
A CONCISE STATEMENT OF THE PRINCIPLES OF THE ONLY TRUE CHURCH, ACCORDING TO THE GOSPEL OF THE PRESENT APPEARANCE OF CHRIST. As held to and practised upon by the true followers of the LIVING SAVIOUR, at NEW LEBANON, &c. TOGETHER WITH A LETTER FROM JAMES WHITTAKER, Minister of the Gospel in this day of CHRIST 'S second appearing—to his natural relations in England. Dated October 9th, 1785.

Printed at Bennington, Vermont, By HASWELL & RUSSELL—1790.


A SHORT INFORMATION of what we believe of the dispensations of GOD'S-GRACE to FALLEN MAN: And in what manner they have found acceptance with GOD, and salvation from sin in former dis­pensations: with particular reference to the present display of GOD'S grace unto us: And in what manner we find acceptance with GOD, and hope of ETERNAL LIFE thro' our LORD JESUS CHRIST in obedience to the gospel of his PRESENT APPEARANCE.



1st. WE believe that the first light of salvation was given or made known to the patriarchs by promise; and they that believed in the promise of CHRIST, and were obedient to the command of GOD made known unto them, were the people of GOD and were accepted of GOD as righteous, or perfect in their genera­tions; according to the measure of light and truth manifested unto them; which was as waters to the ancles signified by Ezekiel's vision of the holy waters (chap­ter 47.) And altho' they could not receive regeneration or the fulness of salvation, from the fleshly or fallen nature in this life; because the fulness of time was not yet come, that they should receive the baptism of the HOLY GHOST and fire; for the destruction of the body of sin, and purification of the soul: but Abram being [Page 4]called, and chosen of GOD as the father of the faithful; was received into cove­nant relation with GOD by promise; that in him (and his seed which was CHRIST) all the families of the earth should be bles­sed, and these earthly blessings, which were promised to Abram, were a shadow of gospel or spiritual blessings to come: and circumcision, though it was a seal of Abram's faith, yet it was but a sign of the mortification and destruction of the flesh by the gospel in a future day. Observe, circumcision, or outward cutting of the foreskin of the flesh, did not cleanse the man from sin; but was a sign of the baptism of the HOLY GHOST and fire: which is by the power of GOD manifested in divers o­perations and gifts of the spirit, as in the days of the apostles; which does indeed destroy the body of sin, or fleshly nature, and purify the man from all sin both soul and body. So that Abram, though in the [Page 5]full faith of the promise; yet, as he did not receive the substance of the thing pro­mised, his hope of eternal salvation was in Christ, by the gospel to be attained in the resurrection from the dead.

2d. THE second dispensation was the law that was given of GOD to Israel, by the hand of Moses; which was a further manifestation of that salvation which was promised through CHRIST by the gospel, both in the order and ordinances which was instituted and given to Israel, as the church and people of GOD according to that dispensation; which was as waters to the ancles, Ezekiel XLVII. by which they were distinguished from all the families of the earth. For, while they were strictly obedient to all the commands, odinances, and statutes, that GOD gave them, they were approbated of God according to the promise for life; and blessing was promis­ed [Page 6]unto them in the line of obedience: Cursing and death, in disobedience: for GOD, who is ever jealous for the honor and glory of his own great name, always dealt with them according to his word: for while they were obedient to the command of GOD, and purged out sin from amongst them, GOD was with them, according to his promise. But when they disobeyed the command of GOD, and committed sin, and became like other people, the hand of the LORD was turned against them; and those evils came upon them which GOD had threatened; so we see that they that were wholly obedient to the will of GOD made known in that dispensation, were accepted as just, or righteous: yet, as the dispensa­tion was short, they did not attain that sal­vation which was promised in the gospel; so that as it respected the new-birth, or re­al purification of the man from all sin; the law made nothing perfect, but was a [Page 7]shadow of good things to come; their only hope of eternal redemption was in the promise of CHRIST, by the gospel to be attained in the resurrection from the dead. Acts of the Apostle xxvi. 6, 7.

