising cities, crowded with innumerable, peaceful fleets, transporting the rich produce from one coast to another.

Add to all this, what must most pleased every humane and benevolent mind, the ample provision thus made by the God of all Flesh, for the reception of the Nations of the Earth, flying from the Tyranny and Oppression of the Despots of the Old World, * and say, if the prophecies of [Page 27] ancient times are not hastening to a fulfilment, when this wilderness shall blossom as a rose—the Heathen be given to the Great Redeemer as his inheritance, and these uttermost pa [...]s of the earth for his possession.

Who knows but the country for which we have fought and bled, may hereafter become a theater of greater e­vents than yet have been known to mankind.

May these invigorating prospects lead us to the exercise of every virtue, religious, moral, and political. May we be roused to a circumspect conduct—to an exact obedience to the laws of our own making—to the preservation of the spirit and principles of our truly invaluable, constitu­tion—to respect and attention to magistrates of our own choice; and, finally, by our example as well as precept, add to the real happiness of our fellow men, and the par­ticular glory of our common country.

And may these great principles, in the end, become ins­trumental in bringing about that happy state of the world, when, from every human breast, joined by the grand cho­rus of the skies, shall arise with the profoundest reverence, that divinely celestial anthem of universal praise,— Glory to God in the highest—Peace on earth—Good will towards men.


SONG—To follow the PRAYER.

WHEN exil'd Freedom, force'd to roam,
Sought refuge on Columbia's shores,
The lovely wand'rer found a home,
And this the DAY that made HER ours.
Hail Columbia! Columbia hail! to THEE
The praise is due, that MAN IS FREE!
In her defence, the patriot crowd,
Rush'd to the field, and frown'd on Death:
They seal'd her triumphs with their blood,
And hail'd her with their dying breath.
Hail Columbia, &c.
'Twas not Columbia's cause alone;
At stake, the Rights of Mankind lay:
That cause, shall distant Nations own,
And hail, with joy, this festive DAY!
Hail Columbia, &c.
'Tis the World's Day-Star, and shall last
Till Slav'ry's Shadows be withdrawn:
And lo! that night is almost past,
And Europe's Day begins to dawn.
Hail Columbia, &c.
[Page 30] How bright will be its noon-tide ray!
When Universal Freedom reigns,
When not a Despot clouds the day,
And not a Slave on earth remains!
Hail Columbia, &c.
Mankind shall ne'er THIS DAY forget,
Its BRAVE DEFENDERS' worth shall own;
Shall love the Mem'ry of FAYETTE,
And shout the Name of WASHINGTON!
Hail Columbia, &c.

To conclude the Service.

AT length War's sanguine scenes are o'er,
Her dire alarms are heard no more:
Sweet PEACE descends with balmy wings
And heav'n-born INDEPENDENCE brings;
While FREEDOM comes with all her train
To bless COLUMBIA'S happy plain.
Hail! Heav'n descended Guests, all hail!
Peace, Independence, Freedom, hail!
Ruler of Kings! Thy mandate shook
The fated Monarch's throne, and took
[Page 31] The brightest jewel from his crown,
When Britain sunk beneath thy frown.
Thy wisdom the rude Statesman taught,
And by thy aid the Soldier fought.
Hail, Sov'reign Wisdom! Goodness, hail!
Peace, Independence, Freedom, hail!
Oh shed thy pow'rful influence down,
Form the NEW STATES to high renown;
Let Justice lift alost her hand,
And purest Virtue fill the land.
Let Men thy pow'r with fear adore,
Till suns and moons revolve no more.
Hail, train of Heav'n! bright mantled, hail!
Peace, Independence, Freedom, hail!
Public devotion! Glorious flame,
That gave to Rome immortal fame!
Religion chief! Angelic maid!
In ev'ry heart, thy empire spread,
Oh! hither come, our breasts inspire,
And fill us with thy sacred fire.
Hail, pure ethereal graces, hail!
Peace, Independence, Freedom, hail!
Her darling SON! Columbia's boast!
Envy and dread of Albion's host!
[Page 32] Circled with honor's endless wreaths—
At last his patriot falchion sheaths.
Celestial troops, now bending low,
Crown the Deliv'rer bind his brow.
Hail, Washington! Deliv'rer, hail!
Peace, Independence, Freedom, hail!
Now let the loud, shrill clarion play
Triumphant peals, proclaim the DAY!
And joyful voices rend the sky,
With glory be to GOD on high!
Good will and peace on earth to MEN,
While angels sound the loud AMEN.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! &c.

This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Text Creation Partnership. This Phase I text is available for reuse, according to the terms of Creative Commons 0 1.0 Universal. The text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.