
A First Book for CHILDREN.

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s s t u v w x y z & A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s s t u v w x y z &

Note, When the above Alphabets are defaced, this leaf may be pasted upon the cover, and that on the other side used.


Philadelphia: Printed and sold by J. Crukshank, in Mar­ket-street, between Second and Third-streets. 1778.


a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s s t u v w x y z & A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ct sh st ff si fi sl fl ssi ffi ffl sb sk

ba be bi bo bu
da de di do du
fa fe fi fo fu
ha he hi ho hu
la le li lo lu
ma me mi mo mu
na ne ni no nu
pa pe pi po pu
ra re ri ro ru
sa se si so su
ta te ti to tu
wa we wi wo wu
za ze zi zo zu
ab eb ib ob ub
ac ec ic oc uc
ad ed id od ud
af ef if of uf
al el il ol ul
am em im om um
an en in on un
ap ep ip op up
ar er ir or ur
as es is os us
at et it ot ut
ax ex ix ox ux
bla ble bli blo blu
bra bre bri bro bru
cha che chi cho chu
cla cle cli clo clu
cra cre cri cro cru
dra dre dri dro dru
fra fre fri fro fru
gla gle gli glo glu

Am an as at ax
If in is it do
To by ty vy it
Be he me we ye
Go ho do so wo
Of on or up ox

I am, he is, we go;
An ax, an ox, to us;
Ye do, it is, on us;
I am up, we go in,
Go on it, be at it.
Is it in? is it up?
As we go up. Go by,
As it is, as I am;
As we go, so ye do;
Am I to go? so is he;
Go up to it, go in.
Is it an ax? It is an ox?
Is it of us? Is it on me?
To us be no wo, so be it.

Bag cag nag rag
bat cat hat rat
ben den men pen
bob mob rob sob
Bar far tar war
bed fed led red
big dig wig bit
bog cog hog log
but cut hut nut
can fan man pan
cry dry fry try
dew few new pew
fan tan nan ran
foe two roe toe
inn pin sin win
pay day say way
bet met set wet
sod nod pod iod
day hay may nay
din pin tin win
fop mop sop top
gun run sun tun
leg beg keg peg
put hut nut sup

Act air ask all
bad bee boy toy
mat cat cow cup
due die dim dog
woe ear eel elm
sky fly for fox
had has hay way
hot hat hit how
jar joy jet jug
led lie lid lip
nag net new nip
old one own out
pap pig pin pay
And ape ant are
bid box bed but
cur cry did dig
she eat egg end
eye fat far fig
gap gay God gun
him his hot pot
way was ill ink
low lie leg let
mad may men mug
not nor now nut
pay pan pen peg
ran son see sow

See for the boy
Is he yet in bed?
Bid him get up
A pot and a mug;
A fly in a jug.
And yet do no ill.
You run all day,
How far did he go?
Was she yet up?
The sky is red.
Pay the boy his due, and let him go.
The air is hot; and the way is bad.

