

Aethereum tr [...]nabit iter, quo numine BLANCHARD?
Impavidus, sortem non timet Icariam






HAVING so happily succeeded in the 45th attempt of my aerial flight, in the presence of the enlightened citizens of Philadelphia, I thought I could still afford them some pleasure, by offering to them an accurate description of the operations prepa­ratory to this ascension, and by acquainting them with my various situation during this excursion, as well as with the motives which induced me to a return, and the means I made use of to accomplish it.

I will then account for the thoughts and feelings which agitated my breast at the time of my ascension: I will display them, with confidence, to those candid and feeling men, whose eye traced me across the vast expanse of the aerial regions.

To such as are not unacquainted with the mechanism of the aerostat, some of these details may appear trifling and superfluous; but as I felt them, I will therefore describe them: nor do I think I should be justifiable in concealing from the curious public any part of the operations which attended so extraordinary an experiment, of which they for the first time wit­nessed the complete success.

And here I request the indulgence of my readers for the style of my narrative—Elegance is not what I aim at in this performance: Truth is intended as its sole ornament.



I HAD performed my forty-fourth ascension— All Europe was filled with the glory of the famous MONTOOL [...]IER—The principal cities of the old world had applauded the happy success of so brilliant a discovery. It was my good fortune to contribute to it, by the multiplicity of my ex­periments; I have even, I trust, developed and enlarged the sublime idea, by subjecting the aero­stat to fixed and certain laws, by which, at any height in the atmosphere, I might direct its mo­tions at pleasure—In a word, I enjoyed a satis­faction which seemed to leave me nothing to wish for. I then thought of terminating my aerial ex­cursions; and recalling to my mind my original situation, I wished to devote in a peaceable retreat the most precious moments of my leisure to col­lecting together my aerological observations, in order to offer them as fresh food to the eager thirst of mankind after new sources of knowledge.

THIS first intention of mine was soon altered by an uneasy emotion which seized my breast. The New World, so interesting by its situation, offer­ed to my emulation an attraction which I could not resist. This Hemisphere had as yet only heard of the brilliant triumph of aerostation; and the [Page 8] people who inhabit it, appeared to me worthy of enjoying the sublime spectacle that it affords. *

YE People of America, ye wise and happy Nation, who knowing the full value of liberty, are not insensible to that of a just submission to the laws, you attracted all my attention, and the de­sire of beholding you in the full enjoyment of the blessings of liberty, under the protection of your newly established government, fired my soul as much as the wish of acquiring some glory among you.

MY project was as soon executed as formed. Fearful however of not finding in the new coun­tries, which I was going to explore, a sufficient quantity of materials necessary to my experiments, my departure was delayed only by the time re­quisite to have them forwarded from London to Hamburg, where I then was.

MY orders being punctually executed, and every thing succeeding to the best of my wishes, I had the satisfaction to embark with all my apparatus upon the ship Ceres, Captain Marsh, bound to Philadelphia—On the 30th of Septem­ber, 1792, we sailed, and landed here on the 9th of December, in the same year.

[Page 9]How superior to all the reports of fame Philadelphia appeared▪ This city so happily characterised by the name it bears, still preserves, whether col­lectively or separately viewed, the glorious stamp of her philosophical founder. The simplicity of her architecture, the order and regularity of her plan, the size and cleanliness of the streets, and the conveniences they afford to the public, every thing reminds us at the first view of the celebrated man, who chose it should bear a name analogous to his philanthropic feelings, and gives us also a lively recollection of the wisdom of her rulers, as well as of the simple and decent manners of her inhabitants.

I MADE it my duty, nay I was proud of attempt­ing in this metropolis my first aerial ascension in America, and I derived from it the most sanguine expectations of a complete success. The gracious reception with which I was welcomed by the hero of liberty, General GEORGE WASHINGTON, President of the United States, the easy and chear­ful access I had to General THOMAS MIFFLIN, Governor of Pennsylvania, the eagerness which I thought I discovered in the public to see MONT­GOLFIER'S sublime discovery reduced to practice, every thing seemed to tell me that I might with confidence display the mechanism of an aerostat, to make it soar above the clouds, and convince the New World that man's ingenuity is not confined to earth alone, but opens to him new and certain roads in the vast expanse of heaven.

