



Ye shall not respect Persons in Judgment; but you shall hear the Small as well as the Great: You shall not be afraid of the Face of Man; for the Judgment is GOD's. Deut. i. 17.

PHILADELPHIA: Printed by B. FRANKLIN, and D. HALL. 1762.

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ALL our Actions are of like Nature with their Root; and the Most High weigheth them more skilfully than Men can weigh them one for another.

I believe that one Supreme Being made and sup­ports the World; nor can I worship any other Deity without being an Idolater, and guilty of Wickedness.

Many Nations have believed in, and worshipped a Plurality of Deities; but I do not believe they were therefore all wicked.—Idolatry indeed is Wick­edness; but it is the Thing, not the Name, which is so. Real Idolatry is to pay that Adoration to a Creature, which is known to be due only to the true GOD.

He who professeth to believe in one Almighty Cre­ator, and in his Son JESUS CHRIST, and is yet more intent on the Honours, Profits and Friendships of the World, than he is in Singleness of Heart to stand faithful to the Christian Religion, is in the Channel of Idolatry; while the Gentile, who, under some mistaken Opinions, is notwithstanding establish­ed in the true Principle of Virtue, and humbly adores an Almighty Power, may be of that Number who fear GOD, and work Righteousness.

[Page 4] I believe the Bishop of Rome assumes a Power, that does not belong to any Officer in the Church of CHRIST; and if I should knowingly do any Thing, tending to strengthen him in that Capacity, it would be great Iniquity. There are many Thousands of People, who by their Profession acknowledge him to be the Representative of JESUS CHRIST on Earth; and to say that none of them are upright in Heart, would be contrary to my Sentiments.

Men who sincerely apply their Minds to true Vir­tue, and find an inward Support from above, by which all vicious Inclinations are made subject; that they love GOD sincerely, and prefer the real Good of Mankind universally to their own private Interest; though these, through the Strength of Education and Tradition, may remain under some speculative and great Errors, it would be uncharitable to say, that therefore GOD rejects them.—He who creates, supports and gives Understanding to all Men, his Knowledge and Goodness is superior to the various Cases and Circumstances of his Creatures, which to as appear the most difficult.

The Apostles and primitive Christians did not cen­sure all the Gentiles as wicked Men, Rom. ii. 14. Col. iii. 2. but as they were favoured with a Gift to discern Things more clearly, respecting the Wor­ship of the true GOD, they with much Firmness de­clared against the worshiping of Idols; and with true Patience endured many Sufferings, on that Account.

Great Numbers of faithful Protestants have con­tended for the Truth, in Opposition to Papal Errors; and with true Fortitude laid down their Lives in [Page 5] the Conflict, without saying, That no Man was saved who made Profession of that Religion.

While we have no Right to keep Men as Servants for Term of Life, but that of superior Power; to do th [...]s, with Design by their Labour to profit our­selves and our Families, I believe is wrong; but I do not believe that all who have kept Slaves, have therefore been chargeable with Guilt. If their Mo­tives thereto were free from Selfishness, and their Slaves content, they were a Sort of Freemen; which I believe hath sometimes been the Case.

Whatever a Man does in the Spirit of Charity, to him it is not Sin: And while he lives and acts in this Spirit, he learns all Things essential to his Hap­piness, as an Individual: And if he doth not see that any Injury or Injustice, to any other Person, is necessarily promoted by any Part of his Form of Go­vernment, I believe the merciful Judge will not lay Iniquity to his Charge. Yet others, who live in the same Spirit of Charity, from a clear Convincement, may see the Relation of one Thing to another, and the necessary Tendency of each; and hence it may be absolutely binding on them to desist from some Parts of Conduct, which some good Men have been in.

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AS some in most religious Societies a­mongst the English are concerned in importing or purchasing the Inhabitants of Africa as Slaves; and as the Profes­sors of Christianity of several other Nations do the like; these Circumstances tend to make Peo­ple less apt to examine the Practice so closely as they would, if such a Thing had not been, but was now proposed to be entered upon. It is however our Duty, and what concerns us indi­vidually, as Creatures accountable to our Creator, to employ rightly the Understanding which he hath given us, in humbly endeavouring to be ac­quainted with his Will concerning us, and with the Nature and Tendency of those Things which we practise: For as Justice remains to be Justice, so many People, of Reputation in the World, joining with wrong Things, do not excuse others in joining with them, nor make the Consequence of their Proceedings less dreadful in the final Is­sue, than it would be otherwise.

[Page 8] WHERE Unrighteousness is justified from one Age to another, it is like dark Matter gathering into Clouds over us. We may know that this G [...]oom will remain till the Cause be removed by a Reformation, or Change of Times; and may feel a Desire, from a Love of Equity, so speak on the Occasion; yet where Error is so strong, that it may not be spoken against without some Prospect of Inconvenience to the Speaker, this Difficulty is likely to operate on our Weakness, and quench the good Desires in us; except we dwell so steadily under the Weight of it, as to be made willing to endure Hardness on that Account.

WHERE Men exert their Talents against Vi­ces generally accounted such, the ill Effects whereof are presently perceived in a Government, all Men who regard their own temporal Good, are likely to approve the Work. But when that which is inconsistent with perfect Equity, hath the Law, or Countenance of the Great in its Fa­vour, though the Tendency thereof be quite contrary to the true Happiness of Mankind in an equal, if not greater, Degree, than many Things accounted reproachful to Christians; yet as these ill Effects are not generally perceived, they who labour to dissuade from such Things, which People believe accord with their Interest, have many Difficulties to encounter.

THE repeated Charges, which GOD gave to his Prophets, imply the Danger they were in of erring on this Hand. Be not afraid of their Faces; for I am with thee, to deliver thee, faith the Lord, Jer. i. 8. Speak all the Words that I [Page 9] command thee to speak to them; diminish not a Word, Jer. xxvi. 2. And thou Son of Man, be not afraid of them, nor dismayed at their Looks. Speak my Words to them, whether they will hear or forbear, Ezek. ii. 6.

UNDER an Apprehension of Duty, I offer some further Considerations on this Subject, having endeavoured some Years to consider it candidly. I have observed People of our own Co­lour, whose Abilities have been inferior to the Affairs which relate to their convenient Sub­sistence, who have been taken Care of by others, and the Profit of such Work as they could do, applied toward their Support.—I believe there are such amongst Negroes; and that some People, in whose Hands they are, keep them with no View of outward Profit, do not consider them as black Men, who, as such, ought to serve white Men; but account them Persons who have Need of Guardians, and as such take Care of them: Yet where equal Care is taken in all Parts of Education, I do not apprehend Cases of this Sort are likely to occur more frequently amongst one Sort of People than another.

IT looks to me that the Slave Trade was founded, and hath generally been carried on, in a wrong Spirit; that the Effects of it are detri­mental to the real Prosperity of our Country; and will be more so, except we cease from the common Motives of keeping them, and treat them in future agreeable to Truth and pure Justice.

Negroes may be imported, who, for their Cruelty to their Countrymen, and the evil Dis­position [Page 10] of their Minds, may be unfit to be at Liberty; and if we, as Lovers of Righteousness, undertake the Management of them, we should have a full and clear Knowledge of their Crimes, and of those Circumstances which might operate in their Favour; but the Difficulty of obtaining this is so great, that we have great Reason to be cautious therein. But, should it plainly appear that absolute Subjection were a Condition the most proper for the Person who is purchased, yet the innocent Children ought not to be made Slaves, because their Parents sinned.

