
SKETCHES OF THE LIFE OF Joseph Mountain, A NEGRO, Who was executed at New-Haven, on the 20th Day [...] October, 1790, For a Rape, Committed on the 26th Day of May last.

[The writer of this history has directed that the money arising from the sales thereof, after de­ducting the expence of printing, &c. be given to the unhappy girl; whose life is rendered wretch­ed by the crime of the malefactor.]

NEW-HAVEN: Printed and Sold by T. & S. GREEN.


I JOSEPH MOUNTAIN, was born on the 7th day of July, A. D. 1758, in the house of Samuel Mifflin, Esq. of Philadelphia, father of the present Governor of Pennsylvania. My father, Fling Mountain, is a Molat­to, and now lives at Philadelphia. My mother is a Negro and was a slave till she was twenty-one years of age.—She now lives at Reading, in Pennsylvania.

The first seventeen years of my life were spent in Mr. Mifflin's family.—As a servant in the house I acquired the reputation of unusual sprightiness and activity. My master was industrious to instruct me in the Presbyterian religion which he professed, teach me to read and write, and impress my mind with sentiments of virtue. How grossly these opportunities [...] been neglected, the fol­lowing story will too [...] [...]ce.

In the 17th year of [...]ge, on the 17th of March 1775, with my master's consent, I [...]tered on board the [...]ip Chalkley, commanded by Joseph Spain, and owned by Messi'rs James and Drinker of Philadelphia, and on the 20th of May following we arrived in the Downs. I soon quitted the vessel, and in four days was strolling the streets of London in quest of amusements. In this [...] ­ation, the public will easily conceive, I could not [...] remain an idle spectator. It will not be surprizing to find me speedily initiated in practices disgraceful to hu­man nature, and destructive of every moral virtue. Un­fortunately for me, a scene began to open which will close only in the shadow of death.

One day, at an ale-house in London, I accidentally became acquainted with one Francis Hyde, originally from Middlesex, and one Thomas Wilson, of Stafford­shire in England. They were travelling the country, with a hand organ and various other musical instruments, pretending to great art in numerous performance, and [Page 3] really possesing surprizing knowledge in every species of [...]ggling. This was their employment in the day time, for the purpose of executing more effectually the princi­pal business of their lives, viz. * highway robbery. They [...] found me susceptible of almost any impressions, and neither incapable of, nor averse to, becoming a compani­on in their iniquity. We all sat but from London about [...] o'clock in the evening after I had joined them, each armed with a hanger and a Brace of pistols. We had also suitable dresses and a dark lanthorn. Our landlord, who kept tavern at the sign of the black horse, at Char­ing-cross, furnished us with every requisite for the expe­dition. His name was William Humphrys. The p [...]n this evening was to attack the mail-coach, which would start at 12 o'clock at night, from the ship tavern, between Woolwich and Graves-end, about 9 miles from London.

We were on the spot at the hour agreed upon, and disguised ourselves for the adventure. Hyde and Wil­son were dressed in white [...] and boots, with their [...]aces painted yellow [...] Molattoes. Mountain was dressed in the same manner, with the addition of a [...] tail wig [...], white gloves and [...] black mask over his face. When the state arrived, I [...]ed, and caught the leading hors [...] by [...] bridles, while Hyde and Wilson each presented a brace of pistols in at the coach window, [...] demanded of the passengers their money. There were four gentlemen and one lady in the coach. They denied having any money. Wilson said, "Deliver, or death." They then gave us a bank note of 50I. one o­ther of 20l. and about 60 guineas in cash. We [...] re­tired to an unfrequented place, shifted our dresses, and prepared to prosecute our journey to Chatham in the county of Kent.

In the day time, Hyde and Wilson commonly played upon their instruments, and performed various seats of slight of hand, as tho' that was their sole occupation. We were also very particular in making observations upon [Page 4] all travellers, to learn if they might be touched; (for that was our word for robbed.)

