
COUNSEL TO THE CHRISTIAN-TRAVELLER: ALSO, MEDITATIONS AND EXPERIENCES MADE PUBLIC, As a TESTIMONY to the right Way of GOD, revealed and made known in this the Day of his glorious Appearing in his People; that they may be encouraged to walk therein to the End thereof.


TO WHICH IS ADDED, A Treatise concerning Thoughts and Imaginations, Good and Evil; also, a few Words concerning the Life of a Christian, and Christian Worship.


EXOD. XIV. 15.

Speak unto the Children of Israel, that they go forward.

MAT. X. 22.

He that endureth to the end shall be saved.


[Page iii]

To the Christian Reader.

I Do not mean to thee, that hast only the name Christian, be­cause thou hast been born in a nation called so, or because thy parents were so, and thou hast walked in their traditions, and made profession of that which is reputed the Christian Re­ligion. Neither do I mean thou, that art the son, daughter, servant, or hand-maid of a Christian indeed; who hast been edu­cated and instructed in the principles of the Christian Religion, not only by precept, but by example; and hast, in honour and respect of thy parents or master, yielded obedience so far, as to walk in some measure in the form thereof, out of the super­fluity of naughtiness that is in the world; which is commen­dable in its place, time and season: Yet thou art not the Chri­stian I here intend. But thou art the man or woman, who hast known something of the work and power of God in or upon thy mind, and art in some measure quicked and made alive thereby, hast been made sensible of thy sore bondage and cap­tivity, and hast cries and breathings begotten in thee for deli­verance, under the sense of thy sad state and condition without a Saviour. Thou, to whom sin hath been a grievous burthen, with which thou hast been weary and heavy laden. Thou to whom sin is made exceeding sinful, so that thou hatest it, even as God hates it, viz. because it is sin; and art in love with right­teousness, purity and holiness, having felt the drawings of the Father to the Son thy Saviour; and thou art now in him, pres­sing hard to be wholly freed from the one, and to become a servant, child and friend of the other.

Thou art the Christian Reader my bowels yearn towards, my care is for, and my advice is to, that thou mayest persevere to the end, and escape all the dangers in the way; that thou mayest be acquainted with the wiles of the enemy, and with his mysterious working against thee, even after the strong man is bound, his goods spoiled, and thy house swept and garnished; after thou hast clean escaped the pollutions of the world, and the errors therein, and hast had much experience of the power and presence of the Lord; even after he hath brought thee into his vineyard, into his garden, and made thee a dresser and keeper of it, if thou wilt receive and keep the penny (the re­ward) thou must be diligent and watchful therein. Remember, the serpent came into Paradise to deceive, and that satan came [Page iv]before God, to accuse and stir him up against the righteous, and that the great red dragon got into Heaven; and not only so, but made war there, and stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, to devour the child as soon as it was born. And when he was overcome in Heaven, and cast into the earth and sea, and among the inhabitants thereof, he ceased not to be wroth with the woman, and to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus. Read Rev. xii. This hath been his work of old, and is the same at this day.

Seeing Paradise, the presence of God and Heaven, are not exempted from the approaches of the serpent, satan and dra­gon; what great need there is for thee to be always armed against him, and to keep a watchful eye over him, especially when he appears as a friend, as he did in Paradise, when he said, You shall not die, you shall be as gods. As if he had said, I am so much your friend, that I am come to persuade you to do some­thing to better your states, and to bring you into a greater glory: I propose nothing but what, if you obey me, shall turn to your good. Thus he beguiled them then, and hath done since, and may do thee, if thou abides not in the light which discovers him, and all his wiles and devices, formings and transformings. But as thine eye is single, thou wilt always see and know him to be as he is, and not as he appears to be: So shalt thou never be deceived nor betrayed by him. But many assaults, trials, and temptations, thou must expect from him. Amidst all, keep thine eye upon God thy Saviour, who hath given thee faith in him; which faith is indeed very precious, and very power­ful, able to overcome and give thee victory over all thy ene­mies. If thou keep it, and grow in it, it will certainly be as an anchor unto thee, when storms attend; as a shield and breast-plate unto thee, when enemies assault. Remember the counsel of Paul, Silvanus and Timotheus, to the Thessalonians. Let us who are of t [...]e day, be sober, putting on the breast-plate of forth and love, and for an helmet the hope of salvation; for God hath not ap­pointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by or Lord Jesus Christ. This was the blessed end of the call and appointment of God in all ages, even that all who hear and obey it, might obtain salvation, the end of faith and hope; and is the same to a rem­nant in this age. Happy art thou that enjoyest it, and abid­est with him that hath called thee to it, and wrought it in thee, and for thee; which is God, blessed and praised throughout all generations.

Now, Christian Reader, what I have here committed to the press, is from a deep and weighty consideration, observation [Page v]and knowledge of the glorious appearance of God in this our day, in the consciences of thousands, who have been made as clay in the hand of the potter, ready to be formed according to his will, even vesse [...]s of honour, and many have been made so, and do so remain; but some have been marred on the wheel. Some have miscarried in the midst of the way; some have sate down, some have fallen out (even with their bre­thren) by the way; some have turned out of the way, and brought an evil report upon it, and lard stumbling-blocks in the way, and occasioned the way of truth to be evil spoken of; whose damnation slun [...]bers not. My hearty desire is, that nei­ther thou nor I may ever be of this number. What I say unto thee, I say unto my own soul, Go forward to perfection. Let not the enemy of thy soul beguile thee of thy exceeding great re­ward, which is laid up in store for [...]li that love the appearance of God in Christ Jesus, and that join therewith, and work therein, till all the works of God are finished, and till all the works of sin, self and satan, are wrought out and destroyed, and thou fully delivered from the bondage of corruption, into the glorious liberty of the children of God. This thou mayest have longed for and breathed after, and art now called to the possession and enjoyment of; and not only so, but to the abiding and standing fast therein; so thou shalt never be entangled with the yoke of bondage again, nor turn back in thy heart to Egypt; nor ever hunger nor thirst after the forbidden f [...]it again. So to him that is able to keep thee from falling, and to the word of his grace (in thy heart) I recommend thee; which as thou keepest unto, and learnest of, thou wilt be enabled to perse­vere safely to the end, and in the end lie down in peace, and know the God of peace to keep thy heart in peace. This is the blessed fruit and effect of righteousness, of well-doing, di­ligence and watchfulness; which as thou art found in, grace and peace will be multiplied in and to thee, through the know­ledge of God, and Jesus our Lord, who hath called us to glory and virtue: To whom be praise forever more.


IF this small treatise shall come into the hand of such who account themselves religious, and are zealous for the doc­trines and traditions of their fore-fathers, and can talk much of Christianity, God, Christ and the holy Scriptures; but are highly offended with a little remnant of people that God hath raised up in this age, to bear witness to the way of the Lord, under [Page vi]the name Light, Grace, Law, Spirit and Power of God within; ac­counting it a new sort of doctrine, inconsistent with Christ and Christianity, giving it despicable names, &c.

To such my earnest request is, (even in love and good-will to you) seeing you say you love, believe and honour the Scrip­tures; that you would shew yourselves like the Bereans, with an unprejudiced mind search the Scriptures, especially these fol­lowing. Be serious, take leasure to read them, meditate a little, laying aside thy carnal thoughts, and that wisdom which is from beneath, which darkneth the counsel of God, and wresteth the Scriptures. Then thou mayest clearly perceive, that it is no new doctrine to preach the Light, nor error to assent that it is the way of God, that leadeth all that turn to it and walk in it, into true Christianity. If any objection ariseth and remaineth in thy mind, concerning the way of God here borne testimony to; if any words that can be read, writ or spoken, are able to give thee a satisfactory convincing answer thereto, the Scriptures are those words, especially to thee that professest an honour and obedience to them.

But this, in short, I testify, That if thou slight the gift of God, the manifestation of his Spirit, light and grace bestowed upon thee, and given unto thee, as one talent at least to im­prove, thou canst not understand nor receive the testimony of the Scriptures. If thou hast any desire to understand the holy Scriptures, and things of God, thou must come to know and love the Light, Law and Spirit of God, and feel the operation of it in thy own heart, to fit and prepare thee to understand the divine mysteries of his kingdom, and to inherit them; untill which, though thou mayest account thyself wise, rich and full, and may be cloathed with a profession of Christianity, yet thou art poor, blind, miserable and naked; covered with a cover­ing, but not with the spirit of the Lord, not with a meek and quiet spirit; not with a Christ like spirit; not with the spirit of the primitive Christians.

So thou art not in a capacity to understand their words, tho' thou mayst profess them as the Jews did the Law and the Pro­phets, yet persecuted him of whom they testified. That thou mayst avoid doing the same, I counsel thee to receive the grace, light and spirit of God, which appears in thee, and shines un­to thee, in order to lead and guide thee unto everlasting life. This is the will of God, and the desire of his people, that all men might come to the knowledge of the truth and be saved; not only from condemnation and punishment, but from com­mitting sin, the cause thereof.

By this one thing, thou mayst know whether thy heart be [Page vii]right in the fight of the Lord, whether the spirit and nature of Christianity be prevalent in thee: If thou art not as much afraid to commit sin, as thou art of hell and punishment; if the doing of evil is not become so odious and hateful unto thee (because contrary to the nature and mind of God) that if there was no punishment entailed upon the doing thereof, yet thou wouldst not defile thyself therewith, nor dishonour thy God, nor thy profession of his name. If it be not so with thee, thou hast great cause to question, whether thou art indeed what thou haft a name, profession, or an opinion to be, viz. a TRUE CHRISTIAN.

The Testimony of the Holy Scriptures concerning the LIGHT which is spiritual.

  • Job xxix. 3. WHEN his candle shined upon my head, and when by his light I walked through darkness.
  • Isa. ix. 2. The people that walked in darkness, have seen a great light: They that dwell in tho land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined.
  • Chap. lx. 1. Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.
  • Luke ii. 32. A light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel.
  • John viii. 12. Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: He that followeth me, shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.
  • Chap. xii. 36. While ye have light, believe in the light, that ye may be the children of light.
  • Vers. 46. I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness.
  • 2 Cor. iv. 6. For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God, in the face of Jesus Christ.
  • Col. i. 12. Giving thanks unto the father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light.
  • 2. Tim. i. 10. But is now made manifest by the appearing of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who hath abolished death, and hath brought life and immortality to light, through the gospel.
  • 1. John i. 5. This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.
  • [Page viii] Vers. But if we wall in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.
  • Chap. ii. 8. Again, a new commandment I write unto you, which thing is true in him and in you: because the darkness is past, and the true light now shineth.
  • Vers. 9. He that saith he is in the light, and hateth his bro­ther, is in darkness even until now.
  • Vers. 10. He that loveth his brother abideth in the light, and there is none occasion of stumbling in him
  • 2 Pet. i. 19 We have also a more sure word of prophecy, whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day-star arise in your hearts.
  • 1 Peter ii. 9. But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priest­hood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praise of him, who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light.
  • Rev. xxi 24. And the nations of them that are saved, shall walk in the light of in: And the kings of the earth do bring their glory and honour into it.
  • 1 Thess. v. 5. Ye are all the children of the light, and the children of the day: We are not of the night, nor of darkness.
  • Ephes. v. 8. For ye were sometimes darkness, but now ye are light in the Lord: Walk as children of light.
  • Vers. 13. But all things that are reproved, are made mani­fest by the light: For whatsoever doth make manifest, if light.
  • Isa. ii. 5. O house of Jacob, come ye, and let us walk in the light of the Lord.
  • Psal. xxvii. 1. The Lord is my light, and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?
  • Psal. cxix 105. Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.
  • Micha vii. 8. Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy When I fall, I shall arise; when I set in darkness, the Lord shall be a light unto me,
  • John i. 4. In him was life and the life was the light of men.
  • Vers. 5. And the light shineth in darkness, and the dark­ness comprehendeth it not.
  • Vers. 7. The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the light, that all men through him might believe.
  • Vers. 8. He was not that light, but was sent to bear witne [...] of that light.
  • [Page ix] Vers. 9. That was the true light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.
  • Chap. iii. 19. And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
  • Vers. 20. For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.
  • Vers. 21. But he that doth the truth, cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.
  • Acts xiii. 47. For so hath the Lord commanded us, saying, I have set thee to be a light of the Gentiles, that thou shouldest be for salvation unto the ends of the earth.
  • Chap. xxvi. 18. To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me.
  • Vers. 23. That Christ should suffer, and that he should be the first that should rise from the dead, and should shew light unto the people, and to the Gentiles.

The Testimony of the Holy Scriptures concerning the LAW, SPIRIT, WORD, GRACE, LOVE and POWER of GOD within.

  • Psalm xxxvii. 31. THE law of his God is in his heart, none of his steps shall slide.
  • Psalm xl. 8. I delight to do thy will, O my God: Yea, thy law is within my heart.
  • Isa. li. 7. Hearken unto me, ye that know righteousness, the people in whose heart is my law; fear ye not the reproach of men, neither be ye afraid of their reviling.
  • Rom. ii. 14. For when the Gentiles which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these having not the law, are a law unto themselves.
  • Vers, 15. Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing, or else excusing one another.
  • Chap. viii. 2. For the law of the spirit of life in Christ Je­sus, hath made me free from the law of sin and death.
  • Vers. 9. But ye are not in the flesh, but in the spirit, if so be that the spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the spirit of Christ, he is none of his.
  • [Page x] Vers. 10. And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin, but the spirit is life, because of righteousness.
  • Vers. 11. But if the spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead, dwell in you; he that raised up Christ from the dead, shall also quicken your mortal bodies, by his spirit that dwelleth in you.
  • Vers. 13. For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: But if ye through the spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live.
  • Vers. 16. The spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God.
  • Vers. 23. And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the first-fruits of the spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.
  • Vers. 26. Likewise the spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.
  • I Cor. xii. 7. But the manifestation of the spirit, is given to every man to profit withal.
  • Chap. ii. 4. And my speech, and my preaching, was not with inticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the spirit, and of power.
  • Vers. 10. But God hath revealed them unto us by his spirit; for the spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.
  • Vers. 11. For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? Even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the spirit of God.
  • Vers. 12. Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.
  • Chap. vi. 17. But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit.
  • 1 John iii. 24. And he that keepeth his commandments dwelleth in him, and he in him: And hereby we know that he abideth in us, by the spirit which he hath given us.
  • Chap. iv. 13. Hereby know we that we dwell in him, and he in us, because he hath given us of his spirit.
  • 1 Peter i. 11. Searching what, or what manner of time the spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified before hand the suffering of Christ, and the glory that would follow.
  • 2 Tim. i. 7. For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, of Love, and of a sound mind.
  • [Page xi] Gal. iv. 6. And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying Abba, Father.
  • Chap. v. 16. This I say then, Walk in the spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.
  • Vers. 25. If we live in the spirit, let us also walk in the spirit.
  • Ephes. ii. 22. In whom you also are builded together for an habitation of God through the spirit.
  • Chap. iii. 20. Now unto him that is able to do exceeding a­bundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.
  • John v. 38. And ye have not his word abiding in you: for whom he hath sent, him ye believe not.
  • Vers. 42. But I know you, that you have not the love of God in you.
  • Chap. vi. 53. Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you.
  • Chap. viii. 37. I know that ye are Abraham's seed, but ye seek to kill me, because my word hath no place in you.
  • Chap. xiv. 17. Even the spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him, for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.
  • Chap. xv. 4. Abide in me, and I in you: As the branch can­not bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.
  • Vers. 7. If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.
  • Rom. viii. 10. And if Christ be in you, the body is dead be­cause of sin: but the spirit is life because of righteousness.
  • Vers. 11. But if the spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead, dwell in you; he that raised up Christ from the dead, shall also quicken your mortal bodies, by his spirit that dwel­leth in you.
  • 1 Cor. iii. 16. Know ye not that ye are the temple of God; and that the spirit of God dwelleth in you.
  • Chap. vi. 19. What, know you not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?
  • Chap. xiv. 25. And thus are the secrets of his heart made manifest, and so falling down on his face, he will worship God, and report that God is in you of a truth.
  • 2 Cor. xiii. 5. Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith: Prove yourselves: Know ye not your ownselves, [...]ow [Page xii]that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?
  • Gal. iv. 15. Where is then the blessedness you spake of? For I bear you record, that if it had been possible, ye would have plucked out your own eyes, and have given them to me.
  • Ephes. iv. 6. One God and father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.
  • Phil. ii. 5. Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.
  • Vers. 13. For it is God which worketh in you, both to will and to do of his good pleasure.
  • Col. i. 27. To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you the hope of glory.
  • Chap. iii. 16. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns, and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.
  • 2 Thess. i. 12. That the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you, and ye in him, according to the grace of our God, and the Lord Jesus Christ.
  • 1 John ii. 14. I have written unto you fathers, because ye have know him that is from the beginning. I have written unto you, young men, because ye are strong, and the word of God abideth in you, and ye have overcome the wicked one.
  • Vers. 27. But the anointing which ye have received of him, abideth in you: and ye need not that any man teach you, but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth and is no lye: and even as it h [...]th taught you, ye shall abide in him.
  • Chap. iv. 4. Ye are of God, little children, and have over­come them; because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.
  • Chap. iii. 3. And every man that hath this hope in him, pu­rifieth himself, even as he is pure.
  • Vers. 15. Whosoever hateth his brother, is a murderer, and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him.
  • Chap. iv. 13. Hereby know we that we dwell in him, and [...] in us, because he hath given us of his spirit.
  • Vers. 15. Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he in God.
  • Vers. 16. And we have known, and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love, and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.
  • Chap. v. 20. And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that [Page xiii]is true: and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life.

THOU mayst perceive and understand by these scriptures, that righteous men and Christians in ages past, were wit­nesses of the light of God shining in them; of the Word, Law, Power, Grace, and Love of God manifesting, appearing and operating in them; which if thou art a stranger to, thou canst neither be a truly righteous man, nor a real Christian, profess what thon wilt.

Many who profess God, Christ and Christianity, are fallen in­to such gross carnality, that to speak or write to them of the spiritual appearance and work of God, in and by his Light, Law, Grace, Spirit, &c. and the powerful operations thereof within upon the mind, will, understanding and conscience, seems so strange, so new, so incredible, that they can in no wise pay any regard unto it; but rather mock and deride there­at, as if they had never seen nor read the holy scriptures; whose testimony thereto is as clear as the morning without clouds. This is an evident sign, that their eyes are closed, their hearts and ears are gross and dull of hearing, their un­derstanding dark, and their minds so carnal, that they are be­come dead; for, to be carnally minded is death.

In this death, the carnal-minded man can talk of the fame of wisdom, but possess and inherit folly, and lie down in for­row. This condition is much lamented by a little remnant, who are ready to say in love and good-will to their neighbours and countrymen, Come hither and we will tell you what the Lord hath done for our souls; which were as yours are, in death and darkness, in bondage and captivity, even while professors of better things. The end of every true Christian, in writing, printing, preaching, &c. is, that people might come to have the eye of their understanding opened, and know the day-star to arise in their hearts, that they may see their way out of death, ignorance and carnality, and receive the light of life, and therein wisdom to understand and receive the sayings of holy men, recorded in the holy scriptures; until which, they will wrest them to their own destruction, and never truly un­derstand nor receive the comfort of them, nor of any words proceeding from the same spirit of God in this age. This is the word of truth to all it may concern, which, together with the scriptures I have quoted, I intend shall serve for answer to all objections that shall be made by the nominal Christian, or [Page xiv]bare professor of Christ and Christianity, into whose hand this little book may come; knowing assuredly, that there is no end of contending with such with pen, ink and paper: But however, I can in truth subscribe myself their friend.

Some REASONS why the holy Scriptures are to be esteemed and preferred, by true Christians, above other Writings, though from the same Spirit, in this Generation.

I. BECAUSE they give an account of the divers dispensa­tions and operations of God, before and after the fall, in order to lead mankind out of the fall, and to restore him into his primitive state again. The manner, method and or­der of which, is, in the depth of the wisdom of God, decla­red and set forth in the holy scriptures to the man of God, more than in any other book whatsoever.

II. Because therein are recorded the testimonies and expe­rience of many righteous men, throughout all those various dispensations, appearances and operations of God before the law, under the law and prophets, and also under the Gospel; being all briefly and plainly set forth to the man of God, for the increase of his learning, encouragement of his hope, strengthening of his faith, and confirming of his confidence.

III. Because the nominal Christian pretends he hath a great esteem for the scriptures, and cries them up for his only rule, to walk and order his conversation by; so that the true Chri­stian, and Minister of Christianity, hath a great advantage there­by, in order to reprove, persuade and convince him, that he doth not obey, nor walk according to his own professed rule.

IV. Because it is the custom, nature and practice of the spirit of darkness, deceit and persecution, to despise, slight and contemn righteous men, their words and writings, while they live; and to garnish their sepulchres, and profess honor to them when they are dead; so though it be but in words, that they advance them above themselves, as their rule and guide, they are of great service to the true Cristian and Mini­ster of Christianity, for the detection and conviction of gain­sayers, [Page xv]and vindication of his doctrine and practice, life and conversation; therefore to be esteemed above other writings, they being in some sort as a wall of defence unto him.

V. Because the general good and salvation of all mankind, is the principal aim and end of the true Christian and Christian Minister; and seeing in this part of the world called Christen­dom, people profess a great reverence and esteem for the writ­ings of holy men in generations of old; not much regarding what is written from the same spirit in holy men in the pre­sent age, though one with the scriptures; as Christ convinced the Jews out of the law and the prophets, and Paul the Athe­nians out of their own poets: So the true Christian and Mini­ster of Christ, who hath unity with the scriptures, and with the holy men's spirits that gave them forth, have the same ad­vantage now against those that only profess them in words, and live not the life they exhort to and call for. For this rea­son we have good cause to value them above other books, tho' written from the same spirit in this age; because those people, who want the salvation the scriptures bear witness of, may come to be made wise through faith unto salvation by them.

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COUNSEL TO THE Christian-Traveller.

HAST thou put thy hand to the plow? look not back; Keep it there till the fallow ground be plowed up, and the briars and thorns rooted out and destroyed, that the seed may grow up in thee to perfection.

Hast thou known the kingdom, and the power in which it stands, like a little leaven hid in three measures of meal? Hinder not its working, let it leaven the whole lump.

Dost thou know the field where the pearl of great price is hid? Then dig deep and find it; and when thou hast found it, sell all and purchase it, and then thou wilt be the wise mer­chant-man indeed.

Hast thou travelled out of Egypt, through the red sea and wilderness? and hast thou known the right arm of the Lord accompanying thee, and supporting thee in thy trials, temp­tations and besetments thou hast met with therein? Keep still to the same arm and power that hath called, led and sustained thee hitherto, and it will bring thee into the promised land; and not only so, but he will give thee a possession therein, and destroy thy enemies that did possess it. Thou wilt have a house given thee, thou didst not build; a vineyard, thou didst not plant; and a well thou didst not dig, which shall spring up in thee to everlasting life. Thou shalt sit under thy own vine, and under thy own fig-tree, and lie down where none can make thee afraid. Thou shalt be blessed in thy basked and in thy store; in thy going out and coming in; lying down and rising up. These blessings shall assuredly attend thee, as thou lovest the day of small things, and art faithful in following the Lord, who hath appeared by his light and grace to thee, [Page 2]for thy perfect redemption, restoration and everlasting sal­vation.

I say, thou wilt certainly enjoy and inherit these things, and receive not only addition of virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, &c. to thy faith, but also the very end of thy faith; for faith and hope hath an end, and it is a blessed thing to receive the end thereof, even salvation; and there is none but such as endure to the end, that can be saved, even to the end of the work of God, of the new creation of God in Christ Jesus.

Many may begin well, and make a good progress also, and yet fall short. They may know the first day's work. Read Geu. i. The spirit of God moving upon the face of the waters; the appearance of light; and the division of light from darkness; and to call the light, day; and the darkness, night; which is more than all the wise, prudent, religious men of this world can know or do; who are all as waters, and the whore sits upon them; and the moving of the spirit of God they despise and disre­gard. The appearance of light they hate; so it shines in darkness, and is not divided, and darkness cannot comprehend it, cannot give true names to things, cannot call the light, day; nor the darkness, night; but err and mistake so far, as to call the light, darkness; and the darkness, light: This all men in the fall are proue to and found doing, under the old heavens, and upon the old earth.— This is a note by the way, to those it doth concern.

But to proceed; they may also know the second and third day's work; The firmament in the midst of the waters; the waters divided; the dry land appear, and bring forth seed and fruit after its kind, which is good. This is more than words, names and professions. These have some standing, some foundation in the midst of the waters. These are as trees that bear fruit, and the earth yields its increase to him that dresseth it.