3d. THE third dispensation was the gos­pel of CHRIST'S first appearance, in the flesh: and that salvation which took place in consequence of his life, death, re­surrection, and ascension at the right hand of the father being accepted in his obedi­ence, as the first born among many bre­thren; he received power and authority to administer the power of the resurrec­tion, and eternal judgment to all the chil­dren of men: so that he has become the author of eternal salvation to all that obey him; and as CHRIST has this power in himself, he did administer power and au­thority to his church at the day of Penti­cost; as his body: with all the gifts that he had promised them, which was the first [Page 8]gift of the HOLY GHOST, as an in-dwel­ling comforter to abide with them forev­er: and by which they were baptised into CHRIST'S death; death to all sin; and were in the hope of the resurrection from the dead, through the operation of the power of GOD, which wrought in them. And as they had received the substance of the promise of CHRIST come in the flesh, by the gift and power of the HOLY GHOST; they had power to preach the gospel in CHRIST'S name to every creature; — and to administer the power of GOD to as many as believed, and were obedient to the gospel which they preached: and also to remit and retain sin in the name and au­thority of CHRIST on earth: so that they that believed in the gospel, and were obe­dient to that form of doctrine which was taught them; by denying all ungodliness and worldly lusts; and became entirely dead to the law by the body of CHRIST, [Page 9]or power of the HOLY GHOST, were in the travel of the resurrection from the dead; or the redemption of the body. So that they who took up a full cross against the world, flesh, and devil; and who forsook all for CHRIST'S sake; and followed him in the regeneration, by persevering in that line of obedience to the end; found the resurrection from the dead, and eternal salvation in that dispensation: but as the measure of that dispensation was only as water to the loins; the mystery of GOD not finshed; but there was another day prophesied of, called the second appear­ance of CHRIST, or final and last display of GOD'S grace to a lost world: in which the mystery of GOD should be finished as he has spoken by his prophets since the world began: which day could not come, ex­cept there was a falling away from that faith and power that the church then stood in; in which time anti-christ was to have [Page 10]his reign, whom CHRIST should destroy with the spirit of his mouth and bright­ness of his appearance: which falling a­way began soon after the apostles, and gradually increased in the church, until about four hundred and fiftyseven years from CHRIST'S birth (or thereabouts) at which time the power of the HOLY PEOPLE, or church of CHRIST, was scattered or lost by reason of transgression: and anti-christ, or false religion, got to be established. Since that time the witnesses of CHRIST have prophesied in sackloth or under darkness; and altho' many have been faithful to testi­fy against sin; even to the laying down of their lives for the testimony which they held; so that GOD accepted them in their obedience: while they were faithful and just to live or walk up to the measure of light and truth of GOD, revealed or made known unto them, but as it is written, that all they that will live godly in CHRIST [Page 11]JESUS, shall suffer persecution: and so it has been, and those faithful witnesses lost their lives, by those falsly called the church of CHRIST: which is anti-christ; for the true church of CHRIST never persecuted a­ny; but were inoffensive, harmless, sepa­rate from sin: for the true church of CHRIST taking up their cross against the world, flesh, and devil, and all sin, living in obedience to GOD they earnestly con­tend for the same. Therefore it may be plainly seen and known, where the true church of CHRIST is: but as it is written anti-christ or false churches should prevail against the saints and overcome them, be­fore CHRIST'S second appearance, 2 Thess. 11.

3. Let no man deceive you by any means for that day shall not come except there come a falling away first; and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition, Rev. xiii. 7. And it was given unto him to overcome them, and power was given him [Page 12]over all kindreds, tongues, and nations; and this is the state CHRIST prophesied the world of mankind should be in, at his se­cond appearance, Luke xvii. 26. And as it was in the day of Noe, so shall it be in the days of the son of man, verse 30. Ev­en so shall it be in the day when the son of man is revealed: plainly refering to his second appearance to consume or destroy anti-christ, and make a final end of sin; and establish his kingdom upon earth: but as the revelation of CHRIST must be in his people, whom he had chosen to be his body, to give testimony of him and to preach his gospel to a lost world.

