
SCRIPTURAL CAUTIONS AGAINST EMBRACING A RELIGIOUS SCHEME, Taught by a number of Europeans, who came from England to America, in the Year 1776, and stile themselves the CHURCH, &c. &c.

By BENJAMIN WEST, Who has been deluded by them, to the great in­jury of himself and family.

Let no man deceive you by any means, for that day shall not come, except there be a falling away first, and that MAN of sin be revealed; the son of perdition; who opposeth and exalteth himself, above all that is called GOD, or that is worship­ed.

II. Thess. ii. 3, 4.

HARTFORD: Printed and sold by BAVIL WEBSTER, a few rods South-East of the Court-House, 1783.


Scriptural Cautions, &c.

AT the earnest request of many serious minded persons, I have undertaken to present to public view the necessity of their receiving and maintain­ing evidences of a saving interest in Christ, by faith and love; accompanied with practical Godliness,

And, From a discovery of the deplorable state of the inhabitants of our land, appearing awfully sunk down and involved in sin and disobedience against God, and the strong delusions pointed out in the scriptures, spreading amongst the people; and from sorrowful experience of the baneful effects of my own family's being infatuated with this new, false and strange religion; which is attended with all deceiv­ableness.

In deep humiliation I would advertise all people, that are desirous of the knowledge of the truth, that they may be saved from these impending delusions; with scriptural cautions, against giving their at­tention to false Christs and false Prophets; there­fore attend to the words of wisdom, from the wise King of Israel, against giving attention to, or fol­lowing after the strange WOMAN, or her Prosolites: Who flatter with their lips, Proverbs vii. 5, and at times is loud and stubborn; her feet abideth not in her house; therefore let not your hearts in­cline to her ways: Go not astray in her paths for she hath cast down many, wounded, yea her house is the way to hell, going down to the chambers of death, Proverbs vii. 11, 25, 26, 27. She having separated from, and left her own husband, as I am in­formed, contrary to divine authority, Matt. xix. 5, 6. I. Cor. vii. 2, 3, 4, 5. She and her adherents teach others to do the same, through which means instead [Page 4]of being a crown, to their husbands, they become as rottenness in his bones; Proverbs xii. 4. She selleth families through her witchcrafts. Mal. iii. 4. for they become tributary to her, as well as in­volved in Satan's snare.—It may be observed that this scheme is carried on and supported with all de­ceivableness. II. Thess. ii. 10. She is subtil of heart and their ways are movable, they may at first appear with many good words and fair speeches to deceive the hearts of the simple, repeating those miracles they have power to do. Rev. xii. 14. And there was un­clean spirits to come out of the mouth of the false prophet working miracles. Rev. xvi. 13, 14. They often change from this scheme of flattery and appear in a very great fury calling it the anger of God, a­gainst sin, telling persons they are going right to hell, except they come into relation with that body of Europeans they stile the CHURCH, and subjected in perfect obedience to them;—hence they wear the rough garment to deceive, as in Zach. xii. 4. If it be one that is persuaded of a saving interest in God's salvation, through faith in the blood and right teous­ness of Christ; they will very artfully labour to draw a vail between him and all his former views of re­demption by the virtue of Christ's blood; and tell them it will all avail them nothing, but he is the far­ther lost from God for what he has heretofore experi­enced of light, comfort and consolation; therefore there is no way to escape hell, but to lay open all the secret sins of his past life to them for they say God cannot be found any where else but in that body they belong to; therefore it appears that it is a strange God they worship, as well as a strange Woman they follow; I am persuaded it is not the God of the whole universe for he fills heaven and earth, therefore in him we live move and have our being; since there­fore they give their adorations to such a strange Deity, and adore a poor old Woman as the head and source of their influences; we may observe they have strange laws, which run counter to the laws and [Page 5]commands of the true God of Israel; they urge that for men and their own wives to dwell together according to knowledge in the use of means for multiplication according to God's appointment, is a damning sin; therefore the man and his wife must part asunder in that respect and not so much as lodge in one bed to­gether;—but the God that made them at the be­ginning made them male and female, and tempered them together; commanding them to be fruitful and multiply, annexing his blessing to them, Gen. i. 28. God saw fit to make the woman, a help meat for the man, being bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh, Gen. ii. 23. Again, we may observe God e­stablished his covenant with Noah; after he came out of the ark, when the old world was drowned, and commanded them to be