On the fourth day it is written, God made two great lights, the one to rule the day, and the other to rule the night. The light, and the rule and government thereof, may be known also; and as in the fifth day's work, there may be a bringing forth and mul­tiplying abundantly; and a flying above the earth, in the open fir­mament of heaven; and the sixth day's work may be known, Made in the likeness and image of God, blessed and endued with hea­ven [...]y power and dominion over all; placed in a garden planted by the Lord. A restoration into innocence and uprightness by Christ the power, light, love and wisdom of God, may be attained to; yet in this very state there is danger; there is a proneness to look out at the beauty of the works of God, to feed upon [Page 3]them, and delight thyself with them, or to eat which is for­bidden, except the law and command of God be kept close unto and obeyed. The sun that is placed in the midst of the works of God, must rule the day, and the children of it; and the moon the night. He that hath wisdom let him understand. The voice of the serpent must not be listned unto. If thou wilt keep thy habitation, and preserve thy dwelling-place in Paradise, in the garden of God, thou must dress it, and keep it. Keep thy heart with all diligence. If any thing appears therein that would intice and allure thee to break the law of God, see that thou consent not; see that thou do it not; but abide in the rule and dominion that God hath given thee, not only over the serpent, but over all the works of his hands. In to doing, thou wilt understand the reason of the godly jealousy and fear of the Apostle, who said to such as were brought to a good state, even esponsed to one husband, in order to be presented as a chasie virgin in Christ: (which is a state very near the marri­age-union) 2 Cor. xi. 2, 3. I fear, said he, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve, through his subtility, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. 'Tis thou that art espoused and adorned as a bride for her husband; that art come to the simplicity that is in Christ; that hast escaped the, corruption that is in the world through lust; that art restored, redeemed and brought back again into innocency, and hast a place in the garden of God, that the serpent would again be­tray, beguile and overthrow. Wherefore keep in the domini­on, power and wisdom, which God hath endued, armed and surrounded thee withal, and he shall never prevail against thee. Look not at the first Adam, any otherwise than to take warn­ing by him, lest thou receive the same reward; but look at the second Adam, in whom the serpent, the deceiver, the de­vil, hath no part; tho' he hath power to tempt in Paradise, and to make war in heaven, and appear before the Lord and accuse; neither could he ever deceive, overcome or prevail against him; no more can he against thee, as thou keeps close unto him, arm­ed with his power, and thy mind stayed upon God thy Saviour. This will bring thee into a surer state than the first Adam had, and for a time enjoyed in Paradise; thou mayst come to be not only taken and put into the garden of God, to dress it and keep it, but thou mayst also be brought to have a place in his house, in the temple of God, and also be as a pillar therein, and go no more forth. Thou mayst become as Mount Sion that cannot be moved. Thy heart may be established with grace, and fixed upon the rock that is higher than thee, against whom, neither the devices and allurements on the one hand, nor the [Page 4]storms nor tempests of the enemy on the other, can prevail. Thou mayst come to see eye to eye, and know as thou art known. Thou mayst come to know the Lord one, and his name one, the first to be the last, and the last to be first, and thy heavenly rest with him, who is without beginning or end; to whom be praise forever more! This is the blessed end of the work of God, [...]at all are to know, wrought and accomplished in them­selves by Christ the light, power and wisdom of God. But in the way to this end there is great danger; as thou, that hast been a traveller therein, knowest right well; and there are many things written for thy comfort and for thy learning in tl [...] holy scriptures, which I would have thee esteem a great mercy that thou hast the use and benefit of them; concerning which it is said, 2 Tim. iii. 15, 16, 17. They are able to make wise unto salvation, through faith in Christ Jesus. He is indeed the wisdom of God, the opener of the scriptures, the only leader into the true understanding of them; and it is through faith in him, that the man of God comes to be made perfect, and thoroughly furnished to all good works. It is the man of God only, that hath the comfort of the scriptures, and that hath unity and fellowship with the holy men's spirits that gave them forth. It is he alone that understands them. They are as a sealed book to the learned and unlearned, to the pro­fessor, or nominal Christian, and prophane. Great is the my­stery of godliness which is revealed to babes, and hid from the wise and prudent school-men of this world, who make a trade of the history of godliness for filthy lucre's sake, to the danger of their own souls and others.

Now, tender friend, that thou mayst persevere safely in thy way, always remember the counsel of Christ Jesus, Take heed or pray that your flight be not in the winter, nor upon the sabbath-day. These two seasons are the most dangerous. There is much in the words: The wisdom of God spoke them, and those that are endued with the same, only can understand them; and by the same thou mayst be preserved in and through the winter, and be able to say, The winter is past, and the summer is come, and the singing of birds is heard in thy land; and also know the Lord of the sabbath, and rest in him, who is the dwelling-place of his people in all ages and generations: To whom be glory for ever and evermore.

Thus I have briefly shewed how the inward work, or new creation of God, holds parallel with the history of the out­ward or old creation, and what danger attends thee, when thou art a plant of God, even in Paradise itself, which man lost through disobedience and transgression.

[Page 5] I have it also in my mind, bri [...]y to set before thee, the me­thod and order of the wisdom of God in thy restoration, and the danger that attends in the way thereto. This was sha­dowed forth in the history of his people, under oppression in the land of Egypt; Their cries unto him; his coming down to de­liver them; his raising them a captain or leader his bringing them out with a strong hand, leading them through the red sea, destroying their enemies therein, and bringing them to the banks on the other side; his giving them a song of deliverance and salvation; leading them through the wilderness; feeding them with manna and quails from heaven, and water out of the rock; going before them in a pillar of fire by night, and a pillar of cloud by day; bringing them to Mount Sinia, and giving them his law, statutes and judgments; by whose direction they prepared his ark, reared up his tabernacle, fas [...]ned the sockits, set up the boards, and put in the bars thereof; reared up his pillars, brought the ark of the testimony into the tabernacle, set bread in order upon the table; the lamps lighted, sweet incense offered upon the gol­den altar, and the glory of the Lord appeared in the tabernacle, and was their guide in all their journeys. This was glorious in its time. And the antitype, or thing signified thereby, the tra­velling Christian only understandeth. These were great helps, great benefits and blessings, accompanying them in the way to the promised land.

Yet consider, notwithstanding all these things, and all their experiences of the out-stretched hand, power and presence of the Lord, his promises to the obedient, and his threatnings to the rebellious and disobedient, yet they forgot the Lord, turn­ed back in their hearts, and so through unbelief, murmuring and disobedience, fell by the way, and never entered into rest, into the promised land that flowed with milk and honey. All miscarried and fell short, that came out of Egypt through the red sea, &c. above twenty years old, except Joshua and Galeb; and when their off-spring came to possess Canaan, the promised land, consider how in process of time they corrupted themselves, and grieved the spirit of the Lord, through their backslidings and abominations, not only before, but also after God had caused his temple to be erected, and furnished in a most magnificent manner with vessels of gold, silver and brass, and other costly ornaments, with holiness to the Lord, written thereon, and his own presence and glorious appearance therein; after all this, through sin and disobedience, they became a prey to the spoiler, and were made captives, and carried away into a strange land.

These things are written for the learning and warning of the wise in heart, whose eye God hath opened, and to [Page 6]whom he hath revealed his arm of power, and done many wondrous works in and for them: that they turn not again into folly, carelesness, wantonness, pride and rebellion against the spirit of God: that they deck not themselves with God's jewels, and play the harlot with them, as those did, and so re­ceive the like reward in the mystery as they did in the histo­ry; of which there is as great danger now in the inward, as there was then in the outward. Likewise in the dispensation of the spirit, in the end of the prophets, I may also hint at the work of God therein, and shew that the same danger at­tends mankind in the way thereof. The mystery of godliness is great, and the mystery of iniquity is great also, and happy art thou if thou abides in the light of God, which makes them both manifest. It is not enough to know the light to shine; but to walk and abide in it, and be a true child of it. It is not enough to know the spirit of truth, and the power of it; but to be led by it, joined to it, become one with it, and to bring forth the fruit thereof. It is not enough to know the seed of the kingdom, and the sowing of it; but its breaking through the clods, and growing up, not only into the stalk and blade, but into the full ear and corn; and not only so, but to be reaped and gathered into the garner, for the use of the Lord of the harvest. It is not enough to know one of the days of the son of man, the child born, and the son given; but the government upon his shoulders, he reigning in thy heart, his and thy enemies destroyed. To attain thereto, according to the phrase used in the holy scriptures, There is an oversha­dowing of the Holy Ghost to be known, a begetting and form­ing Christ within to be known, and a travailing to bring forth, a being born, and a growing up from one stature to another; from a child to a young man, from a young man to an elder, and a suffering with Christ; a taking up his cross daily and following him: a dying with him; and a rising with him, and a seeking those things which are above, where Christ sitteth at the right hand of God. Thou must be risen with Christ, be­fore thou art in a capacity to seek those things that are at the right hand of God; but it is a farther state to find them, and to be seated in an heavenly place in Christ Jesus, and to sit down in the kingdom with Abrabam, Ijaac and Jacob; and the farthest and greatest stare of all, is to know the kingdom delive­red up unto the Father, and God become all in all; where the alone safety is. Till which, though thou art a disciple of Christ, and become as a chaste wise virgin espoused unto him, thou must watch and pray, keep thy lamp trimmed, and thy light burning, lest thou enter into temptation; lest thou slumber [Page 7]and sleep, and the door be shut against thee; for there is a possibility, yea, a real danger of loss in all states and growths, until thou gets into Abraham's bosom. There the gulph is known to be fixed. There is no changing states then, as is signified in the parable of Dives and Lazarus, Luke xvi. Be­tween us and you there is a great gu [...]ph fixed, so that they that would pass from us to you cannot, neither can they pass to us that would come from thence. And to speak a little according to this pa­rabolical discourse between Abraham and Dives. They that would deseend cannot; and they that would ascend cannot: The one can do nothing against the truth, he is so governed by it, so in love and unity with it; the other can no nothing for the truth, he is so in enmity and hardness of heart against it; having lost his day of visitation, is become sealed up in darkness, in a sense of his loss; for this greatly adds to the torments of the wicked, to behold the blessed state of the righteous afar off, and themselves in a state of torment and misery, crying and praying for mercy and relief. and cannot be heard nor eased of their pain, the sun being set upon them, and their day being turned into utter darkness, which is be­come their dwelling or habitation, where the weeping, wail­ing, and gnashing of teeth is.

So, dear friend, thou mayst perceive by what I have briefly hinted, by the current of the holy scriptures, and by thy own experience, that it is no easy thing to be a true Christian, to go through the work of regeneration, of the new creation of God in Christ Jesus. It is no easy thing to go through the warfare, and be able to say with the Apostle, I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, henceforth there is a crown of glory laid up for me; and to come to the wearing of the crown, and to be more than a conquerer in him that hath loved thee.

These things to witness and enjoy, is the blessed end of all the dispensations of God since the fall. He that is the over­comer, is more than a conquerer, he hath received the white stone, wherein the new name is written, which none knoweth but he that hath it. He is the wise merchant-man, that hath sold all and purchased the pearl of great pri [...]e, which excels all things beside. He hath a right to eat of the tree of life, which grows in the midst of the garden. He is blessed with all spiritual blessings, in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. He is a co-heir, a joint-heir with him; and not only so, but he is come into the possession of his inheritance. This is his state, though he may meet with no better entertainment in the world, than Christ the captain of his salvation, and his disciples did.

So it is thy enjoying of the light of God's countenance, thy [Page 8]being joined to the Lord, and being become one spirit with him, thy knowing the marriage-union, thy maker to be thy husband; that is thy comfort, thy rejoicing, thy crown and dia­dem in prosperity and in adversity; in heights and in depths in the palace and in the [...]ngeon; in all states, times and places. Thou art the only happy man, that art partaker of these things, though thy goods may be spoiled, and thy body in the hands of thy enemics; yet thou canst really seal to the truth of that testimony of Paul, Rom. viii. 18. I reckon that the sufferings of this present time, are not worthy to be compared to the glory that shall be revealed in us. To the [...] this time of re­velation is come; thou knowest the Lord come, and his re­ward is with him an hundred fold, even in this time, and in the world to come, life everlasting. Godliness with content is great gain; it hath the promises of all good, present and to come. They that have resigned up themselves and all, into the hand of God, have nothing to loose, have nothing to take care for, but to please the Lord; and it is the meat and drink of such to do his will, and his paths are all paths of pleasantness; there is no bitterness in the latter end of such as walk therein.

Consider and be warned, by the examples recorded in the holy scriptures; always remember, that they tell thee of a people that came to the knowledge of God, his laws and or­dinances, and manner of worship which he himself commanded, which while performed in sincerity of heart, he was well pleased with, and his blessings and presence accompanied them; but when they lost sincerity, uprightness and integrity of heart, though they kept in the exact practice and per­formance of the outward part of worship, yet all their per­formances were abomination to him, and rejected by him. This is testified by his prophet Isaiah, saying, He that killeth an ox, is as if he slew a man; he that sacrificeth a lamb, is as if he cut off a dog's neck; he that offereth an oblation, as if he offered swines blood; he that burneth incense, as if he blessed an idol. This is mighty strange to those that know not the real cause of it, that those services commanded, should become so abominable in the sight of him who commanded them. God looks at the heart, at the inside; if that be gone astray, if that be cor­rupted, degenerated, and fallen in love with the creatures, he accepts of nothing as well done from man in that state; his righteousness and his wickedness are both abomination to him. This was a sore evil the people fell into under the dispensation of the law; they kept sinning and sacrificing, but neglected to hear and obey the voice of the Lord. Likewise in the dispensation of the gospel, even in the first ages of it, the like evil was [Page 9]creeping in. By the preaching of the Apostles, many were brought to believe in Christ, and to make profession of him; and it soon grew to this pass with some, that they were ready to sit down, or rest in profession and knowledge of Christ after the flesh, and to observe the form of godliness, but deny and neglect the power.

The Ministers of Christ, in the primitive times, had a great work before them,

First, To persuade and convince the Jews, that Jesus was the Christ of God, the Messias promised and prophesied of by the holy prophets, whom they persecuted and slew in one age, and honoured at least with their lips, and garnished their sepulchres in another.

Secondly, To oppose the continuance of their temple wor­ship, shadowy and typical ordinances and observances, which God once commanded; and to bring them from under them to the thing signified by them; and to believe in him who was the end and substance thereof, who did fulfil all righteousness contained in the law, in the prophets and John. When they had brought people to believe, that Christ was the great pro­phet which God had promised to raise up like unto Moses, how ready were many of these believers to sit down in this belief, and to content themselves with a knowledge of Christ after the flesh; like as the Jews pleased themselves with the temple of the Lord, and with their outward observances, while they wanted the root of the matter, viz. An upright, broken, contrite heart; which is and was the only sacrifice God delighted in. So they were constrained to testify against the bare knowledge of Christ after the flesh, Henceforth we know no man after the flesh; yea, though we have known Christ after the flesh; we know him so no more: Pressing the knowledge of him after the spirit, revealed, manifested and known by the ope­ration of his power and spirit within. In whom this know­ledge was wanting, they were reprobates. It was not enough to know him born of the Virgin, and to increase in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and men, do many outward miracles, preach many excellent sermous, give forth many di­vine and heavenly precepts, go up and down doing good, suf­fering by, for, and because of sin and sinners, dying, rising and ascending into the glory of his father. It was not suffici­ent to know and believe the bistory and truth of these things, in the primitive times, neither is it now; but thou must also know and experience him in his spiritual appearance, power and operation inwardly, and persevere therein to the end of [Page 10]the work thereof; without which, thou wilt be as formal a Christian under the profession of Christ, and as much rejected in the account of God, as the outward Jew was, when he kept in the outward practice and form of religion, and cried up the temple of the Lord and its holiness outwardly, while he him­self was a temple of unholiness, uncleanness and corruption.

So, dear friend and fellow traveller, that we may run to the end of our race, and be certain of the crown, that we may fight, not as those that beat the air, but as those that go on conquering and to conquer, keeping under all that would hin­der us from running well to the end, and that would deprive us of the crown, and betray us into the hand of our enemies; that we may do this, let us always remember the sayings of the Apostle Paul, who was a wise experienced traveller, and an able Minister of the new covenant. I Cor. ix. I so run, not as uncertainly; I so fight, not as one that beateth the a [...]r; but I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection, lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself become a cast-away. In the tenth chapter he gives an instance of the Jews who were Baptised unto Moses in the cloud, and in the sea, and eat of the spiritual meat, and drank of the spiritual drink, even of the spiritual rock that followed them, which rock was Christ; yet were overthrown in the wilderness, and destroyed of the destroyer; because when they did eat and drink, they rose up to play, and lusted after evil things; now, saith he, these things happened unto them for examples, and they are written for our admonition or learning, upon whom the e [...]ds of the wo [...]ld are come; wherefore let h [...]m that thinketh [...]e slands, take beed lest he fall. From which sayings, with our own experience, we may observe and conclude, That it is the duty of teachers and p [...]eachers, heare [...]s and learners, eaters and drinkers, even in the spiritual dispensation, to take h [...]ed that they run well to the end, that they fight well to the end, that they eat and drink worthily, lest judgment overtake them while the meat is in their mouths; even as it hath some in this generation, who after they knew God, did not glorisy him as God, but became vain in their imaginations; and their foolish hearts have deceived them to that degree, that under the very form and profession of Christ, in his spiritual appearance and work in the inward parts, they oppose and resist the thing itself, both in themselves and others; and the mist and mystery of iniquity hath so wrought in them, that they cannot see nor understand the same. This sore evil all shall certainly escape, who make it their daily practice to walk in the fear of the Lord, and to keep their minds exercised in his law, meditat­ing upon his mercies and judgments, new and old, past and [Page 11]present; so doing, no evil can prevail nor overtake such una­wares.

So dear friend and reader, whose good, in writing, I chiefly aim at, I desire thee to be weighty and serious in reading, as I have been in writing, and thou wilt find the benefit and comfort thereof, as I have done, ministred into thy own bo­som; and thou wilt not only clearly perceive and understand the difference between the light careless reading, hearing, professing and talking of good things, and the serious weighty possession and enjoyment of them; but also betwixt the be­ginning, progress and end of the work of God in the new creation, restoration, regeneration and salvation.

So, to the grace of God which leadeth unto glory, and from one degree of glory unto another, I do heartily commend thee; which grace is sufficient to teach thee all good, and preserve thee from all evil; and in the same I remain thy friend and brother.

[Page 12]


I. IT is a precious thing to know what the cross of Christ is, and how to take it up, and make use of it; for indeed, it is no less than the power that crucifies sin, and saves from it; which Christendom too generally being ignorant of, sets up something else instead thereof, and so sin remains alive uncrucified, and salvation is wanted; for it is not all the gold, silver, and wooden crosses, nor voluntary humility, in the whole world, that is able to crucify one sin, as to the nature of it, nor to make any one disciple; nor enable to watch with Christ one hour, nor follow him one step in the regeneration.

II. It is a blessed state, to know the eye of the mind, not only opening, but opened; thereby is ability and wisdom wit­nessed to read in the book of life, wherein all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hid; and he or she that know­eth this light shining, this eye opened in them, walks and stumbles not. This eye and light within, is that which Christ­endom too much despise and reject, therefore walk in dark­ness and stumble, and know not whether they go. Whilst we ourselves did so, we were darkness, walked in it, and our feet stumbled upon the dark mountains.

That which shut and stopped this eye, and darkned this light within, in the beginning, was sin and transgression, whereby mankind lost the sight and enjoyment of his Creator. And this I testify, That no people upon the face of the earth, come to witness this eye of the mind openly again, but as they come to experience that power in themselves which crucifies sin, and saveth and redeemeth out of transgression, and are also obedient and subject unto it.

III. The remembrance of the first day's work is very pre­cious, even the separation of the light from the darkness with­in, whereby we came to know each, its name and nature, and to have our minds turned from the darkness within, to the light within; from the power of satan within, to the power of God within; from the teachers and books without, to the grace, the anointing, the true teacher within. The remembrance of this is very precious: And now what remains, but that we walk in this light, that we may be the children of it indeed, [Page 13]and that we be always obedient to this power, and learning of this anointing, till we are fully learned. It is the sub­stance of all; it is the end of all words and writings; yea, it is the end of all the dispensations of God since the beginning.

IV. The precious light which shineth in the heart, is the everlasting day of God, in which he walks, and in which he works. blessed are those that walk with him, and work with him; they can tell of his mighty acts, and speak of his won­drous works. Those that walk in this light, and are become children of this day, are wi [...]nesses of the true everlasting worship, which is in the spirit and in the truth. Such me come to the substance and end of all the legal administrations and temple worship, which consisted much in daily killing, and daily offering of bullocks, rains and lambs, &c. Now those that are come to the worship in spirit, witness a daily dying, and a daily offering, till death is known. Such know, that it is easier to kill a bullock or a ram outwardly, than to kill or mortify the beastly nature within: And it is a greater work to witness the will wholly resigned up into the will of the Lord, and the thoughts and imaginations brought down into the obedience of the cross, than to perform the outward part of worship commanded in the law. I testify to all, that those who know not the beastly nature slain, and offered up in themselves, and their thoughts and wills subjected, are not come to the end of the law, nor from under it, nor to the one everlasting offening, Christ Jesus.

V. It is very precious, not only when we meet together, but at all times, to feel our minds exercised by, and meditating in the law of the Lord, which is spiritual. Those that are exerci­sed in this law of the spirit of life, and walk in obedience to it, no evil nor temptation shall prevail against; but they will witness salvation for walls and bulwarks. Some were wit­nesses of old, that the law of the Lord was pure and perfect. Ma­ny are witnesses of the same this day, and know it so by the operation of it: and know themselves subjects of that law, which is spiritual within, which judgeth every vain thought, and every idle word, and bringeth down every vain imagi­nation. It is a blessed state, to be meditating in this law day and night. For I testify, that this law of the spirit of life within, was mankind's rule, whereby he walked innocently and uprightly before transgression entered, and before out­ward characters were invented, or before any outward law was written or engraved on tables of stone. To this again are many called, and many are coming, and come; and for­ever blessed are those that walk therein and are ruled thereby.

[Page 14] VI. The true knowledge of Jesus Christ is very precious; to know him as he was before Abraham was, and to know the knowledge of him after the flesh pass away. Such know him to be the tree of life, which grows in the midst of the garden of God, sit under his shadow with great delight, and his fruit is sweet to their taste. They that eat thereof, know that food which the world is ignorant of, and is beyond words. Fruit and eating are more than words. Such are come to wit­ness the gospel promises fulfilled, and they need no man to teach them; no man need to say to his neighbour, Know the Lord; for the knowledge of him abounds in their hearts.

That which make the meetings of the righteous to differ from all other meetings in the world, is to feel Jesus the Sa­viour in the midst of them, and to feel their hearts and minds in unity and fellowship with him. This seeling and knowing, transcends all words and professions; for, for a time Christ's very disciples did not so know him, whilst he was with them in that prepared body; therefore a remnant can call that day blessed, wherein their minds were turned from the darkness within, to the light within, which reveals and makes Christ manifest again, as he was with the father before the world began, and as he was before Abraham was.

VII. It is now as truly witnessed as it was of old, That the eye of the Lord runs to and fro through the earth, beholding the evil and the good; even that eye which searcheth the heart, and trieth the reins, and sheweth to man his thoughts. Our hap­piness consisteth in this, that we have a testimony within our­selves, that our hearts are upright and sincere in the sight of this eye. This was it which God had respect unto in all ages; for when his chosen people the Jews degenerated from uprightness of heart, notwithstanding they kept in the out­ward performances and observations, as keeping appointed feasts, new moons, and sabbath-days, solemn assemblies, killing, and offering sacrifices, &c. yet all these things, while their hearts were gone astray from him, and were not upright and sincere in the sight of this eye of the Lord, their performances were not accepted, but were abomination unto him.

It is a precious thing to witness, that our hearts are up­right in the sight of the Lord, or before his eye, that runs to and fro through the earth; that that sin may never overtake us, which overtook the Jews of old, viz. to keep the outward form, and loose the power. Our solemn assembling, our form of sound words, and our outward demeanour, which the life of truth led us into at first; if we feel not the same life accom­panying of us, and preserving us in it, that we may be a [Page 15]living people, walking uprightly before the Lord; I say, without this, all is vain and unprofitable.

It is the honest and upright heart that is the good ground, where the seed of the kingdom grows and prospers, and brings forth acceptable fruit.

VIII. It is a very precious thing, to witness a true waiting upon the Lord. Many great and glorious promises are made to those that truly wait upon him. They that wait upon the Lord sh [...] want no good thing: This, to witness and enjoy, is the sub [...]ce of all. While we waited upon invented means, men and books, upon our own thoughts and imaginations, our own wisdom and understanding, we wanted the good things; these were not sufficient to lead us to the knowledge, nor the enjoyment of them.

Hereby may all Christendom, so called, be tried and judged, even by this one word; they pretend a worshipping and wait­ing upon the Lord, but they want the good things, and the evil things abound amongst them; so are hereby found false witnesses, who say they wait upon the Lord, and he hath not fulfilled his promises to them. A remanant are at this day true and faithful witnesses, that the Lord is faithful, just and true to his promises, and that he hath fitted and furnished them with the heavenly treasures, the good things of his kingdom, as they truly wait upon him. This waiting doth not begin when our solemn meetings begin, neither doth it end with them, but remaineth always.

IX. The Truth in itself is very precious, and the revelati­on and knowledge of it in our hearts, is also very precious. It is in this Truth, that God is worshipped with that worship which is more acceptable than all the worships in the world, whose worshippers profess the Truth in words, but know it not, neither are they made free by it; so are found false worshippers and false witnesses; for the revelation and know­ledge of the Truth brings to freedom, freedom from sin; gives power over vain thoughts, over passions, over the will and in­ordinate affections, and also removes the ground from whence all evil springs.

The revelation and knowledge of this Truth, brings into that righteousness which exceeds the righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees; it makes clean the inside. All other knowledge and religion in the world makes clean but the outside at most; but this the inside, and then the outside will be clean also.

Oh! what a lamentation may be taken up for the greater part of mankind, who are not only strangers to the revelation [Page 16]and powerful operation of the Truth in the inward parts, but also through the wiles of the enemy of their souls everlasting peace, are begotten into a belief, That it is impossible to witness a clean inside, and to be delivered from all evil on this side the grave. They are easily persuaded, that the enemy of their souls is always near them, ready on the right-hand and on the left, to draw them aside into the way wherein they ought not to walk; but have no knowledge nor faith in the heavenly Truth, Virtue and Tower preseut, which is able to save out of all temptati­ons, and to deliver out of the snares of satan; and therefore are taken captive at his pleasure.

In this state we ourselves were; but now the knowledge of the Truth is come, and the powerful operation of it we are witnesses of. Let us persevere and walk in the same, that we may witness the end of its work, which is to finish and make an end of sin, and bring in everlasting righteousness. This is the substance of all, and the end of the Truth revealing itself.