4th. THE fourth dispensation or day is the second appearance of CHRIST, or final, or last display of GOD'S grace to a lost world, in which the mystery of GOD will be finished and a decisive work, to the final salvation, or damnation of all the children [Page 13]of men. (Which according to the pro­phecies rightly calculated, and truly un­derstood, began in the year of our Saviour JESUS CHRIST, 1747.) See Daniel and the Revelations. In the manner following, 1st. To a number, in the manifestation of great light and mighty trembling by the invisible power of GOD, and visions, and revelations, and prophecies; which has progressively increased, with administra­tion of all those spiritual gifts, that was administered to the apostles at the day of Penticost: which is the [...]forter that has led us into all truth: which was pro­mised to abide with the true church of CHRIST unto the end of the world, and by which we find baptism into CHRIST'S death; death to all sin, become alive to GOD, by the power of CHRIST'S resurrec­tion, which worketh in us mightily; by which a dispensation of the gospel is com­mitted unto us; and woe be unto us if we [Page 14]preach not the gospel of CHRIST. (For in finding so great a salvation and deliver­ance from the law of sin and death in be­lieving and obeying this gospel which is the gospel of CHRIST, in confessing and forsaking all sin, and denying ourselves and bearing the cross of CHRIST, against the world, flesh, and devil.) We have found repentance of all our sins; and are made partakers of the grace of GOD where­in we now stand: which all others in be­lieving and obeying, have acceptance with GOD, and find salvation from their sins as well as we; GOD being no respecter of persons but willing that all should come to the knowledge of the truth, and be saved. Thus we have given a short information of what we believe of the dispensations of GOD'S grace to mankind, both past and present: and in what manner the people of GOD have found justification, or ac­ceptance with GOD, which was and is still [Page 15]in believing and obeying the light and truth of GOD, revealed or made known, in the day or dispensation in which it is re­vealed: for as the wrath of GOD is re­vealed from heaven against all ungodli­ness, and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness or live in any known sin against him; so his mer­cy and grace is towards all them that tru­ly fear him, and turn from all their sins, by confessing, and forsaking, and repent­ing, which is the way and manner in which all must find the forgiveness of their sins, and acceptance with GOD through our LORD JESUS CHRIST, or finally fail of the grace of GOD; and that salvation which is brought to light by the gospel. But to conclude, in short, as we believe, and do testify, that the present gospel of GOD'S grace unto us is the day which in the scrip­ture, is spoken or prophesied of, as the second appearing of CHRIST to consume [Page 16]or destroy anti-christ, or false religion, and to make an end of the reigning power of sin (for he that commiteth sin is the ser­vant of sin and satan) over the children of men: and to establish his kingdom, and that righteousness that will stand forever: and that the present display of the work and power of God, will increase until it is manifest to all; which it must be in due time: for every eye shall see him; and he will reward every man according to his deeds; and none can stand in sin or un­righteousness; but in that righteousness which is pure and holy: even without fault before the throne of GOD which is obtained by grace, through faith in obe­dience to the truth of the everlasting gospel of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, in denying all ungodliness and worldly lusts; by con­fessing all sin, and taking up the cross of CHRIST, against the world, flesh, and dev­il: we desire therefore, that the children [Page 17]of men would believe the testimony of truth; and turn from their sins by re­pentance, that they might obtain the mer­cy of GOD, and salvation from sin before it be too late.

A LETTER FROM JAMES WHITTAKER, Minister of the Gospel, &c.