WE have Account in Holy Scripture of some Families suffering, where mention is only made of the Heads of the Family committing Wicked­ness; and it is likely that the degenerate Jews, misunderstanding some Occurrences of this Kind, took Occasion to charge GOD with being unequal; so that a Saying became common, The Fathers have eaten four Grapes, and the Childrens Teeth are set on Edge. Jeremiah and Ezekiel, two of the inspired Prophets, who lived near the same Time, were concerned to correct this Error. Ezekiel is large on the Subject. First, he re­proves them for their Error. What mean ye, that ye do so, Chap. xviii. Verse 1. As I live, saith the Lord God, ye shall not have Occasion any more to use this Proverb in Israel. The Words, any more, have Reference to Time past; intimating, that though they had not rightly understood some Things they had heard or seen, and thence sup­posed the Proverb to be well grounded; yet henceforth they might know of a Certainty, that [Page 11] the Ways of GOD are all equal; that as sure as the Most High liveth, so sure Men are only answerable for their own Sins.—He thus sums up the Matter; The Soul that sinneth, it shall die. The Son shall not bear the Iniquity of the Father; neither shall the Father bear the Iniquity of the Son. The Righteousness of the Righteous shall be upon him; and the Wickedness of the Wicked shall be upon him.

WHERE Men are wicked, they commonly are a Means of corrupting the succeeding Age; and thereby hasten those outward Calamities, which fall on Nations, when their Iniquities are full.

MEN may pursue Means which are not agree­able to perfect Purity, with a View to increase the Wealth and Happiness of their Offspring, and thereby make the Way of Virtue more difficult to them. And though the ill Example of a Pa­rent, or a Multitude, does not excuse a Man in doing Evil, yet the Mind being early impressed with vicious Notions and Practices, and nurtured up in Ways of getting Treasure, which are not the Ways of Truth; this wrong Spirit getting first Possession, and being thus strengthened, fre­quently prevents due Attention to the true Spirit of Wisdom, so that they exceed in Wickedness those before them. And in this Channel, though Parents labour, as they think, to forward the Happiness of their Children, it proves a Means of forwarding their Calamity. This being the Case in the Age next before the grievous Calamity in the Siege of Jerusalem, and carrying Judah Cap­tive to Babylon, they might say with Propriety, This came upon us, because our Fathers forsook [Page 12] GOD, and because we did worse than our Fa­thers.

As the Generation next before them inwardly turned away from GOD, who yet waited to be gracious; and as they in that Age continued in those Things which necessarily separated from perfect Goodness, growing more stubborn, till the Judgments of GOD were poured out upon them; they might properly say, Our Fathers have sinned, and we have borne their Iniquities: And yet, wick­ed as their Fathers were, had they not succeeded them in their Wickedness, they had not borne their Iniquities.

To suppose it right, that an innocent Man shall at this Day be excluded from the common Rules of Justice; be deprived of that Liberty, which is the natural Right of human Creatures; and be a Slave to others during Life, on Account of a Sin committed by his immediate Parents; or a Sin committed by Ham, the Son of Noah; is a Supposition too gross to be admitted into the Mind of any Person, who sincerely desires to be go­verned by solid Principles.

IT is alledged, in Favour of the Practice, that Joshua made Slaves of the Gibeonites.

WHAT Men do by the Command of GOD, and what comes to pass as a Consequence of their Neglect, are different; such as the latter Case now mentioned was.

IT was the express Command of the Almighty to Israel, concerning the Inhabitants of the pro­mised Land, Thou shalt make no Covenant with them, nor with their Gods: They shall not dwell in [Page 13] thy Land. Exod. xxiii. 32. Those Gibeonites came craftily, telling Joshua, that they were come from a far Country; that their Elders had sent them to make a League with the People of Israel; and as an Evidence of their being Foreigners, shewed their old Cloaths, & c. And the Men took of their Victuals, and asked not Counsel at the Mouth of the Lord; and Joshua made Peace with them, and made a League with them, to let them live; and the Princes sware to them.

WHEN the Imposition was discovered, the Con­gregation murmured against the Princes: But all the Princes said to all the Congregation, we have sworn to them by the Lord God of Israel; now there­fore we may not touch them; we will even let them live, let Wrath be upon us; but let them be Hew­ers of Wood, and Drawers of Water unto the Con­gregation.

OMITTING to ask Counsel, involved them in great Difficulty. The Gibeonites were of those Cities, of which the LORD said, Thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth; and of the Stock of the H [...]ites, concerning whom he commanded by Name, Thou shalt smite them, and utterly de­stroy them: Thou shalt make no Covenant with them, nor shew Mercy unto them, Deut. vii. 1. Thus Joshua and the Princes, not knowing them, had made a League with them, to let them live; and in this Strait they resolve to make them Servants. Joshua and the Princes suspected them to be De­ceivers: Peradventure you dwell amongst us; and how shall we make a League with you? Which Words shew, that they remembered the Com­mand [Page 14] before mentioned; and yet did not enquire at the Mouth of the LORD, as Moses directed Jo­shua, when he gave him a Charge respecting his Duty as chief Man among that People, Numb. xxvii. 21. By this Omission Things became so situated, that Joshua and the Princes could not execute the Judgments of GOD on them, without violating the Oath which they had made.

Moses did amiss at the Waters of Meribah; and doubtless he soon repented; for the LORD was with him. And it is likely that Joshua was deeply humbled, under a Sense of his Omission; for it appears that GOD continued him in his Of­fice, and spared the Lives of those People, for the [...]ake of the League and Oath made in his Name.

THE Wickedness of these People was great, and they worthy to die, or perfect Justice had not passed Sentence of Death upon them; and as their Execution was prevented by this League and Oath, they appear content to be Servants: As it seemeth good and right unto thee to do unto us, do.

THESE Criminals, instead of Death, had the Sentence of Servitude pronounced on them, in these Words, Now therefore ye are cursed; and there shall none of you be freed from being Bond­men, and Hewers of Wood, and Drawers of Water for the House of my God.

WE find, Deut. xx. 10. that there were Cities far distant from Canaan, against which Israel went to Battle; unto whom they were to proclaim Peace, and if the Inhabitants made Answer of Peace, and opened their Gates, they were not to destroy them, but make them Tributaries.

[Page 15] THE Children of Israel were then the LORD's Host, and Executioners of his Judgments on Peo­ple hardened in Wickedness.—They were not to go to Battle, but by his Appointment. The Men who were chief in his Army, had their Instruc­tions from the Almighty; sometimes immediate­ly, and sometimes by the Ministry of Angels▪ Of these, amongst others, were Moses, Joshua, Othniel, and Gideon; See Exod. iii. 2. and xviii. 19. Josh. v. 13. These People far off from Canaan, against whom Israel was sent to Battle, were so corrupt, that the Creator of the Universe saw it good to change their Situation; and in case of their open­ing their Gates, and coming under Tribute, this their Subjection, though probably more mild than absolute Slavery, was to last little or no longer than while Israel remained in the true Spirit of Government.

IT was pronounced by Moses the Prophet, as a Consequence of their Wickedness, The Stranger that is within thee shall get above thee very high▪ and thou shalt come down very low: He shall be the Head, and thou the Tail.

