
THE CASE OF THE Commonwealth against Eleazer Oswald; FOR A CONTEMPT OF THE SUPREME COURT of Pennsylvania. ADJUDGED THE FOURTEENTH DAY OF JULY, 1783. WITH A BRIEF ACCOUNT OF THE PROCEEDINGS in the GENERAL ASSEMBLY, upon the MEMORIAL of the DEFENDANT against three of the JUSTICES of that Court, for the JUDGMENT and SENTENCE pronounced against him.

Reported by a Gentleman of the Law.




To gratify the general curiosity which has been excited; to comply with the request of a particular friend; and, above all, to dissipate error, and to establish truth, have been the inducements for publishing this Case in its present form. If these motives do not entitle the Reporter to praise, he hopes they will, at least, shelter him from censure.




I. An attachment lies for endeavouring to prejudice the public mind in writings respecting a cause depending in the court.

II. When the defendant is present on a rule to shew cause why an attach­ment should not issue, the court will not make the rule absolute, but proceed to give judgment for the offence.

12th July.UPON the opening of the court this morning, Lewis moved for a rule to shew cause why an at­tachment should not issue against Eleazer Oswald, the printer and publisher of the Independent Gazetieer. The case was this: Oswald having inserted in his newspapers several anonymous pieces against the cha­racter of Andrew Browne, the master of a female academy, in the city of Philadelphia, Browne applied to him to give up the authors of those pieces; but being refused that sa­tisfaction, he brought an action for the libel against Oswald, returnable into the supreme court, on the 2d. day of July; and therein demanded bail for £1000. Previously to the return day of the [...], the question of bail being brought by citation before Mr. Justice BRYAN▪ at his chambers, the Judge, on a full hearing of the cause of action, in the presence of both the parties, ordered the defendant to be discharged on common bail; and the plaintiff appeared from this order to the court. Afterwards (on the 1st of July) Oswald published under his own signature, an address to the public, which contained a narrative of these proceedings, and the following passages, which, I con­ceive, to have been the material grounds of the present motion.

"When violent attacks are made upon a person under pretext of justice, and legal steps are taken on the occasion, not perhaps to redress the supposed injury, but to feed and gratify partisaning and temporising resent­ments, it is not unwarrantable in such person to represent the real statement of his case, and appeal to the world for their sentiments and countenance.

"Upon these considerations, principally, I am now emboldened to trespass on the public patience, and must solicit the indul­gence of my friends and customers, while I present to their notice, an account of the steps lately exercised with me; from which it will appear that my situation as a printer, and the rights of the press and of freemen, are fundamentally struck at; and an earnest endeavour is on the carpet to involve me in difficulties to please the malicious disposi­tions of old and permanent enemies.

"But until the news had arrived last Thurs­day, that the ninth state had acceded to the new federal government, I was not called upon; and Mr. Page in the afternoon of that day visited me in due form of law with a writ. Had Mr. Browne pursued me in this line, "without loss of time," agreea­bly to his lawyer's letter, I should not have supposed it extraordinary—but to arrest me the moment the federal intelligence came to hand, indicated that the com­mencement of this suit was not so much the child of his own fancy, as it has been probably dictated to and urged on him by others, whose sentiments upon the new constitution have not in every respect coin­cided with mine. In fact, it was my idea, in the first progress of the business, that Mr. Browne was merely the hand-maid of some of my enemies among the federalists; and in this class I must rank, his great patron Doctor Rush (whose brother is a judge of the Supreme Court) I think Mr. Brown's conduct has since confirmed the idea beyond a doubt.

"Enemies I have had in the legal profession, and it may perhaps add to the hopes of ma­lignity, that this action is instituted in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania However, if former prejudices should be found to operate against me on the bench, it is with a jury of my country, properly elected and empannelled, a jury of freemen and inde­pendent citizens, I must rest the suit. I have escaped the jaws of persecution through this channel on certain memorable occasions, [Page 4] hope I shall never be a sufferer, let the blast of faction blow with all its furies!

"The doctrine of libels being a doctrine incompatible with law and liberty, and at once destructive of the privileges of a free country in the communication of our thoughts, has not hitherto gained any footing in Penn­sylvania: and the vile measures formerly taken to lay me by the heels on this subject only brought down obloquy upon the con­ductors themselves. I may well suppose the same love of liberty yet pervades my fellow citizens, and that they will not allow the freedom of the press to be violated upon any refined pretence, which oppressive in­genuity or courtly study caninvent.

"Upon trial of the cause, the public will decide for themselves, whether Mr. Browne's motives have been laudable and dignified; whether his conduct in declin­ing an acquittal of his character in the paper, and suing me in the mariner he did, was decent and consistent; and, in a word, whe­ther he is not actuated by some of my inve­terate foes and opponents, to lend his name in their service for the purpose of harrassing and injuring me."

A transcript from the records was read to shew that the action between Browne and Oswald was depending in the court. James Martin proved that the paper contain­ing Oswald's address, was bought at his printing office, fresh and damp from the press; and a deposition, made by Browne, was read to prove the preceding facts rela­tive to the cause of action, the hearing be­fore Mr. Justice BRYAN, and the appeal from his order.

Lewis then adverted to the various pieces, which were charged as libellous in the depending action; and argued, that, though the liberty of the press was invalua­ble in its nature, and ought not to be infrin­ged; yet, that its value did not consist in a boundless licentiousness of slander and defamation. He contended, that the pro­fession of Browne, to whom the education of more than a hundred children was some­times entrusted, exposed him, in a peculiar manner, to be injured by wanton aspersions of his character; and he interred the neces­sity of the action, which had been instituted, from this consideration, that if Browne were really the monster which the papers in que­stion, described him to be, he ought to be hunted from society; but, that if he had been falsely accused, if he had been ma­liciously traduced, it was a duty that he owed to himself and to the public, to vindicate his reputation, and to call upon the justice of the laws, to punish so gross a violation of truth and decency. For this pupose, he continued, a writ had been issued, and bail was required. The defendant, if not be­fore, was, certainly, on the hearing at the Judge's chambers, apprized of the cause of action: The order of Mr. Justice BRYAN on that occasion, and the appeal to the court, were circumstances perfectly within his knowledge; and yet, while the whole merits of the cause were thus in suspense, he thought proper to address the public in language evidently calculated to excite the popular resentment against Browne; to create doubts and suspicions of the integrity and impartiality of the Judges who must preside upon the trial; and to promote an unmerited compassion in his own favour. He has de­scribed himself as the object of former per­secutions upon similar principles; he has as­serted that, in this instance, an individual is made the instrument of a party to destroy him; and he artfully calls upon his fellow citizens to interest themselves to preserve the freedom of the press, which he consi­ders as attacked in his person. Nay, in order to cast an odium upon the new government of the United States, he insinuates, that his arrest was purposely protracted 'till the rati­fication of nine states had given stability to that system:—a falsehood, as unwarrantable as it is insidious; for, it will be proved that this delay took place at his own request, communicated by Col. Proctor.