I HAVE wrote to you a letter, in answer to a letter you wrote to me last winter; wherein I have signified my mind partly to you: it remains now that I declare unto you my whole heart; which I cannot tell at present but it will be a final close between you and me, thro' time and eternity. Flattering titles I am not about to use towards you or to sooth you with lies, but with the truth will I come forth, whether you hear, or whether [Page 18]you forbear: be not so unwise as the Scribes and Pharisees; who said to CHRIST, thou bearest record of thyself, thy record is not true: while I testify unto you what GOD has done for my soul: blessed be GOD forevermore who has separated me from my mother's womb; and made me a minister of the gospel in the day of CHRIST'S second appearance. All earthly profits and pleasures; all earthly genera­tion, and propagation which are the de­lights of all men in their natural birth (professor and prophane) all these, I say, have I forsaken for CHRIST'S sake; and I have already received an hundred fold in this present time, according as the holy SON of GOD promised in the day of his first appearance; and much more abun­dantly: A death to the man of sin have I found; a total spoiling of the strong man's goods and redemption from the bondage of corruption; which is that sordid pro­pensity [Page 19]to, or ardent desire of copulation with women: which has not been under­stood in that sense for many ages, but now is made manifest to all them that believe and obey the gospel which GOD has com­mitted to my trust. I daily feel a foun­tain of love, life, joy, and heavenly glory flowing in my soul like a river of living waters; pure and clean my soul is con­stantly replenished with rich supplies from the heavenly glory; and my heart inces­santly flows with charity and benevolence to all mankind: with a broken heart GOD has blessed me; and the image of the LORD of glory is formed in my soul: plenty of the dew of heaven is distilled in my soul from day to day, and the divine nature doth insold me like a delightful sea of pleasant waters, full of glory. What think ye? If I were to seek friends in this world, should I not cleave to my own blood? Should I not make you the ob­jects [Page 20]of my first pursuit? but I am weaned from all terrestrial connexions; and in lieu thereof I have joined the host of heaven: with open vision do I behold the angelic company of the spiritual world; and join the melodius songs of the new Jerusalem. Why tell ye me of your increasing and multiplying after the flesh? Your vessels are marred in the potter's hand, and they must be made over again by regeneration; or go down to the pit. Say ye it is a com­mand to increase and multiply? but I say it never was a command to corrupt the earth, and fill it with a double condem­nation; and then plead the command of GOD to increase and multiply, as though you had been doing his will. GOD has given me the power to increase and multi­ply in its true, typical, and evangelical sense, which I go forth to do: I have be­gotten many thousands of children, and re­plenished them with many good things [Page 21]I hate your fleshly lives, and your fleshly generation, and increasing, as I hate the smoke of the bottomless pit: and your pleading the command of GOD to increase and multiply, to cover your doleful cor­ruptions; and inverting the order of hea­ven. Think ye that I will look towards you, while you live after the flesh, defil­ing yourselve with effeminate desires, and prophaning the command of GOD for a cov­er? It is in my power indeed to help you greatly in a temporal sense, and many o­thers who live as corrupt lives as you do this day; as much without GOD in the world; but be it known unto you and all men that I will not do it; except you for­sake your wicked lives and serve the living and true GOD: which I have no expecta­tion you will do if I should nourish and cherish you as a tender father does his children. Stay in England 'till you go down into your grave, as long as you are [Page 22]for following natural generation and the course of this world: I know that your greatest oppression is your living after the flesh, which is your own choosing; and is the very reason why I will not help you, tho' I have it in my power. Away! with your looking towards me for help, since you are sunk in my soul for your disobe­dience to GOD and your lying hopes that you are in favor with him; while you corrupt the law and trample the gospel under foot; were it so indeed that you had it in your hearts to turn to GOD, and obey the gospel; I would look towards you with charity and compassion, and would take care of you, soul and body: but that is far from you, and it is in your hearts to enlarge your liberty after the flesh; and to provide livings for yourselves and postery: therefore you are but a stink in my nostrils: instead of your having the pardon of your sins, you are deceived, [Page 23]and I feel that you are powerless, alienated from the life of GOD and become carnal, sensual, unwise, therefore as you have chosen your own ways: see what the god you serve will do for you, and your false hopes what they will bring you to. All we that are of that one community that worship GOD in spirit and rejoice in CHRIST JESUS, being separated from all effeminate desires, and sensual pleasures, are in possession of the only hope of eternal life: my GOD has delivered me, redeemed my soul, filled it with heavenly glory, and the power of an endless life; as well as made me able to help many in a temporal sense: and you might have been sharers with me in all this unmeritted munificence, had you obeyed the gospel with me. As therefore you have forsaken GOD, so I al­so forsake you; and will never give you any encouragement to come into this land, 'till once for all you resolve to turn to [Page 24]GOD, and obey the gospel. I feel the compassion of GOD to warn you. What you are losing in this great day of the se­cond appearance of the SON OF MAN; you are losing no less than the only means of salvation that ever will be offered again in this world. The power of the gospel does prosper in my soul, in bowels of cha­rity & compassion for the poor lost children of men: and I would that you would be warned by a faithful friend, not to out­stand the day of GOD'S final visitation, for the sake of your false hopes, which will leave yuor souls desolate and barren: or for the fading things of this life, which are but va­nity and vexation of spirit. O! that you would hearken! for then there is the same door for your escape, as for the rest of the children of men; at which door, if you enter, I feel to receive you with charity: and the severity of this letter, is the charity of GOD for your souls; and his abhorence of your false hopes.

James Whittaker

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