In four days after the former robbery, we met a Capt. Hill at the foot of Rochester bridge near Chatham—He was a captain of the marines, and we had seen him in the day time at Brumpton barracks, about half a mile from the bridge. We walked directly before his horse. Wilson asked him the time of night. He made no reply. Hyde then caught the bridle. I, his left hand, and Wil­son presented a pistol to his breast, and said, "Deliver, or death." He assured us that he had no money worth taking. Wilson said, "then give us your watch," which he did. The watch was gold, and valued at 50 guineas. We then walked off about 300 rods towards Graves-end, immediately tacked for Rochester, where we lodged at the mariner's inn. There was a great hue and cry for us; but the pursuers, supposing from Capt. Hill's in­formation, we had gone for Graves-end, entirely mis­took our rout. The next morning we took post-chaise for London, where we arrived about 6 o'clock in the evening [...] Char b [...]dy was delivered to a broker whom we [...] employed. He was a Jew, and lived in [...]. Katherine's Row, near Town Hill, and his name was William Moses. There were also other brokers in different parts of England, with whom we had constant communication, and who were perfectly acquainted with our modes of acquiring property. After such a jaunt we thought it adviseable to recruit ourselves by rioting on our spoils.

In a few days, it was concluded that I should go alone, and attempt to "touch" some gentlemen who frequented the plays at Covent Garden; this, considering my age and inexperience, was thought rather a bold stroke. Be­ing villain enough to attempt any thing, I did not hesi­tate; but posted myself agreeably to direction. My ef­forts, however, were wholly unsuccesful, and I returned empty. The next night I was placed at London bridge, while Hyde stood at Black-fryars, and Wilson at West­minister. [Page 5] At half past 11 o'clock I met a Captain Duffield, and asked him the time of night. He told me. I said, "You know my profession; deliver or death." He stepped back to strike me with his cane; I cocked my pistol, and told him to deliver instantly, or death [...]ld be his portion. He then threw me his purse, which contained about 10 guineas, and a silver watch, [...]ch was valued by our broker at 6I. Hyde, the same [...], obtained about 40 guineas of Sir John Griffing. Wilson about 30 of a Mr. Burke; and each a watch, one [...], the other pinchbeck. The next day we saw ad­vertisements, describing the robberies, and offering re­ [...] for the perpetrators.

The next night, with little difficulty, I robbed Hugh [...]sly of 16 guineas, and a gold ring. Hyde, on the [...] evening, took from Lord John Cavendish about 20 guineas, and Wilson robbed William Burke of 11 guineas.

We now concluded to remain in London for a while, gentlemen of pleasure.—The repeated robberies had fur­ [...]ed us with cash in abundance, and we indulged in [...]y species of debauchery. We gambled very deeply [...], cards and billiards. Hyde and Wilson were [...] expert at this business, and would almost invariably [...]dle a stranger out his money.

In March 1776, we went to the city of York, about [...] miles from London. Here we continued several weeks, waiting some favourable opportunities to rob at [...] plays; but none presented. We went from York [...] New-Market, to attend the famous races which took place about the first of June. There we found Lord [...] of Richmond, and Lord Tufton of Sheffield in Yorkshire: We were much perplexed to invent the most advantageous made of "touching" them. It was at length concluded to attack them at their lodgings, which were [...] an inn very large and greatly frequented by various [...]es of people. About 7 o'clock in the evening, while [...] attendants of those gentlemen were in the kitchens [...] stables, we entered the front door, and having brib­ed [Page 6] the porter with a few guineas, were immediately let into the room. Lords Gore and Tufton were sitting o­ver a table at a dish of coffee, and reading news-papers. We instantly presented our pistols, and demanded their money, Lord Tufton delivered us one bank note of 100l. and three others of 50l. each. Lord Gore deliver­ed us about 100 guineas, and two gold mourning rings. We quitted New-Market next morning, and went in the stage to York, where Wilson presented his bills for pay­ment. Unfortunately for us, Lord Tufton, immediate­ly after the robbery, dispatched his servant to the bank, with orders to stop those bills, if offered. The bills were accordingly stopped, and Wilson arrested, and sent [...] New-Market to be examined before a justice of the peace. Upon his examination he procured Hyde to swear that he was riding from New-Market to York with Wilson and that he saw him pick up a pocket book containing those bills. The coachman, having been previously bribed, swore to the same fact. Upon this testimony Wilson was acquitted. I was not sent for as a witness at this examination, as I understood Lord Robert M [...] ­ers was then in New-Market and would probably [...] ­tend the trial. The reason why I did not wish to [...] his Lordship's eye, was, that on the night before we [...] London, I made a most daring attack upon him. [...] was walking unarmed, near Hounslow Heath, att [...] by his foot-man. I met him, presented my pistol, [...] he gave me 75 guineas, two gold watches, and two [...] rings.—Hyde and Wilson were near at hand; but [...] did not discover themselves, leaving me "to play the [...] alone."