Col. Proctor being examined on this point, said, that he, at first, desired the action might not be brought, in hopes of accomplishing a compromise between the parties; that, afterwards, he requested Mr. Lewis to de­fer issuing the writ 'till as near the term as it was possible: but that all this interference was of his own accord, and not at the in­stance of the defendant. He acknowledged, however, that he had informed Oswald, that the commencement of the action would be postponed as long as possible, after having obtained a promise to that effect from Mr. Lewis.

Lewis said he was very much mistaken indeed, if Col. Proctor had not mentioned the request as coming from the defendant; and Col. Proctor answered, ‘if ever I told you so, he certainly sent me; but I can­not remember that ever he asked me to do a thing of the kind.’

Lewis then added, that the address to the public manifestly tended to interrupt the course of justice; it was an attempt to prejudice the minds of the people in a cause then depend­ing, and, by that means, to defeat the plain­iff's claim to justice, and to stigmatize the Judges, whose duty it was to administer the laws. There could be no doubt, therefore, that it amounted to a contempt of the court; and it only remained, in support of his motion, to shew that an attachment was the [Page 5] legal mode of proceeding against the offen­der. For this he cited 4 Black. Com. 280. 2 Atk. 469.

BY THE COURT: Take a rule to shew cause on Monday next, at 9 o'clock in the morning.


14th July.THE defendant, appearing agreeably to the rule to shew cause, &c. obtained on Saturday, pray­ed that the rule might be enlarged, as he had not had a reasonable time to prepare for the argument. But Lewis opposed the enlarge­ment of the rule, observing that the defen­dant would be heard in extenuation, or ex­cuse, of the contempt, after the attachment had issued.

By M'KEAN, C. J.

I know not of any instance where a delay of a term has been allowed in the case of an attachment: one reason for such a summary proceeding is to prevent delay. Let cause be now shewn.

Sergeant, in showing cause against the at­tachment, contended that the doctrine, in 4 Black. Com. 280. was laid down much too wide; that in 2 Atk. 469, the Chancellor expressly assigns this reason, for his deter­mining without a jury, that he was a judge of fact; and in 1 Burr. 510▪ 513, an infor­mation is granted on this principle, that courts of common law will not decide upon facts without the intervention of a jury.


This was not the reason that influenced tne court in their decision.

But whatever the law might be in England, Sergeant insisted, that it could not avail in Pennsylvania. Even in England, indeed, though it is said to be a contempt to report the decisions of the courts, unless under the imprimatur of the judges; yet, we find Burrow and all the subsequent reporters pro­ceeding without that sanction. But the con­stitution of Pennsylvania authorizes many things to be done which in England are prohibited. Here the press is laid open to the inspection of every citizen, who wishes to examine the proceedings of the government; of which the judicial autho­rity is certainly to be considered as a branch. Const. Penn. sect. 35.


Could not this be done in England? certainly it could: for, in short, there is nothing in the constitution of this state, respecting the liberty of the press, that has not been authorized by the constitu­tion of that kingdom for near a century past.


The 9th section of the Bill of Rights, however, puts this supposed offence into such a form, as must entitle the defen­dant to a trial by jury; and precludes every attempt to compel him to give evidence against himself. It declares ‘that in all prosecutions for criminal offences, a man hath a right to be heard by himself and his council, to demand the cause and na­ture of his accusation, to be confronted with the witnesses, to call for evidence in his favour, and a speedy public trial, by an impartial jury of the country, without the unanimous consent of which jury he cannot be found guilty; nor can he be com­pelled to give evidence against himself; nor can any man be justly deprived of his li­berty except by the laws of the land, or the judgment of his peers.’ —Now, the present proceeding against the defendant it for a criminal offence; and, yet, if the attach­ment issues, the essential parts of this section must be defeated: for, in that case, the de­fendant cannot be tried by a jury; and, accor­ding to the practice upon attachments, he will be compelled to answer interrogatories; in doing which, he must either he guilty of perjury, or give evidence against himself. The proceeding by attachment is, indeed, a no­velty in this country, except for the purpose of enforcing the attendance of witnesses. Those contempts which are committed in the face of a court stand upon a very differ­ent ground. Even the court of Admiralty (which is not a court of record) pos­sesses a power to punish them; and the reason arises from the necessity, that every jurisdiction should be competent to protect itself from immediate violence and interrup­tion. But contempts which are alledged to have been committed out of doors, are not within this reason; they come properly within the class of criminal offences; and, as such, by the 9th sect. of the bill of rights, they can only be tried by a jury.


Do you then appre­hend that the 9th sect. of the bill of rights introduced something new on the subject of trials? I have always understood it to be the law, independent of this section, that the twelve jurors must be unanimous in their verdict, and yet this section makes this ex­press provision.

Sergeant said, that he had discussed the sub­ject as well as the little opportunity afforded him would admit. He pressed the court to give further time for the argument, or, at once, to direct a trial. This he contended was, at least, discretionary: and, considering the defendant's protestation of innocence *, his readiness to give ample security for his future appearance, the magnitude of the que­stion as arising from the constitution, and its immense consequences to the public, he thought a delay, that was essential to deli­beration and justice, ought not to be refused.