[Page 10]I SOON gave notice to the public of my intention, and immediately proposed a subscription for a sum which might lighten the burthen of my expences. * I waited not for its being filled: I hastened to announce the time of an experiment, fixed for the 9th. of January, 1793, at 10 o'clock in the morning. However, zealous as I was to answer the public expectations, I was sensible, that as a foreigner, unknown in a country, with whose very language I am unacquainted, I should have been exposed to great difficulties in the execution of my design, had not the magistrates of the city stepped forward to countenance my design, by allowing me to make use of the prison court as the most suitable place, on account of its spaciousness. I am also much indebted to the zeal of Mr. Benjamin Nones, who by his kind assistance accelerated my [Page 11] preparations. Every thing seemed to succeed to my wishes, and to ensure my success. The day appointed for my experiment rose, one of the finest of the new year; I will also reckon it among the happiest of my life. It was presaged by a calm night, a serene sky, spangled with ten thousand glittering stars, whose light was eclipsed only by that of the returning sun.

AT 4-5-6 o'clock in the morning, by Reau­mur's thermometer 0 d. 5/10, Fahrenheit [...] 8/10. I had already repaired to the [...] opera­tions, had examined every thing [...], and left nothing undone to answer the public expecta­tion. To be exactly acquainted with the tempe­rature of the air, and with the result of the various changes of the weather was a matter of great mo­ment with me; I therefore compared my observa­tions with those that were made by my friend Mr. Peter Legaux, and I found they perfectly agreed.

FROM 7 to 8 o'clock, the sky being overcast and hazy, the higher current of air setting from the E. N. N. and the lower from S. S. W. Reaumur's thermometer standing at 1 d., Fahren­heit's at 35 d. 4/10—my balloon was lying on the ground, resting on its folds, when the operation commenced; and the inflammable air began to expand it by degrees.

AT 9 o'clock the mist dissipated, the sky was wrapt in thin clouds, pervious to the rays of the sun; wind S. W. Reaumur's thermometer 1 d. 5/10, Fahrenheit's 35 d. 4/10.

[Page 12]AT ½ past 9, the sun which broke in through the clouds, dissipated them in such a manner that they appeared no more than cobwebs on the irra­diated atmosphere—A gentle westerly breeze— Reaumur's thermometer 2 d., Fahrenheit's 36 d. 5/10.

THE hour fixed for my departure now drew near, and I was anxious to keep my word with a nu­merous people, whom repeated discharges of the artillery of the city had already forewarned of the execution of my experiment; I then disposed in order all the apparatus requisite for my observa­tions: I adapted Reaumur's thermometer to the center of an excellent barometer, * in order to rec­tify, with the greatest possible exactness, the de­grees of expansion or condensation, which the mercury in the barometer should undergo by the changes in the temperature of the air. The alti­tude, as corrected at that time, was 29 inches, 6 lines, 6/10, English measure.

[Page 13]AT three quarters past 9, the sky being clear, a light breeze from the W. N. W.—by Reaumur's 3 d. by Fahrenheit 38 d. 8/10—corrected altitude of the barometer 29 inches, 6 lines 7/16.

AT 10 o'clock, the sky was still finer and clearer; a light breeze from the W. N. W.—Reaumur's thermometer in the sun 7 d. Fahrenheit's 47 d. 8/10 —corrected altitude of the barometer 29 inches, 7 lines.

ALREADY the balloon, inflated by the inflamma­ble gas, lifted itself from the ground, and having assumed its spherical form, was equally pressed on all the points of its concave surface—Already spe­cifically lighter than the column of air which it had displaced, it hovered majestically in the middle of that fluid in a vertical situation, striving to break loose from the fastening which held it by its base, and reluctantly kept it down. Repeated experi­ments have made these various circumstances so many data from which to determine the moment of my departure.