THIS we find in some Measure verified in their being made Tributaries to the Moabites, Midian­ites, Amorites and Philistines.

IT is alledged in Favour of the Practice of Slave-keeping, that the Jews by their Law made Slaves of the Heathen, Levit. xxv. 45. More­over, of the Children of the Stranger that do sojourn amongst you, of them shall ye buy, and of their Children, which are with you, which they beget in your Land; and they shall be your Possession; and [Page 16] you shall take them as an Inheritance for your Chil­dren after you, to inherit them as a Possession, they shall be your Bondmen for ever.—It is difficult for us to have any certain Knowledge of the Mind of Moses, in Regard to keeping Slaves, any other Way than by looking upon him as a true Servant of GOD, whose Mind and Conduct were regu­lated by an inward Principle of Justice and Equi­ty. To admit a Supposition that he in that Case was drawn from perfect Equity by the Alliance of outward Kindred, would be to disown his Au­thority.

Abraham had Servants born in his House, and bought with his Money: And the Almighty said of Abraham, I know him, that he will order his House after him. Which implies, that he was as a Father, an Instructor, and a good Governor over his People.—And Moses, considered as a Man of GOD, must necessarily have had a Pros­pect of some real Advantage in the Strangers and Heathens being Servants to the Israelites for a Time.

As Mankind had received and established ma­ny erroneous Opinions and hurtful Customs, their living and conversing with the Jews, while the Jews stood faithful to their Principles, might be helpful to remove those Errors, and reform their Manners.—But for Men, with private Views, to assume an absolute Power over the Persons and Properties of others; and continue it from Age to Age in the Line of natural Genera­tion, without Regard to the Virtues and Vices of their Successors, as it is manifestly contrary to true [Page 17] universal Love, and attended with great Evils, there requires the clearest Evidence to beget a Belief in us, that Moses intended that the Srangers should as such be Slaves to the Jews.

HE directed them to buy Strangers and So­journers.—It appears that there were Strangers in Israel who were free Men; and considering with what Tenderness and Humanity the Jews, by their Law, were obliged to use their Servants, and what Care was to be taken to instruct them in the true Religion, it is not unlikely that some Strangers in Poverty and Distress were willing to enter into Bonds to serve the Jews as long as they lived; and in such Case the Jews, by their Law, had a Right to their Service during Life.

WHEN the Awl was bored through the Ear of the Hebrew Servant, the Text faith, He shall serve for ever; yet we do not suppose that by the Word for ever, it was intended that none of his Posteri­ty should afterwards be free; when it is said in Regard to the Strangers which they bought, They shall be your Possession, it may be well understood to mean only the Persons so purchased; all pre­ceding relates to buying them; and what follows, to the Continuance of their Service. You shall take them as an Inheritance to your Children after you; they shall be your Bondmen for ever. It may be well understood to stand limited to those they purchased.

Moses, directing Aaron and his Sons to wash their Hands and Feet, when they went into the Tabernacle of the Congregation, faith, It shall be a Statute for ever to them, even to him and his Seed [Page 18] throughout all Generations. And to express the Continuance of the Law, it was his common Language, It shall be a Statute for ever throughout your Generations. So that had he intended the Posterity of the Strangers so purchased to conti­nue in Slavery to the Jews, it looks likely that he would have used some Terms clearly to ex­press it. The Jews undoubtedly had Slaves, whom they kept as such from one Age to ano­ther; but that this was agreeable to the genuine Design of their inspired Law-giver, is far from being a clear Case.

MAKING Constructions of the Law contrary to the true Meaning of it, was common amongst that People.— Samuel's Sons took Bribes, and perverted Judgment.— Isaiah complained that they justified the Wicked for Reward.— Ze­phaniah, Cotemporary with Jeremiah, on Account of the Injustice of the civil Magistrates, declared that those Judges were Evening Wolves; and that the Priests did Violence to the Law.

Jeremiah acquaints us, that the Priests cried Peace, Peace, when there was no Peace; by which Means the People grew bold in their Wickedness; and having committed Abomina­tions, were not ashamed; but, through wrong Constructions of the Law, they justified them­selves, and boastingly said, We are wise; and the Law of the Lord is with us. These Corruptions continued till the Days of our Saviour, who told the Pharisees, You have made the Commandment of God of none Effect through your Tradition.

[Page 19] THUS it appears that they corrupted the Law of Moses; nor is it unlikely that among many others this was one; for oppressing the Strangers was a heavy Charge against the Jews, and very often strongly represented by the Lord's faithful Prophets.

THAT the Liberty of Man was, by the in­spired Law-giver, esteemed precious, appears in this; that such who unjustly deprived Men of it, were to be punished in like Manner as if they had murdered them. He that stealeth a Man, and selleth him; or if he be found in his Hand, shall surely be put to Death. This Part of the Law was so considerable, that Paul, the learned Jew, giving a brief Account of the Uses of the Law, adds this, It was made for Men-stealers, I Tim. i. 10.

THE great Men amongst that People were ex­ceeding oppressive; and, it is likely, exerted their whole Strength and Influence to have the Law construed to suit their Turns.—The ho­nest Servants of the Lord had heavy Work with them in regard to their Oppression; a few In­stances follow. Thus saith the Lord of Hosts, the God of Israel, amend your Ways, and your Doings; and I will cause you to dwell in this Place. If you throughly execute Judgment between a Man and his Neighbour; if you oppress not the Stranger, the Fatherless and the Widow; and shed not inno­cent blood in this Place; neither walk after other Gods to your Hurt, then will I c [...]use you to dwell in this Place, Jer. vii.—Again a Message was sent not only to the inferior Ministers of Justice, but [Page 20] also to the chief Ruler. Thus saith the Lord, go down to the House of the King of Judah, and speak there this Word; execute ye Judgment and Righteous­ness, and deliver the Spoiled out of the Hand of the Oppressor; and do no Wrong; do no Violence to the Stranger, the Fatherless and the Widow; neither shed innocent Blood in this Place. Then adds, That in so doing they should prosper; but if ye will not hear these Words, I swear by myself, saith the Lord, that this House shall become a Desolation, Jer. xxii.

THE King, the Princes and Rulers were a­greed in Oppression before the Babylonish Capti­vity; for whatever Courts of Justice were retain­ed amongst them; or however they decided Mat­ters betwixt Men of Estates, it is plain that the Cause of the Poor was not judged in Equity.

IT appears that the great Men amongst the Jews were fully resolved to have Slaves, even of their own Brethren, Jer. xxxiv. Notwithstand­ing the Promises and Threatenings of the LORD, by the Prophet, and their solemn Covenant to set them free, confirmed by the Imprecation of passing between the Parts of a Calf cut in twain; intimating, by that Ceremony, that on Breach of the Covenant, it were just for their Bodies to be so cut in Pieces,—Yet after all, they held fast to their old Custom, and called Home the Servants whom they had set free.— And ye were now turn­ed, and had done right in my Sight, in proclaiming Liberty every Man to his Neighbour; and [...] had made a Covenant before me, in the House which is called by my Name; but ye turned, and polluted my [Page 21] Name, and caused every Man his Servant, whom he had set at Liberty at their Pleasure, to return, and brought them into Subjection, to be unto you for Servants, and for Handmaids: Therefore thus saith the Lord, ye have not hearkened unto me, in proclaiming Liberty every one to his Neighbour, and every one to his Brother. Behold, I proclaim Li­berty to you, saith the Lord, to the Sword, to the Pestilence, and to the Famine; and I will make you to be removed into all the Kingdoms of the Earth.—The Men who transgressed my Covenant which they made, and passed between the Parts of the Calf, I will give into the Hands of their Enemies, and their dead Bodies shall be for Meat unto the Fowls of the Heaven, and the Beasts of the Earth.