Heatly and Lewis, in support of the mo­tion, contended, that under the circumstan­ces [Page 6] of the case, Oswald's publication, whe­ther true or false, amounted to a contempt of the court, as it respected a cause theu de, en­ding to judgment, and reflected upon one of the Judges in his official capacity; that the argument of the adverse counsel went so far as to assert, that there could be no such offence as a contempt even in England, since the very words inserted in the consti­tution of Pennsylvania, were used in the Magna Charta of that kingdom; that, in truth, neither the bill of rights nor the con­stitution extended to the case of contempts, for they meant only to secure to every citi­zen the right of expressing his sentiments with a manly freedom, but not to authorize wanton attacks upon private reputation, or to deprive the court of a power essential to its own existence, and to the due admi­nistration of justice; that the court were as competent to judge of the fact and the law, upon the inspection of the publication in question, as the chanceilor was in the autho­rity cited from Atkins; and that although the prosecutor could, perhaps, proceed either by indictment or information, yet that the abuses of the Star Chamber had rendered the process by information odious, and an at­tachment, which was sanctified by imme­morial usage, was the most expeditious, and, therefore, the most proper remedy for the evil complained of.

The Chief Justice delivered the opinion of the court to the following [...]. Judge BRYAN having shortly before taken his seat.


—This is a motion for an attachment against Eleazer Oswald, the printer and publisher of the Independent Gazetteer, of the 1st of July last. No. 796. As a ground for granting the attachment, it is proved, that an action for a libel had been instituted in this court, in which Andrew Browne is the plainest, and Eleazer Oswald the defendant; that a question with respect to bail in that action had been agitated be­fore one of the Judges, from whose order, discharging the defendant on common bail, the plaintiff had appealed to the court; and that Mr. Oswald's address to the public, which is the immediate subject of com­plaint, relates to the action thus depending before us. The counsel in support of their motion, have argued, that this address was intended to prejudice the public mind upon the merits of the cause, by propagating an opinion that Browne was the instrument of a party to prejudice and destroy the defen­dant; that he acted under the particular in­fluence of Dr. Rusa, whose brother is a judge of this court; and, in short, that from the ancient prejudices of all the judges, the defendant did not stand a chance of a fair trial.

Assertions and imputations of this kind are certainly calculated to defeat and discre­dit the administration of justice Let us, therefore, enquire, first, whether they ought to be considered as a contempt of the court; and secondly, whether, if so, the offender is punishable by attachment.

And here I must be allowed to observe, that libelling is a great crime, whatever sentiments may be entertained by those who live by it. With respect to the heart of the libeller, it is more dark and base than that of the assassin, or than his who commits a midnight arson. It is true, that I may ne­ver discover the wretch who has burned my house, or set fire to my barn; but these los­ses are easily reparted, and bring with them no portion of ignominy or reproach. But the attacks of the libeller admit not of this consolation: the injuries which are done to character and reputation seldom can be cu­red, and the most innocent man may in a moment be deprived of his good name, upon which, perhaps, he depends for all the prosperity, and all the happiness of his life. To what tribunal can be then resort? how shall he be tried, and by whom shall he be acquitted? It is in vain to object, that those who know him will disregard the slander, since the wide circulation of public prints must render it impracticable to apply the antedote as far as the poison has been extended. Nor can it be fairly said, that the same opportunity is given to vindicate, which has been employed to desame him; for, many will read the charge, who may never see the answer; and while the object of accusation is publicly pointed at, the malicious and malignant author, rests in the dishonorable security of an anonymous sig­nature Where much has been said, some­thing will be believed; and it is one of the many artifices of the libeller, to give to his charges an aspect of general support, by chan­ging and multiplying the style and name of his performances. But shall such things be transacted with impunity in a tree country, and among an enlightened people? Let every honest man make this appeal to his heart and understanding, and the answer must be—no!

What then is the meaning of the Bill of Rights, and the Constitution of Pennsyl­vania, when they declare, "That the free­dom of the press shall not be restrained," * and that "the printing presses shall be free to every person who undertakes to examine the proceedings of the legislature, or any part of the government ." However in­genuity may torture the expressions, there can be little doubt of the [...] sense of these sections: they give to every citizen a right of investigating the conduct of those [...] [Page 7] are entrusted with the public business; and they effectually preclude any attempt to fetter the press by the institution of a licenser. The same principles were settled in England, so far back as the reign of William the Third, and since that time, we all know, there has been the freest animadversion upon the con­duct of the ministers of that nation. But is there any thing in the language of the constitution (much less in its spirit and in­tention) which authorizes one man to im­pute crimes to another, for which the law has provided the mode of trial, and the de­gree of punishment? Can it be presumed that the slanderous words, which, when spoken to a few individuals, would expose the speaker to punishment, become sacred, by the authority of the constitution, when delivered to the public through the more per­manent and diffusive medium of the press? Or, will it be said that the constitutional right to examine the proceedings of govern­ment, extends to warrant an anticipation of the acts of the legislature or the judgments of the court? and not only to authorize a candid commentary upon what has been done, but to permit every endeavour to biass and intimidate with respect to matters still in suspense? The futility of any at­tempt to establish a construction of this sort, must be obvious to every intelligent mind. The true liberty of the press is amply secu­red by permitting every man to publish his opinions; but it is due to the peace and dignity of society to enquire into the mo­tives of such publications, and to distinguish between those which are meant for use and reformation, and with an eye solely to the public good, and those which are intended merely to delude and desame. To the lat­ter description, it is impossible that any good government should afford protection and impunity.

If, then, the liberty of the press is regu­lated by any just principle, there can be little doubt, that he, who attempts to raise a prejudice against his antagonist, in the minds of those that must ultimately deter­mine the dispute between them; who, for that purpose, represents himself as a perse­cuted man, and asserts that his judges are influenced by passion and prejudice,—wil­fully seeks to corrupt the source, and to dishonor the administration of justice.

Such is evidently the object and tendency of Mr Oswald's address to the public. Nor can that artifice prevail, which insinuates that the decision of this court will be the effect of personal resentment; for, if it could, every man might evade the punishment due to his offences, by first pouring a torrent of abuse upon his judges, and then asserting that they act from passion, because their treatment has been such as would naturally excite resentment in the human disposition. But it must be remembered, that judges dis­charge their functions under the solemn obligations of an oath; and, if their virtue entitles them to their station, they can nei­ther be corrupted by favour to swerve from, nor influenced by fear to desert their duty. That judge, indeed, who courts popularity by unworthy means, while he weakens his pretensions, diminishes, likewise, the chance of attaining his object; and he will eventu­ally find that he has sacrificed the substantial blessing of a good conscience, in an idle and visionary pursuit.