In the latter end of June we again met at the old [...] dezvous in London and divided our plunder. The pro­perty which I then had on hand enabled me to live [...] freely for some months. My time was spent in [...] round of dissipation which was the necessary [...] upon so vicious a character, and which was tolerabl [...] [...] supported by the stock of cash in my own possession▪ [...] that of my broker.

[Page 7]It now resolved to quit this course of life which I had [...]rto pursued with so much success. Accordingly I [...]ed on board the brig Sally, as Cook, and made two [...]es in her to Lisbon. Upon my return, after ex­pecting my pay, I made another voyage, in the Fanny, [...]t. Sinclair, to Kingston, in Jamaica; which being [...]ed in nine months, I again visited London, and included to relinquish the seafaring business for the [...]Sent. At the old place of resort I became acquainted [...] one Haynes and Jones, both of Yorkshire. They are partially initiated in the science of foot-pads. They [...] proposed that I should resume my profession, and [...] them. My former mode of life, tho' singularly vi­ [...] yet possessed many charms in my view. I therefore [...]piled with their request; at the same time doubting, they were possessed of sufficient courage and skill for companions to one who had served under experienced others, and who considered himself at the head of the possession. Our first object was to assail the Newcastle [...]e, which would be in Tottenham-Court road at 8 o'­clock in the evening. We were on the spot in season, [...] Mountain addressed them thus: "My lads, 'tis [...]dous attempt—for God's sake make a bold stroke." on the arrival of the coach at half past 7 o'clock, four is from London, I seized the bridles of the two [...]ore­ [...] horses. Jones and Haynes went to the coach [...], and said, "Deliver or death." Lord Garnick and [...]eral others were passengers: His Lordship said, "Yes, I'll deliver," and instantly discharged a pistol at [...]ts, the contents of which entered his left shoulder: in which he and Haynes made their escape. The [...]man was then directed to "drive on"—He replied, there is a man who yet holds the leading horses."— [...] Garnick then fired at me, but without damage; in which I discharged my pistol at the coach, but with effect. Jones was so badly wounded, that Haynes I were obliged to carry him into London upon our [...]ders. We were soon overtaken by two highway [Page 8] men, who had assaulted Lord Garnick about 15 minutes before our engagement, one of whom was badly wounded. The next day we saw an advertisement offering a reward of 60 guineas for the detection of the robbers, and in­forming, that it was supposed three were killed. This specimen of the enterprize of my new associates convinc­ed me, that they were not adepts in their occupation, and induced me to quit their society.

The business which now seemed most alluring to me, was that of highway-men. Considering myself at the head of foot-pads, I aspired for a more honorable employment and therefore determined to join myself to the gang of highway men, whose rendezvous were at Broad St. Giles's, up Holborne, at the sign of the Hampshire hog, and kept by a William Harrison, a native of the Isle of Man, Harrison was the support, the protector and the landlord of this whole company. The horses and accoutrements were kept and furnished by him, and occasionally suppli­ed to adventurers. He enquired my name, and finding that I was Mountain who was consederate with Hyde and Wilson, he readily admitted me to the fraternity. He asked if I dared take a jaunt alone; and [...] willing for any thing, he quickly furnished me with e­quipments proper for the expedition. Mounted on a very fleet horse, and prepared with proper changes of dress, I sat out for Coventry, about 90 miles from Lon­don. I made great dispatch in travelling, and about 10 o'clock the night after my departure, I met Richard Watts coming out of a lane about two miles from Co­ventry. I rode up to him, and enquired if he was not afraid of highway-men? He replied, "No, I have no property of value about me." I then told him that I was a man of the profession, and that he must deliver or abide the consequences. Upon this he gave me his gold watch: I insisted on his money, and cocked my pistol, threatening him with instant death. He perceived that resistance and persuasion were equally unavailing, and threw me his purse containing 13 half guineas and some [Page 9] pocket-pieces. The gold watch was valued at 40 gui­nes. I then ordered him back down the lane, accom­plished him thither, and sled with the greatest haste into adjacent wood: Here I shifted my own and horse's [...], leaving them in a bye place, rode directly to a neigh­boring town, and there put up for the night. Thence I took my course for Newcastle in Devonshire, about 276 miles north of London, and thence to Warrington in Lan­stershire. Here about 7 o'clock in the evening I met with a gentleman who appeared an object of plunder. I [...]ed him the time of night; he drew his watch, and [...] me the hour. I observed "You have a very fine watch." He answered, "Fine enough." "Sir, 'tis too is for you—you know my profession—deliver." He [...] back; I caught his bridle with one hand, presented pistol with the other, and said, "Deliver, or I'll cool your porridge:" He handed me a purse of 8 guineas, and a gold watch valued at 30l. sterling. To compleat the iniquity, and exhibit the extent of my villainy, I then took a prayer-book from my pocket, and ordered him to [...] upon the solemnity of God's word, that he would [...] no discovery in twelve hours: He took the oath equitted him, and heard nothing of the matter till the next morning about 10 o'clock, when I saw a particular [...]ail of the transaction in the news-papers.