fruitful and multiply, and bring forth abundantly in the earth, and multiply therein, Gen. ix. 7, 8 Moreover the superstitious Pharisees came to our Saviour tempting him with this question; whether or no it was lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause; observe the an­swer of that divine person by whom we were at first formed and who spake us into being; he answered the superstitious Pharisees & said unto them; have ye not read that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female, and said for this cause, shall a man leave father and mother and shall cleave to his wife, and they twain shall be one flesh; where­fore they are no more twain but one flesh; what therefore God has joined together let no man put a­sunder;—and tells them, some for the hardness of their hearts were suffered to put away their wives, but it was not so from the beginning, and he plainly tells them the consequences of such procedings is to become adulterers, Matt. ix. 3,—10, therefore Paul willeth that the young women marry, bear children, guide their house, and give no occasion to their ad­versary to speak reproachfully; hence it is that mar­riage is honorable in all, and the bed undefiled; but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge. [Page 6]I. Tim. v. 14. Heb. xiii. 4. Therefore it plainly ap­pears from divine authority that the laws and rules coming forth from the strange Woman and her pro­solites, does not correspond with, but runs counter to the laws and institutions of the God of the true Israel, under both law and gospel: To blind peo­ples eyes they urge they must not indulge any of the works of the flesh; now the apostle tells us the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these adultry, fornication, idolatry, witchcraft, &c. with many other wicked practices. But in the catalogue of the works of the flesh he does not once call in question; men's and women's labouring with their hands in a lawful way, for the things needful to their bodies nor partaking of those things for their nourishment and comfort, if it be received with thanksgiving to the author of their benefits. Neither does the inspired apostle once mention men and their own wives dwel­ling together according to knowledge, or lodging in one bed together, to be the works of the flesh; but the apostle describes the works of the flesh, Gal. v. 19, 20. Furthermore in this strange religion is found the generations that Solomon speaks of in Prov. xxx. 11. 12, that curses their father and does not bless their mother, and are pure in their own eyes, and never have been washed from their filthiness; if any should deny this assertion, it is too obvious from their own conduct to be denied, which may be prov­ed by good authority; what heavier curses can a child denounce against his parents than to call them devils and tell them they will wake in hell? yet these poor deluded creatures boast of their holi­ness, as though none could convince them of sin; it further appears they are not washed from their filthi­ness, from their own testimony, disowning any being born again but those Europeans, which they call the church; yet they will impose upon the public, pre­tending to teach them the way to heaven, and the things of the kingdom. And yet our Saviour testifi­ed to Nicodemus, except a man be born again he [Page 7]cannot see the kingdom of God; consequently they are strangers to the things of that kingdom, for if they are not born of God, they are of their father the devil. John, viii. 44. Therefore we may not think it strange if they clash in the face of God's authority, even to cursing father and mother, and parting asunder hus­band and wife; for Christ tells them the works of their father they will do, for he was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the truth; they also countenance and indulge husbands leaving their own wives, and children, and depriving them of his interest or labour for their maintainance or support, unless they will imbrace with them this strange re­ligion that is attended with so many glairing absurdi­ties. Wives disown all natural affections to their husbands and children. Thus women become monsters, and men worse than infidels in this new and strange religion: but when we consider from whence these new laws and rules originate, and who stands at the head of their discipline, the wonder may a­bate in some degree, for God placed the man next to himself in the creation, between the woman and him­self, and enjoined the womans obedience to the man, and said the man should rule over her, Gen. iii. 16. And Paul being inspired by the same spirit, saith, let the women learn in silence with all submission; but suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp autho­rity over the man, but to be in silence, for Adam was first formed, then Eve. I. Tim. ii. 11, 12, 13. But in this new religion, the men hold themselves in in­tire subjection to the woman, and she has the rule o­ver the men to that degree, that it appears to be the common opinion of her adherents and their foremost leaders, the oldest of which stands in more awe and fear of her than children do of their parents.