All call fall Ark bark mark
ake cake take band hand sand
cart dart wart bail pail nail
bare care mare bill fill kill
book cook hook cold fold hold
ball fall hall damp camp lamp
dice tice rice dine fine line
hare mare pare ink link pink
fear hear near gain pain rain
kick lick sick made laid paid
lace pace race pine vine wine
leek seek week pipe ripe wipe
rent sent tent seed deed feed
ride side wide ship trip whip
save pave wave weed feed need
alms aunt arts book born beam
back bear bean care cart chub
bell belt band child comb comes
bled blot bird lock cock crow
boot meal root each east ease
dark doth door down deed done
from fall fear deep dust dull
feed fish find food feel fowl
have hate heal gain give gave
heat meat moon goat good grew
heart help hard hand hear hair
high hill hand lead lett left
hold hope rope land live look
king kind know love lime time
laid lamb last lamp land like
Lord love loud make meat mark
lead left lend meek made mind
like life light name nine pray
mild mind mine pile pole pain
meat nest next most lame tame
nail pail rail next noise night
nine vine hurt part poor play
fish fear found path play peace
race rain read salt safe seam
rest rise rude seat send seek
ripe rock bush sees soon sick
said seek sink just shew sins
sing skin sure that them thee
slip star slow they this thus
soul such swim thou still took
talk tall tell tree true tend
vain vice whom warm west will
walk were wash wild wind wing
w [...]k weep well wish with wise
went what when wool work worn
Ad-am Cam-el Fan-cy hea-vy
A-bel can-dle far-mer hin-der
ac-tor can-not fa-vour ho-ly
ad-der car-ry fe-ver hum-ble
af-ter cat-tle flat-ter In-to
an-ger chap-ter flow-er Lad-der
al-so cho-sen fin-ger la-dy
an-gel cof-fin fol-low lap-pet
a-ny co-lour fol-ly la-zy
Ba-bel cor-ner for-ty lat-ter
ba-ker cri-er fu-ry let-ter
bar-rel cus-tom Gal-lop li-ar
beg-gar Di-al gar-den lin-ger
bet-ter di-ed gar-ret li-on
bit-ter dig-ged gar-ter lof-ty
bo-dy din-ner glo-ry lit-tle
bo-som doc-tor god-ly Ma-ry
bles-sed dri-ver gos-pel ma-ker
bro-ken du-ty gun-ner man-ger
bro-ther E-ver Han-dy man-ner
bu-ry en-ter hap-pen ma-ny but-ter en-vy hap-py mar-vel
bu-sy e-vil har-vest mas-ter
mat-ter sil-ver tru-ly after
mem-ber slip-per tu-lip anger
mil-ler sin-ner tu-tor baker
mo-ment sis-ter Val-ley better
mo-ney so-ber va-pour blessed
mut-ter sor-row ve-ry cannot
Ne-ver sto-ny vir-gin chapter
new-ly sto-ry Wa-ter driver
On-ly spi-rit wel-fare flatter
or-der sum-mer wick-ed gospel
Pa-per sun-der win-ter hinder
par-don sup-per wil-low manner
plen-ty seem-ly will-ing mutter
pen-ny Ta-ble win-dow pardon
pep-per tay-lor wor-thy penny
pi-per tem-ple wis-dom silver
pis-tol tem-per wit-ness sinner
pup-py ten-der wo-man temple
Sad-ler tin-der won-der valley
san-dy tor-ment wor-ship winter
ser-vant tra-der wri-ter willow
ser-pent trav-el yon-der wonder
Beast climb found Large
bless clean forth least
blind close frame laugh
bliss cross fruit leave
blood Dealt Ghost learn
birth death glass light
black ditch grain Mean
bones dread grave might
bring dress grace mouth
blush drink great mourn
boast dross green Noise
bough drown groan north
bread dwarf guide Ought
break dwell guile ounce
brink Earth guilt Peace
broad Faint Heart place
broke false hedge plant
built fault house plead
Christ feast Judge pluck
cause field Knew plumb
cheat flame knock press
child flock know print
proud shock stork twelve
psalm shore store Voice
purge short storm Watch
Queen shoot swear waste
quick stand sweet weave
Raise slave sweep wheat
reach state sword wheel
reign smote Taint where
roast snare taste while
round sound teach white
Saint sought teeth whole
scorn space tempt which
screw spark thank wound
sense spare thing would
shame spent those world
shake speak three wrong
shall speech their Year
sheaf stand throw yield
sheep steal twice youth
sheet strive trust young
shewn sting truth Zeal
Ad-der cus-tom hear-ed always
al-ways Dai-ly high-est custom
an-swer deal-er hoa-ry answer
au-thor de-vil hun-gred either
Bap-tist dis-tance hus-band binding
be-ing Ear-ly In-ward favour
bind-ing ei-ther Jo-seph bringeth
bre-thren Fa-ther jour-ney feather
bring-eth fa-vour judg-ment clothed
Call-ed fill-ed jus-tice garment
chil-dren fea-ther King-dom hallow
chim-ney fer-vent kind-ness hardned
cloth-ed flow-er kins-folks cursed
con-stant Gar-ment know-ing heaven
crea-ture good-ness Land-lord healing
curs-ed Hal-low law-yer hearken
crim-son hard-ned last-ing highest
cru-el hea-ven light-ed husband
cud-gel heal-ing Ma-ker journey
cum-min hear-ing man-mon kindness
cun-ning heark-en man-date landlord
cus-tom heart-en man-gle lawyer
cur-sed hea-then justice
man-kind pros-per tem-ple mankind
mar-ry pray-er tem-pest precept
month-ly pre-cept ter-ror morning
morn-ing Quar-rel third-ly naked
Na-ked Re-fuse thun-der ready
near-er rea-dy trav-el ninety
nine-ty rea-son trou-ble pardon
no-thing reap-er tur-nip rudder
Of-fer rid-dle tip-ward painful
Par-don rud-der thirs-ty saying
pain-ful Sa-cred turn-ed passage
pa-rents say-ing Va-cant sitting
pas-sage sin-ful va-lour people
pas-sed sit-ting ves-sel shortly
pat-tern shep-herd vir-tue perfect
peo-ple short-ly Wed-ding skilful
per-fect sil-ver wea-ther plowing
per-form skil-ful wis-dom swallow
plea-sure slen-der wel-come teacher
plow-ing swal-low writ-ten vessel
pre-pare sub-ject writ-ing wisdom
pro-phet Teach-er Youth-ful written
pros-pect tem-per Zeal-ous
Al-low dis-tress op-press abstain
a-mongst di-vine Per-haps divine
at-tend En-joy per-tain affect
a-way en-tire pre-pare entire
Be-came ex-cel pre-vail allow
be-fore ex-hort Rai-ment exhort
be-lieve For-bid re-cline attend
be-hold for-give re-duce forgive
Com-ply [...]-sake re-late became
con-ceive Gen-teel re-move gallant
con-tain Him-self re-pose believe
cre-ate Im-pend re-ward himself
De-fame in-cline Se-duce comply
de-lay in-firm six-teen hundred
de-part know ledge sub-ject create
des-pise mis-lead sur-vey infirm
de-test mo-lest Tra-duce defame
dis-may Neg-lect Vir-gin mislead
dis-miss O-bey Where-by despise
dis-patch ob-tain with-in neglect
dis-pel ob-trude with-draw detest
dis-pense op-pose with-out obtain

