
THE CONVERSION OF A Mehometan, TO THE Christian Religion, Described in a LETTER FROM GAIFER, in England, TO ALY-BEN-HAYTON, his Friend in Turkey.

We speak that we do knowe


LONDON: Printed. NEW-LONDON: Re-printed and sold by T. GREEN. 1778.




YOU cannot be ignorant that the im­perfect, tho' awakening Information given me of the the Christian Religi­on, by an English slave under capti­vity, to our bigotted Mehometan neighbour, Abdala, put me upon a restless desire of a farther knowlege therein. This, I was convinced, could not be obtained in my present unhappy situation; being in a country, where it is death to give the least suspicion of favoring the Chris­tian profession; where every eye, and every ear were dangerous watchers over all my behaviour: Therefore it was, with all the caution cecessary to so hazardous an attempt, I happily got on board the Expedition, bound from Constantinople to London.

When I came to England, as soon as I had op­portunity of making my observations, I found that the Christian religion was in general pro­fessed thro'out this kingdom. But notwith­standing the purity it enjoins, it appeared that the generality of its professors were very loose in their morals, profane in their discourse, and de­bauched in their lives. I also found that the professors of Christianity were divided into ma­ny religious sects, and, what is much to be de­plored, [Page 4]each carry their opposition, for the most part against the other to that height of invete­racy, as if they worshipped not the same GOD.

This put me upon farther enquiry into the principles of the Christian Religion; a task difficult enough for a stranger to undertake, who had then but a small acquaintance with the En­glish tongue. But that impediment was remov­ed in a shorter time than was expected, by the assistance of a humane, sober Gentleman, whose profession was to teach the languages, and in­struct his pupils in the religion of his country. He took much pains in teaching me both; and furnished me with such books as were necessary, particularly that which they call the Bible, which is to Christians what the Alcoran is to the Me­hometans. This is their perfect rule of faith, and contains a full declaration of the will of GOD, with a full account of future rewards and punishments for the good and evil.

As I read these sacred pages with an unpre­judiced mind, and a desire of information, I soon found how mistaken I had been concerning the terms of man's acceptance with GOD, and of his final salvation; namely, that it is not by works of righteousness which we had done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regene­ration, and the renewing of the Holy Ghost; and that by grace we are saved, through faith, and that not of ourselves, it [even faith] is the gift of God. I clearly saw, according to this book, That to him that could not work, previous to his justification, but believeth on Jesus Christ, his righteousness, be­ing received by faith, is imputed to him for justifi­cation. [Page 5]I saw also both the nature and extent of the moral Law; the fall of man by the trans­gression of Adam, our general root and represen­tative; that the first covenant being broken, man was utterly unable to obtain salvation there­by; and that Jesus Christ, the second Adam, came into the world to be the saviour and living head of all that believe in him: For them he fulfilled the law; for them he satisfied divine justice; and that the only way to eternal life, was, by receiving his righteousness, which is imputed to all them that believe.

When I began to understand something of the differences amongst the various professors of Christianity, I found them all remote from the tenor of scripture; that all within the circle of my acquaintance, seemed totally to neglect those doctrines the holy scriptures made abso­lutely necessary to salvation, and warmly to con­tend for forms and modes, and whatever the Bible was either quite silent about, or laid no stress upon. But what I wondered at most of all was, that those who are called Clergymen, and are by the laws of their country, separated from the rest of the people, to teach the principles and practice of their holy religion, are, for the most part, the greatest strangers to the essence of the Gospel. As for their lives, they are as vain, trifling and irreligious as any others. They frequent all public theatres, balls, and the vilest assemblies; in short, they are a common reproach, a public scandal, and the very hindrance of others repentance, but still they call themselves the Ministers of the Gospel, the Ambassadors of Je­sus [Page 6]Christ; and expect to be reverenced of all men, for being the followers of his humility, his contempt of the world, and purity of life.