Under the lead and influence of this government, some being operated upon with strange persuations, that it is the works of God, acknowledge themselves filled with blasphemous thoughts against the God of heaven; and at times are under temptations to mur­der [Page 8]themselves, and yet are hurried to go forth with the rest of their company, in their dance as though they were all filled with frolicking devils. Sometimes they will appear with a strange rising shuddering, and trembling, as though the hatchways of the bot­tomless pit were bursted open, and the infernal spirits had broke in among them; therefore they have ma­ny kinds of charms to affright, or to allure. From these circumstances it may not be thought strange, if one should conclude their was sorcery and witch­craft in the cause, since they obey not the truth, Gal. iii. 1. They boast much of their signs and wonders, but I have not found them exalted above what we read of them in the II. Thess. ii. 3,—10. And we may see it is above all that is called God, and with all powers and signs, and lying wonders. Now the spirit speaketh expresly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, givine heed to seducing spirits and doctring of devils, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their consciences seared with a hot iron, forbiding to marry, and commanding to ab­stain from meats which God has created to be receiv­ed with thanksgiving. I. Tim. iv. 1, 2, 3.

Furthermore, They urge that a new dispensation has taken place, and that Christ has come the second time, which they pretend to prove by counting the mistical numbers specified in the prophesies of Daniel, as well as by their signs and wonders. But our Lord Jesus Christ advertises us of these great signs and wonders taking place before his coming; which if it were possible would deceive the very elect. Matt. xxiv. 24. These things indicate that the time draws nigh and is even at the doors; but it has pleased God in his wisdom to reserve the foresight and knowledge of that time to himself, and not reveal it to men nor angels beforehand; but it shall come sudden, to the great surprise of Christ's rejectors and gospel dispisers; for it shall come like a thief in the night, on a sudden as the lightening breaketh forth out of the east and shineth unto the west, for the Lord shall descend from [Page 9]heaven with a shout, &c. Matt. xxiv. 27, 43, I. Thess. iv. 16, &c. Therefore let all persons that are infatuated with apprehensions of its being a new dispensation, and so conclude it may admit of new laws or a new gospel, be alarmed from the following considerations.

When God had given forth the divine law under the legal dispensation, he forbid adding thereto or diminishing therefrom. Deut. xii 32. And at the close of the divine records, the Lord tells us, that he that shall add to the things of the prophesies of the book, God shall add to him all the plagues that are written in the book; and if any man shall take away from the words of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life. Rev. xxii. 18, 19. Therefore saith Paul, Though we, or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you, then that we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. Gal. i. 8. O then let us all turn our attention from the voice of false prophets and the influence of seucing spirits, and carefully attend to God's word, by which we are to try the spirits.—If there arise among you a prophet or a dreamer of dreams, and giveth thee a sign or a wonder, and the sign comes to pass, whereof he spake unto thee, saying, Let us go after other Gods, which thou hast not known, and let us serve them; thou shalt not harken to the words of that prophet or that dreamer of dreams; for the Lord your God proveth you, to know whether you love the Lord your God with your heart and with all your soul; ye shall walk after the Lord your God, and fear him and keep his commandments, and obey his voice, and ye shall serve him and cleave unto him, and that prophet or that dreamer of dreams shall be put to death, because he hath spoken to turn you away from the Lord your God. Deut. xiii. 1—5. Now let it excite every one that has named the name of Christ, to prayer and watchfulness, and that they depart from all iniquity; while we look into this meluncholly [Page 10]scene of some departing from the faith, and forget­ing they were purged from their old sins, and have be­come pussed up and vain in their imaginations, having their understandings darkened, being alien­ated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their hearts. Eph. iv. 18. And being destitute of the principles and powers of spiritual life and void of natural affec­tations. What must be the consequence of seeking to witches, wizards, charmers and those that have fami­liar spirits, and for children to curse their parents, husbands and wives to part asunder and become adulterers, leaving their poor children destitute of any support, and renouncing all natural affections for each other and their offspring, and speaking blas­phemies against God, and sometimes are under strong temptations to murder themselves, and yet seem to be fully persuaded they are in the work of God.