[Page 22] Man was at first made in a state of bliss; but by sin he fell from that good state into a state of Woe and misery

Christ our blessed Lord came down from heaven, to save man from sin, and to give life to the soul; a life that will never end.

His birth was mean and low, his life was meek, and humble.

It is by, and thro' him we hope to live in bliss and joy, when this life ends.

Let us all, by the help of his grace, strive to be like him, to be good as he was good, meek as he was meek and low in our own eyes.

He taught the right way to heaven, and pointed out the path that leads to peace.

In return for such great goodness, the Jews, by wicked hands, slew him, nailing him on a cross.

Thus died the son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ, in order to save mankind!

[Page 23] His body was laid in the grave: For our sake, he passed thro' the valley of death, that we might live and become heirs of heaven and children of God,

And all this was done, as it had been spo­ken, of the Lord, by the prophet.

Behold a virgin shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Jesus; for he shall save his people from their sins.

The Angel of the Lord came unto Mary and said unto her, Fear not Mary, for thou hast found favour with God.

And behold thou shalt conceive and bring forth a son, and he shall be great, and shall be called, The Son of the Highest.

And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever, and of his Kingdom there shall be no end.

And the child Jesus grew, and became strong in spirit; filled with wisdom and the grace of God was upon him.

[Page 24] And when he was twelve years old, he went up with his parents to the feast, after the cu­stom of the Jews:

And when the days of the feast were over, the people went home, but the child Jesus was still in the city, and his parents knew it not.

And when they had gone a day's journey, they found he was not with them; then they sought him amongst their kinsfolk.

And when they found him not, they turned back again to the city:

And after three days, they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors hearing them, and asking them questions

And all that heared him, were amazed at his knowledge and answers.

When his parents saw him they said unto him, Son, why hast thou dealt thus with us? behold we have sought thee with sorrow. And he said unto them;

How is it that ye sought me, knew ye not, that I must perform the work that my father sent me to do?

[Page 25] Then he went down with Joseph and his mother, Mary, and was subject unto them.

In those days came John the Baptist, preach­ing in the desert, saying, repent ye, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.

And now also the ax is laid unto the root of the tree, every tree, therefore, which bring­eth not forth good fruit, is hewn down and cast into the fire.

And John was clothed with camel's hair, and with a girdle of a skin about his loins, and he did eat locust and wild honey.

And John said unto them all; I indeed bap­tize you with water; but one greater than I cometh, he shall baptize you with the Holy­Ghost.

Whose fan is in his hand, and he will ga­ther the wheat into his garner; but the chaff he will burn with fire.

Now Jesus began to preach, and to do many wonders; healing the sick, the lame and the blind.