Now in the present sense and enjoyment of the revelation and knowledge of the powerful operation of the Truth within, in our own hearts, we cannot but call to mind the days past, in which the Lord waited to be gracious unto us, and follow­ed us with his mercies and with his judgments; often knocked at the door of our hearts, and often appeared unto us, though we knew him not; and his long-suffering was great, wherein he waited to shew himself kind and gracious unto us, standing at the door till his locks were wet with the drops of the night, and we let him not in, neither received his kindness, because we neither knew him, nor his love.

But now he hath revealed himself unto us, he hath opened that eye that can see him, and our hearts to receive him, and is come to make his abode with us. Oh! Friends, how are we engaged to walk answerable to this great love, which we are made partakers of! Indeed we love him, because he first lov­ed us. We wait upon him, because he first waited upon us. May not we say, as some of old said, What manner of love is this, that we should be called the sons of God, and be inheritors of such precious promises, and possessors of the knowledge of that one everlasting Truth which makes free!

But Friends, when the knowledge of this Truth is enjoyed, there is a possibility of losing it again; the holy spirit which sealeth and establisheth in it, if it be grieved, it will not do its work, and a vain thought, given place unto, will grieve it; an idle word will grieve it: Therefore it concerns us all, to wait and watch in that which preserveth and keepeth out of all evil, viz. the Light forever.

[Page 17] X. It is a blessed and happy state, to have the testimony with­in ourselves, that our minds are exercised in that wherein stands the everlasting universal worship, which is not limited to time nor place.

This worship is not like the worships which are among the sects in the world, who pretend only to worship God in cer­tain places, and at certain times, and think God is pleased with their pretended serving him one day in seven; or one hour in seven; though at other times they serve themselves and the evil one, speak their own words, think their own thoughts, and do their own works.

Oh! it is lamentable to behold, when I look over the state of Christendom, and see the apostacy it is degenerated into, re­taining something of the form, but denying the power.

Here is our blessedness and true happiness, that we have our minds exercised in the heavenly light that brings to, and pre­serveth in the true everlasting worship which is inward, in the spirit and in the truth; which all Temple and Jerusalem worship ontwardly at certain times, and set places, were but a type and figure of. This worship in the spirit and in the truth, is the antitype, it is the substance of all those typical, temporary worships. Oh! my friends, let none of us be found out of this everlasting universal worship, which doth not begin when we meet together to wait upon the Lord a few hours, to be refreshed together in the sense of his presence; neither doth it end when we part.

And friends, this rests upon my spirit to testify, That none can enjoy true blessedness and spiritual consolation to their souls, farther than they have a testimony in themselves, that they walk in the precious everlasting light that now shineth. To this light our minds were at first turned, in which God dwells, and in which the worship in spirit and truth is learned and performed, in this age as in ages past. The way is, and hath been throughout all generations, ONE, and it is a plain path-way; the way-faring man, though a fool, cannot err in it.

In this light, many are now witnesses that God loved them, even while sinners; and that in the days of their darkness and ignorance he waited upon them, to shew himself gracious; though then they had no faith in him, no esteem for him, neither could they see any comliness in him, his visage being more marred than any man's. Thus he appeared, till the light shined out of the darkness, and gave the knowledge of his glory, which as they walked in, they became living witnesses of his power in salvation, redemption and translation from [Page 18]darkness and the power of satan, to the marvellous light and power of God; out of the corrupt nature and degeneration, into the pure divine nature and regeneration; and so became plants and trees of righteousness, bearing fruit unto God, and giving him the glory and praise of all his works, who alone is wor [...] thoughout all generations, forever.

XI. It is a blessed state, always to live in the sense and feeling of that love which first visited us, wherein our minds were turned to the light which shined in the darkness; for we were then darkness; which light then made manifest and revealed unto us the Gift of God given to us, which is compared to a little leaven, to a grain of seed, to a pearl hid in the field. It is precious to know the Leaven to work, the Seed to grow, the Field to be purchased, and the Pearl found, bought and possessed. This is more than talk and profession.

Now can many say, as was witnessed of old, We are come un­to him as unto a living stone, elect and precious, and we are kept by the power of him unto salvation; and we are in him in whom there is no condemnation: Thus to road and witness the scriptures, is beyond all the talk and notions that are in the world which lies in wickedness, where the guilt and condemnation is.

As we continually live in the sense and feeling of that pre­cious love which at first sought us out, and pulled some of us as brands out of the fire, and others as swine wallowing in the mire; as we remain sensible of this love, we shall feel our hearts more and more engaged to walk worthy of it; and not only profess grace, but live under it; not only profess light, but walk in it, that we way be perfect children of it; for if we live not the life of what we profess, sorer judgments will pursue us than many others, who are called as we are, but have not tasted of the heavenly power as we have. Therefore it concerns us to be watchful, and retain our first love; for it is possible, after the house is swept and garnished, and the unclean spirits cast forth, that they may return and enter again. Therefore it is very precious not only to know that blessed power that casteth forth the unclean spi­rit, and sweepeth and garnisheth the house with heavenly treasures; but also to dwell and abide in the fame, by it to be preserved from being defiled again. This is the substance of the Christian Religion. This is the end of all ministring, speak­ing and writing. This is more than hearing ten thousand fer­mons. Let us always remain in the feeling of, and obedience to this power, and we shall never fall.

XII. It is more than words can express, to feel and enjoy that wherein the kingdom of Heaven stands. It is written in the ho­ly scriptures, That the kingdom of Heaven stands not in meats and [Page 19]drinks, and outward washings; but in the power and joy of the holy spirit. To enjoy this, is the substance of all; but none come to receive the joy of the holy spirit, but such only who are kept by the power in which the kingdom stands; which power preserveth from evil, and keepeth from falling into temptation. Many may come to the knowledge of this power, and may profess it, and have some faith in it; which is beyond all notional sectarians in Christendom, yet if they live not obedient to it, and witness a being kept by it to the end, they come not to be children of this kingdom, nor to sit down in it, nor enjoy the comfort and pleasures thereof.

The bare profession and knowledge of the power is little worth, but a being preserved by it; for if any enter into evil and temptation, such grieve the holy spirit, so cannot have the joy of it, wherein the kingdom stands. This is that which chiefly distinguisheth us from the divers sects in Christendom, a being preserved in the power, and not a talking of it only. It is written in the holy scriptures of truth, that Christ Jesus, the second Adam, when he was tempted by the devil with sore and grievous temptations, eat nothing, but by the power of his Fa­ther that dwelt in him, withstood the devil and all his temp­tations; and when he departed from him, angels ministred unto him. The same power which preserveth in temptations, and keepeth from eating or receiving the bait of the enemy or tempter, are we all to witness in the time of trial and hour of temptation.

It was the first Adam that eat when he was tempted. Now his eating implies a taking or letting in something; a giving place to the devil's bait, whereby the temptation entered. He did not stand in the power wherein the heavenly kingdom stands, which is able to preserve, as did the second Adam: So departing from this, he lost the joy of the holy spirt, which the kingdom stands in; as all the children of the first Adam do, who have not faith in that power that saveth out of temp­tation.

This is the substance of the Christian Religion; which we are called to the profession and possession of, viz. The power and joy of the holy spirit, in which the kingdom stands; which power strikes at the root of all the wickedness and evil in the world, and is the ax that is laid to the root of the evil tree, which has grown up in the apostacy. This is that by which Christendom must be reformed. No sound reformation but by this in the particular, and in the general.

Friends are witnesses, and many could seal it with their lives, that there is no other way nor means appointed of [Page 20]God, to come to sit down in the kingdom of Heaven, nor to attain everlasting salvation, but by believing in the power of God, in the light of Christ within, to which our minds have been directed. Indeed, among the many sects in Christendom, there are divers other means [...]d ways invented and set up; but we know them all to be vanity. We have tried and prov­ed them, and know there is nothing of worth in them. We are now come to the true and living way, the ancient path, in which the righteous in all ages ever walked. Now this remains, that we always feel our hearts engaged to walk in this way, and to keep sensible of that power which saveth from evil, that we may adorn our profession; for if any, that pro­fess this everlasting way, enter into temptation, or commit evil, they do not adorn their profession, but are a scandal to it, and lay a stumbling-block in the way of others, who are where we were, when wandering in desolate places, and tra­velling in the desart howling wilderness. The day of such will be turned into darkness, and the curse due to him that lays a stumbling-block in the way of the blind, and that lead­eth him out of his way, will fall upon him.

Therefore it concerns all to be watchful, and persevere in that which is good, to be as lights of the world, and as the salt of the earth indeed; that we may never leave shining, nor lose our savour. Whatsoever was written aforetime, was written for our learning; and it is profitable to meditate and consider, that many in former ages had much experience of the power and presence of the Lord, saw many of his won­drous works, and travelled through the red sea and wilder­ness, to the borders of the promised land; yet through mur­mering and disobedience, entered not therein, nor did enjoy the end of the Lord in bringing them out of Egypt's land. And many may in this age fall short as they did, if we walk not close with the Lord, and learn by what is written to take warning, lest by disobedience and unbelief, we fall short of receiving the great recompence of reward.

XIII. The Bread of the kingdom, is the joy of the holy spi­rit felt and known within, which satisfieth and refresheth the soul. This is the bread which comes down from Heaven. The shew-bread, in the outward temple, was a type and figure of this bread, which is indeed the antitype and substance thereof. The table, in the outward temple of the Lord, was furnished with outward bread: As we witness our bodies the temple of the Lord, we shall enjoy this bread, which that was but the type and shadow of. This is the bread that filleth and satis­fieth the hungry, when husks and all outside things cannot.

[Page 21] XIV. Many are living witnesses in this day, as of old, That the foundation of God stands sure; and that this foundation, as now made manifest, was the foundation of the righteous in all ages; that the light, grace and spirit of God within, which mixeth, not with vain thoughts and evil imaginations, but discovers them and judgeth them, is this foundation. This is the stone the builders in their natural wisdom reject and despise, and cry up other stones, and invent other foundations, according to the imaginations of their own hearts.

Now it is a blessed thing, and the duty of every particular, to witness themselves living stones, built upon this foundation, and to have their hearts and minds united to it, and framed with it.

XV. The same grace, the same anointing, which was the saints teacher in the primitive times, is revealed and witnessed in this our day and time. It is a blessed thing always to learn of him; for many that have come to the revelation of this teacher, not waiting low in that which did reveal him, that self might be made of no reputation, and the will and selfish spirit brought down, have been deceived, and have learned of the false teacher, the Antichrist, instead of the true, yet under the name of the true; this hath happened in some among ourselves, since we were a people; for this know, that no people ever worshipped the whore the mother of harlots, the beast, false prophet and Antichrist, under those names and denominations; but being deceived, gave them good names, and believed her to be the true woman, the lamb's wife, the true prophet, and the true Christ. This [...]ath been the state of all the Apostates in Christendom; for as the mystery of godliness is great; so is the mystery of iniquity great also; and there is none but those that come truly to learn of the grace of God, the anointing within, that are able to discern between the one and the other.

Therefore it is precious always to learn of the grace and anointing, and to walk in the light which our minds were at first directed to; this reveals the deep things of God, and finds out the hidden things of Esau.

The very remembrance of the time wherein our minds were turned from the ways, inventions and teaching of men without, to the light, grace and anointing within, is very precious; for hereby we are made partakers of a measure of the same wis­dom and revelation, which John wrote his book of the Revela­tions in. The same spirit which he was led by, to give names to things, according to their nature, and not according to their appearance, is now again witnessed. The great whore, the [Page 22]mother of harlots, the beast and false prophet, and the golden cup that is held forth to the nations, the Antichrist in the temple, and the great red dragon that John saw in Heaven, by the same spirit are now revealed and judged; and as we keep our hearts and ears open to this teacher, we can never be de­ceived by them again.

All the nominal professors and sects in Christendom, who learn not of this teacher, are so far deceived, that they believe the whore is the Lamb's wife, and her golden cup, the cup of blessings, and so are greedily drinking of it; not discerning the false prophet and Antichrist from the true, because he get into the temple of God, and cloaths himself like unto an an­gel of light, and like unto the true Christ: Such take the great red dragon, that appears in Heaven, to be the Lamb of God.

Therefore it is a blessed thing, always to keep our minds stayed, and our feet walking in the heavenly light that now shineth, which reveals the true teacher, that teacheth and diseovers all things, and gives to see to the ground and foun­dation of things; to discern spirits; and keep out of that wherein the mystery of iniquity prevails.

All the teachings of men and books in the world, are but dross and dung in comparison of this divine teacher the Light, Spirit and Grace of God within. This was man's teacher and guide before books were written; before an outward law was written; and this I testify, in the word of the Lord, that the teachings of all men, books and writings, which tend to divert the mind of mankind from this divine teacher within, are vain and unprofitable, and proceed from that wisdom which is earth­ly, senfual and devilish; and all that lend an ear unto it, are captivated in the mystery of iniquity; ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth which makes free, so long as they abide under such teachers.

Many are living witnesses, that as they gave up to be taught, and led by the true teacher, the anointing within, they soon became wiser than all their former teachers

XVI. The same everlasting power, which preserved the righteous in all ages past out of evil, and from falling into temptations, is now revealed and witnessed in this our day and age; even the same power and arm of salvation that preserved Jo­seph in Egypt, Job in all his trials and temptations, Daniel and the three children, and all the primitive prophets and Christi­ans, out of all the fiery trials, assaults and buffetings of satan they met withal.

Therefore it is a blessed thing to be truly acquainted with [Page 23]this power, and always to live in the sense of it; for it is possible that people may come to the knowledge of this power, and make a profession of it, and witness salvation and redemp­tion by it, in a great measure, yet if they wait not low in their minds, till it has fully wrought the work of salvation and redemption in them, or wholly brought every thought and imagination into the obedience of Christ, subdued their own wills and selfish spirit, and know self made of no reputa­tion and nailed to the cross; I say, without this, they may fall into the snare of the devil again, be captivated and led into temptation again: For it is about such, the tempter and destroyer goes like a roaring lion seeking to devour, even those, out of whom he hath been cast and dispossessed. It is written, He rules in the hearts of the children of disobedience. He needs not go about such, being got within them; there he is in his throne.

But it is about the righteous, out of whom he hath been east, be goeth, who are redeemed from under his power, and translated out of his kingdom; it is against such he appears not only like a roaring lion, but as a subtle serpent, and angel of light.

Therefore it is a blessed thing, always to live in the sense, knowledge and feeling of this ancient power, which alone sa­veth and delivereth in the midst of all trials and besetments of the evil one; as the eye of the mind and understanding is fix­ed upon it, no temptation can prevail; and to know thy faith increased in it; for faith in this power of God is compared to a shield, which is able to quench all the fiery darts of the devil, and to give victory over him.

Now that which was our misery and loss in the time of our ignorance and darkness, is the misery and loss of mankind in their unregenerate state. We had no faith in the spirit of God, which convinceth the world of sin. We did not believe, that the same hand of power that smote us for sin and transgression, was able and sufficient to heal us; neither did we regard the strivings of God's spirit within; neither did we give heed to him that stood at the door of our hearts and knocked, who long waited to shew himself gracious unto us; and was as a light shining in darkness, but we regarded it not, and so did not know the virtue and powerful operation of it. In this unbelieving disobedient state, we were children of wrath as well as others, but having obtained mercy to be faith­ful, we have now, in the state above, left all the world cap­tivated, by reason of their unbelief and hardness of heart.

And herein is the love, exceeding kindness and mercy of [Page 24]God manifest, in that he loved us, while we were enemies; and waited to shew himself gracious, while we were sinners; to be reconciled unto us, when we were in rebellion against him; and enlightned us, when we were darkness; and often called, when we were running from him; and was near and ready to teach us, when we were ignorant and did not desire the knowledge of his ways. In this was the exceeding love of God manifest to us then, and is the same to all the world now. His love is universal to all, as is testified in the holy scriptures; God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son a light in­to the world, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

It is very precious to walk in this light, which doth reveal the love and kindness of God, and brings to the knowledge and experience of the means of salvation which he hath ap­pointed; and to the feeling of that power which saveth from falling into temptation, even the same power which preserved Jesus when he was tempted in the wilderness. Now if any that are come to the knowledge and profession of this power, are not preserved by it from falling into temptation, and de­livered from evil, such are not obedient nor faithful to it, so do not adorn their profession; Such do not glorify the power, but are as spots in our feasts, and a scandal to the gospel of peace, and enemies to the cross of Christ, which is the power of God to salvation.

Now those that live in, and are obedient to this power, are the wisest, happiest and safest people in the world; blessed above all the families of the earth. Blessed with an hundred fold in this world, and in the world to come, life everlasting. Such are as the salt of the earth which seasoneth all things, as a city on a hill which cannot be hid, and as the lights of the world indeed.

XVII. Many are living witnesses, that the law of the spirit of life, unto which their minds have been directed, is pure and perfect. They witness it so by its operation in them, by which every appearance of evil is condemned.

It is the happiness of every particular, to have the witness or testimony within themselves, that they love this law, and that they meditate in it day and night. Oh! said one of old, how I love thy law! It is only those that love it, that are true witnesses of its purity and perfection; for it is possible, that a person or people may not only profess and talk of this law, but come to some knowledge of it also, and yet not love it, nor meditate in it, nor feel the power and peace of it.

Those that love the law of God, are converted, and made wise unto salvation by it; and though their enemies are very [Page 25]many, and very night also, yet they cannot prevail against them that love this law, They are the happiest people of all the fa­milies of the earth. No evil prevails against such; and as it hath been witnessed of old, viz. Great peace have those that love thy law. So those are living witnesses of the same great peace in this age, who love the law, which is light. Thy law is light, said one. He that loves the light, brings his deeds unto it, by it to be tried and judged; and after this, the great peace is wit­nessed. Peace is the reward of those that love the law of God; peace in the inward parts, even the peace of God, which the world cannot give nor take away.

This one word or sentence may try all the sects in Christen­dom, and others who profess themselves lovers of the law of God, yet have not peace in their dwellings; these have not the answer of a good conscience, which keeps void of offence to­wards God and man; have not that peace which passeth the understanding of man in the fall; know not their hearts and minds kept by it; but are found in the evil-doing, where the tribulation and anguish is, and in that fear which brings tor­ment. So where the doing of evil is, the law is not loved. Let thy talk and profession be what it will, what is written is infalli­bly true, He that doth evil hates the light; and he that hates the light is wicked, to whom there is no peace; the law being no light to his feet, nor lanthorn to his path. He walks in dark­ness and stumbles, and knows not at what; and in the end lies down in sorrow.

Therefore it is very good for every particular, not only to know the law of God, but also to live in the sense and love of this law at all times; when they are about their common oc­casions in the world, as well as in their solemn assemblings be­fore the Lord. The love of this pure law of the spirit of life, which judgeth every appearance of evil, makes wise unto sal­vation, wiser than all former teachers; and to hear, love and obey his law, or word in the heart, is the end of all words, outward dispensations and ministrations, though proceeding from the power of God itself: For had not mankind degene­rated from the love and obedience of this law or command of God, transgression had never entered, neither had sin had a being in the heart of man, neither had an outward law been added or given forth; that being added because of transgression, and hath power over the transgressor, so long as he liveth disobedient, and a stranger to the law written in the table of the heart by the finger of God; which was before an outward law was written either [Page 26]in a book or on tables of stone, and before the cause of it was brought forth into the world.

XVIII. The day-spring from on high, and the everlasting light hath and doth shine out of darkness in the hearts of many in this age; and they are, by the heavenly shining thereof, come to the knowledge of the field where the treasure is hid, and to the sight of that whose worth and beauty transcends all the treasures and pleasures this world can afford. None are to rest in the bare knowledge of the field, but to sell all and pur­chase it.

All the sects in Christendom, who believe not in the light within, and despise the day of its appearance within them­selves, are so far from enjoying this heavenly treasure, that they are wholly ignorant of the place or field wherein it is hid.

This is sealed in the hearts of a remnant, that there is no other way, no other means, no other key to be found to open the heavenly mysteries, nor to unloose the seals thereof, and to lead into the enjoyment of the heavenly treasure, but the holy divine light, which in their hearts hath appeared and shined gloriously, to the discovery and destruction of the man of sin and mystery of iniquity, which once wrought and ru­led therein. In this light they have believed and walked, and seen the wonderous works of the Lord in the deep, while the people and nations, that despise and hate it, walk and dwell in darkness, and in the region and shadow of death, where the poverty, woe and misery is; where the stumbling, grop­ing, falling, and wandering in desolate places is; where the labouring for vanity, and lying down in sorrow is; therefore are the hearts of such greatly engaged unto the Lord, to walk worthy of the riches of his grace, light and heavenly treasure, he hath made them partakers of.

XIX. The light of the glorious gospel now shineth; the day of salvation is come, even the salvation of God, which he hath prepared before the sace of all people.

This is the day of great salvation, which many righteous men and prophets saw afar off, and prophesied of, that is now revealed unto us. It is a blessed thing, not only to know the appearance of the day of salvation, but to know the joy of it, the joy of God's salvation; and to know it as walls and bul­warks, to save and defend not only from the besieger without, but from the enemy within also.

This is the glorious light of the gospel, that shineth in this day of salvation now revealed, which as we walk and abide in, we shall be as strong as an army with banners, and witness [Page 27]victory over our enemies within, which are our greatest ene­mies. To be saved from thinking our own thoughts, and speak­ing our own words, and doing our own works. This is the great salvation that brings to the sabbath of rest; to the keep­ing holy day to the Lord. One that enjoyed this salvation, asked this question; How can we escape, if we neglect so great sal­vation? It is a question that includes an impossibility; for there is no escaping wrath to come, by those that neglect this great salvation that has now appeared unto them, there being no other way nor means appointed of God besides this gospel light, or great day of salvation, which to us hath appeared.

This is my testimony, That none can receive the joy of God's salvation, enter into the sabbath of rest, or keep holy-day to the Lord, further than they know a ceasing, and a being saved from thinking their own thoughts, following their own wills, and obeying their own wisdom; for the selfish thoughts that arise within, are the root of evil, and as the foundation of the kingdom of darkness; and the light of this day of salva­tion, is as the ax laid to the root of the evil tree.

So it is a blessed thing for people to meet and wait together, and walk together in this heavenly light and day of salvation, which discovereth and judgeth every vain thought and foolish imagination, subdueth them, and bringeth them down into the obedience of Christ. In this, as they walk and abide, they truly differ from all other families of the earth; for in this heavenly gospel light, which judgeth every appearance of evil, stands the true fellowship and true unity. It is the foundation of that church, against which the gates of hell shall never pre­vail; as they walk and dwell therein, the power of death and hell shall never break them, but they shall remain as Mount Sion, which can never be removed. In this stands their hap­piness and safety: Out of this they are as weak as other people.

XX. It is a blessed thing, to wait for the appearance of him who is the consolation of Israel, and for the coming of his king­dom; but it is more blessed to be witnesses of his appearance, and to know his kingdom come; and most blessed of all, to know a sitting down in it with him, in the glory of his father, and our father, his God and our God.

XXI. It is a blessed thing, truly to know how to wait for the appearance of Jesus, and to know him when he doth appear; I say, this is very blessed; but it is more blessed, or a greater degree of blessedness, to be witnesses of his appearance, and to join with him when he doth appear; and so to experience the end of his appearance accomplished, abiding with him till [Page 28]it be finished; truly understanding the end wherefore he doth appear, and their state and condition at his appearance. This is the main thing chiesly to be understood and minded through­out all dispensations.

And under them all, he is to be carefully minded and re­garded, though it be in his first or lowest appearance, which is to convince of sin, self-righteousness and judgment; in order to destroy fin, finish transgression, and bring in everlasting righteousness. Except people abide with him, and love his appearance in the ministration of condemnation, which brings tribulation and anguish upon the soul that hath sinned, they can never come to enjoy and inherit the ministration of life and salvation, nor never come to enjoy the glory of his ap­pearance the second time, without sin unto salvation.

This is the loss and misery of mankind, and was our loss and misery in the day of our ignorance, that they know not how to wait for the appearance of Christ, or the coming of the just one; neither do they, nor did we, know him when he did appear, for he often appeared unto us, and stood at the door of our hearts, and knocked, and waited to shew him­self gracious unto us; but we not knowing it was he, did not regard him, nor open unto him; yet he was indeed the desire of our hearts, and him whom we longed to enjoy, and is the desire of all nations, the light and salvation of the Gentiles, the consolation and glory of Israel; but in this was our loss and misery, that we knew not how to wait for his appearance, neither did we know him when he did appear. So I say again, It is a blessed thing, for a people to know how to wait for the appearance of Jesus, the Saviour, and to know him when he doth appear.

But behold, this is a greater degree of blessedness, To be witnesses of his appearance, and to know the coming of the just One, or the Rising of the Sun of righteousness, with healing under his wings, and to be able to say, with the primitive Christians, We know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an under­standing, whereby we may know him that is true, and are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ; this is the true God and eternal life. This is an high and heavenly knowledge, and a blessed state. This the mark and prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus, we have been called unto; and this is the state all are to wait for, inherit and possess, and not sit down short of it. If this be not witnessed and enjoyed, all profession is vain, all knowledge is vain, all religion and talk of Christianity is vain and of no worth; for it is he that believes that Christ is come in the flesh, and that demonstrates the livingness [Page 29]of his faith by the works thereof, that is of God, and God dwelleth in him, and he in God. This is more than a bare pro­fession or verbal confession, according to the testimony of John the Divine, in his first epistle, Chap. iv.