Upon the whole, I could form no other judg­ment of the divinity of the gospel from the de­portment of the bulk of its professors, and espe­cially of their teachers▪ than that it was a cun­ning fable, devised only to aggrandize a set of men that call themselves the Clergy. Their pub­lic exhortations faintly recommend a conduct of life, such as they themselves are mostly strangers to; though it be no more than a little dry Hea­then mo [...]a [...]ity: From all this I could see them in no other light, than tho very enemies to the cross of Christ, the greatest opposers of the true Chri­stianity, and deceivers of the people.

Thus, my dear Hayton, instead of the real happiness I promised myself in the society of Christians, and the glorious privileges of their religion, so recommended and adorned by that poor exiled slave, I met with very little else here in this Christian land (so called) but infidelity and profaness; which sore disappointment har­dened my heart against all religion whatever. What could I then conclude, but that the Bible was a cheat, and their religion a craft? And I had well nigh resolved to loose the reins of my passion, and follow the multitude to do evil.

But one Sabbath evening (and let me not for­get that day!) as I was taking a solitary walk, musing on these things, I passed by a very crou­ded assembly of people. Led, as I thought, by curiosity, I entered the place with no little con­tempt in my heart. But, O my Hayton! how [Page 7]shall I describe the strange emotions I felt, whilst joy sat upon the countenances of those about me. The solemnity of the place, and the awful behaviour of the assembly was such as I had ne­ver seen before; and what struck me with won­der and deep attention, one spirit seemed to ani­mate the whole body; and what one man offer­ed up in prayer, the rest made their joint request to GOD for.

O what I felt when I heard the KING of Kings addressed in these words! Gird thy sword upon thy thigh, O thou most mighty, and in thy majesty ride prosperously upon the word of truth, meekness and righteousness—Thine arrows are very sharp in the heart of the King's enemies. I trembled; and though I doubted if I had not better fly away, I could not. I dared not leave the awful place. Prayer being ended, from the sacred ora­cles the man of GOD read these words, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. He shewed both the holiness of that GOD with whom we have to do; the great design of redemption by Jesus Christ; the depravity of our souls, and the nature of that happiness which is set before us; the absolute necessity of being born again, in order to obtain a present pardon, and persevere to future salvation. He not only proved the necessity of our regenerati­on from these, and many other substantial argu­ments, but there was something like a judgment seat set up in my own conscience. I was by some power, more than human, indicted, ar­raigned, proved guilty, and condemned. The [...] actions of my life were now laid open be­fore [Page 8]me; I was compelled to assent to what I never knew before, namely, that all my sinful actions proceeded from a corrupt fountain▪ a nature universally depraved and polluted. Each sentence he spake, came with authority and con­viction to my heart; especially such as these; Every mouth must be stopped, and all the world (even they that have not the written law) become guilty before God No man can redeem his brother, nor give unto God a ransom for him. He that be­lieveth on Jesus Christ, shall be saved; and he that believeth not shall be damned. Now it was that my heart failed within me! I groaned in spirit. I cried, I am undone! My sins are gone over my head. The remembrance of them is griev­ous, and the burden of them is intolerable.

When all was ended, I strove with all my might to conceal the confusion of my mind from those happier souls I was surrounded with; but some of them perceived my concern; and one said to me, with tears in his eyes, "The Saviour of sinners have mercy on thee, and re­veal himself to thy soul! But, O, my load was great! I returned with a heavy heart.

When I entered my closet, I threw myself prostaate on the ground, and attempted to pray. But it was long before I could speak a word. At length, under some heart meltings, and in broken accents, I cried out, ‘O Lord GOD; the maker of all things, and the governor of the world, unto thee all power belongs; thou canst kill, and make alive—mercifully be­hold a poor, miserable sinner—ruined and undone—I confess, O GOD, that I have [Page 9]justly deserved eternal death; and it is alone of thy sparing hand that I am yet alive.— Thou canst, in a moment, crush me to death, and in just vengeance destroy me forever— But, O my GOD, glorify thyself in the salva­tion even of such a wretch as I am!—O be merciful to me a sinner!—For the sake of all thy goodness, and all that whereby thou makest it known! Turn me, even me, and save me forever and ever!’