SOON after this their City was taken and burnt; the King's Sons and the Princes slain; and the King with the chief Men of his Kingdom, car­ried Captive to Babylon.—Ezekiel, prophesying the Return of that People to their own Land, directs, Ye shall divide the Land by Lot, for an Inheritance unto you, and to the Strangers that sojourn amongst you; in what Tribe the Stranger sojourns, there shall ye give him his Inheritance, saith the Lord God. Nor is this particular Direction, and the Authority with which it is enforced, without a tacit Implication, that their Ancestors had erred in their Conduct towards the Stranger.

SOME who keep Slaves, have doubted as to the Equity of the Practice; but as they knew Men, noted for their Piety, who were in it, this, they say, has made their Minds easy.

[Page 22] To lean on the Example of Men in doubtful Cases, is difficult: For only admit, that those Men were not faithful and upright to the highest Degree, but that in some particular Case they erred, and it may follow that this one Case was the same, about which we are in Doubt; and to quiet our Minds by their Example, may be dan­gerous to ourselves; and continuing in it, prove a Stumbling-block to tender-minded People who succeed us, in like Manner as their Examples are to us.

BUT supposing Charity was their only Motive, and they not foreseeing the Tendency of paying Robbers for their Booty, were not justly under the Imputation of being Partners with a Thief, Prov. xxix. 24. but were really innocent in what they did, are we assured that we keep them with the same Views they kept them? If we keep them from no other Motive than a real Sense of Duty, and true Charity governs us in all our Proceedings toward them, we are so far safe: But if another Spirit, which inclines our Minds to the Ways of this World, prevail upon us, and we are con­cerned for our own outward Gain more than for their real Happiness, it will avail us nothing that some good Men have had the Care and Manage­ment of Negroes.

SINCE Mankind spread upon the Earth, many have been the Revolutions attending the several Families, and their Customs and Ways of Life different from each other. This Diversity of Man­ners, though some are preferable to others, ope­rates not in Favour of any, so far as to justify them [Page 23] to do Violence to innocent Men; to bring them from their own to another Way of Life. The Mind, when moved by a Principle of true Love, may feel a Warmth of Gratitude to the universal Father, and a lively Sympathy with those Nations, where Divine Light has been less manifest.

THIS Desire for their real Good may beget a Willingness to undergo Hardships for their Sakes, that the true Knowledge of GOD may be spread amongst them: But to take them from their own Land, with Views of Profit to ourselves, by Means inconsistent with pure Justice, is foreign to that Principle which seeks the Happiness of the whole Creation. Forced Subjection, on innocent Persons of full Age, is inconsistent with right Reason; on one Side, the human Mind is not naturally forti­fied with that Firmness in Wisdom and Goodness, necessary to an independent Ruler; on the other Side, to be subject to the uncontroulable Will of a Man, liable to err, is most painful and afflicting to a conscientious Creature.

IT is our Happiness faithfully to serve the Di­vine Being, who made us: His Perfection makes our Service reasonable; but so long as Men are bluffed by narrow Self-love, so long an absolute Power over other Men is unfit for them.

MEN, taking on them the Government of others, may intend to govern reasonably, and make their Subjects more happy than they would be otherwise; but, as absolute Command belongs only to him who is perfect, where frail Men, in their own Wills, assume such Command, it hath [Page 24] a direct Tendency to vitiate their Minds, and make them more unfit for Government.

PLACING on Men the ignominious Title SLAVE, dressing them in uncomely Garments, keeping them to servile Labour, in which they are often dirty, tends gradually to fix a Notion in the Mind, that they are a Sort of People below us in Nature, and leads us to consider them as such in all our Conclusions about them. And, moreover, a Person which in our Esteem is mean and con­temptible, if their Language or Behaviour to­ward us is unseemly or disrespectful, it excites Wrath more powerfully than the like Conduct in one we accounted our Equal or Superior; and where this happens to be the Case, it disqualifies for candid Judgment; for it is unfit for a Person to sit as Judge in a Case where his own personal Resentments are stirred up; and, as Members of Society in a well framed Government, we are mutually dependant. Present Interest incites to Duty, and makes each Man attentive to the Con­venience of others; but he whose Will is a Law to others, and can enforce Obedience by Punish­ment; he whose Wants are supplied without feel­ing any Obligation to make equal Returns to his Benefactor, his irregular Appetites find an open Field for Motion, and he is in Danger of grow­ing hard, and inattentive to their Convenience who labour for his Support; and so loses that Disposition, in which alone Men are fit to govern.

THE English Government hath been com­mended by candid Foreigners for the Disuse of Racks and Tortures, so much practised in some [Page 25] States; but this multiplying Slaves now leads to it; for where People exact hard Labour of others, without a suitable Reward, and are re­solved to continue in that Way, Severity to such who oppose them becomes the Consequence; and several Negroe Criminals, among the English in America, have been executed in a lingering, painful Way, very terrifying to others.

IT is a happy Case to set out right, and per­severe in the same Way: A wrong Beginning leads into many Difficulties; for to support one Evil, another becomes customary; two produces more; and the further Men proceed in this Way, the greater their Dangers, their Doubts and Fears▪ and the more painful and perplexing are their Circumstances; so that such who are true Friends to the real and lasting Interest of our Country, and candidly consider the Tendency of Things, cannot but feel some Concern on this Account.

THERE is that Superiority in Men over the Brute Creatures, and some of them so manifestly dependant on Men for a Living, that for them to serve us in Moderation, so far as relates to the right Use of Things, looks consonant to the De­sign of our Creator.

THERE is nothing in their Frame, nothing relative to the propagating their Species, which argues the contrary; but in Men there is. The Frame of Mens Bodies, and the Disposition of their Minds are different; some, who are tough and strong, and their Minds active, chuse Ways of Life requiring much Labour to support them; [Page 26] others are soon weary; and though Use makes Labour more tolerable, yet some are less apt [...] To [...]l than others, and their Minds less sprightly. These latter labouring for their Subsistance, com­monly chuse a Life easy to support, being con­tent with a little. When they are weary they may rest, take the most advantageous Part of the Day for Labour; and in all Cases proportion one Thing to another, that their Bodies be not op­pressed.

Now, while each is at Liberty, the latter may be as happy, and live as comfortably as the for­mer; but where Men of the first Sort have the latter under absolute Command, not considering the Odds in Strength and Firmness, do, some­times, in their eager Pursuit, lay on Burthens grie­vous to be borne; by Degrees grow rigorous, and, aspiring to Greatness, they increase Oppression, and the true Order of kind Providence is sub­verted.

THERE are Weaknesses sometimes attending us, which make little or no Alteration in our Countenances, nor much lessen our Appetite for Food, and yet so affect us, as to make Labour ve­ry uneasy. In such Case Masters, intent on putting forward Business, and jealous of the Sin­cerity of their Slaves, may disbelieve what they say, and grievously afflict them.