XXII. It was a spiritual and heavenly vision which the Prophet Daniel had, when he saw the interpretation of the King's dream; A stone cut out of the mountain without hands, smite at the feet of the image, and break in pieces the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver, the gold, and become a great mountain that filled the whole earth. A remnant in this age are come to the same ever­lasting light and spiritual eye, whereby they see the power of God, signified by that stone, prevail against all Imagery, not only without but within also; and know the ground of it shaken and removed. The dark thoughts and imaginations of men, are the grounds of the imagery upon the face of the earth; and that power that breaks them down, and brings every thought into the obedience of Christ, is the antitype of that stone, and its work revealed to Daniel, and dreamed of by the King. In this day of light and knowledge, some are come to witness this little stone become a great mountain, and to fill the earth, and to be the chief foundation, and corner­stone elect and precious; the rock and hiding place of the righteous in this, and all ages. These abide in it, whereby they are preserved from making likenesses and images to them­selves, either of things in Heaven, or things on earth; and out of the many mixtures prefigured by the iron, brass, clay, silver, gold, and the defiling and corrupting themselves there­with. There is not another means of preservation, no [...] of, coming to receive the white stone, which John in his vision and revelation saw, wherein is the new name written, which none knoweth save he that hath it. This is the name which is better than the name of sons or daughters. He that reads let him understand, and give God the glory forever.

XXIII. This I testify, That the way of life and everlasting happiness, the way that brings to the sitting down in the king­dom of God with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, which was the way of the righteous in all ages, is now again revealed and made known. This way is the true everlasting light that now shineth, not only in darkness but out of it; which light is the thing our minds were at first turned to, which judgeth every appearance of evil, every vain thought and evil motion that ariseth within; and as there is a walking in this way, a sit­ting down in the kingdom will be experienced: For we have been and are called to inherit substance, to possess life, and to sit down with Christ in heavenly places.

[Page 30] So it is a precious thing, for all that know this way to per­severe in it, till they possess these things, and in the same abide; which way is the light of Christ within, and there is not another; and the walking in this way distinguishes them from all the nominal professors upon the face of the earth, even this light that judgeth every appearance of evil.

It is a precious state, to feel the mind stayed upon the Lord, walking in his way; to know the girdle and bridle of Truth, and a being girded and bridled with it; to know every high thought and imagination brought down and subjected unto Christ the light, the way. This is possible to be known now, as in time past. It is the thoughts, will and imaginations, that the enemy of man's happiness gets and builds his strong holds; and until they are broken down, subjected and de­stroyed by the power of God within, no peace, quietness and soul-satisfaction can be enjoyed; no sitting down in the king­dom of God, nor drinking of the rivers of pleasur [...]at a [...] at his right-hand, can be attained to or partaken [...].

XXIV. It is as truly witnessed now, as in days of [...], that to be spiritually-minded is life and peace; to mind the spirit, to have our minds, thoughts and wills exercised by the spirit of truth, is life and peace! and to be carnally-minded is death, sorrow and trouble. These things are not only read, but truly known, and every particular may feel both within.

XXV. It is as we meet, and wait together, in the spirit, as we live and walk in the spirit, the worship of God in spirit and truth is performed; which all the bare professors upon the face of the earth are ignorant of. Such as wait and worship in the spirit, know Jesus in the midst of them to be their Savi­our, teacher and leader; and as they follow and obey him, though but as one of a family, and two of a tribe, they will be as the light of the world, as the salt of the earth, and pat­terns and examples of righteousness to all that behold them.

XXVI. It is a precious thing, for every particular to know the right arm of the Lord, which brings salvation, and to witness a sitting down at his right-hand, where the sheep stand, where the rivers of pleasures run softly, and to drink of the same, which refresh the whole city of God. To feel this arm of the Lord, and to know it revealed, and to come to a sitting down at his right-hand, is the end, sum and substance of the Christian re­ligion; such know salvation for walls and bulwarks, and are as Mount Sion, which cannot be moved.

XXVII. It is a very blessed state, always to live, walk, meet together, and wait in that which gives free access to the throne of grace, and which leadeth into the presence of him [Page 31]that sitteth thereon; in whose presence, some of old could witness, were rivers of pleasures, and at his right hand, joys for­ever more. Oh! all that taste of one drop of this river, and partake of the least measure of this joy, know them to over­balance and out-weigh all the treasures, joys and pleasures, this world and the glory of it can afford.

XXVIII. The light, to which our minds have been turned, was the watch-tower of the righteous in all ages, and is the same to the righteous in this age; and all people upon the face of the earth, and all pretended watchmen in Christendom, who watch not in this tower, watch in vain, and see nothing that profits. This is the word of truth to all Christendom, and all people.

This light is the one everlasting way, that leads unto him that fits and prepares to enter the kingdom of Heaven, gives free access to God, and the throne of his grace, and presents unto him without spot or wrinkle. Many are witnesses of the beginning of this blessed work; and have received that faith, whereby they believe the accomplishment of it; in which, as they live and abide, the blessed experience of the finishing of it shall be added to their faith.

XXIX. It is a good state, for every particular to wait in silence upon the Lord; such only come to witness obedience to those divine precepts left upon record in the holy scriptures, Be still, and know that I am God; let all flesh be silent before the Lord. Thus to wait and to worship in the heavenly spirit that brings to stillness; to a standing still and be [...]olding the salvation of God; to the silence of all flesh within; to the stopping all voices and motions to evil within, and to the obeying of the voice and pow­er of God within. This is the worship of God in the spirit and in the truth, in the inward parts, which God loves; even to worship and obey, and follow the appearance and manifesta­tion of the spirit of God within. This worship, the world and the high professors in it are strangers to. In this we differ from them all, even as we are found waiting and worshipping in that which silenceth all flesh, and brings to the standing still, and beholding the salvation of God.

The spirit of truth, which convinceth the world of sin, is that wherein the universal worship of God stands, and is per­formed. This I testify of it, That there is power and suffi­ciency in it, not only to convince of sin, reprove and con­demn for sin, but also to convert, change, cleanse, and redeem the whole world of mankind from sin, if they would believe in it, love it, receive it and obey it. This is the condemnation of the world, that light is come into it, and they love darkness rather, and will not bring their deeds to the light, love, believe nor [Page 32]walk in it; so that saying of Christ is verified upon them, Ex­cept ye believe that I am he, ye shall die in your sins, and whither I go, you cannot come.

Many are witnesses of the power and sussiciency of this spirit of truth, and of its redeeming power from sin, and the strength of it; so are not convinced by it as the world is, be­ing redeemed from committing of it; they know it to be their comforter and leader into all truth. It is very precious to be found in the true disciples state, waiting for the comfort and leading of the spirit of truth, and witnessing the same within themselves. A remnant in this day, who have received this spirit, and followed the leadings of it, are able to say as some of old did, We are not come to Mount Sinai, where the voice of words is heard, where the thunderings, lightnings, and earthquakes are, but to Mount Sion, the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem; and to an innumerable company of angels; to the general assembly and church of the first-born, which are written in Heaven, and to God the judge of all; to the spirits of just men made perfect; to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel. This is an high and heavenly state, which the primitive Christi­ans were come unto, while in their earthly tabernacles they enjoyed the heavenly treasure. Such have the witness in them­selves, that they are inhabitants and fellow citizens of this heavenly Jerusalem, whereinto no unclean thing can enter; even while they dwell in these houses of clay, they walk in this city, and have their conversation in Heaven with God, Christ, and holy or just men's spirits made perfect. This, the spirit of this world, though cloathed with the name of Christi­anity, cannot bear.

XXX. It is a very blessed state, to be found true waiters for, and witnesses of the second coming of Christ, which is with­out sin unte salvation; for true happiness doth not consist in having seen one of the days of the son of man, or in being witnesses of his first appearance, wherein he convinceth and reproveth for sin; but in waiting for, and witnessing his se­cond coming to cleanse, save and redeem from sin: Herein is the joy of God's salvation felt and enjoyed.

Christ's appearance is first to convince of sin; and this is a ministration of condemnation, which is glorious in its time: but there is a ministration which exceeds in glory, which all are to wait for, witness, and not sit down short of. This is the mark of the high calling, the high and heavenly state which they are called to, even to know the second coming of Christ without sin unto salvation, and a being presented to the fa­ther [Page 33]without spot or wrinkle. This to possess and enjoy, is the end, sum and substance of all the dispensations of God towards mankind ever since the fall. This is the end of all good words and writings, and the end of Christ's first and se­cond appearance.

All men have sinned and come short of the glory of God, therefore must know the ministration of judgment and con­demnation fulfilled in and upon them, before they can know the glory that is in it, and before they come to know the second ministration, which exceeds in glory.

It is a precious thing to be inward with the Lord, and to feel our hearts drawn nigh unto him, waiting for the appearance of Christ, that when he doth appear, we may appear with him in glory. This is the high and heavenly state that some were in, when they could say, Truly our fellowship is with the Father and with the Son. This to witness, is the feast of fat things prophesied of, and the broad rivers and streams which make glad the city of God, beyond what all the dainties of the earth can afford. This is the soul's delight, rest and happiness, which some did enjoy in former ages, as a remnant do in this age, praises to God forever.

To mind the spirit, or to be spiritually-minded, not only in our solemn meetings, but at all times, is our duty, and very precious; Then will the testimony of one in the primitive times be found true, when he said, To be spiritually-minded is life and peace. Death and trouble are taken away, the mini­stration of condemdation is ended, having done its work; the word which was as a hammer, fire and sword, hath broken down, burnt up, destroyed and purged away the filth of the daughter of Jerusalem, and is now become as milk, honey and balm; and as a glorious light that shines more and more unto the perfect day; as a shield, fortress and tower of defence, where everlasting peace and safety is; salvation being as walls and bulwarks, against which the enemy cannot prevail, nor nothing that would defile enter. In this state some were in the primitive times, when they could say, We can do nothing against the truth, but for it; and it is possible to say and do the same now.

XXXI. It is a blessed thing for a man to know within himself, and from a living experience to be able to say, as one of old did, The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. Such are witnesses of the truth of those sayings of Christ Jesus, My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me, and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall [Page 34]any man pluck them out of my father's hand. It is as this voice is heard, obeyed and followed, that a leading out of that state, where the wants are, is witnessed, into the green pastures, where the true and safe feeding is; where the lying down in the valley is, where none can make afraid; where the bread is sure and the water fails not: And this I testify, all that do not hear and obey this heavenly voice of the true shepherd, are goats and swine, and not sheep; let them profess what they will, they feed upon husks, and are wandering in the dry places, and upon the barren mountains where the wants are, and the green pastures of life and salvation they are strangers to.

XXXII. It is a very blessed thing, for people to know how to worship God aright, and to be found in this worship, not only at set times and appointed places, but at all times, and in all places. This is the spiritual worship, or the worship in spirit and in truth; and these are the spiritual worshippers which God seeks and accepts. This worship excels all other worships upon the face of the earth at set times and appointed places, which stand in saying so many prayers in a day, and reading and singing so many lessons a day, and hearing so many ser­mons a day, and other outward observations. This worship stands in time, place, letter and form; but they that worship God aright, it is in the spirit and in the truth, which is pure and universal.

As people are found in this worship, they differ from and excel all others upon the face of the earth. These worshippers know what it is to bow at the name of Jesus; what it is to know every thought brought into the obedience of Christ; what his rule, government and great authority is; and how all power in heaven and in earth is given unto him, and how all are to worship him as they worship the father, whether things in Heaven, or things on earth, or things under the earth. These can confess with their tongues that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father, truly and experimentally be­ing witnesses of his heavenly power and rule in their hearts, mitals and understandings, giving victory over all vain thoughts, self-will, carnal desires and wanderings of the mind. These are the worshippers that know the old man put off with his deeds, and the new man put on; the old things cast away, and all things become [...]; and what it is to enjoy the sabbath of rest, where the end is put to the thinking of their own thoughts, and speaking their own words, and doing their own works; and what it is to bear no burden upon the sabbath-day; and what it is to enjoy the comfort of the seriptures, and to enjoy [Page 35]the good things they testify of. What the righteous in all ages did enjoy, such are partakers of and are in unity with just men's spirits, being come to God the judge of all, who is blessed forever.

Our peace, joy, consolation and continual happiness stand in this, in being exercised in this worship, witnessing the pow­er of God, the name of Jesus, over all in ourselves; all bow­ing under it. and yielding obedience thereto, as in innocency before transgression, where the earth was subdued in the dominion of God, and the heavenly rule was over all. This the true worship in the spirit and in the truth brings again into, and maketh free from the contrary, as truly as testified in the scriptures, If you know the truth, the truth shall make you free; free from the evil that is in the world, from the evils within, from the ene­mies within, which are the greatest enemies. Except this freedom be known, all other knowledge is vain; all religion and profession vain; all talk of God, Christ and Christianity vain.

XXXIII. Blessed are those who have their minds and hearts always exercised by that which leads into the fellowship of just men's spirits made perfect. Such have also unity with their words and testimonies left upon record in the scriptures of truth, as is written by one in the Psalms, Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and therein doth meditate day and night. The same blessed state is to be witnessed now, which is more than to read and sing all the Psalms; and he is the only blessed man that doth those things. If Christendom had learned this lesson, which they have read and sung, they would not have become as a waste howling wilderness, and as a desert which brings forth no fruit to God, having lent their ear to the wicked one, and walked in the way of sinners so long, till they are brought to believe, that it is impossible to walk in any other way, while on this side the grave.

In this condition we ourselves were, while the vail of the covering was over our hearts. We dwelt in this thick dark­ness, where the lending the ear to the wicked is, where the way of the sinner and seat of the scornful is, and knew not the way out of it. That which dispersed this thick darkness, took away the vail from off our heart, stopped the ear that hearkned to the wicked one, blinded that eye which led to walk in the way of sinners, and brought down that exalted spirit that sat in the seat of the scornful; I say, that which hath done this for us, was and is no other than the power of [Page 36]God working in his precious light, to which our minds were at first turned, and in which we have believed; which as we walk and abide in, we witness such sayings as these in the scriptures fulfilled, They that see shall be made blind, and they that are blind shall see; and the blind shall be led by a way they know not, and the lame shall leap as an hart; and the mighty shall be brought from their seat, and those of low degres exalted. As this is abode with and walked in, that hath wrought these things, a delight in the law of the Lord is known, and a meditating in it day and night.

There is nothing else able to preserve us from lending an ear to the wicked one again, and from walking in the way of sinners again, and to keep down the spirit of exaltation from rising again, but the delighting and meditating in this law. This is the law of the spirit of life which hath made free, and is able to preserve us in the freedom whereunto we have at­tained. All that are strangers to this law, and a meditating in it, they give ear to the wicked, walk in the way of sinners, and sit in the seat of the scornful, let their profession be what it will.

By this one scripture all the sects in Christendom, who profess the scriptures to be their rule, may try themselves, whether they are in the state of the blessed man; or in the state of the cursed man. They need not hire a school Doctor, or learned Rabbi, to give them the meaning of the scriptures, they being spoken by plain men, and understood only by those that are come to the spirit. Those that obey the wicked one, lend their ear to him; and those that commit sin, walk in the way of s [...]ners.

XXXIV. It is one of the fundamental doctrines of Religi­on, to believe that God is omnipresent and almighty; that is, present at all times and in all places. This is generally professed and believed among the sects in Christendom; but in them it is no more than a bare profession, a traditional and historical faith, they not being true witnesses of the same. Herein is the difference betwixt those who do, and those who do not, witness the presence of the Lord, and the almightiness of his power: The first only know the ground and reason why Moses, that eminent servant of the Lord, said, If thy presence go not with us, carry us not hence.

This was the delight of the soul of the righteous in all ages and generations past, and is now; even to feel the comforta­ble presence of the Lord, and to know the light of his coun­tenance lifted up upon them. This makes their hearts more glad than the increase of corn, wine and oil, and is better than them all. This was the strength and encouragment of [Page 37]the righteous in all ages, and made them willing to suffer for his name. This carried them through the water and through the fire. This made them sing and rejoice in the prison and in the stocks, and suffer the spoiling of their goods joyfully. And Friends, except this living presence be felt and enjoyed, known and lived in, we are as weak as other people; and if any lose or depart from it, such will become as wicked as others also.

Therefore it is a very precious thing, for every particular always to prize the riches of that grace, and the glory of that light, which their minds were at first turned to, which grace and light hath led a remnant into the presence-chamber, into the banqueting house, where the banner over them is love, and is leading others into the same; and would guide and di­rect all out of the way of evil, into the way of peace. Oh! the freeness of this love and grace, and the glory of this light which hath led a remnant, that hath loved it and followed it, into the presence-chamber, into the banqueting house, and to the top of that holy mountain, where the feast of fat things is enjoyed, and the wine well refined drank of; to the right-hand, where the rivers of pleasure are. This is free grace and love indeed. This love is stronger than death, and better than life. Oh! the consideration of this love is able to break the heart, to melt the soul before the Lord, and to dissolve it into an holy resignation and pure resolution to walk to the praise, and magnifying of it among the sons and daughters of men, that they may be won and persuaded to accept of its tenders, and follow its leadings; that they may know the pleasantness of its paths, and witness the virtue and operation thereof, in their own souls.

XXXV. It is a blessed thing, and an high and heavenly state, for every particular to be witnesses within themselves, that Self is made of no reputation. There is not a people upon the face of the earth, that are in the way to this state, but such whose minds are turned to the light of God within, and are exercised thereby; which alone discovers and makes self manifest in all his appearance, thoughts ways and imaginati­ons, and leads those that walk in it, to the true self-denial, without which there is no salvation.

For the destruction, loss and misery of all mankind, came in at this door, when he gave heed, credit and reputation, to his own selfish desire, thoughts, reasonings and imaginations; and would know of himself, be wise of himself, &c. Then the serpent, which spoke of himself, prevailed over him; then he entered into the temptation of the devil, and lost his dwelling place in Paradise. [Page 38]Thus the enemy of man's happiness, under a pretence of advancing him and bettering his state, and making him of some account and reputation, drew him into a state of loss and misery. Self-reputation was the first bait of the enemy, and will be his last; therefore watch diligently against it, for herein his power stands, and by this bait he overcame the first Adam; therefore it is a blessed thing to live in the power of the se­cond Adam which makes self of no reputation. For as sin and the devil entered and prevailed by reason of some self-reputa­tion, so shall he be cast forth and overcome by the power of God, in all those in whom it makes self of no reputation. This is a principal lesson of Christianity, which all of necessity must learn, in some measure, before they can be so much as a disciple of Jesus, as himself teacheth; If any man will be my disci­ple, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me. Denying of self, and taking up the cross, are inseparable, and must precede discipleship; yet this state is short of being a friend of God, and co-heir with Christ; bone of his bone, and flesh of his flesh; and short of sitting down with him at the right-hand of God in the kingdom of Heaven; and of knowing the Son to surrender the kingdom up unto the Father, and God to become all in all; short of knowing it meat and drink to do the will of God, and his fruit sweet to their taste, and to sit under his shadow with great delight, glorified with that glory which Christ had with the Father before the world be­gan. In this state, self is made truly of no reputation; the first birth is slain, the serpent's head is not only bruised, but broken and subdued; the second birth rules, the elder serves the younger, who delights naturally to do the will of God; and it is not a cross to it, neither is the cross to be taken up by it; this is the sheep that know Christ's voice, and follow­eth him with delight, and a stranger it will not follow.

XXXVI. It is a blessed thing, for people to know the name of the Lord. They that know it can trust in it; being as a strong tower unto them, and as a wall of defence, within which the righteous dwell safely, and unto which they fly when danger doth attend.

It is very precious for people to meet together and wait in this name; such find Jesus the Saviour, in the midst, and know a mounting up as with the wings of an eagle. Such know their bread sure, and their water fails not. Such meet and wait for the better, and not for the worse; they wait not in vain; their strength is renewed; they mount upward, and they know the name of the Lord as precious and as powerful now, as in ages past. They know it as a strong tower indeed, as a safe [Page 39]hiding place, and as precious ointment poured forth, and so they love it, because of the sweet savour thereof, and because they have been made clean, and are preserved by it as virgins; and can say, Thy name is as precious ointment poured forth, there­fore do the virgins love thee. It was virgin souls in ages past, that loved the name of the Lord. It is the virgins now, that love the name of the Lord. Those that are joined to any other lovers, cannot love the name of the Lord; though they may pretend much love thereto, their hearts are gone a whor­ing after other lovers; and though they profess love to the name of the Lord, and take it often into their mouths, and draw nigh to him with their lips, yet their hearts are gone astray, and they do not depart from iniquity; so though they confess and profess the name of God in words, they deny him in works. Such confessors and professors cause the name of God to be blasphemed among the Heathen.

This is the name of the Lord, by which he hath made known himself unto us, viz. Light. The pure everlasting light that now shineth in our hearts, this is the name of the Lord; for God is Light, and in him is no darkness at all. This is the name of the Lord to [...]. As we meet in this name, and wait in this name, live together and walk together in this name, we have fellowship with God, and one with another; and we dwell together as in the munition of rocks, where no evil nor enemy can prevail against us.

In this name, the light, there is no occasion of stumbling; as we love this name and walk in it, we are so far from falling, that we stumble not. It is out of this name the stumbling and falling is, the evil-doing is; He that doth evil hates the light, and doth not bring his deeds, thoughts and words to it; so walks, talks and works in the darkness; not knowing what he saith, whither he goeth, nor what he doth.

All the professors of Christianity, and all the sects upon the face of the earth, may be tried, measured and judged by this one saying, notwithstanding their talk of loving the name of the Lord, yet if they do, or commit evil, they hate the light. This is an universal, infallible truth, let the prosession be what it will. If people are found in the evil-doing, they hate the light, are enemies to God, loving their evil deeds.

This name of the Lord, the light, which makes all things ma­nifest, and judgeth every appearance of evil, is that which the sect-masters in Christendom despise and set at nought; and so know not the salvation that is in it; but to them that be­lieve in it, this name is precious, and they have and do wit­ness the sweetness and salvation that is in it; and this is the [Page 40]salvation such have waited for, and do partake of, even to be saved from sin, from doing, speaking and thinking of evil, while they dwell in these houses of clay, in these earthen vessels; such have, do and may enjoy the heavenly treasures.

It is a strong delusion indeed, and a gross doctrine of devils, that hath overspread the world of mankind in the great night of apostacy, wherein and whereby people are taught and per­suaded, that it is impossible to cease from sin, term of life; and that, though they continue and remain therein, yet they shall enjoy the salvation of God after they are dead. This may very fitly be called the doctrine of devils, and a strong delusion; a state wherein people are given up to believe a lie; seeing, as the tree falls so it lies, and there is no repentance in the grave.

This is the happiness of a remnant in this day, that they know the name of the Lord exalted, and set above every name in them, in Heaven and in earth, and know every thing bow­ing to it, and worshipping before it. Here the King of right­eousness is upon his throne; here the righteous bear rule, and the land rejoiceth; and peace is within their borders.

This is my testimony, That none can enjoy true peace, but as they witness this name of the Lord exalted in their hearts above every thing; above gold and silver, house and land, wife and children, and self-reputation; yea above all heavenly names as well as earthly; and every thought and imagination brought down and subjected to it. There is no other name given under Heaven, whereby men can be saved from their enemies within, which are their greatest enemies, but as they withess this name of the Lord exalted in them; even his name who said, I am the light of the world. This light sheweth unto man his enemies, and not only so, but destroyeth them with the breath of his mouth, and the brightness of his coming. Power is in his name, the light, which makes all things mani­fest, to destroy and expel all that is contrary to it, and redeem mankind from under the power of it. This a remnant are living witnesses of in this our day, and are ready, in love and good-will, to tell their neighbours, countrymen and acquaint­ance, what the name of the Lord, through their loving of it, hath done for their souls; that they may be persuaded to em­brace it, and come to experience the like great salvation.

Great is the knowledge that is broken forth in our hearts and understandings, and glorious is the light of that day that now shineth; what then remaineth, but that all that have re­ceived this knowledge, do walk answerable to it; and that all in whom this light shineth, abide in it and love it; so a vain [Page 41]thought cannot arise, nor an idle word be spoken, nor an evil deed be done, but they are judged and condemned by it.

This light that judgeth every appearance of evil, is a day of judgment, wherein men give an account for every idle word they speak.

XXXVII. It is a certain truth, testified by the Apostle, when he said, Great is the mystery of godliness.

And this is one of the great mysteries, that God is very nigh unto the sons and daughters of men; many of them are very far from him. God is in the world, but the world knows him not; and God, who is light, shineth in darkness, but the dark­ness doth not comprehend him. He is in men, and they live, move and have their being by him; yet they are without him, without God in the world; strangers to him, though he is not far from every one.

In this stands the happiness of a remnant, that they know God not only nigh them, and in them, but also they know themselves nigh unto him; he dwelling in them, and they in him. These are they that enjoy the effect of that blessed prayer of Christ Jesus, That they may be one, as thou Father, and I am one; I in them, and thou in me. This is the blessed unity and heavenly fellowship, which the primitive Christians were witnesses of, when they said, Truly our fellowship is with the Fa­ther and with his Son.

This is a state worth waiting to feel and enjoy. It is more than words can express, and is the end of all words and de­clarations. None are to sit down short of this state. This is the end of the race, and the mark of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Here is the seeing eye to eye, and the talking with God as a man talks with his friend. Here is the seeing as thou art seen, and the knowing as thou art known. Here is the walking with God as Enoch did; and here is the talking with him, as Abra­ham, Moses and the Prophets did. Here is the coming of the Lord to the last supper known, where the dainties are prepared, and the wine well refined. Here is the fruit of the vine drank new in the kingdom of God. Here is the marriage union, where the water is turned into wine; where the bride and the bridegoom rejoice together; where the tears are wiped off all faces; where there is no crying nor pain, death nor sorrow. Here death is swallowed up in victory, darkness into light, fear into love, in which is no torment. Here is the truth of that saying witnessed, love casteth out fear. This is the love which is greater than faith, greater than hope, the end of faith and hope, and remains when they are gone. This was the first, and will be the last. Blessed are all that dwell and abide in it; no evil can enter their dwellings.

[Page 42] XXXVIII. It is the blessing of all blessings, to know the low valley, where the green pastures are, where the safe feeding is, where none can male af [...]d; the feeding in this low valley, where the fatness of the Lord's house is, where the greenness and safety is, where the ravenous beast cannot come. The feeding here is more than words; it is the end of all words and declarations. It is the end of the Lord, in sending his messen­gers of the everlasting gospel among us; it is their crown and rejoicing to find us feeding in this low valley, where the Idol­shepherds and their flocks cannot partake with us; they know not the way that leadeth thereto.