And now in order to be deterred from, and guarded against those horrid absurdities, let us all be allarmed from mount Ebal, & consider the cannons of God's word are loaded with heavy curses that are pointed against such wicked conduct, and will be discharged like so many blazeing thunder-bolts from the artillery of heaven, in one eternal storm against all such miserable offenders, unless timely repentance through the ten­der mercy and long forbearance of God, through the blood and righteousness of Christ interpose for their relief; for it will not avail for any to plead that those things were but the effects of their strong zeal; it was a very great zeal no doubt in them that caused their children to pass through the fire to Moloch; They built the high places of Baal, to burn their sons with fire for burnt offerings unto Baal, which the Lord says I commanded not, nor spake it, neither came it into my mind. Jer. xix. 5.

From hence we learn the necessity of keeping close to the sacred wor of God as the man of our counsel; [Page 11]for it is not only flesh and blood that we have to con­tend with in the cause, but principalities and powers and spiritual wickedness in high places; wherefore we need to take the whole armour of God, that we may be able to withstand temptations in this evil day; let us stand therefore having on the breast­plate of righteousness, above all, taking the shield of saith, wherewith we may quench all the fiery darts of the wicked; and take the helmet of salvation and sword of the spirit which is the word of God, praying with all prayer and supplication in the spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance. Eph. vi. 11—18. Therefore let every soul be careful to lay aside all carnal weapons in this case, and use none but them that are mighty through God to the pulling down the strong hold of sin either in ourselves or others, and casting down imaginations and every thing that exalteth itself against God, and let every thought be brought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and let us ever look to the Captain of our salvation by faith and prayer, lest while we are watching the motions of the enemy on one hand, we are caught in his snare on the other, and it being but fleeing from the bear for the lion to meet us.

With sorrow and grief I must confess I have been much captivated with, and deeply involved in this new and strange scheme, to the admiration of many of my former acquaintances, and was extremely zealous, being persuaded, it was the only way to perfection out of all sin; but alas, the great decep­tion is this, to be ever going on in a way that never comes to the knowledge of the truth.

For the consideration of inquiring minds, I shall mention a few things which were conducive to my falling in with this deceiving scheme; the consider­ation of which is to be lamented. Not only seeing the encouragible, impenitent, and open profane, ea­gerly pursuing every method by which they might [Page 12]express their absolute contempt both of the autho­rity and goodness of God, (which should have led them to repentance) as though the flood-gates of sin and abomination were hoisted, and each one was striving to be formost in the horrid stream lead­ing down to the black regions of the burning main.

And the professing people of our land, who stile themselves Christians, who ought to have kept the feast with the unlevened bread of sincerity, or ra­ther been mourning for the abominations of our land in deep humiliation before God.

But the dark aspects that appear from their com­mon conduct, seem to denote a woful declension from gospel simplicity, and true faith is scarcely to be found on earth amongst all its professors, who appear with the mark of infidelity, coveteousness, pride and wantonness abounding, at a very enormous height, through which means civil religion appears to be stiffled, and almost fetched its last gasps in our pro­fessing land. The consideration of these things gave me much exercise for the want of charity; when there was any subjected to the cross, or had vital union with Christ, or walked humbly with God.