ACTION is necessary for all Men, and our ex­hausting Frame requires a Support, which is the Fruit of Action. The Earth must be laboured to keep us alive: Labour is a proper Part of our Life; to make one answer the other in some [Page 27] useful Motion, looks agreeable to the Design of our Creator. Motion, rightly managed, tends to our Satisfaction, Health and Support.

THOSE who quit all useful Business, and live wholly on the Labour of others, have their Ex­ex [...]i [...]e to seek; some such use less than their Health requires; others chuse that which, by the Circumstances attending it, proves utterly reverse to true Happiness. Thus, while some are divers Ways distressed for Want of an open Channel of useful Action, those who support them sigh, and are exhausted in a Stream too powerful for Na­ture, spending their Days with too little Cessation from Labour.

SEED sown with the Tears of a confined op­pressed People, Harvest cut down by an overborne discontented Reaper, makes Bread less sweet to the Taste of an honest Man, than that which is the Produce, or just Reward of such voluntary Action, which is one proper Part of the Business of human Creatures.

AGAIN, the weak State of the human Spe­cies, in bearing and bringing forth their Young, and the helpless Condition of their Young be­yond that of other Creatures, clearly shew that Perfect Goodness designs a tender Care and Re­gard should be exercised toward them; and that no imperfect, arbitrary Power should prevent the cordial Effects of that Sympathy, which is, in the Minds of well-met Pairs, to each other, and toward their Offspring.

IN our Species the mutual Ties of Affection are more rational and durable than in others be­low [Page 28] us; the Care and Labour of raising our Offspring much greater. The Satisfaction arising to us in their innocent Company, and in their Advances from one rational Improvement to another, is considerable, when two are thus joined, and their Affections sincere; it however happens among Slaves, that they are often situate in different Places; and their seeing each other depends on the Will of Men, liable to human Passions, and a Byas in Judgment; who, with Views of Self-interest, may keep them apart more than is right. Being absent from each other, and often with other Company, there is a Danger of their Affections being alienated, Jea­lousies arising, the Happiness otherwise resulting from their Offspring frustrated, and the Com­forts of Marriage destroyed.—These Things be­ing considered closely, as happening to a near Friend, will appear to be hard and painful.

HE who reverently observes that Goodness manifested by our Gracious Creator toward the various Species of Beings in this World, will see, that in our Frame and Constitution is clearly shewn that innocent Men, capable to manage for themselves, were not intended to be Slaves.

A PERSON lately travelling amongst the Ne­groes near Senegal, hath this Remark; ‘Which Way soever I turned my Eyes on this pleasant Spot, I beheld a perfect Image of pure Na­ture; an agreeable Solitude, bounded on every Side by charming Landskips, the rural Situa­tion of Cottages in the Midst of Trees. The Ease and Indolence of the Negroes reclined [Page 29] under the Shade of their spreading Foliage; the Simplicity of their Dress and Manners; the Whole revived in my Mind the Idea of our first Parents, and I seemed to contemplate the World in its primitive State.’ M. Adanson, Page 55.

SOME Negroes in these Parts, who have had an agreeable Education, have manifested a Bright­ness of Understanding equal to many of us. A Remark of this Kind we find in Bosman, Page 328. ‘The Negroes of Fida, saith he, are so accurately quick in their Merchandize Ac­counts, that they easily reckon as justly and quickly in their Heads only, as we with the Assistance of Pen and Ink, though the Sum amounts to several Thousands.’

THROUGH the Force of long Custom, it ap­pears needful to speak in Relation to Colour.—Suppose a white Child, born of Parents of the meanest Sort, who died and left him an Infant, falls into the Hands of a Person, who endeavours to keep him a Slave, some Men would account him an unjust Man in doing so, who yet appear easy while many Black People, of honest Lives, and good Abilities, are enslaved, in a Manner more shocking than the Case here supposed. This is owing chiefly to the Idea of Slavery being connected with the Black Colour, and Liberty with the White:—And where false Ideas are twisted into our Minds, it is with Difficulty we get fairly disentangled.

A TRAVELLER, in cloudy Weather, misseth his Way, makes many Turns while he is lost; still [Page 30] forms in his Mind the Bearing and Situation of Places, and though the Ideas are wrong, they fix as fast as if they were right. Finding how Things are, we see our Mistake; yet the Force of Reason, with repeated Observations on Places and Things, do not soon remove those false Notions, so fastened upon us, but it will seem in the Imagi­nation as if the annual Course of the Sun was al­tered; and though, by Recollection, we are as­sured it is not, yet those Ideas do not suddenly leave us.

SELFISHNESS being indulged, clouds the Un­derstanding; and where selfish Men, for a long Time, proceed on their Way, without Opposition, the Deceiveableness of Unrighteousness gets so rooted in their Intellects, that a candid Exami­nation of Things relating to Self-interest is pre­vented; and in this Circumstance, some who would not agree to make a Slave of a Person whose Colour is like their own, appear easy in making Slaves of others of a different Colour, though their Understandings and Morals are equal to the Generality of Men of their own Colour.

THE Colour of a Man avails nothing, in Mat­ters of Right and Equity. Consider Colour in Relation to Treaties; by such, Disputes betwixt Nations are sometimes settled. And should the Father of us all so dispose Things, that Treaties with black Men should sometimes be necessary, how then would it appear amongst the Princes and Ambassadors, to insist on the Prerogative of the white Colour?

[Page 31] WHENCE is it that Men, who believe in a righteous Omnipotent Being, to whom all Nations stand equally related, and are equally accountable, remain so easy in it; but for that the Ideas of Ne­groes and Slaves are so interwoven in the Mind, that they do not discuss this Matter with that Can­dour and Freedom of Thought, which the Case justly calls for?

To come at a right Feeling of their Condition, requires humble serious Thinking; for, in their present Situation, they have but little to engage our natural Affection in their Favour.

HAD we a Son or a Daughter involved in the same Case, in which many of them are, it would alarm us, and make us feel their Condition with­out seeking for it. The Adversity of an intimate Friend will incite our Compassion, while others, equally good, in the like Trouble, will but little affect us.

AGAIN, the Man in worldly Honour, whom we consider as our Superior, treating us with Kindness and Generosity, begets a Return of Gratitude and Friendship toward him. We may receive as great Benefits from Men a Degree low­er than ourselves, in the common Way of reckon­ing, and feel ourselves less engaged in Favour of them. Such is our Condition by Nature; and these Things being narrowly watched and exa­mined, will be found to center in Self-love.

THE Blacks seem far from being our Kinsfolks, and did we find an agreeable Disposition and sound Understanding in some of them, which appeared as a good Foundation for a true Friend­ship [Page 32] between us▪ the Disgrace arising from an open Friendship with a Person of so vile a Stock, in the common Esteem, would naturally tend to hinder it.—They have neither Honours, Riches, out­ward Magnificence nor Power; their Dress coarse, and often ragged; their Employ Drudgery, and much in the Di [...]: They have little or nothing at Command; but must wait upon and work for others, to obtain the Necessaries of Life; so that, in their present Situation, there is not much to engage the Friendship, or move the Affection of selfish Men: But such who live in the Spirit of true Charity, to sympathise with the Afflicted in the lowest Stations of Life, is a Thing familiar to them.