The very remembrance of the time, wherein the call of the Lord reached us, and called us out of the holes of the rocks, and off the high hills and barren mountains, into the valley of Jehoshaphat, where the pleading with all flesh with fire and sword is, and where the judgment is known, by which Sion is redeemed. I say the remembrance of this day is very precious to a remnant, and the ministration thereof was glorious in its time; but this is more glorious, to dwell in this low valley, where the green pastures of life and salvation are fed on; where the growing is unto the stature and fulness of Christ; where no fear is; where the cause of it is taken away; where the pleasant rivers run; where the tranquility of mind, peace and full satisfaction is enjoyed. This is the blessing of blessings, and the portion of a remnant in this the day of the Lord's love, and exceeding riches and kindness; and those that truly enjoy the least measure of it, esteem it above all the world, because they well know, that all things therein are not suffi­cient to purchase the least dram thereof.

XXXIX. It is a very blessed thing for every particular, within themselves, to feel and know the spirit of God bear witness with their spirits, that they are true waiters upon and worshipers of him.

Many glorious things, according to the testimony of the Pa­triarchs, Prophets and Apostles, do accompany those that wait upon the Lord, and are enjoyed by them. One could say, They that wait upon the Lord shall want no good thing. This one sentence is sufficient to try all the pretenders to wait upon the Lord in Christendom, who profess a waiting upon him in ordi­nances, yet are found wanting the good thing. Poverty, blind­ness and nakedness, leanness of soul and barrenness of heart, are their daily companions; so, instead of wanting no good thing, they want all good things relating to their inward man. Another could say, They that wait upon the Lord, their strength shall be renewed, they shall mount upward as upon eagles wings, [Page 43]walk without weariness, run without fainting. No bare formal professor in Ch [...]istendom can be a living witness of these things; such may infallibly conclude, that they are deceived and mista­ken in the cause, when the effect doth not follow; for this is the testimony of truth to all the sects in Christendom, and the divers worshippers elsewhere in the world; let them profess what they will, yea, though it be the truth itself, if they en­joy not the good things, if they feel not their strength renew­ed, so as to run without weariness, and walk without fainting; if they grow not from grace to grace, from knowledge to know­ledge; if they increase not with the increase of God in the inward man; they deceive their own souls with a vain, dead, fruitless profession, which profits nothing, but will vanish like smoke in the day of the Lord.

XL. It is a precious thing, to be witnesses of the presence of Jesus in the midst, as a peaceable Saviour; for those that know him so, live, abide and walk in him, are of the number of those which need no repentance. Indeed it is an high and heavenly state to come to this degree of knowledge. None come hither, but such who have first known him as a judge and reprover, as a refiner with consuming fire, and as an [...]vercomer of all their enemies in them; the great dragon bound, the mouth of the bottomless pit stopped, and a standing upon the sea of glass mingled with fire; being witnesses of victo­ry over the beast and his image, and over the mark and num­ber of his name. These are they, that come to sing the song of Moses and the Lamb, not only upon the banks of salvation, but in the midst of Jerusalem, which comes down from God out of Heaven; and before the throne of the Lamb, who is the light thereof, and hath redeemed them from the earth, and faved them with a great salvation.

XLI. That which was lost is now found; the precious pearl that was hid in the field, a remnant in this age hath digged deep and found it, and many rejoice in the sight and know­ledge of; but let all understand this, that it is not sufficient to find the heavenly treasure, the precious pearl, but to pur­chase it and possess it; even by selling all, parting with all for it. Nothing in our hearts, nothing in our esteem, must stand in competition with it; all must be laid down for it. It is a true saying spoken by Jesus, If any man love any thing more than me, he is not worthy of me. He alone must reign and rule, and have the government in our hearts. We must know him to be the foundation, corner and top-stone, elect and precious.

It is not sufficient to know him as a little stone cut out of the mountain without hands, smiting at the feet of all image­ry; [Page 44]but to know him grown and increased to an exceeding great mountain, and to fill the earth, and to become all in all; to know every thing to bow at his name; every high thought, every imagination, every vile affection, selfish will and desire denied, brought down and subdued into obedience to the name, to the power of God. This is the blessed state of all, that have not only the knowledge of the field where the pearl is hid, but have also digged deep therein and found it, are to wait for and experience; and not to sit down short of this in the fight, knowledge and profession of the precious pearl, but to purchase, inherit, possess and enjoy it; that they may be able to say, My beloved is mine and I am his; here is the feeding among the lillies, where there is neither toiling nor spinning.

XLII. That which makes a people blessed, above all the families of the earth, is, that they in their solemn assemblies, and at all times, are sensible of that power that * makes self of no reputation, even self in its innocency; for such a self Christ had, which was humbled and made obedient to the death of the cross; and this is the way to an high and heavenly exal­tation, which as people come to walk in, as the Captain of our salvation did, the serpent that beguiled in Paradise, by drawing mankind into self-exaltation and self-reputation, cannot, nor shall ever prevail against them.

For the worship which this power hath led us to, begins not when our solemn assemblies begin, neither doth it end when we part, but is in that which is without beginning or end, even in the spirit and in the truth, into which the deceiver cannot come.

It is a precious state, an high and heavenly condition, to witness self made of no reputation, and to have unity with that power that hath made it so. They that remain and abide in it, no temptation can prevail against. So the whole duty of those that are come to the knowledge of this power, and to have faith in it, is always to cleave unto it with their whole hearts, and to fix their minds upon it; that in the midst of all temptations and trials, they may witness deliverance and sal­vation by it, and such shall n [...]ver miss of the same; for it is said when Christ was tempted, after the temptation was over, Angels ministred unto him. The same is witnessed now by a rem­nant, in measure, praises to the Lord! Such experience the blessedness that attends enduring temptation, and do magnify the power, over the power of the evil one, and walk to the praise and glory of it; and herein they differ from others; a [Page 45]talk and profession only differs not, but a living in the sense and obedience of that power, which makes self of no repu­tation.

Self became of some repute, when temptation at first en­tered mankind; the giving credit to the devil's saying, You shall be as Gods, &c. begot a selfish hope of a selfish gain; so be­ing deceived, a vain desire of self reputation sp [...]ang and in­creased, disobedience to the command and power of God, and a selfish hope and confidence were immediate companions in the beginning, which all the children of the light, that are come to a dwelling place in Paradise, are to watch against, lest as the serpent beguiled Eve, he beguile them.

XLIII. The night is far spent, darkness is past, and the true light now shineth, the day of God is dawned, the day-star is risen in the hearts of thousands.

This state and knowledge is very glorious in its time, and is more than all the bare professors in Christendom know or un­derstand. But that which we are to wait for and press after, is a further thing, or a knowledge of the same thing in a greater degree of glory, even to know the sun of righteousness arise with healing under his wings. This is more precious, and a greater degree of knowledge, even to experience the heal­ing virtue of the sun of righteousness; this ministration suc­ceeds that of discovering, reproving, convincing, smiting, cor­recting and wounding; this binds up and hea [...]s, this comforts and consolates the soul, refresheth and glads the heart, and ministreth the joy of God's salvation. To live in the sense and feeling of this healing virtue, this saving and preserving power, not only in our solemn assemblies, but at other times, is very precious. This cureth all diseases and insirmities, and taketh away, disperseth and removeth the cause of hurts and wounds; the cause of smiting, convincing and reproving; and preserving from falling into the same again; so as we live and abide in it, we can never err, nor ever need reproof, smiting or wounding. It is the world that lies in that state, where the spirit of God convinceth for evil, reproveth, smiteth and woundeth for transgression; but to us salvation is now nearer than when we first believed, and the great day of salvation is come; the maker up of the breach, and the healer of nations is come. blessed are all that do experience the healing virtue thereof, and the blessed effect of his appearing with heavenly healing under his wings; so that they can say, their soul-sick­ness is cured, and their wounds not only bound up, but healed, and they cleansed and made sound, both in soul, body and spirit. Such are fitted and prepared to have their conversation with God [Page 46]in Heaven, and sit there in the enjoyment of the light of his countenance, which is better than the increase of all other things.

It is the taste of the rivers of pleasure that are at his right-hand, and of the wine in his kingdom, that engageth those that drink thereof, to wait to partake more and more of the same. It is because of the savour of his good ointment, that the vir­gins love him.

If there was no good savour, if there was not something felt and witnessed, of greater worth and value than the treasures and pleasures this world can afford, the souls of the righteous would not long after it, and become sick of love, nor be en­couraged to wait to enjoy the increase and aboundings of it.

In this stands our happiness, daily to experience and partake of the virtue of this healing, saving and preserving power, to feel our hearts and minds joined to it, united to it, become one with it. Herein is our everlasting blessedness; and this truly distinguisheth such from all the bare prosessors in Christ­endom, even as they walk and abide in this blessed light, and sun of righteousness, that is risen and now shineth, and in the witnessing the healing virtue thereof.

XLIV. It is a precious state to be of a tender spirit, of a soft heart, prepared to wait upon the Lord. Such are in a capa­city to know when good comes; they are not like the parched heath, nor barren desert, but like the tender herb; they are sensible of the dews from Heaven, and of the gentle rain that falls, and the fruitful showers that descend upon them; they can feel the droppings down of divine love, and sprout forth and sing for joy in the sense thereof. But those whose hearts are stony, and whose spirits are hard, they cannot taste and see how good the Lord is; such are not prepared to wait upon the Lord, nor to draw nigh unto him, and partake of his di­vine refreshments, neither have they the sacrifice wherein his soul delights, which is a broken heart and contrite spirit. Oh! it is a blessed thing for people to meet together, and wait in the sense and feeling of the tendering power of the Lord; even that power that sought us out, and gathered us in the begin­ning, to have our hearts exercised in this tendering power, which is now with us, and attends upon us, for our good and preservation. This is that which makes us and our solemn assemblies differ from all the bare professors of Christianity. They that so meet and so wait, sit as at the table of the Lord, feeding upon that which is meat indeed, and drinking of the wine that the hath prepared, feeding upon life itself, and the substance itself. This is better than to sit at the table of [Page 47]Princes; all the banquets and dainties of the earth are not to be compared to it. As every mind and heart keeps in the sense of the tendering power of the Lord, they are living witnesses of the preciousness of it. Here none can forget the loving kindness of the Lord, nor let his benefits slip out of their minds; but are in a capacity to praise and magnify him for all his mercies and heavenly blessings, and wonderful kindnesses and deliverances that he hath wrought for them, even as great as for any people in any age of the world. They can say, He hath not only brought them out of Egypt, through the red sea and wilderuess, but also into the good land, and hath divided their inhe­ritance unto them; and they can say, Their lot is fallen into a good place; feeling the slowing of the milk and honey, they eat and drink, and praise the Lord in the sense of all his mercies, blessings and salvation that they are accompanied and sur­rounded with.

This is the mystery of our fellowship, and the bond of our unity; as our minds and hearts are exercised in the tendering power of the Lord, especially in our solemn meetings and waiting together upon him, as every one keeps close unto this, and are united unto it. Oh! this is a precious state, herein stands our blessed unity and fellowship, herein we are strong, even as Mount Sion, as a three-fold cord that cannot easily be broken. As we keep and abide in this, the gates of hell can­not prevail against us, no evil can hurt us. In this stands our joy and preservation in our meetings, and in our partings, in all times and places, as we feel our hearts and minds in unity with the spirit of the Lord; then not convinced, reproved and condemned by it; but justified and commended. This is sweet and precious indeed, as all that are in it know full well.

XLV. It is he that stays at home, that divides the spoil of his enemies. It is he that stays at home, that obtains the blessing. The wanderer and hunter doth not: He toils and wearieth himself, and selleth his birth-right.

It is the retired mind, the staid mind, the mind whose loins are girded with the girdle of truth, staid upon the Lord, that receives the blessing, and knows a being kept in perfect peace, ac­cording as it was witnessed of old; Thou wilt keep him in perfect pea [...]e whose mind is staid upon thee. This to enjoy, is the mark of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus, which we have been and are called unto, even to enjoy perfect peace, to be entire, wanting nothing. This to enjoy, is the end, sum and substance of the Christian religion.

It is those that are witnesses of a retiredness and a stayed­ness [Page 48]of their minds upon the Lord, that inherit substance. It is those that have known the candle of the Lord lighted in them, and have swept their own house, and found the piece of silver, and that rejoice therefore.

This heavenly light that now shineth, discovereth the vanity and emptiness of all things below the sun; and by the same, our minds have been redeemed from under them, and are become living witnesses, that neither all the treasures, pleasures, opi­nions and religions that are in the world, nor the bare pro­fession of truth itself, was able or sufficient to stay or satisfy our souls; We have found them all prove a very vanity and vexation of spirit.

For the soul of man is in itself more excellent, more noble, and of greater value than all these things, and is superior to them all. The lesser cannot satisfy or fill the greater; nor that which is inserior, ignoble and less excellent, stay or satisfy that which is superior or more worthy, noble and excellent in nature, capacity and being. As the soul of mankind is above all created sublunary beings, therefore all things under the sun, instead of food and satisfaction unto it, prove vanity, emptiness and vexation of spirit.

So blessed is the remembrance of that day and time, wherein our minds were turned to the true everlasting light that now shineth, which hath discovered the vanity and nothingness of all things below the sun, and hath redeemed the children thereof from under them all, up unto him who is in them, through them, and above them all, God blessed forever. And brings into the one true everlasting universal worship, which stands in the spirit and in the truth. Here God who is light, and dwells in the light, is bowed unto, worshipped and obeyed.

XLVI. It is a blessed thing, and those are the people who have attained to a heavenly state, who can experimentally witness and seal to the truth of that ancient testimony in the holy scriptures, Darkness is past, and the true light now shineth.

I say, it is a blessed thing to witness the truth of this, or to be able to say, Darkness is past. Those that have known what it is to dwell in darkness, and to work and travel in the land thereof, and have been surrounded therewith, and encompassed with the thick mists and fogs in the dark region of the shadow of death; such can remember that their steps were made in solitary places, and their habitations as where Dragons, owls and bats were their companions; and therein were stumbling and groping, like blind men for the wall: These have been in this state, who are come to know redemption and deliverance from it, and can say in truth, that Darkness is past, and the true light [Page 49]now shineth in and unto them; these can say it is a blessed state indeed; and that it is more to witness and experience the truth of these three words, Darkness is past, than only to hear and read thousands of good words. There is much in the words; those that know Darkness is past and gone, are come to the everlasting day of God, to the rising of the glorious sun of righteousness, which hath caused the very shadows of death to flee away; and they know the very womb in which is, and hath been bred and generated, all the evil and wickedness that comes forth in the world of mankind, made barren, removed and vanished away. They are come to the springing of that day, and to the arising of that sun, that disperseth all the mists and fogs, clouds and errors, that did encompass them about, and made them to walk in the shadow of death. Their hearts are made to rejoice in the feeling and enjoyment there­of, their eyes become satisfied, with seeing the glory of the true light that now shineth, and they find their hearts enga­ged to walk in the same; not only to profess and talk of it; but to walk in it; and become not only children of it; but young men, fathers and elders in it. Walking [...]n the light, im­plies no less than being led and guided by it, than bringing every thought, word and deed to it, to be tried, not only in our solemn meetings and assemblies, but at other times; in our affairs, dealings and converse among men, even in our com­mon occasions; and as all are found herein, they are in the true worship of God, whether together or asunder.

XLVII. They are true and faithful sayings testified of old, That there remains a rest, and the believer entereth into it; and he that is entered into this rest, hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his. This is the substance and antitype of the Jews sabbath; and this rest is inward and spiritual, even a stay and rest for the soul, wherein that blessed state, spoken of in old time, is witnessed, viz. Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is staid upon thee. This is a blessed state indeed, to be kept in perfect peace; those that know an entrance into this rest, and abide in it, know a ceasing from their own works, from fol­lowing their own thoughts, and doing their own will: Such keep holy-day to the Lord; and do know that the day of the Lord, long spoken and prophesied of, is come, and that the glorious light thereof now shineth.

This day is the day of the great sabbath, in which Christ stands up as a teacher of his people, and they hear and under­stand his voice, and follow him, and shut their ear against the many voices that are in the world. This is the teacher we [Page 50]have been directed to from the beginning. We have not been called to a noise or sound of words, nor to a bare profession; but to inherit substance, to enjoy rest, even that rest which hath been prepared of old, for the people of God, and which doth remain, and is very glorious, as those that have entered into it can witness: And this is my experience and testimony, That none can enter into this rest, but as they know a ceasing from their own works, their own willing, running and think­ing, and every thought brought into the obedience of Christ; no further than this is effected, can any entrance be witnessed by any into this rest that is prepared, and that doth remain, let people's talk and profession be what it will.

XLVIII. This is a great truth, that where a bridle to the tongue is not known, and a chain to the will, affections, lusts and passions witnessed, the religion of such is vain; though such may talk of rest and peace, yet they enjoy none.

John the Divine saw an angel come down from Heaven, having the key of the bottomless-pit, and a great chain in his hand, who laid hold upon the dragon, that old serpent, which is the devil and satan, and bound him. This, every particular is to see and know effected in the revelation of God, before they can witness an entrance into, and a sitting down in that rest which is glorious, and which the light of this glorious day leads the children thereof into: So it is precious to wait upon the Lord, who dwells in the light, and leadeth the children thereof into the enjoyment of rest.

XLIX. Certainly it was the joy and delight of the righte­ous in all ages, to draw nigh unto t [...]e Lord with their hearts; to be inward with him in their minds; and it is the joy and delight of the righteous in this age, who, by drawing nigh unto the Lord, experience the truth of that testimony, Those that draw nigh unto the Lord, the Lord will draw nigh unto them, and are witnesses of his heavenly presence, and partake of the joy of his salva­tion, having their conversation in Heaven, where God dwel­leth; and walk with him as Enoch, A [...]raham, Moses, and the Prophets did. This is witnessed by a remnant in this age, as in ages past; for the day of life and salvation is come, and the blessed way that leadeth thereto is known, and evidently made manifest to thousands in this our own native country, and island of the Gentiles, on whom the glory of the Lord is risen.

It is a blessed thing to know the way of life and salvation, but it is more blessed, and a greater degree of happiness, for every particular, to whom it hath appeared, to know them­selves fitted and prepared, by walking in the light thereof, to possess and inherit the same. This is that which is worthy to be [Page 51]waited for, and is the blessed end of all holy writing, reading, preaching and believing, even to possess the thing read, writ and preached of. Such as are taught of the Lord, and esta­blished in righteousness, not only know it, and profess it, but are established in it. This is the mark of the high calling, which all that are but in the way that leadeth thereto, are to press after, that they may come to the enjoyment thereof.

It is the tasting and seeing how good the Lord is, that raiseth and quickeneth desires to enjoy him, and more and more enga­geth to draw nigh unto him, and to wait upon him. It is the tasting of the streams of the river of life and pleasure that is at the right-hand of God, that alone reneweth strength; and such only are witnesses of the truth of that saying, They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, and mount upward as upon the wings of an eagle, run without weariness, and walk without fainting, even in the way of God's commandments with delight; being become more natural and pleasant so to do, than ever it was to do the contrary.

This is the blessed state and priviledge of many, to draw so nigh unto the Lord, as that they not only taste and see the goodness of the Lord, but are also filled and satisfied with the renewings of strength, divine refreshments, and heavenly con­solation in their souls, whereby they are made more and more in love with him, and engaged continually to wait upon him. And in this stands the happiness and preservation of all, even as the eye of their minds is kept looking unto the Lord, and waiting upon him, even as the eye of a maid is upon the hand of her mistress, and much more. Where this tasting, seeing, drawing and waiting is wanting, weakness, weariness and fainting abounds, and the enemy of their soul prevails, let the talk and profession of religion be what it will.

L. It is a blessing, yea, the blessing of all blessings, for eve­ry particular to know and feel within themselves, that the spirit of God hears witness with their spirits, that they are the sons and daughters of God, that they are begotten by him to a lively hope; whereby they purify themselves even as he is pure, and that they are Christians indeed, Israelites indeed, in whom is no guile. This I say is the blessing of all blessings, for every one to have the spirit of God to witness those things unto them; and this is precious to wait for and enjoy; for he that hath called us is holy, harmless and without guile; so as we follow and obey him, we shall be like him, as the primitive Christians were, who said, We know that when be doth appear we shall be like him. This testimony of the spirit of God is more than a [Page 52]thousand witnesses. It was the only comforter of the righte­ous in all ages past, and is the same now.

It is good to mind the spirit and its testimony, so as to be­come spiritually-minded; then life and peace is known, and death and trouble vanisheth away, and the truth of that say­ing is witnessed, To be spiritually-minded is life and peace, but to be carnally-minded is death.

Of a truth, the spirit of grace and truth is come, and many are living witnesses of its appearance and power, not only to reprove and convince, but to comfort and consolate those that have and do wait for its appearance, and are in love there with, and have their ear open to its teaching, and their minds and hearts exercised in it. In this stands the everlasting joy, peace, comfort and consolation of the righteous, even as they continually learn of the spirit of grace, and are witnesses of the leading of it, and guidance of it, out of all evil into all good. As they keep in the sense and exercise of this spirit of grace, they excel all the bare professors in Christendom. This alone makes them differ from them, even as they grow in spirit, from one degree of grace unto another, from knowledge to knowledge, from faith to faith, from strength to strength, from children to young men, from young men to elders and fathers, even to the stature and fulness of Christ, having his mind; doing always that which pleaseth God. Such are sons of God with­out rebuke, and are able to say, as some of old did, viz. We can do nothing against the truth. This is an high and heavenly [...] indeed, which all are to wait for and press after, which is possible to be attained unto, even in this age, as in ages past; and such can say, Greater is he that is in us, than he that is in the world; and are daily witnesses of his strength, in pre­serving them out of the evil of the world, though they live and labour in it, and daily converse with the children thereof.

This is that which keeps us a living virtuous people, even as we abide in him, increase and grow in him, who at first ap­peared unto us, and unto whom our minds were at first di­rected. Herein we shall be preachers of righteousness, lights of the world, and as the salt of the earth indeed.

LI. It is a precious thing to wait, walk, and dwell in the light, even in that which makes all things manifest; and those that wait and walk in it, are led by it to the rising of the Son, even the everlasting Son of righteousness, whose glory, light and virtue, doth as really disperse and drive away the vain thoughts, dark imaginations, fogs, clouds and mists of igno­rance and darkness within, as the outward sun doth expel, ex­tinguish, [Page 53]and cause the fogs, mists and darkness to vanish away outwardly: This many are witnesses of.

The very remembrance of the first discovery of truth under this name Light, in this our age, is very precious. The truth is but one, but it hath many names; and this name Light, to a remnant, is very excellent. Many righteous men and Pro­phets, in former ages, foretold of the glory of this day, or Light that now shineth, and prophesied of its-breaking forth unto a people that sat in darkness, and that were covered with the shadow of the night, and dwelt in the region of death. We see the fulfilling of these things; for we sat in darkness, and wandered in desolate places, and were encompassed with the region and shadow of death. Oh! how sweet was the light when it first sprang unto us, and caused us to see over the tops of the high mountains of darkness, and discovered unto us the secret chambers of imagery, and the hidden things of darkness, and guided our feet out of the mine and clay, and set them at liberty, to walk in that path which leadeth out of the way of death and darkness.

This is that manifestation of light, by which all these things are effected, to which our minds were at first turned; which light judgeth every appearance of evil, and leadeth all, that walk in it, out the same. This is the path-way, that not on­ly leadeth into innocency, but preserveth in it; for there is a possibility in this age as of old, that people may lose a good state, be tempted out of innocency and a virgin's state, after they have attained unto it. This made Paul exhort those he wrote to, To beware lest the serpent beguiled them as he did Eve. How was that? Why, draw or allure them out of innocency, out of harmlessness and a sinless state, into sin or breach of God's commandments, to the loss of Paradise. This he hath done, and may do again. People may lose a good state, yea, their place in Paradise, if not watchful; therefore good is it to wait and watch in the light, which not only leadeth into the garden of God again, and bringeth to the tree of life, and gives right to eat thereof, but also preserveth in the same; discovers and gives dominion over the tempter, and keepeth from falling into the temptation.

It is no wonder to us, why the old enemy of mankind rageth against the truth, under this name Light; and that he gives it so many approbrious and despicable names, that people might not regard it, nor believe in it as it is; knowing that it under­mines his kingdom of darkness, and discovers him and all his works, and destroys them also. We are witnesses of the pow­er and virtue of faith in the Light, that it is able to break all [Page 54]the chains of darkness, and deliver out of the fetters of death and hell; and we also know, that there is not any other way or means under Heaven appointed of God, that is able to effect this work. All other ways, means and inventions of men, are not able to break one link of the chains of darkness. 'Tis faith in Christ the Light, which reproveth the world of sin. Though this light shines in the world in wicked men in darkness, yet they having not faith in it, believing not in it, as that in which God dwells, they never know the saving power and virtue thereof; yet its reproving and condemning power such shall not escape.

LII. It is a blessed thing, for People to know the name of the Lord, even as some in ages past knew it, and have left their knowledge and experience upon record; who could say and witness, that the name of the Lord was as a buckler, as a shield, as a tower of defence, yea, as a strong tower, into which the righteous fled and were safe. It is very precious for people so to know the name of the Lord, and to meet together in it; such are in a capacity to enjoy, possess and inherit all the blessings that ever were promised, and to avoid and escape all the curses that were ever threatned.