Liverpool was my next stage. Here I tarried two [...] making observations for evening adventures. On [...] night of the second day I robbed Thomas Reevs of guineas, and a gold watch worth about 30l. sterling. To insult him in his distress, after committing the fact, I pulled off my hat, made a low bow, wished him good night, and sat out for Lancaster in company with the sage. It occurred to me, that riding as a guard to the sage would secure me against suspicion. Accordingly I accompanied it to Lancaster, and there put up at the [...]wan and two necks." Here I continued three days, waiting a favourable opportunity to exercise my professi­on. On the third evening at 8 o'clock, I stopped a Col. [Page 10] Pritchard, took from him a gold watch valued at 44 guineas, a purse of 30 guineas, 3 gold rings, and a pair of gold knee-buckles worth about 6l. The knee-buckles appeared so tempting, I told Pritchard, I could not avoid taking them. At 11 o'clock I left Lancaster, and hav­ing rode about one mile from town, I stopped, pulled off my hat, and bid them "good-bye."

My course was now for Manchester, where I put up for about 24 hours at the "bull's-head." The evening following, about 11 miles from Manchester, I "touched" a Quaker. It was nearly 9 o'clock when I met him. I enquired if he was not afraid to ride alone. He answer­ed, No. I asked him his religion; he replied "I am a Friend." I observed, "You are the very man I was looking for—you must deliver your money." He seem­ed very unwilling, and said, "Thou art very hard with me." I replied, "You must not thou me." He then gave me his plain gold watch, 6 guineas, and four bank notes of 20l. each. I then presented a prayer-book, and demanded an oath that he would make no discovery in 8 hours: He refused an oath, alledging that it was con­trary to his religion, but gave his word that my request should be complied with. I then dismissed him, return­ing the bank notes, and took a circuitous rout for Lon­don. The guineas which I had obtained in this jaunt, I concealed and carried in the soles of my boots, which were calculated for that purpose, and effetually answer­ed it. The mare which I rode was trained for the busi­ness: she would put her head in at a coach window with the utmost ease, and stand like a stock against any thing. She would travel also with surprizing speed. Upon my arrival at Harrison's, (having been gone eleven days) I gave a faithful narrative of my transactions, and produced the plunder as undeniable proof. I never shall forget with what joy I was received. The house rang with the praises of Mountain. An elegant supper was provided, and he placed at the head of the table. Notwithstand­ing the darkness of his complexion, he was complimented [Page 11] is the first of his profession, and qualified for the most daring enterprizes.

Fatigued with such a jaunt, and fearing left too fre­quent adventures might expose me, I determined on tarrying a while at home. My horse was given to another, [...]d he directed to seek for prey. After one month's ab­sence he returned with only 16 guineas, and was treated accordingly by the gang. He was inadequate to the business, and was therefore ordered to tarry at home, just to visit the play-houses, & sharp it among people who might easily be choused of their property. Each took his tour of duty in course; some succeeded; others, from misfor­tune or want of spirit, were disgraced. One young fel­low of the party was about this time detected at Guilford [...]urry, tried, condemned and executed. He made no discovery, tho' we all trembled. A plan was now in a­gitation to dispatch two or three of the gang to Ports­mouth, to attack some of the navy officers: It was finally adopted, and one Billy Coats, a Londoner, and Mountain are selected as the most suitable for the expedition. We [...]nted our horses on the next morning, and reached Portsmouth that day, a distance of more than 70 miles. We took lodgings at an inn kept by a rich old miser. We were soon convinced that he had cash in plenty, and [...]t it "was our duty to get it;" but the difficulty was that plan should be concerted. At length, by a strata­ [...]m which was deeply laid and faithfully executed, we [...]dered the old man's house of about 300 guineas, and [...]. sterling in shillings and six-pences. There was a very geat clamour raised the next morning. The house was surrounded with the populace. The old fellow was [...]ing at a great rate for his loss of money. I was a spectator of this collection, and now perfectly remember [...]e chagrin of the old man and his wife. We remained a Portsmouth two days, and then returned to London richly laden, and received the applause of our companions. The three following months I spent in frequenting ale­ [...]es, defrauding and cheating with false dice, and [Page 12] practising every species of imposition which ingenuity could invent, or the most depraved heart execute.