Upon the whole, we consider the publi­cation in question, as having the tendency which has been ascribed to it, that of pre­judicing the public (a part of whom must hereafter be summoned as jurors) with re­spect to the merits of a cause depending in this court, and of corrupting the administra­tion of justice: We are, therefore, unani­mously of opinion, on the first point, that it amounts to a contempt.

It only remains then to consider, whether the offence is punishable in the way that the present motion has proposed. It is certain that the proceeding by attachment is as old as the law itself, and no act of the legisla­ture, or section of the constitution, has in­terposed to alter or suspend it. Besides the sections which have been already read from the constitution, there is another section which declares, that "trials by jury shall be "as heretofore;" and surely it cannot be con­tended, that the offence, with which the defendant is now charged, was heretofore tried by that tribunal. If a man commits an outrage in the face of the court, what is there to be tried?—what further evidence can be necessary to convict him of the offence, than the actual view of the Judges? A man has been compelled to enter into security for his good behaviour, for giving the lie in the presence of the Judges in West­minster Hall. On the present occasion, is not the proof, from the inspection of the paper, as full and satisfactory as any that can be of­fered? And whether the publication a­mounts to a contempt, or not, is a point of law, which, after all, it is the province of the judges, and not of the jury, to deter­mine. Being a contempt, if it is not pu­nished immediately, how shall the mischief be corrected? Leave it to the customary forms of a trial by jury, and the cause may be continued long in suspense, while the party perseveres in his misconduct. The injurious consequences might then be justly imputed to the court, for refusing to exer­cise their legal power in preventing them.

[Page 8]For these reasons we have no doubt of the competency of our jurisdiction; and we think, that justice and propriety call upon us to proceed by attachment.

BRYAN, Justice, observed, that he did not mean to give an opinion as to the mode of proceeding; but added, that he had always entertained a doubt with respect to the le­gality of the process by attachment, in such cases, under the constitution of Pennsylvania.


Will the defendant en­ter into a recognizance to answer interroga­tories, or will he answer gratis?


I will not answer interrogatories. Let the attachment issue *.


His counsel had better advise him to consider of it.

Sergeant said that the defendant had not had time, even to peruse what had been sworn against him; for only Sunday had in­tervened since the obtaining the rule to shew cause, and that was an improper day for ap­plying to the records of the court.


In criminal matters Sun­day has always been deemed a legal day. There has been as ample time for consideration as could well be allowed; the term will end to-morrow. Will he answer, or not?

Sergeant prayed the court would grant 'till to-morrow morning to form a determination on the subject, and offered bail for the de­fendant's appearance at that time.


Be it so. Let the bail be taken, himself in £. 200, and one surety in the like sum, for his appearance to-morrow morning.


15th July.THE defendant appearing in discharge of the recog­nizance entered into yesterday, the CHIEF JUSTICE again asked, whether he would answer interrogatories or not?


for the defendant, requested that the interrogatories might be reduced to writing before he was called upon to de­termine.


Is that your advice to him? He must now say whether he will an­swer them or not; they will be filed ac­cording to the usage of the court, and all just exceptions to them will be allowed.


He instructs me to declare that he will not answer interrogatories; and he then began to urge, that there was no con­tempt committed, but was told by the Chief Justice, that as that point had been determined by an unanimous opinion of the four judges yesterday, it was not now open for argument.

Lewis said, that as a misrepresentation had been industriously spread abroad respecting the conduct of the court, he thought it pro­per, at this time, concisely to state the real nature of the present proceedings. It has been asserted that the court were about to compel Mr. Oswald to convict himself of the offence with which he is charged: but the fact is this, that it is incumbent upon the person who suggests the contempt to prove it by disinterested witnesses; and then, indeed, the defendant is allowed by his own oath to purge and acquit himself, in spite of all the testimony which can possi­bly be produced against him. It appears clearly therefore, that Mr. Oswald's being called upon to answer interrogatories, is not meant to establish his guilt (for that has been already done) but to enable him to avoid the punishment which is the conse­quence of it. The court employ no com­pulsion in this respect. He may either an­swer, or not, as he pleases: if he does answer, his single oath, in his own favour, will countervail the oaths of a thousand witnesses; and if he does not answer, his silence corroborates the evidence which has been offered of the contempt, and the judg­ment of the court must necessarily follow.


Your statement is cer­tainly right, and the misrepresentation, which is attempted, must either be the ef­fect of wickedness, or ignorance.

Lewis now prayed, that the rule might be made absolute; but remarked, that, ac­cording to the authorities, the court might either do that; or, as the defendant was pre­sent, they might proceed at once to pass sen­tence upon him.


There can be no occa­sion, when the party is present, to make the rule for the attachment absolute: the court will proceed to give judgment.

BRYAN, Justice.

I was not here when the complaint was made to the court, when the evidence in support of the motion was produced, or the arguments against it were delivered: I consider myself therefore to­tally [Page 9] incapacitated for taking any part in this business.


We can immediately furnish the court with the proofs.

BRYAN, Justice.

Can you furnish me likewise, with Mr. Sergeant's arguments?

Lewis said, that he had not penetration enough to discover any argument in what had been said for the defendant; and hav­ing again read all the evidence which had been produced, he recapitulated what he had before said in support of the motion.

Page, the under-sheriff, was then called upon to prove that the writ in the action of Browne vs. Oswald had been in his possession, at least twelve days before it was served; and that the delay in serving it arose, at first, from the defendant's being at Baltimore; and, afterwards, from his not being at home when the witness had repeatedly called up­on him

BRYAN, Justice.

I still say, that not hav­ing heard what has been offered in extenu­ation of the offence, I am incompetent to join in any opinion respecting the punish­ment. I cannot surely be suspected of par­tiality to libellers: I have had my share of their malevolence. But, it is true, I have not suffered much; for these trifles do not wrankle in my mind.