The glorious light of the gospel, that now shineth, is the name of the Lord, whereby he hath made himself manifest to us in this our day and age. As we wait together, and walk in this name, we are witnesses and experiencers of the fulfilling of that promise, Where two or three are met together in my name, there am I in the midst; such know their teacher, their Saviour, in the midst, and their eye is towards him, and their ear open to his voice, who is a teacher, one of a thousand, who teach­eth to profit indeed. Many, that have learned of him, can say, They soon became wiser than all their former teachers. Thus to hear and learn of him is the blessed end of all preaching, hearing and believing; and of all the ordinances, ministrati­ons, dispensations and appointments of God, ever since the fall of man, even to hear and obey the voice of the Son of God, who is light, and dwells in the light, wherein the righteous in all ages had fellowship with God, and one with another.

To know this name, is more than talk and a bare profession. To know it as a safe hiding place, a sure rock, and tower of defence when the enemy assaults, when floods of temptations attend, when arrows fly by night, and cease not in the day; when storms descend, and winds blow. This was and is the blessed end of the knowledge of the name of the Lord in all ages, to save and preserve them that have it, from all dangers that attend them at all times and in all places, from the enemy [Page 55]of their souls, that his fiery darts may not hurt them, nor his floods drown them, nor the storms and winds overthrow them, nor the enemies of their own house prevail against them.

This was the reason why those that knew it, compared it to a strong tower, &c. They often meditated in it, and thought upon the name of the Lord, and thereby found strength to ab­stain from every appearance of evil, and to resist the devil in all his attempts. This is a happy state indeed, which those only that know the name of the Lord, and can trust it, do enjoy.

By this may all the bare professors of all the various names in Christendom, so called, be proved and tried; who talk much and profess much, of the name of the Lord, but do not depart from iniquity, do not cease from evil, do not know his name as a strong tower, to save and preserve them from the strength and power of the enemy of their souls; so notwithstanding their great profession of the name of the Lord, they do not depart from iniquity; and though they take his name into their mouths, they hate to be reformed by him; which is a great abomination to the Lord, and stinks in his nostrils. For this I testify in the name of the Lord, that all people upon the face of the earth, let their name and sort of religion be what it will, who profess the name of the Lord, and are found in evil doing, their profession is vain, and their religion a lye. In sin they live, and in sin they will die, except they come to know that repentance which is never to be repented of; till which, they can never come to know the name of the Lord as a strong tower, buckler or shield; but are led captive and ensnared by the ene­my of their souls, even at his pleasure.

LIII. In this stands our blessedness and everlasting happi­ness, as our eye is kept always looking to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, and not only to know him the author, the beginner of faith, but the finisher, the ender also; to know the end of faith, which is the salvation of our souls; such know sal­vation nearer than when they first believed. It is a blessed thing, to have and know that saith which Jesus is the author of, the least measure of which, is very precious and very pow­erful; though it be but as a grain of mustard-seed, it removes mountains, and doth wonderful things. Many are living wit­nes;ses in this age, as in ages past, of the power of faith, even in the beginning of its work; but it is an higher state to know the end of it, the finishing of it, to know the work thereof done; to know the heart purified by it, and the victory over the world obtained; the wicked one subdued and overcome, brought down and destroyed. This is a blessed state indeed, and that which all are to wait for, press after and witness. [Page 56]The only way to attain it, is always to look to Jesus, to keep the eye of the mind toward him, and the ear open to him, who alone teacheth to profit, even in silence, when no word is spoken outwardly. This is the blessed end of the ministry and ministers of truth the Lord hath sent amongst us, and of all preaching, writing and printing, even that every one's eye might be turned to Jesus, always looking to him who hath be­gun the good work, and who alone is able to finish it.

LIV. It is a blessed state, to be as a stranger and pilgrim on the earth, and to be able to say in truth, as some of old did, We have here no continuing city, but we seek one to come. I say, this is a blessed state; but it is more blessed to find the city sought for, to know the heavenly city to be come, to know the heavenly Jerusalem come down from above, from God out of Heaven, and to be a citizen of it; such dwell in a quiet ha­bitation; such are redeemed from the earth, who dwell in this heavenly city, where no unclean thing can enter; they dwell not upon the earth, neither do they inhabit the dark corners thereof, where the woe and misery is, as it is written, Woe to them that dwell upon the earth: Woe to the inhabitants of the earth, for the devil is come down amongst you, &c. Oh! let none that talk of, and profess themselves citizens of the heavenly Jerusalem, be found inhabiters of the earth! but let all travel Sion-ward, until they come to dwell therein, and become free citizens thereof, who are not fellow citizens with the saints in light, w [...]d well not within the gates thereof. Oh! press forward to the same, that a sirting down in the kingdom you may wit­ness. This is the end of our pilgrimage; the end of seeking a city that will continue, whose builder and maker is God, who is worshiped in this city in the spirit, in the truth, and hath everlasting praise from all the inhabitants thereof.

The outward Jew, the outward Jerusalem, the outward tem­ple, the outward furniture thereof, and the worships and wor­shippers therein, were shadows, figures and types of these things. Jerusalem was the place of worship, and all were to repair thither to worship, to make their offerings, and offer their sacrifices; and wherever the people were, when they prayed or worshipped, they were to turn their faces towards the city of Jerusalem. To be witnesses of the coming down of the heavenly city of Jerusalem, and being a fellow citizen of the saints in light, is the antitype and substance of those things, and of all the blessed promises relating thereunto, and is that which all are to wait for, who have not attained thereto, but are in the way thereof.

LV. It is a true saying recorded in the holy scriptures, that [Page 57]the Word is nigh, in the mouth, and in the heart; none need to ascend or descend to fetch it down, or bring it up. This was the word of faith preached and believed by the primitive Christians, and is now again preached and believed in by a remnant in this age. Blessed are all those that know, experience and abide in the same, that hear and obey the voice and teachings thereof, that are learning of it, not only when they meet together in one place, but at other times and places, in their common occasi­ons to lend their ear unto it, and receive its instruction. Such assuredly will be made wise unto salvation. Such will not be always learning, and never learned; neither will they be la­den with sin, not be led about by divers lusts, but will witness the powerful salvation of God through faith in the word, which is quick, sharp and powerful; quick to teach and instruct in all that is good; and to reprove and condemn all that is evil; and sharp and powerful to cut down and destroy that which did formerly load with sin, and led into the things that are evil.

The hearing and obeying this word of life, this inspeaking word of God, that is nigh in the mouth and in the heart, is the only ground of all true learning and knowledge; and all that despise the voice of it, and shut their ears against the teachings of it, and have not faith in it, though they may be furnished with all the academical learning in the world, and be diligent hearkeners to the voice of men and books, yet will they remain strangers to, and ignorant of the pure sanctifying, satisfying wisdom, and peaceable salvation of God, and under the burden and power of sin, under the command of their lusts, wills and passions.

The want of faith in the word and power of God within, and the neglect of hearing the still small voice thereof, is the ground and cause of all ignorance, errors, darkness and con­fusion among men, of all sects and sorts of religion upon the face of the whole earth.

LVI. It is a precious thing to have faith, and to be always looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of it; and to be growing and increasing in it, from one degree unto another. They are the blessed people who wait, walk and live together in this faith, which Jesus is the author of; and is the same which was once delivered to the saints; being the gift of God, and not of man. The least measure of which is very powerful, though but as a grain of mustard seed, it is able to remove mountains; and all that know the growing and increase of it, and persevere therein, come to know Jesus not only the author, but the finisher [Page 58]of faith; not only the beginner, but the ender of it; for faith hath an end, even the salvation of the soul; and all that at­tain to that end, can rejoice in the salvation of God, which is come nearer unto them than when they first believed.

Let all the sects in Christendom, who talk of having faith in God, try and examine what their faith hath done for them. If it hath not removed mountains of darkness and ignorance; if it hath not purified their hearts; if it hath not given them victo­ry over the world, saved them out of the evil thereof, ena­bled them to please God, to live unto him, and to find accep­tance with him; if they know not these things wrought in them and for them, they may infallibly conclude their faith is dead, and is none of that faith which is the gift of God, once delivered to, and received by the primitive saints, which Je­sus was the author of; but is a faith of their own making, and is like the faith of devils who believe and tremble; the only fruit and effect of the faith of devils and wicked men.

LVII. It is a blessed thing to know and witness a meeting and waiting together in the name of Jesus; such as meet in this name, and know Jesus the peaceable Saviour in the midst of them, know the heavenly adorning of a meek and quiet spirit, the prince of peace, and his peaceable government, the Lamb upon the throne, the righteous bearing rule, the land rejoicing, and heavenly peace in their borders.

It is the true waiters and meeters in this name, that enjoy all the blessings promised. It is they that know their strength, faith and confidence in God renewed; their wisdom and know­ledge encreased with the encrease of God; they know the light to shine more and more unto a perfect day, as was wit­nessed of old, The just man's path is as a shining light, that shineth more and more unto a perfect day.

But before this day is known, Jerusalem must be searched as with candles, even Jerusa [...]em the chosen beloved city, and eve­ry inhabitant of it; and the blessed end of searching, is to cleanse and purify it. Judgment begins at the house of God, to purge away and sweep out all that doth defile, and to lay waste Babylon, the city of confusion, the mystery of iniquity. These things are to be known and experienced in every parti­cular, even Jerusalem searched and cleansed, and Babylon wast­ed and destroyed; and the increase of the kindom of Heaven within, the power, light, and glory thereof shining more and more within. As in this name we meet and abide, we feel the kingdom come, and the will of God done; and whatsoe­ver we ask in this name, we receive, according to Christ's pro­mise; for we have not been called to a sound of words, to [Page 59]figures, types and shadows, nor to depend upon the lips of others, though enabled to make long declarations of the truth itself; but to inherit substance, to feel Jesus the truth in the midst, the tree of life in the midst, and to eat of the fruit thereof, and to sit under his shadow with great delight. These things are a remnant come unto, and do enjoy. This is the crown and rejoicing of the messengers and ministers of the Lord, when they come among us, to find us feeding on the bread of life; enjoying and possessing substance, peace, life, and everlasting salvation: And it is their sorrow and trouble to find a people under the profession of truth, always learning, but never learned; always hearing, and yet ignorant of the voice of the word of life in themselves, and of that living bread which comes down from Heaven.

LVIII. To them that believe, Christ is precious, even him whom the nations despise, and the master-builders set at nought: I say, to those that believe he is precious, he is be­come the head of the corner. They love him in all his ap­pearances, manifestations, dispensations and operations; whe­ther he appears as a judge, a convincer, a reprover, a refiner with fire, and a fuller with soap; or a comforter; saviour, or prince of peace. In all these he is precious to those that be­lieve in him, because they know and believe, that the blessed end of every appearance and operation of his spirit in them, is in order to make them happy.

It is very blessed to know him appear as a judge, a reprover, a refiner and fuller, &c. This is more than a bare profession, and beyond all the nominal Christians upon the face of the earth; but it is much more blessed to know him a finisher of the work, to know judgment brought forth to victory, to know a being refined, a being purified, a being sanctified and saved. This is a state that every believer is to wait for and experience; without which, they cannot be Christians indeed, Israelites indeed, in whom is no guile.

For this I testify, That this is the end of the blessed appear­ance of the Son of God, the Light, Grace, Spirit, Power or Love of God within; which is all one thing, though under different names, so to work and operate in every true believer in him, and lover of him as to make an end of sin, finish transgression, and bring in everlasting righteousness. This is the blessed end of all his operations.

The titular Christian that talks of Christ and his offices, as King, Priest and Prophet, Saviour and Redeemer, &c. and knows him not first as a refiner, a fuller, as a purger of the floor, and a burner of the chaff with unquenchable fire, deceives his [Page 60]own soul with a vain talk and profession; so never witnesseth sin made an end of, nor transgression finished, nor everlasting righteousness brought in. Except this be known, all professi­is vain, and people cheat themselves with the name Christian, the nature therof being wanting.

It is very precious and absolutely needful, for every parti­cular that professeth the name of Christ, and faith that he is a believer in him, to feel and know his heart and mind truly in love with every appearance of him in his soul; to follow it and obey it, and to enjoy the end thereof, viz. Everlasting salvation brought in, sin made an end of, that he may appear the second time without sin unto salvation. This is worthy to be waited for; and as every one loves the appearance of Christ, and joins to it in their hearts, against every appearance of evil, they are in the way that leadeth thereto, even to everlasting life, peace and salvation. This is the new and living way, and there is not another. All that are out of this way, are strangers to it in their minds, their hearts being ali­enated from it, never come to inherit substance, nor to know everlasting righteousness brought in, unrighteousness finished and cast forth, the house swept, purged and cleansed, and they made an habitation for God in the spirit, but do remain as a cage for unclean birds, and a place for dragons; though they may talk of the fame of wisdom, sanctification and redemp­tion, righteousness and salvation, yet they are found in the contrary; in captivity and bondage, though they talk of free­dom and redemption; in unholiness and corruption, while they talk of sactification and righteousness. Let all concerned consider hereof.

LIX. It is a blessed thing for people to meet together in one place with one accord, all minding one thing, every mind exer­cised in the spirit and in the truth, wherein alone God is worship­ped. This is the worship a remnant are brought unto, which worship doth not always begin when their solemn meetings begin, neither doth it end when they part. It is as every one is found therein, that they and their worship differ from all the formal worshippers upon the face of the whole earth, whose worship stands in the traditions and inventions of men, in set times, and at certain places, in saying certain prayers, reading divers lessons, preaching and singing, &c. Every mind being exercised in the truth, every thing that is contruy there­unto, is made to bow and bend unto it; every thought, every imagination, every desire and affection made subject to the truth, worshipping or bowing to the name of Jesus. This is more than bowing the knee, or all bodily exercise whatsoever; [Page 61]more than all Mountain and Jerusalem worship, of all the di­vers modes in Christendom. For while the mind is carnally ex­ercised, the heart corrupt, the conscience defiled, the understand­ing darkened; all is but will-worship, self-work, and voluntary humility, and hath no acceptance with God.

LX. It is a true saying which Christ spoke to his disciples, when he said, If I go not away, the Comforter will not come. There is much in the words; many have read them, but have not understood what they read; for it is a blessed thing, to know the going away of Christ after the flesh, and to be able to say, as one of old did, Know I him so no more. They are those that know him come again in the spirit as a comforter, as a Prince of peace, and are witnesses or his peaceable government in their souls, and can say, He is come, and we [...]ook not for another.

LXI. Of a truth, the times of refreshing are come from the presence of the Lord, the showers from Heaven are falling, and the heavenly manna is rained down, and many are livingly refreshed therewith, and are become as a well watered gar­den: Who were as a desert and wilderness, are now blossom­ing as a rose; and those that were barren, now bear and bring forth fruit unto God. This is the Lord's doing, and is marvellous in the eyes of a remnant.

Blessed are the people that can meet together with one ac­cord, and sit before the Lord waiting upon him. Such at times are favoured to sit as at a banquet, and have a table richly spread before them; they eat and drink and their souls are satisfied. Their everlasting happiness and blessedness stands in this; in feeling their hearts and minds continually drawn nigh unto the Lord, and staid upon him, not only in their so­lemn meetings, but at other times. In this they are preserved in a capacity to partake of the mercies and blessings of the Lord daily. This is a blessed and safe state indeed; to know a stay to the mind, to know the heart fixed, joined, settled upon the Lord. Such cannot be easily moved, neither can the ene­my prevail against such, nor the stranger intermeddle with their joy. Their bread is sure, and their water fails not. They are witnesses of the truth of that Prophet's words, who said, speaking of the Lord, Thou wilt keep them in perfect peace whose minds are staid upon thee. What can any desire more than perfect peace? Peace that is intire, wanting nothing, full of satisfaction, and rejoicing in the inward man. Oh! what would a remnant have given in times past, to have known a stay to their minds, to have known the heavenly treasure which is sufficient to satisfy, refresh and consolate their souls! This is the pearl of great price. This is the eating of the tree [Page 62]of life indeed, and is the only way and means to come to the possession of all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge that lie hid in Christ Jesus, and to inherit all the blessings that at­tend the Christian religion we profess; but those that are of a wandering mind, their thoughts, wills and affections unsubdu­ed, unmortified, they are in that state wherein they know not when good comes, and as broken cisterns that can hold no water.

So this is the main thing, wherein our safety and happiness stands, viz. to know our minds and hearts drawn nigh unto the Lord, our eye fixed upon him: that after we have partook of his blessings, and been refreshed with his presence, we may abide in a frame of mind, ready to receive of him that which doth satisfy our souls, and minister true content to our minds. Nothing is able thus to do, but the daily bread. What we eat to-day, will not serve to-morrow. Give us this day our daily bread. Bread every day fresh from the table of the Lord. Hereby is the growing from grace to grace, from faith to faith, from one degree of glory unto another witnessed, even till we all come unto the stature and fulness of Christ. The more any thus truly wait to enjoy, the more they feel their strength re­newed with heavenly encouragement, so that they can run and not be weary, and walk and not be faint.

LXII. That which makes a people blessed and happy, is, that they hear and obey the still small voice, which saith, This is the way, walk in it. This is the voice of the true shepherd, and the sheep know it, follow it and obey it, and a stranger they will not hear not follow. In this lay the safety, strength and blessedness of the righteous, in all ages and generations past, even in hearing and obeying the voice of the Lord. Herein they gained victory over their enemies, and knew them all confounded and brought to nought. This is the strength and blessedness of the righteous in this age and generation, by which they overcome their enemies. As we hear and obey this voice, we grow strong and prevail against all our ene­mies, even those of our own house, which are our greatest enemies. In obeying this heavenly voice, which calls out of all the crooked ways and bye-paths of sin and transgression, into the strait and living way of the Lord, and preserveth in the same, that we return not into them again, that we enter not into the way of sin and transgression, that we are not captivated in the way of darkness and error, out of which we have been called, and from which we have been redeemed and saved with a great salvation. Praises be to the name of the Lord, who hath caused his glorious day to [Page 63]dawn, and his heavenly voice to be heard and known, from all the voices that are in the world, and from the voice of the serpent, though it many times speaks very low and small. Yet blessed be the Lord, we hear and know it from the voice of our enemy, from the voice of the stranger, because it calls out of all evil and error, into purity and holiness; out of all self-will, thoughts and imaginations, into the heavenly still­n [...]ss, self-denial, deep humility, and lowliness of mind; which is the low valley where the fresh pastures are, and the springs of life are known, where satisfaction is enjoyed, and peace and tranquility of mind possessed. This is the substance of all. This is that we have been and are called to, in this the glori­ous day of God's appearance, in this his visitation of us with his day-spring from on high, which shineth gloriously to a remnant: Praises to God forever.

LXIII. Those are the blessed people, who have not their teacher to see [...], their Saviour and Redeemer to seek; but their eye beholds him, and their ear heareth his voice; witnessing and en­joying what one of old knew, when he said, I know that my Redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand last upon the earth. This is an heavenly state, which a small remnant witness, even to see their their Redeemer stand last upon the earth. He was the first upon it, and is known to be the last also; subduing all under him; the earth to be his foot-stool; all earthly mindedness, earthly desires, earthly affections, trodden down and trampled upon by him; every vain thought and lofty imagination sub­dued under him, all our enemies destroyed by him. But no people nor person upon the face of the earth, can witness these things effected in them, but as they travel through the work of regeneration, and come to know that their Redeemer liveth not only in himself, but also in them. Then transgression is known to be finished, and everlasting righteousness brought in. Then the Prince of peace and righteousness reigns, sits upon the throne and rules; where the prince of the power of the air and unrighteousness did rule. Then doth the land rejoice, and heavenly peace abounds in their dwellings; which peace can­not be enjoyed by any, let them profess what they will, tho' it be the truth itself, unless they experimentally know their Teacher, their Saviour, their Redeemer.

LXIV. The very remembrance of the time, wherein our minds were turned to the true light that now shineth, not only in darkness, but out of it, is very precious; in which God dwells, in which we are living witnesses of his presence and appearance, which ministreth more consolation, refreshment and gladness in our hearts, than the increase of corn, wine and oil. The [Page 64]exceeding love and kindness of God, in fitting and preparing instruments in his own hand, and by his own power, to turn and direct our minds to the light of Christ within, to the pow­er of God within, is never to be forgotten. The waiting in which, and the obedience to which, makes us and our assem­blies to differ from those who are strangers thereunto; the which, as we wait in and obey, we never have our teacher to seek, our guide and instructor to seek, though no word be spoken outwardly.

It is a precious thing to love this light, and to walk in it. That is the only way to be a child of it. It is the high-way that was prophesied should be cast up, wherein the way-faring man, though a fool, should not err. There is no stumbling in this way, nor no occasion of stumbling. As we walk and abide therein, we are, and shall be the most contented people, the wisest, strongest and happiest people upon the face of the earth: but out of it, we are as weak as any; and after we are come to the knowledge of this way, if we abide not therein, we may also become as wicked as any.

There is no other way to be looked for, no other gospel to be preached than this, to which our minds were turned at the beginning, viz. the Light, the Grace and Power of God, the Pearl, the Treasure, the Kingdom within; in which the key is known, that openeth not only the mysteries of godliness, but the mystery of iniquity also; and brings our eye to be satisfied with seeing, our ear with hearing, and our heart with under­standing.

Oh! how are we engaged to walk in this way! to walk worthy of this love which is shed abroad in our hearts, which we are made partakers of, that we may adorn our profession with all holiness of life and conversation; to the praise of him that hath called us out of darkness into his marvelous light. To whom be glory forever.

LXV. It is a blessed thing, to know the kingdom of God to be come, even the same kingdom which Christ long since taught his disciples to pray for; and which he in this age hath taught his disciples to pray for. It is a blessed thing to know this kingdom to be come, but it is more blessed to know a sitting down in it, and partaking of that wherein it stands, viz. Peace and joy in the Holy Ghost; which all the kingdoms of this world cannot give, nor take away.

Now the cause why we in time past, as well as others, were ignorant of the coming of this kingdom, and wanted the en­joyment of that wherein it stands, was because we disregard­ed its appearance, and over-looked the seed of it, and slighted [Page 65]the operation of it; which is like the working of leaven in meal. This was the cause, even because we did not regard the day of small things; we had no faith in the holy power and spiritual appearance of God within, which always wrought against evil, and the author of it, and his kingdom of dark­ness, though but as a little leaven or small seed.

And all the sects and sect-masters in Christendom, who over­look the seed of the kingdom, which works like leaven in all that have saith in it, and despise the appearance and operati­on of the light and spirit of God within, the [...] never know the coming of the kingdom of God, nor the sitting down in it. They inherit vanity, reap sorrow, and lie down in misery, let their talk and profession be never so high. This is the wora of truth to them all.

But all that know the coming of this kingdom, and a sitting down in it, and the enjoyment of that wherein it stands, which is peace and joy in the Holy Ghost; they are living witnesses of their being gathered from the east, west, north and south, and of sitting down with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of God, and can say as some of old could, which the author to the Hebrews wrote to, when he said. But ye are come unto Mount Sion, and unto the ci [...]y of the living God; the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels, to the general assembly and church of the first-born, which are written in Heaven; and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect; and to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant; and to the blood of sprinkling, that speakerb better things than the blood of Abel. Were not these things written in the holy Scriptures, it might or would be counted unlawful, if not blasphemy, to speak or write after this manner. But the kingdom and power of God is one and the same throughout all ages, and was the dwelling-place of the righteous in all generations; even the same our minds were at first turned and directed to, whose first appearance was as a light shining in a dark place; as a little seed springing out of a dry ground; as a little leaven work­ing in the meal, according to the parables and teachings of Christ Jesus. This was the lot and inheritance which the holy men and holy women in ages past waited for and received, and glorified and praised God for the enjoyment thereof, in the midst of all afflictions and fiery trials, and over them all. This was their joy and crown, and the righteous in this age desire no other.

LXVI. We have been and are called to inherit substance; and all that have obeyed this call, and abode with him that [Page 66]hath called, are witnesses of that bread which nourisheth up unto eternal life; and do experience the preciousness and pleasantness that there is in eating of that bread which comes down from Heaven. The outward bread, upon the outward table in the outward temple, was a type and representation of this heavenly bread, which nourisheth those that feed thereon up unto eternal life. To meet together, and sit together at this table, and eat of this bread, is better than to sit on thrones with Princes, and to eat of their dainties. All the treasures and pleasures of this world, are not to be compared with it; for there is no­thing able to content the soul, and to stop its hungering and thirsting after those things that perish with the using, but the eating of this bread: And the more any eat of this bread, the more they hunger after it. There is a pleasure and blessing in hungering and thirsting, when the treasury of living bread and water is ready at hand to supply; and it is the taste of the crumbs which fall from the children's table, that begets a cry in the hearts of a remnant, Evermore give us this bread.

LXVII. Blessed are all who have their eye unto the Lord, and their ear open unto him at all times, and in all places, and in all states and conditions; for of a truth, God is come to teach his people himself, as was long since foretold. All that have learned of him, and are guided by his spirit, are thereby led to within the vail, into the holiest of holies, and know the vail to be taken away, not only the vail of Moses, and the vail of the outward Temple, but also the vail of the flesh of Christ; and are come to behold him, and dwell with him, who was before the cause of vails had a being; before the cause of the law, the labour of the Prophets, and suffering of Christ had a being. This state is precious to behold, and very delightful to enjoy. This is the light of his countenance in­deed, which is better than corn, wine, oil, or all visible things.

This is the blessed end of waiting upon God, as the hand­maid doth upon the eye of her mistress. Whether thou art as a babe, as a child, as a young man, as an elder, or as a father; thy duty is, in all these states and growths, to have thy eye unto the Lord, that he may lead thee from the one into the other, and preserve thee therein by his grace, which is able and sufficient to teach thee all good, save and defend thee from all evil, lead thee into glory, and establish thee in the kingdom thereof forever.