After some time I rose from the ground; but in great distraction of mind. Sometimes I had thoughts of going in search of the preacher, in hopes of finding relief from him; but this seem­ed impracticable, it being now late in the even­ing; and besides I knew not where to seek him. Then I condemned myself for not having enqui­red where he lived, and looked upon this neglect as a bad omen. It now darted into my mind, whether or no the minister I had heard was re­ally a man of like passions with others, or rather an angel sent from GOD. In the multitude of my thoughts within me, I cast my eye upon my quite neglected Bible, which I had before care­lesly thrown aside, finding it so little regarded by the generality of those called Christians. I read, and pondered, and read on; but alas! every line seemed to militate against me; and instead of ministring relief, to encrease my tor­ment. I closed the book, and paused, then opened it again, and found these words. The sorrows of death compassed me, and the pains of hell gat hold upon me; I found trouble and sorrow. Then called I upon the name of the Lord; O Lord, I [Page 10]beseech thee, deliver my soul. This scripture, for a moment, conveyed some light and comfort to me in my distress. I saw my case was not, as I supposed, peculiar to myself. I said, surely this man has been in like trouble of soul, and has felt the pains of hell too; and yet the Lord gra­ciously delivered him out of all.

But this small glimmering of light was soon extinguished: All that night I had no rest. My slumberings were attended with astonishing terror—Death, judgment, and eternal destructi­on was all I could see, and all I could hear; and a terrible sound it was. The preacher's text was continually ringing in my ears, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of heaven. For some time I confined myself to my room; hardly took so much sustenance as was sufficient to preserve me alive. The comforts of this life were now blasted. Hay under sharp convictions. The arrows of the Almighty stuck fast in me; they drank up my spirits, whilst his hand pressed me sore: Then cried I, What must I do to be saved? At other times I was more easy; then again under amazing horror and dread, because I was so thoughtless and stupid, while my case was so dreadful. I was often under violent temptations to destroy myself, and so put an end to a wretched life; for I thought, surely the longer I live, the more sin I commit; consequently my punishment must be greater in the end. Then was I without hope of delive­rance, and concluded, the sooner I put an end to my misery the better. Now and then I had a small transient gleam of light darting into my [Page 11]soul, which, for the time it lasted, gave me some hope of deliverance; at least a peradventure that the Lord might have mercy on so vile a wretch as me.

At this season I was led to discover more clear­ly the secret workings of corruption in my heart. The Spirit of God convinced me, that my understanding was by nature blind and ig­norant, 'till God, who caused the light to shine out of darkness, shines into the heart, to give the know­lege of his glory in the face of Jesus Christ. I saw more than ever, that my will was stubborn and perverse, even to an enmity against the law of GOD; also that my affections were all disorderly, impure, sensual, and devilish; and what was even beyond this, that I could not love the Lord Jesus Christ, who had done and suffered so much on my account. I felt that all my designs wholly terminated in myself. I was spiritually and ra­tionally convinced, that for me to deny natural, moral, and religious Self, and come to Christ as a poor, miserable, wretched, empty creature to live upon his righteousness forever, as my Bible directed me, is as supernatural and wonderful as to see the mountains and hills removed, and cast into the depth of the sea. I now began to feel more than ever what I had before read in the Bible, but could not comprehend—that salvation was entirely of grace—that nothing less than sovereign grace could save my soul from the guilt and dominion of sin, and make me a par­taker of the glorious privileges of the sons of GOD.

[Page 12] During this confinement, my courteous friend, who before had taken such pains to in­struct me in the manners and language of the country, made me a visit. He was greatly sur­prised to see my countenance so fallen, and kind­ly enquired into the cause. As he was called a Teacher in Israel, and one that I had often heard animadvert warmly on the bad behaviour of the generality of his brethren; I simply related the trouble I was in, and what I apprehended was the cause of it, and what I more than feared must be the fatal consequence. He looked earnestly at me, and with concern in his countenance re­plied, ‘I pity your condition from my heart. Your disorder is a religious distraction of mind, which we call enthusiasm, we have a great deal of this in England The person you heard preach, and who was the cause of your trouble, is a grand Deceiver, one whose constant employment is to turn the world upside down! Not being content with the happy established form of religion, he has got some novel wild chimeras in his head; and being fired with the irrational ideas of his own brain, he frightens his poor deluded followers out of their senses; most of whom are poor illiterate persons, the very filth and off scouring of the world. My advice to you, Sir, said he, is ne­ver to go near them more by any means. At­tend the regular stated service of our excellent church: go abroad into chearful company; shake off that corosive melancholy, and resume your wonted sprightliness. God is a merciful Being, and does not require so much strictness [Page 13]at our hands. You may use the pleasures of this life, love the world, and go to heaven too’

I asked him the meaning of those words. Except a man be born again, he cannot see the king­dom of God. He said. ‘You must be baptised, and lead a moral, sober life; but not think to receive the Holy Spirit.’