AT 9 minutes after 10, the sky being clear, serene and propitious, little wind and nearly calm at the surface of the earth; Reaumur's thermometer in the sun 10 d. 5/10, Fahrenheit's 55 d. 6/10; corrected altitude of the barometer 29 inches, 7 lines 2/1 [...], English measure, I affixed to the aerostat my car, laden with ballast, meteorological instruments, and some refreshments, with which the anxiety of my friends had provided me. I hastened to take leave of the PRESIDENT, and of Mr. TERNAN, [Page 14] Minister Plenipotentiary of France to the United States. I then received from the PRESIDENT the most flattering mark of his good will in the pass­port * which he was pleased to deliver to me with his own hand. I never felt the value of glory so much as I did in that moment, in the presence of a Hero, whom she had constantly attended at the head of armies, and with whom she still presided over the councils of his country.

THE moment of my departure was announced by the last discharge of the artillery; I then as­cended my car, studied the proportions of aerial gravities, and threw out as much of my ballast as [Page 15] appeared necessary to leave the aerostat at liberty, and to render my ascent certain. I soon found myself possessed of every requisite; I felt myself balanced at 15 inches from the ground. This was all I wished for; I requested Messieurs Nassy and Legaux, who held the aerostat, to let it loose.

MY ascent was perpendicular and so easy, that I had time to enjoy the different impressions which agitated so many sensible and interesting persons, who surrounded the scene of my departure, and to salute them with my flag, which was ornamented on one side with the armoric bearings of the United States, and on the other with the three colors, so dear to the French nation. Accustomed as I have long been, to the pompous scenes of nume­rous assemblies, yet I could not help being sur­prized and astonished, when, elevated at a certain height over the city, I turned my eyes towards the immense number of people, which covered the open places, the roofs of the houses, the steeples, the streets and the roads, over which my flight carried me in the free space of the air. What a sight! How delicious for me to enjoy it! This people naturally serious and reflecting, whose mirth is so much more true and rational, as it is not apt to give away to the transports of the moment, shewed from all parts the most unequivocal marks of astonishment and satisfaction: I, for a long time, followed their rapid motions: for a long time could I hear the cries of joy which rent the air: I thought myself carried on the vows of their [Page 16] hearts. I had at that instant nothing but the suc­cess of my voyage to answer for my gratitude, and the waving of my colours to express the same. At present I make it my duty to express the same in this feeble essay; may it be agreeable to the in­habitants of a city, whose approbation is so glo­rious for me.

I STILL continued to rise; the calm state of the atmosphere, whereinto I had now launched, offer­ed no kind of difficulty, and I followed the ascend­ing motion of my aerostat with a gradual uniformity, at once, easy and majestic.

I WAS at a perpendicular height of 200 fathoms, when I felt a somewhat stronger breeze spring up, which carried me in an easterly direction towards the Delaware: here I met a numerous and thick flock of wild pigeons: they seemed to be much frightened. Alas! it was never my intention in traversing the etherial regions, to disturb the fea­thered inhabitants thereof: they separated into two different parties and left a passage open for me. I soon perceived them again at a great distance from me. I ascended constantly, being carried towards the south-east by a light and pleasant breeze. At 10 h. 16 m. I let go my anchor, to serve as a point of observation, keeping the same course, though rather a little more to the south­ward.

AT 10 h. 19-20-21 m. bearing constantly towards the S. S. E. my ascent became more rapid, owing solely to the dilatation of the inflam­mable [Page 17] gas, which fille [...] [...] balloon. At this mo­ment my position was perpendicular over the middle of the Delaware, which the reflecting sun­beams painted to my eyes of a transparent white; and at the height I was then at▪ this river appeared to me like a ribband of the breadth of about four inches.