And my mind not being fruitful in the consider­ation, that at such a juncture the man of sin or son of perdition would exalt himself and ascend his reign with the miftry of inquity, spreading itself with all deceivableness.

I therefore having the oppertunity of an interview with those people, who [...] me, that a new dispersation had taken place; and they appearing with their fine-spue dress of perfection—with the appearance or things supernatural, and with many good words, drew my attention to their inchanting [...], by which means I soon became prejudiced in their favour, and subjected to their lead and go­vernment, [Page 13]expecting to find them the people they profess to be.

But alas, I found myself awfully deceived, being landed upon a papist system attended with its own spirit, and pregnant with its corrupt principles, vending itself with the attempts of tyranny: as the young asp may act out all the postures of the old one, before it has power to bite.

Furthermore, When I came to hear false testimo­nies, to my certain knowledge, come forth from those that call themselves perfect, as well as from their prosolites; under these operations and influences de­ceived by them, which has not only been productive to break the most tenderest ties of nature between a man and his wife, but the horrid sin of adultry is carried on amongst those superstitious perifectioners, that pretend, that it is a damning sin for a man and his own wife to dwell together according to know­ledge in the natural use of each other.

But since their scheme is carried on, and with all deceivableness, the circumstances of deception are manisold.

Respecting their dancing, the general representa­tion they give of it, is, that it is the token of great joy and happiness of the new Jerusalem state, and denotes the victory over sin; a great deception lies in these pretentions; for ask those dancers, whether they are born again, and they will say no. Besides this, the orders from their church, are to labour in their dance to maortify the lufts of the flesh. Hence they use these expression in their dance: Labour, labour, mortification before redemption! Thus it evidently appears, that in order to be born again, they must ware out their constitutions, and reduce their natures so low, as not to have any of the common seelings of mankind, and by this they are to judge of their be­ing born again; O miserable Jerusalem state.

[Page 14] About two years ago, they held up to view, and was often heard to say, if they persevered in their dis­pensation, they should never die a natural death; but after they began to die and numbers had died among them, they grew ashamed of their doctrine of immor­tality, and began to deny that they ever held to any such thing; thus they are known to shist and change, to say and unsay, to carry and end their scheme.

As to their doctrine, it is well known to all who are acquainted with the several branches of it, and are also acquainted with the doctrine of the church of Rome, that there is no essential difference; their doctrine of persection, celibacy or abstainance, the doctrine of purgatory or prison state, the doctrine of church oracles, the doctrine of church power to open and shut heaven to acquit and damn souls, is all Ro­mish doctrine; thus it is very easy to see who these people are, and to what body or church they belong; and if it was written of the church of Rome, Mistery, Babylon the great, the mother of harlots and abomi­nations of the earth; so may it be written of this people, Mistery, Rome the mother of witchcrasts, &c.

It may also be observed that the exact resemblance of this people appeared in England in the year 1706 and 1707, brought in by two or three French pro­phets (so called,) who went on with their prophesies, shakeings, unknown tongues, &c. which prevailed for a time, and took in many into the delusive scheme, but finally worked itself out and died in shame and contempt.

Since therefore we are all exposed and liable to be taken in the snares of Satan, let it exite one all to sanctify the Lord God in their hearts, and let him be our fear and our dread, since the fear of the Lord is a fountain of life to depart from the snares of death. For he spake thus to me with a strong hand, and in­structed [Page 15]me that I should not walk in the way of this people. Saying, Say ye not a confederacy to all them to whom this people shall say a confederacy; neither fear ye their fear, nor be afraid; sanctify the Lord of hosts himself, and let him be your fear, and let him be your dread. And when they shall say unto you, seek unto them that have famliar spirits, and unto wizards that peep, and mutter: should not a people seek unto their God: for the living, to the dead? TO the law and to the testimony: if they speak not ac­cording to this word, it is because there is no light in them. Isaiah, viii. II—13, 19, 20.

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