The CHIEF JUSTICE pronounced the judgment of the court in the following words:


Eleazer Oswald:

Having yesterday considered the charge against you, we were unanimously of opinion, that it amounted to a contempt of the court. Some doubts were suggested, whether, even a contempt of the court, was punishable by attachment: but, not only my brethren and myself, but, likewise, all the judges of England, think, that without this power no court could possibly exist;—nay, that no contempt could, indeed, be committed against us, we should be so truly contemptible. The law upon the subject is of immemorial an­tiquity; and there is not any period when it can be said to have ceased, or disconti­nued. On this point, therefore, we en­tertain no doubt: but some difficulty has arisen with respect to our sentence; for, on the one hand, we have been informed of your circumstances, and on the other, we have seen your conduct: your circum­stances are small, but your offence is great and persisted in. Since, however, the question seems to resolve itself into this, whether you shall bend to the law, or the law shall bend to you, it is our duty to determine that the former shall be the case. Upon the whole, therefore, THE COURT pronounce this sentence: That you pay a fine of 10l. to the commonwealth; that you be imprisoned for the space of one month, that is, from the 15th day of July to the 15th day of August next; and, afterwards, till the fine and costs are paid. —Sheriff he is in your custody.

[Page 11]


ON the 5th of September 1788, Col. Os­wald, the defendant, presented a memo­rial to the general assembly, in which he com­plained of the decision of the supreme court; stated the above proceedings against him; and likewise represented, that the Chief Justice had directed the Jailer not to discharge him, after his sentence was expired;—finally call­ing upon the house to determine, ‘whether the Judges did not infringe the constitution in direct terms in the sentence they had pro­nounced; and whether, of course, they had not made themselves proper objects of impeachment.’

The assembly, having previously appoint­ed a committee to report the order of pro­ceeding on Col. Oswald's memorial, resol­ved itself into a committee of the whole, to hear the evidence in support of the char­ges exhibited. Three days were consum­ed in the examination of witnesses, dur­ing which, the preceding report was substantially proved; and it was also given in evidence, that, though the sentence of imprisonment was pronounced ‘for the space of one month, that is from the 15th day of July to the 15th day of August,’ yet, that the record merely stated it to be for one month (which is only 28 days in law) without taking notice of the explanatory words used by the court; and that notwith­standing this, the CHIEF JUSTICE, when the month was expired, had, at first, directed the Jailor not to release Col. Oswald, till the morning of the 15th day of August; though he, afterwards, wrote to the sheriff, that it would be proper to discharge his prisoner agreeably to the record.

Mr. Lewis, as a member of the house, then delivered a very elaborate argument, in vin­dication of the conduct of the judges. It is impossible to pursue this gentleman's tract of reasoning, with any degree of justice to his eloquence, or the subject in discussion; but it may not be unprofitable to those who, either now or hereafter, may wish to un­derstand the principles of this interesting case, to delineate the leading features of the doctrine which he maintained.

He began with stating the inestimable character of true liberty, which is equally endangered by tyranny on the one hand, and by licentiousness upon the other. He said, it did not consist in the uncontrouled power of doing whatever the will might prompt an individual to attempt; but, while it was in­dependent of arbitrary and despotic rule, it was happily regulated by the laws and constitution of the state. Having rescued Sir William Blackstone, from the stigma of being a courtly writer, by shewing the enthu­siasm of that author in favour of the trial by jury, Mr. Lewis referred to the celebrated Commentaries in support and illustration of his sentiments upon liberty. 1 Black. Com. 125. 2 Black. Com. 4 Black. Com. 3 42.

He then commented upon the origin, nature, and purposes of a state of society, which, he said, was principally formed to protect the rights of individuals; and, of those rights, he pathetically described, the right of en­joying a good name, to be the most impor­tant and most precious. He observed, that the injuries which could be done to any other property, might be repaired; but re­putation was not only the most valuable, but, likewise, the most delicate of human posses­sions. It was the most difficult to acquire; when acquired, it was the most difficult to preserve; and when lost, it was never to be re­gained. If, therefore, it was not as much pro­tected, as any other right, the aged matron, and the youthful virgin, (since purity of charac­ter is the palladium of female happiness) while they are fettered by the habits and expecta­tions of society, are exposed and abandon­ed by its laws and institutions. But this evil is effectually removed, when we consi­der the bill of rights as precluding any at­tempt to restrain the press, and not as au­thorizing insidious falshoods and anony­mous abuse. The right of publication, like every other right, has, therefore, its natural and necessary boundary; for, though the law allows a man the free use of his arm, or the possession of a weapon, yet it does not authorize him to plunge a dagger in the breast of an inoffensive neighbour.

Mr. Lewis then proceeded to consider the immediate subject of complaint. He stated it to be two-fold; 1 st. That the CHIEF JUS­TICE had protracted Col. Oswald's imprison­ment, beyond the legal expiration of his sen­tence, and, 2dly. That the imprisonment itself, was unconstitutional, illegal, and ty­rannical.

On the first point, he observed, that it was, indeed a serious charge, if Col. Oswald could prove that a single justice, had arbitra­rily altered, or counteracted, the record of [Page 12] the court, in order to accomplish the impri­sonment of a citizen. But how was the charge supported? The opinion given by the Chief Justice to the Jailer, was not given in his judicial capacity; and though a paper, said to be a transcript from the records, was shewn to him, yet it was not subscribed by the Pro­thonotary, nor was it under the seal of the court. This, therefore, could not be a suf­ficient document to set aside his recollection of the sentence; it was no legal evidence of the fact which it stated, ( Gi [...]. law of Ev. 23) and the little time that elapsed between the opinion given to the Jailer, and the di­rections for Col. Oswald's release, we may fairly presume to have been consumed in ex­amining the records.

On the second point, he engaged in a long and ingenious disquisition upon the nature of what is called the liberty of the press; he represented the shackles which had been imposed upon it during the arbitrary periods of the English government; and thence de­duced the wisdom and propriety of the pre­caution, which declares in the bill of rights, that the press shall not be subject to restraint. He gave an historical narrative of the British acts of parliament and proclamations, which debarred every man of the right of publica­tion without a previous licence obtained from cancers▪ established by the government, to inspect and pronounce upon every literary performance; but observed, that this op­pression (which was intended to keep the people in a [...] ignorance of the conduct of their rulers) expired in the year 1694, when the dawn of true freedom rose upon that nation. 9 [...], p 190. Since that memorable period, the liberty of the [...] stood on a firm and rational basis. On the one hand, it is not subject to the tyranny of previous [...], and, on the other, it affords no [...]tion to ribaldry and slander:—so true it is. [...] to censure the licentiousness is to maintain the liberty of the press. [...] 1 [...]0.151.152. Here, [...] is to be discerned the genuine [...] of this section in the bill of rights, which [...] opposite construction would prosti­tute to the most ignoble purposes. Every man may publish what he pleases; but, it is at his peril, if he publishes any thing which violence the rights of another, or in­terrupts the peace and order of society;— as every man may keep poisons in his closet, but [...] that he may [...] them to the people for [...]? If, indeed, this [...] of the bill of rights find not circum­scribed the authority of the legislature, this house, being a single branch, might in a de­ [...] paroxism, revive all [...] re­straints, which disgraced the early annals of the British government Hence, arises the great fundamental advantage of the provi­sion, which the authors of the constitution have wisely interwoven with our political system; not, it appears, to tolerate and in­dulge the passions and animosities of indivi­duals, but effectually to protect the citizens from the encroachments of men in power.