AT 10 h. 35 m. being now in a much more rarified fluid, and the force of the inflammable gas having increased in proportion to its dilatation, the aerostat was soon raised to the highest elevation which it is susceptible of. I had lost nothing of my ballast consisting of four bags and an half filled with sand, containing 24lb. English weight each, together 108lb. A little black dog, which a friend had entrusted to me, seemed to feel sick at this height, he attempted several times to get out of the car; but finding no landing-place he took the prudent part to remain quietly beside me: the whining of this little animal raised nevertheless reflections in my mind, which would have affected me very much, had not the view of the country, whose vast extent was expanded before my eyes, opened my mind to softer and more agreeable contemplations.

SEE here, said I to myself, this country for ever famous in history, which by philosophy as well as by dint of courage has acquired its liberty; its inhabitants preserve yet the primi­tive candor of the original virtues of nature. They felt the galling yoke of an unnatural step-mother, they undertook to shake it off. Their [Page 18] cause was just; they triumphed; but how glo­rious did their wisdom render their victory! Having soon found that there exists no solid happiness for man living in society, but under the empire of laws, they did not suffer them­selves to be agitated by abstract and metaphysi­cal discussions, they were as virtuous as brave; knowing their own good and the means to ar­rive at prosperity, they knew how to realize them.

OH France! Oh my country! for ages re­nowned amongst the greatest nations of the universe, gratitude engages for thee the feelings of a people, which owes to thee part of its glory and of its happiness; their warmest wishes are for the success of thy arms and for thy pro­sperity: thou hast so often avenged the cause of nations against injustice and oppression! Oh France! delightful abode! may thy splendor still preserve its lustre in spite of the tyrants who are endeavouring to obscure it! May'st thou, conquering all obstacles, speedily reach the sublime goal to which thy fair destinies call thee! Accept my honest wishes for thy success, they are pure as the air I now breathe. Rise at last more beautiful and more glorious from the conflicts which rend thy bosom, and like the people of America, hasten to fix thy glory and thy prosperity on the wisdom and stability of thy laws!

[Page 19]WHAT sweet ecstacies take possession of the soul of a mortal, who leaving the terrestrial abode, soars into the etherial regions! and to what a degree of felicity would these transports be raised, by the exuberant and variegated aspect of nature, when she, in the season of her fecundity, spreads before the eyes of the husbandman the reward of his la­bor in the rich and various produce of the earth!

IF the Philosopher of Geneva tasted with so much delight the pleasure of his sentimental medi­tations on the high summits of the mountains of V [...]lais; with how many more new beauties would his fruitful genius have enriched the fields of ima­gination, had he been transported into these higher regions. I myself should have forgotten my earth­ly existence, had I not recollected some observa­tions, which several learned gentlemen had re­quested me to make.

AT 10 h. 36-37-38 m. I found that I was in a state of perfect equilibrium in the midst of a stagnant fluid▪ I made haste to avail myself of this happy circumstance, in order to execute the com­missions I had charged myself with.

1 st. I BEGAN with emptying the six botttles which Doctor Wistar had put into my car, containing divers liquors; they were all filled with that atmospherical air wherein I was floating, and were stopped up hermeti­cally, as the accuracy of the experiment required.

[Page 20]2 dly. I PASSED on to the observation which Doctor Rush had requested me to make upon the pulsation of the artery, when I should be arrived at my greatest height. I found it impossible to make use of the quar­ter-minute glass which he had provided for that purpose, but I supplied its place by an excellent second-watch; and the result of my observations gave me 92 pulsations in the minute (the average of 4 observations made at the place of my highest elevation) whereas on the ground I had experienced no more than 84 in the same given time, average of 4 observations: difference 8 pulsations more at the height of 5812 English feet, where I then was.

3 dly. I HAD been requested by Doctor [...]lent­worth to make experiments in the ethereal regions with a load-stone, which he had lent me: on the ground it raised 5½ ounzes averdupois; but at the aforesaid height it would hardly bear 4 ounzes.