LXVIII. It is a very blessed thing, and those are the people that are come to a blessed state and condition, who can say in truth, that their bodies are the temple of the Holy Ghost. These are they whose eyes behold their teacher; their eye is inward [Page 67]unto him, who teacheth in his temple, and whose glory ap­pears in his temple. These are the blessed people that have this knowledge; and all that have it, know how they come by it, and how they became so, having been the temples of the unclean spirit. They know the temple that was defiled and polluted, cleansed and purged, and the unclean spirit and his works cast forth. These are a watchful people against all that would defile the temple again, and these are the true temple worshippers in this day and age, and this is the temple in which every one speaks of the glory of the Lord, of the pow­er of the Lord, and of his wonderous works wrought therein, even in his temple not made with hands.

This is the antitype and substance of the outward temple built by Solomon, and the various worships and services therein; even when people are brought into such a state, as to know their bodies the temple of the living God; that he walks in them, and dwells in them, according to the ancient prophecies of holy men. These are an habitation of God through the spirit.

These are the worshippers in spirit, in truth, not only in appointed places and solemn assemblies, but at other times and places, bowing to every appearance of God in his temple, in the spirit and in the truth in the inward parts, which God loves, accepts and delights in.

The outward temple, after it was finished and sanctified, became defiled, polluted, and made as a den of thieves, there­fore it became robbed, and spoiled of all its treasure, and so in the end destroyed. This was or came to pass in the figure, and is written for our learning: Let all be watchful and take heed, lest after they know their bodies the temples of God, sanctified or made holy, they become polluted and defiled again. Such God will destroy with woful destruction.

It is very precious when people are come, not only to know their bodies the temples of the Holy Ghost, which knowledge is absolutely needful, for without it there is no being a Christi­an, but also are come to know an heavenly stillness, an hea­venly silence in the temple, no buying and selling, nor ex­changing; no noise of the workman's iron-tool in the tem­ple, for that defiles the temple, and pollutes the altar, if it be but lifted up upon it. The best parts, inventions and arts of man in the fall, hath nothing to do in rearing an altar, in building a temple, nor in setting up a worship, or offering sa­crifices to God. His righteousness and his wickedness are both abomination to the Lord.

LXIX. The gospel is the power of God unto salvation. This [Page 68]gospel was preached in Abraham's time, yea in Enoch's and Alam's time, and salvation was obtained in it and by it. Those that obeyed this gospel, the power of God, in those ages, were saved by it from evil, made just and holy men, friends of God and walked with him. Thus it was before the law, under the law, through the Prophets. All that obeyed the spirit and power of God, obeyed the gospel, and were redeemed and saved by it from sin and transgression, which mankind being fallen into, had need of the gospel to be preached unto him; had need of redemption and salvation by it; and as it is re­ceived and obeyed, it is known to be the power of God to sal­vation by such.

Paul's testimomy was, Col. i. 23. that he was a Minister of that gospel which was preached in every creature under Heaven; which was indeed the universal light, love and power of God, appearing for the salvation of man. All that are true mini­sters of this gospel, are like their heavenly father, whose light shineth for all, whose rain falls upon all, whose love extends to all. They are not like the Jewish Rabbies, Doctors and Priests, or Ministers of the letter; who preach not the power of God, that brings salvation to all that receive and obey it; nei­ther do they bring their disciples into true love, [...]eace, unity, good-will and brotherly-kindness one to another, and to all mankind, and put an end to the contrary.

Oh! the miserable state poor mankind is brought into, and hold captive in, through the mystery of iniquity working in many of the nominal professors in nominal Christendom! where, under the name and profession of the Prince of peace, love, good-will, innocency, patience, kindness, and all holy virtues, is realy found and practised, wars, fightings, cruelty, vio­lence, envying, hating and destroying one another; which are not the fruits of the gospel of God, nor of the ministry thereof; but of men, of the prince of confusion, and of Babylon, and of those who have drank of the whore's cup, whose wine of fornication hath made drunk all nations. He that can un­derstand, let him.

LXX. Blessed are all those that know themselves members of the true church, which is built of living stones, elect and pre­cious, and are made an habitation for God, in the spirit and in the truth, who meet together, and wait upon the Lord in silence, and worship in spirit and truth, without a book, or dependance on a man-minister.

So blessed are all that are of the true church, living stones, a spiritual house and habitation for God, who know him to dwell in them, and to walk in them as in his temple, teach­ing [Page 69]and ruling in their hearts. These are fellow citizens of the saints in light, and know the heavenly city Jerusalem come down Heaven, and themselves inhabitants thereof. These have known redemption from the earth, and the tongue of the Egyptian sea dried up, the seat of the whore, and the my­stery of all her harlotry, under all her various dresses and sumptuous array, and golden appearances discovered; and these are they that cannot be deceived longer by them. These can sing Hallelujah, salvation and glory, and honour, and pow­er unto the Lord their God. These can say, True and righteous are his judgments, for he hath judged the great whore which did corrupt the earth with her fornication, and hath avenged the blood of his servants at her hand. These can say, Praise our God all ye his servants, and ye that fear him, both small and great, for the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth; let us be glad and re­joice, and give honour to him, for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made he self ready, being arrayed in fine linen, clean and white, which is the righteousness of saints, and is the wed­ding garment that all are to be cloathed with, wi [...]o are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb, who are members of his body, which is his Church.

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EVIL thoughts and imaginations, are great troublers of the world; and it is a great misery which man is accompa­nied and surrounded with, who is given up to follow and obey his own evil thoughts and imaginations; or to walk according to them: It was a sore judgment pronounced against the diso­bedient rebellious Jews, in the word of the Lord by Jeremy, saying, Hear O earth, behold I will bring evil upon this people, even the fruit of their thoughts. And the Lord by the Prophet Isaiah saith, I have stretched out my hand all day to a rebellious people, which walked in a way that was not good, after their own thoughts, which are thoughts of iniquity, and the act of violence is in their hands. Also it is written, Every thought and imagination of man's heart are only evil, and that continually. And very great is the misery, bondage, and slavery of mankind in this estate; he is an ene­my to God, and to himself, and to his neighbour and brother, Wasting and destruction are in their paths, who have not God in all their thoughts.

Now reader, that which is principally on my mind, is, to set before thee a certain infallible way, how thou mayest come to be saved from following or obeying thy own thoughts, and to gain strength against, and get victory over all thy ima­ginations that are evil; and also how thou mayest attain to good thoughts and heavenly meditations in the room thereof; and how thou mayest come to know every good thought and desire brought into the obedience of Christ, and every evil thought and imagination destroyed, and consumed with the breath of his mouth, and the brighness of his appearing. And [Page 72]when thou art restored and brought into the same estate man was in before transgression, even into the garden of God, how thou must then dress and keep the garden. Thou must then watch over, and in the wisdom and power of God, govern thy thoughts, lest the serpent beguile thee as he did Eve.

First, thou must understand that from the ground evil thoughts and imaginations arise from, spring all the briers, thorns, and thistles, and other hurtful weeds in the world of mankind, in whose heart they began to spring, grow and in­crease, even so soon as he began to lose his faith in God his maker, and incline to hearken to the voice of the serpent, and give credit to his lies which begot a vain thought; from whence a false hope sprung, that they should by eating the forbidden fruit, better their conditions, be as Gods, according as the serpent told the woman, the weaker vessel, and by this false hope, grounded upon the thoughts and imaginations, en­tered the first transgression; then when the temptation was entered into, and sin committed, thoughts and imaginations began to multiply and fill the disobedient earthly heart of man, who having now turned his back upon the heavenly, slighted the voice and command of God, who was his teacher and law­giver, and lent his ear to the wicked one, and gave up his mind and heart to obey him, even with thoughts it was all for the best. Thus poor man being deceived with vain thoughts, and false hope, lost his habitation and dwelling-place in Paradise; which after he had transgressed, he still thought to keep; for he was soon convinced he had done amiss in eating the forbidden fruit, and fear possessed his heart, when he heard the voice of God in the cool of the day, and there­fore sought means to cover and hide himself from the sight of God: But herein his thoughts were vain, and his endea­vours to no purpose; the woman, man, and serpent, all re­ceived the fruits of their own doings; nothing but life, good and blessings were known before; now death, evil and cursing, the fruit and effect of disobedience, (which as I have said, en­tered first by giving place to a vain thought and desire, in hope to gain and better their estate) became the daily companions of mankind, who found and finds by [...]oful experience, that saying true, When sin is finished it brings forth death.

So man having lost his place in the garden which God planted, through neglecting his work which God appointed him to do, which was to dress it, and to keep it; for the garden needed dressing and keeping before the forbidden fruit was eaten, innocency, was lost, and sin was committed.

And this ariseth in my mind, to testify to all the wise in [Page 73]heart, that after they are come to find that which was lost, to witness a restoration and regeneration, and a returning into Eden, into innocency, they have work there to do; dressing and keeping are two very significant words. This was the bu­siness of man in the beginning, in the state of innocency; if he had not neglected this work, slighted the light, power, wisdom and glory of God, with which he was replenished, he had never fell; when the temptation got into a thought, if he had watched in the light and wisdom of God, he would have seen and discovered the tendency of it, and have pre­vented its coming to a desire and act: But first giving place to a selfish thought, it soon sprang to a hunger or desire, thence in­to act, this is the beginning and progress of sin at this day, which mankind in innocency had; and hath power and wis­dom from God to prevent, if he abide in it, and keep in his watch-tower, the light and strength of God, which is as near him as the temptation can be, and sufficient to preserve him: And where this work is neglected, men, yea, holy men fall, and sin after the similitude of Adam's transgression, and are be­guiled as the serpent did Eve, drawn out of innocency, and a sinless estate after they have attained unto it; therefore let none be high-minded, but fear and take the second Adam for example, who when he was tempted, did not desire after the things presented, though very specious in appearance and ac­companied with very large promises; even as the first Adam had: But 'tis written, while the temptation lasted he eat no­thing; he let nothing in, gave no place to selfish thoughts, and enticements of the enemy: So when the temptation was over, angels ministred unto him: Let this be the example of all the children of light, and as they do thereafter, the pow­erful salvation of God shall surround them, And neither heights nor depths, angels, principalities, nor powers, things present, or things to come, shall be able to seperate them from the love of God in Christ Jesus. This is a word by the way.

Now evil thoughts and imaginations are of a multiplying na­ture, and do mainly increase and take root in the generality of mankind; who through evil works are estranged from the life of God, remaining a degenerate plant, sprang from the seed of the evil doer, and dwells and labours in that ground which God hath cursed, and knows not the seed of the woman to bruise the serpent's head, and to redeem and preserve him from following and obeying his own thoughts and imaginati­ons, which are evil, and that continually. And indeed in that state can be no otherwise, whether they lead into self-saming [Page 74]or self-righteousness, both are abomination to the Lord, and destructive to the well-being of mankind, both temporal and eternal: For all the wickedness that hath been brought forth and acted in the world since the beginning, began or appeared first in the thought; and the thought being cherished and join­ed to by the mind, will, and understanding, it increased, and increaseth into words and actions. That which is clean can­not proceed from that which is unclean; the heart of man­kind in the fall is universally corrupted, and desperately wick­ed: And, as hath been said, the thoughts and imaginations thereof are evil, and that continually: And before it can be otherwise, there is an absolute neceffity that every particular man and woman know and experience for, and in themselves, their hearts cleansed, purged and purified, and created new; the ground must be made good, before the seed, the heavenly plant can grow, increase and flourish therein; before good thoughts, heavenly thoughts and meditations can arise, spring and remain therein. And when this estate is known, and en­joyed, then to abide with him, dwell and walk with him, who hath wrought these mighty things in thee, and for thee, and in his wisdom and power to dress and keep the garden, the heart, with all diligence, that that which would defile en­ter not, creep in again, as it did in the beginning, which is possible. Therefore what the spirit of God put man upon in the beginning, when he was a noble plant in Eden, wholly a right seed, viz. to dress and keep the garden; so the spirit of God now in this age saith, Watch and pray, lest ye enter into temp­tation; take heed, lest as the serpent beguiled Eve, through his subti­lity, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.

Now this I testify from certain knowledge, that God hath ordained means, whereby mankind, whose heart is so corrupt­ed, that nothing that is good proceeds out of it, neither any thing that is heavenly, and of God, springs up in it, that can live a moment, being so foul and so dark, even like a foul dark piece of earth outwardly, on which the sun never shines, nor the rain falls, that man in this miserable state may come to know and experience his foul heart cleansed, purged and sanctified, as the Christians in the primitive times did; Such were some of you, but now are you washed, cleansed, and sanctified, &c. The fallow ground may be plowed up, and bear seed, and the wilderness may become a fruitful field, and streams may break forth in the desert, and the desert may come to rejoice and to blossom as a rose; crooked things may be made straight, and rough places smooth; great heavy dark high mountains may be brought down and removed, yea melted at the [Page 75]presence of God, and the low vallies may be exalted; yea the wilder­ness may become like Eden, and the desert like the garden of the Lord. All these mighty works and wonders hath the Lord wrought in this age, in and for a remnant, who are come to the fulfil­ling of the prophecies, are living witnesses of the same, and do in his holy spirit, and power, proclaim that the love and mercy of God towards lost man, is universal, and that his hand is stretched forth to help him out of the snare, pit, and deep dark dungeon, wherein he is fallen; out of which he cannot by all his strength, wisdom, and invention, help him­self; and to set him at liberty, that he may run the ways of his commandments with delight, and that he may come again to stand upright, as God made man in the beginning; and lay aside all his thoughts and inventions, wherein he corrupted himself; and to bring him into such a state and condition, that he may be able to do all things that are good, to think good thoughts, speak good words, and do good works; and so es­chew and avoid the contrary: This to know and be able to do, in the one thing needful, without which all men are miserable, let their knowledge, wisdom, and profession of religion, opi­nion and invention, be what it will.

Therefore my mind is in good-will to mankind, having re­ceived knowledge and understanding of the means of God hath ordained for their good and salvation: And being some­thing acquainted with the two great mysteries of godliness and iniquity, and the way and working of each, to impart and sig­nify something of the same in a few words, to instruct and in­form those to whom this my testimony may come, how they may attain thereunto, and how they may come to be rid of those troublesome companions, viz. evil thoughts and imagina­tions, that arise in their hearts, while corrupted; and how the same may be purified and made a holy habitation for God, as it was before sin entered, before innocency was lost, before the serpent deceived the weaker vessel, when all was good, yea very good.

The way that leadeth thereto, I declare to be as followeth; and whoever thou art that hast a mind or desire to find that which is lost, observe, believe, and receive what I say or write, as truth; not received or learned by tradition, but by the ex­perimental powerful work and operation of the spirit of truth in my own mind: And what I have said, or shall say, is, and shall be according to the holy scriptures, and witnessed to by them, for I cannot write contrary to them, being in unity with them, and with the just men's spirits-that wrote them. First then know thou O man! whoever thou art, and whatever [Page 76]thy thoughts and imaginations are, how far soever thou art run into corruption, darkness and degeneration from the state of innocency, purity, and holiness; yet there is a measure of divine light attends thee; though thou art darkness, it shines in thee, in order to shew thee thy way out of it; though thou art degenerated and run from God into the earth, yet this pure light and spirit of God follows thee, and calls thee back; and thou mayest in this state hear it as a voice behind thee, saying, Return, return, this is the way, come and walk in it; this is the kindness and love of God to thee in his Son, who is the light of the world, and lighteth every one that cometh there­into; if thou hear and obey this voice of the light of the Son of God, though thou wert dead in sin, and buried as in a grave, thou shalt arise and come forth and live before him; the bars and gates of hell shall not be able to retain thee: But if thou slight and despise the light of God that visits thee, and shuttest thy ear against its voice, it will be as a thousand witnesses against thee, while thou rebellest against it, and art found following thy own thoughts and imaginations, and do­ing the thing that is evil; for this light I speak of, is the eye of the Lord, that runs to and fro through the earth, behold­ing the evil and the good, and that discerneth the thoughts and intents of the heart; it's the word that's nigh in the mouth and in the heart; which is quick and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword, and of the joints and marrow: This is the candle of the Lord that searcheth Jerusalem, and gives light to the sides of the earth, and corners of the world, from whom the shadow of death cannot hide, nor the tocks and mountains co­ver or defend; for he that formeth the mountains, and createth the winds, and declareth or sheweth unto man what is his thought, that maketh the morning darkness, and treadeth upon the high places of the earth, the Lord, the God of Hosts is his name. This is the spirit of truth that convinceth the world of sin, and that sets men's sins in order before them, and reproves and smites in secret for evil, and that brings to judgment the hidden things of Esau: From this eye or light of the Lord, thou canst not hide thyself no more than Adam and Cain could, though thou shouldest hate the light, which sheweth thee thy thoughts, and love the darkness so as to dwell in it, yet the light or eye of God will pursue thee and find thee out; hell nor the utmost parts of the earth, and darkness, cannot secure thee from the just condemnation of God; because thou hatest the shining of his light, and stoppest thy ear against the voice and teaching of it, and lovest the darkness, and dwellest in it, while thou [Page 77]doest so, thou choosest the way of death, and neglectest the means of salvation that God hath ordained: For this is the Condemnation of the world, that light is come into it, and men love darkness rather, because their deeds are evil.

Now at the first step towards restoration and everlasting hap­piness, thou art required to turn thy mind from the darkness in which thou dwellest, to the light, eye or spirit of God, and to decline the power of satan that works in the darkness and em­brace the power of God; and when thou doest but begin to do so, thou wilt find the scales to fall from thy eyes by degrees, and the vail to be taken off thy heart, and the fetters and chains of darkness to be loosed, and thy prison doors opened, so when thy candle is lighted, and thy eye opened; thou wilt discern thy way out, and see the angel of the Lord go before thee, and guide thee in the same: And thou wilt also perceive what is in thy house, and clearly understand what hath lodged in the dark room of thy heart, and when thou comest to see things as they are, Mistake in the under­standing concerning the nature of things that do present themselves before mankind, is the cause of error. Thence it is that some call darkness light, and light darkness. thou wilt receive wisom to give them names according to their nature, and to judge righteously corcerning them: And as thou lovest this light, thou wilt be enabled by it to divide betwixt thought and thought, and begin to make con­science of a thought, and to hate every vain thought; and when thou canst not be easily rid of them, nor remove them from their old lodging place, thou wilt breath and cry to the Lord in the spirit, as one of old did, who was burthened and oppressed with their company; Search me and try me, O God! and know my heart, try me and know my thoughts, and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. This is the cry which the Lord hears, and will answer in due and needful time. And Jeremiah's cry to Jerusalem was, Wash thy heart from wickedness, that thou mayest be saved; how long shall thy vain thoughts lodge within thee? Now the only way to dislodge them, and to be rid of their company, is to shew them no countenance, make no provision for them, give them no en­tertainment, but by the light of God which discovers them to be thy enemies, judge them, and keep thy mind exercised in the light and power of God, that it is turned to; and though they do and may arise, pursue and compass thee about like bees, yet thou keeping thy eye fixed in the light and power of God, which is as nigh thee as thy thoughts are, and shewe [...]h them unto thee, thou wilt see them in due time scattered as [Page 78]chaff before a fierce wind, and destroyed as stubble before a devouring fire.

Now as thou comest to be a believer in the light, and to trust in the power of God, to which thy mind is turned, thou wilt become in very deed a child of it, and soon be able to say, Darkness is past, and the true light now shineth, by which thon canst see and judge every thought and motion that ariseth and stirreth in thy mind, whether evil or innocent, hurtful or harmless, and have wisdom to order them accord­ingly. And this is that primitive wisdom mankind had in the beginning, but he abode not in it, through looking at the temp­tation and beauty of the thing presented to the eye of his mind. The woman was deceived in her thoughts; in her judgment and understanding was she beguiled before she obey­ed the tempter; it appeared * good for food, pleasant and desi­rable, and able to make one wise, before she eat, or gave to her husband. Paul saith, the woman being deceived, was in the transgression subjected to vanity; not willingly, but through hope; she hoped to find the serpent's words true; and to become more wise, and more happy, by taking the serpent's counsel; but instead thereof, fell into the depth of misery: The same danger attends the children of light; the sons and daughters of God, for Adam was a son of God before trans­gressiion. And it is only such who are in the restoration, chil­dren of the light, and of the day, that are capable to fall as Adam and Eve did, and to fin after the similitude of Adam's transgression, and to lose innoceney, purity, holiness and up­rightness as they did, and be driven out of the garden of God, as they were. Such as were never in it, nor never dwelt in the state of restoration, innocency, purity and holiness, can­not be said to fall from, or lose it; children of darkness, and children of the devil, who have gone astray, and dwelt in dark­ness, and in the region and shadow of death, never knew what the life of purity and holiness is, nor what the simplicity of the gospel of Christ is, so cannot be beguiled as the serpent did Eve, of that they never knew, nor had, as men and wo­men now in the world; yet such are beguiled by the serpent in another sort; not of what they have had, and did once en­joy, but of what they might have and would enjoy: And this he effects by keeping the eyes and minds of peo­ple abroad, and by persuading them to follow any thing, and walk in any way, rather than to turn the eye of their minds inward to the Light, word, power, and spirit of God, which [Page 79] shines, which speakes, which works in man, in order to lead, to teach, to guide and direct him into the way of life, and salva­tion, and to bring him into the glorious liberty of the sons of God, into a perfect translation from darkness to light, and from the kingdom and power of satan, to the kingdom and power of the Son of God, and to know Christ made unto him wisdom, sanctification and redemption.

This is the blessed end of God in sending his Son a light in­to the world, even to enlighten the Gentile, Jew, professor and prophane; and that through him they might believe and re­ceive eternal life, and enter into that blessed reft that God hath prepared, which the primitive Christians who believed en­tered into; where they did not speak their own words, nor think their own thoughts, nor do their own works, their heaven­ly father spake in them, and their thoughts were thoughts of God, and be wrought all their works in them and for them. This is a blessed state indeed; and none are entered into the reft which God hath prepared, but such as are come to witness and experience these things now in this age, as the primitive Christians did in ages past.

For while any are found thinking their own thoughts, speak­ing their own words, and doing their own works, though un­der a profession of Christ and Christianity, they cannot enter into the rest which God hath prepared, though they may create to themselves false rests and kindle a fire, and walk by the light of their own sparks, but in the end lie down in sorrow.

True rest and peace is obtained, or comes through a true self­denial: A dying to self-sinning, and self-righteousness, self­thinking, and working, contriving and inventing, self-wisdom and understanding also: All these things must be denied, an­nihilated or brought to nothing, and confounded: The feed­ing The feeding on the forbidden fruit, which was good in itself, tho' not for food; occasioned, and oc­cationeth at this day, all the miseries that attend man­kind. upon these things occasioned and oc­casioneth the curse, and all the labour, trouble, sorrow and torment that hath attended and doth attend mankind since the fall; to the death must they all come before a sitting down in the kingdom of God can be witnessed, or before any can cease from their own works, as God did from his.

Now thou who art a child of light, understand this one thing for thy comfort and encouragement in thy warfare against evil thoughts; that notwithstanding multitude of thoughts do arise in thee, and troops thereof attend thee, which are in them­selves sinful; yet if thou join bot with them in thy mind, will and understanding, they are not thy thoughts, neither shall [Page 80]the evil thereof be imputed unto thee, if thou lovest the light, and keepest thy mind joined to the spirit of God, or appear­ance of Christ in thee, that discovereth all temptations unto thee, in the very thought, and first appearance of them; then thou art helping the Lord against the mighty; being joined unto him, art becoming one with him in thy mind, and spirit, though in thy members there is a law, a power that wars against thee, and as thou abidest with the Lord, waiting upon him, even as the eve of a maid waits upon the hand of her mistress; he will save and deliver thee, and subdue all thy enemies, even those of thy own house, which are the greatest enemies.

Though temptations may, and will attend thee, yet it is no sin to be tempted, though with inward temptations; neither art thou to account thyself, nor to be accounted a finner, be­cause sin and vain thoughts may present themselves in thee, in thy warfare estate, yet thou mayest say as Paul did, It is no more I, but sin that d [...]ve [...]th in me; and that in me, that is in my fiesh dweils no good thing: Which flesh thou art now in the way to know withers as the grass, and the glory of it becomes as the faded flower of the field, and sin that dwelleth therein destroy­ed, and the creature of God's making preserved, the earthen vessel that holds the heavenly treasure sanctified and saved, and delivered from the yoke of bondage the whole creation of God groans under. And this thou shalt certainly arrive at, as thou keepest thy eye upon thy Saviour, thy light, thy way, thy Cap­tain, whom thou wilt see go before thee conquering and to con­quer, till all his and thy enemies are subdued, brought under and destroyed, and thou made as a King, as a Priest to God, Lest thou shouldst stum­ble at those sayings, conti­der that John was the great­est Prophet that was born of a woman, yet the least in the Kingdom was greater than he. and as the primitive Christians were, who could say, as he is, so are we in this pre­sent world, pure as he is pure, holy as he is holy, righteous as he is righteous, harmless and innocent as he was, in all resigned up unto the will of God: Not my will said the second Adom, but time; though his will was as innocent and harmless as the first Adam's was before the fall, and did excel: When thou comest up hither, thou wilt understand and and receive what I say, till then it will be as a mystery and hard saying to thee.

And in thy way take heed of thinking, willing and running, that obtains not the prize, stand still and see the salvation of God; mind above all, the arm of his power in the thee, which is able to suppress thy thoughts, mortify thy will, stop thy run­ning, and give thee perfect strength to resist the devil, and make him flee, and to furnish thee to every good word and [Page 81]word, and give thee dominion over thy own spirit, whose pro­perty is to be swift in thoughts, eager in desire, and restless in the accomplishment thereof.

Now it is written, he that hath rule over his own spirit, is stronger than he that takes a city; Consider the family, and in the light [...]y and compare thyself therewith, and thou wilt and the truth there of. and he that hath no rule over his own spirit, is like a city broken down, and without walls: When the righteous bears rule, the land rejoiceth; but when the wicked, the land mourneth. These things are infallibly true; while the usurper keeps the throne, the prince of peace and his peaceable government is not known. Tribulation and anguish comes upon every soul of man that doth evil, that thinketh and imagineth evil, and that yields his members servants to unrighteousness, let his opinion profession and talk of religiou be what it will, he that commits sin is of the devil: And without returning from it, a finishing or ending of it, and righteousness set up in the room thereof, will have the wages and reward of the same, and possess the fruit of their own thoughts and doings.