In the beginning of June 1780, I joined the mob head­ed by Lord George Gordon. This mob was the result of a dispute between the Papists and Protestants. It was a matter of the most sovereign indifference to me whether the rebellion was just or unjust: I eagerly joined the sport, I rejoicing that an opportunity presented whereby I might obtain considerable plunder in the general confusion.—Lord Gordon represented to us in a speech of some length, the open attempts upon the Protestant religion, and the manner in which the petitions of the injured had been treated by parliament. He exhorted us all to follow him to the house of commons, and protect him while he should present, with his own hand, the parchment roll, contain­ing the names of those who had signed the petition, to the amount of about 120,000 protestants. His speech was answered with loud huzzas, and repeated assurances of our zeal to support him and his cause. The whole body of us, in number about 50,000, left St. George's fields, and marched directly for the parliament house: We were in four separate divisions. A most tremendous shout was heard from all quarters, upon our arrival before both houses. Lord Gordon moved that he might intro­duce the petition; but the house would not consent that it should be then taken up. The mob became greatly inflamed: they insulted several members of the house of lords, who narrowly escaped with their lives. Several gentlemen of parliament reprobated the conduct of Lord George in the severest terms; and Col. Gordon, a rela­tion of his Lordship, threatened him with instant death the moment any of the rioters should enter the house. At length, when the question was put in the house of commons, in defiance of the menaces of the mob, only six out of two hundred voted for the petition. The ri­oters now dispersed themselves into various parts of the city, destroying and burning the chapels of Roman Ca­tholics and their houses. The five succeeding days were [Page 13] employed in demolishing the houses of Sir George Saville, in burning Newgate, and relieving about 300 persons confined in it, (some under sentence of death) in setting [...]ire to King's bench and Fleet-prisons, and in innume­rable other acts of violence and outrage towards those who were in the opposition. The bank was twice assail­ed but was too well guarded for our attempts. On the [...]th day we were over-powered by superior force, and obliged to disperse. During this confusion, I provided for myself, by plundering, at various times, about 500l. sterling.

After leading [...] such dissipation for five or six [...], an incident occurred which caused me, for some time, to abandon my former pursuit, and settle down in tolerable regularity. I became acquainted with a Miss Nancy Allingame, a white girl of about 18 years of age. She was possessed of about 500l. in personal property and a house at Islington. * It may appear singular to ma­ny, that a woman of this description should be in the least interested in my favor; yet such was the fact, that she not only endured my society, but actually married me in about six months after our first acquintance. Her other and friends remonstrated against this connexion; but she quitted them all, and united herself to me. My whole residence with her was about three years; during which time I exhausted all the property which came into my possession by the marriage. We then separated, and she was received by her father.

In June 1782 a, having joined Hyde and Wilson, we determined to quit England, and see if the French gen­tlemen could bear "touching." We accordingly crossed Dover, and at Dunkirk about 7 o'clock in the even­ing robbed a gentleman of about 200 French crowns. We then proceeded to Paris by the way of Brest. On the second evening after our arrival in this city, we robbed Count Dillon, on his return from the plays, of a gold [Page 14] watch and 12 French guineas. The next day, about I o'clock in the afternoon, we attacked Governor Du Boyer, at his country seat about four miles from Paris, and took from him about 200l. in bank bills. Hyde and Wil­son performed this, while I lay about 250 yards distant.

Dispatch ia travelling, after such bold adventures, be­came very necessary. We immediately quitted Paris, and rode all night for Havre-de-Grace, where we ar­rived the evening of the next day. Here we found an advertisement, which prevented our changing the notes, and induced us to burn them.