[Page 26]

Ac-ti-on glo-ri-fy Alderman
al-der-man gra-ci-ous gracious
al-pha-bet gro-ce-ry amazed
a-ma-zed Hap-pi-ly harmony
a-no-ther har-mo-ny annual
an-nu-al ho-li-ness holiness
a-sha-med hos-pi-tal bodily
Bo-di-ly Im-pi-ous impious
be-ne-fit in-fa-my benefit
bra-ve-ry in-ward-ly infamy
Cal-li-co ig-no-rant capable
ca-pa-ble in-he-rit innocent
car-ri-ed in-no-cent certify
cer-ti-fy Ja-ve-lin juniper
com-pa-ny ju-ni-per dutiful
Dig-ni-ty La-za-rus magnify
du-ti-ful Mag-ni-fy exposed
E-ter-nal mer-ci-ful formally
ex-po-sed mil-li-on miracles
For-mal-ly mi-ra-cles gallery
Gal-le-ry mi-se-ry misery
ga-ther-ed mi-nis-ter minister
mo-nu-ment Sa-vi-our Saviour
mor-ti-fy se-pa-rate mortify
mul-ti-ply sen-si-ble sensible
mov-a-ble sig-ni-fy mulberry
mul-ber-ry sol-di-er soldier
Na-ti-on spec-ta-tor nation
nur-se-ry Te-di-ous tedious
Or-der-ly tem-po-ral orderly
or-na-ment ter-ri-fy terrify
par-a-ble tes-ta-ment parable
pa-ti-ence tes-ti-fy testify
pi-e-ty Ti-mo-thy prepared
pre-pa-red to-bac-co tobacco
pub-lish-ed Va-li-ant valiant
pu-nish-ment va-ni-ty purity
pu-ri-ty ve-he-ment pillory
pil-lo-ry ve-ri-ly virtuous
Re-deem-er vir-tu-ous reconcile
re-mem-ber vi-si-ted visited
re-con-cile un-law-ful vanity
re-pent-ance won-der-ful unlawful
righ-te-ous yes-ter-day wonderful
Bleach growth fleeve
breach Health sought
bought hearth speech
breath League spunge
broach length squeak
brogue Nought squint
brought Phrase strange
bruise please stream
Caught plunge stealth
chance plague strait
church praise strength
clothes preach string
cruise priest Taught
Dearth Quench thought
draught Scarce thread
drought school throat
Flaunt search throne
fierce sheath thrown
fought shield through
friend shrink tongue
fringe shrimp Wealth
Ground shroud Youth

[Page 29] Matt. 25, 31. When the Son of man shall come in his glory and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory;

And before him shall be gathered all nations; and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats: And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on his left.

Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you, from the foundation of the world; for I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat; I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink; I was a stranger, and ye took me in; naked, and ye clothed me; I was sick and ye visited me; I was in prison, and ye came unto me.

Then shall the righteous answer him, saying Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink?

When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee? or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?

[Page 30] And the king shall answer and say unto them. Verily I say unto you, in as much as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand. Depart from me, ye cursed into everlast­ing sire prepared for the devil and his angels; for I was an hungred, and ye gave me no drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me not in; naked, and ye clothed me not; sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not.

Then shall they also answer him, saying Lord, when saw we thee an hung [...]red, or a thirst or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee?

Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, In as much as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me. And these shall go away into everlasting pu­nishment; but the righteous into life eternal.

[Page 31]

The Danger of delaying Repentance.

Why should I say 'tis yet too soon,
To seek for heav'n or think of death?
A flow'r may fade before 'tis noon,
And I this day may lose my breath.
If this rebellious heart of mine,
Despise the gracious calls of heaven,
I may be hardn'd in my sin,
And never have repentance given.
What if the Lord grow wroth, and say?
While I refuse to read and pray,
That he'll refuse to lend an ear,
To all my groans another day.
What if his dreadful anger burn,
While I refuse his offer'd grace,
And all his love to anger turn,
And strike me dead upon the place?
Then 'twill for ever be in vain,
To cry for pardon and for grace,
To wish I had my time again,
Or hope to see my maker's face.
[Page 32]
There's not a sin that we commit,
Nor wicked word we say,
But in God's dreadful book 'tis writ,
Against the judgment day.
And must the crimes that I have done,
Be read and publish'd there;
Be all expos'd before the sun,
While men and angels hear?
Lord at thy foot asham'd I lie,
Upward I dare not look,
Pardon my sins before I die,
And blot them from thy book.
Remember all the dying pains,
That my redeemer felt;
And let his blood wash out my stains,
And answer for my guilt.
O may I now for ever sear,
T' indulge a sinful thought;
Since the great God can see and hear,
And writes down every fault.

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