4 thly. THE lowest state of the mercury in the barometer after having brought its surface in its lower reservoir to its proper level and corrected its dilatation, was 69 lines 9/16 French measure, or 74 lines 8/16 English measure, which according to Mariot, Boyle, Deluc and Father Cóte gives an elevation of 905 toises 1 foot and 6 inches (the toise at 6 feet) or 5431 feet 6 inches French [Page 21] measure, and at the usual reduction 968 fathom 4 feet, or 5812 feet English measure. This was the highest elevation of my balloon, without having thrown out any of my ballast, except the liquor contained in the 6 bottles given to me by Doctor Wistar.

AT this moment (10 h. 38 m.) the thermometer of Reaumur 9 d. Fahrenheit's 52 d. [...]/1 [...] (the temperature of the air most delightful and quite extraordinary for this season of the year). These observations were made with so much the more confidence, as I enjoyed for a long time the calmest reflection. In the mean while the state of the atmosphere be­gan to change. A whitish cloud withheld from my sight for several minutes a part of the city of Philadelphia, which appeared to me only as a most minute and microscopic object. A thick fog co­vered the south; towards the east, in the lower re­gion of the atmosphere, a mist arose, which pre­vented me from reconnoitring the sea. I was afraid that the land-wind encreasing, might render my descent difficult; every thing induced me to accelerate it.

I STRENGTHENED my stomach with a morsel of biscuit and a glass of wine. I then locked up in the box of my car those of my instruments that were apt to break. My trusty companion, the little black dog, partook equally of my care. I cleared my car of several decorations which might have obstructed my sight. I likewise took away the bladders which surrounded it, wherewith I had [Page 22] provided myself in case of a forced descent on the water. In such circumstances prudence dictates the most scrupulous precautions. Searching in this manner the interior parts of my car, I found at my feet a letter from Mr. Legaux and Doctor Nassy: these two friends had, without my knowledge, join­ed to this packet, a bottle of ether. I took a few drops of it, which refreshed me very much.

BEING now fully master of all my ways▪ I opened the valve of the balloon, and the aerostatic equilibrium was soon broken, but in a manner as exactly graduated, and as uniform as that which regulated my ascent. I could soon distinguish with the naked eye those large masses, which are raised above the surface of the earth. I observed a large forest; I tried to approach it—I judged it to be about 1000 or 1200 feet distant; but through my spy-glass it appeared impenetrable to me, and I gave up the idea of landing there. I now threw out a quantity of ballast sufficient to give the bal­loon a superior equilibrium; it rose again and I followed my course, looking for a more convenient landing-place. Thinking I had found one, I again opened the valve; the ascending force diminished; I descended obliquely in a new direction: but in this second attempt I was not more fortunate than in the first. I perceived a field covered with stumps of trees, whose stems were yet too strong not to embarrass and injure my apparel. I kept clear of it, and raising myself by throwing out more ballast, my direction was such that I could discover a clear [Page 23] spot in the midst of a thick wood, that is to say, an opening large and free enough to permit me to descend without any kind of danger: I attempted it for the third time.

I THEN took the string of the valve in my hand, and letting out the inflammable air in such propor­tion, that my course, pressed by a proportionable quantity of the yet remaining ballast, terminated in a direction of a curve of 45 degrees. I soon found myself at the height of about 80 feet above the surface of the ground; I reached it like a bird in full flight; the flexible limbs of the trees around me gave way to the strong pressure of my apparel; I landed at last and set my foot on ground at 10 h. 56 m. A. M.

I IMMEDIATELY searched my instruments; they were all well preserved, except the barometer, which on account of its length I could not put into the box of my seat, and which I found broken. I delivered at the same time the dog from his con­finement, he ran immediately to drink the muddy water from a neighbouring pool, and returned di­rectly to me. There remained of my provisions about 5 or 6 pounds of biscuit and two bottles and a half of wine: this resource made me easy in a place, which was entirely unknown to me, and where the horizon was on all sides concealed from my view.