Now I saw what he was; and knew that if he was right the word of God was wrong; if the word of God was truth, he must be in error and delusion. He left me grievously oppressed and heavy laden with sin. I was under the clearest conviction, both from what the preacher decla­red, and what I read in the Bible, that no righ­teousness could serve to justify my person at the tribunal of a just and holy God, but that which is altogether perfect, fully commensurate to the utmost Demands of the moral Law. This I more than saw was altogether impossible for me to perform In fine, I found my acquaintance was a physician of no value, altogether a stran­ger to my disorder, and quite unacquainted with the only sovereign remedy for perishing souls: just then came into my mind some passages I had read in my Bible of false prophets, who cry Peace, peace, when there is no peace; and the blessed [...] of Christianity's words. Beware of false prophets, who are only blind leaders of the blind; I was enabled to take these hints, and to beware of falling into the ditch with him.

I lo [...]ed exceedingly for the return of the next Lord's Day; resolved to go, (notwith­standing all the Doctor said) to the same place, [Page 14]where God had so wonderfully wrought upon my soul before.

The blessed morning being come, I worship­ped the God of heaven in fervent prayer, com­mitted my body, soul and concerns to him, and begged that this day might be a feast of marrow and fat things to my soul; and soon hasted to the assembly of saints. And as they began their worship sooner than most others, I was again a little too late. The same minister was there, and my very heart leaped at the sound of his voice. He was just taking these soul-reviving words for the subject of his discourse— Come unto me all ye that labour, and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. He told us, that this was the voice of our Lord Jesus Christ himself, inviting weary, hungry, perishing souls, to a feast of mercy and grace. And in order to pre­vail upon his hearers to accept the invitation, he shewed, 1 That the burden of sin is a heavy burden. 2. That the Spirit of God always makes us feel that burden, and groan to be de­livered, before we find rest. 3. That Jesus Christ only can give rest to the weary soul. 4. That he will do it to all that come unto him; namely, to all that believe. He insisted upon all these points, and was large in the inferences he drew from them. Then concluded in prayer and praise.

During the whole time, the most devout af­fections were to be discerned in the whole as­sembly. As for me, I found that every word was exactly levelled at my heart. He could not have spoke more pertinently to my case, if [Page 15]I had told him all the exercises of my distracted mind. I sometimes thought he had surely been informed of all my griefs, and hence he direct­ed his discourse only to me. He opened all my disease, probed the wound to the bottom; and it was as though I was shaken over the mouth of hell. Then he applied the precious balm of Gilead, he preached Jesus Christ in all his offices, especially as the glorious Physician, who heals the wounded conscience, for his own name's sake.

In the application of the whole, he shewed the many hindrances which lie in the way; and the perplexing doubts and slavish fears which possess the burdened conscience at its first com­ing to Christ; and withal, how able and willing he is to receive and give them rest. My soul failed within me. My spirits sunk under the weight of a comfortable hope, that Jesus would have mercy on me, even me!

Just as he drew to a conclusion, he raised his voice, and with great earnestness quoted these words; I, even I, am he that blotteth out thy transgressions▪ for mine own sake, and will not re­member thy sins, saith the Lord. The blessed Spirit applied them home to my soul, and wrote them, by the finger of God, upon the Table of my heart; in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, the scales fell from my eyes! I beheld Jesus of Nazareth by the eye of faith▪ as evidently crucified before me—bearing my sins in his own body on the accursed tree. The prison doors were thrown open; my soul, that was before bound in misery and iron, and locked it in the [Page 16]prison of unbelief, was now set at liberty, God helped me to come as a poor perishing, undone sinner, and cast my soul upon Jesus Christ! O he graciously received me; and according to the multitude of his mercies, and the faithful­ness of his promise, he blotted out all my sins! I received Christ into my heart, the hope of glory; and he put a new song in my mouth even praises unto God for his discriminating grace!