It has been asserted, however, that Col. Oswald's address was of a harmless texture; that is was no abuse of the right of publica­tion, to which, as a citizen, he was entitled: and, in short, that in considering it as a con­tempt of the court, the judges have acted tyrannically, illegally, and unconstitution­ally. But let us divest the subject of these high-sounding epithets, and the reverse of this assertion will be evident, to every can­did and unprejudiced mind: For, such pub­lications are certainly calculated to draw the administration of justice from the proper tri­bunals; and in their place to substitute news­paper altercations, in which the most skilful writer will generally prevail against all the merits of the case. But it is moreover the duty of the judges to protect suitors, not only from personal violence, but from insidious attempts, to undermine their claims to law and jus­tice. Hence, Lord Chancellor Hardwicke, (who was an ornament to his country, and not one of whose decrees during the period of twenty years which he sat as chancellor, was ever reversed) has described three sorts of contempts—1st. Scandalizing the court itself. 2dly. Abusing parties who are con­cerned in causes there; and 3dly. Prejudi­cing mankind against persons, before the cause is heard. 2 Atk. 471. And in 2 Vesey 520, though no reflection was cast upon the court, and the offender pleaded ignorance of the law, yet it is expressly laid down, that ignorance was not an excuse, and that the reason for punishing was, not only for the sake of the party injured, but also for the sake of the public proceedings in the court to hinder such advertisements, which tend to propossess people as to those proceedings. A similar doctrine is maintained in 1 P. Wil­liams 675. and 4 Black. Com. 282. pronounces the printing, even true, accounts of a cause depending in judgment, to be a contempt of the court.

But it has been said, that this cause was not depending in court, when the offence was committed, because the address was published on the first of July, and the writ against Mr. Oswald was not returnable 'till the succeeding day. This idea originates in an ignorance of the constitution of our courts, which, in this respect, differs essen­tially from the constitution of the courts of [Page 13] England. There all original process issues out of the Court of Chancery, and is made returnable into the King's Bench or Common Pleas; so that, in truth, the writ gives the jurisdiction, and, of course, 'till it is return­ed, the court cannot take cognizance of the cause. Here, however, the original process issues out of the very court into which it is returnable, and is usually tested the last day of the preceeding term. It is absurd, therefore, to say that the jurisdiction of a court, by whose authority a suit is actually instituted, can be thus suspended and par­celled out.

With respect to the address itself, Mr. Lewis annalysed its offensive parts, in order to shew that it treated the judges with inde­cent opprobrium; that, in some respects, it was inconsistent with truth, and that, in its general operation, it was intended, and could not fail, to excite resentment against Browne, the plaintiff, and compassion for Oswald, the defendant, in the cause

He now proceeded to consider the mode of punishment, which formed a material part of Col. Oswald's complaint; and, in support of its legality, referred, generally, to the authorities which he had already cited. He observed that much declamation had been wasted upon this topic; and that the proceeding by attachment had been vehement­ly reprobated as the creature of the Court of Star Chamber. Though that court might have employed the process of attachment (of which, however, he did not recollect an instance) yet, he insisted, that it was idle and absurd to consider it as the creature of a jurisdiction, whose own existence was of a much later date, than that of the subject to which we are told it gave birth. To prove this, he stated that the court of Star Chamber was not instituted 'till the year 1368; that Magna Charta was confirmed, at least, 113 years be­fore that time; and, as all the authorities concur in declaring that the process by at­tachment is as ancient as the laws themselves, and that it was confirmed by Magna Charta, its origin is consequently long antecedent to that of the Court of Star Chamber. 4 Black. Com.

But he argued, with great strength and perspicuity, that the process of attachment, which in practice was multiplied into innu­merable uses, was essential to the admini­stration of justice; and that if the exercise of this power was suppressed, the courts themselves might as well be annihilated. He represented, that it was an established prin­ciple in law, that one court could not punish a contempt committed against another; then, continued he, how shall the Common Pleas repel an injury of that nature? It is not vested with any criminal jurisdiction; it can­not impannel a grand Jury, nor try an indict­ment; the only remedy therefore which the case can admit, is by an attachment. He ap­plied the same reasoning to the supreme court; and with respect to the orphan's courts, the court of admiralty, and the courts of the registers of wills, &c. he observed that their proceedings, according to the civil law, were totally independent of juries; and that consequently if they were deprived of the process of attachment, it was in vain for them to decide and to decree, for they would then be without any means to enforce obedience to their decisions and de­crees. Nay, he added, that, without this power, the legislature itself would be exposed to wanton insult and interruption; and that letters, such as he had received, menacing his existence for his conduct on the present occasion, might be written and avowed with absolute impunity. He then enumera­ted many instances in which gross injustice would take place, but for the intervention of this summary proceeding. Where a sheriff refuses, or neglects, to return a writ; or to pay money which he has received upon an execution; where an inferior court refuses to transmit a record; a witness, or juryman, to attend or to be sworn; and where a de­fendant in ejectment refuses to pay costs, after a nonsuit, for want of a confession of lease entry and ouster;—in all these (and many other) cases he demonstrated, that the great, efficient remedy, was by an attachment to be issued against the delinquent.

In tracing the antiquity of the process by attachment, he remarked, that, it was ad­mitted to be a part of the common law by the most authoritative writers; and that the common law was a compound of the Danish, Saxon, Norman, Pict and Civil law. 1 Black. Com. 63. As, therefore, the attachment is de­rived from the civil law, and the civil law was introduced into England by the Romans, early in the first century, he thought it im­practicable at this day to ascertain its source; but insisted that enough appeared to prove it to be of immemorial usage, and a part of the law of the land.