WITH the compass in my hand I formed already plans, how to effect my return, after I should have secured my apparatus against accidents, when [Page 24] I heard a noise which informed me of the presence of some person near me. It was indeed a country-man, an [...] neighbourhood, who having seen an [...] phenomenon in the air; had advanced towards the spot, where he sup­posed it had descended. I spied him and enjoyed his whole surprize, when he saw through a tuft of trees such a monstrous machine, balancing on itself, and sinking in proportion, as the spirit wherewith it was animated left it. He seemed to be frightened, and I was afraid he would go away again. I let him hear my voice, inviting him to draw near, but he either did not understand me or was retained by a certain distrust; and at that time I could not quit my balloon. I did better; recol­lecting that the exhilarating juice of the grape was always amongst mankind the happiest sign of friendship and conciliation, I shewed him a bottle of wine. So much eagerness on my part inspired him with confidence; he approached, I invited him to drink, he would not venture, I then drank first, and he followed my example. Becoming soon familiar, he assisted me in my operations; when another country-man, armed with a gun, came to the spot. Never did I see the expression of astonishment so striking as in the features of this man: he dropped his gun and lifted up his hands towards heaven: how I wished to be able to un­derstand him! The first country-man then came from under the folds of the balloon, where he had been at work; he spoke to the new-comer, and [Page 25] persuaded him to draw near with confidence. Come hither, said he, (as it has been explained to me afterwards) this is an honest man who has descended here, he has excellent wine, whereof he has given me to drink already; he has a cer­tificate from our WASHINGTON, he has shewn it to me; but as I cannot read, come here and read it. Whilst these picturesque scenes were acting, I saw two women and several men on horseback arrive, who expressed as much pleasure as surprize, to see me thus in the midst of my colossal apparatus, which I was busy to arrange and put in order, for the purpose of facilitating its carriage. I could not, nor did I know how to answer all the friendly questions which they asked me; my passport served me instead of an interpreter. In the midst of a profound silence was it read with a loud and audible voice. How dear the name of WASHING­TON is to this people! with what eagerness they gave me all possible assistance, in consequence of his recommendation! My balloon was soon folded up without any accident and put into my car, which four men took upon their shoulders and carried about 200 yards to a small house, which I did not expect so near. A gentleman offered me his horse, but not being sufficiently acquainted with the vivacity of this animal, I was soon obliged to dismount, and would have greatly preferred to return in the same manner as I came. I walked a foot at a good rate, followed by a numerous and jovial company, which increased in proportion as [Page 26] we advanced. We arrived at a neighbouring house, where they offered me some excellent potatoes; but whether this dish was not to my taste, or that I was too eager to reach Philadelphia before night, my stomach rejected these kind offers. I had a certificate of my descent drawn *. My apparatus was then put on a cart, I mounted a horse not quite so spirited as the first, and proceded in com­pany of a great number of horsemen, 3 miles, to a tavern, where a dinner was prepared for us. It was here that I had the good luck to meet Jonathan Penrose, Esquire, who kindly deter­mined not to quit me: I accepted with pleasure a seat, which he offered me in his carriage, to bring me to the banks of the Delaware; we then crossed the river. When we arrived at this side, we were 3 miles from the city of Philadelphia, here my generous companion had another carriage ready, which conveyed us to his house in South­wark. Whilst I took some refreshment, Mr. Pen­rose [Page 27] ordered another carriage, wherein he had the kindness to conduct me to my lodgings, where I arrived at 7 o'clock *. My first care was to go and present my respects to President WASHINGTON, and to inform him of the happy effects of the passport he had been pleased to grant me. I had the honor to offer him my colours, which he politely accepted, and thereby acquired a fresh claim to my gratitude. From thence I waited on Mr. TERNANT, the patriotic minister of the French Republic to the United States, and his reception was such as might have been expected from the worthy Representative of a nation, who places her chief glory in cherishing and protect­ing the sciences and the fine arts.

BLANCHARD, Adopted Citizen of the principal cities in Europe, Pensioner of the French Nation, and member and corre­spondent of several academies and literary societies.

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