—He hath lov'd me, I cry'd,
He hath liv'd and hath dy'd
To redeem such a rebel as me!

O my dear Hayton, I cannot describe the thousandth part of that transport of joy, that substantial bliss I then felt; and blessed be God, even now, while I am writing. I yet feel it in my soul; I was in a moment translated from dark­ness to light; from sickness to health; from pain to ease; from misery to happiness; from bondage to liberty; from death to life: Yea, I may truly say, from hell to heaven!

Had I but one wish left, it should be, that my dear friend, even while he reads the lan­guage of my happy soul, might taste and see how good and gracious the Lord is! might himself feel the sweetness, life and power of Christ!

Well, my soul is concerned for, and, I trust, I shall always remember thee. my Hayton! and when I bow before the throne of Jesus, O let my prayers come up before him, and be heard for you.

[Page 17] Now I begun to live. From this moment commenced my spiritual and eternal life, which is hid with Christ in God. Jesus Christ is become to me a head of influence, and I daily receive out of his fulness grace for grace The whole body of sin is condemned in the flash, and has already received its mortal wound. Jesus gave me to drink of the living water, and it slows, and ever will flow unto eternal life. The sun of righteousness shines with a new light into my understanding, sets a new byass to my will, and all the passions and affections of my soul run in a new channel. In a word, the Holy Ghost has wrought a real, thorough change in my heart; all old things are done away, and all things are become NEW: for being now become dead to the law, and married to Christ, I am enabled to bring forth fruits unto God

But O! when I view my interest in CHRIST, and consider what an inexhaustible fund of grace, strength, and righteousness, is ledged for me in the Redeemer's hands; this proves the sweetest and most powerful engagement to all evangelical obedience, and the only spring of all true consolation.

May the dear IMMANUEL draw thy heart into union with his glorious person, which is eternal life! Then, and not till then, you shall enjoy a kingdom of heaven in your own breast, a very paradise in your soul, unspeakably better than what the Alchoran deludes us with a false expectation of.

If it be so, my dear Hayton, as it really is, that all real Christians are thus happy in a world [Page 18]of woe, and under the incumbrances of flesh and blood; how transcendantly glorious, how unspeakably happy must they be, when these impediments are removed! when the soul be­comes at liberty to range the whole paradise of GOD and taste the joys of infinite delights!— And thus shall it be done unto every man whom Jesus delights to honor.

I must farther relate to you, that when I had the happiness of being acquainted with the Evangelist that first brought the glad tidings to my ears, and by whose ministry the grace of GOD reached my heart, I related my experience to him, and a few of his intimate friends. O how did they weep for joy over me! They strengthened my faith in Christ, and gave glory to GOD, who had added another lost sinner to his militant church. These knew how to sym­pathize with me, when I lay under the wrath of God, the curses of the law, and the terrors of conscience; for by comparing notes, our expe­riences exactly tallied, as face answereth face in a glass.

But here give me leave to make a few obser­vations of another kind.

The Christian religion is. I presume, not only to be demonstrated by the Spirit's secret opera­tions in the soul, but it may be proved from rational grounds, to be a system altogether agreeable to right reason, and the moral fitness of things. For what so fit for, and suitable to a lost, ungodly, helpless sinner, as an all sufficient SAVIOUR! What so suitable to the weary, as rest; to the hungry, as bread; to the thirsty, as [Page 19]water; to the naked, as a garment; to the blind, as sight, &c. All these, and many more striking metaphors, has the Holy Spirit most elegantly, borrowed from the creature, to shew how rea­sonable a thing it is that we should believe on the LORD JESUS CHRIST unto eternal life.