He then adverted to the leading objection made by the advocates for Col. Oswald, that, however the process of attachment might be legal in England, it was not so in Pennsylva­nia. From a decision in the time of Judge Kinsey, he shewed that, before the revolu­tion, an attachment had issued for a contempt, and that the party had, in fact, answered cer­tain interrogatories filed by order of the court; so that it only remained to enquire, whether [Page 14] any alteration had been introduced by the constitution of the state. In the 24th sect. of that instrument, it is declared that, ‘the supreme court, and the several courts of common pleas of this commonwealth, shall, besides the powers usually exercised by such courts, have the powers of a court of chancery, so far as relates, &c.’ Now, as it appears by the case which occurred while Mr Kinsey was chief justice, that the power of issuing attachments was usually exercised by the supreme court, so far from altering the law, this is a direct confirmation of the jurisdiction of the court; for, the greater naturally includes the less; and if the court is vested with all its former powers, by what possible construc­tion can we deprive it of this? But it is an­swered, that a section in the bill of rights provides, that "In all prosecutions for cri­minal offences the trial shall be by jury, &c." True; but the whole system must be taken together; or, if we examine a particular part, it must be with a recollection of the imme­diate subject to which that part relates For, otherwise, this very section might as proper­ly be brought to prove, that the judges could not be impeached (since surely that is not a trial by jury) as that they have not the power of issuing attachments. All cases proper for a trial by jury, the bill of rights clearly meant to refer to that tribunal; but can any thing more explicitly demonstrate, that the framers of the constitution were aware of some cases, which required another mode of proceeding, than their declaration, that "Trials shall be by jury as heretofore?"—Who will assert that contempts were ever so tried? who will hazard an opinion, that it is possi­ble so to try them?

But does not the constitution of Pennsyl­vania further distinguish between the laws of the land, and the judgment of our peers; fur­nishing a striking alternative, by the disjunc­tive particle or? This very sentiment, ex­pressed in the same words, appears in the Magna Charta of England; and yet Blackstone unequivocally informs us, that the process of attachment was confirmed by that celebrated instrument. In the 14 chap. of Magna Charta, it is also said, that ‘no amercement shall be assessed, but by lawful men of the vicinage;’ and who, that is at all acquainted with the law, or with the reason of the law, can think it possible, in that case, to pursue the generality of the expression? From these analogous principles, therefore, and the con­struction of ages, we may safely argue on the present occasion. But the wild and hy­pothetical interpretations, which some men have offered, would inevitably involve us in a labyrinth of error, and eventually en­danger that liberty, which they profess, and every honest citizen must wish, to preserve.

As to the manner of proceeding upon the attachment, the court on this occasion have fol­lowed the precedent in Mosley's rep 250. where it is liberally said, that the defendant shall not be permited to be examined to bring himself into contempt; but upon proof of the contempt, he shall be allowed to purge himself upon his oath.

Upon the whole, Mr. Lewis concluded, that the only grounds of impeachment, were bribery, corruption, gross partiality, or wilful and arbitrary oppression; and that as none of these had been proved, Col. Oswald's memorial ought to be dismissed. He said, indeed, that it would be preferable to return to the state of nature, than to live in a state of society upon the terms which that memorial presented;—terms which left the weak and the innocent a prey to the powerful and the wicked; and which gave to falsehood and licentiousness, all that was due to freedom and to truth.

When Mr. Lewis's argument was closed, Mr. Findley rose, and delivered his sentiments, with his usual abilities and precision. He acknowledged, that he had received great information and pleasure, from the learn­ed and eloquent speech of the member who preceded him; but he thought it was unnecessary, upon the present occasion, to explore the dark and distant periods of ju­ridical history. The rights and immunities which formed the great object of the revo­lution, he contended, were capable of an easy and unequivocal definition; they were not of such remote antiquity as to be lost even to the feelings of the people; and the constitution of the state was the only proper criterion, by which they could be judged and ascertained. He did not, therefore, intend to pursue Mr. Lewis, in the tract of legal disquisition; but, appealing confident­ly to the instrument itself, he deemed it to be his duty to pronounce, that the decision of the supreme court was a deviation from the spirit and the letter of the frame of govern­ment. In doing this, he observed, that he did not mean to assert, that any ground had been shewn for the impeachment of the judges. But, on the contrary, he agreed with Mr. Lewis, that bribery, corruption, or a wilful and ar­bitrary infraction of the law, were the only true causes for instituting a prosecution of that nature; and his candor readily induced him to believe, that as none of these had been proved, neither did any of them actual­ly exist on this occasion. But, he said, it was due to the dearest interests of posterity, that the legislature should act with that cir­cumspection, should decide with that wis­dom, which, leading on the one hand, to [Page 15] an acquittal of the judges, did not tend, on the other, to establish a baneful and destruc­tive precedent. It was in this point of view, that the present proceeding presented itself to his mind, as a matter of the greatest magnitude and importance; and he said it were better far that Col. Oswald had suffered in silence and obscurity, than that the atten­tion of the legislature should be awakened, only to give additional strength and autho­rity to the mistaken judgment of the court.

That it was a mistaken judgment, every man, he alledged, who possessed a competent share of common sense, and understood the rules of grammar, was able to determine on a bare perusal of the bill of rights and constitution. With these aids, he defied all the sophistry of the schools, and the jargon of the law, to pervert or corrupt the expli­cit language of the text; and therefore he regretted, that in listening to the ingenuity of Mr. Lewis's paraphrase, his admiration was not necessarily followed by conviction.

He then discussed the 9 sect. of the bill of rights, which provides, ‘that in all prosecu­tions for criminal offences a man hath a right to be heard by himself and his council, to demand the cause and nature of his accusation, to be confronted with the witnesses, to call for evidence in his favour, and a speedy public trial, by an impartial jury of the country, without the unanimous consent of which jury he cannot be found guilty, nor can he be compelled to give evidence against him­self, nor can any man be justly deprived of his liberty except by the laws of the land or the judgment of his peers.’ He said, that in these expressions, there was nothing ambiguous or uncertain; they contained a recapitulation of the most valuable privileges, in the most positive language; and they did not require to be illustrated, or explained, by the Roman institutions, or the British practice. Hither, he observed, every man could safely resort, in order to be taught the nature and extent of his rights and obliga­tions; and it would be fatal indeed to the cause of liberty, if it was once established, that the technical learning of a lawyer, is necessary to comprehend the principles, laid down in this great political compact be­tween the people and their rulers. Even with respect to that clause on which the pro­ceedings of the Judges are particularly vin­dicated, he did not perceive a reasonable ground for the distinction that was attempt­ed; but thought, with many other characters of superior information and abilities, that the law of the land was not, in fact, contra-distinguished from the judgment of his peers, but merely a diversity in the mode of ex­pressing the same thing. He admitted, however, that cases did exist in which it was necessary, for the sake of justice, to empower the judges to exercise a summary authority. For outrages committed in the face of the court, for the misconduct of its officers, and for a disobedience or resistance of its process, there seemed, he said, to be a propriety in establishing an immediate re­medy. But, this did not extend, in his opinion, to the case of constructive con­tempts; to criminal offences perpetrated out of the view of the court; nor to such acts, as in their nature, did not call for a sudden punishment, and which, in their operation, involved a variety of facts, that a jury were only competent to investigate and determine.