SUCH is the Kindness of our Creator, that Peo­ple, applying their Minds to sound Wisdom, may, in general, with moderate Exercise, live comfor­tably, where no misapplied Power hinders it.—We in these Parts have Cause gratefully to ac­knowledge it. But Men leaving the true Use of Things, their Lives are less calm, and have less of real Happiness in them.

MANY are desirous of purchasing and keeping Slaves, that they may live in some Measure con­formable to those Customs of the Times, which have in them a Tincture of Luxury; for when we, in the least Degree, depart from that Use of the Creatures, which the Creator of all Things intended for them, there Luxury begins.

AND if we consider this Way of Life seri­ously, we shall see there is nothing in it sufficient to induce a wise Man to chuse it, before a plain, [Page 33] simple Way of living. If we examine stately Buildings and Equipage, delicious Food, super­fine Cloaths, Silks and Linens; if we consider the Splendour of choice Metal fastened upon Raiment, and the most showy Inventions of Men, it will yet appear that the humble-minded Man, who is contented with the true Use of Houses, Food and Garments, and chearfully exerciseth himself agreeable to his Station in Civil Society, to earn them, acts more reasonably, and discovers more Soundness of Understanding in his Conduct, than such who lay heavy Burdens on others, to support themselves in a luxurious Way of living.

George Buchanan, in his History of Scotland, Page 62, tells of some ancient Inhabitants of Britain, who were derived from a People that ‘had a Way of marking their Bodies, as some said, with Instruments of Iron, with Variety of Pictures, and with Animals of all Shapes, and wear no Garments, that they should not hide their Pictures; and were therefore called Picts.

DID we see those People shrink with Pain, for a considerable Time together, under the Point or Edge of this Iron Instrument, and their Bodies all bloody with the Operation; did we see them sometimes naked, suffering with Cold, and refuse to put on Garments, that those imaginary Ensigns of Grandeur might not be concealed, it is likely we should pity their Folly, and Fondness for those Things: But if we candidly compare their Con­duct, in that Case, with some Conduct amongst [Page 34] ourselves, will it not appear that our Folly is the greatest?

IN true Gospel Simplicity, free from all wrong Use of Things, a Spirit which breathes Peace and good Will is cherished; but when we aspire after imaginary Grandeur, and apply to selfish Means to attain our End, this Desire, in its Original, is the same with the Piots in cutting Figures on their Bodies; but the evil Consequences attending our Proceedings are the greatest.

A COVETOUS Mind, which seeks Opportunity to exalt itself, is a great Enemy to true Harmony in a Country: Envy and Grudging usually ac­company this Disposition, and it tends to stir up its Likeness in others. And where this Disposi­tion ariseth so high, as to embolden us to look upon honest industrious Men as our own Proper­ty during Life, and to keep them to hard Labour, to support us in those Customs which have not their Foundation in right Reason; or to use any Means of Oppression, a haughty Spirit is cherish­ed on one Side, and the Desire of Revenge fre­quently on the other, till the Inhabitants of the Land are ripe for great Commotion and Trouble; and thus Luxury and Oppression have the Seeds of War and Desolation in them.

[Page 38]

EXTRACTS from a Collection of VOYAGES. Vol. I.

THE Author, a P [...]pis [...] Missionary, speaking of his departing from the Negroe Country to [...]azi [...], saith, ‘I remember the Duke of Bam­bay (a Negroe Chief) one Day sent me several Blacks, to be my Slaves, which I would not accept of; but sent them back to him. I after­wards told him. I came not into his Country to make Slaves; but rather to deliver those from the Slavery of the Devil, whom he kept in mi­serable Thraldom. The Ship I went aboard was l [...]aded with Elephants Teeth, and Slaves, to the Number of Six Hundred and Eighty Men, Women and Children. It was a pitiful Sight to behold how all these People were be­stowed. The Men were standing in the Hold, fastened one to another with Stakes, for Fear they should rise, and kill the Whites: The Women were between the Decks, and those that were with Child in the Great Cabbin: The Children in the Steerage, pressed together like Herrings in a Barrel; which caused an into­lerable Heat and Stench.’ Page 507.

‘IT is now Time (saith the same Author) to speak of a brutish Custom these People have amongst them, in making Slaves; which I take not to be lawful for any Person of a good Conscience to buy.’

HE then describes how Women betray Men into Slavery, and adds, ‘There are others going [Page 39] up into the Inland Country, and through Pre­tence of Jurisdiction, seize Men upon any tri­fling Offence, and sell them for Slaves. P. 537.’

THE Author of this Treatise, conversing with a Person of good Credit, was informed by him, that in his Youth, while in England, he was minded to come to America, and happening on a Vessel bound for Guiney, and from thence into America, he, with a View to see Africa, went on board her, and continued with them in their Voyage, and so came into this Country. Among other Circumstances he related these. ‘They purchased on the Coast about Three Hundred Slaves; some of them he understood were Cap­tives of War; some stolen by other Negroes privately.—When they had got many Slaves on board, but were still on that Coast, a Plot was laid by an old Negroe, notwithstanding the Men had Irons on their Hands and Feet, to kill the English, and take the Vessel; which being discovered, the Man was hanged, and many of the Slaves made to shoot at him as he hung up.’

Another Slave was charged with having a Design to kill the English; and the Captain spoke to him in Relation to the Charge brought against him, as he stood on Deck; whereupon he immediately threw himself into the Sea, and was drowned.

SEVERAL Negroes, confined on board, were, he said, so extremely uneasy with their Con­dition, that after many Endeavours used, they could never make them eat nor drink after [Page 40] they came in the Vessel; but in a desperate Resolution starved themselves to Death, be­having toward the last like Mad-men.

IN Randall's Geography, printed 1744, we are informed, ‘That in a Time of full Peace no­thing is more common than for the Negroes of one Nation to steal those of another, and sell them to the Europeans. It is thought that the English transmit annually near Fifty Thousand of these unhappy Creatures; and the other European Nations together, about Two Hun­dred Thousand more.’

IT is through the Goodness of GOD that the Reformation from gross Idolatry and Barbarity hath been thus far effected; if we consider our Conditions as Christians, and the Benefits we en­joy, and compare them with the Condition of those People, and consider that our Nation trad­ing with them for their Country Produce, have had an Opportunity of imparting useful Instruc­tions to them, and remember that but little Pains have been taken therein, it must look like an In­difference in us.—But when we reflect on a Custom the most shocking of any amongst them, and remember that, with a View to outward Gain, we have joined as Parties in it; that our Concurrence with them in their barbarous Pro­ceedings, has tended to harden them in Cruelty, and been a Means of increasing Calamities in their Country, we must own that herein we have acted contrary to those Worthies whose Lives and Substance were spent in propagating Truth and Righteousness amongst the Heathen. [Page 41] When Saul, by the Hand of Doeg, slew Four Score Priests at once, he had a Jealousy that one of them at least was confederate with David, whom he considered as his Enemy.— Herod slaying all the Male Children in Bethlehem of two Years old and under, was an Act of uncommon Cruelty; but he supposed there was a Male Child there, within that Age, who was likely to be King of the Jews, and finding no Way to destroy him, but by destroying them all, thought this the most effectual Means to secure the Kingdom to his own Family.