No man can be forced to believe against his reason, or love against his will, or desire against his inclination. Therefore the Spirit of GOD first enlightens the understanding that it may discern; the will and offections then naturally flow after. The soul is first drawn to JESUS as if it would not come; and then it comes as if it were not drawn. He drew me with the cords of love, as with the bands of a man. And this is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation. (even of our enlightened age;) That Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.

And I found that the greatest part of those, whom I have been speaking of, could each say for himself, from the real experience of the heart, Jesus Christ hath loved me, and given him­self for me. And the whole of their deportment and conversation in the world, shews them to be persons full of genuine humility, unaffected seriousness, being mild and gentle; free from all selfish design; wholly devoted to JESUS CHRIST, and earnestly seeking the good of all their fellow creatures; and yet (wonderful to relate!) these people are contemned by almost all professors, both teachers and hearers; yea, they are persecuted, and loaded with all the [Page 20]obloquy that inveterate malice can suggest; and all the opposition that can be contrived to prevent the spreading of the glorious gospel, and the increase of the genuine followers of the exalted Redeemer Nay, these that disagree in all other religious points, yet are unanimous in this that they will root one, if possible, their memorial from the face of the earth.

But notwithstanding all the opposition they meet with, the meekness, patience, and perse­verance of these Christians, both ministers and people (for I understand there are many more of the same spirit) surmounts all difficulties, and their numbers daily increase. And why not? seeing the wonderful conversions that are among them, are surely enough to engage the greatest sceptic in religion, to believe that the mighty power of GOD is with them!

O that our countrymen would but admit this true gospel of Christ amongst them! Surely if it were preached by some of these despised messengers of the living GOD, they would, I doubt not, thro' divine grace, embrace the truth as it is in Jesus; and be a reproach to this na­tion, who resist the calls of God: And though they are called by his name, will not have this man, this God man Christ Jesus, to reign over them.

Oh! how fatally successful has the enemy of mankind been, by engaging in his interest that very power, which by primitive gospel institu­tion, was ordained as a barrier between the peo­ple and his subtil inventions: Surely he has gained his point, by bribing the watchmen with [Page 21]riches, power, and pleasure; so that while they riot in luxurious ease, the poor souls under their mistaken care, fall an easy, willing sacrifice to his rapacious power. Woe, woe to the watch­men, and woe to the people! for the carelessness of those will not extenuate the guilt of these. If the blind lead the blind, both shall fall in the ditch together. But every soul shall be required at the watchman's hand.

It appears to me, that this corrupt ministry is a greater enemy to their nation than the most formidable powers about them; for those, at the worst, can but annoy them in their temporal interest, but these wound them deeply in tem­poral and eternal at the same time; inasmuch as if we practised the gospel of Jesus Christ, and lived by the faith of the Son of GOD, it could not fail of engaging the arm of Omnipotence in the defence of both: Then, having our anchor within the veil, we might justly triumph with those worthy heroes of old, who, thro' faith, subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword; out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, and turned to slight the army of the aliens. Whereas, on the contrary, a dissolute debauch­ed, prophase life, a land full of infidelity, must cause the divine Majesty of heaven to rise up against them.

I should swell my letter to too great a length, should I pursue my inclination on this subject: But what I have said, I hope, through the assist­ance of divine grace, will excite your desires and [Page 22]diligence to become acquainted, experimentally acquainted, with the doctrines of the gospel.

Oh Hayton! did you but know the joy of believing in JESUS CHRIST, and the heaven I enjoy in communion with him, it would soon wean you from your superstitious and fruitless pilgrimage to Mecca and Ara [...]ata in honor of a grand Impostor; and engage you to come and see the salvation of God.

If it please the REDEEMER to breathe on these lines, this humble attempt to inform your judgment, and awaken your conscience, so that they are brought with conviction to your heart, I shall, (if the LORD please) send you another letter, to give you a brief account of the doct­rines, practise, and discipline; the officers, members, glory and symetry of a church of CHRIST, according to the Bible plan.

Farewel, my dear friend. May the contem­ned Nazarene bring thee to a knowlege of thy­self, and a knowlege of his pardoning love, which is eternal life!

Then you will not envy our great Sultan his glory, but be happy, unspeakably happy, in your own breast.

As is

Your joyful, Self-exiled Friend, &c. GAIFER.

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