Bayonne was the next object of our pursuit. At this place Hyde robbed two gentlemen in one night; Wilson one, and Mountain one—the whole of that evening's plunder amounted to about 500l, sterling. France now became dangerous, and therefore we pushed with all pos-sible expedition for Spain, and arrived at Madrid, the capital, in a few days. The regulations of this city were such, that we were obliged to quit the object of our pursuit. The city was strongly walled in, and most scurpu­lously guarded. The gates were shut every evening at 8 o'clock, and every man compelled to be in his own habitation. After spending several months in rioting on our booty, we went to Gibraltar. We bribed the Spanish centinel, and entered the British lines. We ap­peared before the English commander, General Elliott, and informed him we were Englishmen, and mechanics by profession. The fleet commanded by Lord Howe, arrived there on the fourth day after us. Gen. Elliott consented that we should enter on board the fleet as sea­men. Accordingly I joined myself to the Magnificent of 74 guns, commanded by Capt. John Elverston; Hyde entered the Victory, Lord Howe; and Wilson a 74 gun ship, whose name I do not recollect. This was in the fall of the year 1782. I never saw Hyde and Wilson again till since the peace took place between England and the United States. I tarried on board the Magnifi­cent about three months, during which time we had an [Page 15] engagement with the French and Spanish fleets. We drove them out of the Straits, sunk their junk ships with hot shot, and captured the St. Michael, a Spanish ship of 74 guns. The Magnificent sailed with the fleet for Spithead, where, direcly after my arrival, I made my escape from her by bribing the centinel with 5 guineas, & swimming three quarters of a mile to the Isle of Wight. From this place I went to London by the way of Ply­mouth. The landlord at the old place of resort receiv­ed me very cordially.

The business of robbing again solicited by attention, and in the fall of the year 1783, as I was walking in Wap­ping, in quest of plunder, I accidentally fell in company with my old companions, Hyde and Wilson. They had remained in the sea service ever since we left Gibraltar. We concluded it adviseable to join ourselves to the gang at Harrison's, and resume our occupations. Holland now appeared an object worth attention. In November 1783, we went to Ostend, and thence to Amsterdam, On the road thro' Holland, we knocked an old Dutch­man down, and took from him 1100 guilders. The next day about 4 o'clock in the morning, Hyde attacked a merchant, and obtained about 100 guilders; and the e­vening following, we robbed four gentlemen of about 150l. sterling, and three silver watches of small value, we continued living very freely at Amsterdam 4 weeks, without effecting any thing: during which period we were preparing to assail a bank. At length, by the help of various instruments, we entered it about I o'clock at night. We found an iron chest which we could not open. We brought away two bags of gold, containing about 1100l. sterling. We buried them about 2 miles distant, and suffered them to remain there two months. The noise, relative to the robbery having by this time subsided, we took our money, entered on board a vessel bound for England, and were safely back in London in the spring of the year 1784. To invest our cash, &c. in real property, and quit a course of life attended with so [Page 16] much fatigue and hazard, was thought the most eligible plan. In pursuance of this idea, Hyde bought him an house and lot about 4 miles from London. My share was joined with Hyde's. Wilson purchased him a [...] ­ation at Cherry-garden-stairs. Each kept an house [...] the reception of gamblers, swindlers and foot-pads.

The rioters who were concerned in Lord Gordon's rebellion were now daily arrested, tried and executed. Knowing myself deeply concerned in this mob, and sup­posing it probable that Mountain's turn might come next. I quitted London, went on board an European vessel, and made a voyage to Grenada. From this pe­riod till August 1789, I was employed as a sailor; dur­ing which time I made two voyages to the Coast of Gui­nea, and brought cargoes of Negroes to Jamaica; one voyage to Greenland; one to Leghorn and Venice; three to Philadelphia, and one to St. Kitts. Upon my re­turn from voyages, I frequently went from Liverpool to London, and put up at Hyde's or Wilson's. In Octo­ber 1786, we committed a burglary upon the house of Ge­neral Arnold, who then resided in London. We cater­ed his house about 2 o'clock at night, with a dark [...] ­horn, and, from a bureau in the room where the General and lady were asleep, we stole about 150l. sterling in cash, and a pair of stone shoe buckles.