WHEN the Sentence against the Protestants of Marindol, &c. in France, was put in Execution, great Numbers of People fled to the Wilderness; amongst whom were ancient People, Women great with Child, and [...]thers with Babes in their Arms, who endured Calamities grievous to relate, and in the End some perished with Hunger, and many were destroyed by Fire and Sword; but they had this Objection against them, That they obstinately persisted in Opposition to Holy Mother Church, and being Hereticks, it was right to work their Ruin and Extirpation, and raze out their Memory from among Men. Foxe' s Acts and Monuments, Page 646.

IN Favour of those Cruelties, every one had what they deemed a Plea.—These Scenes of Blood and Cruelty among the barbarous Inhabi­tants of Guiney, are not less terrible than those now mentioned. They are continued from one Age to another, and we make ourselves Parties and Fellow-helpers in them; nor do I see that [Page 42] we have any Plea in our Favour more plausible than the Plea of Soul, of Herod, or the French in those Slaughters.

MANY who are Parties in this Trade, by keeping Slaves with Views of Self-interest, were they to go as Soldiers in one of these Inland Ex­peditions to catch Slaves, they must necessarily grow dissatisfied with such Employ, or cease to profess their religious Principles. And though the first and most striking Part of the Scene is done at a great Distance, and by other Hands, yet every one who is acquainted with the Cir­cumstances, and notwithstanding joins in it for the Sake of Gain only, must, in the Nature of Things, be chargeable with the others.

SHOULD we consider ourselves present as Spec­tators, when cruel Negroes privately catch inno­cent Children, who are employed in the Fields; hear their lamentable Cries, under the most ter­rifying Apprehensions; or should we look upon it as happening in our own Families, having our Children carried off by Savages, we must needs own, that such Proceedings are contrary to the Nature of Christianity▪ Should we meditate on the Wars which are greatly increased by this Trade, and on that Affliction which many Thousands live in, through Apprehensions of being taken or slain; on the Terror and Amazement that Villages are in, when surrounded by these Troops of Enter­prisers; on the great Pain and Misery of groaning dying Men, who get wounded in those Skirmish­es, we shall necessarily see, that it is impossible [Page 43] to be Parties in such a Trade, on the Motives of Gain and retain our Innocence.

SHOULD we consider the Case of Multitudes of those People, who in a fruitful Soil, and hot Cli­mate, with a little Labour, raise Grain, Roots and Pulse, to eat; spin and weave Cotton, and fasten together the large Feathers of Fowls, to cover their Nakedness; many of whom, in much Simplicity, live inoffensive in their Cottages, and take great Comfort in raising up Children.

SHOULD we contemplate on their Circumstan­ces, when suddenly attacked, and labour to un­derstand their inexpressible Anguish of Soul, who survive the Conflict▪ should we think on inoffen­sive Women, who fled at the Alarm, and at their Return saw that Village, in which they and their Acquaintance were raised up, and had pleasantly spent their youthful Days, now lying in a gloomy Desolation; some shocked at finding the mangled Bodies of their near Friends amongst the Slain; others bemoaning the Absence of a Brother, a Si­ster, a Child, or a whole Family of Children, who, by cruel Men, are bound and carried to Market, to be sold, without the least Hopes of seeing them again: Add to this, the afflicted Con­dition of these poor Captives, who are separated from Family Connections, and all the Comforts arising from Friendship and Acquaintance, carried amongst a People of a strange Language, to be parted from their Fellow Captives, put to Labour in a Manner more servile and wearisome than what they were used to, with many sorrowful Circumstances attending their Slavery; and we [Page 44] must necessarily see, that it belongs not to the Followers of CHRIST to be Parties in such a Trade, on the Motives of outward Gain.

THOUGH there were Wars and Desolations a­mong the Negroes, before the Europeans began to trade there for Slaves, yet now the Calamities are greatly increased, so many Thousands being an­nually brought from thence; and we, by pur­chasing them, with Views of Self-interest, are become Parties with them, and accessary to that Increase.

IN this Case, we are not joining against an Ene­my who is fomenting Discords on our Continent, and using all possible Means to make Slaves of us and our Children; but against a People who have not injured us.

IF those who were spoiled and wronged, should at length make Slaves of their Oppressors, and continue Slavery to their Posterity, it would look rigorous to candid Men: But to act that Part toward a People, when neither they nor their Fathers have injured us, hath something in it ex­traordinary, and requires our serious Attention.

OUR Children breaking a Bone; getting so bruised, that a Leg or an Arm must be taken off; lost for a few Hours, so that we despair of their being found again; a Friend hurt, so that he di­eth in a Day or two; these move us with Grief: And did we attend to these Scenes in Africa, in like Manner as if they were transacted in our Pre­sence; and sympathise with the Negroes, in all their Afflictions and Miseries, as we do with our Children or Friends; we should be more careful [Page 45] to do nothing in any Degree helping forward a Trade productive of so many, and so great Cala­mities. Great Distance makes nothing in our Fa­vour.—To willingly join with Unrighteousness, to the Injury of Men who live some Thousand Miles off, is the same in Substance, as joining with it to the Injury of our Neighbours.

IN the Eye of pure Justice. Actions are regard­ed according to the Spirit and Disposition they arise from: Some Evils are accounted scandalous, and the Desire of Reputation may keep selfish Men from appearing openly in them; but he who is shy on that Account, and yet by indirect Means promotes that Evil, and shares in the Profit of it, cannot be innocent.

HE who, with View to Self-interest, buys a Slave, made so by Violence, and only on the Strength of such Purchase holds him a Slave, thereby joins Hands with those who committed that Violence, and in the Nature of Things be­comes chargeable with the Guilt.

SUPPOSE a Man wants a Slave, and being in Guiney, goes and hides by the Path where Boys pass from one little Town to another, and there catches one the Day he expects to sail; and taking him on board, brings him home, without any aggravating Circumstances. Suppose another buys a Man, taken by them who live by Plunder and the Slave-Trade: They often steal them private­ly, and often shed much Blood in getting them. He who buys the Slave thus taken, pays those Men so▪ their Wickedness, and makes himself Party with them.

[Page 46] WHATEVER Nicety of Distinction there may be, betwixt going in Person on Expeditions to catch Slaves, and buying those, with a View to Self-interest, which others have taken; it is clear and plain to an upright Mind, that such Distinc­tion is in Words, not in Substance; for the Par­ties are concerned in the same Work, and have a necessary Connection with, and Dependance on, each other; for were there none to purchase Slaves, they who live by stealing and selling them, would of Consequence do less at it.

SOME would buy a Negroe brought from Gui­ney, with a View to Self-interest, and keep him a Slave, who yet would seem to scruple to take Arms, and join with Men employed in taking Slaves.

OTHERS have civil Negroes, who were born in our Country, capable and likely to manage well for themselves; whom they keep as Slaves, without ever trying them with Freedom, and take the Profit of their Labour as a Part of their Estates, and yet disapprove bringing them from their own Country.

IF those Negroes had come here, as Merchants, with their Ivory and Gold Dust, in order to trade with us, and some powerful Person had took their Effects to himself, and then put them to hard Labour, and ever after considered them as Slaves, the Action would be looked upon as unrighteous.

THOSE Negroe Merchants having Children after their being among us, whose Endowments and Conduct were like other Peoples in common, who attaining to mature Age, and requesting to [Page 47] have their Liberty, should be told they were born in Slavery, and were lawful Slaves, and there­fore their Request denied; the Conduct of such Persons toward them, would be looked upon as unfair and oppressive.