Now it is a heavenly estate to live under the government of Christ, to know and experience him, swaying the scepter in the heart, and established in the throne thereof: But this none come to enjoy, till they have first known him, to sit as a resi­ner with fire, and as a fuller with soap; and as a spirit of judg­ment and burning; and as the stronger man to dispossess the strong man, spoil all his goods, sweep and cleanse the house, and to furnish it again with heavenly goods, thoughts, desires and meditations, and all things else that becomes the house of the Lord: Holiness to the Lord was written or engraved upon the crown and plate of gold, and all the furniture of the out­ward temple was sanctisied, of which this is the antitype, or substance, as he that enjoys it well knows.

And now it is the duty of a Christian to watch in the light against evil thoughts, and to use the ax of God, which is laid to the root of them, that their springing again may be hinder­ed, and the end of them prevented, so also it is the duty of every one, when good thoughts and desires spring in the room thereof, to cherish them, to join with them, and to keep their eye unto the Lord that begat them, or raised them up in the heart; being thoughts of purity, thoughts of peace and righteousness, thoughts of holiness and joy, in the inward man; which thoughts thou of thyself cannot think: These are comfortable thoughts, Good thoughts are of God's own begetting, and very comfortable to a Christian, and are the fruit and effect of keep­ing and obeying the law of God within the heart, Rom. ii. 14, 15. justifying and excusing thoughts, thoughts that will stand approved in the light, and the end and tendency of them [Page 82]is good, even as pleasant fruit to the soul; so that such can say as David once did: How precious are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand; when I awake I am still with thee. As thou lovest the light, and delightest in the law of God, and meditates therein, these good thoughts will multiply, and increase in thee, to thy great content and satisfaction. § But the thoughts of the wicked are sin, and sin brings trouble, anguish and torment; men are accused or excused in their thoughts. It is said Belshazzer was so much troubled with his thoughts, that his countenance was changed, and the joints of his loins were loosed, and his knees smote together. Many are the amazing, tormenting thoughts that at­tend the wicked, whose fret run to do evil, and make haste to shed innocent blood; their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity; wasting and de­struction are in their paths; the way of peace they know not; and there is no judgment in their goings.

Now the thoughts of the righteous are right, and those that commit their way to the Lord, their thoughts shall be established: And that's a blessed state indeed; to have good thoughts established in the heart, in the mind, such can go forth, and come in, in peace, lie down and rise up in peace, live and walk in peace, and praise the God of peace, who is blessed forever more: And this is the peace, the inward peace, which the world with all its treasures and pleasures cannot give, nor by its frowns take away, and is the portion of all that get victory over their own thoughts, imaginations, lusts, desires and affections; and that do also keep in the wisdom and power of God, that when good thoughts are established in them, and are so made partak­ers of the divine nature, that they naturally think good thoughts, thoughts of love, peace, and obedience, as they did while in the degeneration think the contrary, yet in this state of inno­cency and harmlesness to be diligent in the wisdom of God, to dress and keep the garden, lest thou having found honey, eat more than may suffice to nourish the right birth, lest thou feed thyself without fear, eat and drink and rise up to play, growidle and wanton, through plenty, and so forget the Lord, and let his benefits slip out of thy mind, and slight his commandments, and let pride and exaltation in thy selfish spirit grow up again, as the first Adam and others did, mentioned in the holy scrip­tures, which are written for our * Learning and admonition; up­on whom the ends of the world are come; therefore let him that think­eth he stands, take heed lest he fall.

[Page 83]

Concerning the Life, State and Enjoyment of a TRUE CHRISTIAN.

THE life of a Christian, of an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile, is a life of innocency, peace and content; qui­etness and true satisfaction abounds in the inward man, so none can harm him; he lives in the fear of God, which taught him to depart from iniquity, and now preserveth him out of the same, he loveth God and his neighbour, and hates no man, so fears not what man can do unto him; his bread is sure, and his water fails not: If he hath wife or children, house or land, or the increase of corn, wine and oil, he looks upon them as things below, so doth not set his heart and affection upon them; he looks upon them as they are, and loves them in their places, but not more than Christ; he loves the Lord above all, he loves to keep his conscience void of offence towards God, and to­wards man above all; and if he cannot enjoy his estate and re­lations according to the will of God, he is ready and willing to part with them, and can say as Job did, the Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away; blessed be the name of the Lord. He is not afraid of evil tidings; the ruffling of the winds, and the roaring of the sea, doth not amaze nor affright him; he lives the life of faith, which gives him victory, and enables him to overcome all things, he keeps on the helmet of it, and the breast-plate of righteousness, and the sword of the spirit, so is always arm­ed against all assaults of the world, flesh and the devil; and he knows the name of the Lord as a strong tower, as a shield, as a buckler, as a wall of defence, and is prepared to suffer and endure all things, like a good soldier with a settled countenance, and holy resolution: And though by men he may be accounted smitten and forsaken of God, and not sit to live upon the earth, yet he enjoys heavenly consolation, pure tranquility of mind, refreshment, comfort, and joy in the inward man; the King's daughter is all glorious within, and all things that do, or can befal a Christian on this side the grave, are not worthy to be compared to the glory that is and shall be revealed in him: And if there was no reward on the other side the grave, he would not exchange his life and condition, for all the gory, riches and excellency the world can afford, seeing and account­ing it all vanity and vexation of spirit, yea, less than nothing and lighter than vanity. Having found the precious pearl, [Page 84]which the swine regard not, he is willing to part with all for it, knowing the wunderful virtue, riches and power thereof, bids adien to all the fading treasures and pleasures of Egypt; choosing rather to suffer affliction and persecution for righte­ousness-sake, than to enjoy the court-pleasures of Princes; and he is a great gainer hereby, even in this life, on this side the grave, a hundred-fold: He finds by experience, that saying true. Godliness with content is great gain, § and is profitable unto all things, having the promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come.

So though the true Christian seems, in the judgment of the wise in their own conceit, to lose the enjoyment of his life, honour, riches, profit, pleasure, preferment, relations, &c. in stend thereof he finds them all; [...] in the true self-denial en­joys them all, and is able to say as [...]aul did to the Corinthians, speaking of himself and other Christians, As sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, yet possessing all things; having learnt to be content in all estates and con­ditions, knowing how to suffer want, and how to abound, every where, and in all things. And where there is true content, there is no want, no poverty, no sorrow, but what is turned into plenty, riches, and rejoicing. Makes him rejoice in sorrow, sing in the stocks, makes a dungeon a palace, bonds and chains, liberty; makes poverty riches, turns loss into gain, darkness into light before him: These and many more are the virtues and power­ful operations of the precious; pearl, the white stone, the elect and precious stone, the chief corner-stone, which the wise master-builders set at nought and stumble at, and will not use in their building; but to the Christian indeed he is precious, he is his foundation, corner and top-stone also; and as a treasure better than mountains of gold, and as a rock out of which issueth the water of life, that makes the river of pleasure, that never ceaseth runing at the right-hand of God: These things are known and enjoyed by the true Christian, as he arrives at the mark of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus, and they who are but tra­vellers therein, taste of the same in the way thereto; but the bare professor, or titular Christian, knows nothing hereof: For,

The life, riches, and enjoyment of a Christian is inward and hidden; his life is hid with Christ in God, none knoweth it but he that hath it; his conversation is with God in Heaven, and his treasure is laid up where he walks and dwells, and where he sits in heavenly places with his Saviour Christ Jesus, who is made unto him wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption; and not only so, but he is come to see what [Page 85]is the fellowship of the mystery which from the beginning of the world bath been hid in God: He is come to know the Lord one, and his name one; to the one body, one spirit, [...]ue hope, one faith, one baptism, one way, one truth, one life, one God and Father of all, who is above all, through all, and in all. This is the blessed end of all the appearances, manifestations, and dispensations, un­der all the variety of names, and various working of the one eternal God, towards mankind ever since the fall, mentioned throughout the holy Scriptures, and witnessed to by the true Christian, who really enjoys the end of Paul's bowing his knees, or prayer unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, of whom the whole family in Heaven and earth is named.

Now when the true Christian hath known a being dead and buried with, and a rising with him; and not only [...]eeking those things that are above, but hath found them, having known and experienced Christ in all his offices, as the great or­dinance of God, as a mediator, reconciler, intercessor, maker of peace, healer of the wound, and maker up of the breach the first Adam made, as a quickning spirit, and Lord from Heaven; as a King, Priest and Prophet; as a Saviour, Sancti­fier and Redeemer; as a purifier and maker of an end of sin, and bringer in of everlasting righteousness; and as a High Priest to present to God without spot of wrinkle, or any such thing: When he is thus known to perform all these offices in and for his people, he is then by such known to sit down at the right-hand of God, having accomplished the work the Father gave him to do, having put all things under, and restored all things into their primitive order; he then is also known to surrender up the kingdom to the Father, and God to become all in all: Here the first is known to be last, and the last first; the beginning the end, and the end the begin­ning; and the heavenly rest with him who is without begin­ning or end: I say, rest with h [...], in a pure celestial stillness, from all self-working, willing, running, and thinking; and though an innocency, or innocent self be attained unto, and a harmless will known, yet that must not act, work, will, run and think of itself, as the true Christian, who hath travelled and experienced, as before is hinted, knows right well; saying to his Father, Not my will but thine: Herein he receives wisdom to dress and keep the garden, power and strength to resist and overcome the serpent in Paradise, and the dragon in Hea­ven, and to keep his habitation in the heavenly city Jerusalem, which comes down from God out of Heaven, whose walls are salvation, and whose gates are praise forever.

[Page 87]

Concerning Christian Worship, what it stands in, and bow it is performed.

THERE is a great contest in Christendom among the divers sects and bare professions of Christianity about worship; and many are the modes and ceremonies that are cried up among them; every sect conceiving their way to be right, all being full of dispute, contention and quarelling one with and against another, envying and hating one another, fighting, killing and destroying one another about them, when they are all but of their own devising, forms and images of their own making, mostly from the example of Jews, Gentiles and apostate Christi­ans, and are not led thereto, nor guided therein by the uner­ring spirit of God, as their fruits makes fully manifest, to the great scandal of the Christian Religion.

Now the true Christians worship is in the spirit, and in the truth, not in the letter, nor in the form barely, but was before all letters and outward laws and prescriptions, inventions, er­rors, and the spirit of them was: This was the worship in Pa­radise; when mankind neglected this worship he fell into evil, into invention, into error, which was the cause of the outward law, and all other dispensations of God, for the recovery of lost man: And before he can witness a return out of his lost estate, he must come again to the same worship in the spirit and in the truth, even the truth in the inward parts, for that is it which God loves; to the word in the mouth, to the law in the heart, and the fear in the inward parts, from all fear to­wards God, taught by the procepts of men, from all traditions of men of corrupt minds, from all devices and inventions of men: This is the blessed estare the true Christian is come into, and is the end, sum, and substance of all holy writings, forms and holy traditions, ministrations, and dispensations before the law, under the law, and the Prophets: Wilderness, Jerusalem, and temple-worship which stood in divers bodily exercises, out­ward works and services, variety of offerings, observing of times, days, months, and years, meats, drinks, outward wash­ings and purifications, new-moons, fasts, feasts, solemn meet­ings, and general assemblies once a year at Jerusalem; all these [Page 88]things were but shadows and typical: And this is the antitype and substance shadowed forth by them all. To come to the worship in the spirit, in the truth, to Mount Sion, the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem; and to come to the general assembly and church of the first-born, written in Heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and the spirits of just men made perfect. To know the hea­venly city that comes down from God out of Heaven, even Je­rusalem the mother of all the living citizens thereof, whose law and covenant is spiritual, and writ in their hearts; whose love, fear and obedience to God, is engraven in their inward parts: And from hence ariseth the true worship in the spirit, and in the truth.

This is the worship the primitive Christians came to, and were exercised in; they prayed in the spirit, not at any set time, or appointed place only, according to the exhortations, pray always, pray continually, pray without ceasing; I will that men pray every where, listing up holy hands without wrath or doubting: Breathing to the Lord in spirit, though never a word be uttered; in the closet when the door is shut, the Lord heareth and answereth this prayer. And many times they were, and are also led forth to pray in words publicly, but mostly for the sake of others, and in the behalf of others, as Christ Jesus did.

The true Christian is also a preacher of righteousness, not only in words, at [...]et times, and appointed places, but in life and conversation; in this he is a preacher, a teacher of that which is good, as a candle burneth and set in the right place; his lamp trimmed, and his light shineth, as a city upon a hill, as the salt of the eartin, and light of the world, to season and give light to others, by holy example, which preacheth louder than words.

The true Christian's singing or rejoicing is also in the spirit and in the truth, and not in iniquity, and with a good under­standing; he needs no art nor invention to bring words into metre or rhime, that they may make a pleasant sound, and a joyful noise; his music doth not stand in outward sounds, made by art and air, but his melody is in his heart, in the spirit, in the inward man, in the hidden man of the heart, which is the antitype and substance of all outward music used in the time of the law, under the first covenant, in the worship and service of God; and as far exceeds it, as the substance of a thing doth the shadow thereof: And he that hath this heavenly inward re­joicing, and pleasant melody in the heart, will never invent to himself instruments of music like David, nor delight in the sounds thereof. Where this heart-melody is lost, the outward invented music is set up, among Jews, Gentiles and apostate [Page 89] Christians; for the true Christian is come to know Christ Jesus as a Prince of peace, as a peaceable Saviour, as the consolation of Israel, and joy of generations; as a giver of peace, which the world cannot give nor take away, which far surpasseth all the delights of the sons of men, which by nature, art and in­vention, they can attain unto.

Now the spirit of God is universal, and the truth is universal, and the true Christian worship that stands in it, is also to be universal; not only when people meet together in a solemn manner to wait upon God, but every hour and every day, bow­ing in spirit, worshipping in the truth, which make free from all error, from all evil, from all vain observations, literal tra­ditions, and human inventions about the worship of God, from all carnal ordinances, as musics, meats, drinkings, washings, feasts, fasts, days and times, which perish with the using, though signifi­cant in their first institution; these things are not to be touched, nor tasted, no nor so much as handled by the true Christian; these things are but beggarly elements, and worldly rudiments, which had a beginning, and must have an end.

And the root or cause of a Christian, which is Christ, is the end of the law, and all the types and shadows of it, and fulfils all the righteousness of it, of the Prophets, and of John also, and is a bringer in of a better hope, a better law, a better covenant, a better worship; which hope, law, covenant and worship, is inward and spiritual, and not outward and carnal, formal nor traditional: And all that are come to this worship in the spirit, and in the truth, which is one pure eternal principle of light, life and power, and have their hearts tendered by it, and their minds exercised in it, their thoughts and meditations guided by it, they are come to the mystery of the fellowship of the gos­pel, to the blessed unity wherein is no strife, no wrangling, disputing, or contention; no treachery, wars, cruelty or vio­lence; because they are all minding one thing, learning of one teacher, following of one guide, viz. the grace and spirit of God: And though they have diversity of gifts, and are at­tained to different degrees of faith, of grace, of knowledge, growth and salvation in the same; and are some as a foot, some as a hand, eye, ear and mouth, yet are all as members of one body; and the meanest hath unity with the more noble, the greatest with the least, the lowest with the highest, the strong­est with the weakest. Nor is there any jar or schism in this well framed body, of which Christ the unction, the anointing, is the head and teacher.

This heavenly unity is the antitype of the seamless coat of [Page 90]Christ, wove from top to bottom, which the soldiers did not rent, tear, or divide, but cast lots for, and of that law that forbad weaving linen and woolling together, and sowing mingled seed.

Now there is no concord betwixt light and darkness, sin and righteousness, Christ and belial; these things of a different and contrary nature, cannot unite, cannot agree, though they are nigh to each other, sown in one field. God hath sown a good seed in the field of mankind; the enemy hath sown an evil seed, and in many it hath taken root, and sprang up above the good seed, even among those professing Christianity itself; and from hence ariseth and groweth all the evil will, envy, hatred, strife, cruelty, violence, blood-shed, wars and murders, in the world, and till the head of this evil seed be not only bruised, by the promised seed which God hath sowed, but rooted out al­so of the heart of man, all these things will grow up; these evil effects can never cease till the cause be removed, and taken away, as the true Chris [...]tan knoweth right well by experience.

Now the Christians indeed, as they live and abide in this pure internal principle of light, life, spirit, and truth, they have unity one with another, and fellowship with God; they are the bre­thren whose living together in unity is comely to behold, who have the one mind, one heart; and have their minds and hearts always governed, ruled and ordered by the good spirit of God: As every one lives and keeps this order, and under this heavenly government, they cannot choose but live together in unity, in love, in good-will, in peace, heavenly concord and agreement, every one within himself, with God, and with each other, and in love to all mankind; here is the end of strife, wars and fightings come unto, both within and without; and this is the time and state wherein instruments of war and cruelty are turned into instruments of necessary use: And as they abide herein, they can learn war no more, according to the blessed fight and prophesy of Isaiah, that evangelical Prophet. Here Jerusalem is known a quiet habitation, the inhabitants thereof be­ing established in pence and righteousness, far from oppressing, the cause of war and oppression being taken away, which is evil-thinking, evil-speaking and evil-doing; and this every one must know and experience before they can be established in peace, before they can know the peace of God which passeth all un­derstanding, to keep their hearts and minds, and to rule in their hearts, and to know the aboundings of it, and to delight therein; as it is written, The meek shall inherit the earth, and de­light themselves in the abundance of peace; the earth, nor earthly things shall not inherit them; they tread upon the high places of it, and reign like Kings and Princes over all the glory thereof. [Page 91]Oh! this is a blessed state indeed; wait all to possess and enjoy it more and more: This is the blessed end of the gospel of peace, and of the Christian Religion. My breathing is, that all that pro­fess it, may come to inherit peace, righteousness and joy in the inward man, even to lie down in that peace where none can make afraid, and to dwell on that holy mountain where no de­stroyer is, and to inhabit that city whose builder and maker is God: To whom be praise and glory forever more.

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A few Words added to the sensible Reader.

THOU who art awakened out of the sleep of death, and risen out of the grave of sin, and sea of corruption, and art come to the exercise of thy spiritual senses, so that thou canst hear, see, taste, and handle the things of God, thou well knowest that the blessed end of all holy men's words and writ­ings, testimonies and declarations, proceeding from the love of God, is, that others that are yet unholy, wandering about in and after the vanity of their own minds, thoughts and imagi­nations, upon the barren mountains, even as sheep without a shepherd, may come to be gathered and brought home to the fold of rest, where safety, peace, and satisfaction is to be found for their weary souls, who have long wandered in desolate places, seeking rest, but finding none; spending their time, la­bour, and money for that which doth not profit, feed, and nourish up to eternal life. I say, to direct these strangers, wanderers, labourers and unsatisfied travellers into the way of rest and peace, is the blessed end of all words and holy writ­ings, even that such may come to possess, enjoy, and inherit the things spoken, and written of; without which, all hear­ing, reading, seeking, enquiring, toiling, labouring, spending time and money, is to no purpose.

Now it is the soul of man that wants rest, that is gone from its center, that hath lost its stay, habitation, and dwelling-place in God; and innumerable are the thoughts, imaginations, de­vices and inventions, willings and runnings that poor mankind in this estate is exercised in, and carried away with, both Jew and Gentile, professor and prophane, upon the face of the whole earth: For in all sects and sorts of Religions, those who are sincere and devout therein, propose this end to themselves in the exercise thereof, viz. to attain a state of happiness and felicity at last; Many are the ways, means, and precepts, prescriptions, directi­ons, and observations, that men give and receive from one the other, enjoin and persuade one the other, and sometimes com­pel one another by violence, to walk in, and make use of, in order to arrive thereto, as they think and imagine; but it is in this age, as of old, the guides and teachers of the people cause them to err, cause them to go astray, and wander from the right way of the Lord; they err in vision, judgment and [...] ­derstanding [Page 93]themselves, and cause all that follow and obey them to do the same, being unskilful guides, and blind watch­men, are but as the blind leading the blind, and so both fall into the ditch together.

Now the way to everlasting happiness is but one, both to Jew and Gentile; which way is Christ, who is the wisdom and power of God, the truth and the life; and the appearance of this Christ, of God, is within men, in their hearts: Its first ap­pearance is as a light shining in darkness, and as a pure spot­less spirit, that consenteth to no evil but reproveth and con­vinceth all that are found in it; and to this light or spirit, all who write or speak for God, and the good of mankind, do turn and direct the minds of men, and endeavour to persuade them to regard its reproofs of instruction, as being the way to life, and to obey its counsel and teaching, as the only means of salvation, and way of returning to the rock from whence they were hewn, and to the hole of the pit from whence they were digged, to their habitation and dwelling place in God again, and many thousands in this island and other places, can give testimony that this is the only way and means God hath or­dained for the recovery, return, and restoration of lost man; and that all other ways and means which they had been weary­ing themselves in, availed nothing; but walking in this hea­venly way, the light, the spirit and grace of God within, and learning of the anointing within, they witness salvation come to their house, and to surround them as walls and bulwarks, and to witness the fulfilling of that divine prophey, My peo­ple shall [...]well in a peaceable habitation, and in sure dwellings, and in quiet resting places. The eyes of them that see shall not be dim, and the ears of them that hear shall hearken, the heart also of the rash shall understand knowledge, and the tongue of the stammerers shall be ready to speak plainly. These are the blessed effects of walking in the way and paths of righteousness, which a remnant are living witnesses of, and can praise and magnify the name of the Lord in the sense thereof.

But none enjoy this blessed estate, nor inhabit this heavenly dwelling-place, but as their minds come truly to be exercised by and in the light of the Lord; and that by walking and abiding therein, come to have their minds established, settled and stayed upon him who is indeed the alone stay of his peo­ple. and rock of his inheritance.

And nothing can be found in the heavens above, nor in the earth beneath, that is able to satisfy or stay the mind of man, [Page 94]but the Lord; the mind or soul of man is more noble, more ex­cellent than all visible things, so they are not all capable to fill or satisfy his soul, or stay his mind, though he might possess or have the whole world to himself, yet in the end will be made to cry out and confess with the preacher of old, * Vanity of vanities, all is vanity and vexation of spirit. But to have the mind stayed upon the Lord, there is pleasure, peace and con­tent, truly found and enjoyed, according to the testimony of that divine Prophet Isaiah, who said, speaking in the name of the Lord, Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed upon thee. This is a truth, that none knoweth but he that hath it; it may be soon writ, read or spoken, but to enjoy that estate is more than words; it is the end, sum and substance of all that can be said or done, and is the reward of the righteous from the immediate hand of God, viz. To be kept in perfect peace: It's the end of all holy breathings and desires, it's the end of the preaching the gospel of peace and salvation, even to know and feel, and experience the peace of God to keep the heart and mind, and to rule there.

This is a blessed state indeed, worthy to be waited for, and pressed after, by all that have a sight and sense thereof, and are in a way that leadeth thereto, though not yet arrived there­at; go forward in the name of the Lord, even in that name Light, by which he hath made himself known unto us in this age, by which light thou sawest the wandering the unstableness of thy mind, and the multitude of thy thoughts, imaginations and inventions; persevere in the same, and thou wilt become not only a child of it, but also grow from a child's estate to the estate of a young man, elder, and father; keeping the faith, and firmly believing, that which sheweth thee the wandering and unstableness of thy mind, will be as a shepherd's crook unto thee, and in due time will bring thee back into the fold of rest; and that holy light that discovers, and sheweth unto thee thy thoughts, and inward enemies, will also by the brightness of in arising, disperse and destroy them for thee, and bring thee into that estate thy soul desireth, panteth and looketh after, even into the presence of the Lord, where the fulness of joy is, and where the rivers of pleasures run; where the reaping and returning with joy is, where the singing for joy of heart is, and the joy of God's salvation felt, the blessed light of God, or Son of righteousness, in whom thou hast believed, is the on­ly way to possess and inherit those things. And thy walking, abiding, and persevering in it, is the means, and there is not any other way [Page 95]or means appointed of God, to bring man back into that paradi­fical state of silicity he lost by transgression, and to the establisb­ing him in it.

But all that walk not, nor abide and persevere therein, after they are come into it, never attain to that blessed end of its appearing and shining to them; for a bare knowledge of the truth, and a profession of the light and spirit of God within, if they walk not in it, and are not guided and led by it, it avails nothing, but rather draws down fierce wrath and vengeance upon the head of such, who know their master's will and do it not, who talk and profess well, but are found doing evil, and thereby lay a stumbling-block in the way of the blind, and cause the way of truth to be evil spoken of, and the name of the Lord, by which be hath made himself known in this age, to be blas­phemed, by reason of their ungedly deeds, under a profession of godliness, and cloak of righteousness; such their damnation slum­bereth not.

And this I testify and declare to all people to whom this may come, which may serve also as a caution and warning to them, that if they meet with any under the name, form and profession of a Christian, in contempt called a Quaker, who in his converse, trade and dealing, commerse and assairs; doth not let his yea be yea, and his nay, nay, but breaketh his word and promises, there is need to have a special care of that man, and look upon him as one falss and deceiful to the holy principles of truth, and as a hypocrite under the profession of it. He that is false to God, cannot be true to men; thou hadst better trust and give credit to a heathen or insidel, than to such a [...]one. No wickedness beyond that which is acted under a peculiar cloak of Religion. Such who gain credit and repute by wearing this cloak, and get widows and orphans monies into their hands, to create great trades by sea and land, are some of the worser sort of robbers and cheats, and the cry of the poor fatherless and widows, cries loud against them. This is a short testimony arising in my heart against this sort of wickedness, wherein I have a little eased my mind, and in the truth remain a friend to all men.


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