With respect to the argument offered by Mr. Lewis, that as attachments had issued in Pennsylvania before the revolution; and as the 24 sect. of the constitution, declares, that the courts shall have all the powers which they usually exercised, therefore the power of proceeding by attachment is confirmed, Mr. Findley observed, that the fallacy of this interpretation, would be notorious, by recollecting that the last sentence of that very section, stipulates that such powers shall not be inconsistent with the constitution. Nor would he admit the in­ference which had been drawn from the next section, that says, "trials shall be by jury as heretofore; for, he said, it appeared by its context and immediate subject, that was related to the forms and modes of pro­ceeding upon the trial, and not to the cases in which the trial ought to be allowed.

Having expatiated, with great energy, upon the different points of the constitution, which the subject brought into view; having asserted the right of every man to publish his sentiments on public proceedings; and having urged the danger of permitting the judges, by implication, to punish for offences against themselves (observing, that if it was a contempt to write, it was also a contempt to speak of a cause depending in the courts) he concluded with intimating, that he should take an opportunity of submitting a resolution to the house, which might serve to avert the pernicious consequences of al­lowing the case of Col. Oswald to grow into precedent.

Mr. Fitzsimons, now moved the following resolution.

"Resolved, That this house, having, in a committee of the whole, gone into a full ex­amination of the charges exhibited by Ele­azer Oswald, of arbitrary and oppressive [Page 16] proceedings in the justices of the supreme court against the said Eleazer Oswald, are of opinion, that the charges are unsupported by the testimony adduced, and, consequent­ly, that there is no just cause for impeaching the said justices."

The proposition contained in this resolu­tion, gave rise to a short but animated conver­sation. On the one hand, it was said, that, in admitting that there was no ground of impeachment, it was not intended to concede, that the facts represented in the memorial had not been proved: and, on the other hand, it was answered, that, if there had been proof that the memorialist, according to the complaint, ‘was immu­red in prison, without even the shadow of a trial, for an imaginary offence,’ it would have been the indispensable duty of the legislature to vote for an impeachment. A compromise, at length, took place, and the committe of the whole agreed to report the following resolution.

"Resolved, That the charges exhibited by Colonel Eleazer Oswald against the justices of the supreme court, and the testimony given in support of them, are not a suffi­cient ground of impeachment."

But when this report was called up for the decision of the house, it was postponed (and consequently lost) on motion of Mr. Clymer, in order to introduce the resolution original­ly proposed by Mr. Fitzsimons in the commit­tee. Mr. Findley then claimed the attention of the members, and after a judicious intro­duction, presented the following resolutions to the chair, to supercede Mr. Clymer's mo­tion.

"Resolved, That the proceedings of the su­preme court against Col. Eleazer Oswald, in punishing him by fine and imprisonment, at their discretion, for a constructive or im­plied contempt, not committed in the pre­sence of the court, nor against any officer, or order thereof, but for writing and pub­lishing improperly, or indecently, respect­ing a cause depending before the supreme court, and respecting some of the judges of said court, was an unconstitutional exercise of judicial power, and sets an alarming precedent, of the most dangerous consequence, to the citizens of this commonwealth."

"Resolved, That it be specially recom­mended to the ensuing General Assembly, to define the nature and extent of contempts, and direct their punishment."

An interesting debate arose upon these resolutions, in the course of which, much that had been said in the committee was re­peated, and many new ideas were suggested, upon the general question of the jurisdiction of the court in cases of attachment. With respect to Mr. Findley's propositions, that gentleman ably supported them upon the spirit of the constitution, and the expedien­cy of the thing itself. But it seemed to be satisfactorily answered by Mr. Lewis, 1st. That the legislative power is confined to ma­king the law, and cannot interfere in the inter­pretation; which is the natural and exclusive province of the judicial branch of the go­vernment: and 2dly, That the recommen­dation to the succeeding assembly would be nugatory; for the courts of justice derive their powers from the constitution, a source paramount to the legislature; and, conse­quently, what is given to them by the for­mer, cannot be taken from them by the latter.

Mr. Findley's motions were lost by a con­siderable majority; and Mr. [...]ymer's revived resolution, adopted by the house:

Yeas 34. Nays 23.

Thus terminated a business which for se­veral weeks agitated the public mind; and which was considered of so important a na­ture, that the GENERAL ASSEMBLY of Pennsylvania, at the very close of the last sessions of their political existence, and while solicited by a multiplicity of other objects of great national concern, devoted all their attention to hear the evidence with impartiality, to discuss the arguments with candor, and to decide upon the merits with integrity and wisdom.

Of the advantages derived from this scru­tiny, the most apparent, and the most immedi­ately interesting, are the certainty which it has given to a title of the law, not, perhaps, sufficiently understood before; and the testi­mony which it has supplied in favor of those who are enrusted with the administration of justice, and whose characters, like the chastity of Caesar's wife, should be free even from sus­picion. But there is another point of view, in which the patriotic eye will regard the beneficial influence of these transactions; for, when we behold the legislative authority of the state, listening, as in an act of duty, to the complaints of an individual citizen against a sister branch of the government, and not only able, but willing, to redress any wrongs that have been sustained; the emotions of gratitude and veneration will naturally swell the mind; every man must feel a pride and interest in supporting those laws which so amply protect him; and, while he contemplates the system of freedom under which he lives, he will at length be taught to convert a pious wish, into an effi­cient rule of action: ESTO PERPETUA!

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