IN the present Case, relating to Home-born Negroes, whose Understandings and Behaviour are as good as common among other People, if we have any Claim to them as Slaves, that Claim is grounded on their being the Children or Off­spring of Slaves, who, in general, were made such through Means as unrighteous, and attended with more terrible Circumstances than the Case here supposed; so that when we trace our Claim to the Bott [...], these Home-born Negroes having paid for their Education, and given reasonable Security to those who owned them, in case of their becoming chargeable, we have no more equitable Right to their Service, than we should if they were the Children of honest Merchants who came from Guiney in an English Vessel to trade with us.

IF we claim any Right to them as the Chil­dren of Slaves, we build on the Foundation laid by them, who made Slaves of their Ancestors; so that of Necessity we must either justify the Trade, or relinquish our Right to them, as being the Children of Slaves.

WHY should it seem right to honest Men to make Advantage by these People more than by others? Others enjoy Freedom, receive Wages, equal to their Work, at, or near, such Time as they have discharged these equitable Obligations [Page 48] they are under to those who educated them.—These have made no Contract to serve; been no more expensive in raising up than others, and many of them appear as likely to make a right Use of Freedom as other People; which Way then can an honest Man withhold from them that Li­berty, which is the free Gift of the Most High to his rational Creatures?

THE Upright in Heart cannot succeed the Wicked in their Wickedness; nor is it consonant to the Life they live, to hold fast an Advantage unjustly gained.

THE Negroes who live by Plunder, and the Slave-Trade, steal poor innocent Children, invade their Neighbours Territories, and spill much Blood to get these Slaves: And can it be possible for an honest Man to think that, with View to Self-interest, we may continue Slavery to the Offspring of these unhappy Sufferers▪ merely because they are the Children of Slaves, and not have a Share of this Guilt.

IT is granted by many, that the Means used in getting them are unrighteous, and that buying them, when brought here, is wrong; yet as set­ting them free is attended with some Difficulty, they do not comply with it; but seem to be of the Opinion, that to give them Food and Rai­ment, and keep them Servants, without any other Wages, is the best Way to manage them that they know of: And hoping that their Children after them will not be cruel to the Negroes, conclude to leave them as Slaves to their Children.

[Page 49] WHILE present outward Interest is the chief Object of our Attention, we shall feel many Ob­jections in our Minds against renouncing our Claim to them, as the Children of Slaves; for being pre­possessed with wrong Opinions, prevents our [...]eeing Things clearly, which, to indifferent Persons, are easy to be seen.

SUPPOSE a Person Seventy Years past, in low Circumstances, bought a Negroe Man and Wo­man, and that the Children of such Person are now wealthy, and have the Children of such Slaves. Admit that the first Negroe Man and his Wife did as much Business as their Master and Mistress, and that the Children of the Slaves have done some more than their young Masters: Sup­pose, on the whole, that the Expence of Living has been less on the Negroes Side, than on the other (all which are no improbable Suppositions) it follows, that in Equity these Negroes have a Right to a Part of this Increase; that should some Difficulties arise on their being set free, there is Reason [...] us patiently to labour through them.

As the Conduct of Men varies, relating to Ci­vil Society; so different Treatment is justly due to them. Indiscreet Men occasion Trouble in the World; and it remains to be the Care of such, who seek the Good of Mankind, to admonish as they find Occasion.

THE Slothfulness of some of them, in providing for themselves and Families, it is likely, would require the Notice of their Neighbours; nor is it unlikely that some would, with Justice, be made Servants, and others punished for their Crimes. [Page 50] Pure Justice points out to each Individual their Due; but to deny a People the Privilege of hu­man Creatures, on a Supposition that, being free, many of them would be troublesome to us, is to mix the Condition of good and bad Men together, and treat the whole as the worst of them deserve.

IF we seriously consider, that Liberty is the Right of innocent Men; that the Mighty GOD is a Refuge for the Oppressed; that in Reality we are indebted to them; that they being set free, are still liable to the Penalties of our Laws, and as likely to have Punishment for their Crimes as other People: This may answer all our Objec­tions. And to retain them in perpetual Servitude, without just Cause for it, will produce Effects, in the Event, more grievous than setting them free would do, when a real Love to Truth and Equi­ty was the Motive to it.

OUR Authority over them stands originally in a Purchase made from those who, as to the ge­neral, obtained theirs by Unrighteousness. When­ever we have Recourse to such Authority, it tends more or less to obstruct the Channels, through which the perfect Plant in us receives Nourish­ment.

THERE is a Principle, which is pure, placed in the human Mind, which in different Places and Ages hath had different Names; it is, how­ever, pure, and proceeds from GOD.—It is deep, and inward, confined to no Forms of Religion, nor excluded from any, where the Heart stands in perfect Sincerity. In whomsoever this takes Root, and grows, of what Nation soever, they [Page 51] become Brethren, in the best Sense of the Ex­pression. Using ourselves to take Ways which appear most easy to us, when inconsistent with that Purity which is without Beginning, we there­by set up a Government of our own, and deny Obedience to him, whose Service is true Liberty.

HE that has a Servant, made so wrongfully, and knows it to be so, when he treats him other­wise than a free Man, when he reaps the Benefit of his Labour, without paying him such Wages as are reasonably due to free Men for the like Ser­vice, Cloaths excepted; these Things, tho' done in Calmness, without any Shew of Disorder, do yet deprave the Mind in like Manner, and with as great Certainty, as prevailing Cold congeals Wa­ter. These Steps taken by Masters, and their Con­duct striking the Minds of their Children, whilst young, leave less Room for that which is good to work upon them. The Customs of their Parents, their Neighbours, and the People with whom they converse, working upon their Minds; and they, from thence, conceiving Ideas of Things, and Modes of Conduct, the Entrance into their Hearts becomes, in a great Measure, shut up against the gentle Movings of uncreated Purity.

FROM one Age to another, the Gloom grows thicker and darker, till Error gets established by general Opinion; that whoever attends to perfect Goodness, and remains under the melting Influ­ence of it, finds a Path unknown to many, and sees the Necessity to lean upon the Arm of Divine Strength, and dwell alone, or with a few, in the right committing their Cause to him, who [Page 52] is a Refuge for his People, in all their Troubles.

WHERE, through the Agreement of a Multi­tude, some Channels of Justice are stopped, and Men may support their Characters as just Men, by being just to a Party, there is great Danger of con­tracting an Alliance with that Spirit, which stands in Opposition to the GOD of Love, and spreads Discord, Trouble and Vexation among such who give up to the Influence of it.

Negroes are our Fellow Creatures, and their present Condition amongst us requires our serious Consideration. We know not the Time when those Scales, in which Mountains are weighed, may turn. The Parent of Mankind is gracious: His Care is over his smallest Creatures; and a Multitude of Men escape not his Notice: And though many of them are trodden down, and de­spised, yet he remembers them: He seeth their Affliction, and looketh upon the spreading increa­sing Exaltation of the Oppressor. He turns the Channels of Power, humbles the most haughty People, and gives Deliverance to the Oppressed, at such Periods as are consistent with his infinite Justice and Goodness. And wherever Gain is pre­ferred to Equity, and wrong Things publickly encouraged to that Degree, that Wickedness takes Root, and spreads wide amongst the Inhabitants of a Country, there is real Cause for Sorrow to all such, whose Love to Mankind stands on a true Principle, and wisely consider the End and Event of Things.


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