In the month of August 1789, I left New-York in the Briton, with a cargo of bread and flour owned by Mr. John Murray, jun. of New-York, and went to Bil­boa in Spain. The vessel proved leaky, and was sold. Being discharged, I entered on board the brig Aunt, commanded by Capt. Thomas Moseley, and owned by William Gray, of Boston, failed from Bilboa the 7th day of March, and arrived in Boston the 2d of May last. On the 14th of the same month I quitted Boston on foot for New-York. On my journey, at East-Hartford, I stole five dollars from the cabin of a sloop lying in Con­necticut river. I was immediately apprehended, carried before George Pitkin; Esq. and adjusted to be whipped [Page 17] ten stripes. The sentence was executed forthwith, and I dismissed. This was the first time I was e­ [...] arraigned before any court. No event in my [...]cedent life produced such mortification as this; [...] a highway-man of the first eminence, who had [...]bed in most of the capital cities in Europe, who [...] attacked gentlemen of the first distinction with [...]cess; who had escaped King's-bench prison and [...]-Bailey, that he should be punished for such a [...]ty offence, in such an obscure part of the country, [...] truly humiliating. On the Saturday evening following I arrived at New-Haven. The Wednes­day following, being the 26th of May, about two o'clock in the afternoon, I sat out for New-York: at the At the distance of one mile, I me [...] the unhappy girl whom I have so wantonly injured. She was in com­ [...]y with an elder sister, and going into New-Haven. [...]egan a conversation with them, and attempted, [...]ersuasion, to effect my purpose. They were [...]ified at my conduct, and endeavoured to avoid [...]. Upon this I seized the eldest girl; she, how­ever, struggled from me. I then caught the young­ [...], and threw her on the ground. I have uniformly [...]ought that the witnesses were mistaken in swear­ing to the commission of a Rape: That I abused her [...] most brutal and savage manner—that her tender [...]s and pitiable shricks were unavailing—and that [...] exertion was wanting to ruin her, I frankly con­ [...]. However I may attempt to palliate this trans­ [...]ion, there can be no excuse given for me, unless [...]oxication may be plead in mitigation of an offence. [...] was a most cruel attack upon an innocent girl, those years, whose entreaties must have softened an [...]rt not callous to every tender feeling. When [Page 18] her cries had brought to her assistance some neigh­bouring people, I still continued my barbarity, by insulting her in her distress, boasting of the fact, and glorying in my iniquity. Upon reflection, I am often surprized that I did not attempt my es­cape; opportunity to effect it frequently presented before I was apprehended. Yet, by some unac­countable fatality, I loitered unconcerned, as tho' my conduct would bear the strictest scrutiny. The counsel of heaven determined that such a prodi­gy in vice should no longer infest society. At four o'clock I was brought before Mr. Justice Daggett for examination. The testimony was so pointed, that I was ordered into immediate confinement, to await the approaching session of the Superior Court.

On the 5th of August last, I was arraigned be­fore the Bar of the Superior Court. My trial was far more favourable than I expected. There was every indulgence granted me which I could have wished; and the court, jurors and spectators ap­peared very differently from those I have seen at Old-Bailey. The jury had little hesitation; indeed the most compassionate hearer of this cause could have only pronounced me Guilty. I beheld with astonishment the lenity of the Court, and am sure that in a country where such a sacred regard is had to the liberty of the subject, no man's life can be unjustly taken from him. On the Tuesday follow­ing, the Chief Justice pronounced Sentence of Death against me. I thought myself less moved with this pathetic address than either of the court, or any spectator; and yet, I confess, I was more affected by it, than by any thing which had previously hap­pened in my life. On the next Sabbath I attended [Page 19] meeting. The address of the Rev. Dr. Dana on that day and the subsequent advice and admonitions which I have received from the Clergy of this and other places, were calculated to awaken every feeling of my heart. Much gratitude is due from me to those gentlemen who have exhibited such a tender con­cern for my immortal interest.

It now remains that I die a death justly merited by my crimes. "The cries of injured innocence have entered the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth, and called for vengeance." If the reader of this story can acquiesce in my fate and view me "stumbling on the dark mountains of the shadow of death," with composure, he will yet compassionate a soul stained with the foulest crimes, just about to appear unimbodied before a God of infinite purity.

Joseph Mountain.


THE writer of the foregoing narrative assures the public, that the facts related were taken from the mouth of the culprit. In no instance has any fact been substanti­ally altered, or in the least exaggerated.

On the 28th of September the writer ap­plied to Joseph, to learn if he persisted in affirming the truth of the foregoing story. By the direction of the criminal his name was then set to this history, and he declared, in presence of the subscribing witnesses, that it contained nothing but the truth.


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